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为探明中亚热带地区常绿阔叶林演替序列土壤呼吸(Rs)的变化趋势及其影响机制, 在福建省建瓯市万木林自然保护区选取演替时间分别为15年(演替初期)、47年(演替中期)和110年(演替后期)三个不同演替阶段, 进行了为期1年的野外原位观测。结果发现: 演替初期、中期和后期的Rs分别为2.38、3.32和3.91 µmol·m -2·s -1, 温度敏感性(Q10值)分别为2.64、1.97和1.79; 与演替初期相比, 演替后期的Rs显著增加64.29%, Q10值显著降低32.30%; 不同演替阶段Rs的季节变化模式相似, 温度和含水量可分别解释季节变化的69.5% (初期)、81.9% (中期)和61.3% (后期); 回归分析发现, Rs与凋落物年归还量、细根生物量和土壤全氮和土壤有机质碳含量显著正相关。表明本研究区内植被演替促进了土壤碳排放, 降低了土壤呼吸的温度敏感性; 土壤碳输入增加、养分含量的提高和细根生物量增大是中亚热带常绿阔叶林Rs随演替进程逐渐增大的主要原因。  相似文献   

为探明不同演替阶段土壤碳吸存潜力,选取演替时间为15a(演替初期)、47a(演替中期)、110a(演替后期)3个中亚热带常绿阔叶林,分析了各演替阶段的土壤有机碳(SOC)含量以及土壤微生物量碳(MBC)、可溶性碳(DOC)和微生物熵(SMQ)的季节变化。结果表明:演替中、后期不同土层的土壤SOC、MBC、DOC含量和SMQ均显著高于演替初期(P<0.05);与演替中期相比,演替后期土壤MBC、DOC含量有所降低,SOC含量和SMQ无显著差异。土壤SOC、MBC和DOC含量随土层加深而显著性降低(演替初、中期DOC除外),并随演替进行逐渐向腐殖质层富集。不同演替阶段MBC、DOC和SMQ均有显著季节变化,最低值出现在秋季,最高值随演替进程由冬季逐步转向夏季。相关分析表明,不同演替阶段土壤活性有机碳含量与土壤有机碳含量极显著相关(P<0.01),且土壤活性有机碳(MBC、DOC)和SMQ对土壤碳库变化更为敏感。  相似文献   

森林演替在南亚热带森林生态系统碳吸存中的作用   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
研究了鼎湖山南亚热带森林同一演替系列中3个不同演替阶段(马尾松针叶林、马尾松荷木混交林和季风常绿阔叶林)生态系统碳贮量和分配格局特征,并探讨了该地区森林演替过程中生态系统碳吸存潜力和速度。结果表明:(1)针叶林各组分碳素含量高于阔叶林对应组分的碳素含量(后者是前者的72.0%~94.5%)。两个森林植物碳素含量,不同层次比较,均为乔木层>灌木层>草本层,不同器官比较,以根或干最高。(2)乔木层生物量随森林演替进展而增加。针叶林、混交林和阔叶林乔木层生物量分别为:143.5t/hm2、270.1t/hm2和407.8t/hm2,其中大部分由干和皮组成(各器官占乔木层生物量的比例平均为:叶2.8%、枝19.3%、干和皮混合57.0%、根20.9%)。林下层生物量为4.23~14.10t/hm2,是乔木层的1.0%~9.8%,随森林演替进展而减少。(3)土壤容重随深度增加而增加,但随森林演替进展而减少。与土壤容重相反,土壤有机碳含量随深度增加而明显减少,但随森林演替进展而增加。(4)3种类型森林生态系统碳总贮量分别为135.8t/hm2、215.1t/hm2和259.7t/hm2。生态系统碳贮量在各组分的格局十分相似,植被、土壤和凋落物层所占比例均分别约为67.6%、30.2%和2.2%。与其它地带森林比较,鼎湖山保护区森林植被与土壤碳贮量之比和表层(0~20cm)的土壤碳占整个  相似文献   

基于机载激光雷达的中亚热带常绿阔叶林林窗特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘峰  谭畅  王红  张江  万颖  龙江平  刘芮希 《生态学杂志》2015,26(12):3611-3618
机载激光雷达(LiDAR)是一种新型主动式遥感技术,能直接获取多尺度高精度的冠层三维结构信息,将其推广到森林干扰生态学领域,可为林窗研究提供应用支撑.以湖南中亚热带常绿阔叶林为研究对象,利用小光斑LiDAR数据进行林窗识别和几何特征估测.选择合适的分辨率和内插方法生成冠层高程模型,采用计算机图形学方法估测林窗面积、边界木高度和形状指数,并进行野外观测验证.结果表明: 林窗识别率为94.8%,主要影响因素是林窗面积和林窗形成木类型;估测的林窗面积和边界木高与野外观测值呈较强线性相关,R2值分别为0.962和0.878,其中估测的林窗面积平均比野外观测值高19.9%,估测的林窗边界木高度平均比野外观测值低9.9%;区域内林窗密度为12.8个·hm-2,占森林面积13.3%;林窗面积、边界木高和形状指数的平均值分别为85.06 m2、15.33 m和1.71,区域内多为较小面积、边缘效应不太显著的林窗.

浙江天童常绿阔叶林演替过程森林凋落物量呈增长趋势,其中:乔森叶比例最大,它器官组分不在不同演替阶段的比例不一致,灌木叶和草本,树皮比例随着演替进程呈减少趋势,树枝和繁殖吕官则呈增大趋势。  相似文献   

大岗山毛竹林与常绿阔叶林碳储量及分配格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于固定样地,对江西大岗山毛竹林与常绿阔叶林生态系统碳储量及分配格局进行了研究.结果表明:毛竹各器官碳含量介于42.22%~47.53%,其大小顺序依次为秆(47.53%)>枝(46.49%)>鞭(46.10%)>根(45.30%)>叶(42.22%).丝栗栲不同器官碳含量介于43.09%~45.53%,其干、叶、枝、...  相似文献   

采用定位观测和方差分析的方法,对灌木以及10、40和200年生的扁刺栲—华木荷群落的土壤绝对含水率的时空特征进行了研究、结果表明,除10年生栲木荷群落外,群落土壤含水率与土壤深度的关系极显著;不同年龄段的栲木荷林地土壤含水率与季节的关系不显著;除10余年生的栲木荷群落外,群落土壤含水率与坡向的关系不显著;土壤含水率与演替阶段的关系极显著;栲木荷群落发育10和40年后,其土壤涵养功能分别恢复到原始林的73%和85?;不同演替阶段的群落土壤含水率在时空结构上具有明显的波动性与混纯性.  相似文献   

浙江天童常绿阔叶林演替过程凋落物数量及分解动态   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
浙江天童常绿阔叶林演替过程森林凋落物量呈增长趋势,其中:乔木叶比例最大,其它器官组分在不同演替阶段的比例不一致,灌木叶和草本、树皮比例随着演替进程而呈减少趋势,树枝和繁殖器官则呈增大趋势。以分解袋法测得凋落物年失重率和指数方程模拟的分解系数K在演替过程中均呈增长趋势,这与年凋落物数量变化趋势相似。可见,随着演替进程,生物循环加快,群落自肥能力增强。  相似文献   

通过对云南普洱地区季风常绿阔叶林演替15年、30年及原始林群落的调查,探讨了不同演替阶段群落的物种-面积关系.结果表明:不同演替阶段群落中,取样面积与总物种数,乔木、灌木和藤本物种数均具有极显著相关关系,其变化解释率均超过94%;演替30年群落中总物种和乔木的物种累积速率(Z)最低(0.334和0.394),演替15年群落中灌木和藤本的Z值最低(0.437和0.326);不同演替阶段中总物种、乔木、灌木和藤本的物种-面积曲线截距无显著变化,但原始林中总物种和藤本物种-面积曲线的决定系数(R2)显著高于演替15年和30年群落.演替15年群落中,初始乔木及灌木物种丰富度解释了Z值变化的99.9%,而其他演替阶段群落中初始乔木、灌木、藤本及总物种丰富度与Z值均无显著相关性.  相似文献   

南亚热带森林不同演替阶段土壤种子库的初步研究   总被引:41,自引:2,他引:41  
本文对鼎湖山不同演替阶段的森林(马尾松林、针阔叶混交林、季风常绿阔叶林)的土壤种子库进行了初步研究.分别从各个阶段的样地内抽取4或8个1×1m的小样地,分三层(共10cm厚)采集土样,带回实验室,通过萌发法观察记录其土壤种子库状况.通过统计分析,其结果如下:1.种子数量和物种多样性一般随演替发展而减少,种子数目以3—5cm厚土层为最多.2.各演替阶段土壤种子库的种类组成均以草本植物为主.3.在光照和湿度基本一致的情况下,萌发种子数与温度成正相关.4.雨季取的种子数目较旱季多,且种类组成有所不同.这是因为南亚热带森林内植物种子的休眠期短,在旱季采集土样时许多种的种子尚未下落.5.种子库组成与地上植物相关性不明显,但演替早期阶段的相关性比演替后期更密切。  相似文献   

鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林碳素积累和分配特征   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
研究了鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林 40 0多年林龄的锥栗 (Castanopsis chinensis)、黄果厚壳桂 (Crypto-carya concinna)和 50多年林龄的黄果厚壳桂、鼎湖钓樟 (Lindera chunii)两个群落碳素积累和分配特征。结果表明 ,两林分间植物碳素含量在不同器官和不同层中的分配格局均十分相似 ,总平均分别为 41 .980 %(锥栗、黄果厚壳桂群落 )和 40 .377% (黄果厚壳桂、鼎湖钓樟群落 )。锥栗、黄果厚壳桂群落生态系统碳总贮量为 2 4 4 .998t/ hm2 ,其中植被部分为 1 54.2 89t/ hm2 ,土壤为 89.1 2 8t/ hm2 ,地表凋落物层为 1 .581 t/ hm2。黄果厚壳桂、鼎湖钓樟群落植被碳总贮量为 84.1 51 t/ hm2。在两林分植被碳总贮量中 ,乔木层分别占了97.47% (锥栗、黄果厚壳桂群落 )和 98.0 4 % (黄果厚壳桂、鼎湖钓樟群落 ) ,而在乔木层碳总贮量中 ,干器官则分别占 47.93% (锥栗、黄果厚壳桂群落 )和 44.66% (黄果厚壳桂、鼎湖钓樟群落 )。锥栗、黄果厚壳桂群落植被碳年积累量为 3.1 4 9t/ (hm2· a) ,黄果厚壳桂、鼎湖钓樟群落植被碳年积累量则为 3.42 5 t/ (hm2· a)。  相似文献   

Forest carbon storage in Nei Mongol plays a significant role in national terrestrial carbon budget due to its large area in China. Our objectives were to estimate the carbon storage in the forest ecosystems in Nei Mongol and to quantify its spatial pattern.
Field survey and sampling were conducted at 137 sites that distributed evenly across the forest types in the study region. At each site, the ecosystem carbon density was estimated thorough sampling and measuring different pools of soil (0-100 cm) and vegetation, including biomass of tree, grass, shrub, and litter. Regional carbon storage was calculated with the estimated carbon density for each forest type.
Important findings
Carbon storage of vegetation layer in forests in Nei Mongol was 787.8 Tg C, with the biomass of tree, litter, herbaceous and shrub accounting for 93.5%, 3.0%, 2.7% and 0.8%, respectively. Carbon density of vegetation layer was 40.4 t·hm-2, with 35.6 t·hm-2 in trees, 2.9 t·hm-2 in litter, 1.2 t·hm-2 in herbaceous and 0.6 t·hm-2 in shrubs. In comparison, carbon storage of soil layer in forests in Nei Mongol was 2449.6 Tg C, with 79.8% distributed in the first 30 cm. Carbon density of soil layer was 144.4 t·hm-2. Carbon storage of forest ecosystem in Nei Mongol was 3237.4 Tg C, with vegetation and soil accounting for 24.3% and 75.7%, respectively. Carbon density of forest ecosystems in Nei Mongol was 184.5 t·hm-2. Carbon density of soil layer was positively correlated with that of vegetation layer. Spatially, both carbon storage and carbon density were higher in the eastern area, where the climate is more humid. Forest reserves and artificial afforestations can significantly improve the capacity of regional carbon sink.  相似文献   

内蒙古森林生态系统碳储量及其空间分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
内蒙古森林面积居全国第一位, 林木蓄积量居第五位, 准确地估算该区域森林碳储量对于评估中国森林碳储量以及制定森林资源管理措施均具有重要意义。该研究基于内蒙古森林资源野外样方调查和室内分析, 评估了内蒙古森林生态系统的固碳现状, 估算了内蒙古森林生态系统不同林型和不同碳库(乔木、灌木、草本、凋落物和土壤碳库)的碳密度大小, 揭示了其空间分布特征。在此基础上估算了内蒙古森林碳储量大小及空间格局。结果表明: 1)内蒙古森林植被层碳储量为787.8 Tg C, 乔木层、凋落物层、草本层和灌木层分别占植被层总碳储量的93.5%、3.0%、2.7%和0.8%。内蒙古森林植被层平均碳密度为40.4 t·hm-2, 其中, 乔木层、凋落物层、草本层和灌木层的碳密度分别为35.6 t·hm-2、2.9 t·hm-2、1.2 t·hm-2和0.6 t·hm-2。2)内蒙古森林土壤层(0-100 cm)碳储量为2449.6 Tg C, 其中0-30 cm的土壤碳储量最高, 占总碳储量的79.8%。0-10 cm、10-20 cm和20-30 cm的土壤碳储量分别占0-30 cm土壤碳储量的38.8%、34.1%和27.1%。内蒙古森林土壤平均碳密度为144.4 t·hm-2。黑桦(Betula davurica)林土壤碳密度最高, 云杉(Picea asperata)林最小。土壤碳密度随土壤深度的增加而降低。3)内蒙古森林生态系统碳储量为3237.4 Tg C, 植被层和土壤层碳储量分别占森林生态系统碳储量的24.3%和75.7%。落叶松(Larix gmelinii)林总碳储量最高, 其次为白桦(Betula platyphylla)林、夏栎(Quercus robur)林、黑桦林、榆树(Ulmus pumila)疏林和山杨(Populus davidiana)林。内蒙古森林生态系统平均碳密度为184.5 t·hm-2。土壤碳密度与植被碳密度呈显著正相关关系。4)内蒙古森林生态系统碳储量和碳密度的空间分布总体上为东部地区高、西部地区低的趋势。在降水量充沛的东部地区和降水偏少的中西部地区, 有针对性地开展森林保护区建设和人工造林, 可显著提升区域的碳汇能力。  相似文献   

地表凋落物在森林物质循环中起着重要作用, 但是目前缺乏对其不同分解层次中碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)演替动态的研究。该文以浙江天童常绿阔叶林为研究对象, 用空间代替时间序列的方法, 通过测定5个演替阶段地表凋落物不同分解层次的凋落物量、有机碳库和氮磷养分库的储量及C:N:P化学计量特征, 探讨地表凋落物特征的演替动态。结果表明: 1)随着演替的进行, 地表凋落物量和有机碳储量呈现下降的趋势。2)在各演替阶段, 有机碳含量在各分解层表现出未分解层(L) > 半分解层(F) > 已分解层(Y)的趋势; 有机碳储量均表现为Y < F。3)演替前期群落氮含量和储量显著低于演替中后期群落; 不同分解层的氮含量在各演替阶段皆表现为: Y > F > L, 且各层氮含量随着演替的进行均趋于升高。4)磷含量在演替中期群落最低, 各演替阶段不同分解层的磷含量皆表现为Y > F > L。磷储量的演替趋势不明显。L层磷储量随着演替进行趋于降低。5)随着演替进行, 凋落物C:N、C:P和N:P皆趋于下降(p < 0.05)。在各分解层之间, C:N和C:P皆表现为Y < F < L, N:P差异不显著。总之, 随着演替进行, 天童常绿阔叶林地表凋落物量降低, 有机碳库及氮磷养分库的含量趋于升高, 储量趋向降低, C:N:P趋于下降, 体现了生态系统碳和养分循环随着演替进行在不断优化。  相似文献   

地表凋落物在森林物质循环中起着重要作用, 但是目前缺乏对其不同分解层次中碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)演替动态的研究。该文以浙江天童常绿阔叶林为研究对象, 用空间代替时间序列的方法, 通过测定5个演替阶段地表凋落物不同分解层次的凋落物量、有机碳库和氮磷养分库的储量及C:N:P化学计量特征, 探讨地表凋落物特征的演替动态。结果表明: 1)随着演替的进行, 地表凋落物量和有机碳储量呈现下降的趋势。2)在各演替阶段, 有机碳含量在各分解层表现出未分解层(L) > 半分解层(F) > 已分解层(Y)的趋势; 有机碳储量均表现为Y < F。3)演替前期群落氮含量和储量显著低于演替中后期群落; 不同分解层的氮含量在各演替阶段皆表现为: Y > F > L, 且各层氮含量随着演替的进行均趋于升高。4)磷含量在演替中期群落最低, 各演替阶段不同分解层的磷含量皆表现为Y > F > L。磷储量的演替趋势不明显。L层磷储量随着演替进行趋于降低。5)随着演替进行, 凋落物C:N、C:P和N:P皆趋于下降(p < 0.05)。在各分解层之间, C:N和C:P皆表现为Y < F < L, N:P差异不显著。总之, 随着演替进行, 天童常绿阔叶林地表凋落物量降低, 有机碳库及氮磷养分库的含量趋于升高, 储量趋向降低, C:N:P趋于下降, 体现了生态系统碳和养分循环随着演替进行在不断优化。  相似文献   

Soil animals are abundant in forest litter layer,but little attention has been Paid to the vertical distribution of community structure of soil animals in the layers at different plant community succession stages.The forest litter layer can be divided into fresh litter layer(L),fermentation layer(F)and humus layer(H),which may represent different litter decomposition stages.The aim of the study is to ascertain the vertical distribution features of soil animal communities among the three litter layers and the change in the succession process of the Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest(EBLF)in Tiantong,Zhejiang Province,China.Soil animal communities in the five plant communities at different succession stages were investigated during the 2003 winter.Soil animals,which were collected by using Tullgren funnels,amounted to a total of 13381 individuals falling into 2 phyla,8 classes and 20 orders.The dominant groups were Acarina and Collembola,accounting for 94.24% of the total individuals,with the number of Acarina individuals 7.66 times than that of Collembola.The common group was Diptera.The results indicated that there was a distinctive vertical distribution of the soil animal communities in the forest litter laver,but it differed from that in soil below the litter layer.In contrast to those in the soil,the soil animals in the litter layer generally tended to increase in both group abundance and density from the top fresh litter layer to the bottom humus layer.Altogether 19 groups and 59.03% of total individuals were found in the bottom layer,while only 8 groups and 5.35% of the total individuals in the top.Moreover,there were some variations in the distribution of the soil animals at different plant succession stages.85.19% of Homoptera and 100% of Symphyla were found in the litter layer at the climax succession stage.while 75.61% of Thysanoptera at the intermediate succession stage.Therefore,these groups might be seen as indicative groups.The total numbers of soil animal groups and individuals in the litter layers greatly changed in the succession process of the EBLF.They both were greatest at the climax,moderate at the intermediate and smallest at the primary succession stage.However,the main soil animal groups in the litter at the different succession stages were essentially the same.They were Acarina,Collembola,Diptera and Lepidoptera.Although similarity analysis revealed that the soil animal communities in the litter at the intermediate succession stage were most similar to those at the climax succession stage,they differed greatly from each other in the Shannon-Wiener diversity index.The Shannon-Wiener index was highest at the climax succession stage and lowest at the intermediate succession stage.Finally,the paper discusses the following three questions:the role of soil animals as indicators for plant community succession;the role of different soil animal groups in the litter decomposition at different stages;and the major factors affecting the composition and distribution of soil animals in the litter.This paper provides a new perspective for the research on the succession mechanism of plant communities and the decomposition functions of soil animals.  相似文献   

Soil animals are abundant in forest litter layer, but little attention has been paid to the vertical distribution of community structure of soil animals in the layers at different plant community succession stages. The forest litter layer can be divided into fresh litter layer (L), fermentation layer (F) and humus layer (H), which may represent different litter decomposition stages. The aim of the study is to ascertain the vertical distribution features of soil animal communities among the three litter layers and the change in the succession process of the Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest (EBLF) in Tiantong, Zhejiang Province, China. Soil animal communities in the five plant communities at different succession stages were investigated during the 2003 winter. Soil animals, which were collected by using Tullgren funnels, amounted to a total of 13 381 individuals falling into 2 phyla, 8 classes and 20 orders. The dominant groups were Acarina and Collembola, accounting for 94.24% of the total individuals, with the number of Acarina individuals 7.66 times than that of Collembola. The common group was Diptera. The results indicated that there was a distinctive vertical distribution of the soil animal communities in the forest litter layer, but it differed from that in soil below the litter layer. In contrast to those in the soil, the soil animals in the litter layer generally tended to increase in both group abundance and density from the top fresh litter layer to the bottom humus layer. Altogether 19 groups and 59.03% of total individuals were found in the bottom layer, while only 8 groups and 5.35% of the total individuals in the top. Moreover, there were some variations in the distribution of the soil animals at different plant succession stages. 85.19% of Homoptera and 100% of Symphyla were found in the litter layer at the climax succession stage, while 75.61% of Thysanoptera at the intermediate succession stage. Therefore, these groups might be seen as indicative groups. The total numbers of soil animal groups and individuals in the litter layers greatly changed in the succession process of the EBLF. They both were greatest at the climax, moderate at the intermediate and smallest at the primary succession stage. However, the main soil animal groups in the litter at the different succession stages were essentially the same. They were Acarina, Collembola, Diptera and Lepidoptera. Although similarity analysis revealed that the soil animal communities in the litter at the intermediate succession stage were most similar to those at the climax succession stage, they differed greatly from each other in the Shannon-Wiener diversity index. The Shannon-Wiener index was highest at the climax succession stage and lowest at the intermediate succession stage. Finally, the paper discusses the following three questions: the role of soil animals as indicators for plant community succession; the role of different soil animal groups in the litter decomposition at different stages; and the major factors affecting the composition and distribution of soil animals in the litter. This paper provides a new perspective for the research on the succession mechanism of plant communities and the decomposition functions of soil animals. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25 (3) [译自: 生态学报, 2005,25(3)]  相似文献   

土壤碳固持量随森林演替显著提高, 对减缓全球变暖具有重要意义; 但是, 演替过程中土壤有机碳库与植被碳归还的关系尚无定论。该研究以浙江天童常绿阔叶林次生演替系列为对象, 通过测定前中后3个演替阶段土壤总有机碳(TOC)、可矿化碳(MC)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)和微生物量碳(MBC) 3种活性有机碳的含量与储量, 植被凋落物年凋落量、地表枯落物现存量和细根年归还量及其碳储量, 利用相关分析和多元逐步回归拟合, 分析土壤碳库与植被碳输入的关系。结果表明: (1)土壤TOC、MC、DOC和MBC含量随演替进行均显著增加(p < 0.05); (2)随演替进行, 土壤TOC储量显著增加( p < 0.05), 而MC、DOC和MBC储量并没有出现一致的变化趋势, 其排序为: 中期>后期>前期; (3)凋落物年凋落量及其碳储量随演替显著增加( p < 0.05), 细根年归还量及其碳储量随演替先增后降( p < 0.05), 而地表枯落物现存量与碳储量显著降低; (4) 3种活性有机碳中, MC储量对土壤总有机碳储量解释的贡献率为34.01% ( R2 = 0.388, p < 0.05); (5) TOC和活性碳库(MC、DOC、MBC)受到不同碳归还方式的影响, 但细根的影响最大(分别为28.2%、50.0%、73.4%和68.8%)。总之, 随天童常绿阔叶林演替发生, 土壤总有机碳和3种活性有机碳储量显著增加, 细根生物量和可矿化碳库储量增加是引起土壤碳固持量增加的主要原因。  相似文献   

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