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The 76-kDa NtpI subunit constitutes the membrane-embedded V(0) moiety of Enterococcus hirae vacuolar type Na+-ATPase with a 16-kDa NtpK hexamer containing Na+ binding sites. In this study, we investigated the role of an arginine residue, which is highly conserved among the corresponding subunits of bacterial vacuolar-type ATPases, at position 573 of NtpI. Substitution of Glu, Leu, or Gln for Arg-573 abolished sodium transport and sodium-stimulated ATP hydrolysis of the enzyme. The conservative replacement of Arg by Lys lowered both activities about one-fifth of those of the wild type enzyme. We have reported previously on ATP-dependent negative cooperativity for Na+ coupling of this enzyme (Murata, T., Kakinuma, Y., and Yamato, I. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 48337-48340). The negative cooperativity for the Na+ dependence of ATPase activity was weakened by the mutation R573K; the Hill coefficients for the wild type and mutant enzymes at a saturated ATP concentration were 0.22 +/- 0.03 and 0.40 +/- 0.05, respectively. The Hill coefficients of both enzymes at limited ATP concentrations approached 1. These results indicate that NtpI Arg-573 is indispensable for sodium translocation and for the cooperative features of E. hirae vacuolar-type ATPase.  相似文献   

Enterococcus hirae grows in a broad pH range from 5 to 11. An E. hirae mutant 7683 lacking the activities of two sodium pumps, Na+-ATPase and Na+/H+ antiporter, does not grow in high Na+ medium at pH above 7.5. We found that 7683 grew normally in high Na+ medium at pH 5.5. Although an energy-dependent sodium extrusion at pH 5.5 was missing, the intracellular levels of Na+ and K+ were normal in this mutant. The Na+ influx rates of 7683 and two other strains at pH 5.5 were much slower than those at pH 7.5. These results suggest that Na+ elimination of this bacterium at acid pH is achieved by a decrease in Na+ entry and a normal K+ uptake.  相似文献   

Two high-affinity K+ uptake systems, KtrI and KtrII, have been reported in Enterococcus hirae. A mutant, JEMK1, defective in these two systems did not grow at pH 10 in low-K+ medium (less than 1 mM K+), but grew well when supplemented with 10 mM KCl. In this mutant, we found an energy-dependent K+ uptake at pH 10 with a low affinity for K+ (Km of approximately 20 mM) and an extremely high rate [Vmax of 1.6 micromol x min(-1) (mg protein)(-1)]. Rb+ uptake [Km of approximately 40 mM and Vmax of 0.5 micromol x min(-1) (mg protein)(-1)], which was inhibited competitively by K+ and less prominently by Cs+, was also observed. The specificity of this transport is likely to be K+>Rb+>Cs+. This peculiar K+ transport plays a role as a salvage mechanism against defects in high-affinity systems in the K+ homeostasis of this bacterium.  相似文献   

Enterococcus hirae grows in a broad pH range from 5 to 11. An E. hirae mutant 7683 lacking the activities of two sodium pumps, Na+-ATPase and Na+/H+ antiporter, does not grow in high Na+ medium at pH above 7.5. We found that 7683 grew normally in high Na+ medium at pH 5.5. Although an energy-dependent sodium extrusion at pH 5.5 was missing, the intracellular levels of Na+ and K+ were normal in this mutant. The Na+ influx rates of 7683 and two other strains at pH 5.5 were much slower than those at pH 7.5. These results suggest that Na+ elimination of this bacterium at acid pH is achieved by a decrease in Na+ entry and a normal K+ uptake.  相似文献   

We here isolated an Enterococcus hirae mutant unable to grow well at pH 10. The influx rate calculated from steady-state 42K+/K+ exchange and the intracellular K+ concentration of the mutant were reduced to 53 and 55% of those of the wild-type, respectively. The activities of two high-affinity K+ uptake systems, KtrI and KtrII, were normal in the mutant, but the kinetics of net K+ uptake at pH 10 indicated that a low-affinity K+ uptake with a Km of about 20 mM (Kawano, M, Abuki, R, Igarashi, K, Kakinuma, Y. (2001) Arch. Microbiol. 175: 41-45), which were seen in the wild-type, was deficient in this mutant.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested that certain protein(s) other thancarbonic anhydrase might play an important role in the facilitatedtransport of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from the mediumto the site of CO2 fixation by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenasein the unicellular green alga Chlorella regularis adapted tolow-CO2 (ordinary air) conditions [Shiraiwa et al. (1991) Jpn.J. Phycol. 39: 355; Satoh and Shiraiwa (1992) Research in Photosynthesis,Vol. III, p. 779]. The proteins that might be involved in thisfacilitated transport of DIC were investigated by pulse-labelingof induced proteins with 35S-sulfate during adaptation of cellsgrown under high-CO2 conditions to low CO2. Analysis by SDS-PAGErevealed that synthesis of two polypeptides, with molecularmasses of 98 and 24 kDa, respectively, was induced under low-CO2conditions. The 24-kDa polypeptide was induced at pH 5.5 butnot at pH 8.0, whereas the 98-kDa polypeptide was induced atboth pH 5.5 and pH 8.0. The possible role of these polypeptidesin the facilitated transport of DIC in Chlorella regularis isdiscussed. (Received October 30, 1995; Accepted February 26, 1996)  相似文献   

V A Knight 《Life sciences》1974,15(1):95-102
Alternative reactions of ouabain with Na+ + K+ ATPase are described which may be interpreted by assuming that a conformational change takes place. Each conformational form appears to be dependent upon the cationic environment. The reaction of ouabain with one form inhibits the dephosphorylation step and inhibits the binding of ATP when it reacts with another conformational form.  相似文献   

The proton gradient (delta pH) and electrical potential (delta psi) across the neurosecretory vesicles were measured using the optical probes 9-aminoacridine and Oxanol VI, respectively. The addition of neurosecretory vesicles to 9-aminoacridine resulted in a rapid quenching of the dye fluorescence which was reversed when the delta pH was collapsed with ammonium chloride or K+ in the presence of nigericin. From fluorescence quenching data and the intravesicular volume, delta pH across the membrane was calculated. Mg2+ ATP caused a marked carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone-sensitive change in the membrane potential measured using Oxanol VI (plus 100 mV inside positive), presumably due to H+ translocation across the neurosecretory vesicle membrane. Imposition of this membrane potential was responsible for the lysis of vesicles in the presence of permeant anions. The effectiveness of these anions to support lysis reflected the relative permeability of the anion which followed the order acetate greater than I- greater than Cl greater than F- greater than SO4- = isethionate = methyl sulfate. These data showed that the neurosecretory vesicles possess a membrane H+-translocating system and prompted the study of Mg2+-dependent ATPase activities in the vesicle fractions. In intact vesicles a Mg2+ ATPase appeared to be coupled to electrogenic proton translocation, since the enzyme activity was enhanced by uncoupling the electrical potential, using proton ionophores. Inhibition of this enzyme with dicyclohexylcarbodiimide also inhibited the carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone-sensitive delta psi across the vesicle membrane caused by H+ translocation. A second Mg2+ ATPase was also found on the vesicle membranes which is sensitive to vanadate. Complete inhibition of this enzyme with vanadate had little effect on the proton ionophore-uncoupled ATPase activity or on the Mg2+ ATP-induced membrane potential change.  相似文献   

It was shown that the proton conductivity of Enterococcus hirae ATCC9790 membrane increases three times as pH of the growth medium decreases from 8.5 to 5.5. The changes in proton conductivity are interrelated to the values of membrane and redox potentials of the cell, which in turn vary depending on the pH value of growth medium. The energy-dependent H+ efflux for cells fermenting sugar (the glucose) decreases 1.5 times as pH decreases from 8.5 to 5.5; in this case, the N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide at lower pH values suppresses the H+ efflux more intensively than at higher pH values, the H+ efflux nonsensitive to N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide being practically unchanged. The H+ efflux in the ATPase mutant MS116 is significantly (approximately 3 times) lower than that in the precursor strain and does not depend on pH. The results show that the proton conductivity of the membrane of this bacterium depends on pH of the growth medium. It is possible that the energy-dependent H+ efflux through F1F0-ATPase is interrelated with membrane proton conductivity.  相似文献   

Evidence for an increase in the activity of the vacuolar H+-translocatingATPase of barley roots, accompanied by qualitative change, inresponse to exogenously applied abscisic acid (ABA) has beenreported previously [Kasai et al. (1993b) Plant Cell Physiol.34: 1107]. In the present study, such an increase in the H+-translocatingATPase activity was shown to occur upon treatment of barleyroots with vanadate. Furthermore, the level of endogenous ABAin the roots was shown to increase significantly as a resultof this treatment. The present observations provide furthersupport for the proposed physiological significance of cellularABA in the regulation of the vacuolar H+-translocating ATPaseactivity. (Received September 3, 1993; Accepted December 16, 1993)  相似文献   

Rogosa broth, without its salt supplement and dissolved in deionized water, was adapted for the selective isolation and enumeration of enterococci. This medium supported good growth of enterococci, but it suppressed growth of other lactic acid bacteria. The sensitivity and specificity of the medium were tested after addition of various increasing concentrations of NaN(3) against known strains of enterococci and other bacteria. Many strains of Streptococcus faecium showed low azide tolerance; optimal growth was obtained at a concentration of 0.01% NaN(3), which totally or partially inhibited unrelated species of lactic acid bacteria. The selectivity of the medium was further increased by pH adjustment to 9.6. Carbonate and Tween 80 were added to overcome partial inhibition of enterococcal growth by the new combination of selective conditions. The final medium was evaluated in agar form in isolations from human and animal feces, polluted water, meat, and dairy products. Counts were obtained after 16 to 17 h of incubation at 37 C. The isolates satisfactorily conformed to the group characteristics of enterococci.  相似文献   

The 26 amino acid bee venom toxin, melittin, is an amphipathic helical polypeptide which inhibits the gastric (H+ + K+)ATPase. The site of interaction with the (H+ + K+)ATPase was shown to be the alpha subunit of the (H+ + K+)ATPase in studies using [125I]azidosalicylyl melittin, a radioactive photoaffinity analog of melittin. A synthetic amphipathic polypeptide (Trp3) containing tryptophan, which exhibits a structure similar to that of melittin, also inhibited the gastric (H+ + K+)ATPase, and prevented labeling by [125I]azidosalicylyl melittin. These findings suggested that melittin and the synthetic amphipathic helical polypeptide were bound to the same or overlapping site(s). In the present studies, novel tritiated photoaffinity analogs of Trp3 containing benzoylphenylalanine (in place of tryptophan) were used to photoaffinity label the (H+ + K+)ATPase. These studies help to establish that the (H+ + K+)ATPase contains a binding site for polypeptides which exhibit an amphipathic helical motif. The precise amino acid sequence of the polypeptide appears to be of secondary importance for interaction with the (H+ + K+)ATPase as long as the alpha helical motif is present. The benzoylphenylalanine containing polypeptides are ideal for mapping the binding site on the (H+ + K+)ATPase. Using an antibody which recognizes this amphipathic helical (melittin-like) motif, we have demonstrated that the gastric parietal cell contains a 67 kDa melittin-like protein. This protein was associated with the gastric parietal cell apical membrane in the stimulated (secreting) state, but not in the resting (non-secreting) state. The binding site for the gastric melittin-like protein appears to overlap with the melittin binding site on the alpha subunit of the (H+ + K+)ATPase. The potential physiological significance of the melittin binding site and the overlapping binding site for this newly identified endogenous melittin-like protein on the (H+ + K+)ATPase to regulated HCl secretion by the parietal cell is presently under investigation. Evidence is presented which demonstrates that melittin binds to other E1-E2 ion pumps, raising the possibility that there might exist similar intracellular proteins which interact with other ion pumps.  相似文献   

Ouabain-binding and phosphorylation of (Na+ mk+)-ATPase (EC of the plasma membranes from kidney were investigated after treatment with N-ethylmaleimide or oligomycin. Either of these inhibitors brought about the following changes: the phosphoenzyme, formed in the presence of Na+, Mg2+ and ATP became essentially insensitive to splitting by K+ but was split by ADP. One mole of this ADP-sensitive phosphoenzyme bound one mole of ouabain but the enzyme-ouabain complex was less stable than in the native enzyme primarily because the rate of its dissociation increased. Ouabain was bound to the ADP-sensitive phosphoenzyme in the presence of Mg2+ alone and addition of inorganic phosphate enhanced both the rate of formation and the steady-state level of the enzyme-ouabain complex. The inhibitors did not affect the properties of this second type of complex. Both in the native enzyme and in the enzyme treated with the two inhibitors inorganic phosphate enhanced ouabain binding by phosphorylating the active center of the enzyme as shown (a) by mapping the labeled peptides from the enzyme after peptic digestion, (b) by inhibition of this phosphorylation with Na+ and (c) by the 1:1 stoichiometric relation between this phosphorylation and the amount of bound ouabain. Unlike the phosphoenzyme, the binding of ouabain remained sensitive to K+ in the enzyme treated with the inhibitors. K+ slowed ouabain-binding either in the presence of Na+, Mg2+ and ATP or of Mg2+ and inorganic phosphate. A higher concentration of K+ was needed to slow ouabain-binding either in the presence of Na+, Mg2+ and ATP or of Mg2+ and inorganic phosphate. A higher concentration of K+ was needed to slow ouabain-binding than to stimulate dephosphorylation. This finding is interpreted as being an indication of separate sites for K+ on the enzyme: a site(s) with high K+-affinity which stimulates dephosphorylation, another site(s) with moderate K+-affinity which inhibits ouabain-binding. Inhibitors may enhance formation of the ADP-sensitive phosphoenzyme by blocking interaction between K+ and the site(s) with high affinity.  相似文献   

Extracellular acidification and reduction of extracellular K+ are known to decrease the currents of some voltage-gated potassium channels. Although the macroscopic conductance of WT hKv1.5 channels is not very sensitive to [K+]o at pH 7.4, it is very sensitive to [K+]o at pH 6.4, and in the mutant, H463G, the removal of K+ o virtually eliminates the current at pH 7.4. We investigated the mechanism of current regulation by K+ o in the Kv1.5 H463G mutant channel at pH 7.4 and the wild-type channel at pH 6.4 by taking advantage of Na+ permeation through inactivated channels. Although the H463G currents were abolished in zero [K+]o, robust Na+ tail currents through inactivated channels were observed. The appearnnce of H463G Na+ currents with a slow rising phase on repolarization after a very brief depolarization (2 ms) suggests that channels could activate directly from closed-inactivated states. In wild-type channels, when intracellular K+ was replaced by NMG+ and the inward Na+ current was recorded, addition of 1 mM K+ prevented inactivation, but changing pH from 7.4 to 6.4 reversed this action. The data support the idea that C-type inactivation mediated at R487 in Kv1.5 channels is influenced by H463 in the outer pore. We conclude that both acidification and reduction of [K+]o inhibit Kv1.5 channels through a common mechananism (i.e., by increasing channel inactivation, which occurs in the resting state or develops very rapidly after activation).  相似文献   

The marine bacterium, Vibrio alginolyticus, regulates the cytoplasmic pH at about 7.8 over the pH range 6.0–9.0. By the addition of diethanolamine (a membrane-permeable amine) at pH 9.0, the internal pH was alkalized and simultaneously the cellular K+ was released. Following the K+ exit, the internal pH was acidified until 7.8, where the K+ exit leveled off. The K+ exit was mediated by a K+/H+ antiporter that is driven by the outwardly directed K+ gradient and ceases to function at the internal pH of 7.8 and below. The Na+-loaded cells assayed in the absence of KCl generated inside acidic ΔpH at alkaline pH due to the function of an Na+/H+ antiporter, but the internal pH was not maintained at a constant value. At acidic pH range, the addition of KCl to the external medium was necessary for the alkalization of cell interior. These results suggested that in cooperation with the K+ uptake system and H+ pumps, the K+/H+ antiporter functions as a regulator of cytoplasmic pH to maintain a constant value of 7.8 over the pH range 6.0–9.0.  相似文献   

1. Microsomal preparations from the gills of the freshwater mussel anodonta cygnea cellensis show Mg2+ -dependent Na+ - or K+ -stimulated ATPase activity, which is not inhibited by ouabain. 2. Na+ - or Ka+ -ATPase activity is decreased by Ca2+, acetylcholine, choline, and tetramethylammonium, but slightly increased by ethyl alcohol. 3. It is tentatively suggested that Na+ - or K+ -ATPase is involved in the mechanism of active monovalent cation uptake through the gills of freshwater mussels.  相似文献   

Studies with intact and lysed gastric microsomal vesicles demonstrate that there are two pNPP (p-nitrophenyl phosphate)-and one ATP-hydrolytic sites within the gastric H+, K+-ATPase [(H+ + K+)-transporting ATPase] complex. Whereas the ATPase site is located exclusively on the vesicle exterior, the pNPPase sites are distributed equally on both sides of the bilayer. Competition by ATP for the pNPPase reaction on the vesicle exterior suggests that both ATP and pNPP are hydrolysed at the same catalytic site present at the outside surface of the intact vesicles. However, a biphasic inhibition of the K+-pNPPase (K+-stimulated pNPPase) by ATP in the lysed vesicles suggest the pNPPase site of the vesicle interior to have very low affinity (Ki approximately equal to 1.2 mM) for ATP compared with the vesicle exterior (Ki approximately equal to 0.2 mM). Studies with spermine, which competes with K+ for the K+-pNPPase reaction without inhibiting the H+, K+-ATPase, suggest there are two separate K+ sites for the pNPPase reaction and another distinct K+ site for the ATPase reaction. In contrast with the K+ site for the ATPase, which is located opposite to the catalytic site across the bilayer, both the K+ and the catalytic site for the pNPPase are located on the same side. The data clearly demonstrate that the pNPPase is not a manifestation of the phosphatase step of the total H+, K+-ATPase reaction. The K+-pNPPase associated with the Na+, K+-ATPase also has properties strikingly similar to the gastric K+-pNPPase system, suggesting a resemblance in the basic operating principle of the two ion-transporting enzymes. A unified model has been proposed to explain the present data and many other observations reported in the literature for the ATPase-mediated transport of univalent cations.  相似文献   

The characteristics of root plasma membrane ATPase (PM-ATPase) of "Weiyou 49", a K+ -deficit tolerant rice (Oryza sativa L. ) variety and of "Yuanyou 1", a K+ -deficit non-tolerant rice variety, had some similarities:Their optimum pH value were both about 6.0; Their activities reached the maximum at ATP concentration of 3 mmol/L; Km was 0.85 mmol/L and external K+ stimulated their activities. However, when [K+ ] was less than or equal to 50 mmol/L in the medium, the increasing of K + stimulated the activity of the PM-ATPase of "Weiyou 49" much more than that of "Yuanyou 1". When [K+ ] was between 100 to 200 mmol/L, the difference of the PM-AT- Pase activities decreased between the two rice varieties caused by K + stimulation. The basic H + extrusion of the two varieties had no apparent difference, but the H + extrusion stimulated by K + was different. The H+ extrusion of "Weiyou 49" was relatively more sensitive to external K+ . The experiment using inhibitors showed that there were close relationship between the PM-ATPase activi- ties stimulated by K+ and K+ uptake in the two varieties. The inhibition of PM-ATPase activity and H+ -extrusion stimulated by K+ reduced the K+ uptake of the root segments in both varieties. So the possible reason for "Weiyou 49" growing well in the low external K+ was that its PM-ATPase and H+ extrusion was more sensitive to external K+ , especially when [K+ ] was low.  相似文献   

The change of intracellular pH of erythrocytes under different experimental conditions was investigated using the pH-sensitive fluorescent dye BCECF and correlated with (ouabain + bumetanide + EGTA)-insensitive K+ efflux and Cl loss. When human erythrocytes were suspended in a physiological NaCl solution (pH o = 7.4), the measured pH i was 7.19 ± 0.04 and remained constant for 30 min. When erythrocytes were transferred into a low ionic strength (LIS) solution, an immediate alkalinization increased the pH i to 7.70 ± 0.15, which was followed by a slower cell acidification. The alkalinization of cells in LIS media was ascribed to a band 3 mediated effect since a rapid loss of approximately 80% of intracellular Cl content was observed, which was sensitive to known anion transport inhibitors. In the case of cellular acidification, a comparison of the calculated H+ influx with the measured unidirectional K+ efflux at different extracellular ionic strengths showed a correlation with a nearly 1:1 stoichiometry. Both fluxes were enhanced by decreasing the ionic strength of the solution resulting in a H+ influx and a K+ efflux in LIS solution of 108.2 ± 20.4 mmol (l cells hr)−1 and 98.7 ± 19.3 mmol (l cells hr)−1, respectively. For bovine and porcine erythrocytes, in LIS media, H+ influx and K+ efflux were of comparable magnitude, but only about 10% of the fluxes observed in human erythrocytes under LIS conditions. Quinacrine, a known inhibitor of the mitochondrial K+(Na+)/H+ exchanger, inhibited the K+ efflux in LIS solution by about 80%. Our results provide evidence for the existence of a K+(Na+)/H+ exchanger in the human erythrocyte membrane. Received: 22 December 1999/Revised: 10 April 2000  相似文献   

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