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A field survey of populations of goldsinny wrasse ( Ctenolabms rupestris ) was undertaken on selected areas of rocky coast of west Scotland. Observations by sub-aqua diving were used to determine distribution, habitat preference, and population density, and their seasonal variations. Availability of the preferred refuge type (crevices on rock faces, or between boulders, where two or more entrances exist) was essential in determining goldsinny presence. Goldsinny were not always present in areas or at depths where the influences of freshwater runoff (low temperatures and salinities) were likely, even if the preferred habitat type was available. In areas remote from these influences, and where there were suitable refuges, depth of water (0–44 m), macroalgal cover and high current speeds (2.1–3.6 ms−1) did not affect goldsinny distribution. Observed densities of goldsinny reached a peak in summer months with a maximum of 4.0 m−2 in areas of shallow boulder scree, but only 1.0 m−2 in shallow areas with little scree, or at deeper study sites. Numbers of goldsinny observed actively swimming decreased after October, with a rapid disappearance in November. A gradual reappearance was recorded in late April, and early May. Changes in activity may be influenced by both water temperature and photoperiod. Young-of-the-year goldsinny were first observed in August in shallow water (0–8 m) areas typified by rock/boulder scree and/or high macroalgal cover. Where adults also inhabited these nursery areas, 0+ fish could make up over 50% of the total population. After their first winter, juvenile goldsinny may migrate away from inshore sites.  相似文献   

High stranding frequency of porpoises, Phocoena phocoena, along the Dutch coast since 2006 has led to increased interest in the ecology of porpoises in the North Sea. Stranded porpoises were collected along the Dutch coast (2006–2008) and their diet was assessed through stomach content and stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) of porpoise muscle and prey. Stable isotope analysis (SIAR) was used to estimate the contribution of prey species to the porpoises' diet. This was compared to prey composition from stomach contents, to analyze differences between long‐ and short‐term diet. According to stomach contents, 90.5% of the diet consisted of gobies, whiting, lesser sandeel, herring, cod, and sprat. Stable isotope analysis revealed that 70‐83% of the diet consisted of poor cod, mackerel, greater sandeel, lesser sandeel, sprat, and gobies, highlighting a higher importance of pelagic, schooling species in the porpoises' diet compared to stomach contents. This could be due to prey distribution as well as differences in behavior of porpoises and prey between the coastal zone and offshore waters. This study supports the need for multi‐method approaches. Future ecological and fishery impact assessment studies and management decisions for porpoise conservation should acknowledge this difference between the long‐ and short‐term diet.  相似文献   

The ability of a population to genetically adapt to a changing environment is contingent not only on the level of existing genetic variation within that population, but also on the gene flow received from differently adapted populations. Effective pollen‐mediated gene flow among plant populations requires synchrony of flowering. Therefore differences in timing of flowering among genetically divergent populations may reduce their ability to adapt to environmental change. To determine whether gene flow among differently adapted populations of native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in Scotland was restricted by differences in their flowering phenology, we measured timing of pollen release among populations spanning a steep environmental gradient over three consecutive seasons (2014–2016). Results showed that, over a distance of 137 km, there were as many as 15.8 days’ difference among populations for the predicted timing of peak pollen shedding, with the earliest development in the warmer west of the country. There was much variation between years, with the earliest development and least synchrony in the warmest year (2014) and latest development and greatest synchrony in the coolest year (2015). Timing was negatively correlated with results from a common‐garden experiment, indicative of a pattern of countergradient variation. We conclude that the observed differences in reproductive synchrony were sufficient to limit gene flow via pollen between populations of P. sylvestris at opposite ends of the environmental gradient across Scotland. We also hypothesize that continually warming, or asymmetrically warming spring temperatures will decrease reproductive synchrony among pine populations.  相似文献   

Sea ice conditions in the Antarctic affect the life cycle of the emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri). We present a population projection for the emperor penguin population of Terre Adélie, Antarctica, by linking demographic models (stage‐structured, seasonal, nonlinear, two‐sex matrix population models) to sea ice forecasts from an ensemble of IPCC climate models. Based on maximum likelihood capture‐mark‐recapture analysis, we find that seasonal sea ice concentration anomalies (SICa) affect adult survival and breeding success. Demographic models show that both deterministic and stochastic population growth rates are maximized at intermediate values of annual SICa, because neither the complete absence of sea ice, nor heavy and persistent sea ice, would provide satisfactory conditions for the emperor penguin. We show that under some conditions the stochastic growth rate is positively affected by the variance in SICa. We identify an ensemble of five general circulation climate models whose output closely matches the historical record of sea ice concentration in Terre Adélie. The output of this ensemble is used to produce stochastic forecasts of SICa, which in turn drive the population model. Uncertainty is included by incorporating multiple climate models and by a parametric bootstrap procedure that includes parameter uncertainty due to both model selection and estimation error. The median of these simulations predicts a decline of the Terre Adélie emperor penguin population of 81% by the year 2100. We find a 43% chance of an even greater decline, of 90% or more. The uncertainty in population projections reflects large differences among climate models in their forecasts of future sea ice conditions. One such model predicts population increases over much of the century, but overall, the ensemble of models predicts that population declines are far more likely than population increases. We conclude that climate change is a significant risk for the emperor penguin. Our analytical approach, in which demographic models are linked to IPCC climate models, is powerful and generally applicable to other species and systems.  相似文献   

Fernandez‐Leborans, G. 2011. Epibionts on the krill (Euphausia pacifica) from the E coast of Japan. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 : 1–10. Specimens of Euphausia pacifica collected from shallow waters of the E coast of Japan showed ciliate epibionts belonging to two suctorian species: Ephelota plana and Gymnodinioides sp. The epibionts were present in a total of 27 anatomical units of E. pacifica, in numbers fluctuating between 8 and 80 individuals per basibiont. Gymnodinioides showed the highest mean number of epibionts. The presence–absence of epibionts indicated some specificity of the species by different locations on the basibiont body, which is corroborated by the analysis of the colonization throughout the longitudinal axis of the basibiont. Ephelota plana was recorded by the first time on E. pacifica, while Gymnodinioides sp. extended its geographical area with respect to previous studies. Morphological, taxonomical features of the species and the statistical analysis of their spatial distribution on E. pacifica are included.  相似文献   

Aim Eleutherodactylus coqui (commonly known as the coqui) is a frog species native to Puerto Rico and non‐native in Hawaii. Despite its ecological and economic impacts, its potential range in Hawaii is unknown, making control and management efforts difficult. Here, we predicted the distribution potential of the coqui on the island of Hawaii. Location Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Methods We predicted its potential distribution in Hawaii using five biophysical variables derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) as predictors, presence/absence data collected from Puerto Rico and Hawaii and three classification methods – Classification Trees (CT), Random Forests (RF) and Support Vector Machines (SVM). Results Models developed separately using data from the native range and the invaded range predicted potential coqui habitats in Hawaii with high performance. Across the three classification methods, mean area under the ROC curve (AUC) was 0.75 for models trained using the native range data and 0.88 for models trained using the invaded range data. We achieved the highest AUC value of 0.90 using RF for models trained with invaded range data. Main conclusions Our results showed that the potential distribution of coquis on the island of Hawaii is much larger than its current distribution, with RF predicting up to 49% of the island as suitable coqui habitat. Predictions also show that most areas with an elevation between 0 and 2000 m are suitable coqui habitats, whereas the cool and dry high elevation areas beyond 2000 m elevation are unsuitable. Results show that MODIS‐derived biophysical variables are capable of characterizing coqui habitats in Hawaii.  相似文献   

Understanding the drivers of phenological events is vital for forecasting species’ responses to climate change. We developed flexible Bayesian survival regression models to assess a 29‐year, individual‐level time series of flowering phenology from four taxa of Japanese cherry trees (Prunus spachiana, Prunus × yedoensis, Prunus jamasakura, and Prunus lannesiana), from the Tama Forest Cherry Preservation Garden in Hachioji, Japan. Our modeling framework used time‐varying (chill and heat units) and time‐invariant (slope, aspect, and elevation) factors. We found limited differences among taxa in sensitivity to chill, but earlier flowering taxa, such as P. spachiana, were more sensitive to heat than later flowering taxa, such as P. lannesiana. Using an ensemble of three downscaled regional climate models under the A1B emissions scenario, we projected shifts in flowering timing by 2100. Projections suggest that each taxa will flower about 30 days earlier on average by 2100 with 2–6 days greater uncertainty around the species mean flowering date. Dramatic shifts in the flowering times of cherry trees may have implications for economically important cultural festivals in Japan and East Asia. The survival models used here provide a mechanistic modeling approach and are broadly applicable to any time‐to‐event phenological data, such as plant leafing, bird arrival time, and insect emergence. The ability to explicitly quantify uncertainty, examine phenological responses on a fine time scale, and incorporate conditions leading up to an event may provide future insight into phenologically driven changes in carbon balance and ecological mismatches of plants and pollinators in natural populations and horticultural crops.  相似文献   

A number of studies have demonstrated the ecological sorting of C3 and C4 grasses along temperature and moisture gradients. However, previous studies of C3 and C4 grass biogeography have often inadvertently compared species in different and relatively unrelated lineages, which are associated with different environmental settings and distinct adaptive traits. Such confounded comparisons of C3 and C4 grasses may bias our understanding of ecological sorting imposed strictly by photosynthetic pathway. Here, we used MaxEnt species distribution modeling in combination with satellite data to understand the functional diversity of C3 and C4 grasses by comparing both large clades and closely related sister taxa. Similar to previous work, we found that C4 grasses showed a preference for regions with higher temperatures and lower precipitation compared with grasses using the C3 pathway. However, air temperature differences were smaller (2 °C vs. 4 °C) and precipitation and % tree cover differences were larger (1783 mm vs. 755 mm, 21.3% vs. 7.7%, respectively) when comparing C3 and C4 grasses within the same clade vs. comparing all C4 and all C3 grasses (i.e., ignoring phylogenetic structure). These results were due to important differences in the environmental preferences of C3 BEP and PACMAD clades (the two main grass clades). Winter precipitation was found to be more important for understanding the distribution and environmental niche of C3 PACMADs in comparison with both C3 BEPs and C4 taxa, for which temperature was much more important. Results comparing closely related C3–C4 sister taxa supported the patterns derived from our modeling of the larger clade groupings. Our findings, which are novel in comparing the distribution and niches of clades, demonstrate that the evolutionary history of taxa is important for understanding the functional diversity of C3 and C4 grasses, and should have implications for how grasslands will respond to global change.  相似文献   

Investigations focusing on host–ectoparasite interactions in animals have revealed asymptomatic to severe health and fitness consequences suggesting that species mobilize different interspecific response mechanisms. Fewer studies, however, have examined intraspecific responses to ectoparasitic burdens. In this study, we analyzed host health and fitness responses to increasing ectoparasite burdens along with the presence/absence of hemoparasites of free‐ranging insular rock iguanas (Cyclura cychlura) in The Bahamas. Using hematology, plasma biochemistry, as well as body condition and growth rate comparisons, we failed to find significant associations of tick burdens with annual growth rate, corticosterone, packed cell volume, total white blood cell, and heterophil, monocyte, eosinophil or hemoglobin measures. We did, however, find mixed and significant associations of tick burdens with lymphocyte and basophil counts, heterophil‐to‐lymphocyte ratios, and body condition indices. These associations varied by sex, size, and hemoparasite infection status suggesting that different life stages of iguanas may invest differently in immune responses, and impacts may be modulated based on size and sex of hosts, and coinfection status.  相似文献   

Human‐induced alteration of habitat is a major threat to biodiversity worldwide, especially in areas of high biological diversity and endemism. Polylepis (Rosaceae) forest, a unique forest habitat in the high Andes of South America, presently occurs as small and isolated patches in grassland dominated landscapes. We examine how the avian community is likely influenced by patch characteristics (i.e., area, plant species composition) and connectivity in a landscape composed of patches of Polylepis forest surrounded by páramo grasslands in Cajas National Park in the Andes of southern Ecuador. We used generalized linear mixed models and an information‐theoretic approach to identify the most important variables probably influencing birds inhabiting 26 forest patches. Our results indicated that species richness was associated with area of a patch and floristic composition, particularly the presence of Gynoxys (Asteraceae). However, connectivity of patches probably influenced the abundance of forest and generalists species. Elsewhere, it has been proposed that effective management plans for birds using Polylepis should promote the conservation of mature Polylepis patches. Our results not only suggest this but also show that there are additional factors, such as the presence of Gynoxys plants, which will probably play a role in conservation of birds. More generally, these findings show that while easily measured attributes of the patch and landscape may provide some insights into what influences patch use by birds, knowledge of other factors, such as plant species composition, is essential for better understanding the distribution of birds in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Caprella mutica Schurin, 1935 was first described from sub-boreal areas of north–east Asia. In less than 40 years C. mutica has spread throughout the northern hemisphere and the first recorded sighting in the southern hemisphere is reported here. Caprella mutica has been introduced to temperate oceanic coasts between latitudes of 25 and 70 °N. Outside its native range, C. mutica has only been found in areas of human activity, including ports, aquaculture facilities and an oilrig; the species has not yet been found in natural habitats. Shipping and aquaculture transfers are the most likely long distance vectors; recreational boating and drifting weed are the most likely short distance vectors. Temperature and salinity do not explain the small-scale distribution of C. mutica on the west coast of Scotland; globally its annual temperature range is 0–22°C. This suggests that the local scale distribution of C. mutica is potentially limited by the availability of suitable transportation vectors during the dispersal phase rather than by physical environmental factors following release.  相似文献   

Tropical forest loss and fragmentation can change bee community dynamics and potentially interrupt plant–pollinator relationships. While bee community responses to forest fragmentation have been investigated in a number of tropical regions, no studies have focused on this topic in Australia. In this study, we examine taxonomic and functional diversity of bees visiting flowers of three tree species across small and large rainforest fragments in Australian tropical landscapes. We found lower taxonomic diversity of bees visiting flowers of trees in small rainforest fragments compared with large forest fragments and show that bee species in small fragments were subsets of species in larger fragments. Bees visiting trees in small fragments also had higher mean body sizes than those in larger fragments, suggesting that small‐sized bees may be less likely to persist in small fragments. Lastly, we found reductions in the abundance of eusocial stingless bees visiting flowers in small fragments compared to large fragments. These results suggest that pollinator visits to native trees living in small tropical forest remnants may be reduced, which may in turn impact on a range of processes, potentially including forest regeneration and diversity maintenance in small forest remnants in Australian tropical countryside landscapes.  相似文献   

The southern right whale's (Eubalaena australis) demography, occurrence, habitat use, and behavior off South Africa are known predominantly from an ongoing aerial survey data set that started in 1971. The fixed timeframes of these surveys and their geographical bias towards south coast nursery areas have constrained our knowledge about the right whale's seasonal distribution elsewhere. We present shore‐based observations and tracking of right whales at Saldanha Bay on the west coast (2001–2003) that reveal a near year‐round presence and strongly nearshore distribution. With seasonal progression from winter to summer we observed a gradual increase in sighting rate, reduction in swimming speed, less directionality of movement, an increase in group size, and more surface active groups. The area appears to be important for feeding and socializing but not as a calving or nursery area. Individual transits between the south and west coasts, bidirectional alongshore movements, and extended seasonal presence may all be indicative of reoccupation of their former range along the west coast. This is important given the increasing ship traffic at Saldanha Bay, the rapid expansion of the region's oil and gas industry, and the known vulnerability of the closely related North Atlantic right whale (E. glacialis) to ship strikes.  相似文献   

The combined effects of multiple predators often cannot be predicted from their independent effects. Emergent multiple predator effects (MPEs) include risk enhancement, where combined predators kill more prey than predicted by their individual effects, and risk reduction, where fewer prey are killed than predicted. Current methods for detecting MPEs are biased because they assume linear functional responses and/or no prey depletion. As a result, past studies overestimated the occurrence of risk enhancement for additive designs, and tended to overestimate the occurrence of risk reduction for substitutive designs. Characterising the predators' functional responses and accounting for prey depletion reduces biases in detection, estimation, interpretation and generalisation of the emergent effects of predator diversity on prey survival. These findings have implications beyond MPE's and should be considered in all studies aimed at understanding how multiple factors combine when demographic rates are density dependent.  相似文献   

  • Seed germination of Citrullus colocynthis, as in many other species of Cucurbitaceae, is inhibited by light, particularly at low temperatures. Germination response to light and temperature has been attributed to day length and temperature during seed maturation. This study assessed the effects of these factors on the germination response of C. colocynthis to temperature and light quality.
  • Ripe fruits were collected from natural habitats during December and February and germinated at three temperatures (15/25, 20/30 and 25/35 °C) in five light treatments (dark, white light and Red:Far Red (R:FR) ratios of 0.30, 0.87 and 1.19). Additionally, unripe fruits were also collected from natural habitats and completed their maturation in growth chambers under different day lengths (6, 16 and 24 h of darkness) at 10/20 °C, and in darkness at both 10/20 °C and 25/35 °C. Mature seeds of the different treatments were germinated in the same five light treatments at 15/25 °C.
  • Germination was significantly higher in the dark than that in any light treatment. Seeds matured at higher temperatures (i.e. seeds from the December collection and those matured at 25/35 °C) had significantly higher germination than those matured at lower temperatures (i.e. seeds from the February collection and those matured at 10/20 °C). Dark germination was significantly higher for the December collection than for the February collection. Seeds of the two collections germinated in the dark only at 15/25 °C. However, seeds matured in a growth chamber at 10/20 °C in darkness germinated at 15/25 °C in all light treatments, except for the R:FR ratio 0.30. Seeds of the different treatments failed to germinate in FR‐rich light.
  • This study demonstrates that both temperature and day length during seed maturation play significant roles in the germination response of C. colocynthis. Additionally, the dark requirement for germination is likely beneficial for species with the larger seeds, such as C. colocynthis, which produce bigger seedlings that are able to emerge from deep soils and are competitively superior under dense vegetation and resource‐limited conditions.

In the temperate zone, food availability and winter weather place serious constraints on European Barn Owl Tyto alba populations. Using data collected over 22 years in a Swiss population, we analysed the influence of early pre‐breeding food conditions and winter severity on between‐year variations in population size and reproductive performance. To estimate pre‐breeding food conditions, we attempted a novel approach based on an index that combines Tawny Owl Strix aluco reproductive parameters and the occurrence of wood mice Apodemus sp. in their diet. Tawny Owls breed earlier in the season than Barn Owls and are strongly dependent on the abundance of wood mice for breeding. This index was strongly positively associated with the number of breeding pairs and early breeding in the Barn Owl. Winter severity, measured by snow cover and low temperatures, had a pronounced negative influence on the size of the breeding population and clutch size. Food conditions early in the breeding season and winter severity differentially affect the Barn Owl life cycle. We were able to use aspects of the ecology and demography of the Tawny Owl as an indicator of the quality of the environment for a related species of similar ecology, in this case the Barn Owl.  相似文献   

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