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Abstract. Hydroxyurea induces profound changes in the pluripotential haemopoietic stem cell (CFU-s) kinetics. The main feature of these changes is a synchronous entry of resting Go CFU-s into the cell cycle. The analysis of the passage of the CFU-s cohort through the cell cycle has been largely based on the examination of the fraction of CFU-s which synthesize DNA in the S phase of the cell cycle. This analysis has, however, been hampered by the fact that both the sensitivity of the S phase CFU-s to hydroxyurea and their sensitivity in the [3H] thymidine suicide technique vary as the cells pass through the S phase. Methods which overcome these difficulties have been used in the experiments presented in this paper.
It was demonstrated that hydroxyurea kills only about 80% of the S phase CFU-s. The sensitivity to hydroxyurea gradually decreases as the cells approach the middle part of the S phase and increases again as the cells enter the late portions of the S phase.
The degree of CFU-s synchrony at the point of entry into and exit from, the S phase has been established. Mathematical analysis of the available data suggests that CFU-s pass through the S phase with a mean transit time of 4–79 hr (standard deviation, 1.45 hr).
Hydroxyurea, administered in vivo , blocks CFU-s in the late G1 phase. The duration of this G1-S block, induced by a dose of 1000 mg of hydroxyurea per kg body weight, is approximately 2 hr. The CFU-s in the middle of the S phase, which survive hydroxyurea administration, are also blocked in their passage through the S phase. These cells, however, seem to finish the S phase with a delay of approximately 2 hr.  相似文献   

Antiserum raised against a mouse mast cell line (FMP1) reacts with 90% to 100% of spleen colony-forming units (CFU-s), granulocyte/macrophage colony-forming cells (CFC-gm), erythroid burst-forming units (BFU-e), and 15% of nucleated marrow cells, using a complement-dependent cytotoxicity assay. We demonstrated that bone marrow, spleen, or thymus cells are able to absorb this activity from the antiserum. Although mouse brain cells have low reactivity with anti-FMP1 serum, the cytolysis level was reduced to background when antiserum was absorbed with brain cells. In addition, colony formation by marrow CFU-s, CFC-gm, and BFU-e was no longer prevented when the cells were incubated with brain-absorbed anti-FMP1 serum and complement. These findings suggest the presence of brain-associated antigens on CFU-s, CFC-gm, and BFU-e. To test whether a CFU-s accessory cell population in marrow is affected by treatment with anti-FMP1 serum and complement, antibody-treated marrow cells were mixed with large numbers of thymocytes and injected into recipient mice. Colony formation was not altered, indicating that the antiserum reacted directly with antigens on CFU-s and not on CFU-s accessory cells.  相似文献   

A simulation model of the CFU-s population is used to interpret data from experimental studies of bone marrow recovery after irradiation. The model includes an original hypothesis that the proliferation rate in the CFU-s population depends on the number of DNA-synthesizing CFU-s. It is assumed that the DNA-synthesizing CFU-s produce a factor in the presence of which CFU-s enter the resting state G0 after mitosis and remain there for prolonged periods of time. The model can adequately reproduce complex CFU-s kinetics observed after severe damage caused by irradiation with a unique set of parameters.  相似文献   

Using the monoclonal antibody W3/13, which recognizes a determinant expressed on a sialoglycoprotein, rat marrow cells with the phenotype Thy-1 antigen upper 20% positive (Ox720) and high molecular weight leukocyte common antigen negative (Ox22-) were separated into W3/13 dim (W3/13d) and W3/13 bright (W3/13b) subpopulations by single-laser cell sorting. The spleen colony-forming unit (CFU-s) was found in the W3/13d fraction. A 468-fold enrichment of CFU-s was achieved. Only 20% of the Ox720, Ox22-, and W3/13d cells were in the S phase of the cell cycle as compared to 56% of Ox720, Ox22-, and W3/13b cells. Using Indo-1, it was not possible to demonstrate increases in cytosolic Ca++ levels within the enriched CFU-s population by colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) or interleukins 1, 2, and 3. However, challenge with the Ca++ ionophore, ionomycin, demonstrated apparent heterogeneity of intracellular Ca++ management within the enriched CFU-s population. The source of this heterogeneity is not known. Only a 12-day CFU-s was detected in the rat, and it was predominantly, but not exclusively, a Rhodamine 123 (Rh123) dull cell.  相似文献   

Cyclosporine A (CsA) is a powerful immunosuppressive drug which significantly improved the success of organ transplantation; however, the major limiting factors for the drug's clinical use are its long and short term adverse effects. The present study was conducted to examine, in a dose-dependent manner, in a model of cardiogenesis, the effect of CsA on cardiomyocytes differentiation.  相似文献   

During embryonic growth, tissue interactions between dissimilar cells are the driving forces of morphogenesis. Although their importance has been well known for over the past 50 years, the molecular background of these interactions has remained unelucidated. The unrecognized heterogeneity of those mesenchymal cells that are involved in the epithelio-mesenchymal tissue interactions may be one reason for this. For example, studies of kidney differentiation show that the metanephric organ rudiment contains more cell-lines than previously thought. Identification of both neural crest- and mesoderm-derived cells in the nephrogenic mesenchyme helps in re-evaluating the biology of the tubule induction. The neural crest-derived cells of the nephric rudiment differentiate into neuronal cells, and later during differentiation some of them are found in the stroma. There is also experimental evidence for the role of these neuronal cells in the morphogenetic tissue interaction.  相似文献   

A linear model for the errors of the 'spleen colony' assay for haemopoietic stem cells has been derived. The components emerging from the model are interpreted and practical recommendations given for interpreting measurements made with this assay. The model permits correction for the effect of overlapping colonies and gives average errors for single measurements of the number of CFU-s. More reliable and more precise information can be obtained using this model. The spleen colony technique detects a population of immature precursor cells designated as CFU-s (Till & McCulloch, 1961). The relative error of measurement is often large when compared with the changes in the phenomena studied. Consequently a better knowledge of the errors of this technique is highly desirable. This paper should be regarded as an extension of the previous analysis of Till (1972). The theory for the errors of the spleen colony technique was applied to 905 determinations of the CFU-s numbers performed on random-bred mice. Data from random-bred mice rather than those from inbred mice have been used because the error components can be expected to be larger and, consequently, more easily detectable. The model of errors has also been validated using data published by Till (1972) and has subsequently been applied to data from several inbred mice strains (Znojil & Necas, 1988).  相似文献   

Summary To determine the effect of cholinergic secretagogue on the Harderian gland of rats, several light- and electron-microscopic parameters were morphometrically assessed at different time intervals after carbamylcholine injection. In controls, two types of glandular cells (type A cells having 40–55 large vacuoles per cell profile and type B cells containing 30–38 smaller vacuoles per cell profile) and myoepithelial cells were recognized. At 5 min after injection of carbamylcholine, when rats secreted bloody tears, many alveoli showing narrower lumina and exocytotic figures in both types of cells were observed. Some vacuoles, which were covered by thin cytoplasmic sheets, protruded into the alveolar lumina. However, there was no evidence of apocrine or holocrine secretion. At 30 min and 120 min after injection, most of the alveolar lumina were dilated, and a pronounced decrease in the number of vacuoles in the glandular cells was observed. At 300 min after injection, the secretory vacuoles in both cell types reaccumulated. Transitional forms between the two cell types were not observed. The two types of Harderian gland cells can therefore be considered independent populations rather than different secretory stages of the same cell. It appears that the secretory process of the Harderian gland of rat is affected by cholinergic stimulation of the two types of glandular cells and of myoepithelial cells.  相似文献   

The effect of prostaglandins on in vitro limb cartilage differentiation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A variety of studies indicate that a key event in limb chondrogenic differentiation is a cellular condensation process during which an intimate cell-cell interaction occurs that triggers cartilage differentiation by elevating cAMP levels. It has recently been demonstrated that when limb mesenchymal cells are subjected to high density monolayer culture under conditions conducive to chondrogenesis, they synthesize several prostaglandins, including PGE2 and prostacyclin, which are important local modulators of cAMP formation in a number of cells and tissues. In the present study, we demonstrate that exogenous PGE2 stimulates the in vitro chondrogenic differentiation of the subridge mesoderm of the embryonic chick limb bud. The stimulatory effect of PGE2 is greatly potentiated by the phosphodiesterase inhibitor, theophylline, suggesting its influence on chondrogenesis is mediated by its ability to increase cAMP levels. The stimulatory effect of PGE2 is dose-dependent and can be detected at a concentration as low as 10(-8)M. PGE1 is just as effective as PGE2 in stimulating in vitro chondrogenesis, whereas PGA1 and PGF1 alpha are less than half as effective. Thromboxane B2 has no effect on chondrogenesis. On the basis of our results, the possibility that endogenous prostaglandins might regulate limb cartilage differentiation by acting as local regulators of cAMP content is discussed.  相似文献   

The rate at which the postjunctional membrane of muscle fibers becomes desensitized to the action of carbamylcholine is increased after the muscle has been soaked in solutions containing increased concentrations of calcium. Some further aspects of this effect of calcium were investigated by measuring changes in the input resistance of single fibers of the frog sartorius during local perfusion of the neuromuscular junction with 2.73 x 10-3 M carbamylcholine in isolated muscles immersed in 165 mM potassium acetate. It was found that (a) sudden changes in the local concentration of calcium brought about by perfusing fibers with carbamylcholine solutions containing 20 mM calcium, 40 mM oxalate, or 40 mM EDTA were followed within 20 sec by marked changes in the rate of desensitization; (b) prior to 13 sec after the introduction of carbamylcholine, however, no effect on the input resistance could be detected even though the muscle had been presoaked in 10 mM calcium; (c) the ability of high concentrations of calcium to bring about rapid desensitization disappears when a lower concentration of carbamylcholine (0.137 x 10-3 M) is applied to the muscle fiber. These findings suggest that calcium present in the extracellular fluid can act directly on the postjunctional membrane to promote the desensitization process and that an increased permeability of the membrane to calcium brought about by the presence of carbamylcholine is a factor which contributes to this action.  相似文献   

环境对于植物性别分化的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
主要论述了性别虽然由性染色体决定,但在性别分化和发育过程中和环境有密切的关系,环境可能影响甚至转变性别。  相似文献   

1. Methods for presenting dose-response data for the ganglionic actions of cholinergic agonists (e.g. carbamylcholine) are compared, using the mannitol-gap technique for electrophysiological recording of synaptic events at the cercal nerve, giant fibre synapse of the sixth abdominal ganglion of the cockroach Periplaneta americana. 2. At concentrations around 10(-5)M, carbamylcholine has no effect on ganglionic polarization but potentiates the monosynaptic EPSP. At 10(-4)M and higher concentrations, ganglionic depolarization is accompanied by a reduction of EPSP. 3. Pretreatment with eserine (10(-6) M) considerably shifts the dose-response curve for acetylcholine so that synaptic transmission is consistently sensitive to 10(-6) M acetylcholine.  相似文献   

The influence of histamine at various concentrations on the cell cycle state of hematopoietic stem cells (CFU-s) was investigated. CFU-s were triggered from the G0 state into the S phase of the cell cycle by in vitro treatment of mouse bone marrow cells with high concentrations of histamine. This effect could be antagonized by a histamine H2 receptor blocking agent. When bone marrow cells were treated with a histamine H1 receptor antagonist prior to histamine treatment, low concentrations of histamine also triggered the entrance of CFU-s into the DNA synthetic phase. Our findings further suggest the existence of histamine H1 and H2 receptors on the surface of CFU-s cells and the antagonistic effect of these two histamine receptor subtypes on the cell cycle state of CFU-s. Our results also suggest that histamine may participate in regulating the proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells in vivo during immune or inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

目的 研究无绿藻是否能够影响小鼠Th17细胞的分化,影响Th17细胞分泌相关的细胞因子.方法 体外培养无绿藻,用尼龙毛柱法分离培养小鼠脾脏T淋巴细胞,按照1∶5的比例将两者在transwell培养板上共培养,培养2h、4h、8h、12 h、24 h、48 h,分别收集T淋巴细胞,留取培养上清液.流式细胞技术检测Th17细胞表型,ELISA法检测培养上清液中IL-17的水平.结果 从共培养2h开始,随着共培养时间的延长Th17细胞所占比例逐渐降低,共培养8h后趋于稳定(P<0.05);从共培养2h开始,培养上清液中IL-17的水平逐渐升高,8h后出现下降,24h后趋于稳定(P<0.05).结论 在与T细胞共培养的条件下,无绿藻抑制了小鼠Th17细胞的分化,但是在最初2~8h可以促进Th17相关细胞因子IL-17的释放.  相似文献   

Chondroitin/dermatan sulphate (CS/DS) sulphation motifs on cell and extracellular matrix proteoglycans (PGs) within stem/progenitor cell niches are involved in modulating cell phenotype during the development of many musculoskeletal connective tissues. Here, we investigate the importance of CS/DS chains and their motifs in the chondrogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (bMSCs), using p-nitrophenyl xyloside (PNPX) as a competitive acceptor of CS/DS substitution on PGs. Comparison of cultures grown in control chondrogenic medium, with those grown in the presence of PNPX showed that PNPX delayed the onset of chondrogenesis, characterised by cell rounding and aggregation into spheroidal beads. PNPX reduced gene expression of SOX-9, aggrecan and collagen type II, and caused reduced levels of collagen type II protein. PNPX-treated cultures also showed delayed expression of a native CS/DS sulphation motif epitope recognised by antibody 6C3. This epitope appeared associated with a range of PGs, particularly biglycan, and its close association was lost after PNPX treatment. Overall our data show that perturbation of PG glycosylation with CS/DS GAGs using PNPX significantly delays the onset of chondrogenic differentiation of bMSCs, highlighting the importance of CS/DS during the initial stages of chondrogenesis. The delayed expression of the CS/DS sulphation motif recognised by 6C3 suggests that this motif, in particular, may have early involvement in chondrogenesis. The mechanism(s) by which CS/DS chains on PGs contribute to early chondrogenic events is unknown; however, they may be involved in morphogenetic signalling through the capture and cellular presentation of soluble bioactive molecules (e.g. growth factors).  相似文献   

Rainbow trout larvae were kept in acid water from 16 to 55 days after hatching. Initially, the acid environment stimulated a significant increase of gametes in the gonads of females at all developmental stages, but after longer exposure the stimulation was replaced by inhibition of gonadal development in the treated fish. In some fish, gamete reserves increased, while in others there was increased growth and maturation of late-generation oocytes.  相似文献   

A stem cell compartment model is utilized to simulate the growth of human tumors. This model is used to explore the effect of cell differentiation and loss on the development of spontaneous drug resistance. Cellular differentiation is found to increase the rate of development of single drug resistance, although this is balanced by the likehood that such resistant cells will subsequently become extinct. Overall the probability that singly resistant cells will develop and persist is found to be independent of the rate of cellular differentiation. Conversely, when two drugs are available, the probability that cells resistant to both drugs will persist is proportional to the rate of cellular differentiation. Approximate formulae relating the net overall mutation rate to the intrinsic mutation rates and net growth rates of the stem cell compartment are developed.  相似文献   

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