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Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is a recently discovered microbial pathway and a cost-effective way to remove ammonium from wastewater. Anammox bacteria have been described as obligate chemolithoautotrophs. However, many chemolithoautotrophs (i.e., nitrifiers) can use organic compounds as a supplementary carbon source. In this study, the effect of organic compounds on anammox bacteria was investigated. It was shown that alcohols inhibited anammox bacteria, while organic acids were converted by them. Methanol was the most potent inhibitor, leading to complete and irreversible loss of activity at concentrations as low as 0.5 mM. Of the organic acids acetate and propionate, propionate was consumed at a higher rate (0.8 nmol min−1 mg of protein−1) by Percoll-purified anammox cells. Glucose, formate, and alanine had no effect on the anammox process. It was shown that propionate was oxidized mainly to CO2, with nitrate and/or nitrite as the electron acceptor. The anammox bacteria carried out propionate oxidation simultaneously with anaerobic ammonium oxidation. In an anammox enrichment culture fed with propionate for 150 days, the relative amounts of anammox cells and denitrifiers did not change significantly over time, indicating that anammox bacteria could compete successfully with heterotrophic denitrifiers for propionate. In conclusion, this study shows that anammox bacteria have a more versatile metabolism than previously assumed.  相似文献   

We identified 16S rRNA gene sequences in sediment samples from Ago Bay in Japan, forming a new branch of the anammox group or closely related to anaerobic ammonium oxidizing (anammox) bacterial sequences. Anammox activity in the sediment samples was detected by 15N tracer assays. These results, along with the results of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis, suggest the presence of anammox bacteria in the marine sediments.  相似文献   

Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is a promising new process to treat high-strength nitrogenous wastewater. Due to the low growth rate of anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria, efficient biomass retention is essential for reactor operation. Therefore, we studied the settling ability and community composition of the anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing granules, which were cultivated in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor seeded with aerobic granules. With this seed, the start-up period was less than 160 days at a NH4+-N removal efficiency of 94% and a loading rate of 0.064 kg N per kg volatile suspended solids per day. The formed granules were bright red and had a high settling velocity (41 to 79 m h−1). Cells and extracellular polymeric substances were evenly distributed over the anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing granules. The high percentage of anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in the granules could be visualized by fluorescent in situ hybridization and electron microscopy. The copy numbers of 16S rRNA genes of anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in the granules were determined to be 4.6 × 108 copies ml−1. The results of this study could be used for a better design, shorter start-up time, and more stable operation of anammox systems for the treatment of nitrogen-rich wastewaters.The anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) process is a recently discovered biological nitrogen removal technology in which ammonia is oxidized to nitrogen gas with nitrite as the electron acceptor (5, 29, 32). In contrast to heterotrophic denitrification (6, 26), the anammox process does not require external electron donors (e.g., methanol) due to their chemolithoautotrophic lifestyle. Furthermore, if this process is combined with a partial nitrification step, only half of the ammonium needs to be nitrified to nitrite, which together with the remaining ammonium can subsequently be converted into nitrogen through the anammox process. This reduces the oxygen demand of the system and leads to further reduction in operational costs (27).The anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (anammox bacteria) have a low growth rate (18), with a doubling time at best estimated as 7 to 11 days (18, 28). The yield of the anammox bacteria has been determined to be 0.066 mol C biomass mol−1 ammonium consumed, and the maximum ammonium consumption rate is ∼45 nmol mg−1 protein min−1 (18). Given the low growth rate and low yield, very efficient biomass retention is essential to retain the anammox bacteria within the reactor systems during cultivation (19). The enrichment of anammox bacteria from a mixed inoculum requires the optimization of conditions favorable for the anammox bacteria and generally takes 200 to 300 days (5, 6, 27). Thus, conditions that would reduce the start-up time of anammox reactors would positively effect the implementation of the process. Several sources of inocula, such as activated sludge (4), nitrifying activated sludge (27), and anaerobic sludge (6), have been used for the start-up of anammox reactors with start-up times of as long as 1,000 days (27).Aerobic granules have been reported to have high microbial diversity (31) and compact structure with very good settling properties resulting in an efficient means of biomass retention. These properties, including interspecies competition and mass transfer, result in the stratification of microbial species with anoxic pockets in the interior of the granules that may be suitable to harbor anammox bacteria. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of start-up of the anammox process by seeding the reactor with aerobic granular sludge by using an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. After the successful start-up and the formation of anammox granules, the structure and physicochemical properties of the anammox granules and the reactor performance were characterized. Microbial community analysis revealed that the dominant anammox species was related to a species of anammox bacteria present in anammox biofilms.  相似文献   

Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) bacteria have been detected in many marine and freshwater ecosystems. However, little is known about the distribution, diversity, and abundance of anammox bacteria in terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, anammox bacteria were found to be present in various agricultural soils collected from 32 different locations in China. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA genes showed “Candidatus Brocadia,” “Candidatus Kuenenia,” “Candidatus Anammoxoglobus,” and “Candidatus Jettenia” in the collected soils, with “Candidatus Brocadia” being the dominant genus. Quantitative PCR showed that the abundance of anammox bacteria ranged from 6.38 × 104 ± 0.42 × 104 to 3.69 × 106 ± 0.25 × 106 copies per gram of dry weight. Different levels of diversity, composition, and abundance of the anammox bacterial communities were observed, and redundancy analysis indicated that the soil organic content and the distribution of anammox communities were correlated in the soils examined. Furthermore, Pearson correlation analysis showed that the diversity of the anammox bacteria was positively correlated with the soil ammonium content and the organic content, while the anammox bacterial abundance was positively correlated with the soil ammonium content. These results demonstrate the broad distribution of diverse anammox bacteria and its correlation with the soil environmental conditions within an extensive range of Chinese agricultural soils.  相似文献   

The anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) process is a promising novel option for removing nitrogen from wastewater. In this study it was shown that the Anammox process was inhibited reversibly by the presence of oxygen. Furthermore, aerobic nitrifiers were shown not to play an important role in the Anammox process.  相似文献   

Previously available primer sets for detecting anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) bacteria are inefficient, resulting in a very limited database of such sequences, which limits knowledge of their ecology. To overcome this limitation, we designed a new primer set that was 100% specific in the recovery of ~700-bp 16S rRNA gene sequences with >96% homology to the “Candidatus Scalindua” group of anammox bacteria, and we detected this group at all sites studied, including a variety of freshwater and marine sediments and permafrost soil. A second primer set was designed that exhibited greater efficiency than previous primers in recovering full-length (1,380-bp) sequences related to “Ca. Scalindua,” “Candidatus Brocadia,” and “Candidatus Kuenenia.” This study provides evidence for the widespread distribution of anammox bacteria in that it detected closely related anammox 16S rRNA gene sequences in 11 geographically and biogeochemically diverse freshwater and marine sediments.  相似文献   

Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) process plays an important role in the nitrogen cycle of the worldwide anoxic and mesophilic habitats. Recently, the existence and activity of anammox bacteria have been detected in some thermophilic environments, but their existence in the geothermal subterranean oil reservoirs is still not reported. This study investigated the abundance, distribution and functional diversity of anammox bacteria in nine out of 17 high-temperature oil reservoirs by molecular ecology analysis. High concentration (5.31–39.2 mg l?1) of ammonium was detected in the production water from these oilfields with temperatures between 55°C and 75°C. Both 16S rRNA and hzo molecular biomarkers indicated the occurrence of anammox bacteria in nine out of 17 samples. Most of 16S rRNA gene phylotypes are closely related to the known anammox bacterial genera Candidatus Brocadia, Candidatus Kuenenia, Candidatus Scalindua, and Candidatus Jettenia, while hzo gene phylotypes are closely related to the genera Candidatus Anammoxoglobus, Candidatus Kuenenia, Candidatus Scalindua, and Candidatus Jettenia. The total bacterial and anammox bacterial densities were 6.4?±?0.5?×?103 to 2.0?±?0.18?×?106 cells ml?1 and 6.6?±?0.51?×?102 to 4.9?±?0.36?×?104 cell ml?1, respectively. The cluster I of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed distant identity (<92%) to the known Candidatus Scalindua species, inferring this cluster of anammox bacteria to be a new species, and a tentative name Candidatus “Scalindua sinooilfield” was proposed. The results extended the existence of anammox bacteria to the high-temperature oil reservoirs.  相似文献   

We investigated autotrophic anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) biofilms for their spatial organization, community composition, and in situ activities by using molecular biological techniques combined with microelectrodes. Results of phylogenetic analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed that “Brocadia”-like anammox bacteria that hybridized with the Amx820 probe dominated, with 60 to 92% of total bacteria in the upper part (<1,000 μm) of the biofilm, where high anammox activity was mainly detected with microelectrodes. The relative abundance of anammox bacteria decreased along the flow direction of the reactor. FISH results also indicated that Nitrosomonas-, Nitrosospira-, and Nitrosococcus-like aerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and Nitrospira-like nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) coexisted with anammox bacteria and accounted for 13 to 21% of total bacteria in the biofilms. Microelectrode measurements at three points along the anammox reactor revealed that the NH4+ and NO2 consumption rates decreased from 0.68 and 0.64 μmol cm−2 h−1 at P2 (the second port, 170 mm from the inlet port) to 0.30 and 0.35 μmol cm−2 h−1 at P3 (the third port, 205 mm from the inlet port), respectively. No anammox activity was detected at P4 (the fourth port, 240 mm from the inlet port), even though sufficient amounts of NH4+ and NO2 and a high abundance of anammox bacteria were still present. This result could be explained by the inhibitory effect of organic compounds derived from biomass decay and/or produced by anammox and coexisting bacteria in the upper parts of the biofilm and in the upstream part of the reactor. The anammox activities in the biofilm determined by microelectrodes reflected the overall reactor performance. The several groups of aerobic AOB lineages, Nitrospira-like NOB, and Betaproteobacteria coexisting in the anammox biofilm might consume a trace amount of O2 or organic compounds, which consequently established suitable microenvironments for anammox bacteria.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic diversity and metabolic capabilities of members of the phylum Planctomycetes in the anaerobic, sulfide-saturated sediments of a mesophilic spring (Zodletone Spring) in southwestern Oklahoma. Culture-independent analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequences generated using Planctomycetes-biased primer pairs suggested that an extremely diverse community of Planctomycetes is present at the spring. Although sequences that are phylogenetically affiliated with cultured heterotrophic Planctomycetes were identified, the majority of the sequences belonged to several globally distributed, as-yet-uncultured Planctomycetes lineages. Using complex organic media (aqueous extracts of the spring sediments and rumen fluid), we isolated two novel strains that belonged to the Pirellula-Rhodopirellula-Blastopirellula clade within the Planctomycetes. The two strains had identical 16S rRNA gene sequences, and their closest relatives were isolates from Kiel Fjord (Germany), Keauhou Beach (HI), a marine aquarium, and tissues of marine organisms (Aplysina sp. sponges and postlarvae of the giant tiger prawn Penaeus monodon). The closest recognized cultured relative of strain Zi62 was Blastopirellula marina (93.9% sequence similarity). Detailed characterization of strain Zi62 revealed its ability to reduce elemental sulfur to sulfide under anaerobic conditions, as well as its ability to produce acids from sugars; both characteristics may potentially allow strain Zi62 to survive and grow in the anaerobic, sulfide- and sulfur-rich environment at the spring source. Overall, this work indicates that anaerobic metabolic abilities are widely distributed among all major Planctomycetes lineages and suggests carbohydrate fermentation and sulfur reduction as possible mechanisms employed by heterotrophic Planctomycetes for growth and survival under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Microbial communities in the biological filter and waste sludge compartments of a marine recirculating aquaculture system were examined to determine the presence and activity of anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) bacteria. Community DNA was extracted from aerobic and anaerobic fixed-film biofilters and the anaerobic sludge waste collection tank and was analyzed by amplifying 16S rRNA genes by PCR using anammox-selective and universal GC-clamped primers. Separation of amplified PCR products by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and sequencing of the different phylotypes revealed a diverse biofilter microbial community. While Planctomycetales were found in all three communities, the anaerobic denitrifying biofilters contained one clone that exhibited high levels of sequence similarity to known anammox bacteria. Fluorescence in situ hybridization studies using an anammox-specific probe confirmed the presence of anammox Planctomycetales in the microbial biofilm from the denitrifying biofilters, and anammox activity was observed in these biofilters, as detected by the ability to simultaneously consume ammonia and nitrite. To our knowledge, this is the first identification of anammox-related sequences in a marine recirculating aquaculture filtration system, and our findings provide a foundation for incorporating this important pathway for complete nitrogen removal in such systems.  相似文献   

A multiheme protein having hydrazine-oxidizing activity was purified from enriched culture from a reactor in which an anammox bacterium, strain KSU-1, was dominant. The enzyme has oxidizing activity toward hydrazine but not hydroxylamine and is a 130-kDa homodimer composed of a 62-kDa polypeptide containing eight hemes. It was therefore named hydrazine-oxidizing enzyme (HZO). With cytochrome c as an electron acceptor, the Vmax and Km for hydrazine are 6.2 ± 0.3 μmol/min · mg and 5.5 ± 0.6 μM, respectively. Hydrazine (25 μM) induced an increase in the proportion of reduced form in the spectrum, whereas hydroxylamine (500 μM) did not. Two genes coding for HZO, hzoA and hzoB, were identified within the metagenomic DNA from the culture. The genes encode the same amino acid sequence except for two residues. The sequences deduced from these genes showed low-level identities (<30%) to those of all of the hydroxylamine oxidoreductases reported but are highly homologous to two hao genes found by sequencing the genome of “Candidatus Kuenenia stuttgartiensis” (88% and 89% identities). The purified enzyme might therefore be a novel hydrazine-oxidizing enzyme having a critical role in anaerobic ammonium oxidation.  相似文献   

Anaerobic Growth of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The obligately autotrophic acidophile Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was grown on elemental sulfur in anaerobic batch cultures, using ferric iron as an electron acceptor. During anaerobic growth, ferric iron present in the growth media was quantitatively reduced to ferrous iron. The doubling time in anaerobic cultures was approximately 24 h. Anaerobic growth did not occur in the absence of elemental sulfur or ferric iron. During growth, a linear relationship existed between the concentration of ferrous iron accumulated in the cultures and the cell density. The results suggest that ferric iron may be an important electron acceptor for the oxidation of sulfur compounds in acidic environments.  相似文献   

We examined the distribution of uncultured Planctomycetes phylotypes along depth profiles spanning the redox gradient of the Black Sea suboxic zone to gain insight into their respective ecological niches. Planctomycetes phylogeny correlated with depth and chemical profiles, implying similar metabolisms within phylogenetic groups. A suboxic zone sample was split into >?30 and ?30?μm fraction except for members of the Scalindua genus, which were apparently free-living. Sequences from Candidatus Scalindua, known to carry out the anammox process, formed two distinct clusters with nonoverlapping depth ranges. One cluster, only 97.1% similar to the named species, was present at high nitrite/nitrate and low ammonium concentrations in the upper suboxic zone. We propose this sequence type be named 'Candidatus Scalindua richardsii'. A second cluster, containing sequences more similar to 'Candidatus Scalindua sorokinii', was present at high ammonium and low nitrite conditions in the lower suboxic zone. Sequences obtained from the sulfidic zone (1000?m depth) yielded Planctomycetes from two uncharacterized Planctomycetacia clusters and three potentially new genera as well as sequences from the uncultured OP3 phylum.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the interesting phylum of Planctomycetes has increased in the last decades both due to cultural and molecular methods. Although a restricted number of species have been described to date, this group presents a much larger diversity that has been mainly revealed by molecular ecology studies. Isolation experiments allowed us to get a number of new Planctomycetes taxa that extend the already described ones. In this work we present the ultrastructural morphological characterization of these new taxa as well as we give new details of Aquisphaera giovannonii ultrastructure. Furthermore, our interpretation on Planctomycetes cell envelope is provided.  相似文献   

Silk cocoons are composed of fiber proteins (fibroins) and adhesive glue proteins (sericins), which provide a physical barrier to protect the inside pupa. Moreover, other proteins were identified in the cocoon silk, many of which are immune related proteins. In this study, we extracted proteins from the silkworm cocoon by Tris-HCl buffer (pH7.5), and found that they had a strong inhibitory activity against fungal proteases and they had higher abundance in the outer cocoon layers than in the inner cocoon layers. Moreover, we found that extracted cocoon proteins can inhibit the germination of Beauveria bassiana spores. Consistent with the distribution of protease inhibitors, we found that proteins from the outer cocoon layers showed better inhibitory effects against B. bassiana spores than proteins from the inner layers. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was used to reveal the extracted components in the scaffold silk, the outermost cocoon layer. A total of 129 proteins were identified, 30 of which were annotated as protease inhibitors. Protease inhibitors accounted for 89.1% in abundance among extracted proteins. These protease inhibitors have many intramolecular disulfide bonds to maintain their stable structure, and remained active after being boiled. This study added a new understanding to the antimicrobial function of the cocoon.  相似文献   

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