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Cell migration involves the cooperative reorganization of the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons, as well as the turnover of cell–substrate adhesions, under the control of Rho family GTPases. RhoA is activated at the leading edge of motile cells by unknown mechanisms to control actin stress fiber assembly, contractility, and focal adhesion dynamics. The microtubule-associated guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF)-H1 activates RhoA when released from microtubules to initiate a RhoA/Rho kinase/myosin light chain signaling pathway that regulates cellular contractility. However, the contributions of activated GEF-H1 to coordination of cytoskeletal dynamics during cell migration are unknown. We show that small interfering RNA-induced GEF-H1 depletion leads to decreased HeLa cell directional migration due to the loss of the Rho exchange activity of GEF-H1. Analysis of RhoA activity by using a live cell biosensor revealed that GEF-H1 controls localized activation of RhoA at the leading edge. The loss of GEF-H1 is associated with altered leading edge actin dynamics, as well as increased focal adhesion lifetimes. Tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase and paxillin at residues critical for the regulation of focal adhesion dynamics was diminished in the absence of GEF-H1/RhoA signaling. This study establishes GEF-H1 as a critical organizer of key structural and signaling components of cell migration through the localized regulation of RhoA activity at the cell leading edge.  相似文献   

Net1 is a RhoA guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that is overexpressed in a subset of human cancers and contributes to cancer cell motility and invasion in vitro. However, the molecular mechanism accounting for its role in cell motility and invasion has not been described. In the present work, we show that expression of both Net1 isoforms in breast cancer cells is required for efficient cell motility. Although loss of Net1 isoform expression only partially blocks RhoA activation, it inhibits lysophosphatidic acid (LPA)-stimulated migration as efficiently as knockdown of RhoA itself. However, we demonstrate that the Net1A isoform predominantly controls myosin light-chain phosphorylation and is required for trailing edge retraction during migration. Net1A interacts with focal adhesion kinase (FAK), localizes to focal adhesions, and is necessary for FAK activation and focal adhesion maturation during cell spreading. Net1A expression is also required for efficient invasion through a Matrigel matrix. Analysis of invading cells demonstrates that Net1A is required for amoeboid invasion, and loss of Net1A expression causes cells to shift to a mesenchymal phenotype characterized by high β1-integrin activity and membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) expression. These results demonstrate a previously unrecognized role for the Net1A isoform in controlling FAK activation during planar cell movement and amoeboid motility during extracellular matrix (ECM) invasion.  相似文献   

There are a large number of Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factors, most of which have no known functions. Here, we carried out a short hairpin RNA-based functional screen of Rho-GEFs for their roles in leukocyte chemotaxis and identified Arhgef5 as an important factor in chemotaxis of a macrophage phage-like RAW264.7 cell line. Arhgef5 can strongly activate RhoA and RhoB and weakly RhoC and RhoG, but not Rac1, RhoQ, RhoD, or RhoV, in transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells. In addition, Gβγ interacts with Arhgef5 and can stimulate Arhgef5-mediated activation of RhoA in an in vitro assay. In vivo roles of Arhgef5 were investigated using an Arhgef-5-null mouse line. Arhgef5 deficiency did not affect chemotaxis of mouse macrophages, T and B lymphocytes, and bone marrow-derived mature dendritic cells (DC), but it abrogated MIP1α-induced chemotaxis of immature DCs and impaired migration of DCs from the skin to lymph node. In addition, Arhgef5 deficiency attenuated allergic airway inflammation. Therefore, this study provides new insights into signaling mechanisms for DC migration regulation.Leukocyte chemotaxis underlies leukocyte migration, infiltration, trafficking, and homing that are not only important for normal leukocyte functions, but also have a important role in inflammation-related diseases. Leukocyte chemotaxis is regulated by leukocyte chemoattractants that include bacterial by-products such as formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine, complement proteolytic fragments such as C5a, and the superfamily of chemotactic cytokines, chemokines. These chemoattractants bind to their specific cell G protein-coupled receptors and are primarily coupled to the Gi family of G proteins to regulate leukocyte chemotaxis. Previous studies have established that the Rho family of small GTPases regulates leukocyte migration (1, 2). Rac, Cdc42, and RhoA are the three best studied Rho small GTPases. In myeloid cells, Cdc42 regulates directionality by directing where F-actin and lamellipodia are formed, and Rac regulates F-actin formation in the lamellipodia, which provides a driving force for cell motility (36). On the other hand, RhoA regulates the formation and contractility of the actomyosin structure at the back that provides a pushing force (5, 7). Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEF)3 are key regulators for the activity of these small GTPases. GEFs activate small GTPases by promoting the loading of GTP to the small GTPases, a rate-limiting step in GTPase regulation (811). Previous biochemical and genetic studies have revealed how Cdc42 and Rac may be regulated by chemokine receptors in leukocytes. Chemokine receptors can regulate Cdc42 via a Rho-GEF PIXα, which is regulated by Gβγ from the Gi proteins via the interactions between Gβγ and Pak1 and between Pak1 and PIXα in myeloid cells 12. On the other hand, in neutrophils chemokine receptors regulate Rac2 via another Rho-GEF P-Rex1, which is directly regulated by Gβγ (1315). Two Rho-GEFs have been implicated in regulation of RhoA in neutrophils. GEF115 was found in the leading edges of polarized mouse neutrophils, whereas PDZ Rho-GEF was found in the uropods of differentiated HL-60 cells. Both Rho-GEFs were believed to mediate pertussis toxin-resistant activation of RhoA in these cells. However, a significant portion of RhoA activity in leukocytes are pertussis toxin-sensitive, which is presumably regulated by the α and/or βγ subunits from the Gi proteins. The signaling mechanism for this pertussis toxin-sensitive RhoA regulation by chemokine receptors remains largely elusive.Molecular cloning and genomic sequencing have identified more than 70 Rho-GEFs in mammals (1620). Many of these Rho-GEFs have been shown to activate RhoA in in vitro and overexpression assays (1620). However, it is not known if any of them regulate RhoA in vivo, we have found that PIXα is a specific GEF for Cdcd42 in neutrophils (12) despite its potent activity on Rac in in vitro and overexpression assays (21, 22). Therefore, we used a siRNA-based loss of function screen in an attempt to identify the GEFs that regulate myeloid cell migration and RhoA activity. One of the candidates, Arhgef5, was found to be directly activated by Gβγ to regulate RhoA and has an important role in immature DC migration. In addition, Arhgef5 deficiency attenuated allergic airway inflammation in a mouse model.  相似文献   

Dbs is a Rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (RhoGEF) that regulates neurotrophin-3-induced cell migration in Schwann cells. Here we report that Dbs regulates cell motility in tumor-derived, human breast epithelial cells through activation of Cdc42 and Rac1. Cdc42 and Rac1 are activated in T47D cells that stably express onco- or proto-Dbs, and activation is dependent upon growth of the cells on collagen I. Transient suppression of expression of Cdc42 or Rac1 by small interfering RNAs attenuates Dbs-enhanced motility. Both onco- and proto-Dbs-enhanced motility correlates with an increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase on Tyr-397 and p130Cas on Tyr-410 and an increase in the abundance of the Crk·p130Cas complex. Suppression of expression of Cdc42 or its effector, Ack1, reduces tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase and p130Cas and disrupts the Crk·p130Cas complex. We further determined that suppression of expression of Cdc42, Ack1, p130Cas, or Crk reduces Rac1 activation and cell motility in Dbs-expressing cells to a level comparable with that in vector cells. Therefore, a cascade of activation of Cdc42 and Rac1 by Dbs through the Cdc42 effector Ack1 and the Crk·p130Cas complex is established. Suppression of the expression of endogenous Dbs reduces cell motility in both T47D cells and MDA-MB-231 cells, which correlates with the down-regulation of Cdc42 activity. This suggests that Dbs activates Cdc42 in these two human breast cancer cell lines and that the normal function of Dbs may be required to support cell movement.Rho GTPases are a subfamily of the Ras superfamily of small signaling molecules that are widely expressed in mammalian cells (1). RhoA, Cdc42, and Rac1 are the most extensively studied members of the Rho GTPase family, and each plays a prominent and discrete role in cell migration (2, 3). Cdc42 promotes the formation of filopodia and is required to establish cell polarity (35); Rac1 promotes the formation of lamellipodia at the leading edge of motile cells (6), and RhoA promotes the formation of stress fibers which generate the traction forces needed to retract the cell tail and move the cell body beyond the leading edge (7, 8). Consistent with this important role in cell motility, RhoA, Cdc42, and Rac1 are often overexpressed in human tumors including breast, lung, and colon (9), and overexpression of constitutively active RhoA, Cdc42, or Rac1 increases cell migration and invasion (2, 10, 11).The spatiotemporal regulation of Rho GTPase activity is tightly controlled by three classes of proteins. Rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factors (RhoGEFs)2 activate Rho proteins by facilitating the exchange of GDP for GTP; Rho GTPase-activating proteins (RhoGAPs) stimulate the intrinsic rate of hydrolysis of Rho proteins, thus converting them into their inactive state; Rho-specific guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors (RhoGDIs) compete with RhoGEFs for binding to GDP-bound Rho proteins and sequester Rho in the inactive state (12).Dbs was identified in the screen for proteins whose overexpression cause malignant growth in murine fibroblasts (13, 14). The full-length Dbs protein (proto-Dbs) is a RhoGEF family member which contains multiple recognizable domains (Fig. 1A) including a Sec14-like domain, spectrin-like repeats, a RhoGEF domain (includes a DH and PH domain), and an SH3 domain (13). The original oncogenic version of Dbs that was identified (amino acid residues 525–1097; designated onco-Dbs) contains the RhoGEF domain alone. When expressed in murine fibroblasts, the transforming and catalytic activity of Dbs is subject to autoinhibition that is mediated by the NH2-terminal Sec14 domain (15). Although the endogenous function of Dbs is not known, recent studies suggest that Dbs and the Rac-specific exchange factor Tiam1 regulate neurotrophin-stimulated cell migration in Schwann cells through activation of Cdc42 and Rac1, respectively (16, 17).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Onco-Dbs and proto-Dbs induce cell migration in tumor-derived breast epithelial cells. A, domain structure of the onco-Dbs and proto-Dbs proteins (Sec14 = Sec14-like domain; Spec = Spectrin-like repeats; DH = Dbl homology domain; PH = pleckstrin homology domain; SH3 = Src homology 3 domain). B, stable expression of HA-epitope-tagged onco-Dbs (Mr = 65) and proto-Dbs (Mr = 129 kDa) was confirmed by Western blot using an anti-HA antibody. Three independent sets of cell lines were generated. C, T47D cells stably expressing vector (Vec), onco-Dbs, or proto-Dbs were compared in a transwell motility assay on filters pre-coated with collagen I. The motility of cells stably expressing onco-Dbs or proto-Dbs is expressed relative to that of cells stably expressing vector. Data are represented as the mean ± S.D. of three independent experiments performed in triplicate. D, T47D cells stably expressing vector, onco-Dbs, or proto-Dbs were cultured to monolayer on dishes coated with poly-l-lysine or collagen I, as indicated. Cells were serum-starved overnight, and then the surface of the plate was scraped. Migration of cells at the wound edge was monitored and photographed at 18 h. Representative images are shown. E, growth curves of T47D cells stably expressing vector, onco-Dbs, or proto-Dbs. Cells were cultured in triplicate on poly-l-lysine (filled symbols) or on dishes pre-coated with collagen I (open symbols) and counted on the indicated days. Data shown are representative of three independent experiments.Conversion of Rho proteins to their active GTP-bound state allows them to interact with effector signaling molecules. Ack1 is a nonreceptor-tyrosine kinase that binds to active Cdc42 but not Rac1 or RhoA (18, 19). Activated Ack1 is overexpressed in primary tumors and cancer cell lines and has been implicated in cancer metastasis (20). Recent studies have identified a signaling complex that regulates the motility of human breast epithelial cells that contains Cdc42, Ack1, p130Cas, and Crk (21). Ack1 and p130Cas interact through their respective SH3 domains, and Ack1 phosphorylates p130Cas in a collagen I-dependent manner. p130Cas was first identified as a hyperphosphorylated adapter protein in cells transformed by v-Src and v-Crk (22, 23). Further studies showed that p130Cas is associated with both cellular Src and Crk in a tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent manner (24, 25). Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) binds to the NH2 terminus of p130Cas and phosphorylates the COOH terminus in a region that is involved in p130Cas binding to Src (26). The binding of Crk to p130Cas recruits binding partners to the SH3 domain of Crk, including C3G and DOCK180, which activate Rap1 and Rac1, respectively (2731). Thus, formation of the Crk·p130Cas complex is considered to be a molecular switch that can induce cell migration by activating Rac1 (32).Here we show that both proto-Dbs and onco-Dbs increase cell migration in human breast adenocarcinoma cells in a collagen I-dependent manner. Increased motility is dependent upon the activation of Rac1 and Cdc42 and is mediated by the assembly of Crk·p130Cas complexes. Suppression of endogenous Dbs expression in human tumor-derived breast epithelial cells limits cell motility, suggesting that Dbs may be a critical regulator of cell behavior in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Suppression of the basal extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activity in PC12 cells markedly altered their phenotype. Wild-type cells grew in a dissociated pattern adherent to the substrate. The stable expression of an ERK inhibitory mutant resulted in the formation of calcium-dependent aggregates which were less adherent to the substrate. Concomitantly, the cells reorganized their actin cytoskeleton and increased their expression of several adherens junction proteins, particularly cadherin. Metabolic labeling demonstrated an increased synthesis of cadherin and β-catenin in these cells. Nontransfected PC12 cells and a ras-transformed MDCK cell line also formed aggregates and increased their expression of adherens junction proteins following treatment with the selective MEK inhibitor PD98059. A peptide containing the HAV cadherin recognition sequence attenuated the aggregation. These studies suggest that in PC12 and epithelial cells, ERKs are pivotally positioned to enhance substrate interactions when active or to release homotypic interactions when suppressed.  相似文献   

Small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) become activated when GDP is replaced by GTP at the highly conserved nucleotide binding site. This process is intrinsically very slow in most GTPases but is significantly accelerated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). Nucleotide exchange in small GTPases has been widely studied using spectroscopy with fluorescently tagged nucleotides. However, this method suffers from effects of the bulky fluorescent moiety covalently attached to the nucleotide. Here, we have used a newly developed real-time NMR-based assay to monitor small GTPase RhoA nucleotide exchange by probing the RhoA conformation. We compared RhoA nucleotide exchange from GDP to GTP and GTP analogues in the absence and presence of the catalytic DH-PH domain of PDZ-RhoGEF (DH-PHPRG). Using the non-hydrolyzable analogue guanosine-5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate), which we found to be a reliable mimic of GTP, we obtained an intrinsic nucleotide exchange rate of 5.5 × 10−4 min−1. This reaction is markedly accelerated to 1179 × 10−4 min−1 in the presence of DH-PHPRG at a ratio of 1:8,000 relative to RhoA. Mutagenesis studies confirmed the importance of Arg-868 near a conserved region (CR3) of the Dbl homology (DH) domain and revealed that Glu-741 in CR1 is critical for full activity of DH-PHPRG, together suggesting that the catalytic mechanism of PDZ-RhoGEF is similar to Tiam1. Mutation of the single RhoA (E97A) residue that contacts the pleckstrin homology (PH) domain rendered the mutant 10-fold less sensitive to the activity of DH-PHPRG. Interestingly, this mutation does not affect RhoA activation by leukemia-associated RhoGEF (LARG), indicating that the PH domains of these two homologous GEFs may play different roles.  相似文献   

Although arsenite is an established carcinogen, the mechanisms underlying its tumor-promoting properties are poorly understood. Previously, we reported that arsenite treatment leads to the activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in rat PC12 cells through a Ras-dependent pathway. To identify potential mediators of the upstream signaling cascade, we examined the tyrosine phosphorylation profile in cells exposed to arsenite. Arsenite treatment rapidly stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins in a Ras-independent manner, with a pattern similar to that seen in response to epidermal growth factor (EGF) treatment. Among these phosphorylated proteins were three isoforms of the proto-oncoprotein Shc as well as the EGF receptor (EGFR). Tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc allowed for enhanced interactions between Shc and Grb2 as identified by coimmunoprecipitation experiments. The arsenite-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc, enhancement of Shc and Grb2 interactions, and activation of ERK were all drastically reduced by treatment of cells with either the general growth factor receptor poison suramin or the EGFR-selective inhibitor tyrphostin AG1478. Down-regulation of EGFR expression through pretreatment of cells with EGF also attenuated ERK activation and Shc tyrosine phosphorylation in response to arsenite treatment. These results demonstrate that the EGFR and Shc are critical mediators in the activation of the Ras/ERK signaling cascade by arsenite and suggest that arsenite acts as a tumor promoter largely by usurping this growth factor signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Visceral glomerular epithelial cells (GEC), also known as podocytes, are vital for the structural and functional integrity of the glomerulus. The actin cytoskeleton plays a central role in maintaining GEC morphology. In a rat model of experimental membranous nephropathy (passive Heymann nephritis (PHN)), complement C5b-9-induced proteinuria was associated with the activation of the actin regulator small GTPase, RhoA. The mechanisms of RhoA activation, however, remained unknown. In this study, we explored the role of the epithelial guanine nucleotide exchange factor, GEF-H1, in complement-induced RhoA activation. Using affinity precipitation to monitor GEF activity, we found that GEF-H1 was activated in glomeruli isolated from rats with PHN. Complement C5b-9 also induced parallel activation of GEF-H1 and RhoA in cultured GEC. In GEC in which GEF-H1 was knocked down, both basal and complement-induced RhoA activity was reduced. On the other hand, GEF-H1 knockdown augmented complement-mediated cytolysis, suggesting a role for GEF-H1 and RhoA in protecting GEC from cell death. The MEK1/2 inhibitor, U0126, and mutation of the ERK-dependent phosphorylation site (T678A) prevented complement-induced GEF-H1 activation, indicating a role for the ERK pathway. Further, complement induced GEF-H1 and microtubule accumulation in the perinuclear region. However, both the perinuclear accumulation and the activation of GEF-H1 were independent of microtubules and myosin-mediated contractility, as shown using drugs that interfere with microtubule dynamics and myosin II activity. In summary, we have identified complement-induced ERK-dependent GEF-H1 activation as the upstream mechanism of RhoA stimulation, and this pathway has a protective role against cell death.  相似文献   

Neurite outgrowth is key to the formation of functional circuits during neuronal development. Neurotrophins, including nerve growth factor (NGF), increase neurite outgrowth in part by altering the function and expression of Ca2+-permeable cation channels. Here we report that transient receptor potential vanilloid 2 (TRPV2) is an intracellular Ca2+-permeable TRPV channel upregulated by NGF via the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway to augment neurite outgrowth. TRPV2 colocalized with Rab7, a late endosome protein, in addition to TrkA and activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in neurites, indicating that the channel is closely associated with signaling endosomes. In line with these results, we showed that TRPV2 acts as an ERK substrate and identified the motifs necessary for phosphorylation of TRPV2 by ERK. Furthermore, neurite length, TRPV2 expression, and TRPV2-mediated Ca2+ signals were reduced by mutagenesis of these key ERK phosphorylation sites. Based on these findings, we identified a previously uncharacterized mechanism by which ERK controls TRPV2-mediated Ca2+ signals in developing neurons and further establish TRPV2 as a critical intracellular ion channel in neuronal function.  相似文献   

Stressful stimuli can exacerbate persistent pain disorder. However, the underlying mechanism is still unknown. Here, to reveal the underlying mechanism for stressful stimuli-induced hyperalgesia in chronic pain, we investigated the effect of extracellular signal-regulated kinase1/2 (ERK1/2) activation on pain hypersensitivity using single-prolonged stress (SPS) model, complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) model and SPS?+?CFA model. The experimental results revealed significantly reduced paw withdrawal threshold in the SPS, CFA, and SPS?+?CFA group compared with the control group. However, the increased phosphorylation of ERK1/2 in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) was observed in the SPS- or SPS?+?CFA-exposed group but not the CFA group compared with control group. There was also a significant increase in mPFC ERK1/2 phosphorylation and mechanical allodynia after SPS?+?CFA treatment compared to SPS or CFA treatment alone. Furthermore, inhibiting ERK1/2 phosphorylation by microinjection of U0126, a MAPK kinase (MEK) inhibitor, into the mPFC attenuated SPS?+?CFA- and SPS- but not CFA-induced mechanical allodynia, anxiety-like behavior, and cognitive impairments. These results suggest that the activation of ERK1/2 in the mPFC may contribute to the process of stress-induced cognitive and emotional disorders, leading to an increase in pain sensitivity.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases play distinct roles in a variety of cellular signaling pathways and are regulated through multiple mechanisms. In this study, a novel 61-kDa member of the MAP kinase family, termed extracellular signal-regulated kinase 7 (ERK7), has been cloned and characterized. Although it has the signature TEY activation motif of ERK1 and ERK2, ERK7 is not activated by extracellular stimuli that typically activate ERK1 and ERK2 or by common activators of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 kinase. Instead, ERK7 has appreciable constitutive activity in serum-starved cells that is dependent on the presence of its C-terminal domain. Interestingly, the C-terminal tail, not the kinase domain, of ERK7 regulates its nuclear localization and inhibition of growth. Taken together, these results elucidate a novel type of MAP kinase whereby interactions via its C-terminal tail, rather than extracellular signal-mediated activation cascades, regulate its activity, localization, and function.  相似文献   

Na+/Ca2+ exchanger-1 (NCX1) is a major calcium extrusion mechanism in renal epithelial cells enabling the efflux of one Ca2+ ion and the influx of three Na+ ions. The gradient for this exchange activity is provided by Na,K-ATPase, a hetero-oligomer consisting of a catalytic α-subunit and a regulatory β-subunit (Na,K-β) that also functions as a motility and tumor suppressor. We showed earlier that mice with heart-specific ablation (KO) of Na,K-β had a specific reduction in NCX1 protein and were ouabain-insensitive. Here, we demonstrate that Na,K-β associates with NCX1 and regulates its localization to the cell surface. Madin-Darby canine kidney cells with Na,K-β knockdown have reduced NCX1 protein and function accompanied by 2.1-fold increase in free intracellular calcium and a corresponding increase in the rate of cell migration. Increased intracellular calcium up-regulated ERK1/2 via calmodulin-dependent activation of PI3K. Both myosin light chain kinase and Rho-associated kinase acted as mediators of ERK1/2-dependent migration. Restoring NCX1 expression in β-KD cells reduced migration rate and ERK1/2 activation, suggesting that NCX1 functions downstream of Na,K-β in regulating cell migration. In parallel, inhibition of NCX1 by KB-R7943 in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, LLC-PK1, and human primary renal epithelial cells (HREpiC) increased ERK1/2 activation and cell migration. This increased migration was associated with high myosin light chain phosphorylation by PI3K/ERK-dependent mechanism in HREpiC cells. These data confirm the role of NCX1 activity in regulating renal epithelial cell migration.  相似文献   

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