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The topological similarity of voltage-gated proton channels (HV1s) to the voltage-sensing domain (VSD) of other voltage-gated ion channels raises the central question of whether HV1s have a similar structure. We present the construction and validation of a homology model of the human HV1 (hHV1). Multiple structural alignment was used to construct structural models of the open (proton-conducting) state of hHV1 by exploiting the homology of hHV1 with VSDs of K+ and Na+ channels of known three-dimensional structure. The comparative assessment of structural stability of the homology models and their VSD templates was performed using massively repeated molecular dynamics simulations in which the proteins were allowed to relax from their initial conformation in an explicit membrane mimetic. The analysis of structural deviations from the initial conformation based on up to 125 repeats of 100-ns simulations for each system reveals structural features consistently retained in the homology models and leads to a consensus structural model for hHV1 in which well-defined external and internal salt-bridge networks stabilize the open state. The structural and electrostatic properties of this open-state model are compatible with proton translocation and offer an explanation for the reversal of charge selectivity in neutral mutants of Asp112. Furthermore, these structural properties are consistent with experimental accessibility data, providing a valuable basis for further structural and functional studies of hHV1. Each Arg residue in the S4 helix of hHV1 was replaced by His to test accessibility using Zn2+ as a probe. The two outermost Arg residues in S4 were accessible to external solution, whereas the innermost one was accessible only to the internal solution. Both modeling and experimental data indicate that in the open state, Arg211, the third Arg residue in the S4 helix in hHV1, remains accessible to the internal solution and is located near the charge transfer center, Phe150.  相似文献   

Part of the “signature sequence” that defines the voltage-gated proton channel (HV1) is a tryptophan residue adjacent to the second Arg in the S4 transmembrane helix: RxWRxxR, which is perfectly conserved in all high confidence HV1 genes. Replacing Trp207 in human HV1 (hHV1) with Ala, Ser, or Phe facilitated gating, accelerating channel opening by 100-fold, and closing by 30-fold. Mutant channels opened at more negative voltages than wild-type (WT) channels, indicating that in WT channels, Trp favors a closed state. The Arrhenius activation energy, Ea, for channel opening decreased to 22 kcal/mol from 30–38 kcal/mol for WT, confirming that Trp207 establishes the major energy barrier between closed and open hHV1. Cation–π interaction between Trp207 and Arg211 evidently latches the channel closed. Trp207 mutants lost proton selectivity at pHo >8.0. Finally, gating that depends on the transmembrane pH gradient (ΔpH-dependent gating), a universal feature of HV1 that is essential to its biological functions, was compromised. In the WT hHV1, ΔpH-dependent gating is shown to saturate above pHi or pHo 8, consistent with a single pH sensor with alternating access to internal and external solutions. However, saturation occurred independently of ΔpH, indicating the existence of distinct internal and external pH sensors. In Trp207 mutants, ΔpH-dependent gating saturated at lower pHo but not at lower pHi. That Trp207 mutation selectively alters pHo sensing further supports the existence of distinct internal and external pH sensors. Analogous mutations in HV1 from the unicellular species Karlodinium veneficum and Emiliania huxleyi produced generally similar consequences. Saturation of ΔpH-dependent gating occurred at the same pHo and pHi in HV1 of all three species, suggesting that the same or similar group(s) is involved in pH sensing. Therefore, Trp enables four characteristic properties: slow channel opening, highly temperature-dependent gating kinetics, proton selectivity, and ΔpH-dependent gating.  相似文献   

Berger TK  Isacoff EY 《Neuron》2011,72(6):991-1000
In classical tetrameric voltage-gated ion channels four voltage-sensing domains (VSDs), one from each subunit, control one ion permeation pathway formed by four pore domains. The human Hv1 proton channel has a different architecture, containing?a VSD, but lacking a pore domain. Since its location is not known, we searched for the Hv permeation pathway. We find that mutation of the S4 segment's third arginine R211 (R3) compromises proton selectivity, enabling conduction of a metal cation and even of the large organic cation guanidinium, reminiscent of Shaker's omega pore. In the open state, R3 appears to interact with an aspartate (D112) that is situated in the middle of S1 and is unique to Hv channels. The double mutation of both residues further compromises cation selectivity. We propose that membrane depolarization reversibly positions R3 next to D112 in?the transmembrane VSD to form the ion selectivity filter in the channel's open conformation.  相似文献   

NaChBac is a bacterial voltage-gated sodium (Nav) channel that shows sequence similarity to voltage-gated calcium channels. To understand the ion-permeation mechanism of Nav channels, we combined molecular dynamics simulation, structural biology and electrophysiological approaches to investigate the recently determined structure of NavRh, a marine bacterial NaChBac ortholog. Two Na+ binding sites are identified in the selectivity filter (SF) in our simulations: The extracellular Na+ ion first approaches site 1 constituted by the side groups of Ser181 and Glu183, and then spontaneously arrives at the energetically more favorable site 2 formed by the carbonyl oxygens of Leu179 and Thr178. In contrast, Ca2+ ions are prone to being trapped by Glu183 at site 1, which then blocks the entrance of both Na+ and Ca2+ to the vestibule of the SF. In addition, Na+ permeates through the selective filter in an asymmetrical manner, a feature that resembles that of the mammalian Nav orthologs. The study reported here provides insights into the mechanism of ion selectivity on Na+ over Ca2+ in mammalian Nav channels.  相似文献   

Amino acids located in the outer vestibule of the voltage-gated Na+ channel determine the permeation properties of the channel. Recently, residues lining the outer pore have also been implicated in channel gating. The domain (D) IV P-loop residue alanine 1529 forms a part of the putative selectivity filter of the adult rat skeletal muscle (mu1) Na+ channel. Here we report that replacement of alanine 1529 by aspartic acid enhances entry to an ultra-slow inactivated state. Ultra-slow inactivation is characterized by recovery time constants on the order of approximately 100 s from prolonged depolarizations and by the fact that entry to this state can be reduced by binding to the pore of a mutant mu-conotoxin GIIIA, suggesting that ultra-slow inactivation may reflect a structural rearrangement of the outer vestibule. The voltage dependence of ultra-slow inactivation in DIV-A1529D is U-shaped, with a local maximum near -60 mV, whereas activation is maximal only above -20 mV. Furthermore, a train of brief depolarizations produces more ultra-slow inactivation than a single maintained depolarization of the same duration. These data suggest that ultra-slow inactivation emanates from "partially activated" closed states and that the P-loop in DIV may undergo a conformational change during channel activation, which is accentuated by DIV-A1529D.  相似文献   

The voltage-gated proton channel exists as a dimer, although each protomer has a separate conduction pathway, and when forced to exist as a monomer, most major functions are retained. However, the proton channel protomers appear to interact during gating. Proton channel dimerization is thought to result mainly from coiled-coil interaction of the intracellular C-termini. Several types of evidence are discussed that suggest that the dimer conformation may not be static, but is dynamic and can sample different orientations. Zn2+ appears to link the protomers in an orientation from which the channel(s) cannot open. A tandem WT-WT dimer exhibits signs of cooperative gating, indicating that despite the abnormal linkage, the correct orientation for opening can occur. We propose that C-terminal interaction functions mainly to tether the protomers together. Comparison of the properties of monomeric and dimeric proton channels speaks against the hypothesis that enhanced gating reflects monomer-dimer interconversion.Key words: voltage-gated proton channels, voltage gating, voltage-sensing domains, phagocytes, coiled-coil, oligomerization, proton currents, pH, dimerization, C-terminus  相似文献   

Four glutamate residues (EEEE locus) are essential for ion selectivity in voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels, with ion-specific differences in binding to the locus providing the basis of selectivity. Whether side chain carboxylates or alternatively main chain carbonyls of these glutamates project into the pore to form the ion-binding locus has been uncertain. We have addressed this question by examining effects of sulfhydryl-modifying agents (methanethiosulfonates) on 20 cysteine-substituted mutant forms of an L-type Ca(2+) channel. Sulfhydryl modifiers partially blocked whole oocyte Ba(2+) currents carried by wild type channels, but this block was largely reversed with washout. In contrast, each of the four EEEE locus glutamate --> cysteine mutants (0 position) was persistently blocked by sulfhydryl modifiers, indicating covalent attachment of a modifying group to the side chain of the substituted cysteine. Cysteine substitutions at positions immediately adjacent to the EEEE locus glutamates (+/-1 positions) were also generally susceptible to sulfhydryl modification. Sulfhydryl modifiers had lesser effects on channels substituted one position further from the EEEE locus (+/-2 positions). These results indicate that the carboxylate-bearing side chains of the EEEE locus glutamates and their immediate neighbors project into the water-filled lumen of the pore to form an ion-binding locus. Thus the structure of the Ca(2+) channel selectivity filter differs substantially from that of ancestral K(+) channels.  相似文献   

Kat1 is a highly selective inward-rectifying K+ channel that opens for extended periods under conditions of extreme hyperpolarization. Over 200 point mutants in the pore region of the Kat1 K+ channel were generated and examined in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Xenopus oocytes to assess the effect of the mutations on ion selectivity. Substitutions at the tyrosine of the signature sequence G-Y-G resulted in the most significant alterations in ion selectivity, consistent with its role in the selectivity filter. However, greater than 80% of the mutations throughout the greater pore region also conferred a defect in selectivity demonstrating that the entire pore of Kat1 contributes to the ion selectivity of this channel. Surprisingly, we identified a novel class of mutant channel that conferred enhanced selectivity of K+ over Na+. Mutants of this class frequently displayed sensitivity to the competing ion Cs+. This finding has led us to speculate that the Kat1 channel pore has evolved to balance not only K+/Na+ selectivity, but selectivity over Cs+, and possibly a wide spectrum of potential competing ions.  相似文献   

The voltage-gated proton channel Hv1 functions as a dimer, in which the intracellular C-terminal domain of the protein is responsible for the dimeric architecture and regulates proton permeability. Although it is well known that divalent metal ions have effect on the proton channel activity, the interaction of divalent metal ions with the channel in detail is not well elucidated. Herein, we investigated the interaction of divalent metal ions with the C-terminal domain of human Hv1 by CD spectra and fluorescence spectroscopy. The divalent metal ions binding induced an obvious conformational change at pH 7 and a pH-sensitive reduction of thermostability in the C-terminal domain. The interactions were further estimated by fluorescence spectroscopy experiments. There are at least two binding sites for divalent metal ions binding to the C-terminal domain of Hv1, either of which is close to His244 or His266 residue. The binding of Zn2+ to the two sites both enhanced the fluorescence of the protein at pH 7, whereas the binding of other divalent metal ions to the two sites all resulted fluorescence quenching. The orders of the strength of divalent metal ions binding to the two sites from strong to weak are both Co2+, Ca2+, Ni2+, Mg2+, and Mn2+. The strength of Ca2+, Co2+, Mg2+, Mn2+ and Ni2+ binding to the site close to His244 is stronger than that of these divalent metal ions binding to the site close to His266.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated proton channels are found in many different types of cells, where they facilitate proton movement through the membrane. The mechanism of proton permeation through the channel is an issue of long-term interest, but it remains an open question. To address this issue, we examined the temperature dependence of proton permeation. Under whole cell recordings, rapid temperature changes within a few milliseconds were imposed. This method allowed for the measurement of current amplitudes immediately before and after a temperature jump, from which the ratios of these currents (Iratio) were determined. The use of Iratio for evaluating the temperature dependence minimized the contributions of factors other than permeation. Temperature jumps of various degrees (ΔT, −15 to 15°C) were applied over a wide temperature range (4–49°C), and the Q10s for the proton currents were evaluated from the Iratios. Q10 exhibited a high temperature dependence, varying from 2.2 at 10°C to 1.3 at 40°C. This implies that processes with different temperature dependencies underlie the observed Q10. A novel resistivity pulse method revealed that the access resistance with its low temperature dependence predominated in high temperature ranges. The measured temperature dependence of Q10 was decomposed into Q10 of the channel and of the access resistances. Finally, the Q10 for proton permeation through the voltage-gated proton channel itself was calculated and found to vary from 2.8 at 5°C to 2.2 at 45°C, as expected for an activation enthalpy of 64 kJ/mol. The thermodynamic features for proton permeation through proton-selective channels were discussed for the underlying mechanism.  相似文献   

Point mutations within the pore region of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl? channel have previously been shown to alter the selectivity of the channel between different anions, suggesting that part of the pore may form an anion 'selectivity filter'. However, the full extent of this selectivity filter region and the location of anion binding sites in the pore are currently unclear. As a result, comparisons between CFTR and other classes of Cl? channel of known structure are difficult. We compare here the effects of point mutations at each of eight consecutive amino acid residues (arginine 334-serine 341) in the crucial sixth transmembrane region (TM6) of CFTR. Anion selectivity was determined using patch-clamp recording from inside-out membrane patches excised from transiently transfected mammalian cell lines. The results suggest that selectivity is predominantly controlled by a single site involving adjacent residues phenylalanine 337 and threonine 338, and that the selectivity conferred by this 'filter' region is modified by anion binding to flanking sites involving the more extracellular arginine 334 and the more intracellular serine 341. Other residues within this part of the pore play only minor roles in controlling anion permeability and conductance. Our results support a model in which specific TM6 residues make important contributions to a single, localized anion selectivity filter in the CFTR pore, and also contribute to multiple anion binding sites both within and on either side of the filter region.  相似文献   

Point mutations within the pore region of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl(-) channel have previously been shown to alter the selectivity of the channel between different anions, suggesting that part of the pore may form an anion 'selectivity filter'. However, the full extent of this selectivity filter region and the location of anion binding sites in the pore are currently unclear. As a result, comparisons between CFTR and other classes of Cl(-) channel of known structure are difficult. We compare here the effects of point mutations at each of eight consecutive amino acid residues (arginine 334-serine 341) in the crucial sixth transmembrane region (TM6) of CFTR. Anion selectivity was determined using patch-clamp recording from inside-out membrane patches excised from transiently transfected mammalian cell lines. The results suggest that selectivity is predominantly controlled by a single site involving adjacent residues phenylalanine 337 and threonine 338, and that the selectivity conferred by this 'filter' region is modified by anion binding to flanking sites involving the more extracellular arginine 334 and the more intracellular serine 341. Other residues within this part of the pore play only minor roles in controlling anion permeability and conductance. Our results support a model in which specific TM6 residues make important contributions to a single, localized anion selectivity filter in the CFTR pore, and also contribute to multiple anion binding sites both within and on either side of the filter region.  相似文献   

In our previous work, we showed for the first time that the voltage-gated proton channel Hv1 is specifically expressed in highly metastatic human breast tumor tissues and cell lines. However, the contribution of Hv1 to breast carcinogenesis is not well known. In this study, we showed that Hv1 expression was significantly correlated with the tumor size (p = 0.001), tumor classification (p = 0.000), lymph node status (p = 0.000), clinical stage (p = 0.000), and Her-2 status (p = 0.045). High Hv1 expression was associated significantly with shorter overall (p = 0.000) and recurrence-free survival (p = 0.000). In vitro, knockdown of Hv1 expression in the highly metastatic MDA-MB-231 cells decreased the cell proliferation and invasiveness, inhibited the cell proton secretion and intracellular pH recovery, and blocked the cell capacity of acidifying extracellular milieu. Furthermore, the gelatinase activity in MDA-MB-231 cells that suppressed Hv1 was reduced. In vivo, the breast tumor size of the implantation of the MDA-MB-231 xenografts in nude mice that were knocked down by Hv1 was dramatically smaller than that in the control groups. The results demonstrated that the inhibition of Hv1 function via knockdown of Hv1 expression can effectively retard the cancer growth and suppress the cancer metastasis by the decrease of proton extrusion and the down-regulation of gelatinase activity. Based on these results, we came to the conclusion that Hv1 is a potential biomarker for prognosis of breast cancer and a potential target for anticancer drugs in breast cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Prevention of cation permeation in wild-type aquaporin-1 (AQP1) is believed to be associated with the Asn-Pro-Ala (NPA) region and the aromatic/arginine selectivity filter (SF) domain. Previous work has suggested that the NPA region helps to impede proton permeation due to the protein backbone collective macrodipoles that create an environment favoring a directionally discontinuous channel hydrogen-bonded water chain and a large electrostatic barrier. The SF domain contributes to the proton permeation barrier by a spatial restriction mechanism and direct electrostatic interactions. To further explore these various effects, the free-energy barriers and the maximum cation conductance for the permeation of various cations through the AQP1-R195V and AQP1-R195S mutants are predicted computationally. The cations studied included the hydrated excess proton that utilizes the Grotthuss shuttling mechanism, a model “classical” charge localized hydronium cation that exhibits no Grotthuss shuttling, and a sodium cation. The hydrated excess proton was simulated using a specialized multi-state molecular dynamics method including a proper physical treatment of the proton shuttling and charge defect delocalization. Both AQP1 mutants exhibit a surprising cooperative effect leading to a reduction in the free-energy barrier for proton permeation around the NPA region due to altered water configurations in the SF region, with AQP1-R195S having a higher conductance than AQP1-R195V. The theoretical predictions are experimentally confirmed in wild-type AQP1 and the mutants expressed in Xenopus oocytes. The combined results suggest that the SF domain is a specialized structure that has evolved to impede proton permeation in aquaporins.  相似文献   

Energetics of pore opening in a voltage-gated K(+) channel   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Yifrach O  MacKinnon R 《Cell》2002,111(2):231-239
Voltage-dependent gating in K(+) channels results from the mechanical coupling of voltage sensor movements to pore opening. We used single and double mutations in the pore of the Shaker K(+) channel to analyze a late concerted pore opening transition and interpreted the results in the context of known K(+) channel structures. Gating sensitive mutations are located at mechanistically informative regions of the pore and are coupled energetically across distances up to 15 A. We propose that the pore is intrinsically more stable when closed, and that to open the pore the voltage sensors must exert positive work by applying an outward lateral force near the inner helix bundle.  相似文献   

The selectivity filter of the cation channel TRPM4   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Transient receptor potential channel melastatin subfamily (TRPM) 4 and its close homologue, TRPM5, are the only two members of the large transient receptor potential superfamily of cation channels that are impermeable to Ca(2+). In this study, we located the TRPM4 selectivity filter and investigated possible structural elements that render it Ca(2+)-impermeable. Based on homology with known cation channel pores, we identified an acidic stretch of six amino acids in the loop between transmembrane helices TM5 and TM6 ((981)EDMDVA(986)) as a potential selectivity filter. Substitution of this six-amino acid stretch with the selectivity filter of TRPV6 (TIIDGP) resulted in a functional channel that combined the gating hallmarks of TRPM4 (activation by Ca(2+), voltage dependence) with TRPV6-like sensitivity to block by extracellular Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) as well as Ca(2+) permeation. Neutralization of Glu(981) resulted in a channel with normal permeability properties but a strongly reduced sensitivity to block by intracellular spermine. Neutralization of Asp(982) yielded a functional channel that exhibited extremely fast desensitization (tau < 5 s), possibly indicating destabilization of the pore. Neutralization of Asp(984) resulted in a non-functional channel with a dominant negative phenotype when coexpressed with wild type TRPM4. Combined neutralization of all three acidic residues resulted in a functional channel whose voltage dependence was shifted toward very positive potentials. Substitution of Gln(977) by a glutamate, the corresponding residue in divalent cation-permeable TRPM channels, altered the monovalent cation permeability sequence and resulted in a pore with moderate Ca(2+) permeability. Our findings delineate the selectivity filter of TRPM channels and provide the first insight into the molecular basis of monovalent cation selectivity.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated Na+ channels (NaV channels) are specifically blocked by guanidinium toxins such as tetrodotoxin (TTX) and saxitoxin (STX) with nanomolar to micromolar affinity depending on key amino acid substitutions in the outer vestibule of the channel that vary with NaV gene isoforms. All NaV channels that have been studied exhibit a use-dependent enhancement of TTX/STX affinity when the channel is stimulated with brief repetitive voltage depolarizations from a hyperpolarized starting voltage. Two models have been proposed to explain the mechanism of TTX/STX use dependence: a conformational mechanism and a trapped ion mechanism. In this study, we used selectivity filter mutations (K1237R, K1237A, and K1237H) of the rat muscle NaV1.4 channel that are known to alter ionic selectivity and Ca2+ permeability to test the trapped ion mechanism, which attributes use-dependent enhancement of toxin affinity to electrostatic repulsion between the bound toxin and Ca2+ or Na+ ions trapped inside the channel vestibule in the closed state. Our results indicate that TTX/STX use dependence is not relieved by mutations that enhance Ca2+ permeability, suggesting that ion–toxin repulsion is not the primary factor that determines use dependence. Evidence now favors the idea that TTX/STX use dependence arises from conformational coupling of the voltage sensor domain or domains with residues in the toxin-binding site that are also involved in slow inactivation.  相似文献   

The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is composed of three homologous subunits termed alpha, beta, and gamma. Previous studies suggest that selected residues within a hydrophobic region immediately preceding the second membrane-spanning domain of each subunit contribute to the conducting pore of ENaC. We probed the pore of mouse ENaC by systematically mutating all 24 amino acids within this putative pore region of the alpha-subunit to cysteine and co-expressing these mutants with wild type beta- and gamma-subunits of mouse ENaC in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Functional characteristics of these mutants were examined by two-electrode voltage clamp and single channel recording techniques. Two distinct domains were identified based on the functional changes associated with point mutations. An amino-terminal domain (alpha-Val(569)-alpha-Gly(579)) showed minimal changes in cation selectivity or amiloride sensitivity following cysteine substitution. In contrast, cysteine substitutions within the carboxyl-terminal domain (alpha-Ser(580)-alpha-Ser(592)) resulted in significant changes in cation selectivity and moderately altered amiloride sensitivity. The mutant channels containing alphaG587C or alphaS589C were permeable to K(+), and mutation of a GSS tract (positions alpha587-alpha589) to GYG resulted in a moderately K(+)-selective channel. Our results suggest that the C-terminal portion of the pore region within the alpha-subunit contributes to the selectivity filter of ENaC.  相似文献   

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