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凉山半细毛羊1号染色体微卫星遗传连锁图谱的构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张明亚  吴登俊 《遗传》2005,27(4):575-578
实验选择绵羊1号条染色体上的9个微卫星标记,采用父系半同胞家系群体(共387个个体)构建凉山半细毛羊1号染色体遗传连锁图。建立的资源参考家系通过20个微卫星标记进行了系谱确证。试验结果表明,9个标记的等位基因数变化范围为5~15个,杂合度在0.202~0.831之间,平均杂合度为0.617,各标记的平均多态信息含量PIC=0.604。构建的凉山半细毛羊1号条染色体遗传连锁图总长度311.0 cM,与美国肉畜中心(USDA)和国际绵羊作图中心(IMF)构建的绵羊1号条染色遗传连锁图结果基本一致。可用于下一步的QTL定位研究。  相似文献   

Assembly of the cytochrome bo3 complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An understanding of the mechanisms that govern the assembly of macromolecular protein complexes is fundamental for studying their function and regulation. With this in mind, we have determined the assembly pathway for the membrane-embedded cytochrome bo(3) of Escherichia coli. We show that there is a preferred order of assembly, where subunits III and IV assemble first, followed by subunit I and finally subunit II. We also show that cofactor insertion catalyses assembly. These findings provide novel insights into the biogenesis of this model membrane protein complex.  相似文献   

The inheritance of the equine Tf F3 allele was examined in 39 parent-offspring combinations. For 26 of the cases the allele inherited by the offspring from the heterozygous parent could be determined. The proportion of individuals that inherited the F3 variant compared to the alternative allele was exactly 1:1. In five cases the parental phenotype was identical to that of the offspring. For the remaining eight cases the parent was homozygous for the F3 allele and all offspring had the F3 allele. The results were consistent with Mendelian inheritance.  相似文献   

The motor protein myosin IIIA is critical for maintenance of normal hearing. Homozygosity and compound heterozygosity for loss-of-function mutations in MYO3A, which encodes myosin IIIA, are responsible for inherited human progressive hearing loss DFNB30. To further evaluate this hearing loss, we constructed a mouse model, Myo3a KI/KI , that harbors the mutation equivalent to the nonsense allele responsible for the most severe human phenotype. Myo3a KI/KI mice were compared to their wild-type littermates. Myosin IIIA, with a unique N-terminal kinase domain and a C-terminal actin-binding domain, localizes to the tips of stereocilia in wild-type mice but is absent in the mutant. The phenotype of the Myo3a KI/KI mouse parallels the phenotype of human DFNB30. Hearing loss, as measured by auditory brainstem response, is reduced and progresses significantly with age. Vestibular function is normal. Outer hair cells of Myo3a KI/KI mice degenerate with age in a pattern consistent with their progressive hearing loss.  相似文献   

The polymorphism of five enzyme loci (amylase, alkaline phosphatase, albumin, for 4-week body weight was compared to that of the unselected control line (C). for 4 week body weight was compared to that of the unselected control line (C). Three loci in the C line and two in the P line demonstrated polymorphism. Plasma amylase was separated into six bands and zymograms were classified on the basis of these bands into nine phenotypes. Three of the nine types were of relatively high activity and six were of relatively low activity. All nine types were found in the C line, whereas, all birds of the P line had only the most active type. Two alkaline phosphatase alleles (Akp-2B and Akp-2C) were segregating in the C line. Gene frequencies of alkaline phosphatase for the Akp-2B allele were 0.92 in the C line and 1.00 in the P line. Two albumin alleles (AlbQ1 and AlbQ2) were segregating in both populations. Gene frequencies for the AlbQ1 allele were 0.74 in the C line and 0.81 in the P line. Two red cell esterase-D alleles (Es-DF and Es-Ds) were segregating in both populations. The gene frequency for the Es-Ds allele (0.61) was higher than that of the Es-DF allele in the C line. In the P line the frequency of the Es-DF allele was higher than that of the Es-Ds allele. Heterozygosities of the C and P lines were estimated as 0.2258 and 0.1560 respectively. The relative inbreeding coefficient of the P line, calculated from heterozygosities was 0.31.  相似文献   

治疗内耳疾病的主要困难之一是找到耳蜗毛细胞或者螺旋神经元丢失所导致的听力损失的治疗方法。本文讨论使用干细胞替代感觉细胞丢失为目的的几个治疗策略。作者最近在成年内耳中发现了可以分化为毛细胞的干细胞,发现了胚胎干细胞可在体外转化为毛细胞并表达毛细胞标记物。在动物模型中,成年内耳干细胞、神经干细胞和胚胎干细胞来源的前体细胞可分化成为毛细胞和神经细胞。本文将讨论使用干细胞再生损伤毛细胞的不同方法,介绍几种可行的动物模型,并讨论发展基于干细胞的细胞替代疗法治疗内耳损伤中存在的困难。  相似文献   

A Larive  C Pourcel  P Tiollais 《Gene》1979,5(1):77-83
The SstI restriction endonuclease cleaves adenovirus 2 and 5 (Ad2 and Ad5) DNAs into 15 and 16 fragments, respectively. Cleavage sites were positioned with respect to several other cuts made by seven restriction endonucleases. There are relatively few SstI sites in the middle portion and in the right side of the genome, while several are located within the 16.5--20% region which contains "leader sequences".  相似文献   

Collection of the T-DNA tagged lines of Arabidopsis thaliana have been created by Agrobacterium-mediated root transformation. Transgenic lines produced by this method have been screened for morphogenic mutations. A flower mutation with increased number of stamens and carpels (scaf1) was identified. This mutation has similar but weaker phenotype than the known mutant superman. Two mapping procedures, with visible and molecular markers, were used to locate scaf1 flower mutation. Genetic analysis showed that this mutation is located on chromosome 3 near gl1 gene. It is probably one of the SUPERMAN epigenetic alleles. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Linkage map of phenotype and RFLP markers in rice   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The results from linkage mapping activities at Kyushu University during the last 10 years are summarized in this paper. The present paper concisely reveals present situation on linkage map of phenotype markers, the integration linkage map of phenotype and RFLP markers and the genetic stocks available. Some of the problems in this field, in addition, are pointed out and discussed.  相似文献   

A method is described for the rapid analysis of DNA ligation products in the assembly of synthetic genes and gene fragments. The method is based on the simultaneous analysis of multiple ligation reactions where a single but different DNA oligomer is radiolabelled per ligation reaction. After each ligation the reaction mixture is electrophoresed on a denaturing, as well as a non-denaturing, polyacrylamide gel allowing one to monitor the ligation reaction products. In addition, a unique method for generating single stranded DNA sizing standards up to approximately 300 nucleotides in length is described.  相似文献   

In a large consanguineous Palestinian kindred, we previously mapped DFNB28--a locus associated with recessively inherited, prelingual, profound sensorineural hearing impairment--to chromosome 22q13.1. We report here that mutations in a novel 218-kDa isoform of TRIOBP (TRIO and filamentous actin [F-actin] binding protein) are associated with DFNB28 hearing loss in a total of nine Palestinian families. Two nonsense mutations (R347X and Q581X) truncate the protein, and a potentially deleterious missense mutation (G1019R) occurs in a conserved motif in a putative SH3-binding domain. In seven families, 27 deaf individuals are homozygous for one of the nonsense mutations; in two other families, 3 deaf individuals are compound heterozygous for the two nonsense mutations or for Q581X and G1019R. The novel long isoform of TRIOBP has a restricted expression profile, including cochlea, retina, and fetal brain, whereas the original short isoform is widely expressed. Antibodies to TRIOBP reveal expression in sensory cells of the inner ear and colocalization with F-actin along the length of the stereocilia.  相似文献   

林木分子遗传图谱的构建   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了林木分遗传图谱构建中所使用的分离群体和分子标记,着重综述了国内外林木遗传图谱研究的现状,对已建立图谱的树种的作图情况作了较尽的总结。  相似文献   

家族性不宁腿综合征候选基因的连锁分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
不宁腿综合征(restless legs syndrome,RLS)是以下肢部出现蚁行样及酸、麻、胀等不适感而使肢体不得休息为特征的一组病症。由于症状常在晚间发作并导致运动不安,患者长期入睡困难,经受严重的继发性失眠。作为一种常见的神经系统疾病,RLS发病率高达5%,其中原发性RLS多呈阳性家族史,表现为单基因决定的常染色体显性遗传。现在,人们普遍认为RLS的发生很可能与神经系统内多巴胺能功能异常和脑内铁缺乏有关,并初步建立了脑铁-多巴胺能系统的致病模型。为了探求脑铁-多巴胺能系统在RLS中的作用,选择了与脑铁-多巴胺能系统相关的16个疾病侯选基因,在每个候选基因附近染色体区域内选取若干个微卫星多态标记,应用微卫星引物荧光标记-基因扫描技术,对一个汉族家族性不宁腿综合征家系进行了基因分型和常染色体显性遗传模式下的连锁分析,试图从分子遗传学层面上确认或排除一些可能与RLS相关的重要侯选基因。结果显示,当重组系数θ=0.00时,LOD值均小于-2.00,所选位点与家族性不宁腿综合征不连锁。由此得出结论,在本家系中,所有候选基因均与家族性不宁腿综合征的发病无关,家族性不宁腿综合征可能是由其他多巴胺传导和脑铁代谢相关基因所致,或是存在全新的致病机制参与RLS的发生。  相似文献   

一种鉴定过氧化氢酶活性的铁染色法   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)技术,建立了一种新的鉴定过氧化氢酶活性的方法──铁染色法.结果表明,细菌过氧化氢酶及牛肝过氧化氢酶显示单一的酶活性带.该方法操作简单、快速、灵敏度高、专一性强.是一种切实可行的鉴定过氧化氢酶活性染色法.  相似文献   

为确定一个X染色体显性遗传先天性眼球震颤家系的致病基因与X染色体的连锁关系, 选用X染色体上的DXS1214、DXS1068、DXS993、DXS8035、DXS1047、DXS8033、DXS1192和DXS1232共8个微卫星DNA标记对该家系进行基因扫描与基因分型,并利用LINKAGE等软件包对基因分型结果进行分析,探讨该家系致病基因与X染色体的连锁关系。 两点连锁分析时X染色体短臂4个基因座最大LOD值均小于-1,不支持与该家系致病基因连锁; X染色体长臂4个基因座中最大LOD值达到2,提示存在较大的连锁可能性。该家系的致病基因可初步定位于X染色体长臂,且提示Xq26-Xq28区间附近可能是先天性眼球震颤一个共同的致病基因座,但区间范围仍较大,仍须进一步选择合适的微卫星标记进行精确的定位以缩小候选基因的筛查范围。Abstract: To investigate the relationship between X chromosome and obligatory gene of a pedigree with congenital nystagmus,we used the following markers: DXS1214、DXS1068、DXS993、DXS8035、DXS1047、DXS8033、DXS1192 and DXS1232.Genome screening and genotyping were conducted in this pedigree of congenital nystagmus, and linkage analysis by LINKAGE package was used to determine the potential location. The linkage was not found on the Xp ( All LOD score <-1) but on Xq (the maximum LOD score=2). The related gene of this pedigree was located on the long arm of X chromosome. We demonstrate that Xq26-Xq28 is a common locus for CMN. It bring us closer to the identification of a gene responsible for X-linked CMN.  相似文献   

A simple method for the drying of polyacrylamide slab gels is described. 2-mm thick gels with gradients of 5–20% acrylamide dry without complications. The dried gels are transparent permitting transmission densitometry and fluorography.  相似文献   

An apparatus for the simultaneous casting of a large number of cylindrical polyacrylamide gels is described. Gels can be cast that are uniform with respect to length, loading-surface flatness, and internal polymerization properties. The basis of the method is casting the gels as an inverted single block which totally excludes oxygen from gel-loading surfaces during polymerization.  相似文献   

Protein patterns obtained by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for three isolates of Heterodera glycines from southern Indiana appear qualitatively similar and have higher pairwise Jaccard similarity coefficients with each other than with isolates from northern Indiana. Three isolates from three northern counties share proteins not present in the southern isolates, but as a group the northern isolates are less similar to each other than are the southern Indiana isolates.  相似文献   

A method of staining polyacrylamide gels in which the dye is electrophoresed together with the sample is proposed. The method cuts short and simplifies the conventional electrophoresis procedure by eliminating the separate poststaining step. In the gels run in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, the method produces protein staining patterns which are quantitatively identical to the ones obtained by conventional staining procedure. Additional advantages of the method are easy control over the degree of staining and homogenous staining independent of the gel thickness and concentration of the dye.  相似文献   

The protein bands of adipocyte plasma membranes from the genetically obese diabetic mice C57BL/KsJ db/db (db/db mice) showed slight but significant changes compared with their lean littermates. The treatment for 1 week with a new antidiabetic agent, AS-6, caused the changes to revert toward the condition in the lean littermates. In the absence of insulin, the plasma membrane and mitochondria mixture (P3 fraction) of the lean littermates densely labeled 55000 and 57000 dalton protein bands by phosphorylating with (a-32P)-ATP, whereas the labeling was less in the P3 from AS-6 treated and untreated db/db mice. Insulin inhibited phosphorylation of these bands in P3 from the lean littermates and untreated db/db mice, while the hormone enhanced the labeling in AS-6 treated db/db mice compared with the basal condition without insulin. Ca2+ greatly enhanced the labeling in all three groups, whereas Mg2+ mimicked the insulin action diminishing the labeling of these bands in the lean and untreated db/db groups. However, Mg2+ enhanced the phosphorylation in the P3 from AS-6 treated db/db mice compared with the basal condition.  相似文献   

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