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The present study examines the use of photographic densitometry combined with atomic absorption spectrophotometry for the quantitation of enzyme activities (SDH and ATPase) in fresh frozen sections of rat tibialis anterior muscles. The technique eliminates some difficulties which are inherent in other methods. The reliability of the technique was found to be in the 98% range; the results were precise for all samples studied. The use of SDH to separate muscle fibers into "types" was found to be totally inaccurate since a full spectrum of activities was observed. ATPase activities could separate easily into two groups, but a continuum of ATPase activities was observed in the fast-twitch fibers. The simultaneous use of both enzymes was capable of separating the FG, FOG and SO fibers; however, variation within a single type was considerable and a great deal of information was lost when using any classification system. The continuum of SDH activities indicates the motor units are arranged as a spectrum of fatigue-resistant contractile units. The range of ATPase activities observed is comparable to ranges of motor unit contraction times emphasizing the importance of this enzyme in the regulation of contraction speed.  相似文献   

The mean of Rubidium rates in human plasma is found in the range of 0,1 mg/l with poor fluctuations; it is significantly less in woman than in man. There is a good linear correlation between rates in plasma and in red cell, rates which are in the same relation than potassium ones. Mean urinary clearance of rubidium is 16 ml/mm but there are large variations.  相似文献   

A solvation energy function for use in the molecular simulation of proteins is proposed. It is based on the accessible surface areas of atoms in the protein and on atomic solvation parameters derived from empirical vapor-to-water free energies of transfer of amino acid side-chain analogs. The energy function and its derivatives were added to the CHARMM molecular simulation program (Brooks, B.R., Bruccoleri, R.E., Olafson, B.D., States, D.J., Swaminathan, S., & Karplus, M., 1983, J. Comput. Chem. 4(2), 187-217). The effect of the added energy term was evaluated by 110 ps of molecular dynamics on the 26-residue protein melittin. The melittin monomer and tetramer were studied both with and without the added term. With the added energy term the monomer partially unfolded, while the secondary structure of the tetramer was preserved, in agreement with reported experiments (Brown, L.R., Lauterwein, J., & Wuethrich, K., 1980, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 622(2), 231-244; Lauterwein, J., Brown, L.R., & Wuethrich, K., 1980, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 622(2), 219-230).  相似文献   

We have compared video and photographic methods for calculating the number of ultraviolet radiation (uv)-induced pyrimidine dimers in DNA from the bacteriophage T7 exposed to uv (0 to 800 J/m2) from an FS40 sunlamp. DNA was incubated with a pyrimidine dimer-specific Micrococcus luteus uv endonuclease, subjected to alkaline agarose gel electrophoresis, neutralized, and stained with ethidium bromide, and the DNA fluorescence was recorded either with a video camera or on photographic film. The slopes of the dose-response curves for the number of uv-endonuclease-sensitive sites per 10(3) bases (pyrimidine dimers) was 1.2 (+/- 0.1) X 10(-4) uv-endonuclease-sensitive sites per J/m2 for the video analysis and 1.3 (+/- 0.04) X 10(-4) uv-endonuclease-sensitive sites per J/m2 for the photographic analysis. Results for pyrimidine dimer determination by either method were statistically comparable.  相似文献   

The flameless atomic absorption method described here is a simple, rapid, accurate microtechnique for determining zinc in aqueous solutions, serum, or urine. It requires no sample pretreatment, only 1.0 μl of sample per determination, no correction for viscosity differences between sample and standard solutions, and is not subject to ionic or organic interference. The average recovery of added zinc in serum is 97.5% and in urine is 97.6%. The values obtained for serum (mean ± SD: 94.6 ± 11.0 μAg/100 ml; N = 25) and urine (range: sol600–1000 μg24 hr; N = 4) are comparable to the values reported in the literature. The coefficient of variation was less than 5.0% in all cases. The qualitative concentration limit was 0.009 μg100 ml. The techniques and instrumentation described are also applicable to a number of trace minerals of common interest.  相似文献   

The regulation of intracellular pH (pHi) is important in controlling muscle contraction. In these experiments, a spectrophotometric method of determining pHi was developed, and the method was then used to study muscle pHi regulation during CO2-induced changes in extracellular pH (pHb). Studies were performed in vitro on 27 diaphragm muscle strips obtained from adult hamsters. pHi was measured from the ratio of the absorbances of the acid (lambda = 530 nm) and alkaline (lambda = 460 nm) forms of a vital dye, neutral red, using the unstained diaphragm spectrum as a reference blank. A standard neutral red calibration curve constructed from eight diaphragm muscle homogenates indicated that the absorbance ratio was highly linear, with pH over the range 6.00-8.00. In intact muscle strips gassed with 95% O2-5% CO2, pHb was 7.45 +/- 0.03 (SE) and pHi was 7.00 +/- 0.01 (SE). When the muscle was aerated with CO2 concentrations from 3 to 30%, pHb and pHi changed rapidly and reached a steady state in 10-15 min. However, when pHb ranged from 6.80-7.80, pHi changed little from the value observed when pHb was 7.40. When pHb was less than 6.80 or greater than 7.80, changes in pHi and pHb were quantitatively similar. The results suggest that, in the isolated diaphragm, overall pHi is stable and effectively buffered over a wide range of CO2-induced changes in buffer solution pH.  相似文献   

Summary Direct contamination studies of bean and lettuce leaves using single drops or spraying under controlled environmental conditions indicate that Cr whether it is applied as CrCl3 or Na2CrO4 penetrates the leaves and accumulates at the treated areas without any significant translocation away from that area. The fractions retained or which could subsequently be washed or exchanged varied with the form of the salt. This publication is contribution no. 843 of the EURATOM Biology Division. This publication is contribution no. 843 of the EURATOM Biology Division.  相似文献   

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