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U.I. Flügge  J. Gerber  H.W. Heldt 《BBA》1983,725(2):229-237
This report describes the influence of ΔpH on the transport of phosphate, triose phosphate and 3-phosphoglycerate catalyzed by the phosphate translocator in a reconstituted system. The H+ gradient across the liposome membrane is adjusted by the addition of external buffer solution and maintained for several minutes. The following results are obtained: (1) An inward directed H+ gradient leads to an increase of 3-phosphoglycerate transport and to a decrease of phosphate and triose phosphate transport. (2) An H+ gradient in the opposite direction results in a restriction of 3-phosphoglycerate influx whereas the influx of phosphate and triose phosphate is enhanced. (3) The magnitude of the pH effect depends on the internal substrate. Compared to the homoexchange mode, the effect of applied ΔpH is more pronounced in the heteroexchange mode. (4) Transport of phosphate and 3-phosphoglycerate is influenced by ΔpH in a different manner. In the case of phosphate and triose phosphate transport the observed effects are associated with changes in the apparent Km values whereas in the case of 3-phosphoglycerate transport the application of a pH gradient is linked to a change of Vmax. (5) In competition experiments with both substrates in the external medium, ΔpH influences the effect of phosphate as a competitive inhibitor of 3-phosphoglycerate transport whereas the effect of 3-phosphoglycerate on phosphate transport is not affected by a pH gradient. (6) The measured apparent Km and Vmax values under the influence of ΔpH can be used for the calculation of substrate fluxes across the envelope during illumination. It can be demonstrated that the increase of stromal pH in the light gives rise to a considerable change in the ratio of the substrates transported. Under conditions without pH gradient, the species transported out is mainly 3-phosphoglycerate and the species transported in is mainly triose phosphate. These fluxes are reversed when a pH gradient is applied (light conditions).  相似文献   

The permeability of the inner envelope membranes of spinach (Spinacia oleracea) chloroplasts to sulfite and sulfate was investigated in vitro, using the technique of silicone oil centrifugal filtration. The results show that there is a permeability towards both ions, resulting in rates of uptake of about 1.0 (SO 3 2- ) and 0.7 (SO 4 2- ) mol mg chlorophyll-1 h-1 respectively (external concentration 2 mmol l-1). The rates depend on the external concentration of the anions. Anion exchange experiments with 35S-preloaded chloroplasts indicate that sulfite and sulfate are exchanged for inorganic phosphate, phosphoglyceric acid, and dihydroxyacetone phosphate with rates up to 14 nmol mg chlorophyll-1 min-1. There is no exchange for glucose-6-phosphate and malate. Because of the similarities to the transport of inorganic phosphate and triose phosphates the results give evidence that the phosphate translocator of the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts is also involved in sulfite and sulfate transport — at least in part.Abbreviations DHAP dihydroxyacetone phosphate - PGA 3-phosphoglycerate - Pi inorganic phosphate - Si sultite, sulfate  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding the complete precursor of the phosphate translocator of the chloroplast inner envelope membrane has been isolated from a tobacco leaf (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun) gt 11 library. The tobacco cDNA is 1546 by in length and encodes a precursor protein of 401 amino acid residues with a deduced molecular weight of 43705. A putative processing site between Ala-73 and Ala-74 of the precursor protein is suggested by comparison with the N-terminal sequences of the pea and spinach proteins. Removal of the transit peptide produces the mature protein of 328 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 36038. Southern blot analysis suggests there is probably one copy of the phosphate translocator gene in the pea haploid genome and two copies in the tobacco haploid genome, one derived from each ancestral parental genome. Messenger RNAs essentially equivalent in size to the cDNAs (approx. 1.6 kb) were detected in extracts of all organs examined from tobacco and pea, including leaves, stems, sepals, petals, seed-pods, tendrils and roots. An immunochemically related protein of a similar size to the phosphate translocator was detected in the equivalent pea organs. The levels of both mRNA and protein in non-photosynthetic organs were lower than those in photosynthetic organs. Tobacco phosphate translocator mRNA was present at high levels in etiolated tissue and did not increase significantly after 24 h illumination. Germination and growth of tobacco seedlings in the presence of sucrose caused a 3.3-fold decrease in the level of the phoshate translocator mRNA.  相似文献   

The effects of phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) and of the polar analogue p-sulfophenylisothiocyanate (p-sulfoPITC) on the phosphate carrier of bovine heart mitochondria have been investigated. Incubation of mitochondria with the two phenylisothiocyanates leads to inhibition of the phosphate carrier protein. The inhibition of phosphate transport by PITC is unaffected by the addition of dithioerythritol (DTE) or by variation of the pH. The inhibition by p-sulfoPITC is in part removed by DTE; the remaining inactivation of the phosphate carrier, which can be attributed to the reaction with NH2 groups, is temperature and pH-dependent. Inhibition of phosphate transport by both p-sulfoPITC and PITC depends on the time of incubation and the concentration of the inhibitor. Preincubation with mersalyl protects the carrier protein against the inactivation by p-sulfoPITC but not against PITC. Other SH reagents tested do not show any protective effect. It can thus be concluded that two types of lysine residues are essential for the activity of the phosphate carrier. Lysine(s) of the former type are located at the surface of the membrane and are topologically related to the functional SH groups of the protein. Lysine residue(s) of the latter type are buried in the hydrophobic phase of the membrane.  相似文献   

R. Höinghaus  J. Feierabend 《Planta》1985,166(4):452-465
To determine the sites of synthesis of chloroplast-envelope proteins, we have analysed several enzyme and translocator functions ascribed to the envelope membranes, and investigated the envelope polypeptide composition of plastids isolated from 70S ribosome-deficient leaves of rye (Secale cereale L.) generated by growing the plants at a temperature of 32°C. Since the ribosomedeficient plastids are also achlorophyllous in light-grown leaves, not only were chloroplasts from mature, green leaves used for comparison, but also those from yellowing, aged leaves as well as etioplasts from dark-grown leaves raised at a temperature of 22° C. A majority of the plastidenvelope polypeptides appeared to be of cytoplasmic origin. The envelopes of ribosome-deficient plastids possessed ATPase (EC activity; this was not, however, dependent on divalent cations, in contrast to the Mn2+- or Mg2+-dependent ATPase which is associated with chloroplast envelopes. Adenylate kinase (EC was present in the stromal fraction of ribosome-deficient plastids and the stromal form of this enzyme is, therefore, of cytoplasmic origin. In contrast to previous findings, adenylate kinase was not, however, specifically associated with the chloroplast-envelope membranes, either in rye or in spinach. Measurements of the uptake of l-[14C]-malate into ribosome-deficient plastids indicated the presence and cytoplasmic origin of the dicarboxylate translocator. Malate uptake into rye etioplasts was, however, low. The phosphate translocator was assayed by the uptake of 3-phospho-[14C]glycerate. While rapid 3-phosphoglycerate uptake was observed for rye chloroplasts and etioplasts, it was hardly detectable for ribosome-deficient, plastids and rather low for chloroplasts from aged leaves. A polypeptide of M r approx. 30000 ascribed to the phosphate translocator was greatly reduced in the envelope patterns of ribosome-deficient plastids and of chloroplasts from aged leaves.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone encoding a major chloroplast inner envelope membrane protein of 96 kDa (IEP96) was isolated and characterized. The protein is synthesized as a larger-molecular-weight precursor (pIEP96) which contains a cleavable N-terminal transit sequence of 50 amino acids. The transit peptide exhibits typical stromal targeting information. It is cleaved in vitro by the stromal processing peptidase, though the mature protein is clearly localized in the inner envelope membrane. Translocation of pIEP96 into chloroplasts is greatly stimulated in the presence of 80 mM potassium phosphate which results in an import efficiency of about 90%. This effect is specific for potassium and phosphate, but cannot be ascribed to a membrane potential across the inner envelope membrane. Protein sequence analysis reveals five stretches of repeats of 26 amino acids in length. The N-terminal 300 amino acids are 45% identical (76% similarity) to the 35 kDa -subunit of acetyl-CoA carboxyl-transferase from Escherichia coli. The C-terminal 500 amino acids share significant similarity (69%) with USOI, a component of the cytoskeleton in yeast.Abbreviations Pi phosphate - IEP inner envelope membrane protein - pIEP precursor form of IEP - SSU small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase - IEP96pep peptide specific antiserum to IEP96 - IEP96pol polyspecific antiserum to IEP96  相似文献   

Treatment of intact human erythrocytes with trypsin had no effect upon either the rate of hexose transport or the binding of cytochalasin B to the transport system. In contrast, proteolysis of inside-out vesicles prepared from human erythrocyte membranes inactivated both hexose transport and cytochalasin B binding. When purified hexose transporter, reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles of undetermined size, was treated with trypsin, approx. 50% of the cytochalasin B binding activity was lost. This loss correlated with a decrease in the amount of the transporter polypeptide, as assayed by gel electrophoresis. These results show that the orientation of the transporter can be established through trypsin treatment in conjunction with cytochalasin B binding. Small unilamellar vesicles containing transporter were prepared by sonication of larger species and by a cycle of cholate solubilization and removal of the detergent. In the former case, the transporter orients almost randomly, whereas in the latter approx. 75% of the transporters have the cytoplasmic domain extemal.  相似文献   

While the import of nuclear-encoded chloroplast proteins is relatively well studied, the targeting of proteins to the outer membrane of the chloroplast envelope is not. The insertion of most outer membrane proteins (OMP) is generally considered to occur without the utilization of energy or proteinaceous components. Recently, however, proteins have been shown to be involved in the integration of outer envelope protein 14 (OEP14), whose outer membrane insertion was previously thought to be spontaneous. Here we investigate the insertion of two proteins from Physcomitrella patens, PpOEP64-1 and PpOEP64-2 (formerly known as PpToc64-1 and PpToc64-2), into the outer membrane of chloroplasts. The association of PpOEP64-1 with chloroplasts was not affected by chloroplast pre-treatments. Its insertion into the membrane was affected, however, demonstrating the importance of measuring insertion specifically in these types of assays. We found that the insertion of PpOEP64-1, PpOEP64-2 and two other OMPs, OEP14 and digalactosyldiacylglycerol synthase 1 (DGD1), was reduced by either nucleotide depletion or proteolysis of the chloroplasts. Integration was also inhibited in the presence of an excess of an imported precursor protein. In addition, OEP14 competed with the insertion of the OEP64s and DGD1. These data demonstrate that the targeting of several OMPs involves proteins present in chloroplasts and requires nucleotides. Together with previous reports, our data suggest that OMPs in general do not insert spontaneously.  相似文献   

Ser158 is located near the middle of the matrix loop connecting transmembrane helices C and D of the mitochondrial phosphate transport protein (PTP). The mutant Ser158Thr PTP is transport-inactive. His32 is located near the middle of transmembrane helix A and Thr79 is located 5 residues away from transmembrane helix B and its N-terminal (matrix end). Single site mutant PTPs that have either residue replaced with Ala are transport-inactive. Based on the high resolution structure of a subunit of the bovine ADP/ATP translocase, on sequence similarities between members of the mitochondrial transport protein family, and on the PTP subunit/subunit contact site between transmembrane A helices, it is now suggested that the Ser158 site is at the PTP subunit/subunit contact site. This contact site is essential for keeping the transport cycles catalyzed by the two PTP subunits 180 degrees out of phase. The data also suggest that His32 and Thr79 of the same subunit interact and couple the phosphate and the proton transport paths.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of the chloroplast phosphate translocator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Calcium-dependent proteolysis of several polypeptides from rat brain and synaptosomal cytosol was observed including proteolysis of polypeptides of Mr 340 000 and 300 000. These latter polypeptides comigrated with high-Mr microtubule-associated proteins of microtubule preparations from brain or synaptosomal cytosol. Calcium influx into intact synaptosomes due to depolarisation with high potassium or veratridine or treatment with the ionophore A23187 did not result in Ca2+-dependent proteolysis of any polypeptides. This may be due to the low calcium sensitivity of the protease since no proteolysis of the Mr 340 000 and 300 000 polypeptides was seen in synaptosomal cytosal at < 10 μM free Ca2+.  相似文献   

Phosphate entry into human erythrocytes is irreversibly inhibited by treatment of the cells with the water-soluble carbodiimides 1-ethy1-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and 1-cyclohexyl-3-(2-morpholinoethyl)-carbodiimide metho-p-toluene sulfonate (CMC) in the absence of added nucleophile. EDC is the more potent inhibitor (40% inhibition, 2 mM EDC, 5 min, 37°C, 50% hematocrit, pH 6.9), while more than 20 mM CMC is required to give the same inhibition under identical conditions. EDC inhibition is temperature-dependent, being complete in 5 min at 37°C, and sensitive to extracellular pH. At pH 6.9 only 50% of transport is rapidly inhibited by EDC, but at alkaline pH over 80% of transport is inhibited. Inhibition is not prevented by modification of membrane sulfhydryl groups but is decreased in the presence of 4,4′-dinitrostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DNDS), a reversible competitive inhibitor of anion transport. EDC treatment leads to crosslinking of erythrocyte membrane proteins, but differences between the time course of this action and inhibition of transport indicate that most transport inhibition is not due to crosslinking of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The effects of in vitro and in vivo modifications of nuclear envelope lipid on DNA leakage and on ATP-stimulated RNA release from isolated rat liver nuclei were investigated. The modifications included corn-oil feeding of the animals to alter the fatty acid composition of the lipids, phospholipase treatment of the isolated nuclei, and extraction of the total lipid with Triton X-100. Significant changes in lipid composition and approximate order parameter values of the spin-label 5-doxylstearate resulted, but there was no significant effect on RNA transport rate. It was concluded that the nuclear envelope lipid does not play any important part in nucleocytoplasmic RNA transport in mammalian liver.  相似文献   

Most of the chloroplast proteins are coded for in the nucleus and are synthesized in the cytosol from where they are subsequently transported into the different chloroplast compartments. The structural properties of the N-terminal extensions (transit peptides) of these nuclear-coded precursor proteins are discussed as well as the energy requirements for their translocation and the involvement of receptor proteins and that of other (ATP-dependent) factors.  相似文献   

Localization of chlorophyllase in the chloroplast envelope   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Chlorophyllase catalyzes the first step in the catabolic pathway of chlorophyll. It is a constitutive enzyme located in chloroplast membranes. In isolated plastids the hydrolysis of the endogenous chlorophyll does not take place unless the membranes are solubilized in the presence of detergent. The structural latency of chlorophyllase activity appears to be due to the differential locations of substrate and enzyme within the plastids. Envelope membranes prepared from both chloroplasts and gerontoplasts contain chlorophyllase activity. The isolation of envelopes is associated with a marked increase in chlorophyllase activity per unit of protein. Yields of chlorophyllase and of specific envelope markers in the final preparations are similar, suggesting that the enzyme may be located in the envelope. It is hypothesized that the breakdown of chlorophyll during leaf senescence requires a mechanism that mediates the transfer of chlorophyll from the thylakoidal pigment-protein complexes to the sites of catabolic reactions in the envelope.Abbreviations ACT acyl CoA thioesterase - Chl chlorophyll - Chlide chlorophyllide - PC phosphatidylcholine  相似文献   

An N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive phosphate transport protein has been isolated from rat liver mitochondria, substantially purified, and reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles. Purified inner mitochondrial membrane vesicles depleted of F1-ATPase by urea treatment proved to be the most satisfactory starting material. Treatment of these membrane vesicles with Triton X-100 resulted in solubilization of the phosphate transport protein. Further purification was achieved using hydroxylapatite powder. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified fraction in sodium dodecyl sulfate indicated the presence of two Coomassie blue-staining bands with apparent Mr's of 30,000 and 35,000. Labeling of the 35,000 Mr band by the Pi transport inhibitor diazobenzene sulfonate was reduced markedly by prior treatment of the mitochondria with the inhibitor N-ethylmaleimide. The purified fraction containing both proteins could be reconstituted into liposomes prepared from purified asolectin. Phosphate efflux from these vesicles was inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, by the impermeant mercurial agent, p-chloromercuribenzoate, and by diazobenzene sulfonate. Treatment of the purified fraction with N-ethylmaleimide prior to incorporation into liposomes resulted in a reconstituted system incapable of catalyzing Pi efflux. These studies summarize the first detailed attempt to purify the Pi/H+ transport system from rat liver mitochondria and emphasize the need to commence the purification with purified inner membrane vesicles depleted of F1-ATPase. In addition, these studies show that the final fraction contains a reconstitutively active transport system which when incorporated into phospholipid vesicles has its essential sulfhydryl groups oriented outward. Finally, it is shown that the purified fraction also contains a 30,000 Mr component.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts or chromoplasts were purified from sweet-pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Yolo Wonder) fruits and analysed with respect to their enzymic equipment, the transport properties across the envelope membrane, and for the presence of a functional oxidative pentose-phosphate pathway (OPPP). It was demonstrated that both types of plastid contain enzyme activities that allow glycolysis and OPPP. During the developmental conversion from chloroplasts to chromoplasts the activities of enzymes catalysing potentially rate-limiting reactions in glycolysis increased considerably. Most enzyme activities involved in the plastidic OPPP stayed constant or decreased during ripening, but transaldolase activity increased by more than 500%. To analyse whether pepper fruit chromoplasts are able to use exogenously supplied carbohydrates for the OPPP we measured the rate of 14CO2 release after application of radioactively labelled precursors. Isolated pepper fruit chromoplasts used exogenously supplied [U14C]glucose- 6-phosphate (Glc6P) as a precursor for the OPPP. The metabolic flux through this pathway was stimulated by the presence of additional compounds which require reducing equivalents for further conversion, e.g. nitrite, or 2-oxoglutarate plus glutamine. The [14C]Glc6P-driven OPPP in isolated chromoplasts exhibited saturation with rising concentrations of Glc6P, reaching highest rates at an external concentration of about 2 mM. Exogenously given [U14C]glucose 1-phosphate (Glc1P)′ did not lead to a release of 14CO2, indicating that this hexose phosphate is not taken up into the intact plastid. Using a proteoliposome system in which the envelope membrane proteins from sweet-pepper chromoplasts were functionally reconstituted we demonstrated that Glc6P is transported in counter-exchange with inorganic phosphate (Pi) or other phosphorylated intermediates. The Glc6P was taken up into proteoliposomes with an apparent K m of 0.34 mM. Surprisingly, in contrast to tomato fruit plastids, isolated chromoplasts from sweet-pepper fruits do not possess a phosphate translocator allowing the uptake of Glc1P. Rising exogenous concentrations of dihydroxyacetone phosphate strongly inhibited the metabolic flux through the OPPP. This observation is discussed with respect to the presence of two phosphate translocator proteins in the envelope of sweet-pepper chromoplasts and with respect to possible metabolic changes occurring in heterotrophic tissues during development. Received: 24 April 1997 / Accepted: 16 June 1997  相似文献   

A method is described, based on the kinetics of transport, for determining the equilibrium distribution of the carrier site on the inner and outer surfaces of the cell membrane, and this method is applied to the choline carrier of human erythrocytes. This method depends on measurement of flux ratios for both entry and exit, i.e., the transport rates of a low concentration of labeled substrate into a solution which contains either no substrate or a saturating concentration of unlabeled substrate. The concentrations of inward-facing and outward-facing carrier are found to be nearly equal, and therefore the 5-fold difference in choline affinity on the inner and outer surfaces of the membrane cannot be explained by an unequal carrier distribution. It is also shown that both reorientation and dissociation of the carrier-substrate complex are far more rapid than reorientation of the free carrier.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were designed to determine if the synthesis, processing and transport of rRNA are affected by changes in nuclear permeability. RNA was labeled by microinjecting [3H]GTP into the cytoplasm of defolliculated oocytes. After injection, the nuclear envelopes were disrupted by puncturing the cells with glass needles. It has been shown that this procedure significantly alters the physical properties of the nuclear envelope. At appropriate intervals after puncturing, the oocytes were manually enucleated and RNA was extracted from both nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. The extracts were analyzed on 2.5% polyacrylamide gels. The results indicate that over a period of 41/2 h neither the production nor the nucleocytoplasmic distribution of rRNA are affected by altering the permeability characteristics of the nuclear envelope.Supported by grant GM 21531 from the NIHThe author would like to thank Mr. Jay Pomerantz for his excellent technical assistance, and also Drs. R.J. Cohen and P. McGuire for their interest and criticism  相似文献   

Most chloroplastic proteins are synthesized as precursors in the cytosol prior to their transport into chloroplasts. These precursors are generally synthesized in a form that is larger than the mature form found inside chloroplasts. The extra amino acids, called transit peptides, are present at the amino terminus. The transit peptide is necessary and sufficient to recognize the chloroplast and induce movement of the attached protein across the envelope membranes. In this review, we discuss the primary and secondary structure of transit peptides, describe what is known about the import process, and present some hypotheses on the evolutionary origin of the import mechanism.Abbreviations DHFR dihydrofolate reductase - EPSP synthase 5-enolpyrovylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase; hsp heat-shock protein - LHCP II light-harvesting chlorophylla/b binding protein - OEE 16, 23, and 33 the 16-, 23-, and 33-kDa proteins of the oxygen-evolving complex - pr precursor - rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - SS rubisco small subunit  相似文献   

Using an 5-AvaII fragment of the spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) phosphate translocator cDNA as a probe for a hybridization screening of a pea (Pisum sativum L.) cDNA library we have cloned and sequenced a cDNA clone coding for the phosphate translocator precursor protein from pea chloroplasts. The full-length cDNA clone comprises 42 base pairs (bp) at the 5-non-coding region, a 1206-bp coding region corresponding to a polypeptide of 402 amino-acid residues (relative molecular mass 43 671) and 244 bp at the non-coding 3-region. Determination of the N-terminal sequence of the phosphate translocator from both pea and spinach chloroplasts revealed that the transit peptides consist of 72 and 80 amino-acid residues, respectively. These transit peptides are different from those of other chloroplastic transit peptides in that they both contain an amphiphilic -helix which is located either in close proximity to the processing site in pea or at the N-terminus in spinach. The mature proteins from pea and spinach both contain about 87% identical amino-acid residues and about seven putative membrane-spanning -helices. Some of these -helices have an amphiphilic character and might serve to form a hydrophilic translocation channel through the membrane. The in-vitro synthesized pea precursor protein is directed to the chloroplast and inserted into the chloroplast envelope membrane.Abbreviations bp base pairs - kDa kilodaltons - Mr relative moleculas mass - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis We wish to thank Dr D. Pappin and R. Jakes (AFRC Sequencing Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, University of Leeds, UK) for performing the N-terminal sequence determinations and are greatful to Dr J. S. Gantt (Botany Department, University of Georgia, Athens, USA) for a pea leaf cDNA library and to Professor J. C. Gray (University of Cambridge, Department of Botany, Cambridge, UK) for helpful discussions. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, the Science and Engineering Research Council and the Royal Society. D.L.W. was the recipient of the Royal Society Rosenheim research fellowship and K.F. was supported by a fellowship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes.  相似文献   

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