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The survival of pancreatic beta cells depends on the balance between external cytotoxic and protective molecular systems. The neuropeptide neurotensin (NT) has been shown to regulate certain functions of the endocrine pancreas including insulin and glucagon release. However, the mechanism of action of NT as well as the identification of receptors involved in the pancreatic functions of the peptide remained to be studied. We demonstrate here that NT is an efficient protective agent of pancreatic beta cells against cytotoxic agents. Both beta-TC3 and INS-1E cell lines and the mouse pancreatic islet cells express the three known NT receptors. The incubation of beta cells with NT protects cells from apoptosis induced either by staurosporine or by IL-1beta. In beta-TC3 cells, NT activates both MAP and PI-3 kinases pathways and strongly reduces the staurosporine or the Il-1beta-induced caspase-3 activity by a mechanism involving Akt activation. The NTSR2 agonist levocabastine displays the same protective effect than NT whereas the NTSR1 antagonist is unable to block the effect of NT suggesting the predominant involvement of the NTSR2 in the action of NT on beta cells. These results clearly indicate for the first time that NT is able to protect endocrine beta cells from external cytotoxic agents, a role well correlated with its release in the circulation after a meal.  相似文献   

传统观念认为,出生时就已拥有了终生的胰腺β细胞(由它产生胰岛素)。然而,现有证据表明,β细胞群是动态的,通过β细胞功能和β细胞群大小数量的变化来维持血糖浓度局限于一个很狭窄的生理范围内。β细胞群大小数量的增加或减小,可能与β细胞数量(增殖或凋亡)和单个细胞体积(肥大或萎缩)的变化有关。当机体不能精确调控β细胞群的大小数量时,就会发生糖尿病。因此,了解β细胞的发育分化、干细胞起源和代偿机制对防治糖尿病具有重要意义。本文简要介绍这方面取得的进展。  相似文献   

In poliovirus-infected HeLa cells, poliovirus RNA is translated at times when cellular mRNA translation is strongly inhibited. It is thought that this translational control mechanism is mediated by inactivation of a cap-binding protein complex (comprising polypeptides of 24 [24-kilodalton cap-binding protein], 50, and approximately 220 kilodaltons). This complex can restore the translation of capped mRNAs in extracts from poliovirus-infected cells. We have previously shown that the virally induced defect prevents interaction between cap recognition factors and mRNA. Here, we show that the cap-binding protein complex (and not the 24-kilodalton cap-binding protein) has activity that restores the cap-specific mRNA-protein interaction when added to initiation factors from poliovirus-infected cells. Thus, the activity that restores the cap-specific mRNA-protein interaction and that which restores the translation of capped mRNAs in extracts from poliovirus-infected cells, copurify. The results also indicate, by an alternative assay, that the cap-binding protein complex is the only factor inactivated by poliovirus. We also purified cap-binding proteins from uninfected and poliovirus-infected HeLa cells. By various criteria, the 24-kilodalton cap-binding protein is not structurally modified as a result of infection. However, the 220-kilodalton polypeptide of the cap-binding protein complex is apparently cleaved by a putative viral (or induced) protease. By in vivo labeling and m7GDP affinity chromatography, we isolated a modified cap-binding protein complex from poliovirus-infected cells, containing proteolytic cleavage fragments of the 220-kilodalton polypeptide.  相似文献   

Somatostatin-28 (SRIF-28) preferring receptors were solubilized from hamster beta cell insulinoma using the zwitterionic detergent 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl) dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate. The binding of the iodinated [Leu8-D-TRP22-Tyr25]SRIF-28 analog (referred to as 125I[LWY] SRIF-28) to the solubilized fraction was time-dependent, saturable, and reversible. Scatchard analysis of equilibrium binding data indicated that the solubilized extract contained two classes of SRIF-28-binding sites: a high affinity site (Kd = 0.3 nM and Bmax = 1 pmol/mg protein) and a low affinity site (Kd = 13 nM and Bmax = 4.7 pmol/mg protein). The binding of 125I[LWY]SRIF-28 to solubilized SRIF-28 receptors was sensitive to the GTP analog guanosine-5'-O-thiotriphosphate, suggesting that receptors are functionally linked to a G-protein. By anion-exchange chromatography of the solubilized extract followed by chromatography on wheat germ agglutinin, a 46-fold purification of SRIF-28 receptors was obtained. At this stage of purification, only high affinity sites were found (Kd = 1 nM) and the GTP effect was not maintained. A specific protein of 37 kDa was identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after photoaffinity labeling. We suggest that this protein is the putative SRIF-28 receptor or a subunit thereof.  相似文献   

Significant progress has been made in defining the structural motifs that distinguish the muscle-specific from other basic helix-loop-helix proteins. Evidence is accumulating for multiple levels of regulation of the expression and action of the muscle basic helix-loop-helix factors.  相似文献   



Expansion of beta cells from the limited number of adult human islet donors is an attractive prospect for increasing cell availability for cell therapy of diabetes. However, attempts at expanding human islet cells in tissue culture result in loss of beta-cell phenotype. Using a lineage-tracing approach we provided evidence for massive proliferation of beta-cell-derived (BCD) cells within these cultures. Expansion involves dedifferentiation resembling epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Epigenetic analyses indicate that key beta-cell genes maintain open chromatin structure in expanded BCD cells, although they are not transcribed. Here we investigated whether BCD cells can be redifferentiated into beta-like cells.

Methodology/Principal Finding

Redifferentiation conditions were screened by following activation of an insulin-DsRed2 reporter gene. Redifferentiated cells were characterized for gene expression, insulin content and secretion assays, and presence of secretory vesicles by electron microscopy. BCD cells were induced to redifferentiate by a combination of soluble factors. The redifferentiated cells expressed beta-cell genes, stored insulin in typical secretory vesicles, and released it in response to glucose. The redifferentiation process involved mesenchymal-epithelial transition, as judged by changes in gene expression. Moreover, inhibition of the EMT effector SLUG (SNAI2) using shRNA resulted in stimulation of redifferentiation. Lineage-traced cells also gave rise at a low rate to cells expressing other islet hormones, suggesting transition of BCD cells through an islet progenitor-like stage during redifferentiation.


These findings demonstrate for the first time that expanded dedifferentiated beta cells can be induced to redifferentiate in culture. The findings suggest that ex-vivo expansion of adult human islet cells is a promising approach for generation of insulin-producing cells for transplantation, as well as basic research, toxicology studies, and drug screening.  相似文献   

Summary Epithelial cells derived from bovine pancreatic duct have been grown continuously in culture for 30 weeks (approximately 90 doublings of the cell population). The cells were grown in Eagle's minimal essential medium supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum, 2 mM glutamine, 0.1 mM nonessential amino acids, and antibiotics. In confluent cultures, the cells are multilayered and form circular structures. When tested at various passages, the cells neither formed colonies in soft agar nor produced tumors after inoculation into athymic, nude mice. Hydrocortisone (1 and 5 μg per ml) and insulin (1,5 and 10 μg per ml) had no effect on the growth of the cells. β-Retinyl acetate inhibited growth rate and cell yield at a concentration of 5 μg per ml but was not growth-inhibitory at lower concentrations. By electron microscopy the cells have numerous mitochondria, Golgi and microvilli. Mucous droplets were observed in a small proportion of the cells. Desmosome-like structures and occluding junctions were observed more frequently between cells that had been transferred as aggregates than between cells transferred as single cells. Cytochemical studies indicated that some cells produce PAS positive granules that were not removed after treatment of the cultures with diastase. Eleven cell clones were isolated from the mass culture. The growth rates of the clones are different as well as the period of time in which the clones can be propagated in vitro. This work was supported in part by Y01 CP 60204 and N01 CP 43237.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells derived from bovine pancreatic duct have been grown continuously in culture for 30 weeks (approximately 90 doublings of the cell population). The cells were grown in Eagle's minimal essential medium supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum, 2 mM glutamine, 0.1 mM nonessential amino acids, and antibiotics. In confluent cultures, the cells are multilayered and form circular structures. When tested at various passages, the cells neither formed colonies in soft agar nor produced tumors after inoculation into athymic, nude mice. Hydrocortisone (1 and 5 microgram per ml) and insulin (1,5 and 10 microgram per ml) had no effect on the growth of the cells. beta-Retinyl acetate inhibited growth rate and cell yield at a concentration of 5 microgram per ml but was not growth-inhibitory at lower concentrations. By electron microscopy the cells have numerous mitochondria, Golgi and microvilli. Mucous droplets were observed in a small proportion of the cells. Desmosome-like structures and occluding junctions were observed more frequently between cells that had been transferred as aggregates than between cells transferred as single cells. Cytochemical studies indicated that some cells produce PAS positive granules that were not removed after treatment of the cultures with diastase. Eleven cell clones were isolated from the mass culture. The growth rates of the clones are different as well as the period of time in which the clones can be propagated in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary We present a convenient method for monitoring pancreatic beta cell development in real-time, through in vitro culture of embryonic pancreatic explants from transgenic mice with a genetic tag for insulin-producing beta cells.  相似文献   

DEC1 is a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) protein related to Drosophila Hairy, Enhancer of split and HES, and involved in the control of proliferation and/or differentiation of chondrocytes, neurons, etc. We report here the identification and characterization of human, mouse and rat DEC2, a novel member of the DEC subfamily. DEC2 had high (97%) and moderate (52%) similarities in the bHLH region and the Orange domain with DEC1, respectively. However, DEC2, but not DEC1, had alanine and glycine-rich regions in the C-terminal half. Unlike Hairy, Enhancer of split and HES, DEC2 lacked the WRPW motif for interaction with the corepressor Groucho. The DEC2 gene was mapped to human chromosome 12p11.23-p12.1, mouse chromosome 6 G2-G3 and rat chromosome 4q43 distal-q4, where the conserved linkage homology has been identified among these species. Unlike DEC1, which was broadly expressed in many tissues, DEC2 showed a more restricted pattern of mRNA expression. The DEC subfamily proteins may play an important role in tissue development.  相似文献   

125I-labelled gastric inhibitory polypeptide (125I-GIP) is directly cross-linked to its specific receptor in hamster pancreatic beta cell membranes by using an ultraviolet irradiation procedure. This approach results in the identification of a GIP-protein complex of apparent Mr 64,000. The labelling of this protein species is specific since it is inhibited when incubating the membranes with increasing doses of native GIP (0.1 nM-1 microM) together with 125I-GIP, half-maximal inhibition being elicited by 5 nM peptide. Reduction of the GIP-protein complex by 100 mM dithiothreitol induces a decrease of the electrophoretic mobility of the complex. Alternatively pretreatment of membranes with dithiothreitol (up to 1 M) does not prevent the binding of 125I-GIP to its receptor. When prelabelled membranes are extracted by 0.5% Triton X-100 (v/v) and the extract is layered on a Sephadex G-50 column, a high peak of radioactivity is eluted with the void volume of the column. Treatment of this peak by 10 min ultraviolet irradiation followed by SDS-PAGE leads to identification of a major band of Mr 64,000. When the peak is further layered on Sephacryl S-200 it yields a single peak of radioactivity corresponding to a protein species with a Stokes radius of 3.2 nm and an apparent Mr of 65,000. The solubilized GIP-receptor complex is specifically adsorbed by Sepharose coupled to wheat germ agglutinin and concanavalin A and eluted from these lectins by their respective sugars. In conclusion the GIP receptor in pancreatic beta cells is a protein monomer of apparent Mr 59 000; its structure is maintained by intrachain disulfide bridges, these bonds being, however, not involved in the interaction of GIP with its receptor; the GIP receptor is a glycoprotein containing N-acetylglucosamine, mannose and probably sialic acid in its carbohydrate moiety.  相似文献   

We have purified to homogeneity the primer recognition proteins (PRP) from human HeLa cells. PRP is associated with DNA polymerase alpha complex in HeLa cells. Purified PRP is free of DNA polymerases alpha, beta, and delta, deoxyribonuclease, DNA primase, ATPase, topoisomerase, and DNA ligase activities. The protein structure of the PRP was defined by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis, which revealed two polypeptides of 36,000 Da (PRP 1) and 41,000 Da (PRP 2). The two polypeptides are associated in a complex in the native state. The Stokes radius of the PRP complex by gel filtration is 40.5 A and the sedimentation coefficient in glycerol gradients is 5.7 S. Purified PRP, which exhibits no DNA polymerase activity, completely restores the activity of DNA polymerase alpha on templates with low primer to template ratios such as heat-denaturated DNA, poly(dA)-oligo(dT), and singly primed M13 single-stranded DNA. Experiments using various amounts of PRP, DNA polymerase alpha, and DNA indicate that a concentration dependence exists between these components in the DNA replication process. Amino acid composition analysis indicates that the PRP is rich in hydrophobic amino acids.  相似文献   

S-Adenosylmethionine synthetase has been purified to apparent homogeneity from human chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells. Equilibrium sedimentation studies and denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicate that the native enzyme has a molecular weight of 185,000 and a subunit composition of either alpha alpha' beta 2, alpha 2 beta 2, or alpha' 2 beta 2, where alpha, alpha', and beta are polypeptide chains of molecular weight 53,000, 51,000, and 38,000. The alpha and alpha' subunits appear to be the same polypeptide and presumably differ by some kind of post-translational modification. Stoichiometric studies show that the expected products S-adenosylmethionine, pyrophosphate, and orthophosphate are generated in equimolar amounts. The enzyme exhibits linear kinetics with respect to substrate dependency and product inhibition, except for orthophosphate which shows parabolic noncompetitive inhibition with respect to ATP. Initial velocity studies of substrate dependence and product inhibition indicate a steady state mechanism that is ordered Bi Ter with ATP adding before L-methionine and S-adenosylmethionine as the first product released. Pyrophosphate and orthophosphate, however, appear to be released by a random mechanism. Free Mg2+ is an essential activator with a half-maximal effect at 1.0 mM. The Km and Kia for ATP are 31 microM and 84 microM, and the Km for L-methionine is 3.3 microM. The enzyme also has tripolyphosphatase activity which is stimulated by S-adenosylmethionine.  相似文献   

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