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Isolation and structural analysis of the mouse beta-casein gene   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
M Yoshimura  T Oka 《Gene》1989,78(2):267-275

Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EMD) is an X-linked recessive disorder associated with muscle wasting, contractures, and cardiomyopathy. The responsible emerin gene has recently been identified and found to encode a serine-rich protein similar to lamina-associated protein 2 (LAP2), although the disease mechanism remains obscure. In order to pursue the pathophysiology of this disorder, we report here the isolation and characterization of the complete mouse emerin gene. The emerin cDNA was isolated from murine strain BALB/c, and the emerin gene was isolated from strain 129. The 2.9-kb mouse emerin gene was completely sequenced and found to be composed of 6 exons and encode a protein 73% identical to that of the human protein. Key similarities with LAP2 were found to be conserved, including critical LAP2 phosphorylation sites. Examination of the murine promoter revealed three previously unrecognized cAMP response elements (CRE) conserved between human and mouse. While Northern analysis shows emerin to be widely expressed in the mouse, as it is in humans, these promoter elements may indicate cAMP responsiveness. These data provide the necessary elements to further investigate EMD in a murine system. Received: 1 December 1996 / Accepted: 12 January 1997  相似文献   

We have isolated and sequenced the mouse zinc finger gene, Dnmt3l (DNA cytosine-5-methyltransferase 3-like), on mouse chromosome 10, showing similarity to members of the DNMT3/Dnmt3 family. The Dnmt3l protein contains an ADD zinc finger, which Dnmt3l shares with other Dnmt3 family members and Atrx. RT-PCR analysis showed Dnmt3l expression in testis, thymus, ovary, and heart, as well as in 7-day, 15-day, and 17-day mouse embryos.  相似文献   

The tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) gene is expressed in a tissue and developmental-specific manner. In addition, this gene is regulated by glucocorticoid and polypeptide hormones and its expression is affected when a regulatory region near the albino locus of the mouse is deleted. In order to allow studies of the molecular effects of these deletion mutations we have isolated and characterized the mouse TAT gene. The gene is 9.2 x 10(3) bases in length and consists of 12 exons which give rise to a 2.3 x 10(3) base long messenger RNA. The DNA sequence at the 5' end of the gene was determined and compared with the corresponding sequence of the rat tyrosine aminotransferase gene. The sequence comparison showed extensive homology over the entire region sequenced. In addition, DNA: DNA heteroduplex studies between the mouse and rat tyrosine aminotransferase genes revealed that this homology extends over the entire gene and its flanking sequences. The mouse tyrosine aminotransferase gene has been mapped distal to the serum esterase-1 locus on mouse chromosome 8, using a restriction fragment length polymorphism between two mouse species. Since the albino deletions are located on mouse chromosome 7, the assignment of the TAT gene to chromosome 8 suggests that a regulatory factor(s) affecting TAT gene expression acts in trans.  相似文献   

Two rod-like opsin genes, conf and cond , were isolated from the common Japanese conger Conger myriaster . The predicted proteins of conf and cond consisted of 354 and 350 amino acid (aa) residues respectively, and the aa identity was 87.4%. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that conf and cond are homologous to the freshwater type and the deep-sea type rod opsin genes of freshwater eels. RT-PCR analyses revealed that in both juveniles and adults cond is expressed in the retina and pineal complex, while conf is only expressed in the pineal complex at a low level.  相似文献   

The Drosophila ninaE gene encodes an opsin   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
The Drosophila ninaE gene was isolated by a multistep protocol on the basis of its homology to bovine opsin cDNA. The gene encodes the major visual pigment protein (opsin) contained in Drosophila photoreceptor cells R1-R6. The coding sequence is interrupted by four short introns. The positions of three introns are conserved with respect to positions in mammalian opsin genes. The nucleotide sequence has intermittent regions of homology to bovine opsin coding sequences. The deduced amino acid sequence reveals significant homology to vertebrate opsins; there is strong conservation of the retinal binding site and two other regions. The predicted protein secondary structure strikingly resembles that of mammalian opsins. We conclude the Drosophila and vertebrate opsin genes are derived from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Mouse enamelysin (Mmp20), a member of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family of extracellular matrix degrading enzymes, shows a high degree of homology with other MMPs, particularly those of the stromelysin/collagenase subfamilies. It is expressed exclusively in ameloblasts and odontoblasts. The mouse enamelysin gene (Mmp20) is made up of 10 exons spanning approximately 65 kb within the MMP gene cluster at the centromeric end of chromosome 9.  相似文献   

The homozygous inv (inversion of embryonic turning) mouse mutant shows situs inversus and polycystic kidney disease, both of which result from the lack of the inv gene. Previously, we suggested that inv may be important for the left-right axis formation, not only in mice but also in Xenopus, and that calmodulin regulates this inv protein function. Here, we isolated and characterized two Xenopus laevis homologs (Xinv-1 and Xinv-2) of the mouse inv gene, and performed functional analysis of the conserved IQ motifs that interact with calmodulin. Xinv-1 expresses early in development in the same manner as mouse inv does. Unexpectedly, a full-length Xenopus inv mRNA did not randomize cardiac orientation when injected into Xenopus embryos, which is different from mouse inv mRNA. Contrary to mouse inv mRNA, Xenopus inv mRNA with mutated IQ randomized cardiac orientation. The present study indicates that calmodulin binding sites (IQ motifs) are crucial in controlling the biological activity of both mouse and Xenopus inv proteins. Although mouse and Xenopus inv genes have a quite similar structure, the interaction with calmodulin and IQ motifs ofXenopus inv and mouse inv proteins may regulate their function in different ways.  相似文献   

Gicerin is a cell adhesion molecule, which has five immunoglobulin-like loop structures in an extracellular domain followed by a single transmembrane domain and a short cytoplasmic tail. We have reported that gicerin participates in neurite extension and structural organization of the nervous system, and its expression in the nervous system is high during the development and dramatically decreased after birth. To elucidate the mechanism how the expression of gicerin is regulated, we performed a genomic cloning of a mouse gicerin. A fragment of 16 kbp genomic clone contained 8 kbp gicerin gene composed of 16 exons with 6 kbp upstream region. Genomic cloning revealed that two isoforms of gicerin were generated by an alternative splicing of exon 15 results in cytoplasmic domains composed of either 63 or 21 amino acids. As for an expressional regulation of gicerin, we found that the mRNA content of gicerin in PC12 cells was regulated by cAMP. Quantitative-PCR analysis revealed that forskolin induced four-fold increase of gicerin mRNA. To characterize the involvement of its promoter region, we examined the promoter activity in PC12 cells by a luciferase-reporter assay. We found that a CRE site located at 60 bp upstream of gicerin gene was responsible for the increase of its mRNA induced by forskolin.  相似文献   

Characterization and promoter analysis of the mouse nestin gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cheng L  Jin Z  Liu L  Yan Y  Li T  Zhu X  Jing N 《FEBS letters》2004,565(1-3):195-202
The intermediate filament protein nestin is expressed in the neural stem cells of the developing central nervous system (CNS). Promoter analysis revealed that the minimal promoter of the mouse nestin gene resides in the region -11 to +183 of the 5'-non-coding and upstream flanking region, and that two adjacent Sp1-binding sites are necessary for promoter activity. Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays (EMSA) and supershift assays showed that Sp1 and Sp3 proteins selectively bind to the upstream Sp1 site. These results demonstrate an important functionality of Sp1 and Sp3 in regulating the expression of the mouse nestin gene.  相似文献   

Fukuyama-type congenital muscular dystrophy (FCMD) is a severe autosomal-recessive muscular dystrophy accompanied by brain malformation. Previously, we identified the gene responsible for FCMD through positional cloning. Here we report the isolation of its murine ortholog, Fcmd. The predicted amino acid sequence of murine fukutin protein encoded by Fcmd is 90% identical to that of its human counterpart. Radiation hybrid mapping localized the gene to 2.02 cR telomeric to D4Mit272 on chromosome 4. Northern blot analysis revealed ubiquitous expression of Fcmd in adult mouse tissues. Through in situ hybridization, we observed a wide distribution of Fcmd expression throughout embryonic development, most predominantly in the central and peripheral nervous systems. We also detected high Fcmd expression in the ventricular zone of proliferating neurons at 13.5 days post-coitum. Brain malformation in FCMD patients is thought to result from defective neuronal migration. Our data suggest that neuronally expressed Fcmd is likely to be important in the development of normal brain structure.  相似文献   

Isolation and nucleotide sequence of a partial cDNA clone for bovine opsin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bovine cDNAs were cloned by using a mixture of 18-base-long synthetic deoxyribonucleotides as a hybridization probe. The longest cDNA clone (pBO-1) contained an 811-bp insert that included the 434 bp of the coding region corresponding to the C-terminal 144 amino acid residues of opsin peptide and the 377 bp of the 3'-untranslated region. The size of opsin mRNA was determined as 23 S by Northern blot hybridization. Bovine liver DNA gave rise to a single band of 2.8 kb, 1.1 kb and 7.9 kb each with Eco RI, Hind III and Bam HI, respectively, by Southern blot hybridization with pBO-1 as probe. Therefore, bovine opsin gene may occur once per haploid genome.  相似文献   

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