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Wildlife Trade and the Emergence of Infectious Diseases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most recent emerging infectious diseases have been zoonotic in origin. It is our contention that one of the factors responsible for such emergence is the trade in wildlife and bushmeat in particular. This article considers the effect of increasing diversity in the species hunted on the probability of global epidemics such as SARS. In particular, we develop a mathematical model of the probability of such an outbreak in terms of the number of species hunted, the number of susceptibles, and the rate of contact. Hence, we postulate that local biodiversity loss and increasing rates of animal trafficking, and trade and transportation of animals to large cities—where there is a greater potential for person-to-person transmission—may increase the probability of such outbreaks dramatically.  相似文献   



Human pathogen richness and prevalence vary widely across the globe, yet we know little about whether global patterns found in other taxa also predict diversity in this important group of organisms. This study (a) assesses the relative importance of temperature, precipitation, habitat diversity, and population density on the global distributions of human pathogens and (b) evaluates the species-area predictions of island biogeography for human pathogen distributions on oceanic islands.


Historical data were used in order to minimize the influence of differential access to modern health care on pathogen prevalence. The database includes coded data (pathogen, environmental and cultural) for a worldwide sample of 186 non-industrial cultures, including 37 on islands. Prevalence levels for 10 pathogens were combined into a pathogen prevalence index, and OLS regression was used to model the environmental determinants of the prevalence index and number of pathogens.


Pathogens (number and prevalence index) showed the expected latitudinal gradient, but predictors varied by latitude. Pathogens increased with temperature in high-latitude zones, while mean annual precipitation was a more important predictor in low-latitude zones. Other environmental factors associated with more pathogens included seasonal dry extremes, frost-free climates, and human population density outside the tropics. Islands showed the expected species-area relationship for all but the smallest islands, and the relationship was not mediated by habitat diversity. Although geographic distributions of free-living and parasitic taxa typically have different determinants, these data show that variables that influence the distribution of free-living organisms also shape the global distribution of human pathogens. Understanding the cause of these distributions is potentially important, since geographical variation in human pathogens has an important influence on global disparities in human welfare.  相似文献   

Summary: Host range is a viral property reflecting natural hosts that are infected either as part of a principal transmission cycle or, less commonly, as “spillover” infections into alternative hosts. Rarely, viruses gain the ability to spread efficiently within a new host that was not previously exposed or susceptible. These transfers involve either increased exposure or the acquisition of variations that allow them to overcome barriers to infection of the new hosts. In these cases, devastating outbreaks can result. Steps involved in transfers of viruses to new hosts include contact between the virus and the host, infection of an initial individual leading to amplification and an outbreak, and the generation within the original or new host of viral variants that have the ability to spread efficiently between individuals in populations of the new host. Here we review what is known about host switching leading to viral emergence from known examples, considering the evolutionary mechanisms, virus-host interactions, host range barriers to infection, and processes that allow efficient host-to-host transmission in the new host population.  相似文献   

A series of high profile outbreaks of newly described diseases in humans, domestic animals and wildlife has attracted widespread interest in the topic of Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs). Marine mammals are no exception: since 1987 several mass mortalities have been observed following infection with viruses previously undescribed in the populations or species in question. As with terrestrial examples, some of these outbreaks have followed either migrations associated with large-scale ecological changes or the introduction of virus from domestic animals. However, marine mammals warrant special concern in the context of emerging infectious diseases: they typically occupy high trophic levels and can therefore be highly contaminated with immunotoxic chemicals. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), including polychlorinated -biphenyls (PCBs), dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), -dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and related compounds, are demonstrated immunotoxicants in laboratory animals, as well as marine mammals. Immunotoxic contaminants may represent a factor that facilitates disease emergence, and may lead to the creation of susceptible “reservoirs” for new pathogens in contaminated marine mammal populations. The factors underlying the emergence and exchange of pathogens among marine mammals, domestic animals, and humans demand multidisciplinary study and invite regulatory and conservation scrutiny. The complexity of this issue may be best addressed through an integrated human and ecological risk assessment framework.  相似文献   

在感染性疾病的范畴内,目前急需一个能有效地、精确地和综合性地研究微生物感染的结构性和功能性基因组学和蛋白质组学 ( 感染组学 ) 的全面方法. 新的方法 ( 如 DNA 和蛋白质微阵列 ) 和传统方法 ( 如分子克隆、 PCR 、基因敲除,加进 (knockin) 和反义术等 ) 的结合将有助于克服今天的困难. 在感染时,微生物及其宿主的全部表型改变 ( 感染组 ) 均由微生物病原体及其宿主的基因组所编码,并在特异的微生物 - 宿主相互作用时的某些环境条件下表达. 微生物及其宿主的全部药物反应 ( 药理组 ) 可用基因组或蛋白质组的方法检出. 分析基因型和表型或表达形式的全基因组方法将最终导致对微生物的发病机理、感染性疾病的快速诊断和控制感染的新策略的全面研究. 感染性疾病中最基本的问题是,如何全面地和综合性地应用感染组学,来了解微生物病原体及其宿主的相互作用.  相似文献   

Genetic variants of Y chromosome predispose to hypertension in rodents, whereas in humans the evidence is conflicting. Our purpose was to study the distribution of a panel of Y chromosome markers in a cohort from a cross-sectional population-based study on the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in Poland (WOBASZ study). The HindIII, YAP Y chromosome variants, previously shown to influence blood pressure, lipid traits or height, as well as SNPs defining main Y chromosome haplogroups, were typed in 3026, 2783 and 2652 samples, respectively. In addition, 4 subgroups (N∼100 each) representing extremes of LDL concentration or blood pressure (BP) were typed for a panel of 17 STRs. The HindIII and YAP polymorphism were not associated with any of the studied traits. Analysis of the haplogroup distribution showed an association between higher HDL level and hg I-M170 (P = 0.02), higher LDL level and hg F*(xI-M170, J2-M172, K-M9) (P = 0.03) and lower BMI and hg N3-Tat (P = 0.04). Analysis of STRs did not show statistically significant differences. Since all these associations lost statistical significance after Bonferroni correction, we conclude that a major role of Y chromosome genetic variation (defined by HindIII, YAP or main Y chromosome haplogroups) in determining cardiovascular risk in Poles is unlikely.  相似文献   

Suppose that many polymorphic sites have been identified and genotyped in a region showing strong linkage with a trait. A key question of interest is which site (or combination of sites) in the region influences susceptibility to the trait. We have developed a novel statistical approach to this problem, in the context of qualitative-trait mapping, in which we use linkage data to identify the polymorphic sites whose genotypes could fully explain the observed linkage to the region. The information provided by this analysis is different from that provided by tests of either linkage or association. Our approach is based on the observation that if a particular site is the only site in the region that influences the trait, then-conditional on the genotypes at that site for the affected relatives-there should be no unexplained oversharing in the region among affected individuals. We focus on the affected sib-pair study design and develop test statistics that are variations on the usual allele-sharing methods used in linkage studies. We perform hypothesis tests and derive a confidence set for the true causal polymorphic site, under the assumption that there is only one site in the region influencing the trait. Our method is appropriate under a very general model for how the site influences the trait, including epistasis with unlinked loci, correlated environmental effects within families, and gene-environment interaction. We extend our method to larger sibships and apply it to an NIDDM1 data set.  相似文献   

We describe here the effect of various agents and conditions that can influence the assay of plasma melatonin and report a modified column method which minimizes these interferences. Melatonin was measured by a sensitive radioimmunoassay which can detect melatonin from 5 to 500 pg/ml; the assay was linear about 0-60 pg/ml range. The hemolysis of samples increases the apparent level of melatonin in plasma. When the hemolyzed samples were passed through the SEP-cartridge and washed with methanol, the normal basal level was restored. Elution from the column was highest at 100% methanol and proportionate with the "spiked" value of melatonin. The addition of hemoglobin standard and serum albumin decreases the assayed value of melatonin while the addition of red blood cells and heparin increases the level. EDTA, oxalate, and citrate do not influence the basal level of melatonin. Samples that have been affected by these various agents and conditions can be normalized by passing samples through the column. Up to three cycles of freezing and quick thawing of plasma had no effect on the assay of melatonin; however, beyond three cycles levels were reduced. Long-term storage (up to 4 years) has no influence on the assay.  相似文献   



Cryptococcus neoformans is a ubiquitous environmental fungus that can cause life-threatening meningitis and fungemia, often in the presence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, or other medical conditions. To distinguish risk factors from comorbidities, we performed a hospital-based, density-sampled, matched case-control study.


All new-onset cryptococcal meningitis cases and cryptococcemia cases at a university hospital in Taiwan from 2002–2010 were retrospectively identified from the computerized inpatient registry and were included in this study. Controls were selected from those hospitalized patients not experiencing cryptococcal meningitis or cryptococcemia. Controls and cases were matched by admission date, age, and gender. Conditional logistic regression was used to analyze the risk factors.


A total of 101 patients with cryptococcal meningitis (266 controls) and 47 patients with cryptococcemia (188 controls), of whom 32 patients had both cryptococcal meningitis and cryptococcemia, were included in this study. Multivariate regression analysis showed that AIDS (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 181.4; p < 0.001), decompensated liver cirrhosis (aOR = 8.5; p = 0.008), and cell-mediated immunity (CMI)-suppressive regimens without calcineurin inhibitors (CAs) (aOR = 15.9; p < 0.001) were independent risk factors for cryptococcal meningitis. Moreover, AIDS (aOR = 216.3, p < 0.001), decompensated liver cirrhosis (aOR = 23.8; p < 0.001), CMI-suppressive regimens without CAs (aOR = 7.3; p = 0.034), and autoimmune diseases (aOR = 9.3; p = 0.038) were independent risk factors for developing cryptococcemia. On the other hand, diabetes mellitus and other medical conditions were not found to be risk factors for cryptococcal meningitis or cryptococcemia.


The findings confirm AIDS, decompensated liver cirrhosis, CMI-suppressive regimens without CAs, and autoimmune diseases are risk factors for invasive C. neoformans diseases.  相似文献   

病毒性出血热、流感和病毒性肝炎等传染病的流行与暴发,提示着病毒性传染病一直是人类健康的威胁,各国都非常重视该领域的研究.为了解我国人类病毒传染病相关研究领域热点的分布、变化历程及发展趋势,以中国知网(CNKI)数据库为检索对象,应用CiteSpace可视化软件近对20年内该领域的发文量、作者、机构、关键词等进行分析.通过该方法最终检索出30875篇文献,分析发现该研究领域年发文量虽有所波动,但年均发文量在1500篇左右,说明该领域的研究处在平稳期阶段.由于病毒传染病研究具有极强的特殊性,所以我国的研究机构主要以中国疾病预防中心为主.同时发现近20年我国研究热点主要集中在肝炎、出血热、流感、人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human immuno-deficiency virus,HIV)、严重急性呼吸综合征(Severe acute respiratory syndrome,SARS)等方面,其中对肝炎、流感、HIV的研究热度一直持续至今,呈现出研究热点变化与社会发展需求紧密联合的现象.从研究内容变化的历程上分析,能预测我国未来病毒传染病研究领域将向疫情预防以及疾病攻克方面侧重.  相似文献   

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