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Long‐term population studies on large mammals are rare. Here, we have examined the threatened scimitar‐horned oryx, addax and dama gazelle's populations over the last 20 years in Bou Hedma National Park. Using monthly count data of the three studied species collected since 1995, we examined their population trends. Using autocorrelation analyses, we discovered endogenous natural cyclical fluctuations in the numbers of each species, with a periodicity of approximately 3 years. For all three studied species which seem to be opportunistic breeders, births and deaths occurred throughout the year, although with notable seasonality. By means of cross‐correlation, we discovered that during the first 7 years for which data were available, addax numbers were positively correlated with those of dama and inversely correlated with numbers of oryx. This pattern reversed during the following 4‐year period. The number of oryx was negatively correlated with dama during the first 4 years and then became positively correlated during the subsequent 7‐year period. Thus, we draw attention to difference in response to environmental and anthropogenic factors. Incorporating fundamental long‐term population data into developing management approaches, especially for potentially competitive species, is vital for their future long‐term survival and the success of conservation actions.  相似文献   

Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra (marula), a keystone large tree species in southern Africa and heavily utilized by people and herbivores, is declining at an unprecedented rate in the Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa. Due to increasing concerns over large tree declines in the KNP, mirroring those in eastern Africa over the last 50 years, and local extinctions of marula populations in the north‐western KNP, adult trees in the southern KNP were monitored between 2001 and 2010. Annual mortality rates across all adult size classes ranged between 3.2 and 4.6%. Loss of adult marula trees in some areas over the last decade exceeded 25%. Rainfall had a strong influence on mortality rates temporally and spatially, but the distance to the nearest perennial river had little influence. Overall, marula populations continue to decline and further local extinctions are possible. Given the clearly unacceptable trends of decline, the next step is to utilize this information (i) to develop predictive models for the future dynamics of marula populations incorporating all drivers; (ii) to advocate active management of refugia within the park where marula populations are protected from elephant impacts; and in combination with (iii) continued monitoring.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand, have been studied for almost two decades. Since 2003, fewer than 150 dolphins visited the bay during each season and the local unit has declined 7.5% annually from 1997 to 2006. The causes of decline are unclear but probably include mortality and emigration. Here, we used a long‐term database to estimate reproductive parameters of female bottlenose dolphins including recruitment rates. A total of 704 surveys were conducted in which 5,577 sightings of 408 individually identified dolphins were collected; of these 53 individuals were identified as reproductive females. The calving rate increased between periods (1997–1999 = 0.13, CL = 0.07–0.21; 2003–2005 = 0.25, CL = 0.16–0.35 calves/reproductive female/year). A 0.25 calving rate suggests that on average, a female gives birth only once every four years, which is consistent with the estimated calving interval (4.3 yr, SD = 1.45) but still is lower than values reported for other populations. Conversely, apparent mortality rates to age 1+ (range: 0.34–0.52) and 2+ (range: 0.15–0.59) were higher than values reported elsewhere. The high apparent calf mortality in conjunction with a decline in local abundance, highlight the vulnerability of bottlenose dolphins in the Bay of Islands. Long‐term studies are required to understand the causes of high calf mortality and the decline in local abundance. Meanwhile, management should focus on minimizing sources of anthropogenic disturbance and enforcing compliance with current legislation.  相似文献   

The analysis of factors that determine the distribution of top‐scavengers at large scales can provide clues to understanding important ecological processes and may be useful in establishing conservation and management strategies. Here, we conducted a large‐scale survey to study the distribution of the threatened Andean Condor Vultur gryphus in relation to environmental factors in southern Patagonia. This area has undergone the settlement of livestock and the introduction of exotic wildlife, although to a lesser extent than in the distribution of Condors in northern Patagonia. The aim of this study was to determine the relevance of different factors such as the availability of food resources, the availability of suitable nesting and roosting places and the presence of humans on large‐scale condor distribution. Our results show that the presence of meadows was the primary factor shaping Andean Condor distribution, despite the fact that this habitat occupies only 4% of the Patagonian landscapes. However, this habitat has a high probability of herbivore presence, so Condors seem to optimize their searching. The availability of nesting and roosting cliffs also contributed to explaining the observed distributions. Our results suggest that Condor distribution in southern Patagonia is a compromise between the spatial locations of two low‐frequency habitats – meadows and cliffs. A successful Condor conservation strategy in southern Patagonia should include the protection of these habitats and the regulation of farming expansion, including the recovery of meadows.  相似文献   

The discovery that cryptic species are more abundant than previously thought has implications for weed biological control, as there is a risk that cryptic species may be inadvertently released with consequences for the safety of the practice. A cryptic species of a biological control agent released for the control of the invasive alien macrophyte, water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (C. Mart.) Solms. (Pontederiaceae), was recently discovered in South Africa. The two species were considered a single species prior to genetic analysis and interbreeding experiments. The original biological control agent retains the name Eccritotarsus catarinensis (Carvalho) (Heteroptera: Miridae) whereas the new species has been described as Eccritotarsus eichhorniae Henry. In this study, we compared the host specificity, efficacy, and thermal physiologies of the two species. The host specificity of the two species within the Pontederiaceae was very similar and both are safe for release in South Africa. Comparison of the per capita impact of the two species indicated that E. eichhorniae was the more damaging species but this is likely to be influenced by temperature, with E. catarinensis being more effective under lower temperatures and E. eichhorniae being more effective under higher temperatures. Releasing the correct species for the thermal environment of each release site will improve the level of control of water hyacinth in South Africa. This example highlights the need to keep populations of biological control agents from different native range collection localities separate, and to screen for host specificity and efficacy.  相似文献   

Transport accounts for about one quarter of South Africa's final energy consumption. Most of the energy used is based on fossil fuels causing significant environmental burdens. This threat becomes even more dominant as a significant growth in transport demand is forecasted, especially in South Africa's economic hub, Gauteng province. The South African government has realized the potential of biofuel usage for reducing oil import dependency and greenhouse gas (GHG) and has hence developed a National Biofuels Industrial Strategy to enforce their use. However, there is limited experience in the country in commercial biofuel production and some of the proposed crops (i.e. rapeseed and sugar beet) have not been yet cultivated on a larger scale. Furthermore, there is only limited research available, looking at the feasibility of commercial scale biofuel production or abatement costs of GHG emissions. To assess the opportunities of biofuel production in South Africa, the production costs and consumer price levels of the fuels recommended by the national strategy are analysed in this article. Moreover, the lifecycle GHG emissions and mitigation costs are calculated compared to the calculated fossil fuel reference including coal to liquid (CTL) and gas to liquid (GTL) fuels. The results show that the cost for biofuel production in South Africa are currently significantly higher (between 30% and 80%) than for the reference fossil fuels. The lifecycle GHG emissions of biofuels (especially for sugar cane) are considerably lower (up to 45%) than the reference fossil GHG emissions. The resulting GHG abatement costs are between 1000 and 2500 ZAR2007 per saved ton of carbon dioxide equivalent, which is high compared to the current European CO2 market prices of ca. 143 ZAR2007 t?1. The analysis has shown that biofuel production and utilization in South Africa offers a significant GHG‐mitigation potential but at relatively high cost.  相似文献   

Aim To determine whether patterns of avian species turnover reflect either biome or climate transitions at a regional scale, and whether anthropogenic landscape transformation affects those patterns. Location South Africa and Lesotho. Methods Biome and land transformation data were used to identify sets of transition areas, and avian species occurrence data were used to measure species turnover rates (β‐diversity). Spatial congruence between areas of biome transition, areas of high vegetation heterogeneity, high climatic heterogeneity, and high β‐diversity was assessed using random draw techniques. Spatial overlap in anthropogenically transformed areas, areas of high climatic heterogeneity and high β‐diversity areas was also assessed. Results Biome transition areas had greater vegetation heterogeneity, climatic heterogeneity, and β‐diversity than expected by chance. For the land transformation transition areas, this was only true for land transformation heterogeneity values and for one of the β‐diversity measures. Avian presence/absence data clearly separated the biome types but not the land transformation types. Main conclusions Biome edges have elevated climatic and vegetation heterogeneity. More importantly, elevated β‐diversity in the avifauna is clearly reflected in the heterogeneous biome transition areas. Thus, there is spatial congruence in biome transition areas (identified on vegetation and climatic grounds) and avian turnover patterns. However, there is no congruence between avian turnover and land transformation transition areas. This suggests that biogeographical patterns can be recovered using modern data despite landscape transformation.  相似文献   

Winter recreation is a widely popular activity and is expected to increase due to changes in recreation technology and human population growth. Wildlife are frequently negatively impacted by winter recreation, however, through displacement from habitat, alteration of activity patterns, or changes in movement behavior. We studied impacts of dispersed and developed winter recreation on Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) at their southwestern range periphery in Colorado, USA. We used GPS collars to track movements of 18 adult lynx over 4 years, coupled with GPS devices that logged 2,839 unique recreation tracks to provide a detailed spatial estimate of recreation intensity. We assessed changes in lynx spatial and temporal patterns in response to motorized and nonmotorized recreation, as well as differences in movement rate and path tortuosity. We found that lynx decreased their movement rate in areas with high‐intensity back‐country skiing and snowmobiling, and adjusted their temporal patterns so that they were more active at night in areas with high‐intensity recreation. We did not find consistent evidence of spatial avoidance of recreation: lynx exhibited some avoidance of areas with motorized recreation, but selected areas in close proximity to nonmotorized recreation trails. Lynx appeared to avoid high‐intensity developed ski resorts, however, especially when recreation was most intense. We conclude that lynx in our study areas did not exhibit strong negative responses to dispersed recreation, but instead altered their behavior and temporal patterns in a nuanced response to recreation, perhaps to decrease direct interactions with recreationists. However, based on observed avoidance of developed recreation, there may be a threshold of human disturbance above which lynx cannot coexist with winter recreation.  相似文献   

The Overberg wheatbelt population of Blue Cranes Anthropoides paradiseus in the Western Cape of South Africa is approximately half the global population of this vulnerable species. Blue Cranes are highly susceptible to collisions with overhead power lines, and a spatial model was developed to identify high‐risk lines in the Overberg for proactive mitigation. To ground‐truth this model, we surveyed 199 km of power lines. Although Blue Cranes were the most commonly killed birds found (54% of all carcasses), the model was unable to predict lines with high collision risk for Blue Cranes. Further Geographic Information System (GIS) modelling was undertaken to test a wider range of landscape and power‐line variables, but only the presence or absence of cultivated land could usefully identify lines posing a collision risk. Modelling was limited by a lack of detailed spatial habitat data and recent information on Crane numbers and distributions. We used recent carcass counts to estimate a Blue Crane collision rate, corrected for sample biases, of 0.31/km power line per year (95% CI 0.13–0.59/km/year), which means that approximately 12% (5–23%) of the total Blue Crane population within the Overberg study area is killed annually in power‐line collisions. This represents a possibly unsustainable source of mortality. There is urgent need for further research into risk factors and for mitigation measures to be more widely implemented.  相似文献   

We examined the temporal, spatial, and demographic factors that influenced roadway mortality of barn owls (Tyto alba) along a 248-km stretch of Interstate 84 in southern Idaho using systematic road surveys. Counts of dead animals from surveys can be underestimated because of sampling biases; therefore, we also conducted experiments to assess the effects of search and removal bias on the estimates of roadway mortality of owls. We conducted surveys every 2 weeks over a 2-year period and detected 812 dead barn owls (unadjusted mortality rate of 1.64 owls/km/yr). After adjusting this estimate for search and removal bias, we documented mortality rates of up to 5.99 owls/km/year. Owl mortality was not random in relation to sex, age class, or location along the highway. Females and juveniles, which represent individuals more likely to disperse long distances, were killed more frequently than males and adults. During the nonbreeding season, owls were killed more often near agricultural lands than in shrub-steppe, but this pattern was not apparent during the breeding season. Owls were also killed more often on portions of the roadway closer to the Snake River canyon, perhaps because of the availability of nest and roost sites. Mortality rates differed markedly between the 2 years of study, which could have been related to variability in weather and its subsequent effect on owl productivity. Our data suggest that barn owls in this region may not persist under this level of mortality without significant immigration or management. Thus, roadway management to reduce or prevent owl use of roadways, reduce rodent populations near major roads, alert motorists to the presence of owls, or otherwise reduce the chances that vehicles and owls collide would improve barn owl survival and population persistence. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Clonal propagation becomes more abundant with increasing altitudes as environmental conditions worsen. To date, little attention has been paid to the way in which clonal propagation affects genetic diversity and the fine‐scale spatial genetic structure (FSGS) of clonal alpine trees. An AFLP study was undertaken to quantify the clonal and genetic diversity and FSGS of the vulnerable treeline species Polylepis reticulata in Ecuador. We successfully genotyped 32 and 75 ramets within 4 m × 100 m (coarse scale) and 4 m × 4 m (fine scale) transects of one population, respectively. Higher genotypic diversity was detected at the coarse scale than at the fine scale, while lower genetic diversity was detected for P. reticulata than other Polylepis spp. at both scales. Significantly stronger FSGS was detected at the ramet level than the genet level for P. reticulata within a spatial distance of 3 m. The studied P. reticulata population showed pronounced FSGS (Sp = 0.012 at the genet level, a statistic reflecting declining pairwise kinship with distance) revealed restricted gene dispersal, which implies restricted seed dispersal for this population, assuming pollen flow is as extensive as that described for other wind‐pollinated tree species. Our results revealed that clonal diversity is a function of both sample size and the spatial scale of the sampling area. The findings highlights that clonal propagation has affected FSGS within a spatial distance of 3 m for this species.  相似文献   

Invasive fish threaten many native freshwater fauna. However, it can be difficult to determine how invasive fish impact animals with complex life cycles as interaction may be driven by either predation of aquatic larvae or avoidance of fish‐occupied waterbodies by the terrestrial adult stage. Mosquitofish (Gambusia spp.) are highly successful and aggressive invaders that negatively impact numerous aquatic fauna. One species potentially threatened by Gambusia holbrooki is the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea). However, G. holbrooki's role in this frog's decline was unclear due to declines driven by the chytrid fungal disease and the continued co‐existence of these fish and frogs in multiple locations. To clarify the extent to which Gambusia is impacting L. aurea, we conducted 3 years of field surveys across a deltaic wetland system in south‐east Australia. We measured the presence and abundance of aquatic taxa including G. holbrooki, and L. aurea frogs and tadpoles, along with habitat parameters at the landscape and microhabitat scale. Generalized linear models were used to explore patterns in the abundance and distributions of L. aurea and G. holbrooki. We found strong negative associations between G. holbrooki and tadpoles of most species, including L. aurea, but no apparent avoidance of G. holbrooki by adult frogs. Native invertebrate predators (Odonata and Coleoptera) were also absent from G. holbrooki‐occupied ponds. Due to the apparent naivety of adult frogs toward G. holbrooki, the separation of G. holbrooki and tadpoles, plus the abundance of alternative predators in G. holbrooki‐free ponds, we conclude that the impact of G. holbrooki on L. aurea recruitment is likely substantial and warrants management action.  相似文献   

Coastal dolphins are more prone to cumulative impacts of environmental and anthropogenic changes than pelagic species. However, few studies use historical comparisons to evaluate those impacts across a temporal scale. The study presented here describes the pattern of occurrence, group size, behavior, and habitat use of humpback dolphins in Algoa Bay and compares these to a similar study conducted in the early 1990s. Results indicate a considerable change in the frequency of occurrence. Furthermore, the mean group size has decreased from six to three individuals, mainly due to an increase in occurrence of solitary individuals (36.3% vs. 15.4%). Foraging, which was previously the predominant activity (64%), has now been replaced by traveling (49%). Moreover, dolphins showed a negative reaction towards a variety of watercrafts and swimmers. These observed differences could be due to a change in prey abundance, direct anthropogenic disturbance, and/or population decline. We emphasize the need for long‐term environmental and biological data series and long‐term monitoring of the demographics of this population to accurately assess any changes observed in future.  相似文献   

Fungal endophytes have been documented in almost all terrestrial plant groups. Although the endophyte infection syndrome in agronomic cultivars is well studied, relatively little work addresses questions of spatial ecology and fire effects on epichloae endophyte infection in native grasses, and none, to our knowledge, in sub‐Saharan Africa. We sampled seven populations of the native Festuca costata Nees along the spline of the Drakensberg range in South Africa at several spatial scales, including both recently burned and unburned stands. We tested epichloae presence and prevalence with immunoblot assays, PCR and genetic sequencing. We found epichloae endophytes were present and prevalent (38–98% infection rates depending on location). Variation in infection rates occurred primarily among locations, but also among bunches. There was little evidence that endophyte infection rates varied with fire. Novel evidence of epichloae infection of a native Festuca in South Africa opens the door to several new research questions, from the phylogenetic relationship between epichloae of sub‐Saharan Africa and other continents to the ecological advantages or disadvantages that endophytes confer upon their hosts, especially in a fire‐prone ecosystem vulnerable to global environmental change.  相似文献   

  1. A relationship between winter weather and survival of northern ungulates has long been established, yet the possible roles of biological (e.g., nutritional status) and environmental (e.g., weather) conditions make it important to determine which potential limiting factors are most influential.
  2. Our objective was to examine the potential effects of individual (body mass and age) and extrinsic (winter severity and snowmelt conditions) factors on the magnitude and timing of mortality for adult (>2.5 years old) female white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus [Zimmerman, 1780]) during February–May in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA.
  3. One hundred and fifty deer were captured and monitored during 2009–2015 in two areas with varying snowfall. February–May survival ranged from 0.24 to 0.89 (mean = 0.69) across years. Mortality risk increased 1.9% with each unit increase in cumulative winter severity index, decreased 8.2% with each cumulative snow‐free day, and decreased 4.3% with each kg increase in body mass. Age and weekly snow depth did not influence weekly deer survival. Predation, primarily from coyote (Canis latrans [Say, 1823]) and wolves (Canis lupus [L., 1758]), accounted for 78% of known‐cause mortalities.
  4. Our results suggest that cumulative winter severity, and possibly to a lesser degree deer condition entering winter, impacted deer winter survival. However, the timing of spring snowmelt appeared to be the most influential factor determining late‐winter mortality of deer in our study. This supports the hypothesis that nutrition and energetic demands from weather conditions are both important to northern ungulate winter ecology. Under this model, a delay of several weeks in the timing of spring snowmelt could exert a large influence on deer survival, resulting in a survival bottleneck.

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