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ISMAEL GALVÁN  & JUAN MORENO 《Ibis》2009,151(3):541-546
It has been proposed that mate preferences by female Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca differ between southern (Iberian) and northern (Scandinavian) European populations. Whereas the size of the white forehead patch, but not plumage colour, has been reported to be a sexually selected trait in the former, only plumage darkness apparently acts as an ornament in the latter. In addition, northern male Pied Flycatchers become darker with age, a trend not detected until the present study in southern birds. Here we show that in an Iberian population of Pied Flycatchers breeding only a few tens of kilometres from previously studied populations, plumage darkness is associated with mating success and increases with age, whereas the size of the white forehead patch is not related to mating success and is only weakly correlated with age, trends similar to those reported for Scandinavian rather than other Iberian Pied Flycatcher populations. This represents a case of variation in sexually selected traits between geographically close populations of Pied Flycatchers that cannot be explained by sympatry with closely related species. It is proposed that differences in the identity and abundance of environmental stressors may be the cause of this regional variation in sexually selected traits.  相似文献   


Capsule: In comparison to other regions, the Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago in the Azores starts to display earlier and for a longer part of the year, but the laying period, although it starts earlier, does not seem to differ much from that observed elsewhere. Nesting success seems similar to that observed in other populations.

Aims: This study aimed to infer the breeding phenology, characterize some basic breeding parameters, and quantify nesting success in a sedentary, and data deficient population of the Common Snipe.

Methods: Counts of Common Snipe in display (2014) and searches of nests and broods (2011 and 2014) were conducted during the breeding season on São Jorge Island in the Azores. Additional data collected on São Miguel Island was also considered. Nests were monitored to assess nest survival.

Results: The species was seen in display between January and August, and the laying period spanned between early March and late June. The probability of survival during the nesting period was 0.55 (n?=?24; 95% – confidence limits: 0.38–0.80), and desertion was the main cause of failure.

Conclusions: The best period to assess the population of Common Snipe in the Azores is during April, when the displaying activity is at its maximum. The species is very sensitive to disturbance during the nesting and rearing periods, thus managers should avoid interventions in the habitat between March and July to reduce disturbance.  相似文献   

The expression of sexual signals is often phenotypically plastic and also evolves rapidly. Few studies have considered the possibility that proximate determination -- the pathway between genes and trait expression -- may also be subject to both phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary change. We examined long-term patterns in size, condition- and age-dependence, repeatability and heritability of forehead patch size, a sexually selected plumage trait in male collared flycatchers. We also estimated survival and sexual selection on the phenotypic value of the trait. Forehead patch size linearly declined during the 15 years, probably due to the significantly negative survival selection. In addition, the expression of genetic variation for the ornament apparently underwent an age-limited change, which implies a change in the information content of the signal to receivers. The persistent lack of condition-dependence makes phenotypic plasticity an unlikely explanation to our results. This raises the possibility of a microevolutionary change of both expression and proximate determination during the study period.  相似文献   

On islands, colonizing birds may evolve behavioural and morphological adaptations to the new environment, often resulting in changes in body size and reduction or even total loss of flight. These island populations have therefore been used to test hypotheses related to adaptations for flight. However, in certain species in which flight is used not only in foraging and migration but also in mating displays, disentangling the effects of natural and social selection is difficult. Thus, sedentary populations of species that perform aerial displays (such as the Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago that breed in the Azores archipelago) may offer an opportunity to separate the effects of natural and social selection on morphology. If insular Common Snipe respond to the characteristic ecological context of oceanic islands, we expect them to differ from migratory conspecifics in body size and by having relatively smaller and more rounded wings. On the other hand, if social selection exerts a more powerful force over the morphology of this species, we expect that sedentary and migratory birds will not differ in flight‐related characters. We tested these hypotheses by comparing morphological characters measured on live Common Snipe captured in the Azores during the breeding season with those measured on migratory specimens hunted during autumn/winter in mainland Portugal. Sedentary Azorean birds were smaller and had relatively shorter tails but did not show the tendency for insular birds to possess more rounded wings as described in other taxa, including in the Azores. Bergman's rule might explain the difference in body size and shorter tails may be responsible for behavioural differences between populations. The lack of difference in wing shape might be explained by the need of the Common Snipe to perform aerial displays during courtship, suggesting an effect of social selection on the migratory strategy of this species.  相似文献   

We examined proximate determination of sexually selected forehead patch size in a Central‐European population of Ficedula albicollis, the collared flycatcher, using a 9‐year database, and compared our results with those obtained in other populations of the same and the sister species. Between‐individual variation of forehead patch size was large, its repeatability larger than, and heritability similar to the Swedish population. Unlike in the other populations, the trait proved unaffected by body condition, and only very slightly influenced by age. There was no relationship between forehead patch size and breeding lifespan, and a marginal negative association with survivorship in adult males. Our results suggest that additive genetic variance of the trait in this population is large, but genes act independently of body condition, and there is no viability indicator value of the trait. This is the first report of a qualitative intraspecific difference in proximate determination of a sexually selected trait.  相似文献   

Many animal taxa that display sexual size dimorphism (SSD) exhibit a positive allometric relationship in which the degree of dimorphism increases with body size. This macroevolutionary pattern is known as Rensch's rule. Although sexual selection is hypothesized to be the main mechanism causing this pattern, body size is influenced by several selective forces, including natural and sexual selection. Therefore, by focusing exclusively on SSD one cannot ascertain which of these selective forces drives Rensch's rule. If sexual selection is indeed the main mechanism underlying Rensch's rule, we predict that other sexually selected traits, including coloration‐based ornaments, will also exhibit interspecific allometric scaling consistent with Rensch's rule. We tested this prediction using wing pigmentation of 89 species of dragonflies. Studies show that male wing pigmentation is generally under strong intra‐ and intersexual selection, so that sexual dichromatism in this trait should follow Rensch's rule. Conversely, the available evidence suggests that male body size is usually not sexually selected in dragonflies, so we do not expect SSD to follow Rensch's rule. First, we found that sexual dichromatism in wing pigmentation was consistent with Rensch's rule. The phylogenetic major axis regression slope was significantly greater than one. We also showed that the allometric slope for SSD was not different from unity, providing no support for Rensch's rule. Our results provide the first evidence that a trait which appears to be under strong sexual selection exhibits a pattern consistent with Rensch's rule.  相似文献   

Mate choice based on sexual ornaments can impose strong selection, which raises the question of how genetic variation in ornaments is maintained. One mechanism that has been proposed is genic capture. If ornament expression is influenced by general condition and condition is under polygenic control, selection will be inefficient in removing genetic variation. Here we analyze whether the genetic architecture of beak color in a population of zebra finches supports this hypothesis. Zebra finch beak color is commonly assumed to be under strong selection by mate choice, although some of the evidence is ambiguous. We show that beak redness has a heritability of 34% in our population and that it is strongly genetically correlated between the sexes, suggesting that it is largely controlled by the same genes in males and females. We mapped variation in beak redness based on 1404 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers genotyped in a large pedigree. We find evidence for linkage on four chromosomes (Tgu1, Tgu5, Tgu13, Tgu21), which together explain a large part of the additive genetic variance. Our finding of genomic regions with major additive effects is not consistent with directional selection and genic capture, but rather suggests a role of antagonistic pleiotropy in maintaining genetic variation.  相似文献   

Sexual ornaments often consist of several components produced by distinct developmental processes. The complexity of sexual ornaments might be favoured by mate choice of individual components in different environments which ultimately results in weak interrelationships (integration) among the developmental processes that produce these components. At the same time, sexual selection for greater exaggeration of individual components favours their stronger co-dependence on organismal resources. This should ultimately produce stronger condition-mediated integration among ornaments' components in individuals with the most exaggerated ornamentation. Here we distinguish between these two sources of integration by examining the relationship between integration and elaboration of sexual ornamentation in three bird species: two with carotenoid-based sexual ornamentation (the house finch, Carpodacus mexicanus and common redpoll, Carduelis flammea) and a species with melanin-based sexual ornamentation (house sparrow, Passer domesticus). We found that integration of components varied with elaboration of carotenoid-based ornamentation but not of melanin ornamentation. In the house finches, integration was the highest in individuals with small ornaments and decreased with ornament elaboration whereas the pattern was the opposite in common redpolls. These results suggest that in these species integration and complexity of carotenoid-based ornamental components are due to shared condition-dependence of distinct developmental pathways, whereas integration and complexity of the melanin ornamentation is due to organismal integration of developmental pathways and is largely condition- and environment-invariant. Thus, functionally, ornamentation of the house sparrows can be considered a single trait, whereas complexity of the house finch and redpoll ornamentation varies with ornament elaboration and individual condition.  相似文献   

Male eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) have two types of ornamentalplumage coloration: a brilliant blue-ultraviolet head, back,and wings, and a patch of chestnut breast feathers. The blue-UVcoloration is produced from feather microstructure, whereasthe chestnut coloration is produced by a combination of pheaomelaninand eumelanin pigments deposited in feathers. We tested thehypothesis that plumage coloration reflects male quality ineastern bluebirds, a socially monogamous, sexually dichromaticbird. We investigated whether male ornamentation correlateswith mate quality and parental effort. We quantified three aspectsof male ornament coloration: (1) size of the patch of chestnutbreast feathers, (2) reflectance properties of the chestnutplumage coloration, and (3) reflectance properties of the blue-ultravioletplumage coloration. We found that males with larger breast patchesand brighter plumage provisioned nestlings more often, fledgedheavier offspring, and paired with females that nested earlier.Males with plumage coloration that exhibit more ultraviolethues fledged more offspring. These results suggest that plumagecoloration is a reliable indicator of male mate quality andreproductive success. Both melanin-based and structural-basedplumages appear to be honest signals of male quality and parentalcare that can be assessed by competitors or by potential mates.  相似文献   

Costly melanin ornaments: the importance of taxon?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Much attention has been devoted to understanding the evolutionof elaborate male ornaments and how they may signal male quality.However, the evolution of multicomponent sexual signals remainspoorly understood, and past research on this type of signalinghas been largely theoretical. Satin bowerbirds, Ptilonorhynchusviolaceus, are polygynous, are sexually dichromatic, and constructsexually selected display structures (bowers): a model systemfor investigating the evolution and signal function of multiplesexual signals. We studied the interrelationship between bowerfeatures, plumage coloration, and indicators of male qualityin this species. To do this, we located the bowers of male satinbowerbirds in rainforest in Queensland, Australia, and quantifiedbower quality. We captured the male bower owners and used reflectancespectrometry to objectively measure the plumage coloration ofseveral body regions. We measured various indicators of malehealth and condition, including the intensity of infection fromectoparasites and blood parasites. Bower quality and male ultravioletplumage coloration were significantly correlated. By using multipleregression analyses, we show that bower quality predicts ectoparasiteload and body size, whereas ultraviolet plumage coloration predictsthe intensity of infection from blood parasites, feather growthrate, and body size. Our findings support the multiple messageshypothesis of multicomponent signals: Female satin bowerbirdsshould assess both male and bower features to choose the highestquality mates.  相似文献   

The function of colored ornaments is usually related to thesignaling of individual quality in intra- and intersexual interactions.In cooperative breeding species, where only a fraction of themale population access the breeding status and the other fractionhas the option to help breeding pairs, colored traits mightprovide the females with a reliable information on the qualityof potential mate. Males of the cooperative breeding azure-wingedmagpies (Cyanopica cyanus) display conspicuous blue plumagecoloration. Here we explored the role played by structural bluecoloration of males and the probability of becoming a breederor a helper. Birds were trapped during 4 consecutive years,and feather coloration was measured with a spectrometer. Malesthat became breeders had a more brilliant and saturated bluecoloration and showed a more violet hue in the nonbreeding periodcompared with birds that became helpers. Breeding males alsoshowed a seasonal decline in blueness, whereas the color propertiesof helpers were constant throughout the year. Blueness of individualstrapped in the nonbreeding period was positively correlatedwith body size and condition. These findings are consistentwith a scenario in which nonbreeding blue plumage colorationmay function as a signal of individual quality in the azure-wingedmagpie at the pair formation time and add to growing evidencesuggesting that the nonbreeding season appears particularlyimportant in impacting breeding roles in cooperative breedingbirds.  相似文献   

Conspicuousness to predators frequently has been invoked asa cost of sexually selected traits, but conspicuousness to preyhas not We tested for the latter using rubyspot damselflies(Hetaerina americana) as the predator. Previous work on thisspecies showed that the red spots on male wings are intrasexuallyselected and reduce survival. Since female wings lack red spots,we first compared male and female weight gain rates per unithunting time. Females gained weight significandy faster thanmales in both mg per hour and relative to body weight. We thencompared the weight gain rates of females painted with red wingspots to those of control females painted with clear ink ornot manipulated. Controls gained weight significandy fasterthan red-painted females. Behavioral observations revealed thatred females attempted to capture prey at normal rates and experiencednormal rates of agonistic interference from conspecifics ofboth sexes. Nevertheless, red females captured fewer prey perminute and per capture attempt than did sham-manipulated andunmanipulated controls. We infer that the red spots reducedfemale weight gain rates by increasing their visibility to prey.Close similarity between male and red female weight gain ratesrelative to unmanipulated females suggests that red spots mayalso be a hunting handicap for males. [Behav Ecol 7: 465–473(1996)]  相似文献   

Understanding the origin and persistence of phenotypic variation within and among populations is a major goal in evolutionary biology. However, the eagerness to find unadulterated explanatory models in combination with difficulties in publishing replicated studies may lead to severe underestimations of the complexity of selection patterns acting in nature. One striking example is variation in plumage coloration in birds, where the default adaptive explanation often is that brightly colored individuals signal superior quality across environmental conditions and therefore always should be favored by directional mate choice. Here, we review studies on the proximate determination and adaptive function of coloration traits in male pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca). From numerous studies, we can conclude that the dark male color phenotype is adapted to a typical northern climate and functions as a dominance signal in male–male competition over nesting sites, and that the browner phenotypes are favored by relaxed intraspecific competition with more dominant male collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) in areas where the two species co‐occur. However, the role of avoidance of hybridization in driving character displacement in plumage between these two species may not be as important as initially thought. The direction of female choice on male coloration in pied flycatchers is not simply as opposite in direction in sympatry and allopatry as traditionally expected, but varies also in relation to additional contexts such as climate variation. While some of the heterogeneity in the observed relationships between coloration and fitness probably indicate type 1 errors, we strongly argue that environmental heterogeneity and context‐dependent selection play important roles in explaining plumage color variation in this species, which probably also is the case in many other species studied in less detail.  相似文献   

Parasites are major effectors of natural selection and also play a role in sexual selection processes. Haemosporidian blood parasites are common in vertebrates and have been shown to vary in their effects depending on both the parasite and host species, on the host trait investigated as well as on host condition and stage of infection. Here we investigated infection of adult barn swallows Hirundo rustica by Plasmodium, Leucocytozoon and Haemoproteus species during the chronic stage of infection and the consequences for host fitness traits. Prevalence was higher than 10% only for Plasmodium. Chronic stage infection by Plasmodium was associated with reduced female breeding success, but did not affect breeding dates. Infection did not affect the expression of male secondary sexual traits (tail length and melanin‐based plumage coloration), but was associated with paler coloration of females. Finally, we found a negative effect of infection by Plasmodium on feather growth rate in older but not in yearling individuals. Because feathers are moulted during wintering in sub‐Saharan Africa where infection of barn swallows by Plasmodium occurs, our results suggest that male secondary sexual traits have little potential to reveal acute‐stage infection whereas plumage coloration of females may advertise their infection status. In addition, these results suggest that infection by Plasmodium can influence the course of plumage moult. Thus, our results add to the observations of negative effects of haemosporidian infection on fitness traits in birds and provides evidence that these effects can vary among traits and in relation to age and sex.  相似文献   

Signalling theory predicts that signals should fulfil three fundamental requirements: high detectability, discriminability and, most importantly, reliability. Melanins are the most common pigments in animals. Correlations between genotypic and phenotypic qualities of the sender and size and morph of melanin‐based traits are known, but it is contentious whether melanin‐based colouration may signal any quality. We examined the effect of supplementing blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) with flavonoids, potent plant antioxidants, on plumage colouration. We demonstrate that melanin‐based colour can fulfil all requirements of signals of phenotypic condition. As predicted by sexual selection theory, flavonoid supplementation influenced only the sexually dichromatic black cap of males, whereas the female homologous trait and the sexually monochromatic back colouration remained unaffected. Using avian vision models we show that birds can estimate male flavonoid intake from colouration of males’ black cap. Because flavonoid ingestion can increase immune responsiveness in blackcaps, melanin head colouration may signal environmentally determined immune condition.  相似文献   

The evolution of conspicuous sexually selected traits, such as horns or antlers, has fascinated biologists for more than a century. Elaborate traits can only evolve if they substantially increase reproduction, because they probably incur survival costs to the bearer. Total selection on these traits, however, includes sexual selection on sires and viability selection on offspring and can be influenced by changes in each of these components. Non-random associations between paternal phenotype and offspring viability may thus affect total selection on sexually selected traits. Long-term data on wild bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) provide the first evidence in nature that association between paternal phenotype and lamb viability strengthens total selection on horn size of adult rams, a sexually selected trait. The association of paternal horn length and offspring viability was sexually antagonistic: long-horned males sired sons with high viability but daughters of low viability. These results shed new light on the evolutionary dynamics of an iconic sexually selected trait and have important implications for sustainable wildlife management.  相似文献   

Local environmental and ecological conditions are commonly expected to result in local adaptation, although there are few examples of variation in phenotypic selection across continent‐wide spatial scales. We collected standardized data on selection with respect to the highly variable plumage coloration of pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca Pall.) males from 17 populations across the species' breeding range. The observed selection on multiple male coloration traits via the annual number of fledged young was generally relatively weak. The main aim of the present study, however, was to examine whether the current directional selection estimates are associated with distance to the sympatric area with the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis Temminck), a sister species with which the pied flycatcher is showing character displacement. This pattern was expected because plumage traits in male pied flycatchers are changing with the distance to these areas of sympatry. However, we did not find such a pattern in current selection on coloration. There were no associations between current directional selection on ornamentation and latitude or longitude either. Interestingly, current selection on coloration traits was not associated with the observed mean plumage traits of the populations. Thus, there do not appear to be geographical gradients in current directional fecundity selection on male plumage ornamentation. The results of the present study do not support the idea that constant patterns in directional fecundity selection would play a major role in the maintenance of coloration among populations in this species. By contrast, the tendency for relatively weak mosaic‐like variation in selection among populations could reflect just a snapshot of temporally variable, potentially environment‐dependent, selection, as suggested by other studies in this system. Such fine‐grained variable selection coupled with gene flow could maintain extensive phenotypic variation across populations. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 808–827.  相似文献   

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