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The design of artificial extracellular matrices has attracted much attention in tissue engineering as well as in cell biology research. An immobilized recombinant epidermal growth factor (EGF), fused to an immunoglobulin G (IgG) Fc region (abbreviated as EGF-Fc) has been constructed. Mouse fibroblast Swiss 3T3 cells adhered both to EGF-Fc-coated and collagen-coated surfaces. Phosphorylation of EGF receptor in A431 cells was induced by immobilized EGF-Fc as well as soluble EGF. Immobilized EGF-Fc continuously activated mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in A431 cells whereas MAPK activation induced by soluble EGF decreased rapidly with time. The cytoskeleton of A431 cells adhering onto immobilized EGF-Fc was filopodia whereas that of the cells adhering onto collagen in the presence of soluble EGF was lammellipodia.  相似文献   

在研究牛精浆蛋白 (bovineseminalplasmaproteins ,BSPproteins)及其相关蛋白在受精卵发育过程中的重要作用时 ,在人睾丸组织中发现并克隆了一个与BSP蛋白相关新基因的序列 ,其开放阅读框架 (openreadingframe ,ORF)编码了一个含 2 2 3个氨基酸残基的蛋白质 ,氨基酸序列中含有4个纤连蛋白Ⅱ型结构域 ,与BSP蛋白在结构上有一定的相似性 ,称其为人BSP相关蛋白 (humanBSP relatedprotein ,HBRP) ,并在GenBank注册 ,登录号为AF2 791 4。预测该蛋白是与BSP蛋白功能相关的结合蛋白 ,并已成功地将该基因定位在 1 9号染色体 1区 3带上。为进一步研究该新基因的生物学功能 ,利用重组质粒pEGFP C2 HBRP转染人胚肾HEK2 93细胞 ,通过G41 8筛选出药物抗性克隆 ,建立了稳定的基因工程细胞系 ,为该基因功能的研究奠定了基础 ,对该基因功能的进一步研究有重要的意义 义。  相似文献   

细胞融合是大多数真核生物发育中的一个基本生物过程。酿酒酵母作为真核生物基因组合成和转移的经典模式生物,其细胞融合机制不清楚,因此限制了它的合成生物学应用。在酿酒酵母的融合过程中,细胞对信息素做出反应,触发促分裂原活化的蛋白激酶(MAPK)级联反应以启动交配,随后细胞发生极化、细胞壁重塑、膜融合和核配。其中,研究可能的“融合酶”——受信息素调控的多跨膜蛋白(Prm1)为推动细胞融合可控性提供方向。酵母交配信号通路的合成生物学应用基于生物元件、生物装置与生物系统以及多细胞互作3个层次,本文分析了信息素诱导型启动子、G蛋白偶联受体、支架蛋白、转录因子、双稳态开关、调谐器、底盘细胞等在生物传感器及代谢工程等领域的应用。开发理性设计的模块化线路和优化交配途径来精确调控酵母交配的生理事件,对于细胞融合的人工可操纵性发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

研究了交配和温度对小地老虎雌蛾性信息素产生的影响,结果表明,交配对性信息素各组分的滴度无显著影响,因此不影响小地老虎在下一暗期的再次求偶和交配.但环境温度对小地老虎性信息素的含量则有显著的影响,20~25℃最有利于小地老虎性信息素的生物合成,而低温和高温则均不利于小地老虎性信息素的正常产生与释放.  相似文献   

近年来,国际基因工程机器大赛(International genetically engineered machine,iGEM,简称iGEM大赛)在全球迅猛发展。仅2017年iGEM大赛全球注册队伍就达到了史无前例的313支,中国地区有98支iGEM团队报名参赛并取得了优异成绩。与国内已有的诸多大学生创新项目、科研培养项目不同,iGEM的组织模式是以学生为主体的研究型学习。该模式取得了丰富的教育效果,体现了新的教育理念,对于我国高校组织本科生课外科研训练有较大的借鉴意义。文中以北京大学参加iGEM大赛为线索,介绍国际基因工程机器大赛(iGEM)的背景和基本情况并以一个参赛周期为序再现北京大学iGEM团队组织和参赛的主要过程。通过与其他本科生科研训练的组织模式进行比较,探讨iGEM对本科生科研训练意义,并总结iGEM的组织经验和对本科生科研能力培养以及组织本科生科研学术竞赛的启示,希望能为国内高校的iGEM活动组织以及本科教育改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The fungal feeding, hermaphroditic Bursaphelenchus okinawaensis is a laboratory model to understand the biology of Bursaphelenchus. The extent to which B. okinawaensis can be used to model Bursaphelenchus xylophilus mating was investigated. A chemotaxis assay was conducted to examine whether B. xylophilus and B. okinawaensis produce and respond to volatile sex attractants. Unmated B. xylophilus females were found to attract B. xylophilus males. Similarly, old (sperm depleted) but not young (sperm repleted) B. okinawaensis hermaphrodites attract B. okinawaensis males. Thus, in both species, sperm status corresponds to its ability to attract males. B. xylophilus males also produce a volatile pheromone that attracts both mated and unmated females. A second assay, in which the behavior of males on petri plates in the presence of different females or hermaphrodites of Bursaphelenchus was observed, revealed that B. xylophilus unmated females attract B. okinawaensis males, and B. okinawaensis old hermaphrodites attract B. xylophilus males. These observations suggested that the pheromones of Bursaphelenchus work to some extent across species. Mating behavior through spicule insertion occurs across species, suggesting that postcopulatory mechanisms prevent production of interspecific progeny. The hermaphroditic B. okinawaensis will be a useful model to conduct genetic studies for the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying mating behavior in Bursaphelenchus nematodes.  相似文献   

Mating success tends to be skewed toward dominant males, thoughfemale mate preferences may not always correlate with male dominance.In this study, we investigated the mating preferences of femalezebrafish, Danio rerio, in the absence of male–male competition.We paired females sequentially with males of known dominancerank, using a nested, repeated measures design, with egg productionas a measure of female mate preference. We predicted that femaleswould spawn more frequently and produce larger clutches whenpaired with males of higher dominance rank. We found significantdifferences among females in the size of clutches produced andamong males in the size of clutches received, but these differenceswere independent of male dominance rank. Male body size wasnot related to either dominance rank or clutch size received.These results indicate that females vary clutch size in relationto the males with which they are paired but that they do notfavor dominant males. Thus, male competition may normally overridefemale mate preference in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Understanding the molecular basis of common traits is a primary challenge of modern genetics. One model holds that rare mutations in many genetic backgrounds may often phenocopy one another, together explaining the prevalence of the resulting trait in the population. For the vast majority of phenotypes, the role of rare variants and the evolutionary forces that underlie them are unknown. In this work, we use a population of Saccharomyces paradoxus yeast as a model system for the study of common trait variation. We observed an unusual, flocculation and invasive-growth phenotype in one-third of S. paradoxus strains, which were otherwise unrelated. In crosses with each strain in turn, these morphologies segregated as a recessive Mendelian phenotype, mapping either to IRA1 or to IRA2, yeast homologs of the hypermutable human neurofibromatosis gene NF1. The causal IRA1 and IRA2 haplotypes were of distinct evolutionary origin and, in addition to their morphological effects, associated with hundreds of stress-resistance and growth traits, both beneficial and disadvantageous, across S. paradoxus. Single-gene molecular genetic analyses confirmed variant IRA1 and IRA2 haplotypes as causal for these growth characteristics, many of which were independent of morphology. Our data make clear that common growth and morphology traits in yeast result from a suite of variants in master regulators, which function as a mutation-driven switch between phenotypic states.  相似文献   

细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶1(cyclin-dependent kinase 1,Cdk1)是真核生物细胞周期调控的核心,也是维持基因组稳定性的重要激酶,其活性受到严格调控.CDK抑制蛋白(cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor,CKI)是调节其活性的一类关键负调控因子,CKI功能失活导致细胞不受控制地增殖,促进癌症的发生发展.酿酒酵母作为细胞周期研究的重要模式生物,在揭示CDK活性调控机制中发挥着重要作用.酿酒酵母中已发现的Cdk1抑制蛋白CKI包括Far1、Sic1以及最近鉴定的Cip1蛋白.这三个CKI蛋白在不同细胞时期中,通过抑制Cdk1活性调控细胞周期的进程.此外,CKI还在应对环境胁迫,保持基因组稳定性中发挥重要作用.本文对酿酒酵母Cdk1抑制蛋白CKI的研究进展,尤其是CKI在细胞周期运转及胁迫应答中的作用做出综述,以期为细胞周期及癌症的基础研究提供模式依据.  相似文献   

慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD,简称慢阻肺)是我国常见的高发病率和死亡率的慢性气道炎症性疾病,造成沉重社会经济负担。其发病与遗传及环境因素息息相关。动物模型是研究其发病机制、预防、治疗方案并鉴定潜在治疗靶点及生物标志物的重要工具。随着基因工程技术的发展和慢阻肺相关靶点及基因的不断发现,基因修饰动物模型越来越多地用于慢阻肺的研究。通过检索PubMed中已发表论文,分析了慢阻肺相关动物模型的动物种类及造模方法。然后通过文献检索及数据库挖掘等方法,分析了主要的慢阻肺易感基因及在不同物种中的区别。最后总结了慢阻肺基因工程小鼠和大鼠模型的信息和研究进展,供科研和临床人员参考使用,以便更好地开展慢阻肺的发病机制和防治方法的研究。  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces diastaticus, expression of both glucoamylase-producing (STA) genes and a novel flocculation gene FLO 8 was greatly diminished by the mating-type locus MATa/MAT α.  相似文献   

The long-range, pheromone-mediated, flight behaviour of male moths under natural and mating disruption conditions was monitored by means of harmonic radar. Individual male turnip moths, Agrotis segetum (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), tagged with radar transponders, were released and tracked in plots with or without disruptive doses of sex pheromone. In addition, male attraction to pheromone-baited traps and mating of calling females in treated and untreated plots was investigated. High doses of a four-component pheromone blend reduced trap catch by 79% and mating of females by 62% when compared with control plots in pre-radar experiments. Surprisingly, this effect was not associated with any pronounced differences in flight behaviour of males between a treatment and a control plot as revealed by harmonic radar recordings. In total, 20 flight tracks from a control plot and 22 flight tracks from a treatment plot were analysed. Moths could be followed for up to 77 min, corresponding to a track length of 7350 m. Mean ground speed ranged from 0.7 m s–1 to 5.4 m s–1. There was a strong trend (P = 0.06) for a greater number of male orientations to traps from downwind in the control field compared to the treatment field. Many flight tracks were fragmented due to radar shadow. Advantages and constraints using harmonic radar to study the pheromone-mediated flight behaviour of nocturnal moths are discussed.  相似文献   

The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been used in the fermentation of various kinds of alcoholic beverages. But the effect of ethanol on the cell growth of this yeast is poorly understood. This study shows that the addition of ethanol causes a cell-cycle delay associated with a transient dispersion of F-actin cytoskeleton, resulting in an increase in cell size. We found that the tyrosine kinase Swe1, the negative regulator of Cdc28-Clb kinase, is related to the regulation of cell growth in the presence of ethanol. Indeed, the increase in cell size due to ethanol was partially abolished in the SWE1-deleted cells, and the amount of Swe1 protein increased transiently in the presence of ethanol. These results indicated that Swe1 is involved in cell size control in the presence of ethanol, and that a signal produced by ethanol causes a transient up-regulation of Swe1. Further we investigated comprehensively the ethanol-sensitive strains in the complete set of 4847 non-essential gene deletions and identified at least 256 genes that are important for cell growth in the presence of ethanol.  相似文献   

Phaeosphaeria species are pathogenic on wheat, barley and a wide range of wild grasses. To analyze mating type loci of the Phaeosphaeria species and investigate mating type distribution in Iran, we sequenced mating type loci of 273 Phaeosphaeria isolates including 67 isolates obtained from symptomatic leaves and ears of wheat, barley, and wild grasses from two wheat-growing region in Iran as well as 206 isolates from our collection from other regions in Iran which were isolated in our previous studies. Mating type genes phylogeny was successfully used to determine the species identity and relationships among isolates within the Phaeosphaeria spp. complex. In this study, we reported seven new host records for Phaeosphaeria species and the Phaeosphaeria avenaria f. sp. tritici 3 group was first reported from Iran in this study. Mating type distribution among Phaeosphaeria species was determined. Both mating types were present in all sampling regions from Iran. We observed skewed distribution of mating types in one region (Kohgiluyeh va Boyer-Ahmad) and equal distribution in the other region (Bushehr). However, when considering our entire dataset of 273 Iranian Phaeosphaeria isolates, the ratio of mating types was not deviated significantly from 1:1 suggesting possibilities for isolates of opposite mating type to interact and reproduce sexually, although the sexual cycle may infrequently occur in some regions especially when the climatic conditions are unfavorable for teleomorph development.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that mating strategies with genomic information realise lower rates of inbreeding (∆F) than with pedigree information without compromising rates of genetic gain (∆G). We used stochastic simulation to compare ∆F and ∆G realised by two mating strategies with pedigree and genomic information in five breeding schemes. The two mating strategies were minimum-coancestry mating (MC) and minimising the covariance between ancestral genetic contributions (MCAC). We also simulated random mating (RAND) as a reference point. Generations were discrete. Animals were truncation-selected for a single trait that was controlled by 2000 quantitative trait loci, and the trait was observed for all selection candidates before selection. The criterion for selection was genomic-breeding values predicted by a ridge-regression model. Our results showed that MC and MCAC with genomic information realised 6% to 22% less ∆F than MC and MCAC with pedigree information without compromising ∆G across breeding schemes. MC and MCAC realised similar ∆F and ∆G. In turn, MC and MCAC with genomic information realised 28% to 44% less ∆F and up to 14% higher ∆G than RAND. These results indicated that MC and MCAC with genomic information are more effective than with pedigree information in controlling rates of inbreeding. This implies that genomic information should be applied to more than just prediction of breeding values in breeding schemes with truncation selection.  相似文献   

Oriental fruit moth (OFM) Grapholita molesta Busck (Lep., Tortricidae) is a very important pest in commercial orchards in Victoria, Australia. Pheromone‐mediated mating disruption (MD) applied in stone fruit orchards successfully controlled OFM populations for many years, but damage to shoot tips and fruit at the edge of peach blocks located adjacent to pear blocks under insecticide treatments has become problematic. To improve protection of stone fruit against edge damage and outbreaks of OFM, all orchards were treated with sex pheromone dispensers for MD on an area‐wide basis. Area‐wide MD treatment, including all pome and stone fruit orchards in a discrete area, successfully controlled edge infestations of OFM, but was expensive. To reduce the cost of OFM control, sex pheromone dispensers for MD were applied as barrier treatments to 54–60 m of neighbouring pears adjacent to peaches under MD. Detailed monitoring of the OFM population, shoot tip and fruit damage assessments indicated that application of MD barriers on pears during two consecutive seasons provided sufficient control of OFM on peaches. This MD barrier treatment was able to reduce the number of OFM caught in all experimental peach blocks, with damage to shoot tips and fruit giving similar results to MD treatment of the whole neighbouring pear block. Extending the MD treatment area for 54–60 m into the neighbouring pear block significantly reduced the edge damage in MD‐treated peaches in the first season and almost eliminated OFM damage in the second season.  相似文献   

  • 1 Previous applications of the mating disruption technique to Neodiprion sertifer resulted in decreased numbers of males caught in the treated area but no effect on sex ratio or overall population density.
  • 2 The present study assessed the efficacy of mating disruption against N. sertifer outbreaks in pine stands surrounded by agricultural areas or pasture, and therefore isolated from other infested areas.
  • 3 Pine stands were treated by placing dispensers with an erythro‐mixture of the acetate ester of 3,7‐dimethyl‐2‐pentadecanol every 10 m in a grid.
  • 4 The efficacy of this technique was evaluated by comparing the number of males caught in sticky traps baited with synthetic pheromone, and by comparing the sex ratio and the population density of the sawfly in the subsequent generation between treated and control pine stands.
  • 5 The number of males caught within treated areas was significantly lower than in the control area.
  • 6 In the treated pine stands 46% of the egg clusters resulted in male cocoons only, compared to 3% of the clusters in the control stand.
  • 7 A significant reduction of the sawfly population was observed in the treated pine stands. The results contrast to the earlier mating disruption attempts with N. sertifer and can probably be ascribed to the isolation of the experimental stands.

We appraised mating disruption (MD) to control pea moth, Cydia nigricana (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), by assessing male attraction to monitor traps, larval pod infestation, and larval age structure in pheromone‐treated and untreated grain pea fields [Pisum sativum L. (Fabaceae)], over a 5‐year period. Cellulose pheromone dispensers were manually attached to the top shoots of pea plants and released 540 mg ha?1 day?1 synthetic pheromone E8,E10‐dodecadien‐1‐yl acetate in a first test series (2000–2001) and ca. 4 200 mg pheromone ha?1 day?1 in a second series (2004–2006). The dispensers had a half‐life of about 30 days. Although male attraction to pheromone monitoring traps was largely suppressed at the edges and within MD fields in both test series, MD treatments did not reduce pod infestation in the open field in 2000 and 2001. In the 2004–2006 series, larval damage reduction was achieved in the majority of the trials but overall MD efficacy in the open field was only 61% and not significant. In contrast, in field cages placed within the experimental sites and supplied with unmated pea moths, MD control was consistently high and significant. There were no obvious differences in the larval age distribution in all MD and control treatments, suggesting that infestations started and developed further similarly. As a univoltine species, C. nigricana larvae stay in the soil of pea fields for hibernation and pupate. The following year, emerging adults disperse and fly to the closest pea crop. Combined emergence site and pea crop treatments were conducted over 2 years to include this early migration phase of C. nigricana adults. However, the emergence site treatments did not enhance MD‐control efficacy. We conclude that mating activity was only prevented in cage tests, whereas substantial mating occurred during the transit phase outside the pheromone‐treated fields either within non‐crop vegetation and/or at the edges of pheromone‐treated pea fields orientated upwind. Thus, resulting gravid female entry can be regarded as the major constraint to reliable MD control.  相似文献   

Engineered minichromosomes provide the ability to target transgenes to a defined insertion position for predictable expression on an independent chromosome. This technology promises to provide a means to add many genes to a synthetic chromosome in sequential manner. An additional advantage is that the multiple transgenes will not be inserted into the normal chromosomes and thus will not exhibit linkage drag when converging the transgenes to different germplasm nor will they be mutagenic. Telomere truncation coupled with the introduction of site-specific recombination cassettes has proven to be an easy method to produce minichromosomes. Telomere truncation results from the transformation of plasmids carrying a block of telomere repeats at one end. Minichromosomes consisting of little more than a centromere have been produced for B chromosomes of maize. Such small chromosomes have been studied for their meiotic behavior, which differs from normal sized chromosomes in that homologue pairing is rare or nonexistent and sister chromatid cohesion fails at meiosis I. Potential modifications of the minichromosomes that can address these issues are discussed. Minichromosomes can be recovered from transformed plants that are polyploid or that carry an additional chromosome as the preferred target for truncation. Site-specific recombination has been demonstrated to operate on these terminally located sites. By introducing normal B chromosomes into lines with engineered mini-B chromosomes, the latter can be increased in copy number, which provides the potential to augment the expression of the introduced genes. Because the vast majority of plant species have the same telomere sequence, the truncating transgenes should be effective in most plants to generate engineered minichromosomes. Such chromosomes establish the means to add or subtract multiple transgenes, multigene complexes, or whole biochemical pathways to plants to change their properties for agronomic applications or to use plants as factories for the production of foreign proteins or metabolites.  相似文献   

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