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Effects of the cyclooxygenase inhibitors indomethacin, naproxen and the thromboxane synthetase inhibitor imidazole on renal sodium water and p-aminohippurate excretion were investigated in sodium loaded conscious rats of different ages. Renal and intrarenal blood flow were studied in anaesthetized adult rats. Indomethacin and naproxen reduced PAH excretion in 5- and 10-day-old rats but not in rats of older ages. Imidazole failed to influence PAH-excretion in young animals. The excretion of PAH was decreased in adult rats at 10 and 60 min following imidazole administration, but not after longer time interval (120 min). Following indomethacin and naproxen administration urine output was decreased in 5-, 10- and 15-day-old rats, but not in rats of older ages. Effects of imidazole on electrolyte excretion can be demonstrated in adult rats only. Cardiac output was not altered by the three drugs. Blood pressure was elevated after indomethacin, but remained unchanged after naproxen and imidazole treatment. Renal and cortical blood flow remained unaltered and no redistribution was seen in intrarenal blood flow after indomethacin, naproxen and imidazole administration. The experimental data suggest that prostaglandins and thromboxanes are involved in the regulation of kidney function, but prostaglandins in the rat--in contrast to the dog--do not seem to play a major role in the regulation of renal vascular tone in adult animals.  相似文献   

Intravenous infusion of somatostatin in mongrel dogs caused a significant decrease in the peripheral plasma renin activity (PRA) enhanced by pentobarbital sodium anesthesia or furosemide treatment. However, the inhibitory activity vanished within 10 min after termination of somatostatin infusion. Intrarenal arterial infusion of somatostatin decreased furosemide-enhanced PRA in renal vein by 24.0%, 16.6% and 8.6% in dose of 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 microgram, respectively. On the other hand, high doses of the peptide (50-200 microgram) failed to decrease. The changes in PRA occurred in the absence of any alteration in blood pressure during the intravenous infusion under furosemide treatment. In an in vitro study, the addition of somatostatin in doses of 0.01 and 0.05 microgram suppressed the renin release in dog renal cortical cell suspension by 74.3% and 53.6%, respectively. Therefore, in both intrarenal arterial infusion and the cell suspension system, somatostatin was increasingly effective in decreasing renin release towards the lower end of the dose range tested. These results suggest that the effect of somatostatin on hyperreninemia may involve an inhibition of renin release at the cell level in the kidney.  相似文献   

The efficacy of N,N'-bis-(3-picolyl)-methoxyisophthalamide (picotamide) as an in vitro thromboxane synthetase inhibitor and its effect on endotoxin (LPS)-induced lethality in rats were assessed. Picotamide at 0.5 and 1.0 mM concentrations significantly (P less than 0.05) inhibited basal and LPS-stimulated synthesis of TxA2 measured by its stable immunoreactive (i) metabolite TxB2 in rat peritoneal macrophages. This compound did not inhibit synthesis of i6-keto-PGF1 alpha, the stable metabolite of PGI2, and produced significant shunting to i6-keto-PGF1 alpha. For lethality studies rats were pretreated, by gavage with picotamide, at either 75, 150, 300, or 600 mg/kg 2 hr prior to iv S. enteritidis (LPS, 20 mg/kg). Both 150 and 300 mg/kg doses of picotamide significantly (P less than 0.05) improved survival in endotoxin shock at 48 hr. These studies demonstrate that picotamide is a selective thromboxane synthetase inhibitor, and that it may be useful during disease states characterized by increased TxA2 synthesis.  相似文献   

R W Egan  J L Humes  F A Kuehl 《Biochemistry》1978,17(11):2230-2234
The different effects of prostaglandin synthetase stimulators on inhibition of the cyclooxygenase by structurally distinct classes of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents suggest that the enzyme is altered by interaction with these stimulators. Reversible stimulation of prostaglandin synthetase activity by phenols and some other compounds and the relative influence of these stimulators on inhibitors of the cyclooxygenase were determined quantitatively. Two distinct classes of inhibitors were established. The fenamates were relatively weak inhibitors alone but were much more potent in the presence of phenolic compounds. In contrast, ibuprofen, indomethacin, and flurbiprofen were more potent than the fenamates and were reduced in effectiveness by the stimulators, as expected on the basis of two opposing actions. The relative potency of the cyclooxygenase stimulators (phenol greater than norepinephrine greater than tryptophan greater than benzoquinone greater than anisole) paralleled their synergistic action on the fenamates and their antagonist action on the nonfenamates. This correlation suggests that an enzyme alteration which leads to cyclooxygenase stimulation may also result in increased sensitivity to fenamates and decreased sensitivity to the other inhibitors, possibly by altering their capacity to bind.  相似文献   

Pyridine and some derivatives inhibit the conversion of prostaglandin endoperoxide to thromboxane catalyzed by thromboxane synthetase of human platelet microsomes. The structure-activity relationship of pyridine derivatives was investigated. Substitution of pyridine at position 2 either by an alkyl or an aryl group abolishes the inhibitory power of pyridine. Substitution at position 3 or 4 with a hydrophobic chain was found to increase the inhibitory potency, with 3-substituted pyridines being the most potent inhibitors. Inhibition by pyridine and its active derivatives appears to be selective for thromboxane synthetase since other enzymes in the arachidonic acid catabolic pathway were not affected. Kinetic studies indicate that inhibition as examined with hexylnicotinate is of the noncompetitive type.  相似文献   

Effect of parathyroid hormone on plasma renin activity in humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of PTH infusion on PRA was evaluated in 22 normotensive subjects. Intravenous infusion of PTH produced an increase in PRA in studied subjects. This increase in PRA was dose dependent from 1.505 +/- 0.226 to 2.500 +/- 0.346 nmol/l/hour after administration of 100 units of PTH and from 1.648 +/- 0.189 to 4.294 +/- 0.614 nmol/l/hour after 200 units of PTH and was markedly decreased by a beta blocking drug from 1.660 +/- 0.259 to 2.498 +/- 0.485 nmol/l/hour. These responses were observed without any significant changes in plasma calcium and blood pressure. From our results we can conclude that PTH increases PRA in normotensive controls. This effect is partly blocked by beta adrenergic blockers.  相似文献   

The in vivo effectiveness of the thromboxane synthetase inhibitor OKY-1581 was tested in normal and infarcted canine myocardium. A rapid in vitro assay was developed which permits an accurate assessment of the status of the tissue thromboxane synthetase at the time of sacrifice. Reperfused infarcts were created by two hours of coronary artery occlusion followed by release of occlusion and three days of recovery. OKY-1581 was infused at 100 micrograms/kg/min for 15 minutes, a dose previously found to cause an 85% inhibition of canine platelet thromboxane synthetase in vivo. The heart was rapidly excised and transmural tissue plugs of infarcted and normal areas were obtained. These were incubated for 5 minutes with prostaglandin endoperoxide (PGH2) in phosphate buffer. Thromboxane production was inhibited from 16 +/- 1 ng TxB2 per tissue plug to 5 +/- 1 in normal myocardium and from 27 +/- 5 to 6 +/- 1 in infarcted areas of myocardium. Control incubations showed no further inhibition with the in vitro addition of 20 micrograms/ml OKY-1581, confirming the completeness of in vivo inhibition. Thus significant inhibition of thromboxane synthetase by intravenous OKY-1581 occurs even in a reperfused zone of infarction.  相似文献   

Basal plasma renin activity (PRA) was not modified by pertussis toxin administration. On the contrary, the modulation of PRA by adrenergic amines was markedly affected by the toxin. Administration of epinephrine did not modified PRA in the controls but markedly increased it in toxin-treated rats. This effect of epinephrine was reproduced in control rats when yohimbine was given before the catecholamine. Clonidine decreased PRA to a much more significant extent in control rats than in animals treated with the toxin. Isoproterenol stimulated PRA to a greater level in toxin-treated rats. Our data indicates that pertussis toxin blocks the alpha 2-adrenergic modulation of renin release and magnifies the ability of beta adrenergic activation to stimulate PRA.  相似文献   

The effects of loading cardiopulmonary baroreceptors on basal norepinephrine and renin activity were studied in six normal subjects. Loading of cardiopulmonary baroreceptors was accomplished by a 60-min 30 degrees head-down tilt with small supplemental saline infusions. Central venous pressure was measured continuously by intrathoracic catheter; arterial pressure was measured indirectly by cuff. During the tilt, central venous pressure increased from 5.1 +/- 1.3 to 8.9 +/- 1.7 mmHg (P less than 0.001), whereas arterial pressure was unchanged. Plasma norepinephrine (185 +/- 85 pg/ml) and plasma renin activity (3.9 +/- 5.7 ng . ml-1 . h-1) did not change. Moderate sustained loading of cardiopulmonary baroreceptors is therefore without effect on unstressed plasma norepinephrine and renin activity in normal humans, suggesting that the tonic inhibitory effects of these receptors on these neurohumoral control systems are not readily increased in the basal state.  相似文献   

delta-Aminolevulinic acid (delta-ALA) synthetase in mouse liver homogenate was significantly (p less than 0.001) higher in the presence of uremic compared with normal plasma, the ratio of the two values being 1.36 +/- 0.24 in 30 paired experiments. This effect does not seem to be due to increased concentrations of urea or creatinine nor to any possible dialyzable substances. Its relationship to the retention of an inducing factor or decreased production of erythropoietin in uremic patients is discussed. A possible inhibitory effect of erythropoietin on liver delta-ALA synthetase is suggested.  相似文献   

The TxA2 synthetase inhibitor, dazoxiben, and the TxA2 antagonist, +/- SQ 29,548, were examined for effects on release and vasoactivity of TxA2 and prostacyclin. Isolated perfused guinea pig lungs were used as the enzyme source from which TxA2 and prostacyclin were released in response to injections of arachidonic acid or bradykinin. Both dazoxiben and +/- SQ 29, 548 inhibited contraction of the superfused rat aorta and bovine coronary artery after arachidonic acid injection through the lung. +/- SQ 29,548 abolished contractions of the rat aorta, but significant aorta contracting activity persisted during dazoxiben treatment. Dazoxiben significantly inhibited arachidonate-induced release of TxA2 (immunoreactive TxB2) into the superfusate, but TxA2 release was significantly potentiated by +/- SQ 29,548. Thus, in the presence of enhanced TxA2 concentrations, +/- SQ 29,548 effectively antagonized the vasospastic effect of TxA2. Dazoxiben diverted a significantly greater amount of arachidonic acid into prostacyclin synthesis (immunoreactive 6-keto-PGF1 alpha), changing original coronary vasoconstriction into relaxation. +/- SQ 29,548 did not significantly modify lung prostacyclin synthesis. Moreover, with +/- SQ 29,548, the absence of TxA2-mediated coronary contraction unmasked active relaxation of the superfused bovine coronary artery, coincident with thromboxane and prostacyclin release. Dazoxiben consistently inhibited TxA2 synthesis and enhanced prostacyclin synthesis. +/- SQ 29,548 augmented TxB2 release in response to arachidonate, but not bradykinin, and did not significantly alter 6-keto-PGF1 alpha release in response to either arachidonate or bradykinin. In terms of vasoactivity measured in vitro, +/- SQ 29,548 and dazoxiben produced similar anti-vasospastic effects, although this was accomplished by completely different mechanisms.  相似文献   

M D Johnson 《Life sciences》1985,36(25):2403-2411
Previous experiments have shown that circulating epinephrine stimulates renin secretin and increases plasma renin activity (PRA) when it is infused intravenously, but not when it is infused directly into the renal artery at similar infusion rates. The present experiments were designed to test the hypothesis that the adrenal glands mediate the PRA response to intravenous epinephrine infusion. Accordingly, anesthetized dogs were prepared with either an acute bilateral adrenalectomy or a sham-adrenalectomy procedure. Epinephrine was then infused intravenously into each animal for 45 minutes at a rate of 25 ng X kg-1 X min-1. Time control experiments in which epinephrine was not infused were also conducted. In sham-adrenalectomized dogs, PRA (in nanograms per ml h-1) rose from 4.1 +/- 1.4 in the control period to 13.0 +/- 3.0 during intravenous epinephrine infusion (means +/- SE; p less than 0.01). In adrenalectomized dogs, PRA rose from 2.1 +/- 0.4 during the control period to 5.5 +/- 0.9 during intravenous epinephrine infusion (p less than 0.01). Neither the absolute increments in PRA nor the percent increases in PRA were significantly different between the two groups receiving epinephrine. PRA remained unchanged in time control experiments. These data demonstrate that the adrenal glands need not be present in order for intravenous epinephrine infusion to elicit an increase in PRA. The data do not support the hypothesis, therefore, that epinephrine-induced increases in PRA are initiated by receptors located within the adrenal glands.  相似文献   

Winer N  Carter C 《Life sciences》1977,20(5):887-893
Changes in plasma levels of norepinephrine, dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DβH), and renin activity were observed in nine healthy volunteers during cold pressor stimulation. Increases in mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate during cold stimulation were accompanied by a sharp rise in plasma norepinephrine, while plasma DβH and renin activity showed little or no change. The results indicate that plasma norepinephrine accurately reflects acute activation of the sympathetic nervous system in contrast to plasma DβH and renin activity.  相似文献   

The effect of inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by indomethacin on active renin and on acid-activable inactive renin was studied in nine healthy, sodium-replete men, both at rest and exercise. These volunteers were investigated after pretreatment with placebo or indomethacin, 150 mg daily for 3 days. Indomethacin induced a decrease in active (p = 0.004), total (p less than 0.001), and inactive (p = 0.02) renin at rest recumbent on average by 42, 19, and 8%, respectively, and at rest sitting on average by 45, 15, and 3%, respectively. Inhibition of prostaglandins with indomethacin reduced (p less than 0.001) active and total renin at each level of work load but not (p = 0.32) inactive renin. However, the exercise-induced stimulation (p less than 0.05) of active and total renin still occur during indomethacin. Indomethacin reduced (p less than 0.001) at rest sitting and at maximal exercise the plasma concentrations of immunoreactive prostaglandins E2 by 50 and 54%, respectively, prostaglandin F2 alpha by 36 and 39%, respectively, and 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F alpha by 38 and 60%, respectively. The urinary excretion of immunoreactive prostaglandin E2 and F2 alpha was also reduced.  相似文献   

Renal nerves are thought to play an important role in cardiovascular regulation under both normotensive and hypertensive conditions. In the present study the effect of renal denervation on the changes in plasma renin activity (PRA) after aortic baroreceptor deafferentation (tADN) were investigated in the rat. Bilateral renal denervation did not alter arterial pressure (AP, 100 +/- 4 mmHg; 1 mmHg = 133.32 Pa), heart rate (HR, 363 +/- 12 bpm), or PRA (2.9 +/- 0.6 ng.mL-1.h-1) compared with the respective sham renal denervation values of 106 +/- 3 mmHg (AP), 385 +/- 13 bpm (HR), and 3.3 +/- 0.7 ng.mL-1.h-1 (PRA). On the other hand, bilateral tADN resulted in significant increases in AP, HR, and PRA. One and 3 days after tADN, AP was 130 +/- 4 and 127 +/- 6 mmHg, HR was 461 +/- 15 and 463 +/- 20 bpm, and PRA was 9.1 +/- 3.0 and 11.9 +/- 4.5 ng.mL-1.h-1, respectively. Renal denervation before tADN prevented the increases in AP and PRA, but it did not affect the increase in HR. These data indicate that renal denervation does not alter basal PRA in normotensive animals but prevents the increased renin release observed in neurogenic hypertension. These data suggest that the increased PRA may be one of several factors that contributes to the elevated AP after tADN.  相似文献   

Propranolol administration to rats was studied for its effects on plasma renin activity, renal renin content, and adrenal and brain isorenins. Propranolol was given intraperitoneally at 6 and 30 mg/kg/day for a 15-day period. Pulse rate was significantly decreased. There were no effects on the isorenin content of adrenal or brain tissue or on renal renin content. Rats responded in two completely different ways with respect to plasma renin activity. Two-fifths had a total suppression of plasma renin activity; the rest had concentrations similar to those in controls. These observations are consistent with those seen during chronic administration of propranolol to hypertensive patients and suggest that its antihypertensive effect may in some patients be through the suppression of renin release. Its mechanism of action in most patients remains at present unclear.  相似文献   

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