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Although Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 signals from the cell surface of myeloid cells, it is restricted to an intracellular compartment and requires ligand internalization in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). Yet, the functional consequence of cell-type specific receptor localization and uptake-dependent lipopolysaccharide (LPS) recognition is unknown. Here, we demonstrate a strikingly delayed activation of IECs but not macrophages by wildtype Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sv. (S.) Typhimurium as compared to isogenic O-antigen deficient mutants. Delayed epithelial activation is associated with impaired LPS internalization and retarded TLR4-mediated immune recognition. The O-antigen-mediated evasion from early epithelial innate immune activation significantly enhances intraepithelial bacterial survival in vitro and in vivo following oral challenge. These data identify O-antigen expression as an innate immune evasion mechanism during apical intestinal epithelial invasion and illustrate the importance of early innate immune recognition for efficient host defense against invading Salmonella.  相似文献   

Cell death is a critical host response to regulate the fate of bacterial infections, innate immune responses, and ultimately, disease outcome. Shigellaspp. invade and colonize gut epithelium in human and nonhuman primates but adult mice are naturally resistant to intra-gastric Shigella infection. In this study, however, we found Shigella could invade the terminal ileum of the mouse small intestine by 1 hour after infection and be rapidly cleared within 24 h. These early phase events occurred shortly after oral infection resulting in epithelial shedding, degranulation of Paneth cells, and cell death in the intestine. During this process, autophagy proceeded without any signs of inflammation. In contrast, blocking autophagy in epithelial cells enhanced host cell death, leading to tissue destruction and to inflammation, suggesting that autophagic flow relieves cellular stress associated with host cell death and inflammation. Herein we propose a new concept of “epithelial barrier turnover” as a general intrinsic host defense mechanism that increases survival of host cells and inhibits inflammation against enteric bacterial infections, which is regulated by autophagy.  相似文献   

Competence, or the propensity of a host to transmit parasites, is partly underlain by host strategies to cope with infection (e.g., resistance and tolerance). Resistance represents the ability of hosts to prevent or clear infections, whereas tolerance captures the ability of individuals to cope with a given parasite burden. Here, we investigated (1) whether one easy-to-measure form of tolerance described well the dynamic relationships between host health and parasite burden, and (2) whether individual resistance and tolerance to West Nile virus (WNV) were predictable from single cytokine measures. We exposed house sparrows (HOSP) to WNV and measured subsequent changes in host performance, viral burden, and cytokine expression. We then used two novel approaches (one complex, one simpler) to estimate tolerance within-individual HOSP using four separate host performance traits. We lastly investigated changes in the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10). Both approaches to estimating tolerance were equivalent among WNV-infected HOSP; thus, an easy-to-measure tolerance estimation may be successfully applied in field studies. Constitutive expression of IFN-γ and IL-10 were predictive of resistance and tolerance to WNV, implicating these cytokines as viable biomarkers of host competence to WNV.  相似文献   

Host defense peptides act on the forefront of innate immunity, thus playing a central role in the survival of animals and plants. Despite vast morphological changes in species through evolutionary history, all animals examined to date share common features in their innate immune defense strategies, hereunder expression of host defense peptides (HDPs). Most studies on HDPs have focused on humans, domestic and laboratory animals. More than a thousand different sequences have been identified, yet data on HDPs in wild-living animals are sparse. The biological functions of HDPs include broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity and immunomodulation. Natural selection and coevolutionary host-pathogen arms race theory suggest that the extent and specificity of the microbial load influences the spectrum and potency of HDPs in different species. Individuals of extant species—that have lived for an extended period in evolutionary history amid populations with intact processes of natural selection—likely possess the most powerful and well-adapted “natural antibiotics”. Research on the evolutionary history of the innate defense system and the host in context of the consequences of challenges as well as the efficacy of the innate immune system under natural conditions is therefore of immediate interest. This review focuses on evolutionary aspects of immunophysiology, with emphasis on innate effector molecules. Studies on host defense in wild-living animals may significantly enhance our understanding of inborn immune mechanisms, and help identify molecules that may assist us to cope better with the increasing microbial challenges that likely follow from the continuous amplification of biodiversity levels on Earth.  相似文献   

Hepcidin is the master regulator of iron homeostasis in vertebrates. The synthesis of hepcidin is induced by systemic iron levels and by inflammatory stimuli. While the role of hepcidin in iron regulation is well established, its contribution to host defense is emerging as complex and multifaceted. In this review, we summarize the literature on the role of hepcidin as a mediator of antimicrobial immunity. Hepcidin induction during infection causes depletion of extracellular iron, which is thought to be a general defense mechanism against many infections by withholding iron from invading pathogens. Conversely, by promoting iron sequestration in macrophages, hepcidin may be detrimental to cellular defense against certain intracellular infections, although critical in vivo studies are needed to confirm this concept. It is not yet clear whether hepcidin exerts any iron-independent effects on host defenses.  相似文献   

刘建平  梁伟 《动物学杂志》2024,59(4):481-492
为了消除巢寄生给自身繁殖带来的不利影响,许多宿主进化出反寄生策略来提高自身的适合度。越来越多的研究表明,宿主的反寄生防御手段可能发生在其生活史周期的各个阶段。本文分别从巢、卵和雏鸟三个阶段对宿主鸟类的反寄生策略进行综述,主要包括巢防御、卵识别、雏鸟识别和雏鸟出飞阶段的防御策略及各阶段的主要研究方法,以期为深入研究鸟类的巢寄生行为提供参考。  相似文献   

病原菌效应蛋白破坏宿主细胞的正常信号转导是病原菌和宿主相互作用的重要体现.效应蛋白往往具有独特的生化活性,针对宿主细胞内与抗细菌感染相关的重要通路进行阻断.近年来,在病原菌效应蛋白作用机制的研究中,人们发现了几种由效应蛋白介导的全新的蛋白质翻译后修饰.OspF(outer Shigella protein F)效应蛋白家族具有磷酸化苏氨酸裂合酶活性,通过"消去"修饰和失活宿主MAPK激酶.NleE(non-LEE encoded effector E)效应蛋白则通过半胱氨酸甲基化修饰来抑制感染诱导NF-κB炎症通路的激活.NleB(non-LEEencoded effectorB)蛋白抑制宿主的死亡信号通路,则依赖于其N-乙酰葡萄糖胺转移酶活性介导的对死亡结构域蛋白的精氨酸糖基化修饰.而VopS(Vibrio outer protein S)和IbpA(Immunoglobulin-binding protein A)等含有Fic结构域的蛋白,则可以将AMP基团转移到Rho家族小G蛋白的保守苏氨酸或酪氨酸上,导致小G蛋白的失活和肌动蛋白细胞骨架的紊乱,从而引起细胞毒性.以上效应蛋白作用机制及生化活性的阐明,有助于全方位了解病原菌的致病毒力机制,也开辟了蛋白质翻译后修饰介导病原-宿主相互作用研究的新方向,同时对真核生物的信号转导研究也具有重要指导意义.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a common and deadly inherited disease, caused by mutations in the CFTR gene that encodes a cAMP-activated chloride channel. One outstanding manifestation of the disease is the persistent bacterial infection and inflammation in the lung, which claims over 90% of CF mortality. It has been debated whether neutrophil-mediated phagocytic innate immunity has any intrinsic defect that contributes to the host lung defense failure. Here we compared phagosomal CFTR targeting, hypochlorous acid (HOCl) production, and microbial killing of the neutrophils from myeloid Cftr-inactivated (Myeloid-Cftr−/−) mice and the non-inactivated control (Cftrfl10) mice. We found that the mutant CFTR that lacked Exon-10 failed to target to the neutrophil phagosomes. This dysfunction resulted in impaired intraphagosomal HOCl production and neutrophil microbial killing. In vivo lung infection with a lethal dose of Pseudomonas aeruginosa caused significantly higher mortality in the myeloid CF mice than in the controls. The myeloid-Cftr−/− lungs were deficient in bacterial clearance, and had sustained neutrophilic inflammation and stalled transition from early to late immunity. These manifestations recapitulated the symptoms of human CF lungs. The data altogether suggest that myeloid CFTR expression is critical to normal host lung defense. CFTR dysfunction in neutrophils compromises the phagocytic innate immunity, which may predispose CF lungs to infection.  相似文献   

Secretion of interferons (IFNs) from virus-infected cells is a hallmark of host antiviral immunity and in fact, IFNs exert their antiviral activities through the induction of antiviral proteins. The IFN-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats (IFITs) family is among hundreds of IFN-stimulated genes. This family contains a cluster of duplicated loci. Most mammals have IFIT1, IFIT2, IFIT3 and IFIT5; however, bird, marsupial, frog and fish have only IFIT5. Regardless of species, IFIT5 is always adjacent to SLC16A12. IFIT family genes are predominantly induced by type I and type III interferons and are regulated by the pattern recognition and the JAK-STAT signaling pathway. IFIT family proteins are involved in many processes in response to viral infection. However, some viruses can escape the antiviral functions of the IFIT family by suppressing IFIT family genes expression or methylation of 5'' cap of viral molecules. In addition, the variants of IFIT family genes could significantly influence the outcome of hepatitis C virus (HCV) therapy. We believe that our current review provides a comprehensive picture for the community to understand the structure and function of IFIT family genes in response to pathogens in human, as well as in animals.  相似文献   

Live attenuated vaccine (LAV), mimicking natural infection, provides an excellent protection against microbial infection. The development of LAV, however, still remains highly empirical and the rational design of clinically useful LAV is scarcely available. Apoptosis and caspase activation are general host antiviral responses in virus-infected cells. Utilizing these tightly regulated host defense mechanisms, we present a novel apoptosis-triggered attenuation of viral virulence as a rational design of live attenuated vaccine with desired levels of safety, efficacy, and productivity. Mutant influenza viruses carrying caspase recognition motifs in viral NP and the interferon-antagonist NS1 proteins were highly attenuated both in vitro and in vivo by caspase-mediated cleavage of those proteins in infected cells. Both viral replication and interferon-resistance were substantially reduced, resulting in a marked attenuation of virulence of the virus. Despite pronounced attenuation, the viruses demonstrated high growth phenotype in embryonated eggs at lower temperature, ensuring its productivity. A single dose vaccination with the mutant virus elicited high levels of systemic and mucosal antibody responses and provided complete protection against both homologous and heterologous lethal challenges in mouse model. While providing a practical means to generate seasonal or pandemic influenza live vaccines, the sensitization of viral proteins to pathogen-triggered apoptotic signals presents a potentially universal, mechanism-based rational design of live vaccines against many viral infections.  相似文献   

Interleukin 17 (IL-17)-mediated immunity has emerged as a crucial host defense mechanism against fungal infections. The family of IL-17 cytokines is phylogenetically ancient, but remains the least understood of all cytokine subclasses. The effects mediated by IL-17 are pleiotropic and include the induction of antimicrobial peptides as well as cytokines and chemokines that lead to the recruitment and activation of neutrophils. Neutrophils in turn are key effector cells of the antifungal defense. CD4+ T cells act as a major source of IL-17 and a lot has been learned about these cells since their discovery a decade ago. This review highlights key aspects of the underlying mechanisms regulating the development of Th17 responses during fungal infections. We discuss the impact of different subsets of antigen-presenting cells, innate cytokine signals and tissue-specific factors on Th17 differentiation, and we highlight the prerequisites for the mediation by Th17 cells of vaccine immunity against fungi.  相似文献   

The in vitro antimicrobial activities and biological effects on host cells were compared for the bovine cathelicidins BMAP-28, an alpha-helical AMP, and Bac5 and Bac7, proline-rich AMPs. Our results confirm that the broad-spectrum activity of BMAP-28 correlates with a high capacity to interact with and permeabilize bacterial membranes, whereas the proline-rich AMPs selectively internalize into the cytoplasm of susceptible Gram-negative bacteria with a non-lytic mechanism. All peptides efficiently translocated into mammalian fibroblastic cells, but while Bac5 and Bac7(1–35) localized to nuclear structures and induced cellular proliferation, BMAP-28 associated with mitochondria and did not induce proliferation. Moreover, BMAP-28 was considerably more cytotoxic than the proline-rich peptides due to cytolytic and pro-apoptotic effects. Our results highlight important functional differences among the bovine cathelicidins and suggest that they contribute to an integrated response of the host to infection, with distinct but complementary activities.  相似文献   

The human gut harbours a large and genetically diverse population of symbiotic microbes that both feed and protect the host. Evolutionary theory, however, predicts that such genetic diversity can destabilise mutualistic partnerships. How then can the mutualism of the human microbiota be explained? Here we develop an individual-based model of host-associated microbial communities. We first demonstrate the fundamental problem faced by a host: The presence of a genetically diverse microbiota leads to the dominance of the fastest growing microbes instead of the microbes that are most beneficial to the host. We next investigate the potential for host secretions to influence the microbiota. This reveals that the epithelium–microbiota interface acts as a selectivity amplifier: Modest amounts of moderately selective epithelial secretions cause a complete shift in the strains growing at the epithelial surface. This occurs because of the physical structure of the epithelium–microbiota interface: Epithelial secretions have effects that permeate upwards through the whole microbial community, while lumen compounds preferentially affect cells that are soon to slough off. Finally, our model predicts that while antimicrobial secretion can promote host epithelial selection, epithelial nutrient secretion will often be key to host selection. Our findings are consistent with a growing number of empirical papers that indicate an influence of host factors upon microbiota, including growth-promoting glycoconjugates. We argue that host selection is likely to be a key mechanism in the stabilisation of the mutualism between a host and its microbiota.  相似文献   

病毒的侵染策略和植物的防卫反策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
病毒对植物的侵染及植物对病毒侵染的抵抗实际上是病毒与寄主植物之间相互作用的结果,病毒和寄主植物共同参与调控植物的亲和反应及防卫反应。  相似文献   

The coagulation system is characterized by the sequential and highly localized activation of a series of serine proteases, culminating in the conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin, and formation of a fibrin clot. Here we show that C-terminal peptides of thrombin, a key enzyme in the coagulation cascade, constitute a novel class of host defense peptides, released upon proteolysis of thrombin in vitro, and detected in human wounds in vivo. Under physiological conditions, these peptides exert antimicrobial effects against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, mediated by membrane lysis, as well as immunomodulatory functions, by inhibiting macrophage responses to bacterial lipopolysaccharide. In mice, they are protective against P. aeruginosa sepsis, as well as lipopolysaccharide-induced shock. Moreover, the thrombin-derived peptides exhibit helical structures upon binding to lipopolysaccharide and can also permeabilize liposomes, features typical of “classical” helical antimicrobial peptides. These findings provide a novel link between the coagulation system and host-defense peptides, two fundamental biological systems activated in response to injury and microbial invasion.  相似文献   

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