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木麻黄根瘤共生放线菌——Frankia的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用根瘤切片培养法,从细枝木麻黄野生根瘤中分离出具有侵染能力的Frankia sp. FSCc01菌株。该菌株在多种常用放线菌培养基上生长缓慢,产生孢囊孢子,顶囊只在无氮培养基上大量出现。在一些培养基上,菌丝分化产生孢于囊状结构(sLs)。用纯培养物接种水培细枝木麻黄幼苗,2一{周后即能形成典型的木麻黄根瘤,并表现出较强的乙炔还原能力。在较强的光照下,FsCcol菌株的宿主结瘤早,瘤数量多,固氮能力强。能在8·qppm的NH+态N存在下使宿主结癌和固氮,pH变化在5.8—7.0范围内对结瘤没有明显影响。对’~Cc01菌株共生特性的进一步研究将有助于阐明其应用的可能。  相似文献   

用根瘤切片法,从长骨木麻黄(C. glauca Sieb.)、鸡冠木麻黄(C. cristata)和海滨木麻黄(A. littoralis)野生根瘤中分离出具有侵染能力的Frankia sp、NNCG01、NNCCR03和NNACL05菌株,它们都具有Frankia的典型形态特征,在无氮培养条件下,形成大量的顶囊和孢子囊。各菌株对简单碳源和氮源的利用比对复杂碳源和氮源的利用更好,而且都具有较高的耐盐(NaC1)能力,在0.2M盐浓度中,生长受到的影响很小,在盐浓度为0.5M时,也有一定生长。这三株Frankia菌株都能交叉感染木麻黄属(Casuarina)和异木麻黄属(Allocasuarina)中的一些放线菌结瘤植物,因此,从木麻黄属植物根瘤分离的Frankia菌株和从异木麻黄属植物根瘤分离的Frankia菌株属于同一个互接种簇。这三株Frankia的自生固氮活性与它们的共生固氮活性呈正比,而且同一菌株与不同种木麻黄植物共生固氮的效率没有明显的差异,为初步筛选高效共生固氮的Frankia菌株提供了一个快速简便的方法,具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

青海蚕豆根瘤菌共生固氮效应的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刁治民 《微生物学杂志》2000,20(3):20-22,32
蚕豆根瘤菌属于快生型根瘤菌 ,2 4h形成菌落。在盆栽试验中 ,蚕豆根瘤菌Qx -2与蚕豆具有良好共生效应 ,其株高、茎叶干重及含氮量 ,株瘤数 ,根瘤重量以及固氮酶活性等 ,均明显高于不接种对照 ,固氮率提高 69.4 9%。接种根瘤菌是提高蚕豆共生固氮效应的技术措施。  相似文献   

沙棘Frankia的侵染特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较了3株沙棘Frankia菌感染能力,Hr16可与野生菌作用互补.测定了不同接种方式和多种环境因子对回接的影响.土壤表层施菌接种,菌龄8周,苗龄4周,接种量每株0.01mlPCV,可产生高效共生效果.  相似文献   

Frankia菌的野外分离   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了Frankia放线菌的野外分离方法。这种分离方法简便易行,分离成功率较高。此方法也为在野外分离难度较大的其他微生物探索了一条可以借鉴的途径。  相似文献   

高寒草地珠芽蓼内生拮抗固氮菌Z19的鉴定及其固氮功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】从东祁连山高寒草地珠芽蓼内生细菌中筛选和鉴定具有固氮能力和拮抗能力的内生细菌。【方法】采用16S rRNA基因序列同源性分析和生理生化指标测定方法对该菌株进行鉴定。【结果】从珠芽蓼中分离获得的21株内生细菌中6株内生菌具有固氮能力,76.2%具有抑菌能力,其中5株内生细菌对5种以上的病原菌有抑制作用;菌株Z19具有较强固氮能力和分解纤维素的能力,其纤维素溶解圈直径与菌落直径比达3.33,产生的纤维素酶活性为0.31 U,且对辣椒立枯丝核病菌(Rhizoctonia solani)、油菜菌核病菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)、番茄灰霉病菌(Botrytis cinerea)、小麦根腐病菌(Bipolaris sorokiniana)和番茄早疫病菌(Alternaria solani)具有较强拮抗能力;经PCR扩增和测序,获得了菌株Z19的固氮基因(nifH)序列和16S rRNA基因序列,在GenBank中的登录号分别为EU693340和EU236746;菌株Z19呈革兰氏阳性,杆状,产芽孢。【结论】结合生理生化特征及16S rRNA基因序列同源性比较,鉴定其为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)。  相似文献   

从北京地区16个水稻品种的根际分离筛选出两株固氮酶活性较高的菌株D-12和D-25。对这两个菌株进行了分类鉴定和固氮酶活性的测定。根据形态特征和理化特性的测定,菌株D-12属于肺炎克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae),菌株D-25类似于克雷伯氏菌但又有区别,因此暂放在胁杆菌科(Enterobacteriaceae)。两个菌株均在厌氧条件下固氮酶活性最高。在Hill's无氮蔗糖培养基中30℃条件下,其固氮酶活性的高峰出现在第16至第18小时。  相似文献   

磁场对大豆共生固氮的效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
恒定磁场处理慢生大豆根瘤菌“005”和接种后的大豆植株,发现磁场可以提高根瘤的固氮活性。在一定的磁场强度(70—100mT)下,固氮活性平均可以提高4—5倍,植株的结瘤数和根瘤重量平均提高2—3倍。从这样的根瘤中所分离出的根瘤菌,由慢生型转变成快生型,在100植株中有17株的根瘤分离出快生菌。生长世代时间和培养溶液中的pH值与慢生型不同,而与快生型相同。  相似文献   

对来自赤杨属、木麻黄属、异木麻黄属、沙棘属和杨梅属的六株Frankia代表菌株进行了二十四种碳源利用谱的比较研究(包括简单有机酸、单糖、双糖、三糖和糖醇在内)。结果表明,各菌株在碳源利用种类和程度上有明显差异;简单有机酸盐特别是丙酸钠是所有菌株的良好碳源;菌株Cc01、A11I1和Hr16还能很好地利用丙酮酸钠;除了菌株Hr16能很好地利用纤维二糖,菌株A11I1利用葡萄糖外;糖醇类很少被利用。如果以丙酮酸钠、丙酸钠和乙酸为“诊断性”碳源,则可以将供试菌株分为三个类群,即赤杨——杨梅类群、沙棘类群和木麻黄类群;这与交叉接种和血清学方法得出的结论相吻合。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effects of Al on nodule formation and function in the Casuarina-Frankia symbiosis, inoculated plants were grown in sand culture at five nominal Al concentrations (0-880 M Al) at pH 4.0. There was an Al-free control at pH 6.0 to assess the effects of pH 4.0 treatments. Mean N concentration of nodules was significantly less at pH 4.0 (1.83%) than at pH 6.0 (2.01%). There were nodulated plants at all Al levels, though there were fewer nodulated plants at 440 and 880 M Al. Dry weights of nodules, shoots and roots were not reduced by Al concentrations at or below 220 M Al, but were decreased by Al concentrations at or above 440 M Al. Nodule weight expressed as a percentage of total weight did not differ significantly with respect to an Al-free control at pH 4. N concentrations of shoots and whole plants were significantly reduced at 440 M Al. Nodular specific acetylene reduction activity (ARA) did not differ significantly among Al treatments. However, N2-fixation efficiency was decreased from 0.20 to 0.10 mg N fixed mg nodule dry weight–1 at 880 M Al.  相似文献   

Five free-living Frankia strains isolated from Casuarina were investigated for occurrence of hydrogenase activity. Nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) and hydrogen evolution were also evaluated. Acetylene reduction was recorded in all Frankia strains. None of the Frankia strains had any hydrogenase activity when grown on nickel-depleted medium and they released hydrogen in atmospheric air. After addition of nickel to the medium, the Frankia strains were shown to possess an active hydrogenase, which resulted in hydrogen uptake but no hydrogen evolution. The hydrogenase activity in Frankia strain KB5 increased from zero to 3.86 μ mol H2 (mg protein)−1 h−1 after addition of up to 1.0 μ M Ni. It is likely that the hydrogenase activity could be enhanced even more as a response on further addition of Ni. It is indicated in this study that absence of hydrogenase activity in free-living Frankia isolated from Casuarina spp. is due to nickel deficiency. Frankia living in symbiosis with Casuarina spp. show hydrogenase activity. Therefore, the results also indicate that the hydrogenase to some extent is regulated by the host plant and/or that the host plant supplies the symbiotic microorganism with nickel. Moreover, the result shows that this Frankia is somewhat different from Frankia isolated from Alnus incana and Comptonia peregrina ., i.e., Frankia isolated from A. incana and C. peregrina showed a small hydrogen uptake activity even without addition of nickel.  相似文献   

一株弗兰克氏菌的分离培养及特性研究*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢一青   《微生物学通报》2004,31(5):9-13
用根瘤匀浆法,从粗枝木麻黄(Casuarina glauca)根瘤中分离到一株内生菌FCg77。生物学特性试验表明:该菌株的适宜分离培养基为BAP培养基,最佳碳源为吐温-80,最适氮源为牛肉膏,能耐5%的盐分,生理类型为AB型,细胞壁化学组分为Ⅲ型。结合回接试验结果,初步判定分离菌株FCg77应属于弗兰克氏菌(Frankia)的成员。  相似文献   

Occurrence and activity of the hydrogen uptake enzyme were studied in root nodule homogenates made from plants of Alnus incana (L.) Moench collected from field sites in the northern part of Sweden. Nitrogenase (EC activity (estimated by acetylene reduction) and hydrogen evolution were studied in excised nodules. All Frankia sources showed acetylene reduction activity, and possessed a hydrogen uptake system. Hydrogen uptake in nodule homogenates from the Frankia sources measured at 23.8 μM H2 ranged from 0.04 to 5.0 μmol H2 (g fresh weight nodule)−1 h−1. The H2 uptake capacity of nodule homogenates from one of the Frankia sources was almost 8 times higher than the hydrogen evolution from nitrogenase, both expressed on a nodule fresh weight basis. Frankia sources from field sites 6 and 11 showed Km for H2 of 13.0 and 23.6 μM H2, respectively. This indicates similarities in the hydrogen uptake enzymes in the two Frankia sources. It is concluded that hydrogen uptake is a common characteristic in Frankia.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in purified Frankia vesicles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Superoxide dismutase (EC and catalase (EC activities of Frankia cells grown in the presence of ammonium were very high in comparison with those of other prokaryaotes and particularly Rhizobium . Furthermore, these activities were significantly enhanced under nitrogen-fixing conditions where vesicles were produced. By using a single-step sucrose gradient, Frankia vesicles were isolated and appeared intact and free of hyphal contamination. The contents of superoxide dismutase and catalase in the purified vesicles were similar to those in preparations containing both vesicles and hyphae. These results suggest an important role of superoxide dismutase and catalase in the protection of the overall nitrogen-fixation process against O2 in Frankia vesicles. Beside the protective role played by the thick walls of the vesicles, the presence of specialized enzymes is emphasized.  相似文献   

AIMS: In order to depict the fine interactions that lead to nodulation, absolute microbiological control of the symbiotic partners is required, i.e. the ability to obtain in vitro axenic nodulation, a condition that has never been fulfilled with the Casuarina-Frankia symbiosis. The effects of culture conditions on plant growth and nodule formation by Casuarina cunninghamiana were investigated. METHODS AND RESULTS: Axenic (capped tubes with different substrates), and nonaxenic cultures (Gibson tubes, pot cultures) were tested. In axenic conditions, C. cunninghamiana, inoculated with Frankia, had poor growth and did not form nodules at 6 weeks. Plants cultivated in Gibson tubes reached the four axillary shoots stage within 6 weeks and formed nodules 4 weeks after inoculation. Sand-pot cultures allowed us to relate the plant development stage at inoculation with nodulation. CONCLUSIONS: The sterile replacement of the cap by a plastic bag increased plant growth and enabled nodule formation 6 weeks after inoculation. The new system of plant culture allows the axenic nodule formation 6 weeks after inoculation. Nodulation behaviour is related to plant development and confinement. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This axenic plant nodulation system is of major interest in analysing the roles of Frankia genes in nodulation pathways.  相似文献   

Three isolates of Frankia from nodules of Casuarina sens, strict. (JCT287. JCT295 and 20607) were compared in their abilities to nodulate and fix N, when associated with four species of Casuarina ( C. cunninghamiana Miq., C. equisetifolia Forst., C obesa Miq. and C. glauca Sieb. ex Spreng) growing in a N-deficient soil.
All three Frankia isolates nodulated each of the four species of Casuarina . At 27 weeks after inoculation, growth (dry weight) of inoculated plants was 3.6 to 5.0 times greater than that of uninoculated plants. There were no significant differences in plant dry weight, the N concentration of shoots or roots, or the amount of N, fixed per plant among the Frankia isolates for each of the species of Casuarina studied. The infectivity and effectiveness in N, fixation of Frankia strain JCT287 with C. cunninghamiana was similar when two different defined media were used for culture of the inoculum.  相似文献   

B. H. Ng 《Plant and Soil》1987,103(1):123-125
The growth, nodulation and nitrogen fixation ofCasuarina equisetifolia were compared at six levels (0–500mM NaCl) of salinity in sand culture. Dry weight of nodules, shoots and roots and N content of shoots increased at intermediate levels of salinity (50–100 mM) but decreased at 500 mM NaCl. Nodulation occurred at all NaCl levels, but at 500mM NaCl level, the nodule dry weight declined by 50% from the control. Increasing NaCl concentration of up to 200mM had little effect on the N2-fixation rate, but at 500mM NaCl level the rate decreased to 40% of the control value.  相似文献   

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