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Evolution of pathogen virulence is affected by the route of infection. Also, alternate infection routes trigger different physiological responses on hosts, impinging on host adaptation and on its interaction with pathogens. Yet, how route of infection may shape adaptation to pathogens has not received much attention at the experimental level. We addressed this question through the experimental evolution of an outbred Drosophila melanogaster population infected by two different routes (oral and systemic) with Pseudomonas entomophila. The two selection regimes led to markedly different evolutionary trajectories. Adaptation to infection through one route did not protect from infection through the alternate route, indicating distinct genetic bases. Finally, relatively to the control population, evolved flies were not more resistant to bacteria other than Pseudomonas and showed higher susceptibility to viral infections. These specificities and trade-offs may contribute to the maintenance of genetic variation for resistance in natural populations. Our data shows that the infection route affects host adaptation and thus, must be considered in studies of host-pathogen interaction.  相似文献   

Gene duplication is an important mechanism for adding to genomic novelty. Hence, which genes undergo duplication and are preserved following duplication is an important question. It has been observed that gene duplicability, or the ability of genes to be retained following duplication, is a nonrandom process, with certain genes being more amenable to survive duplication events than others. Primarily, gene essentiality and the type of duplication (small-scale versus large-scale) have been shown in different species to influence the (long-term) survival of novel genes. However, an overarching view of “gene duplicability” is lacking, mainly due to the fact that previous studies usually focused on individual species and did not account for the influence of genomic context and the time of duplication. Here, we present a large-scale study in which we investigated duplicate retention for 9178 gene families shared between 37 flowering plant species, referred to as angiosperm core gene families. For most gene families, we observe a strikingly consistent pattern of gene duplicability across species, with gene families being either primarily single-copy or multicopy in all species. An intermediate class contains gene families that are often retained in duplicate for periods extending to tens of millions of years after whole-genome duplication, but ultimately appear to be largely restored to singleton status, suggesting that these genes may be dosage balance sensitive. The distinction between single-copy and multicopy gene families is reflected in their functional annotation, with single-copy genes being mainly involved in the maintenance of genome stability and organelle function and multicopy genes in signaling, transport, and metabolism. The intermediate class was overrepresented in regulatory genes, further suggesting that these represent putative dosage-balance-sensitive genes.  相似文献   

LTR retrotransposons comprise a major component of the genomes of eukaryotes. On occasion, retrotransposon genes can be recruited by their hosts for diverse functions, a process formally referred to as co-option. However, a comprehensive picture of LTR retrotransposon gag gene co-option in eukaryotes is still lacking, with several documented cases exclusively involving Ty3/Gypsy retrotransposons in animals. Here, we use a phylogenomic approach to systemically unearth co-option of retrotransposon gag genes above the family level of taxonomy in 2,011 eukaryotes, namely co-option occurring during the deep evolution of eukaryotes. We identify a total of 14 independent gag gene co-option events across more than 740 eukaryote families, eight of which have not been reported previously. Among these retrotransposon gag gene co-option events, nine, four, and one involve gag genes of Ty3/Gypsy, Ty1/Copia, and Bel-Pao retrotransposons, respectively. Seven, four, and three co-option events occurred in animals, plants, and fungi, respectively. Interestingly, two co-option events took place in the early evolution of angiosperms. Both selective pressure and gene expression analyses further support that these co-opted gag genes might perform diverse cellular functions in their hosts, and several co-opted gag genes might be subject to positive selection. Taken together, our results provide a comprehensive picture of LTR retrotransposon gag gene co-option events that occurred during the deep evolution of eukaryotes and suggest paucity of LTR retrotransposon gag gene co-option during the deep evolution of eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of listeriosis and febrile gastroenteritis have been linked to produce contamination by Listeria monocytogenes. In order to begin to understand the physiology of the organism in a produce habitat, the ability of L. monocytogenes to attach to freshly cut radish tissue was examined. All strains tested had the capacity to attach sufficiently well such that they could not be removed during washing of the radish slices. A screen was developed to identify Tn917-LTV3 mutants that were defective in attachment to radish tissue, and three were characterized. Two of the three mutations were in genes with unknown functions. Both of the unknown genes mapped to a region predicted to contain genes necessary for flagellar export; however, only one of the two insertions caused a motility defect. The third insertion was found to be in an operon encoding a phosphoenolpyruvate-sugar phosphotransferase system. All three mutants were defective in attachment when tested at 30°C; the motility mutant had the most severe phenotype. However, not all of the mutants were defective when tested at other temperatures. These results indicate that L. monocytogenes may use different attachment factors at different temperatures and that temperature should be considered an important variable in studies of the molecular mechanisms of Listeria fitness in complex environments.  相似文献   

Synonymous codon usage bias (SCUB) is a common event that a non-uniform usage of codons often occurs in nearly all organisms. We previously found that SCUB is correlated with both intron number and exon position in the plant nuclear genome but not in the plastid genome; SCUB in both nuclear and plastid genome can mirror the evolutionary specialization. However, how about the rules in the mitochondrial genome has not been addressed. Here, we present an analysis of SCUB in the mitochondrial genome, based on 24 plant species ranging from algae to land plants. The frequencies of NNA and NNT (A- and T-ending codons) are higher than those of NNG and NNC, with the strongest preference in bryophytes and the weakest in land plants, suggesting an association between SCUB and plant evolution. The preference for NNA and NNT is more evident in genes harboring a greater number of introns in land plants, but the bias to NNA and NNT exhibits even among exons. The pattern of SCUB in the mitochondrial genome differs in some respects to that present in both the nuclear and plastid genomes.  相似文献   



Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), which metabolizes many peptides and plays a key role in blood pressure regulation and vascular remodeling, as well as in reproductive functions, is expressed as a type-1 membrane glycoprotein on the surface of endothelial and epithelial cells. ACE also presents as a soluble form in biological fluids, among which seminal fluid being the richest in ACE content - 50-fold more than that in blood.

Methods/Principal Findings

We performed conformational fingerprinting of lung and seminal fluid ACEs using a set of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to 17 epitopes of human ACE and determined the effects of potential ACE-binding partners on mAbs binding to these two different ACEs. Patterns of mAbs binding to ACEs from lung and from seminal fluid dramatically differed, which reflects difference in the local conformations of these ACEs, likely due to different patterns of ACE glycosylation in the lung endothelial cells and epithelial cells of epididymis/prostate (source of seminal fluid ACE), confirmed by mass-spectrometry of ACEs tryptic digests.


Dramatic differences in the local conformations of seminal fluid and lung ACEs, as well as the effects of ACE-binding partners on mAbs binding to these ACEs, suggest different regulation of ACE functions and shedding from epithelial cells in epididymis and prostate and endothelial cells of lung capillaries. The differences in local conformation of ACE could be the base for the generation of mAbs distingushing tissue-specific ACEs.  相似文献   

基因组织特异性相关研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究基因的组织特异性是了解生命活动进程和组织功能的重要一步.尽管对于看家基因和组织特异基因的研究由来已久,但是对于它们仍缺少统一的定义方式和检测方法.在定义方式上,可以从基因的组织表达数和在各组织间的表达变化情况来分别定义看家基因和组织特异基因.通常将在大多数正常组织中有表达,且表达水平较稳定的基因称为看家基因,而将在一个或少数组织中优势表达的基因定义为组织特异基因或组织选择基因.在检测方法上,高通量实验技术,包括基因芯片、RNA-seq和质谱技术等已成为检测基因组织特异性的主要方法.通过比较多个典型研究的实验结果,发现不同检测方法的覆盖度和灵敏度存在很大差异,其中RNA-seq技术最为灵敏,获得的看家基因数目最多,质谱技术检测出来的看家基因和组织特异基因数目较少,而基因芯片方法给出的多个检测结果间差别较大.尽管不同的定义方式和检测方法所导致的看家基因(或组织特异基因)的集合不完全一致,但不同的看家基因数据集(或组织特异基因)却展现出非常一致的功能和特性.看家基因通常实现所有组织和细胞都必须的基本功能,而看家基因与其他组织表达基因间的相互作用以及组织特异基因间的相互作用则实现了组织的特有功能.同时,基因的组织特异性与疾病之间具有密切联系,相比其他基因,看家基因更有可能成为癌基因,而组织特异基因则更有希望发展成为药物靶标.  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - Decay of plasma excited by injection of a quasi-stationary beam of high-energy electrons into argon filling a cylindrical reaction chamber is studied experimentally. Based...  相似文献   

Syomin  B. V.  Leonova  T. Ya.  Ilyin  Yu. V. 《Molecular Biology》2002,36(4):482-486
Since retrovirus-like particles of gypsy (mdg4) are capable of interspecific transfer, other Drosophila melanogaster gypsy-related retrotransposons were tested for this property. As a donor and a recipient, D. melanogaster and D. virilis cultured cells were used. Recipient cell DNA was analyzed with probes directed to mdg1, mdg3, 17.6, 297, 412, or B104/roo. Transfer was demonstrated for mdg3, which lacks env. The possible mechanism of transfer is discussed.  相似文献   

During transformation of the dorsal marginal iris into lenstissue after removal of the lens in the adult newt, the cellsundergo gradual changes in synthetic activities. Autoradiographicdata indicate an enhancement of RNA synthesis in the nucleusof iris cells, which is followed by enhancement of protein synthesisand onset ot DNA synthesis. After discharge of pigment granulesand a period of cellular multiplication accompanied by ribosomeproduction, the cells stop DNA synthesis and start to show detectableamounts of lens-specific proteins (-,ß-, and -crystallins).This time coincides with initiation of differentiation of primarylens fibers. In the later stages of regeneration, - and ß-crystallinsare present in the dividing cells of the lens epithelium, aswell as in the cells of the fiber area, but -crystallins aredetected only in Che cells of the fiber area. The data wereinterpreted as suggesting that the gene utilization patterntypical for the iris is not directly converted into that forthe lens, but goes through intermediate patterns before thetissue transformation is completed.  相似文献   

Insertions of the yeast element Ty3 resulting from induced retrotransposition were characterized in order to identify the genomic targets of transposition. The DNA sequences of the junctions between Ty3 and flanking DNA were determined for two insertions of an unmarked element. Each insertion was at position -17 from the 5' end of a tRNA-coding sequence. Ninety-one independent insertions of a marked Ty3 element were studied by Southern blot analysis. Pairs of independent insertions into seven genomic loci accounted for 14 of these insertions. The DNA sequence flanking the insertion site was determined for at least one member of each pair of integrated elements. In each case, insertion was at position -16 or -17 relative to the 5' end of one of seven different tRNA genes. This proportion of genomic loci used twice for Ty3 integration is consistent with that predicted by a Poisson distribution for a number of genomic targets roughly equivalent to the estimated number of yeast tRNA genes. In addition, insertions upstream of the same tRNA gene in one case were at different positions, but in all cases were in the same orientation. Thus, genomic insertions of Ty3 in a particular orientation are apparently specified by the target, while the actual position of the insertion relative to the tRNA-coding sequence can vary slightly.  相似文献   

Current genetic investigations are performed both on the basis of a rational and biologically based choice of candidate genes and through genome wide scans. Nonetheless, lack of replication is a common problem in psychiatric genetics as well as in other genetic fields. There are a number of reasons for this inconsistency, among them a well known but poorly considered issue is gene coverage. The aim of the present paper is to focus on this well known and defectively deemed bias, especially when a candidate gene approach is chosen. The rational and the technical feasibility of this proposal are discussed as well as a survey of current investigations. The known consistent methodology to fix this bias is also discussed.Key Words: Candidate genes, association studies, psychiatry genetics, methodology.  相似文献   

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