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Seabirds use several methods to transport food to their chicks; most species carry food in their stomachs or crops, but some terns and auks carry prey in their bills. Terns usually only carry one prey item at a time, limiting the rate at which they can provision their chicks, and restricting their effective foraging range. However, some terns do occasionally carry multiple prey, which should offer a selective advantage, but there are very few studies investigating the factors influencing the occurrence of multi-prey loading. We investigated the occurrence of multi-prey loads in provisioning Greater Crested Terns (Swift Tern) Thalasseus bergii bergii breeding on Robben Island, South Africa. Of 24 173 loads photographed, 1.3% comprised multiple prey items. Up to 11 fish were carried at once, but most multi-prey loads contained two Anchovies Engraulis encrasicolus, the most common prey item for this population of terns. Mixed species prey were recorded for the first time in a tern. Multi-prey loads occurred more frequently during mid- and late-provisioning, presumably because large chicks can cope with multiple prey, and have higher energetic requirements than small chicks. Mean standard length of Anchovies in multi-prey prey loads was less than Anchovies in single loads, possibly suggesting terns compensate for smaller prey sizes by bringing multiple prey back to their chick. The orientation of multiple Anchovies in a tern’s bill tended to be the same, suggesting that they were captured from polarised fish schools. At least some multi-prey loads were caught in a single dive.  相似文献   

Ntiamoa-Baidu, Y. & Nuoh, A. A. 2000. The role of the Ghana coast in the annual cycle of migratory terns. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 183.

Data are presented on counts of migratory terns on the Ghana coast over a ten-year period, 1986–1996. Fourteen species of terns were recorded during the period. Influx of terns begins in late August, peaking in September/October, with the highest likelihood of tern occurrence on the Ghana coast recorded in August-November and April-May. Terns fed mostly offshore and used the coastal lagoons as roosting sites, although a few species e.g. Black Tern Chlidonias niger and Little Tern Sterna albifrons, foraged also on the lagoons. Two sites, Songor Lagoon and Densu Delta, regularly held over 50 % of the total count recorded for all sites. A comparison of the day-time counts with dusk roost counts indicate that the day time counts under-represent the total numbers of terns using the Ghana coast. Trends in the populations of the four most abundant tern species: Black Tern, Common Tern Sterna hirundo, Sandwich Tern S. sandvicensis and Royal Tern S. maxima, are analysed; and the implications for conservation of the species are discussed.  相似文献   

Ecologically similar sympatric species, subject to typical environmental conditions, may be expected to exhibit synchronous temporal fluctuations in demographic parameters, while populations of dissimilar species might be expected to show less synchrony. Previous studies have tested for synchrony in different populations of single species, and those including data from more than one species have compared fluctuations in only one demographic parameter. We tested for synchrony in inter-annual changes in breeding population abundance and productivity among four tern species on Coquet Island, northeast England. We also examined how manipulation of one independent environmental variable (predator abundance) influenced temporal changes in ecologically similar and dissimilar tern species. Changes in breeding abundance and productivity of ecologically similar species (Arctic Sterna paradisaea, Common S. hirundo and Roseate Terns S. dougallii) were synchronous with one another over time, but not with a species with different foraging and breeding behaviour (Sandwich Terns Thalasseus sandvicensis). With respect to changes in predator abundance, there was no clear pattern. Roseate Tern abundance was negatively correlated with that of large gulls breeding on the island from 1975 to 2013, while Common Tern abundance was positively correlated with number of large gulls, and no significant correlations were found between large gull and Arctic and Sandwich Tern populations. Large gull abundance was negatively correlated with productivity of Arctic and Common Terns two years later, possibly due to predation risk after fledging, while no correlation with Roseate Tern productivity was found. The varying effect of predator abundance is most likely due to specific differences in the behaviour and ecology of even these closely-related species. Examining synchrony in multi-species assemblages improves our understanding of how whole communities react to long-term changes in the environment and suggests that changes in predator abundance may differentially affect populations of sympatric seabird species.  相似文献   

2004年7月28日~8月2日,在考察浙江象山韭山列岛省级海洋生态自然保护区时,发现了正处于繁殖中期的黑嘴端凤头燕鸥(Sterna bernsteini)的群体混群于大凤头燕鸥(S.bergii)的繁殖群中。据估测,大凤头燕鸥的种群数量为3500~4500只,黑嘴端凤头燕鸥的种群数量为10~20只。这是目前继2000年马祖群岛发现黑嘴端凤头燕鸥繁殖群之后的第2个繁殖群体。  相似文献   

Capsule Multiple tracking methods (colour-rings, plumage-markings and GPS-loggers) revealed that adult Sandwich Terns Thalasseus sandvicensis from the Netherlands showed prospecting behaviour in other colonies within Northwest Europe. Birds were recorded from a few kilometres to over 850?km away and in different countries around the Southern North Sea. Our data suggest large-scale connectivity between Northwest European Sandwich Tern colonies. Such connectivity is potentially of great importance when modelling the population structure of this species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Collecting blood from neonatal or prehatched chicks is sometimes necessary, requiring specialized blood collection techniques and skills. However, such sampling can be difficult and could potentially have adverse effects. I developed a method for collecting blood from chicks still in an egg. The technique involves enlarging the pipping hole, removing the chick's head to take blood from a jugular vein, and returning the chick into its original position in the egg to complete hatching back in the nest. I used this technique on Crested Tern (Thalasseus bergii) chicks (N= 13), with no apparent adverse effects to growth or short‐term survival. The amount of blood extracted (0.1–0.15 ml) was sufficient for a blood smear, hematocrit, and total white blood cell count. This method should be useful for eggs as small as 40 mm in length; eggs smaller than this would likely not be good candidates for this technique because eggshells may be too thin to safely handle. This technique may be useful for investigators studying the immunological and endocrinological transition between embryos and hatchlings.  相似文献   

The Lesser Crested Tern Thalasseus bengalensis emigratus breeding population in the Mediterranean is found exclusively in Libya, on the two coastal islands of Gara and Elba and one wetland on the mainland coast at Benghazi. In order to improve knowledge of the species migration to wintering quarters in West Africa, a ringing programme was conducted from 2006–2008 and 2009–2012. From a total of 1 354 nestlings ringed using metal and/or colour rings, 64 were recovered along their flyway and in their wintering range, representing 6.9% of birds ringed with both colour and metal rings. This provided the opportunity to collect information on post-natal movements (staging and wintering ranges), breeding philopatry and recruitment, in addition to a preliminary estimate of their migration journey duration. This paper indicates sighting and recovery distributions in space and time, highlighting the important areas for the species during its journey between breeding and wintering sites. The findings indicate that several areas where ringed terns stop-over during pre- and post-breeding migration journeys are not protected, causing an additional threat to their survival, as some wintering areas are also not protected. Conservation of this highly localised and threatened population needs not only to address protection at breeding sites but also at migratory stop-overs and wintering strongholds.  相似文献   

Domestication is an excellent model to study diversification and this evolutionary process can be different in perennial plants, such as fruit trees, compared to annual crops. Here, we inferred the history of wild apricot species divergence and of apricot domestication history across Eurasia, with a special focus on Central and Eastern Asia, based on microsatellite markers and approximate Bayesian computation. We significantly extended our previous sampling of apricots in Europe and Central Asia towards Eastern Asia, resulting in a total sample of 271 cultivated samples and 306 wild apricots across Eurasia, mainly Prunus armeniaca and Prunus sibirica, with some Prunus mume and Prunus mandshurica. We recovered wild Chinese species as genetically differentiated clusters, with P. sibirica being divided into two clusters, one possibly resulting from hybridization with P. armeniaca. Central Asia also appeared as a diversification centre of wild apricots. We further revealed at least three domestication events, without bottlenecks, that gave rise to European, Southern Central Asian and Chinese cultivated apricots, with ancient gene flow among them. The domestication event in China possibly resulted from ancient hybridization between wild populations from Central and Eastern Asia. We also detected extensive footprints of recent admixture in all groups of cultivated apricots. Our results thus show that apricot is an excellent model for studying speciation and domestication in long‐lived perennial fruit trees.  相似文献   

Since the early 1980s, there have been large decreases in numbers breeding in South Africa of three seabirds that compete with fisheries for food: African Penguin Spheniscus demersus, Cape Cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis and Bank Cormorant P. neglectus. By contrast, two other species that compete with fisheries but which have a larger foraging range when breeding or are nomadic between breeding localities, Cape Gannet Morus capensis and the nominate race of Swift Tern Thalasseus bergii bergii, have increased. Five seabirds that do not compete with fisheries for prey have maintained stable populations or increased. The decreases in the three species have led to deterioration in the overall conservation status of South Africa's seabirds, of which 10 of 15 species (67%) are presently classified as Threatened or Near-threatened, including six of the seven species that are endemic to the Benguela ecosystem off western southern Africa.  相似文献   

Morphology of Swift Tern Thalasseus bergii bergii eggs was examined on Robben Island, South Africa. A recently formed colony was found abandoned en masse, probably following human disturbance, and 146 freshly laid eggs were collected. The mean±SD nest density was 7±2.5 nests m?2 and 3% of nests contained two eggs. Eggs ranged in shape from oval to pyriform and displayed black markings (blotched, streaked, scrawled or speckled) overlaying the eggs’ colour. The mean length and width of a sample of 105 eggs was 62.2?mm (56.3–66.9?mm) and 42.3?mm (39.8–45.3?mm), respectively. All collected eggs were weighed and the mean mass was 57.9±3.72?g. Estimated volume of eggs was calculated to be 56.3±3.74 cm3. This is the first report of mass measurements obtained from freshly laid eggs Swift Tern eggs and provides insight on egg morphology, for which knowledge is limited for this species.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization, especially when regularly followed by backcrossing (i.e., introgressive hybridization), conveys a substantial risk for many endangered organisms. This is particularly true for narrow endemics occurring within distributional ranges of widespread congeners. An excellent example is provided by the plant genus Knautia (Caprifoliaceae): Locally endemic Kcarinthiaca is reported from two isolated populations in southern Austria situated within an area predominantly occupied by widespread Karvensis. While Kcarinthiaca usually inhabits low‐competition communities on rocky outcrops, Karvensis occurs mainly in dry to mesic managed grasslands, yet both species can coexist in marginal environments and were suspected to hybridize. Flow cytometry revealed that diploid Kcarinthiaca only occurs at its locus classicus, whereas the second locality is inhabited by the morphologically similar but tetraploid Knorica. In the, therefore, single population of Kcarinthiaca, flow cytometry and AFLP fingerprinting showed signs of introgressive hybridization with diploid Karvensis. Hybridization patterns were also reflected in intermediate habitat preferences and morphology of the hybrids. Environmental barriers to gene flow seem to prevent genetic erosion of Kcarinthiaca individuals from the core ecological niches, restricting most introgressed individuals to peripheral habitats. Efficient conservation of K. carinthiaca will require strict protection of its habitat and ban on forest clear cuts in a buffer zone to prevent invasion of K. arvensis. We demonstrate the large potential of multidisciplinary approaches combining molecular, cytometric, and ecological tools for a reliable inventory and threat assessment of rare species.  相似文献   

Capsule Evidence from two tern species does not support the theory that species in expansion should bias their brood sex ratios towards the more dispersing sex.

Aims Sex ratio theory predicts that when a species is in expansion, the sex ratio should be biased towards the more dispersing sex. We compared the sex ratio of nestlings in two closely related species of terns, characterized by different expansion rates: the White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus (an expansive species) and the Black Tern Chlidonias niger (a non-expansive species).

Methods The fieldwork was carried out in the valleys of the Rivers Bug and Narew in east-central Poland, from 2008 to 2014, during which time eight White-winged Tern colonies and ten Black Tern colonies were monitored. Nest inspections began around 15–20 May, when the first eggs were laid, and continued until mid-July, when the last nestlings were 7–20 days old.

Results The nestling sex ratios were similar in both species, and the differences between number of females and males were not significant (White-winged Tern: 56.6% females vs. 43.4% males; Black Tern: 57.4% females vs. 42.6% males).

Conclusions The lack of differences in nestling sex ratio in these species may be due to the cessation of the White-winged Tern's expansion in this area or because the sex ratio is characteristic of Sternidae species, as similar results have been reported for other tern species.  相似文献   

When hybridization between two species in secondary contact is costly, natural selection should favor pre‐mating isolation barriers. The invasive Gambusia affinis has been introduced to habitats of a closely related species, the endangered Gambusia nobilis. Although other Gambusia species readily hybridize in secondary contact, previous studies in this system found low abundance of hybrids in sympatry. To examine whether hybridization is limited by behavioral pre‐mating isolation that may have evolved in allopatry, I examined each species’ mating preferences using individuals from allopatric populations in male and female visual/olfactory association preference tests as well as open mating tests with and without male–male competition. Gambusia affinis and G. nobilis males had significant association preference for conspecific females in visual/olfactory tests. Only G. nobilis females had statistically significant preference for conspecific males. In open mating tests, males of both species had lower chase times overall when in competition, but there was no difference in number of copulation attempts. Males of both species had higher copulatory success rates with conspecific females when in competition, suggesting females may exert some control over copulation success of males. These results suggest that there are differences in mating preferences between these species. This mate choice may act as a pre‐mating isolating barrier to reduce hybridization in sympatry, a proposed threat to the endangered G. nobilis.  相似文献   

The consequences of hybridization for biodiversity depend on the specific ecological and evolutionary context in which it occurs. Understanding patterns of gene flow among hybridizing species is crucial for determining the evolutionary trajectories of species assemblages. The recently discovered hybridization between two species of Darwin's tree finches (Camarhynchus parvulus and C. pauper) on Floreana Island, Galápagos, presents an exciting opportunity to investigate the mechanisms causing hybridization and its potential evolutionary consequences under conditions of recent habitat disturbance and the introduction of invasive pathogens. In this study, we combine morphological and genetic analysis with pairing observations to explore the extent, direction and drivers of hybridization and to test whether hybridization patterns are a result of asymmetrical pairing preference driven by females of the rarer species (C. pauper). We found asymmetrical introgression from the critically endangered, larger‐bodied C. pauper to the common, smaller‐bodied C. parvulus, which was associated with a lack of selection against heterospecific males by C. pauper females. Examination of pairing data showed that C. parvulus females paired assortatively, whereas C. pauper females showed no such pattern. This study shows how sex‐specific drivers can determine the direction of gene flow in hybridizing species. Furthermore, our results suggest the existence of a hybrid swarm comprised of C. parvulus and hybrid birds. We discuss the influence of interspecific abundance differences and susceptibility to the invasive parasite Philornis downsi on the observed hybridization and recommend that the conservation of this iconic species group should be managed jointly rather than species‐specific.  相似文献   



The wild herb Swertia mussotii is a source of the anti-hepatitis compounds swertiamarin, mangiferin and gentiopicroside. Its over-exploitation has raised the priority of producing these compounds heterologously. Somatic hybridization represents a novel approach for introgressing Swertia mussotii genes into a less endangered species.  相似文献   

Hybridization is likely to occur more often between closely related taxa that have had insufficient time to diverge to the point of reproductive incompatibility; hybridization between deeply divergent lineages is rare. In squamate reptiles, hybridization has been proposed as a possible explanation for the extensive paraphyly observed in mitochondrial gene trees in several species complexes of the South American lizard genus Liolaemus. One of the best‐documented cases is within the L. boulengeri and L. rothi complexes, which diverged ~5.5 million years ago. Here, we describe a comprehensive study for approaching the hybridization hypothesis between these lizard species complexes. We explored the level of gene tree discordance using the novel ‘extra lineage contribution’ statistics (XLC, presented in this study) that quantifies the level of gene tree discordance contribution per individual within a species. We included molecular data (12 nuclear and two mitochondrial genes) from 127 individuals, and results of a coalescent model‐based analysis show that the most likely explanation for the gene tree‐species tree discordance is interspecific hybridization. Our best‐supported hypothesis suggests current and past hybridization between L. rothi (rothi complex) and L. tehuelche (boulengeri complex), and independently between L. rothi and L. boulengeri and L. telsen (boulengeri complex). The hybrid descendants are characterized by intermediate phenotypes between the parental species, but are more similar to L. rothi in body size. We discuss the possible role of hybridization in Liolaemus evolution.  相似文献   

Reintroduction projects aim to reestablish a self‐sustaining population of an endangered species within its historical range. Adequate post‐release monitoring by gathering demographic data is important to evaluate the success of a reintroduction. Survival and reproduction rates of a reintroduced population can be compared with a self‐sustaining wild population to evaluate the success of a reintroduction. In early 2007, Nipponia nippon (Crested Ibis) was reintroduced into the Qinling Mountains (Shaanxi, Central China). In this study, we attempt to evaluate the demographic status of the reintroduced population. Age‐specific survival rates of 56 released adults and 77 wild‐born fledglings were estimated using mark‐recapture data obtained from 2007 to 2014. Survival rates for the yearlings (0.599, with 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.467–0.719) were lower than the estimates from a wild population in Yangxian County, but the survival rates of the adults (0.678, with 95% CI: 0.603–0.745) were similar. The number of breeding pairs gradually increased since 2008, although breeding success (52.5%) was somewhat less than that of the wild population (67.6%). The stochastic estimation of population growth rate (1.084 with 95% CI: 1.069–1.098) and population size (5‐fold increase) estimated from an age‐classified Leslie matrix indicate that the reintroduced population of the Crested Ibis is more likely in regulation phase over the next 25 years. We conclude that the reintroduction of the Crested Ibis in Qinling Mountains has great promise, and progress toward a self‐sustaining population has been made under some interventions. Governments, local communities, and scientists need to facilitate habitat restoration for the long‐term survival of this endangered species.  相似文献   

We studied the impact of a wind farm (line of 25 small to medium sized turbines) on birds at the eastern port breakwater in Zeebrugge, Belgium, with special attention to the nearby breeding colony of Common Tern Sterna hirundo, Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis and Little Tern Sterna albifrons. With the data of found collision fatalities under the wind turbines, and the correction factors for available search area, search efficiency and scavenging, we calculated that during the breeding seasons in 2004 and 2005, about 168 resp. 161 terns collided with the wind turbines located on the eastern port breakwater close to the breeding colony, mainly Common Terns and Sandwich Terns. The mean number of terns killed in 2004 and 2005 was 6.7 per turbine per year for the whole wind farm, and 11.2 resp. 10.8 per turbine per year for the line of 14 turbines on the sea-directed breakwater close to the breeding colony. The mean number of collision fatalities when including other species (mainly gulls) in 2004 and 2005 was 20.9 resp. 19.1 per turbine per year for the whole wind farm and 34.3 resp. 27.6 per turbine per year for 14 turbines on the sea-directed breakwater. The collision probability for Common Terns crossing the line of wind turbines amounted 0.110–0.118% for flights at rotor height and 0.007–0.030% for all flights. For Sandwich Tern this probability was 0.046–0.088% for flights at rotor height and 0.005–0.006% for all flights. The breeding terns were almost not disturbed by the wind turbines, but the relative large number of tern fatalities was determined as a significant negative impact on the breeding colony at the eastern port breakwater (additional mortality of 3.0–4.4% for Common Tern, 1.8–6.7% for Little Tern and 0.6–0.7% for Sandwich Tern). We recommend that there should be precautionary avoidance of constructing wind turbines close to any important breeding colony of terns or gulls, nor should artificial breeding sites be constructed near wind turbines, especially not within the frequent foraging flight paths.  相似文献   

The island endemic Ctenosaura bakeri was listed as critically endangered by the IUCN Redlist Assessment in 2004, 7 years after it was recognized as a distinct species. C. bakeri occupies a portion of Utila, a small continental island located off the northern coast of Honduras. Habitat destruction and over-harvesting are among the top threats facing this species. In addition, morphological evidence of hybridization was recently documented, raising the concern that gene flow from the common and widely distributed C. similis could threaten the genetic distinctiveness of C. bakeri. We show that hybridization occurs only at low levels and is not a current threat to C. bakeri. All ctenosaurs captured for this study were identified to species level without difficulty; none had intermediate or mosaic phenotypes. Sequence analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear markers revealed only two individuals with introgressed genotypes. Molecular analysis of the previously described hybrid showed it to be heterozygous for C. bakeri and C. similis alleles. Hybridization between these two species is possible and occurs occasionally in the wild, and the rate of hybridization could increase if habitat destruction or changes in relative abundance increase the probability of interbreeding. However, the level of gene flow indicated by current data is too low to threaten C. bakeri with genetic swamping or deleterious fitness effects.  相似文献   

Five species of tern breed on Aldabra Atoll (09° 24' S; 46° 20' E). The Caspian tern Sterna caspia and Crested tern S. bergii feed exclusively in very shallow reef/lagoon water, the Fairy tern Gygis alba and Brown noddy Anous stolidus feed out at sea, and the Black-naped tern Sterna sumatrana is intermediate in its foraging. Both of the shallow-water species lay during the south-east monsoon season, the Caspian tern from April to August and the Crested tern from June to August, but the Crested tern also lays in December and January. The remaining three species have extended laying periods largely circumscribed by the north-west monsoon season from November to March. Breeding population size of the Caspian tern is in the low tens and of the Brown noddy in the low thousands, with the other species each numbering in the hundreds. The distribution and abundance of the nine species of tern breeding within the Seychelles ( sensu lato ) vary on the different island groups in a manner interpretable in terms of depth of the surrounding waters. Systematic differences between the central Seychelles and Aldabra groups in timing of breeding by terns which feed out at sea may be associated with seasonal latitudinal movement of the divergence zone between the South Equatorial Current and the Equatorial Counter-current, acting via correlated latitudinal shifts of prey species and game-fish abundance.  相似文献   

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