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王超  袁一  吴坚  郭景康  王健 《生物信息学》2009,7(3):171-177
通过分析研究核酸测序实验室的工作流程和管理体系,采用Java技术开发了一套基于实验流程管理的测序实验室的信息管理系统。系统为B/S体系,采用轻量级J2EE系统的分层架构,层次清晰、安全可靠,易于维护和扩展。系统实现了对实验流程的全方位跟踪管理,实现了对数据的采集、存储、整合、查询、导出等功能。系统的实施应用极大地提高了实验室的工作效率和管理水平。同时可为今后分子生物学、医学及其他学科的实验室信息管理系统的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

本文从系统设计目标、功能设计、结构设计等几个方面论述了灾难及突发事件住院信息管理系统的开发与实现。该系统由六大模块构成,实现了从预约管理、住院信息管理、床位管理、伤情评分、感染监测、查询统计到打印输出的灾害及突发时间住院伤病员信息全过程管理。应用本系统可规范灾害及突发事件医疗救援保障流程,大大提高了住院伤病员信息管理水平和工作效率。  相似文献   

本文从系统设计目标、功能设计、结构设计等几个方面论述了灾难及突发事件住院信息管理系统的开发与实现。该系统由六大模块构成,实现了从预约管理、住院信息管理、床位管理、伤情评分、感染监测、查询统计到打印输出的灾害及突发时间住院伤病员信息全过程管理。应用本系统可规范灾害及突发事件医疗救援保障流程,大大提高了住院伤病员信息管理水平和工作效率。  相似文献   




目的:通过定点突变,构建集成干扰素(IIFN/165S),以期获得高效的新型药物分子.方法:采用PCR体外定点突变技术,使集成干扰素IIFN基因的第165位密码子由CGT突变为AGT.扩增片段克隆入pET-23b表达载体,重组质粒转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3).在LB培养基中培养,经IPTG诱导表达的IIFN/165S经包涵体变性、复性以及层析纯化后,经SDS-PAGE、Western blot和MALDI-TOF-MS分析,用WISH-VSV系统进行抗病毒活性测定同时应用流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡率.结果:IIFN/165S以包涵体形式表达.纯化后,IIFN/165S的纯度大于95%,分子量为18172,比活性(7.63±0.22)×108 IU/mg,诱导细胞凋亡率呈剂量依赖.结论:构建了IIFN/165S的表达载体,并成功地在大肠杆菌中表达,获得了高纯度高活性突变分子IIFN/165S.  相似文献   

基于神经网络简单集成的湖库富营养化综合评价模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据中国水利部推荐的地表水富营养化控制标准,以叶绿素a、总磷、总氮、化学需氧量和透明度为评价指标,采用线性插值方法生成均匀分布的训练样本,建立了用于湖泊、水库富营养化综合评价的神经网络简单集成模型,其个体网络采用反向传播网络。通过递增法分别确定个体网络隐含层节点数为3,集成规模为40。所有个体网络均采用弹性反传训练算法和带动量的梯度下降学习算法。将该模型应用于巢湖富营养化综合评价,结果表明该模型有效消除了单个反向传播神经网络对初始网络权重的敏感性,泛化能力得到显著的提高。该模型的评价结果与综合营养状态指数法差异极显著,而与插值评分法差异不显著;但相关性较高,相关系数分别为0.9406和0.8891。通过对比分析,表明该模型较好地归纳了评价标准中的潜在评价规则,评价结果客观、可靠。  相似文献   

为满足全国医院服务能力和医疗质量评价需求,针对复杂的病案首页源数据,设计实现了自下而上包含数据集成层、存储与管理层、分析与挖掘层、分析结果展现层,以及贯穿整个系统的数据安全和质量控制的病案首页数据集成与分布式管理平台。系统平台已应用于全国多家医院的病案首页数据的集成与处理,获得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

为了使医疗新技术工作规范化、科学化,整合现有资源,进而推动医疗新技术管理工作的健康、可持续发展,设计开发了基于B/S构架的医疗新技术管理系统。采用基于B/S结构的C#编程语言、HTML语言、JavaScript 语言、AJAX脚本技术和MS SQL SERVER 2005数据库技术对系统进行实现。  相似文献   

针对新建高校和民办院校的特点,分析了招生网上录取过程中的考生到档查询与录取确认工作,并采用B/S技术针对性地开发了一个考生到档查询与录取确认系统,既为考生提供了录取期间所急需的到档查询服务,也为高校招办人员确认考生就读意向提供了一个新的途径。  相似文献   

吕中  陈嵘  户业丽 《生物学杂志》2013,(5):109-110,108
教师结合科研项目,将其中与生物学基础知识关联较多的研究内容归纳整理成小课题,供生物专业学生开展科技活动和创新实验.这些课题不仅能拓宽创新实验的广度,还能使学生通过课题研究及时了解本学科的最新进展,培养学生的自学能力、创新能力、分析总结能力,促进老师和学生参与科技活动与创新实验的积极性.  相似文献   

信息系统建设有助于提升医院科研管理水平。从科研项目管理、科研经费管理、科研物资管理、科研资源共享、科研绩效管理等方面对医院科研管理信息化发展方向进行了探讨。北京大学人民医院构建了科研管理信息系统,并与医院资源管理系统集成,促进了科研项目的全过程精细化管理。  相似文献   

教学科研相得益彰提高遗传学教学质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遗传学是生命科学领域的一门重要的基础理论学科。遗传学的教学内容日益更新,逐渐向更深层次拓展。为适应遗传学的迅速发展和培养创新型人才的要求,将遗传学发展的科研成果适时地反映到遗传学课程的教学内容中,有利于增强知识的系统性,提高学习遗传学的趣味性,把握学科知识的整体性。对于提高教学质量,培养学生的创新精神和科研素质起到切实可行的推进作用。  相似文献   

Background, Intention, Goal and Scope  The analytical laboratory is traditionally considered to be a service provider. This has resulted in laboratory environmental management being considered mostly from a pollution prevention and waste minimization perspective. There is a recognized need to view environmental performance of a laboratory service provider from a broader perspective. This broader perspective is inclusive of sampling, analysis and the potential for impacts to arise from the use of output information products. A generic methodology for the measurement and benchmarking of the overall environmental performance of an analytical laboratory and its outputs using the Laboratory Product Model (LPM) is described. Environmental performance indicators, relating to inputs and processing are proposed. Objectives  The project seeks to broaden the focus of environmental performance away from the individual analytical unit processes to a more encompassing ‘cradle-to-grave’ approach incorporating sample collection and results reporting and use. To support this approach, a functional unit of output for a laboratory has to be defined. Methods  A life cycle assessment approach, incorporating life cycle inventory considerations, is applied within the LPM conceptual framework. Results and Discussion  This approach facilitates a shift in thinking from laboratory service to the life cycle of laboratory product inputs and outputs. It enables LCA methodologies to be applied to environmental performance through the application of the LPM. The definition of a laboratory product output facilitates benchmarking and comparison of laboratories. Conclusions  The LPM approach assigns a critical role to the laboratory for the sustainability of the laboratory operations from sample collection, through analysis to the use of its product outputs. Recommendations and Outlook  The application of the LPM offers a top down approach for the evaluation of the environmental performance of an analytical laboratory. It is expected to provide a useful tool for assessing and benchmarking the environmental performance of analytical laboratories.  相似文献   

Chen J  Thompson ME  Wu C 《Biometrics》2004,60(1):116-123
The fish abundance index over an ocean region is defined here to be the integral of expected catch per unit effort (CPUE), approximated by the sum of expected CPUE over grid squares. When trawl surveys are done within grid squares selected according to a probability sampling design, several other sources of variation such as the fish population dynamics and the catching process are also involved. In such situations model-assisted methods for estimating abundance, assessed under both design and model perspectives, have some advantages over purely design-based methods such as the Horvitz-Thompson (HT) estimator or purely model-based prediction approaches. This article develops model-assisted empirical likelihood (EL) methods via loglinear regression and nonparametric smoothing. The methods are applied to grid surveys of the Grand Bank region carried out annually by Fishery Products International from 1996 through 2002. The HT and EL methods produce similar point estimates of abundance indices. Simulation results, however, indicate that the EL estimator under local linear smoothing is associated with smaller standard errors.  相似文献   

大学生创新能力的培养是高等教育的重要内容之一.我院开展了基于大学生科技创新项目的科研导师制,以培养学生的创新实践能力和科研的"工匠精神",并帮助学生进行学业规划.科研导师还将项目成果转化为教学案例引入课堂,扩大受益面.科研导师制的实施得到了学生的普遍认可,人才培养质量明显提高.本文还探讨了科研导师制实施中需要关注的问题...  相似文献   

Undergraduate research experiences have been shown to increase engagement, improve learning outcomes, and enhance career development for students in ecology. However, these opportunities may not be accessible to all students, and incorporating inquiry‐based research directly into undergraduate curricula may help overcome barriers to participation and improve representation and inclusion in the discipline. The shift to online instruction during the COVID‐19 pandemic has imposed even greater challenges for providing students with authentic research experiences, but the pandemic may also provide a unique opportunity for creative projects conducted remotely. In this paper, I describe a course‐based undergraduate research experience (CURE) designed for an upper‐level ecology course at California State University, Dominguez Hills during remote learning. The primary focus of student‐led research activities was to explore the potential impacts of the depopulation of campus during the pandemic on urban coyotes (Canis latrans), for which there were increased sightings reported during this time. Students conducted two research studies, including an evaluation of urban wildlife activity, behavior, and diversity using camera traps installed throughout campus and analysis of coyote diet using data from scat dissections. Students used the data they generated and information from literature reviews, class discussions, and meetings with experts to develop a coyote monitoring and management plan for our campus and create posters to educate the public. Using the campus as a living laboratory, I aimed to engage students in meaningful research while cultivating a sense of place, despite being online. Students’ research outcomes and responses to pre‐ and post‐course surveys highlight the benefits of projects that are anchored in place‐based education and emphasize the importance of ecological research for solving real‐world problems. CUREs focused on local urban ecosystems may be a powerful way for instructors to activate ecological knowledge and capitalize on the cultural strengths of students at urban universities.  相似文献   

Two studies of complicated ecological phenomena in Lake Maarsseveen (The Netherlands) are presented to illustrate that a combination of field and laboratory analysis might be a successful approach. In the first one, the yearly varying ratio of population abundance of two diatoms, Asterionella formosa and Fragilaria crotonensis during early spring is explained by a combination of abiotic and biotic factors. A fungal parasite blocks population development of the first species at temperatures higher than 3–5 °C . The second species then competes successfully for phosphate and develops a large population. The interaction between Asterionella and the fungus proved to be intricate. Several physiological mechanisms operate together and combined with variable climatic factors makes the prediction of what species will be dominant, impossible. In the second example diel vertical migration of the hybrid Daphnia galeata × hyalina is analysed in the field and the laboratory. Migration is confined to six to seven weeks in June–July when large shoals of juvenile perch are present in the pelagic zone of the lake. These fish exudate a kairomone that enhances the reaction of Daphnia to relative increases in light intensity of dawn. Especially accelerations in rate of relative increases enhance swimming velocity. The extent of enhancement depends, however, on the concentration of the kairomone and on food concentration. A Decision Making Mechanism is introduced and the relation between the response mechanism and the adaptive relevance of diel vertical migration is made.Finally considerations about research strategies and the importance of fundamental research are made. It is concluded that the development of limnology and aquatic ecology might be in danger when the present tendency to give prevalence to applied research continues.  相似文献   

边银丙 《菌物学报》2018,37(12):1557-1561
1978年以来,我国食用菌产业科学技术研究成果斐然,近年来基础研究和应用基础研究在各个领域迅速展开,科学研究为食用菌产业发展提供了有力的技术支撑。本期《菌物学报》“食用菌专刊”共刊登了27篇论文,其中综述1篇,研究论文26篇。尽管这些论文尚不能代表我国食用菌科学研究的最高水平,但基本上反映了我国食用菌科学研究的最新动态。论文主要以香菇、侧耳类、金针菇、羊肚菌类、草菇等为研究材料,研究课题主要集中在食用菌组学分析、营养及生物活性物质和重要性状遗传等方面。总体而言,我国食用菌基础研究和应用基础研究相对滞后,它亟需学术界凝聚共识,鼎力支持以国家自然科学基金为代表的基础研究项目,提高我国食用菌基础研究水平。  相似文献   

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