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本文是作者于1989年5—10月间,于广西防城县在锯缘青蟹人工育苗试验中进行的试验,试验用普通面粉及黄豆加工成发酵面粉与豆浆作轮虫的主饵料,用动物性饵料如小鱼汁、螺肉汁、蛤肉汁、发酵人尿等含有机质丰富的液体作辅助饵料,用7个25m~3的大池培养,共培养出了约900×10~(10)多个轮虫,供给锯缘青蟹幼体足够的活饵料,使当年培养出C_1期以上的幼蟹达22.269万只。本试验中,光照对轮虫的生长繁殖有较大影响。 相似文献
褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachionus plicatilis)是鱼类的仔、稚、幼鱼和虾类幼体最好的活饵料,同时可以净化水质,提高鱼虾育苗成活率和成长度。本文对其生产性大量培养的条件进行了对比试验。1不同饵料种类的对比试验以五个3.5m3/个的水池接种2个/毫升轮虫,分别以扁藻Platymonas sp.、小球藻Chlorella sp.(均来自南海所藻种室)、骨条藻Skeletonema sp.(来自沙头角海区)20—30万个细胞/毫升投喂,随着藻类不断被摄食,不断给予补充,使培养水始终保持20—30万个细胞/毫升的浓度,另外2个池子只投喂人工饲料(面粉或米糠),每日3—4克/m3水体,各池均不断充… 相似文献
为探索低盐驯化褶皱臂尾轮虫规模化培育的可行性,本实验以小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)为饵料,在饵料密度1.0×104、1.0×105、1.0×106、1.0×107和1.0×108 cells·mL-1下,采用单个体培养法,研究了盐度23及盐度6的褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachionus plicatilis)的生活史特征。结果表明:随着饵料密度的升高,两组盐度轮虫的生殖期、平均寿命、产卵量、生命期望、净生殖率、世代时间和种群内禀增长率均呈现出先升高再降低(P<0.05);盐度6的轮虫在饵料密度1.0×106、1.0×107和1.0×108 cells·mL-1下的生殖前期显著小于饵料密度1.0×104和1.0×105 cells·mL-1下的生殖前期(P<0.05);盐度23的轮虫... 相似文献
两品系萼花臂尾轮虫摄食强度的比较研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
对广州和芜湖两品系萼花臂尾轮虫的摄食强度及其与食物浓度、食物种类和培养时间之间的关系进行了比较研究.结果表明,食物浓度、食物种类和培养时间均对轮虫滤水率和摄食率有显著影响.两品系轮虫滤水率和摄食率均随培养时间的延长而减小;20 h内,两品系轮虫的总滤水率均与食物浓度呈曲线相关,而两品系轮虫总摄食率均与食物浓度呈直线相关.广州和芜湖两品系轮虫均在以小球藻为食物时有较大的滤水率,分别为0.0029±0.0001和0.0039±0.0008ml·ind.-1·h-1;广州品系轮虫以小球藻为食物时的摄食率(0.3992×104±0.00850×4 cell·ind.-1·h-1)显著地大于以栅藻为食物时的摄食率(0.170×4±0.0370×4 cell·ind.-1·h-1),而它们均与以混合藻为食物时的摄食率无显著差异;芜湖品系轮虫摄食率不受食物种类影响.轮虫滤水率和摄食率因食物浓度、食物种类和培养时间的不同而在品系间存在着差异. 相似文献
长江口疏浚弃土悬沙对褶皱臂尾轮虫的影响 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
采用克隆培养法 (编制生命表 )和群体累积培养法 ,研究了长江口疏浚弃土悬沙对褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachionusplicatilis)的影响 .实验设 0 (CK)、1、3、5、7、9mg·ml-16个悬沙梯度和 2 0、12× 10 6cells·ml-1两个饵料密度 .结果表明 ,克隆培养时 ,悬沙可使该轮虫种群的内禀增长率 (rm)下降 2 9.6 %~ 6 4 .1% ,最大降幅为 130 .0 % .悬沙对轮虫种群的存活率 (lx)有影响 ,而对种群的繁殖率 (mx)无显著影响 .群体累积培养时 ,悬沙对轮虫种群的雌体密度、雄体密度、孤雌生殖卵和休眠卵的密度以及种群的动态变化规律无显著影响 .可见 ,长江口疏浚工程会对轮虫动物有一定的负面影响 相似文献
大型海藻富含多种活性物质,具有抗衰老等生物活性;轮虫是良好的潜在抗衰老研究模式生物。本研究以褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachionus plicatilis)作为实验对象,研究了不同浓度的大型海藻龙须菜抽提液(0,250,500,750,1000 mg/L)和不同浓度的食物(蛋白核小球藻和普通小球藻)对褶皱臂尾轮虫生命表参数的影响。结果表明:与对照组相比,食物浓度为1.0×10~6个/mL蛋白核小球藻时,不同浓度龙须菜抽提液对轮虫产卵数、平均寿命、净生长率以及世代时间有显著促进效应(P0.05);轮虫平均产卵数及寿命在龙须菜抽提液浓度750 mg/L处达到最高,分别为16只和13.9d(P0.05)。食物浓度为2.0×10~6个/mL普通小球藻时,轮虫平均产卵数和寿命在抽提液浓度为500 mg/L处达到最高,分别为16只和13.6d(P0.05),轮虫平均寿命和净生长率均有显著提高(P0.05)。相同龙须菜抽提液浓度下,食物浓度为1.0×10~6个/mL蛋白核小球藻下轮虫的净生长率、世代时间均显著高于食物浓度为2.0×10~6个/mL蛋白核小球藻培养的轮虫(P0.05);食物浓度为2.0×10~6个/mL时,普通小球藻培养轮虫的净生长率和世代时间均显著高于蛋白核小球藻实验组(P0.05)。交互作用分析显示,龙须菜抽提液与小球藻的交互作用对褶皱臂尾轮虫的内禀增长率有显著影响(P0.05)。研究结果表明,大型海藻龙须菜抽提液对褶皱臂尾轮虫的生长与生殖有促进作用,延长轮虫寿命。 相似文献
浮游动物在食物链能量流动与物质循环中发挥着重要作用,能将摄入的浮游植物转化为不同形态的碳,在海洋碳循环中发挥重要作用。应用14C标记示踪方法,定量分析海洋浮游动物褶皱臂尾轮虫Brachionus plicatilis摄入碳的碳同化与碳排放。喂食不同密度小球藻Chlorella sp.(1×105个/mL、5×105个/mL、1×106个/mL)后,褶皱臂尾轮虫对小球藻碳的同化率(AE)为34%-51%,呈现随饵料密度增加而减小的趋势;未被轮虫同化的碳,主要以溶解有机碳(DOC)的形态排放到水体中,DOC占碳排放的比例为37%-51%,随着饵料密度增加而增加;二氧化碳(CO2)的比例为15%-40%,随着饵料密度增加而减小;颗粒有机碳(POC)占碳排放的比例较少,为23%-34%,随着饵料密度的增加而增加。此外,分析褶皱臂尾轮虫排放DOC的粒径组成,发现低分子量有机碳(LMW,< 3 kDa)的量大于胶体有机碳(COC,3 kDa-0.22 μm)的量,COC占DOC比例为33%-43%;LMW占DOC比例为57%-67%。本研究结果表明,浮游动物可把相当部分食物中的碳转化为DOC,排放到水体中为细菌所利用,在海洋碳循环中发挥重要作用。 相似文献
食物种类和浓度对壶状臂尾轮虫实验种群动态的影响 总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22
使用浓度为0.3mg/mL的椭圆小球藻、尖细栅藻和两者以1:1(湿重比)组成的混合藻在26±1℃下对壶状臂尾轮虫进行单个体培养研究。结果表明,虽然三类食物对轮虫的胚胎发育时间和平均寿命无显著影响,但投喂小球藻时轮虫的生殖前期明显比投喂栅藻或混合藻时短,投喂小球藻时轮虫的生殖期明显比投喂栅藻时长;轮虫的生殖后期历时以栅藻组最长,混合藻组次之,小球藻组最短,三者间具显著差异。轮虫的繁殖率、产卵量和种群内禀增长率均以小球藻组最高,混合藻组次之,栅藻组最低。由此可见,小球藻是该种轮虫培养的最适饵料。以浓度为0.375、0.75、1.5、3.0和5.0×106cells/mL的椭圆小球藻为食物在23±1℃下对壶状臂尾轮虫进行单个体培养研究发现,0.75×106cells/mL是其生存和繁殖的最低浓度阈值;食物浓度对轮虫的胚胎发育时间和生殖后期历时无显著影响;食物浓度为1.5×106cells/mL和3.0×106cells/mL时,轮虫各主要发育阶段的历时和产卵量间也无显著差异;食物浓度高于3.0×106cells/mL或低于1.5×106cells/mL对轮虫的生殖前期无显著影响,但使轮虫的平均寿命和产卵量显著减小;食物浓度高于3.0×106cells/mL时,轮虫的生殖期显著缩短。轮虫种群的繁殖率、净生殖率和内禀增长率皆以3.0×106cells/mL组最高,1.5×106cells/mL组次之,0.75×106 cells/mL和5.0×106cells/mL组较低。因此,轮虫种群增长的适宜食物浓度范围为1.5-3.0×106cells/mL,最适食物浓度是3.0×106cells/mL。
环境因子对萼花臂尾轮虫休眠卵萌发率的影响 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachiounus calyciflorus Pallas)休眠卵在不同萌发条件下累积萌发率的结果显示,保存在休眠卵形成的原液中,温度为20℃~30℃时萌发率均较高,30℃时用过滤湖水萌发时的萌发率最高(65%),保存在无机培养中的休虎卵,用曝气自来水萌发时最主,用湖水次之,无机液萌发效果较差;20℃和25℃时三种萌发液中的萌发率接近,母体投喂小球藻形成的休眠卵的累积萌发率高于投 相似文献
在28℃下,采用群体累积培养法,探讨了不同浓度的蛋白核小球藻(Chlorella pyrenodeosa)、水华鱼腥藻(Anabaena flas-aquae)和沙角衣藻(Chlamyclomoras sajao),以及在等生物量条件下,以上3种藻类两两配比饵料(3:1、1:1和1:3)对萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)的培养效果。结果表明,不同浓度的蛋白核小球藻、水华鱼腥藻和沙角衣藻对萼花臂尾轮虫增殖效果的影响分别表现为差异极显著(P〈0.01)、显著(P〈0.05)和不显著(P〉0.05);蛋白核小球藻与水华鱼腥藻组成的混合饵料对萼花臂尾轮虫的增殖效果均优于其中的单一种类(P〈0.05);沙角衣藻无论是单独投喂,还是与其它藻类混合投喂,轮虫的培养效果均不理想。因此,该种类不宜用作轮虫饵料开发。该研究还表明,蛋白核小球藻是培养萼花臂尾轮虫的最适单一种类,它与水华鱼腥藻组成的混合饵料培养萼花臂尾轮虫效果更好。 相似文献
During recent years, investigations on decrease ofrotifer density in culture tanks from severalhatcheries have shown that infectious diseases mightbe associated with abnormal mortality. The firstreported infection was caused by an unusual birnavirusreferred as rotifer birnavirus (RBV). Viral lesionsappeared in cells of gastric glands and spread toother epithelia. Virus particles were also foundwithin ovarian cells. Highly infected rotifersexhibited abnormal behavior and died. The secondimportant pathogen found in Brachionusplicatilis has been provisionally related to theLagenidiaceae. The fungus developed in up to 85% ofrotifers and caused sudden, precipitous decrease inanimal density. The occurrence of these diseases showsthat in the future infectious agents will have to beconsidered as important factors capable of reducingthe productivity of rotifer mass cultures. 相似文献
塔玛亚历山大藻和东海原甲藻对褶皱臂尾轮虫种群数量的影响 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
通过对2002年5月东海赤潮原因种一东海原甲藻和亚历山大藻的单一藻种和两种藻混合情况下对褶皱臂尾轮虫种群数量影响的实验研究,发现塔玛亚历山大藻(ATHK)对轮虫有致死作用,其48hLC50为1300cell·ml^-1.藻的各组分毒性比较研究表明,只有藻液和藻细胞具有这种毒害作用,藻在早期生长阶段的毒害作用较强,毒性大小与藻细胞活性相关.东海原甲藻在高密度(4×10^4、5×10^4、10×10^4cell·ml^-1)时对轮虫种群数量在第5d时开始有影响;东海原甲藻在低密度(1×10^4、2×10^4、3×10^4cell·ml^-1)时,轮虫能够以其为食并进行生长繁殖.两种藻混合情况下,东海原甲藻能够减轻塔玛亚历山大藻对轮虫的毒害作用.实验结果表明,此次赤潮对东海的微型浮游动物种群能够产生一定的影响. 相似文献
Rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) grown atdifferent growth rate ( = 0.05–0.39 d–1)were analyzed for protein, lipid, fatty acids, aminoacids and free amino acids, and values are expressedin terms of individuals and dry weight. Increase ingrowth rate is equivalent with increased food rationof the individual rotifer, which responded by higheregg ratio. The protein content per individualrotifer increased by 60–80% when the growth rate increased, whereas the protein content per dryweight showed a slight, although insignificant,increase (p > 0.05). The lipid content perindividual was constant, whereas lipid per dryweight decreased when the growth rate increased. Theratio DHA/EPA decreased when the growth ratesincreased. The amino acids profile in percent oftotal amino acids showed low variation betweencultures maintained at different growth rates,whereas the values expressed in terms of amino acidper individual showed higher variation. The range ofvariation for free amino acids was more pronouncedthan for total amino acids.Short-term food enrichment of poorly fed rotifers( = 0.05 d–1) with balanced protein richdiet resulted in increased protein and lipid contentper rotifer. The protein content per dry weightshowed only minor changes whereas lipid per dryweight increased. Contrary, short term enrichmentwith a lipid rich diet resulted in increased lipidcontent per individual rotifer and per dry weight,whereas the protein content per individual remainedconstant and the protein content per dry weightshowed a slight decrease.Our experiments show that the amount of protein, wasquite variable in rotifers, and that feeding andgrowth condition were decisive factors affecting it.The range of variation was large enough to be animportant factor during first feeding of marinelarvae, and should therefore be considered infeeding larvae. 相似文献
Isao Maruyama Takashi Nakao Ikuro Shigeno Yotaro Ando Kazutsugu Hirayama 《Hydrobiologia》1997,358(1-3):133-138
Condensed suspension of Chlorellavulgaris was used for the food of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis and B. rotundiformis inplace of Nannochloropsis oculata. Thisreport describes the characteristics of C. vulgaris as arotifer food in comparison with N. oculata and thepresent status of this field.The cell components of C. vulgarissuch as protein content, amino acids, minerals andvitamins are generally similar to those of N. oculata. However, the taxonomic status of thesealgal species are different. Based on thesimilarity of cell components, the dietary value ofC. vulgaris is equal in value to that of N. oculata for rotifer growth. Dietary value ofC. vulgaris can be improved by addition ofvitamin B12. This improved C. vulgaris is currently widely used as an indispensable food organism for rotifer culture. Recent investigationshave shown that the use of the condensed suspensionof C. vulgaris makes it possible tosignificantly increase the rotifer density atharvest. Application of condensed C. vulgaris has made rotifer culture quite easy because theculture of N. oculata is no longer required,and intensive rotifer production in aquaculture cannow be realized. 相似文献
Clearance and ingestion rates of Brachionus plicatilis were measured using 14C-labeled Isochrysis galbana Tahiti. Experiments were conducted at 20–22 °C, 20 ppt salinity, and algal concentrations ranging from 0.13–64 mg C 1–1. Clearance rates were constant and maximal at concentrations <2 mg C 1–1, with maximum rates ranging from 3.4–6.9 µl ind.–1 hr–1. The ingestion rate varied with food concentration, and was described by a rectilinear model. The maximum ingestion rate varied considerably, and was dependent on the growth rate of the rotifers. Depending on the pre-conditions, B. plicatilis ingested about 0.5 to 2 times its body carbon per day at saturating food concentrations. 相似文献
Nutritional effect of freshwater Chlorella on growth of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mass production of Brachionus plicatilis is usually accomplished by feeding so-called marine Chlorella (Nannochloropsis oculata) to the rotifers in marine fish hatcheries. If the marine Chlorella are in short supply, baker's yeast is usually used as a supplementary food. Recently, a condensed suspension of freshwater Chlorella (Chlorella vulgaris, k-22) was commercially developed as another supplementary food. We have evaluated the dietary value of this freshwater Chlorella for growth of the rotifer by means of individual and batch cultures. Rotifers cultured with the freshwater Chlorella suspension under almost bacteria-free conditions, showed very suppressed growth. However if the Chlorella was supplemented with vitamin B12 by adding the vitamin solution into the suspension or by culturing the Chlorella in a medium containing vitamin B12, the nutritional value of freshwater Chlorella was greatly improved and almost at the same level as that of marine Chlorella. Condensed Chlorella may therefore be effective as a supplementary food if vitamin B12 is supplied. 相似文献
Anne Derrien Laurence J. M. Coiffard Céline Coiffard Yannick De Roeck-Holtzhauer 《Journal of applied phycology》1998,10(2):131-134
The HPLC separation of fluorescent o-phtaldialdehyde (OPA) derivatives has been applied to the assay of free amino acids from
five microalgae commonly used in aquaculture: Tetraselmis suecica, Skeletonema costatum, Chaetoceros calcitrans, Thalassiosira
sp. and Isochrysis galbana, as part an assessment of their potential use in cosmetic products. Thirteen free amino acids were
analyzed using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. There were considerable differences between species. However, four
amino acids were responsible for more than 60% total concentration in all species: ASP, GLU, ARG and TYR; the next most important
(accounting for less than 30%) were: ALA, VAL, PHE and LYS.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献