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Biosynthesis of the mycobacterial cell wall relies on the activities of many enzymes, including several glycosyltransferases (GTs). The polymerizing galactofuranosyltransferase GlfT2 (Rv3808c) synthesizes the bulk of the galactan portion of the mycolyl-arabinogalactan complex, which is the largest component of the mycobacterial cell wall. We used x-ray crystallography to determine the 2.45-Å resolution crystal structure of GlfT2, revealing an unprecedented multidomain structure in which an N-terminal β-barrel domain and two primarily α-helical C-terminal domains flank a central GT-A domain. The kidney-shaped protomers assemble into a C4-symmetric homotetramer with an open central core and a surface containing exposed hydrophobic and positively charged residues likely involved with membrane binding. The structure of a 3.1-Å resolution complex of GlfT2 with UDP reveals a distinctive mode of nucleotide recognition. In addition, models for the binding of UDP-galactofuranose and acceptor substrates in combination with site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic studies suggest a mechanism that explains the unique ability of GlfT2 to generate alternating β-(1→5) and β-(1→6) glycosidic linkages using a single active site. The topology imposed by docking a tetrameric assembly onto a membrane bilayer also provides novel insights into aspects of processivity and chain length regulation in this and possibly other polymerizing GTs.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structures of NagZ of Bacillus subtilis, the first structures of a two-domain β-N-acetylglucosaminidase of family 3 of glycosidases, were determined with and without the transition state mimicking inhibitor PUGNAc bound to the active site, at 1.84- and 1.40-Å resolution, respectively. The structures together with kinetic analyses of mutants revealed an Asp-His dyad involved in catalysis: His234 of BsNagZ acts as general acid/base catalyst and is hydrogen bonded by Asp232 for proper function. Replacement of both His234 and Asp232 with glycine reduced the rate of hydrolysis of the fluorogenic substrate 4′-methylumbelliferyl N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminide 1900- and 4500-fold, respectively, and rendered activity pH-independent in the alkaline range consistent with a role of these residues in acid/base catalysis. N-Acetylglucosaminyl enzyme intermediate accumulated in the H234G mutant and β-azide product was formed in the presence of sodium azide in both mutants. The Asp-His dyad is conserved within β-N-acetylglucosaminidases but otherwise absent in β-glycosidases of family 3, which instead carry a “classical” glutamate acid/base catalyst. The acid/base glutamate of Hordeum vulgare exoglucanase (Exo1) superimposes with His234 of the dyad of BsNagZ and, in contrast to the latter, protrudes from a second domain of the enzyme into the active site. This is the first report of an Asp-His catalytic dyad involved in hydrolysis of glycosides resembling in function the Asp-His-Ser triad of serine proteases. Our findings will facilitate the development of mechanism-based inhibitors that selectively target family 3 β-N-acetylglucosaminidases, which are involved in bacterial cell wall turnover, spore germination, and induction of β-lactamase.  相似文献   

Bacillus anthracis is a Gram-positive spore-forming bacterium that causes anthrax. With the increased threat of anthrax in biowarfare, there is an urgent need to characterize new antimicrobial targets from B. anthracis. One such target is dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS), which catalyzes the committed step in the pathway yielding meso-diaminopimelate and lysine. In this study, we employed CD spectroscopy to demonstrate that the thermostability of DHDPS from B. anthracis (Ba-DHDPS) is significantly enhanced in the presence of the substrate, pyruvate. Analytical ultracentrifugation studies show that the tetramer-dimer dissociation constant of the enzyme is 3-fold tighter in the presence of pyruvate compared with the apo form. To examine the significance of this substrate-mediated stabilization phenomenon, a dimeric mutant of Ba-DHDPS (L170E/G191E) was generated and shown to have markedly reduced activity compared with the wild-type tetramer. This demonstrates that the substrate, pyruvate, stabilizes the active form of the enzyme. We next determined the high resolution (2.15 Å) crystal structure of Ba-DHDPS in complex with pyruvate (3HIJ) and compared this to the apo structure (1XL9). Structural analyses show that there is a significant (91 Å2) increase in buried surface area at the tetramerization interface of the pyruvate-bound structure. This study describes a new mechanism for stabilization of the active oligomeric form of an antibiotic target from B. anthracis and reveals an “Achilles heel” that can be exploited in structure-based drug design.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sugars are building blocks for carbohydrate polymers in plant cell walls. They are synthesized from sugar-1-phosphates or epimerized as nucleotide sugars. The main precursor for primary cell walls is UDP-glucuronic acid, which can be synthesized via two independent pathways. One starts with the ring cleavage of myo-inositol into glucuronic acid, which requires a glucuronokinase and a pyrophosphorylase for activation into UDP-glucuronate. Here we report on the purification of glucuronokinase from Lilium pollen. A 40-kDa protein was purified combining six chromatographic steps and peptides were de novo sequenced. This allowed the cloning of the gene from Arabidopsis thaliana and the expression of the recombinant protein in Escherichia coli for biochemical characterization. Glucuronokinase is a novel member of the GHMP-kinase superfamily having an unique substrate specificity for d-glucuronic acid with a Km of 0.7 mm. It requires ATP as phosphate donor (Km 0.56 mm). In Arabidopsis, the gene is expressed in all plant tissues with a preference for pollen. Genes for glucuronokinase are present in (all) plants, some algae, and a few bacteria as well as in some lower animals.  相似文献   

The starch debranching enzymes isoamylase 1 and 2 (ISA1 and ISA2) are known to exist in a large complex and are involved in the biosynthesis and crystallization of starch. It is suggested that the function of the complex is to remove misplaced branches of growing amylopectin molecules, which would otherwise prevent the association and crystallization of adjacent linear chains. Here, we investigate the function of ISA1 and ISA2 from starch producing alga Chlamydomonas. Through complementation studies, we confirm that the STA8 locus encodes for ISA2 and sta8 mutants lack the ISA1·ISA2 heteromeric complex. However, mutants retain a functional dimeric ISA1 that is able to partly sustain starch synthesis in vivo. To better characterize ISA1, we have overexpressed and purified ISA1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (CrISA1) and solved the crystal structure to 2.3 Å and in complex with maltoheptaose to 2.4 Å. Analysis of the homodimeric CrISA1 structure reveals a unique elongated structure with monomers connected end-to-end. The crystal complex reveals details about the mechanism of branch binding that explains the low activity of CrISA1 toward tightly spaced branches and reveals the presence of additional secondary surface carbohydrate binding sites.  相似文献   

Reflecting the diverse chemistry of plant cell walls, microorganisms that degrade these composite structures synthesize an array of glycoside hydrolases. These enzymes are organized into sequence-, mechanism-, and structure-based families. Genomic data have shown that several organisms that degrade the plant cell wall contain a large number of genes encoding family 43 (GH43) glycoside hydrolases. Here we report the biochemical properties of the GH43 enzymes of a saprophytic soil bacterium, Cellvibrio japonicus, and a human colonic symbiont, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. The data show that C. japonicus uses predominantly exo-acting enzymes to degrade arabinan into arabinose, whereas B. thetaiotaomicron deploys a combination of endo- and side chain-cleaving glycoside hydrolases. Both organisms, however, utilize an arabinan-specific α-1,2-arabinofuranosidase in the degradative process, an activity that has not previously been reported. The enzyme can cleave α-1,2-arabinofuranose decorations in single or double substitutions, the latter being recalcitrant to the action of other arabinofuranosidases. The crystal structure of the C. japonicus arabinan-specific α-1,2-arabinofuranosidase, CjAbf43A, displays a five-bladed β-propeller fold. The specificity of the enzyme for arabinan is conferred by a surface cleft that is complementary to the helical backbone of the polysaccharide. The specificity of CjAbf43A for α-1,2-l-arabinofuranose side chains is conferred by a polar residue that orientates the arabinan backbone such that O2 arabinose decorations are directed into the active site pocket. A shelflike structure adjacent to the active site pocket accommodates O3 arabinose side chains, explaining how the enzyme can target O2 linkages that are components of single or double substitutions.  相似文献   

The emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of pathogenic bacteria is an increasing threat to global health that underscores an urgent need for an expanded antibacterial armamentarium. Gram-negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, have become increasingly important clinical pathogens with limited treatment options. This is due in part to their lipopolysaccharide (LPS) outer membrane components, which dually serve as endotoxins while also protecting Gram-negative bacteria from antibiotic entry. The LpxC enzyme catalyzes the committed step of LPS biosynthesis, making LpxC a promising target for new antibacterials. Here, we present the first structure of an LpxC enzyme in complex with the deacetylation reaction product, UDP-(3-O-(R-3-hydroxymyristoyl))-glucosamine. These studies provide valuable insight into recognition of substrates and products by LpxC and a platform for structure-guided drug discovery of broad spectrum Gram-negative antibiotics.  相似文献   

For bacteria and bacteriophages, cell wall digestion by hydrolases is a very important event. We investigated one of the proteins involved in cell wall digestion, the yomI gene product (renamed CwlP). The gene is located in the SP-β prophage region of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome. Inspection of the Pfam database indicates that CwlP contains soluble lytic transglycosylase (SLT) and peptidase M23 domains, which are similar to Escherichia coli lytic transglycosylase Slt70, and the Staphylococcus aureus Gly-Gly endopeptidase LytM, respectively. The SLT domain of CwlP exhibits hydrolytic activity toward the B. subtilis cell wall; however, reverse phase (RP)-HPLC and mass spectrometry revealed that the CwlP-SLT domain has only muramidase activity. In addition, the peptidase M23 domain of CwlP exhibited hydrolytic activity and could cleave d-Ala-diaminopimelic acid cross-linkage, a property associated with dd-endopeptidases. Remarkably, the M23 domain of CwlP possessed a unique Zn(2+)-independent endopeptidase activity; this contrasts with all other characterized M23 peptidases (and enzymes similar to CwlP), which are Zn(2+) dependent. Both domains of CwlP could hydrolyze the peptidoglycan and cell wall of B. subtilis. However, the M23 domain digested neither the peptidoglycans nor the cell walls of S. aureus or Streptococcus thermophilus. The effect of defined point mutations in conserved amino acid residues of CwlP is also determined.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) are specialized proteins that bind to polysaccharides and oligosaccharides. Caldanaerobius polysaccharolyticus Man5ACBM16-1/CBM16-2 bind to glucose-, mannose-, and glucose/mannose-configured substrates. The crystal structures of the two proteins represent the only examples in CBM family 16, and studies that evaluate the roles of amino acid residues in ligand binding in this family are lacking. In this study, we probed the roles of amino acids (selected based on CBM16-1/ligand co-crystal structures) on substrate binding. Two tryptophan (Trp-20 and Trp-125) and two glutamine (Gln-81 and Gln-93) residues are shown to be critical in ligand binding. Additionally, several polar residues that flank the critical residues also contribute to ligand binding. The CBM16-1 Q121E mutation increased affinity for all substrates tested, whereas the Q21G and N97R mutants exhibited decreased substrate affinity. We solved CBM/substrate co-crystal structures to elucidate the molecular basis of the increased substrate binding by CBM16-1 Q121E. The Gln-121, Gln-21, and Asn-97 residues can be manipulated to fine-tune ligand binding by the Man5A CBMs. Surprisingly, none of the eight residues investigated was absolutely conserved in CBM family 16. Thus, the critical residues in the Man5A CBMs are either not essential for substrate binding in the other members of this family or the two CBMs are evolutionarily distinct from the members available in the current protein database. Man5A is dependent on its CBMs for robust activity, and insights from this study should serve to enhance our understanding of the interdependence of its catalytic and substrate binding modules.  相似文献   

Nikkomycins are peptide-nucleoside compounds with fungicidal, acaricidal, and insecticidal properties because of their strong inhibition of chitin synthase. Thus, they are potential antibiotics especially for the treatment of immunosuppressed patients, for those undergoing chemotherapy, or after organ transplants. Although their chemical structure has been known for more than 30 years, only little is known about their complex biosynthesis. The genes encoding for proteins involved in the biosynthesis of the nucleoside moiety of nikkomycins are co-transcribed in the same operon, comprising the genes nikIJKLMNO. The gene product NikO was shown to belong to the family of enolpyruvyl transferases and to catalyze the transfer of an enolpyruvyl moiety from phosphoenolpyruvate to the 3'-hydroxyl group of UMP. Here, we report activity and inhibition studies of the wild-type enzyme and the variants C130A and D342A. The x-ray crystal structure revealed differences between NikO and its homologs. Furthermore, our studies led to conclusions concerning substrate binding and preference as well as to conclusions about inhibition/alkylation by the antibiotic fosfomycin.  相似文献   

Septins are filament-forming GTP-binding proteins involved in important cellular events, such as cytokinesis, barrier formation, and membrane remodeling. Here, we present two crystal structures of the GTPase domain of a Schistosoma mansoni septin (SmSEPT10), one bound to GDP and the other to GTP. The structures have been solved at an unprecedented resolution for septins (1.93 and 2.1 Å, respectively), which has allowed for unambiguous structural assignment of regions previously poorly defined. Consequently, we provide a reliable model for functional interpretation and a solid foundation for future structural studies. Upon comparing the two complexes, we observe for the first time the phenomenon of a strand slippage in septins. Such slippage generates a front-back communication mechanism between the G and NC interfaces. These data provide a novel mechanistic framework for the influence of nucleotide binding to the GTPase domain, opening new possibilities for the study of the dynamics of septin filaments.  相似文献   

Penicillium marneffei is a dimorphic, pathogenic fungus in Southeast Asia that mostly afflicts immunocompromised individuals. As the only dimorphic member of the genus, it goes through a phase transition from a mold to yeast form, which is believed to be a requisite for its pathogenicity. Mp1p, a cell wall antigenic mannoprotein existing widely in yeast, hyphae, and conidia of the fungus, plays a vital role in host immune response during infection. To understand the function of Mp1p, we have determined the x-ray crystal structure of its ligand binding domain 2 (LBD2) to 1.3 Å. The structure reveals a dimer between the two molecules. The dimer interface forms a ligand binding cavity, in which electron density was observed for a palmitic acid molecule interacting with LBD2 indirectly through hydrogen bonding networks via two structural water molecules. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments measured the ligand binding affinity (Kd) of Mp1p at the micromolar level. Mutations of ligand-binding residues, namely S313A and S332A, resulted in a 9-fold suppression of ligand binding affinity. Analytical ultracentrifugation assays demonstrated that both LBD2 and Mp1p are mostly monomeric in vitro, no matter with or without ligand, and our dimeric crystal structure of LBD2 might be the result of crystal packing. Based on the conformation of the ligand-binding pocket in the dimer structure, a model for the closed, monomeric form of LBD2 is proposed. Further structural analysis indicated the biological importance of fatty acid binding of Mp1p for the survival and pathogenicity of the conditional pathogen.  相似文献   

Aminoglycoside phosphotransferases (APHs) constitute a diverse group of enzymes that are often the underlying cause of aminoglycoside resistance in the clinical setting. Several APHs have been extensively characterized, including the elucidation of the three-dimensional structure of two APH(3′) isozymes and an APH(2″) enzyme. Although many APHs are plasmid-encoded and are capable of inactivating numerous 2-deoxystreptmaine aminoglycosides with multiple regiospecificity, APH(9)-Ia, isolated from Legionella pneumophila, is an unusual enzyme among the APH family for its chromosomal origin and its specificity for a single non-2-deoxystreptamine aminoglycoside substrate, spectinomycin. We describe here the crystal structures of APH(9)-Ia in its apo form, its binary complex with the nucleotide, AMP, and its ternary complex bound with ADP and spectinomycin. The structures reveal that APH(9)-Ia adopts the bilobal protein kinase-fold, analogous to the APH(3′) and APH(2″) enzymes. However, APH(9)-Ia differs significantly from the other two types of APH enzymes in its substrate binding area and that it undergoes a conformation change upon ligand binding. Moreover, kinetic assay experiments indicate that APH(9)-Ia has stringent substrate specificity as it is unable to phosphorylate substrates of choline kinase or methylthioribose kinase despite high structural resemblance. The crystal structures of APH(9)-Ia demonstrate and expand our understanding of the diversity of the APH family, which in turn will facilitate the development of new antibiotics and inhibitors.  相似文献   

The highly complex and unique mycobacterial cell wall is critical to the survival of Mycobacteria in host cells. However, the biosynthetic pathways responsible for its synthesis are, in general, incompletely characterized. Rv3802c from Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a partially characterized phospholipase/thioesterase encoded within a genetic cluster dedicated to the synthesis of core structures of the mycobacterial cell wall, including mycolic acids and arabinogalactan. Enzymatic assays performed with purified recombinant proteins Rv3802c and its close homologs from Mycobacterium smegmatis (MSMEG_6394) and Corynebacterium glutamicum (NCgl2775) show that they all have significant lipase activities that are inhibited by tetrahydrolipstatin, an anti-obesity drug that coincidently inhibits mycobacterial cell wall biosynthesis. The crystal structure of MSMEG_6394, solved to 2.9 Å resolution, revealed an α/β hydrolase fold and a catalytic triad typically present in esterases and lipases. Furthermore, we demonstrate direct evidence of gene essentiality in M. smegmatis and show the structural consequences of loss of MSMEG_6394 function on the cellular integrity of the organism. These findings, combined with the predicted essentiality of Rv3802c in M. tuberculosis, indicate that the Rv3802c family performs a fundamental and indispensable lipase-associated function in mycobacteria.  相似文献   

The recombinant lysins of lytic phages, when applied externally to Gram-positive bacteria, can be efficient bactericidal agents, typically retaining high specificity. Their development as novel antibacterial agents offers many potential advantages over conventional antibiotics. Protein engineering could exploit this potential further by generating novel lysins fit for distinct target populations and environments. However, access to the peptidoglycan layer is controlled by a variety of secondary cell wall polymers, chemical modifications, and (in some cases) S-layers and capsules. Classical lysins require a cell wall-binding domain (CBD) that targets the catalytic domain to the peptidoglycan layer via binding to a secondary cell wall polymer component. The cell walls of Gram-positive bacteria generally have a negative charge, and we noticed a correlation between (positive) charge on the catalytic domain and bacteriolytic activity in the absence of the CBD (nonclassical behavior). We investigated a physical basis for this correlation by comparing the structures and activities of pairs of lysins where the lytic activity of one of each pair was CBD-independent. We found that by engineering a reversal of sign of the net charge of the catalytic domain, we could either eliminate or create CBD dependence. We also provide evidence that the S-layer of Bacillus anthracis acts as a molecular sieve that is chiefly size-dependent, favoring catalytic domains over full-length lysins. Our work suggests a number of facile approaches for fine-tuning lysin activity, either to enhance or reduce specificity/host range and/or bactericidal potential, as required.  相似文献   

Human aminopeptidase N (hAPN/hCD13) is a dimeric membrane protein and a member of the M1 family of zinc metallopeptidases. Within the rennin-angiotensin system, its enzymatic activity is responsible for processing peptide hormones angiotensin III and IV. In addition, hAPN is also involved in cell adhesion, endocytosis, and signal transduction and it is an important target for cancer therapy. Reported here are the high resolution x-ray crystal structures of the dimeric ectodomain of hAPN and its complexes with angiotensin IV and the peptidomimetic inhibitors, amastatin and bestatin. Each monomer of the dimer is found in what has been termed the closed form in other M1 enzymes and each monomer is characterized by an internal cavity surrounding the catalytic site as well as a unique substrate/inhibitor-dependent loop ordering, which in the case of the bestatin complex suggests a new route to inhibitor design. The hAPN structure provides the first example of a dimeric M1 family member and the observed structural features, in conjunction with a model for the open form, provide novel insights into the mechanism of peptide processing and signal transduction.  相似文献   

Lantibiotics are peptide-derived antibiotics that inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria via interactions with lipid II and lipid II-dependent pore formation in the bacterial membrane. Due to their general mode of action the Gram-positive producer strains need to express immunity proteins (LanI proteins) for protection against their own lantibiotics. Little is known about the immunity mechanism protecting the producer strain against its own lantibiotic on the molecular level. So far, no structures have been reported for any LanI protein. We solved the structure of SpaI, a LanI protein from the subtilin producing strain Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633. SpaI is a 16.8-kDa lipoprotein that is attached to the outside of the cytoplasmic membrane via a covalent diacylglycerol anchor. SpaI together with the ABC transporter SpaFEG protects the B. subtilis membrane from subtilin insertion. The solution-NMR structure of a 15-kDa biologically active C-terminal fragment reveals a novel fold. We also demonstrate that the first 20 N-terminal amino acids not present in this C-terminal fragment are unstructured in solution and are required for interactions with lipid membranes. Additionally, growth tests reveal that these 20 N-terminal residues are important for the immunity mediated by SpaI but most likely are not part of a possible subtilin binding site. Our findings are the first step on the way of understanding the immunity mechanism of B. subtilis in particular and of other lantibiotic producing strains in general.  相似文献   

LptC is a conserved bitopic inner membrane protein from Escherichia coli involved in the export of lipopolysaccharide from its site of synthesis in the cytoplasmic membrane to the outer membrane. LptC forms a complex with the ATP-binding cassette transporter, LptBFG, which is thought to facilitate the extraction of lipopolysaccharide from the inner membrane and release it into a translocation pathway that includes the putative periplasmic chaperone LptA. Cysteine modification experiments established that the catalytic domain of LptC is oriented toward the periplasm. The structure of the periplasmic domain is described at a resolution of 2.2-Å from x-ray crystallographic data. The periplasmic domain of LptC consists of a twisted boat structure with two β-sheets in apposition to each other. The β-sheets contain seven and eight antiparallel β-strands, respectively. This structure bears a high degree of resemblance to the crystal structure of LptA. Like LptA, LptC binds lipopolysaccharide in vitro. In vitro, LptA can displace lipopolysaccharide from LptC (but not vice versa), consistent with their locations and their proposed placement in a unidirectional export pathway.  相似文献   

Human secreted protein stabilin-1 interacting chitinase-like protein (SI-CLP) has been identified as a novel member of Glyco_18 domain-containing proteins that is involved in host defense and inflammatory reactions. Efficient secretion of SI-CLP is mediated by its interaction with the endocytic/sorting receptor stabilin-1. SI-CLP is expressed abundantly in macrophages and neutrophils and is up-regulated by Th2 cytokine IL-4 and glucocorticoid, which suggest that SI-CLP could be a marker for adverse effects of glucocorticoid therapy. To gain insight into the biological function of SI-CLP, we determined the crystal structure of SI-CLP at 2.7 Å resolution by x-ray crystallography and found that it featured a typical triose-phosphate isomerase barrel fold with a putative saccharide-binding cleft. Comparison with other chitinase-like proteins showed the cleft to be atypically wide and open. The saccharide-binding capacity of SI-CLP was investigated, and its ligand-binding specificity was found to relate to the length of the oligosaccharides, with preference for chitotetraose. Further investigations reveal that SI-CLP could bind LPS in vitro and neutralize its endotoxin effect on macrophages. Our results demonstrate the saccharide-binding property of SI-CLP by structure and in vitro biochemical analyses and suggest the possible roles of SI-CLP in pathogen sensing and endotoxin neutralization.  相似文献   

Ectoine and its derivative 5-hydroxyectoine are compatible solutes that are widely synthesized by bacteria to cope physiologically with osmotic stress. They also serve as chemical chaperones and maintain the functionality of macromolecules. 5-Hydroxyectoine is produced from ectoine through a stereo-specific hydroxylation, an enzymatic reaction catalyzed by the ectoine hydroxylase (EctD). The EctD protein is a member of the non-heme-containing iron(II) and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase superfamily and is evolutionarily well conserved. We studied the ectoine hydroxylase from the cold-adapted marine ultra-microbacterium Sphingopyxis alaskensis (Sa) and found that the purified SaEctD protein is a homodimer in solution. We determined the SaEctD crystal structure in its apo-form, complexed with the iron catalyst, and in a form that contained iron, the co-substrate 2-oxoglutarate, and the reaction product of EctD, 5-hydroxyectoine. The iron and 2-oxoglutarate ligands are bound within the EctD active site in a fashion similar to that found in other members of the dioxygenase superfamily. 5-Hydroxyectoine, however, is coordinated by EctD in manner different from that found in high affinity solute receptor proteins operating in conjunction with microbial import systems for ectoines. Our crystallographic analysis provides a detailed view into the active site of the ectoine hydroxylase and exposes an intricate network of interactions between the enzyme and its ligands that collectively ensure the hydroxylation of the ectoine substrate in a position- and stereo-specific manner.  相似文献   

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