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There is a body of evidence suggesting that Ca2+ handling proteins assemble into signaling complexes required for a fine regulation of Ca2+ signals, events that regulate a variety of critical cellular processes. Canonical transient receptor potential (TRPC) and Orai proteins have both been proposed to form Ca2+-permeable channels mediating Ca2+ entry upon agonist stimulation. A number of studies have demonstrated that inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP3Rs) interact with plasma membrane TRPC channels; however, at present there is no evidence supporting the interaction between Orai proteins and IP3Rs. Here we report that treatment with thapsigargin or cellular agonists results in association of Orai1 with types I and II IP3Rs. In addition, we have found that TRPC3, RACK1 (receptor for activated protein kinase C-1), and STIM1 (stromal interaction molecule 1) interact with Orai1 upon stimulation with agonists. TRPC3 expression silencing prevented both the interaction of Orai1 with TRPC3 and, more interestingly, the association of Orai1 with the type I IP3R, but not with the type II IP3R, thus suggesting that TRPC3 selectively mediates interaction between Orai1 and type I IP3R. In addition, TRPC3 expression silencing attenuated ATP- and CCh-stimulated interaction between RACK1 and the type I IP3R, as well as Ca2+ release and entry. In conclusion, our results indicate that agonist stimulation results in the formation of an Orai1-STIM1-TRPC3-RACK1-type I IP3R complex, where TRPC3 plays a central role. This Ca2+ signaling complex might be important for both agonist-induced Ca2+ release and entry.  相似文献   

STIM1 and Orai1 represent the two molecular key components of the Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ channels. Their activation involves STIM1 C terminus coupling to both the N terminus and the C terminus of Orai. Here we focused on the extended transmembrane Orai1 N-terminal (ETON, aa73–90) region, conserved among the Orai family forming an elongated helix of TM1 as recently shown by x-ray crystallography. To identify “hot spot” residues in the ETON binding interface for STIM1 interaction, numerous Orai1 constructs with N-terminal truncations or point mutations within the ETON region were generated. N-terminal truncations of the first four residues of the ETON region or beyond completely abolished STIM1-dependent Orai1 function. Loss of Orai1 function resulted from neither an impairment of plasma membrane targeting nor pore damage, but from a disruption of STIM1 interaction. In a complementary approach, we monitored STIM1-Orai interaction via Orai1 V102A by determining restored Ca2+ selectivity as a consequence of STIM1 coupling. Orai1 N-terminal truncations that led to a loss of function consistently failed to restore Ca2+ selectivity of Orai1 V102A in the presence of STIM1, demonstrating impairment of STIM1 binding. Hence, the major portion of the ETON region (aa76–90) is essential for STIM1 binding and Orai1 activation. Mutagenesis within the ETON region revealed several hydrophobic and basic hot spot residues that appear to control STIM1 coupling to Orai1 in a concerted manner. Moreover, we identified two basic residues, which protrude into the elongated pore to redound to Orai1 gating. We suggest that several hot spot residues in the ETON region contribute in aggregate to the binding of STIM1, which in turn is coupled to a conformational reorientation of the gate.  相似文献   

TRP proteins mostly assemble to homomeric channels but can also heteromerize, preferentially within their subfamilies. The TRPC1 protein is the most versatile member and forms various TRPC channel combinations but also unique channels with the distantly related TRPP2 and TRPV4. We show here a novel cross-family interaction between TRPC1 and TRPV6, a Ca2+ selective member of the vanilloid TRP subfamily. TRPV6 exhibited substantial co-localization and in vivo interaction with TRPC1 in HEK293 cells, however, no interaction was observed with TRPC3, TRPC4, or TRPC5. Ca2+ and Na+ currents of TRPV6-overexpressing HEK293 cells are significantly reduced by co-expression of TRPC1, correlating with a dramatically suppressed plasma membrane targeting of TRPV6. In line with their intracellular retention, remaining currents of TRPC1 and TRPV6 co-expression resemble in current-voltage relationship that of TRPV6. Studying the N-terminal ankyrin like repeat domain, structurally similar in the two proteins, we have found that these cytosolic segments were sufficient to mediate a direct heteromeric interaction. Moreover, the inhibitory role of TRPC1 on TRPV6 influx was also maintained by expression of only its N-terminal ankyrin-like repeat domain. Our experiments provide evidence for a functional interaction of TRPC1 with TRPV6 that negatively regulates Ca2+ influx in HEK293 cells.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channels mediate a critical part of the receptor-evoked Ca2+ influx. TRPCs are gated open by the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ sensor STIM1. Here we asked which stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) and TRPC domains mediate the interaction between them and how this interaction is used to open the channels. We report that the STIM1 Orai1-activating region domain of STIM1 interacts with the TRPC channel coiled coil domains (CCDs) and that this interaction is essential for opening the channels by STIM1. Thus, disruption of the N-terminal (NT) CCDs by triple mutations eliminated TRPC surface localization and reduced binding of STIM1 to TRPC1 and TRPC5 while increasing binding to TRPC3 and TRPC6. Single mutations in TRPC1 NT or C-terminal (CT) CCDs reduced interaction and activation of TRPC1 by STIM1. Remarkably, single mutations in the TRPC3 NT CCD enhanced interaction and regulation by STIM1. Disruption in the TRPC3 CT CCD eliminated regulation by STIM1 and the enhanced interaction caused by NT CCD mutations. The NT CCD mutations converted TRPC3 from a TRPC1-dependent to a TRPC1-independent, STIM1-regulated channel. TRPC1 reduced the FRET between BFP-TRPC3 and TRPC3-YFP and between CFP-TRPC3-YFP upon stimulation. Accordingly, knockdown of TRPC1 made TRPC3 STIM1-independent. STIM1 dependence of TRPC3 was reconstituted by the TRPC1 CT CCD alone. Knockout of Trpc1 and Trpc3 similarly inhibited Ca2+ influx, and inhibition of Trpc3 had no further effect on Ca2+ influx in Trpc1−/− cells. Cell stimulation enhanced the formation of Trpc1-Stim1-Trpc3 complexes. These findings support a model in which the TRPC3 NT and CT CCDs interact to shield the CT CCD from interaction with STIM1. The TRPC1 CT CCD dissociates this interaction to allow the STIM1 Orai1-activating region within STIM1 access to the TRPC3 CT CCD and regulation of TRPC3 by STIM1. These studies provide evidence that the TRPC channel CCDs participate in channel gating.  相似文献   

Osteoclastic bone resorption depends upon the cell''s ability to organize its cytoskeleton. Because vinculin (VCL) is an actin-binding protein, we asked whether it participates in skeletal degradation. Thus, we mated VCLfl/fl mice with those expressing cathepsin K-Cre (CtsK-VCL) to delete the gene in mature osteoclasts or lysozyme M-Cre (LysM-VCL) to target all osteoclast lineage cells. VCL-deficient osteoclasts differentiate normally but, reflecting cytoskeletal disorganization, form small actin rings and fail to effectively resorb bone. In keeping with inhibited resorptive function, CtsK-VCL and LysM-VCL mice exhibit a doubling of bone mass. Despite cytoskeletal disorganization, the capacity of VCL−/− osteoclastic cells to normally phosphorylate c-Src in response to αvβ3 integrin ligand is intact. Thus, integrin-activated signals are unrelated to the means by which VCL organizes the osteoclast cytoskeleton. WT VCL completely rescues actin ring formation and bone resorption, as does VCLP878A, which is incapable of interacting with Arp2/3. As expected, deletion of the VCL tail domain (VCL1–880), which binds actin, does not normalize VCL−/− osteoclasts. The same is true regarding VCLI997A, which also prevents VCL/actin binding, and VCLA50I and VCL811–1066, both of which arrest talin association. Thus, VCL binding talin, but not Arp2/3, is critical for osteoclast function, and its selective inhibition retards physiological bone loss.  相似文献   

Ca(2+) influx by store-operated Ca(2+) channels is a key component of the receptor-evoked Ca(2+) signal. In all cells examined, transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channels mediate a significant portion of the receptor-stimulated Ca(2+) influx. Recent studies have revealed how STIM1 activates TRPC1 in response to store depletion; however, the role of STIM1 in TRPC channel activation by receptor stimulation is not fully understood. Here, we established mutants of TRPC channels that could not be activated by STIM1 but were activated by the "charge-swap" mutant STIM1(K684E,K685E). Significantly, WT but not mutant TRPC channels were inhibited by scavenging STIM1 with Orai1(R91W), indicating the STIM1 dependence and independence of WT and mutant TRPC channels, respectively. Importantly, mutant TRPC channels were robustly activated by receptor stimulation. Moreover, STIM1 and STIM1(K684E,K685E) reciprocally affected receptor-activated WT and mutant TRPC channels. Together, these findings indicate that TRPC channels can function as STIM1-dependent and STIM1-independent channels, which increases the versatility of TRPC channel function and their role in receptor-stimulated Ca(2+) influx.  相似文献   

In endothelial cells Ca(2+) entry is an essential component of the Ca(2+) signal that takes place during processes such as cell proliferation or angiogenesis. Ca(2+) influx occurs via the store-operated Ca(2+) entry pathway, involving stromal interaction molecule-1 (STIM1) and Orai1, but also through channels gated by second messengers like the transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channels. The human umbilical vein-derived endothelial cell line EA.hy926 expressed STIM1 and Orai1 as well as several TRPC channels. By invalidating each of these molecules, we showed that TRPC3, TRPC4, and TRPC5 are essential for the formation of tubular structures observed after EA.hy926 cells were plated on Matrigel. On the contrary, the silencing of STIM1 or Orai1 did not prevent tubulogenesis. Soon after being plated on Matrigel, the cells displayed spontaneous Ca(2+) oscillations that were strongly reduced by treatment with siRNA against TRPC3, TRPC4, or TRPC5, but not siRNA against STIM1 or Orai1. Furthermore, we showed that cell proliferation was reduced upon siRNA treatment against TRPC3, TRPC5, and Orai1 channels, whereas the knockdown of STIM1 had no effect. On primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells, TRPC1, TRPC4, and STIM1 are involved in tube formation, whereas Orai1 has no effect. These data showed that TRPC channels are essential for in vitro tubulogenesis, both on endothelial cell line and on primary endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Specific biological roles of the classical transient receptor potential channel 1 (TRPC1) are still largely elusive. To investigate the function of TRPC1 proteins in cell physiology, we studied heterologously expressed TRPC1 channels and found that recombinant TRPC1 subunits do not form functional homomeric channels. Instead, by electrophysiological analysis TRPC1 was shown to form functional heteromeric, receptor-operated channel complexes with TRPC3, -4, -5, -6, and -7 indicating that TRPC1 proteins can co-assemble with all members of the TRPC subfamily. In all TRPC1-containing heteromers, TRPC1 subunits significantly decreased calcium permeation. The exchange of select amino acids in the putative pore-forming region of TRPC1 further reduced calcium permeability, suggesting that TRPC1 subunits contribute to the channel pore. In immortalized immature gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons endogenously expressing TRPC1, -2, -5, and -6, down-regulation of TRPC1 resulted in increased calcium permeability and elevated basal cytosolic calcium concentrations. We did not observe any involvement of TRPC1 in store-operated cation influx. Notably, TRPC1 suppressed the migration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons without affecting cell proliferation. Conversely, in TRPC1 knockdown neurons, specific migratory properties like distance covered, locomotion speed, and directionality were increased. These findings suggest a novel regulatory mechanism relying on the expression of TRPC1 and the subsequent formation of heteromeric TRPC channel complexes with reduced calcium permeability, thereby fine-tuning neuronal migration.  相似文献   

During myogenesis, a long splice variant of STIM1, called STIM1L is getting expressed, while the level of STIM1 remains constant. Previous work demonstrated that STIM1L is more efficient in eliciting store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE), but no current analysis of the channel(s) activated by this new STIM1L isoform was performed until now. In this study, we investigate the ionic channel(s) activated by STIM1L and whether differences exist between the two STIM1 isoforms, using HEK-293 T cells as a model system. Our data show that STIM1 and STIM1L activate Orai1 channel but also the endogenously expressed TRPC1. The channel activation occurs in two steps, with first Orai1 activation followed, in a subset of cells, by TRPC1 opening. Remarkably, STIM1L more frequently activates TRPC1 and preferentially interacts with TRPC1. In low intracellular Ca2+ buffering condition, the frequency of TRPC1 opening increases significantly, strongly suggesting a Ca2+-dependent channel activation. The ability of STIM1L to open Orai1 appears decreased compared to STIM1, which might be explained by its stronger propensity towards TRPC1. Indeed, increasing the amount of STIM1L results in an enhanced Orai1 current. The role of endogenous TRPC1 in STIM1- and STIM1L-induced SOCE was confirmed by Ca2+ imaging experiments. Overall, our findings provide a detailed analysis of the channels activated by both STIM1 isoforms, revealing that STIM1L is more prone to open TRPC1, which might explain the larger SOCE elicited by this isoform.  相似文献   

Store-operated calcium (Ca2+) entry (SOCE) mediated by STIM/Orai proteins is a ubiquitous pathway that controls many important cell functions including proliferation and migration. STIM proteins are Ca2+ sensors in the endoplasmic reticulum and Orai proteins are channels expressed at the plasma membrane. The fall in endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ causes translocation of STIM1 to subplasmalemmal puncta where they activate Orai1 channels that mediate the highly Ca2+-selective Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ current (ICRAC). Whereas Orai1 has been clearly shown to encode SOCE channels in many cell types, the role of Orai2 and Orai3 in native SOCE pathways remains elusive. Here we analyzed SOCE in ten breast cell lines picked in an unbiased way. We used a combination of Ca2+ imaging, pharmacology, patch clamp electrophysiology, and molecular knockdown to show that native SOCE and ICRAC in estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer cell lines are mediated by STIM1/2 and Orai3 while estrogen receptor-negative (ER) breast cancer cells use the canonical STIM1/Orai1 pathway. The ER+ breast cancer cells represent the first example where the native SOCE pathway and ICRAC are mediated by Orai3. Future studies implicating Orai3 in ER+ breast cancer progression might establish Orai3 as a selective target in therapy of ER+ breast tumors.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) is a potent second messenger that mobilizes Ca(2+) from the acidic endolysosomes by activation of the two-pore channels TPC1 and TPC2. The channel properties of human TPC1 have not been studied before, and its cellular function is not known. In the present study, we characterized TPC1 incorporated into lipid bilayers. The native and recombinant TPC1 channels are activated by NAADP. TPC1 activity requires acidic luminal pH and high luminal Ca(2+). With Ba(2+) as the permeable ion, luminal Ca(2+) activates TPC1 with an apparent K(m) of 180 μm. TPC1 operates in two tightly coupled conductance states of 47 ± 8 and 200 ± 9 picosiemens. Importantly, opening of the large conductance markedly increases the small conductance mean open time. Changes in membrane potential from 0 to -60 mV increased linearly both the small and the large conductances and NP(o), indicating that TPC1 is regulated by voltage. Intriguingly, the apparent affinity for activation of TPC1 by its ligand NAADP is not constant. Rather, hyperpolarization increases the apparent affinity of TPC1 for NAADP by 10 nm/mV. The concerted regulation of TPC1 activity by luminal Ca(2+) and by membrane potential thus provides a potential mechanism to explain NAADP-induced Ca(2+) oscillations. These findings reveal unique properties of TPC1 to explain its role in Ca(2+) oscillations and cell function.  相似文献   

Furanocoumarin imperatorin is the major active component of Angelica dahurica root extracts, widely used in traditional medicine to treat headache, toothache, and orbital eye pain. In this study, we investigated the mechanisms that may underlie the pain-relieving effects of the compound. We found that imperatorin significantly inhibited formalin- and capsaicin-induced nocifensive responses but did not alter baseline thermal withdrawal thresholds in the rat. We established that imperatorin is a weak agonist of TRPV1, a channel implicated in detecting several noxious stimuli, exhibiting a 50% effective concentration (EC50) of 12.6 ± 3.2 μm. A specific TRPV1 antagonist, JNJ-17203212 (0.5 μm), potently inhibited imperatorin-induced TRPV1 activation. Site-directed mutagenesis studies revealed that imperatorin most likely acted via a site adjacent to or overlapping with the TRPV1 capsaicin-binding site. TRPV1 recovery from desensitization was delayed in the presence of imperatorin. Conversely, imperatorin sensitized TRPV1 to acid activation but did not affect the current amplitude and/or the activation-inactivation properties of Nav1.7, a channel important for transmission of nociceptive information. Thus, our data indicate that furanocoumarins represent a novel group of TRPV1 modulators that may become important lead compounds in the drug discovery process aimed at developing new treatments for pain management.  相似文献   

TRPC4 proteins function as Ca2+ conducting, non-selective cation channels in endothelial, smooth muscle, and neuronal cells. To further characterize the roles of TRPC4 in vivo, detailed information about the molecular composition of native channel complexes and their association with cellular signaling networks is needed. Therefore, a mouse brain cDNA library was searched for novel TRPC4-interacting proteins using a modified yeast two-hybrid assay. This screen identified Trans-activation Response RNA-binding protein 2 (Tarpb2), a protein that recruits the Dicer complex to Ago2 for microRNA processing and gene silencing. Tarbp2 was found to bind to the C terminus of TRPC4 and TRPC5 and to modulate agonist-dependent TRPC4-induced Ca2+ entry. A stretch of basic residues within the Tarbp2 protein is required for these actions. Tarbp2 binding to and modulation of TRPC4 occurs in the presence of endogenously expressed Dicer but is no longer detectable when the Dicer cDNA is overexpressed. Dicer activity in crude cell lysates is increased in the presence of Ca2+, most probably by Ca2+-dependent proteolytic activation of Dicer. Apparently, Tarbp2 binding to TRPC4 promotes changes of cytosolic Ca2+ and, thereby, leads to a dynamic regulation of Dicer activity, essentially at low endogenous Dicer concentrations.  相似文献   

TRPC6 is a cation channel in the plasma membrane that plays a role in Ca(2+) entry following the stimulation of a G(q)-protein coupled or tyrosine kinase receptor. A dysregulation of TRPC6 activity causes abnormal proliferation of smooth muscle cells and glomerulosclerosis. In the present study, we investigated the regulation of TRPC6 activity by protein kinase C (PKC). We showed that inhibiting PKC with GF1 or activating it with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate potentiated and inhibited agonist-induced Ca(2+) entry, respectively, into cells expressing TRPC6. Similar results were obtained when TRPC6 was directly activated with 1-oleyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol. Activation of the cells with carbachol increased the phosphorylation of TRPC6, an effect that was prevented by the inhibition of PKC. The target residue of PKC was identified by an alanine screen of all canonical PKC sites on TRPC6. Unexpectedly, all the mutants, including TRPC6(S768A) (a residue previously proposed to be a target for PKC), displayed PKC-dependent inhibition of channel activity. Phosphorylation prediction software suggested that Ser(448), in a non-canonical PKC consensus sequence, was a potential target for PKCδ. Ba(2+) and Ca(2+) entry experiments revealed that GF1 did not potentiate TRPC6(S448A) activity. Moreover, activation of PKC did not enhance the phosphorylation state of TRPC6(S448A). Using A7r5 vascular smooth muscle cells, which endogenously express TRPC6, we observed that a novel PKC isoform is involved in the inhibition of the vasopressin-induced Ca(2+) entry. Furthermore, knocking down PKCδ in A7r5 cells potentiated vasopressin-induced Ca(2+) entry. In summary, we provide evidence that PKCδ exerts a negative feedback effect on TRPC6 through the phosphorylation of Ser(448).  相似文献   

In the absence of store depletion, plasmalemmal Ca(2+) permeability in resting muscle is very low, and its contribution in the maintenance of Ca(2+) homeostasis at rest has not been studied in detail. Junctophilin 1 knock-out myotubes (JP1 KO) have a severe reduction in store-operated Ca(2+) entry, presumably caused by physical alteration of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and T-tubule junction, leading to disruption of the SR signal sent by Stim1 to activate Orai1. Using JP1 KO myotubes as a model, we assessed the contribution of the Orai1-mediated Ca(2+) entry pathway on overall Ca(2+) homeostasis at rest with no store depletion. JP1 KO myotubes have decreased Ca(2+) entry, [Ca(2+)](rest), and intracellular Ca(2+) content compared with WT myotubes and unlike WT myotubes, are refractory to BTP2, a Ca(2+) entry blocker. JP1 KO myotubes show down-regulation of Orai1 and Stim1 proteins, suggesting that this pathway may be important in the control of resting Ca(2+) homeostasis. WT myotubes stably transduced with Orai1(E190Q) had similar alterations in their resting Ca(2+) homeostasis as JP1 KO myotubes and were also unresponsive to BTP2. JP1 KO cells show decreased expression of TRPC1 and -3 but overexpress TRPC4 and -6; on the other hand, the TRPC expression profile in Orai1(E190Q) myotubes was comparable with WT. These data suggest that an important fraction of resting plasmalemmal Ca(2+) permeability is mediated by the Orai1 pathway, which contributes to the control of [Ca(2+)](rest) and resting Ca(2+) stores and that this pathway is defective in JP1 KO myotubes.  相似文献   

Gain-of-function mutations in the calcium channel TRPC6 lead to autosomal dominant focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and podocyte expression of TRPC6 is increased in some acquired human glomerular diseases, particularly in membranous nephropathy. These observations led to the hypothesis that TRPC6 overactivation is deleterious to podocytes through pathological calcium signaling, both in genetic and acquired diseases. Here, we show that the effects of TRPC6 on podocyte function are context-dependent. Overexpression of TRPC6 alone did not directly affect podocyte morphology and cytoskeletal structure. Unexpectedly, however, overexpression of TRPC6 protected podocytes from complement-mediated injury, whereas genetic or pharmacological TRPC6 inactivation increased podocyte susceptibility to complement. Mechanistically, this effect was mediated by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) activation. Podocyte-specific TRPC6 transgenic mice showed stronger CaMKII activation, reduced podocyte foot process effacement and reduced levels of proteinuria during nephrotoxic serum nephritis, whereas TRPC6 null mice exhibited reduced CaMKII activation and higher levels of proteinuria compared with wild type littermates. Human membranous nephropathy biopsy samples showed podocyte staining for active CaMKII, which correlated with the degree of TRPC6 expression. Together, these data suggest a dual and context dependent role of TRPC6 in podocytes where acute activation protects from complement-mediated damage, but chronic overactivation leads to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.  相似文献   

Osteoclasts are bone-resorbing cells derived from hematopoietic precursors of the monocyte-macrophage lineage. Besides the well known Receptor Activator of Nuclear factor-κB (RANK), RANK ligand and osteoprotegerin axis, a variety of factors tightly regulate osteoclast formation, adhesion, polarization, motility, resorbing activity and life span, maintaining bone resorption within physiological ranges. Receptor-mediated osteoclast regulation is rather complex. Nuclear receptors, cell surface receptors, integrin receptors and cell death receptors work together to control osteoclast activity and prevent both reduced or increased bone resorption. Here we will discuss the signal transduction pathways activated by the main osteoclast receptors, integrating their function and mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

Although the activation of the A(1)-subtype of the adenosine receptors (A(1)AR) is arrhythmogenic in the developing heart, little is known about the underlying downstream mechanisms. The aim of this study was to determine to what extent the transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channel 3, functioning as receptor-operated channel (ROC), contributes to the A(1)AR-induced conduction disturbances. Using embryonic atrial and ventricular myocytes obtained from 4-day-old chick embryos, we found that the specific activation of A(1)AR by CCPA induced sarcolemmal Ca(2+) entry. However, A(1)AR stimulation did not induce Ca(2+) release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Specific blockade of TRPC3 activity by Pyr3, by a dominant negative of TRPC3 construct, or inhibition of phospholipase Cs and PKCs strongly inhibited the A(1)AR-enhanced Ca(2+) entry. Ca(2+) entry through TRPC3 was activated by the 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG) analog OAG via PKC-independent and -dependent mechanisms in atrial and ventricular myocytes, respectively. In parallel, inhibition of the atypical PKCζ by myristoylated PKCζ pseudosubstrate inhibitor significantly decreased the A(1)AR-enhanced Ca(2+) entry in both types of myocytes. Additionally, electrocardiography showed that inhibition of TRPC3 channel suppressed transient A(1)AR-induced conduction disturbances in the embryonic heart. Our data showing that A(1)AR activation subtly mediates a proarrhythmic Ca(2+) entry through TRPC3-encoded ROC by stimulating the phospholipase C/DAG/PKC cascade provide evidence for a novel pathway whereby Ca(2+) entry and cardiac function are altered. Thus, the A(1)AR-TRPC3 axis may represent a potential therapeutic target.  相似文献   

TRPC4 and TRPC5 proteins share 65% amino acid sequence identity and form Ca2+-permeable nonselective cation channels. They are activated by stimulation of receptors coupled to the phosphoinositide signaling cascade. Replacing a conserved glycine residue within the cytosolic S4–S5 linker of both proteins by a serine residue forces the channels into an open conformation. Expression of the TRPC4G503S and TRPC5G504S mutants causes cell death, which could be prevented by buffering the Ca2+ of the culture medium. Current-voltage relationships of the TRPC4G503S and TRPC5G504S mutant ion channels resemble that of fully activated TRPC4 and TRPC5 wild-type channels, respectively. Modeling the structure of the transmembrane domains and the pore region (S4-S6) of TRPC4 predicts a conserved serine residue within the C-terminal sequence of the predicted S6 helix as a potential interaction site. Introduction of a second mutation (S623A) into TRPC4G503S suppressed the constitutive activation and partially rescued its function. These results indicate that the S4–S5 linker is a critical constituent of TRPC4/C5 channel gating and that disturbance of its sequence allows channel opening independent of any sensor domain.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) is a molecule capable of initiating the release of intracellular Ca2+ required for many essential cellular processes. Recent evidence links two-pore channels (TPCs) with NAADP-induced release of Ca2+ from lysosome-like acidic organelles; however, there has been no direct demonstration that TPCs can act as NAADP-sensitive Ca2+ release channels. Controversial evidence also proposes ryanodine receptors as the primary target of NAADP. We show that TPC2, the major lysosomal targeted isoform, is a cation channel with selectivity for Ca2+ that will enable it to act as a Ca2+ release channel in the cellular environment. NAADP opens TPC2 channels in a concentration-dependent manner, binding to high affinity activation and low affinity inhibition sites. At the core of this process is the luminal environment of the channel. The sensitivity of TPC2 to NAADP is steeply dependent on the luminal [Ca2+] allowing extremely low levels of NAADP to open the channel. In parallel, luminal pH controls NAADP affinity for TPC2 by switching from reversible activation of TPC2 at low pH to irreversible activation at neutral pH. Further evidence earmarking TPCs as the likely pathway for NAADP-induced intracellular Ca2+ release is obtained from the use of Ned-19, the selective blocker of cellular NAADP-induced Ca2+ release. Ned-19 antagonizes NAADP-activation of TPC2 in a non-competitive manner at 1 μm but potentiates NAADP activation at nanomolar concentrations. This single-channel study provides a long awaited molecular basis for the peculiar mechanistic features of NAADP signaling and a framework for understanding how NAADP can mediate key physiological events.  相似文献   

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