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This paper attempts to test the dictum that social change begins in better educated, economically well-off and relatively less tradition-bound strata of the urban society and that it then spreads to the lower social strata and eventually affects the rural populations also. It analyzes temporal changes in the prevalence of contraception as reported by female respondents in 2 sample surveys conducted in the city of Lahore during 1963 and 1980. Altogether 1960 ever-married females aged over 15 were interviewed in the 1963 survey and 993 in the 1980 survey. Compared to 1980 respondents, those in the 1963 survey were older, educated and belonged to a medium or high socioeconomic status category. In 1963, 18% of the respondents were not aware of any method of contraception; by 1980 this proportion was reduced to 11%. The most spectacular change was observed in the prortion of respondents who were practising family planning. In 1963, only 7% of the respondents had ever used any method of contraception; this proportion increased to 48% in 1980. Moreover, substantial differences were noted with regard to the methods of contraception used. The use of condoms seems to have declined while that of the IUD the pill, sterilization and withdrawal seems to have increased. It is interesting that abstinence remained an important method of contraception. Use of contraception is found to vary with age, education and socioeconomic status of respondents. The degree of association between these 3 characteristics and contraceptive usage increased substantially from 1963 to 1980. 1980 survey results indicate that current as well as ever use of contraception show an inverted V-shaped pattern with age and parity. The prevalence of contraception increases with age, reaching a maximum of 41% for current users and 63% for ever users in the age group 35-39. A similar pattern is observed in relation to the parity of respondents with a maximum amongst women who had borne 6 children. Education shows a positive association with both the current and ever use of contraception. The pattern of current methods used is very similar to that noted for methods ever used. The only major differences relate to the condom and abstinence which show higher prevalence as current methods. In the 1963 survey religion was the main reason given by those expressing an unfavorable attitude toward family planning. In the 1980 survey questions were asked about the specific reasons of the respondents for never using any method of contraception. The desire for more children was the most commonly given reason and recent marriage was the 2nd most common. The strength of religious opposition to contraception seems to have declined substantially in the 1980 survey.  相似文献   

A fertility survey of unmarried adolescents and young adults (953 males and 829 females) in Greater Accra and Eastern regions of Ghana revealed that a substantial proportion of the respondents were sexually experienced. Overall, 66.8% of the males and 78.4% of the females were sexually experienced. The mean ages (+/- SD) of the males and females were 15.5 +/- 2.5 and 16.2 +/- 2.0 years, respectively. Most respondents claimed to have received adequate information on reproductive health and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including AIDS. However, 20% and 30% of the respondents in peri-urban and rural areas, respectively, did not know that a girl could get pregnant the first time she has sexual intercourse. The incidence of pregnancy among the unmarried female respondents was relatively high (37%), and was higher in urban than in rural areas. Approximately 47% of those who had ever been pregnant reported that they had had an abortion. Levels of contraceptive awareness were high (98.2% among males and 95.5% among females) but many still engaged in unprotected sexual relations. The most commonly used methods were the condom and the pill. The main reasons given for non-use were that they did not think about contraception, were concerned about the safety of contraceptives, and partner objection. These findings point to the need for targeting of unmarried adolescents and young adults with information on reproductive health and family planning to increase their awareness of the risks of pregnancy, STDs and HIV infection.  相似文献   

A multicenter survey of 400 married Filipino women 15-40 years of age conducted in 1986 by Family Health International and the International Health Foundation provided valuable information on contraceptive use in the Philippines, as well as factors influencing such practices. The respondents, who were drawn from 10 urban communities in Metro Manila and 10 rural communities in Nueva Ecija Province, averaged 31.5 years of age and had a mean number of 2.9 children. 32% of respondents indicated they desired another child. 225 women (56%) reported they were using no method of contraception. 59 (14%) were protected from pregnancy by tubal sterilization or vasectomy. 77 women (19%) were oral contraceptive (OC) users, and 8 (2%) were IUD users. Only 1 respondent was using a long-acting contraceptive. 3 women used spermicides, 21 (5%) used condoms, 25 (6%) practiced rhythm, and 30 (3%) of the women's husbands practiced withdrawal. Overall, 27% of contraceptive users in this sample used more than 1 method. 26% had been using a contraceptive method for 1-3 years and another 46% for more than 3 years, indicating consistent acceptance of family planning. A sequential trend of nonuse, OC use, and finally sterilization was observed. OC use was highest among women in their late 20s with 2-3 children. Urban-rural residence and socioeconomic factors had little impact on OC use. An encouraging finding was that only 25% of respondents believed that the pill poses important health risks and 61% were aware that pregnancy and childbirth involve greater health risks than OC use. This finding is in opposition to the extremely high levels of misinformation about the dangers of OC use identified in other surveys in developing countries and probably reflects the fact that 77% of women in the present study reported receiving advice on contraception from family planning professionals.  相似文献   

A survey of women in two highly developed rural counties of China, Sichuan and Jiangsu Provinces, was carried out in late 1991, to gain information about demographic and economic change between 1980 and 1990. Three separate surveys were conducted: the first a questionnaire administered to married women aged 30-39, eliciting information about childbearing and contraception, as well as the social and economic background of the respondents; the second, focus group interviews emphasizing the motivation for childbearing. Official information about the selected villages, townships and counties was also collected. National level data in 1987 show that individual reproductive behaviour in China failed to conform to a universal, effectively implemented, population policy. They imply either a spatial range of policies, or great diversity in the demand for children, or perhaps a combination of both. Such diversity in reproductive behaviour is also found in the study area. The purpose of the analysis was to examine the diversity in reproductive behaviour and contraceptive practice, and to discover whether differentials are influenced by area, or else exist between individuals within areas. If the former, then the explanation may be found in differences in policy formulation and implementation between areas: and if the latter, to demand for children, or else differential application of policy restrictions. The main findings were that: (1) the explanation of the pattern of fertility and contraceptive use is to be found at the individual level (within locations) rather than in policy differences between administrative units; (2) the association between income and number of children is negative, as is that between income and the propensity for uniparous women to remain unsterilized. The theory that privilege may be exercised to gain concessions from birth planning cadres is therefore not supported; (3) ideal family size differentials are largely absent, showing that social (education) and economic (income, occupation) characteristics are not responsible for differences in reproductive motivations, and implying that the nature of the demand for children is very different from that in most rural areas of the Third World; (4) data on ideal family size by sex of the existing offspring indicate only a weak preference for sons. The low demand for children, and the weak son preference, may both be explained by the social acceptability of uxorilocal marriages, and of village endogamy, together with the prohibitive costs of children, and especially of sons. This partly results from the expense of education, but most mothers emphasize marriage costs. It is speculated that the circumstances responsible for the escalating costs of children in the two countries are likely to pertain in growing areas of the country, with the privatization of education and health services, the declining support of collective institutions, and the replacement of this function by kinship networks. These on-going changes imply that any policy of reproductive restriction for the purposes of population control is likely soon to meet with diminishing resistance; and it may later be rendered unnecessary in the eyes of government officials, as fulfilled reproductive intentions lead to a fertility level below replacement level.  相似文献   

In a 1989 Family Planning Study in Iran, 40 percent of the married women of reproductive age reported that their last or current pregnancies were unwanted and unintended. This finding is consistent with the results obtained from a number of studies undertaken in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East. Although the phenomenon of unwanted pregnancy is a significant topic in the population studies, it has received very little attention. This paper shows the differences between two groups: group A, those married women who reported that their last or current pregnancies were wanted, and group B, those married women who reported that their last or current pregnancies were unwanted. The findings of this study clearly show significant differences between these two groups in regard to some key sociodemographic attributes: wife/husband's education, actual and desired fertility, wife's current age, past and present practice of contraceptive methods, and extent of satisfaction with family planning services are among the attributes differentiating these two groups. Our examination of these variables suggests that group B had higher parity, fertility, less desire for more children, less use of contraceptive techniques, and less satisfaction with the efficiency of the contraceptive techniques than group A. The relationship between education and wanted/unwanted pregnancies is mixed. The urban women who wanted pregnancies and were 25 years old or older were more educated than those who did not want pregnancies. On the contrary, the rural women whose pregnancies were not wanted were more educated than those who wanted pregnancies regardless of age, parity, and locality differences. Furthermore, the urban/rural women with different levels of parities who did not want to be pregnant were more educated than the urban/rural women who wanted pregnancies. Finally, the standardized regression coefficients, obtained in logistic regression, reveal that among urban women the desire for more children and parity are the first and second most significant independent variables differentiating between group A and group B. Among rural women, living children and the desire for more children were the first and second most important variables differentiating between group A and group B.  相似文献   

African men play important roles in the decisions about family life, including fertility and family planning. However, fertility and family planning research and programmes have ignored their roles in the past, focusing only on women's behaviours. Since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), interest in men's involvement in reproductive health has increased. Unfortunately, data on their knowledge and use of contraception are generally scanty. This paper examines knowledge and use of contraception among ever-married men in Nigeria. A total of 1451 ever-married men aged 18-55 were interviewed in Imo and Ondo States, Nigeria. The findings reveal that men's level of contraceptive knowledge is high in the study areas. About 90% knew at least one method of family planning. Furthermore, the level of contraceptive use among married men is such that men could participate in family planning activities if there were adequate programmes to involve them. Men in the sample areas were found not only to support their spouses' use of contraceptives, but were actually using condoms to delay or prevent pregnancy. Age, education, place of residence, number of living children and being counselled for family planning were identified as key factors determining contraceptive knowledge and use among married men in the study areas. To ensure increased participation of men in family planning, programmes must be designed to educate them on the need for family size limitation and involve them in service delivery, even if only to their male counterparts.  相似文献   

The changing pattern of fertility differences among ethnic groups in Canada during the period 1926-71 is studied. 2 specific questions are addressed. The 1st is do ethnic groups assimilate the fertility patterns of the general Canadian population over time, e.g. are the fertility differences disappearing? Secondly, is the extent of assimilation in fertility greater in urban than in rural areas? The indirectly standardized general fertility rates, calculated by using the ethnic age distribution data from the censuses of 1931 to 1971, indicate a tendency for the population to become more homogeneous during times of increasing fertility, thus supporting the assimilative possibilities, whereas in times of declining fertility there is a tendency for the population to become more heterogeneous. The data also seem to support weaker assimilatory tendencies in rural areas than in urban areas during only the most recent period, 1966-71, and not in earlier periods.  相似文献   


This exploratory analysis of factors associated with Chinese women's fertility desires uses data on married women between the ages of 18 and 35 who live in Shaanxi Province, China. Analyses using an economic framework found that both rural and urban couples who intended to sign, or who had already signed, the one‐child certificate reported wanting significantly fewer children. However, in rural areas (where 80 per cent of the provincial population lives), education level, living arrangements, participation in an arranged marriage, attitudes regarding the ideal age for marriage, and knowledge of the reasons for the government's fertility policies appear to play a relatively larger role in shaping fertility preferences.  相似文献   

Life table analysis was applied to data from the 1975 Pakistan Fertility Survey to identify child spacing differentials between population subgroups. Women in urban areas had shorter birth intervals than their rural counterparts from parities 1-6; only after parity 7 was this differential reversed. Similarly, women with some education had shorter birth intervals at the earlier parities than uneducated women. While overall family size is relatively homogeneous in Pakistan, women of more modern backgrounds seem to space their children more closely than traditional women. Age at marriage appears to play an important role not only in determining the length of the 1st interval, but also that of subsequent intervals. An unexpected finding was that ever users of contraception had distinctly more rapid spacing of their births than never users. The median interval to 1st birth was shortest in North West Frontier Province, but similar in Punjab and Sind. Multiple classification analysis revealed that some differentials in child spacing by education, residence, and province persisted even after other variables were controlled. Cohort of mother had an independent effect, with younger cohorts having shorter birth intervals. However, the variable that had the strongest effect on length of interval (aside from the 1st interval) was breastfeeding duration. It is likely that increasing urbanization and improved levels of education among women will lead to high levels of marital fertility associated with shorter birth intervals. Even though these trends tend to increase the age at marriage, they are associated with shorter durations of breastfeeding. In the longer term, greater use of contraception among women in the modern sector may partially counteract the fertility increasing effect of reduced birth intervals.  相似文献   

Male attitudes towards family planning in Khartoum, Sudan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Knowledge of, attitudes toward, and use of contraception were investigated in a 1982 survey of 250 men living in Khartoum, Sudan. Interviews were conducted at mosques, marketplaces, a government office building, and a textile factory. 75% of respondents were ages 21-40. 92% of respondents expressed the belief that Khartoum is overcrowded, although this was attributed by 57% to rural-urban migration. Despite the fact that 85-95% linked overpopulation with social problems such as inflation, food shortages, and unemployment, 72% expressed a desire for 5 or more children. Only 30% of the men interviewed supported the concept of family size limitation, largely for economic reasons. The majority of those opposing family size limitation cited religious reasons. Attitudes toward child spacing were more favorable, with 80% indicating approval 59% of the men with wives at risk of pregnancy reported that they were using some form of contraception, but only 21% were using an effective method. Two-thirds of respondents reported that they do not discuss contraception with their spouse. 60% identified either the mass media or friends and relatives as their source of family planning information. Although 64% indicated an awarencess of where to obtain family planning services, only 2.8% had ever received services from a family planning clinic. 79% voiced an interest in more information on family planning, and 59% with wives of reproductive age wanted to use family planning services. Most respondents desired more information on sexual sterilization and, although surgical contraception is not available in Sudan, 10% said they would consider this method when they attained their desired family size. The belief that family size should be limited increased dramatically with education, from 9% among those with no formal schooling to 45% among men with 13 or more years of school. Men under 40 years of age had more favorable attitudes toward family planning than older men. Surprisingly, men interviewed at mosques had the most favorable attitudes whereas government employees were the most conservative. Overall, these fndings suggest that the present family planning clinic system in Sudan may be falling short of meeting the demand for information services.  相似文献   

Family planning knowledge, attitude and practice surveys typically assess respondents' reproductive attitudes and intentions to use contraception. Longitudinal observation of individual respondents nevertheless shows that such questions are not strongly predictive of subsequent behaviour. This study examines 3 years' data which show that a set of such responses to questions are nevertheless substantially superior in predicting behaviour than any single indicator. Thus statistical techniques which bring into account the apparent multidimensionality of contraceptive motivation can greatly improve upon the estimation of future practice of family planning in a population.  相似文献   


In a 1989 Family Planning Study in Iran, 40 percent of the married women of reproductive age reported that their last or current pregnancies were unwanted and unintended. This finding is consistent with the results obtained from a number of studies undertaken in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East. Although the phenomenon of unwanted pregnancy is a significant topic in the population studies, it has received very little attention. This paper shows the differences between two groups: group A, those married women who reported that their last or current pregnancies were wanted, and group B, those married women who reported that their last or current pregnancies were unwanted. The findings of this study clearly show significant differences between these two groups in regard to some key sociodemographic attributes: wife/husband's education, actual and desired fertility, wife's current age, past and present practice of contraceptive methods, and extent of satisfaction with family planning services are among the attributes differentiating these two groups. Our examination of these variables suggests that group B had higher parity, fertility, less desire for more children, less use of contraceptive techniques, and less satisfaction with the efficiency of the contraceptive techniques than group A. The relationship between education and wanted/unwanted pregnancies is mixed. The urban women who wanted‐pregnancies and were 25 years old or older were more educated than those who did not want pregnancies. On the contrary, the rural women whose pregnancies were not wanted were more educated than those who wanted pregnancies regardless of age, parity, and locality differences. Furthermore, the urban/rural women with different levels of parities who did not want to be pregnant were more educated than the urban/rural women who wanted pregnancies. Finally, the standardized regression coefficients, obtained in logistic regression, reveal that among urban women the desire for more children and parity are the first and second most significant independent variables differentiating between group A and group B. Among rural women, living children and the desire for more children were the first and second most important variables differentiating between group A and group B.  相似文献   


Use of contraception by rural Egyptian women who desire no more children is examined within a modified microeconomic framework. Four sets of factors are hypothesized to influence current use of contraception: (1) costs of contraception, ‘(2) factors influencing the slope of the desired family size function, (3) anticipated costs of child rearing and (4) strength of motivation for fertility regulation. Women's education and two measures of psychic costs were found to be important predictors of contraceptive use. Factors affecting the demand for children and thus indirectly influencing the motivation for fertility regulation were also important. Land ownership, cultivating status of the household, and educational expectations for children were significantly related to current use. Strength of motivation, although significant, was less strongly related to use of contraception. The findings suggest women who want no more children, but who are not practicing contraception, are affected by factors influencing both the costs of contraception and the costs of an unwanted child.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1983, a provincewide representative sample of all ever-married women and single women with children, under the age of 60, was interviewed to examine variations in family size in Northern Ireland. The valuation list of domestic dwellings was used as the sample frame and a clustered sample was drawn from this using the 526 electoral wards as individual clusters. Wards were stratified according to socioeconomic structure, religion, location within Northern Ireland, and whether they were predominatly rural or urban. Sampling within selected clusters was on a systematic basis and proportional to population size. For women currently married, 1 in 5 of the husbands was interviewed using a shorter questionnaire focusing on attitudes to fertility. Of the 3914 houseolds where contact was made and which contained an eligible female, there were 2997 successful interviews with females, giving an effective response rate of 77%. An additional 392 interviews were obtained from husbands. The most persistent fertility differential in Northern Ireland going back at least to the beginning of the 20th century has been that between Protestants and Roman Catholics. According to these preliminary findings, this remains the case. The average number of children born alive to ever-married Roman Catholic females was 3.24 in 1983, compared with 2.29 children for the corresponding group of non-Catholic women. Yet, the survey relates to an instant during a peirod of considerable flux in Roman Catholic fertliity, and comparison of these 1983 data with those collected at the 1971 census of population shows that Roman Catholic family size declined by 11% over the intervening 12 years, although this is marginally reduced after standardization for changes in the age structure of ever-married women. Non-Catholic family size, by contrast, remained virtually static during the same time period. The pace of change has been more pronounced in Belfast and its suburbs. Data are not yet available from the survey to chart these processes by marriage cohort, but some pointers can be obtained from the tabulation of family size by denomination and age of mother. With the exception of the under-20 age group, the average size of Roman Catholic families was consistently and substantially larger than that of the corresponding non-Catholic age group. The absolute difference in terms of mean numbers of children widened steadily with increasing age. These preliminary data also show that there is still a strong geographical dimension to the religious differential in fertility. Average family size was larger in rural than urban areas but moreso for Roman Catholics (16% larger) than for non-Catholics (9% larger). Although differences in family size between Roman Catholics and non-Catholics still prevail, there has been a considerable degree of overall convergence since 1971.  相似文献   

Bangladesh society is profoundly gender stratified, and yet male roles in reproductive health processes have not been rigorously investigated. This study examines the association between men's reproductive health knowledge, attitude and behaviour and their wives' subsequent reproductive behaviour using longitudinal data from the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B). A total of 4969 matched husband-and-wife data from a 1998 survey and women's contraceptive use history data following this survey are used. Results show a significant association between husbands' fertility preferences and current use of any family planning method. When wives' background characteristics, and husbands' background and socioeconomic characteristics are controlled for, the predicted probability of using a method of contraception among non-educated wives whose husbands want more children is 0.49 compared with 0.64 for those whose husbands do not want more children. However, the net effect of husbands' preference for additional children diminishes as wives' level of education increases. Among wives who had completed high school, the predicted probability of using a method of contraception is 0.70 for those whose husbands want more children compared with 0.69 for those whose husbands do not want more children.  相似文献   

An interview survey of 450 Muslim women in a rural village of south Jordan under the early stage of fertility transition was conducted to explore major causes of contraceptive use, taking both their sociodemographic attributes and fatwa (Islamic jurisprudence)–based perception into account. Discriminant analysis, which was performed for the subject women divided into 15- to 29-, 30- to 39-, and 40- to 49-year age groups, revealed that “the number of living children” in the former and “to do contraception for good care of children” in the latter played significant roles in discrimination into contraceptive user and nonuser groups for any age groups. To cope with demographically and socioeconmically vulnerable situations, contraceptive prevalence rate should be increased by means of government-led family planning programs in cooperation with the imam (Muslim religious leaders and priests) through fatwa, in which special attention is paid to traditional norms, represented by good childcare.  相似文献   

Morocco’s fertility pattern evolved in the 20th century from a traditional model close to ‘natural fertility’ to a modern pattern incorporating contraception. The very high fertility rate of nearly 7 offspring per woman observed in the 1960s was still at a level of 5.5 offspring per woman in the early 1980s. The total fertility rate subsequently declined to 2.5 by 2003. This decline was apparently, principally, the result of two factors in the urban context: the relative increase in women’s age at marriage and the use of contraception to regulate and to close reproduction. This research studied a group of Berber agriculturists in the region of Marrakech to better understand the extension and modalities of fertility changes in a rural environment. Though delayed, the changes observed in rural Berbers paralleled the general trends seen at the national level. As in the urban environment, the changes affecting reproductive patterns resulted from an increase in the age at marriage of women and the introduction of contraception. However, these changes were apparently minor adaptations to the traditional pattern, in that the progressive increase in mean age at marriage was obtained by the decrease in the frequency of pre-nubile unions (<15 years old) and not from the upward shift of the modal age. On the other hand, contraception apparently was employed to stop childbearing after the expected family size was already attained.  相似文献   


Attitudes towards a wide range of animals were measured among a sample of 562 children and adolescents, aged between 9 and 15 years, from one urban and two rural areas in Southern Norway. The respondents completed a questionnaire based on Kellert's (1996) attitude typology toward animals. The results showed that the humanistic attitude type ranked first, followed by the moralistic, ecologistic, naturalistic, negativistic, dominionistic, and utilitarian attitude types. Gender differences appeared on the moralistic and negativistic (girls highest), and the naturalistic, dominionistic, and utilitarian (boys highest) sub-scales. Scores on the ecologistic, naturalistic, and dominionistic sub-scales decreased with increasing age. Urban respondents had higher moralistic, and rural respondents had higher dominionistic sub-scale scores. Respondents who owned a pet had higher humanistic, moralistic, and lower utilitarian sub-scale scores than had non-owners.  相似文献   

This paper compares the desired fertility of rural Indian women in 1987 with their actual fertility in 2007. Seventy-one respondents who stated definite fertility intentions and had fewer children than desired in 1987 were re-interviewed 20 years later, as part of a larger study. The results indicated that these women had fewer children than intended and stopped childbearing once they reached, or approximated, their desired number of sons. The majority had been sterilized, indicating broad acceptance of lower fertility among rural women and the success of India's family planning efforts, although the practice of sex determination seems also to have played a role. These findings echo those of an earlier longitudinal study of reproductive intentions and outcomes in the same community, demonstrating the persistence of son preference in determining reproductive behaviour, even in the context of low overall fertility. The paper concludes with a discussion of the policy and programme implications of the study's findings.  相似文献   

The impact of the perceived consequences of having children on a couple's contraceptive practices and the tendency to plan births are examined. 2 separate measures of family planning were utilized, contraceptive pattern and proportion of unplanned pregnancies. It was found that the more a woman viewed children as an essential part of the marital experience the less likely she was to use reliable contraception early in marriage. The influence of the evaluation of children on contraceptive practices also was contingent upon the number of children a couple had had and the number of years they had been married. Differences in incidence of unplanned pregnancies among women was more a result of socioeconomic circumstance and the tendency to have a large family than attitude towards children. These 2 aspects of family planning have different implications for policy decisions. Changing the incidence of unplanned pregnancies would entail attacking those conditions which handicap couples in changing their life circumstances. It would involve educating them to the concept of family planning and the techniques of birth control and also increasing economic opportunity. Changing contraceptive patterns, on the other hand, might involve encouraging alternative adult roles, and creating differential incentives for childbearing.  相似文献   

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