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We have studied the relationship between pH banding and the organization of cortical microtubules in the alga Chara corallina Klein ex Willd. Microtubules were visualized by immunofluorescence and also by imunogold-silver enhancement to allow immediate comparison of microtubule arrangement with visible structural cell features. In cells that are nearing growth completion, microtubule number and alignment change between acidic and alkaline bands over a distance of a few micrometres. Thus, it appears that the still unknown mechanisms for microtubule organization respond to the localized differences in membrane properties. Band formation was not prevented when microtubules were depolymerized with the herbicide oryzalin, demonstrating that microtubules are not necessary for pH bands to develop in these cells.Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - MT microtubule We thank Frank Gubler for helpful advice on immunogold-silver enhancement procedures, Brian Gunning for tuition in confocal microscopy, Ann Cork for assistance with photography and Dean Price for helpful discussions. G.O.W. gratefully acknowledges the receipt of a National Research Fellowship and a Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship from the Australian Research Council.  相似文献   

Summary Removal of Ca2+ from the medium results in depolarization of theChara internodal cell and an increase in membrane conductance (G m). The increase in conductance is associated with an increase in K+ conductance, as judged by Ca2+ effects on the K+ dependence of clamp current. The voltage dependence ofG m is also affected by Ca2+, as is the time course of the response of clamp current to a step change in voltage. Mg2+ restores the low conductance and the fast response to a voltage change, but not hyperpolarization at neutral pH, suggesting that there is an additional, independent effect on the electrogenic pump. The membrane does not show the normal ability to increase proton conductance at high pH in the absence of Ca2+; this is also restored by Mg2+ as well as by Ca2+.  相似文献   

Summary The current-voltage curve of theChara membrane was obtained by applying a slow ramp de- and hyperpolarization by use of voltage clamp. By inhibiting the electrogenic pump with 50m DCCD (dicyclohexylcarbodiimide), theI–V curve approached a steady state within 100 min, which gave thei d -V curve of the passive diffusion channel. Thei p -V curve of the electrogenic pump channel was obtained by subtracting the latter from the former. With the increase of external pH, thei d -V curve showed only a slight change, while thei p -V curve of the pump channel showed almost a parallel shift, in the hyperpolarizing direction, along the voltage axis in the pH range between 6.5 and 7.5. The sigmoidali p -V curve in this pH range could be simulated satisfactorily with the five-state model reported previously (U. Kishimoto, N. Kami-ike, Y. Takeuchi & T. Ohkawa,J. Membrane Biol. 80:175–183, 1984) as well as with a lumped two-state model presented in this report. The analysis based on these models suggests that the electrogenic pump of theChara membrane is mainly a 2H+/1ATP pump. The forward rate constant in the voltage-dependent step increased with the increase of external pH, while the backward one decreased. On the other hand, the forward rate constant in the voltage-independent step remained almost unchanged with the increase of external pH, while the backward one increased markedly. The pump conductance at the resting membrane potential showed either a slight increase or a decrease with the increase of external pH, depending on the sample. Nevertheless, the pump current showed generally a slight increase with the increase of external pH.  相似文献   

In leaves of Elodea densa the membrane potential measured in light equals the equilibrium potential of H+ on the morphological upper plasma membrane. The apoplastic pH on the upper side of the leaf is as high as 10.5-11.0, which indicates that alkaline pH induces an increased H+ permeability of the plasmalemma. To study this hypothesis in more detail we investigated the changes in membrane potential and conductance in response to alterations in the external pH from 7 (= control) to 9 or 11 under both light and dark conditions. Departing from the control pH 7 condition, in light and in dark the application of pH 9 resulted in a depolarization of the membrane potential to the Nernst potential of H+. In the light but not in the dark, this depolarization was followed by a repolarization to about -160 mV. The change to pH 9 induced, in light as well as in dark, an increase in membrane conductance. The application of pH 11, which caused a momentary hyper- or depolarization depending on the value at the time pH 11 was applied, brought the membrane potential to around -160 mV. The membrane conductance also increased, in comparison to its value at pH 7, as a result of the application of pH 11, irrespective of the light conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The toxicity of some heavy metals to the common macrophytic freshwater algaChara vulgaris was studied under laboratory conditions. For experiments, apical tips of algae containing two internodes were cultivated for fourteen days in the presence of various concentrations of cadmium, mercury or lead (as triethyl lead or lead nitrate). Fifty percent growth inhibition occurred with concentrations of 8.5×10–8 M (9.5 ppb) cadmium, 7.5×10–7M (150ppb) mercury, 1.6×10–6 M (330ppb) organic lead or 4× 10–5 M (8000 ppb) inorganic lead. Sublethal concentrations of these metals caused alterations in the fine structure of internodal cells which turned out to be at least partly metal-specific or in the case of lead, the effects depended on whether the lead was ionic or organically bound. Cadmium and inorganic lead induced disorders of cell wall microfibrils which resulted in local wall protuberances. Mercury affected the chloroplasts which mostly showed considerably increased grana stacks. In addition, mercury caused a dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum and of the mitochondrial tubuli. Organic lead damaged the membrane system of chloroplasts; sheet- or tubule-like thylakoids were disarranged and showed whorl-like structures. At higher concentrations of organic lead, tubular invaginations of the plasmalemma (charasomes) disappeared. The fine structure of nuclei was not altered by any of the metals.  相似文献   

M. Braun 《Protoplasma》1996,191(1-2):1-8
Summary Myosin-related proteins have been localized immunocytochemically in gravity-sensing rhizoids of the green algaChara globularis using a monoclonal antibody against the heavy chain of myosin from mouse 3T3 cells and a polyclonal antibody to bovine skeletal and smooth muscle myosin. In the basal zone of the rhizoids which contain a large vacuole, streaming endoplasm and stationary cortical cytoplasm, the monoclonal antibody stained myosin-related proteins as diffusely fluorescing endoplasmic strands. This pattern is similar to the arrangement of subcortical actin filament bundles. In the apical zone which contains an aggregation of ER membranes and secretory vesicles for tip growth, diffuse immunofluorescence was detected; the intensity of the signal increasing towards the apical cell wall. The most prominent myosin-staining was associated with the surface of statoliths in the apical zone. The polyclonal antibody produced a punctate staining pattern in the basal zone, caused by myosin-related proteins associated with the surface of drganelles in the streaming endoplasm and the periphery of the nucleus. In the apical zone, this antibody revealed myosin-immunofluorescence on the surface of statoliths in methacrylate-embedded rhizoids. Neither antibody revealed myosin-immunofluorescence on the surface of organelles and vesicles in the relatively stationary cytoplasm of the subapical zone. These results indicate (i) that different classes of myosin are involved in the various transport processes inChara rhizoids; (ii) that cytoplasmic streaming in rhizoids is driven by actomyosin, corresponding to the findings onChara internodal cells; (iii) that actindependent control of statolith position and active movement is mediated by myosin-related proteins associated with the statolith surfaces; and (iv) that myosin-related proteins are involved in the process of tip growth.  相似文献   

The dependence of the membrane potential (Em) and the membrane resistance (Rm) of Chara australis R. Brown on the pH of the external medium (pH0) was studied by controlling the activity of the plasmamembrane H+ pump under both light and dark conditions. The activity of the pump was controlled by regulating the internal ATP or Mg2+ concentration in tonoplast-free cells prepared by vacuolar perfusion. In these cells, which contained Mg · ATP (mgATP cells), Em and Rm were very sensitive to pH0, as in normal cells. Em was more negative in light than in the dark at all pH0 values tested. Tonoplast-free cells with very low [ATP]i (-ATP cells) or [Mg2+]i (-Mg cells) showed very weak dependence of Em and Rm on pH0. Thus, the active and not the passive component of Em was sensitive to pH0. At the same time, the high permeability of the plasma membrane to H+ was questioned. In both-ATP cells and-Mg cells, Em was scarcely affected and Rm markedly decreased on illumination.Abbreviations CyDTA 1,2-cyclohexanediamine-N,N-tetraacetic acid - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-(-aminoethylether)N,N-tetraacetic acid - HK hexokinase  相似文献   

H. Lühring 《Protoplasma》1986,133(1):19-28
Summary The cytoplasmic drop formed of effused cytoplasm fromChara internodes is enclosed by a membrane. Patch clamp experiments have been carried out on this membrane, revealing a K+ channel as the most frequently detected ion translocator. The K+ channel is saturated at a level of about 20 pA inward and 10 pA outward current. The channel conductance is dependent on the accessability of K+ ions, its maximum value amounts to about 165 pS. The discrimination of Na+ and Cl is significant, permeability ratios PNa/PK and PCl/PK were estimated to be 0.01 either. Binding experiments with the fluorescent probe concanavalin A/FITC suggest that the membrane is derived from the tonoplast.Abbreviations EK K+ equilibrium potential - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanat - Vm membrane voltage - Vpip pipette clamp voltage - Vr reversal voltage  相似文献   

Summary The basolateral potassium conductance of cells of most epithelial cells plays an important role in the transcellular sodium transport inasmuch as the large negative equilibrium potential of potassium across this membrane contributes to the electrical driving force for Na+ across the apical membrane. In the present study, we have attempted to establish, theI-V curve of the basolateral membrane of theAmphiuma collecting tubule, a membrane shown to be K+ selective. TransepithelialI-V curves were obtained in short, isolated perfused collecting tubule segments. The shunt conductance was determined using amiloride to block the apical membrane Na+ conductance. In symmetrical solutions, the shuntI-V curve was linear (conductance: 2.2±0.3 mS·cm–2). Transcellular current was calculated by subtracting the shunt current from the transepithelial current in the absence of amiloride. Using intracellular microelectrodes, it was then possible to measure the basolateral membrane potential simultaneously with the transcellular current. The basolateral conductance was found to be voltage dependent, being activated by hyperpolarization: conductance values at –30 and –80 mV were 3.6±1.0 and 6.6±1.0 mS·cm–2, respectively. BasolateralI-V curves were thus clearly different from that predicted by the constant field model. These results indicate that the K+-selective basolateral conductance of an amphibian collecting tubule shows inward (anomalous) rectification. Considering the electrogenic nature basolateral Na–K-pump, this may account for coupling between pump-generated potential and basolateral K+ conductance.  相似文献   

A. L. Moore  S. B. Wilson 《Planta》1978,141(3):297-302
The permeability of the inner membrane of turnip mitochondria to H+ and OH- ions has been investigated using an acid pulse technique. The rate of decay of a H+ pulse across the inner membrane is exponential having first-order kinetics and gives t 1/2 values of approx 54 s at neutral pH and at 25° C. Valinomycin or 1799 alone have little effect on t 1/2 values, whereas in combination, values of <15 s are observed. Nigericin produces a similar effect. The effective proton conductance of the inner membrane near pH 7 at 25° C is 0.27 nmol H+ min-1 mg protein-1 mV-1. The results suggest that at neutral pH, the inner membrane of plant mitochondria is relatively impermeable to H+ and OH- ions.  相似文献   

Summary Buffering capacities and membrane conductance to H+ were measure inAcetobacter aceti ATCC 15973 andGluconobacter oxydans ATCC 621 by a pulse technique. In both strains the buffering capacity of intact cells was a significant proportion of the total buffering capacity, but the magnitude of the buffering capacity varied between one species and another. Over the pH range studied, 4.02 to 8.15,Gluconobacter oxydans, which oxidizes sugars and alcohols to acids and accumulates them, showed lower values of buffering capacities and membrane conductance to protons thanAcetobacter aceti, which oxidizes these substrates completely to CO2 and H2O.  相似文献   

Summary The sigmoidal current-voltage curve (i p -V curve) of the electrogenic H+-pump of theChara membrane was simulated satisfactorily with a simple reaction kinetic model which assumed consecutive changes in state of H+-ATPase. Four rate constants, i.e., forward and backward ones in voltage-dependent and-independent steps could be evaluated from the data. The emf of the pump (E p ), the voltage at which the pump current changes its sign, varies only slightly with temperature. However, the pump current (i p ) is highly temperature dependent, and there-fore the conductance (g p ) of the pump, calculated as the chord conductance from thei p-V curve, is also highly voltage dependent having a peak at a level somewhat less negative than the resting potential. In contrast tog p , the conductance (i p ) of the passive channel does not change appreciably with temperature. Arrhenius plots ofg p and also of the rate constants showed a clear bend at about 19°C. Great temperature dependence of the kinetic parameters offers useful information on the pumping mechanism of theChara membrane.  相似文献   

Maria Kwiatkowska 《Protoplasma》1988,142(2-3):137-146
Summary The antheridium ofChara vulgaris L. is connected by plasmodesmata with the thallusvia a basal cell. Prior to the initiation of spermatozoid differentiation these plasmodesmata are spontaneously broken, resulting in symplasmic isolation of the antheridium.Premature plasmolytically evoked symplasmic isolation of the antheridium leads to a 2–4 fold reduction in the length of antheridial filaments and the elimination of 1–2 cell cycles from the first stage of spermatogenesis.Autoradiographic and cytophotometric studies have shown that, as a result of induced symplasmic isolation of the antheridium, endomitotic DNA synthesis was blocked both in the young manubria (after 24 hours) and in the capitular cells (after 48 hours). In the antheridial filaments DNA synthesis was inhibited together with either elimination of divisions and induction of spermatid differentiation or developmental block. We propose that breakage of plasmodesmata connecting the antheridium with the thallus is a signal which releases, in all antheridia, mechanisms that (i) block endomitotic DNA synthesis in the manubria, (ii) restrict the growth rate and the divisions of antheridial filament cells, and (iii) induce spermiogenesis in these antheridia in which the manubria attained the sufficient level of polyploidy.This work is supported by the Polish Academy of Sciences within the project CPBP  相似文献   

Summary Voltage-clamped steps in the electric potential difference (PD) across the membrane in cells of the green alga,Chara inflata, cause voltage- and time-dependent current flows, interpreted to arise from opening and closing of various types of ion channel in the membrane. With cells in the light, these channels are normally closed, and the resting PD is probably determined by the operation of an H+ efflux pump. Positive steps in PD from the resting level often caused the opening of K+ channels with sigmoid kinetics. The channels began to show opening when the PD–120 mV for an external concentration of K+ of 1.0mm. Return of the PD to the resting level caused closing of the channels with complex kinetics. Various treatments of the cell could cause these K+ channels to open, and remain open continuously, with the PD then lying closer to the Nernst PD for K+. The K+ channels have been identified by the blocking effects of TEA+. Another group of channels, probably Cl and Ca2+ associated with the action potential open when the PD is stepped to values less negative than –50 mV. Negative steps from the resting PD cause the slow opening, with a time course of seconds, of yet another type of channel, probably Cl.  相似文献   

Summary Confluent monolayers of the established opossum kidney cell line were exposed to NH4Cl pulses (20 mmol/liter) during continuous intracellular measurements of pH, membrane potential (PD m ) and membrane resistance (R m) in bicarbonate-free Ringer. The removal of extracellular NH4Cl leads to an intracellular acidification from a control value of 7.33±0.08 to 6.47±0.03 (n=7). This inhibits the absolute K conductance (g K+), reflected by a decrease of K+ transference number from 71±3% (n=28) to 26±6% (n=5), a 2.6±0.2-fold rise ofR m, and a depolarization by 24.2±1.5 mV (n=52). In contrast, intracellular acidification during a block ofg K+ by 3 mmol/liter BaCl2 enhances the total membrane conductance, being shown byR m decrease to 68±7% of control and cell membrane depolarization by 9.8±2.8 mV (n=17). Conversely, intracellular alkalinization under barium elevatesR m and hyperpolarizes PD m . The replacement of extracellular sodium by choline in the presence of BaCl2 significantly hyperpolarizes PD m and increasesR m, indicating the presence of a sodium conductance. This conductance is not inhibited by 10–4 mol/liter amiloride (n=7). Patch-clamp studies at the apical membrane (excised inside-out configuration) revealed two Na+-conductive channels with 18.8±1.4 pS (n=10) and 146 pS single-channel conductance. Both channels are inwardly rectifying and highly selective towards Cl. The low-conductive channel is 4.8 times more permeable for Na+ than for K+. Its open probability rises at depolarizing potentials and is dependent on the pH of the membrane inside (higher at pH 6.5 than at pH 7.8).  相似文献   

Summary Three possible explanations of the negative capacitance seen in theChara corallina membrane impedance are critically examined. These explanations are based on: (1) voltage-dependent channel kinetics; (2) electro-osmosis; and (3) extracellular negative capacitance. It is shown that the first two can produce negative capacitance only with parameters which differ by several orders of magnitude from measured values. The last mechanism can produce a very large magnitude negative capacitance, in the appropriate frequency range. Possible experimental tests are discussed.  相似文献   

R. J. Reid  L. D. Field  M. G. Pitman 《Planta》1985,166(3):341-347
31P-Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to measure the cytoplasmic pH (pHc) in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) root tips. As the external pH was raised from 4–10, pHc was found to increase from 7.44 to 7.75. The sensitivity of pHc to changes in external pH decreased with increasing external pH. Metabolic inhibition by sodium azide caused pHc to fall by 0.3 units. Addition of 10 mM butyrate resulted in a gradual decline in pHc, by approx. 0.3 units over 90 min. At a concentration of 1 mM, butyrate had no effect on pHc even after 2 h. Fusicoccin caused pHc to rise by 0.1–0.2 units. In maize (Zea mays L.) root tips, pHc was shown to have a similar sensitivity to fusicoccin. The results are discussed in relation to the regulation of pHc and the possible role of pHc in determining transmembrane electrical potential differences.Abbreviations and symbols FC Fusicoccin - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - p.d. membrane electrical potential difference - pHc cytoplasmic pH - P1 inorganic phosphate - chemical shift  相似文献   

Summary The current-voltage curve of theChara membrane was obtained by applying a slow ramp depo- and hyperpolarization by use of voltage clamp. With the progress of poisoning by DCCD (dicyclohexylcarbodiimide) theI–V curve moved by about 50 mV (depolarization) along the voltage axis, reducing its slope, and finally converged to thei d -V curve of the passive diffusion channel. Changes ofi p -V curve of the electrogenic pump channel could be obtained by subtracting the latter from the former.The sigmoidali p -V curve could be simulated satisfactorily by adopting a simple reaction kinetic model. Kinetic parameters of the successive changes of state of the H+ ATPase could be evaluated. Changes of these kinetic parameters during inhibition gave useful information about the molecular mechanism of the electrogenic pump.Depolarization of the membrane potential, decrease of membrane conductance, and decrease of pump current during inhibition of the pump with DCCD are caused mainly by the decrease of conductance of the pump channel. The decrease of this pump conductance is caused principally by a marked decrease of the rate constant for releasing H+ to the outside.  相似文献   

Summary The current-voltage curve (I–V curve) of theChara membrane was obtained by applying a slow ramp hyper- and depolarization by use of voltage clamp. By inhibiting the electrogenic pump with 50m DCCD (dicyclohexylcarbodiimide), theI–V curve approached a steadyI–V curve within two hours, which gave thei d -V curve of the passive diffusion channel. Thei p -V curve of the electrogenic pump channel was obtained by subtracting the latter from the former. The sigmoidali p -V curve could be simulated satisfactorily with a simple reaction kinetic model which assumes a stoichiometric ratio of 2. The emf of the pump (E p ) is given as the voltage at which the pump current changes its sign. The conductance of the pump (g p ) can be calculated as the chord conductance from thei p -V curve, which is highly voltage dependent having a peak at a definite voltage. The changes of emf and conductance during excitation were determined by use of the current clamp (I=0). Since theE p andg p (V) are known, the changes, during excitation, of emf (E d ) and conductance (g d ) of the passive diffusion channel can be calculated. The marked increase of the membrane conductance and the large depolarization during the action potential are caused by the marked increase of the conductance of the passive diffusion channel and the large depolarization of its emf. The conductance of the electrogenic pump decreases to about half at the peak of action potential, while the pump current increases almost to a saturated level.  相似文献   

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