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Tests for the presence of pathogen DNA or antibodies are routinely used to survey for current or past infections. In diseases that emerge following a host jump estimates of infection rate might be under- or overestimated. We here examine whether observed rates of infection are biased for a non-focal host species in a model system. The bacterium Mycoplasma gallisepticum is a widespread pathogen in house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus), a fringillid finch, but an unknown proportion of individuals of other songbird species are also infected. Our goal is to determine the extent to which detection of M. gallisepticum DNA or antibodies against the bacteria in a non-fringillid bird species is over- or underestimated using black-capped chickadees Poecile atricapillus, a species in which antibodies against M. gallisepticum are frequently detected in free-living individuals. After keeping black-capped chickadees in captivity for 12 weeks, during which period the birds remained negative for M. gallisepticum, four were inoculated with M. gallisepticum and four were sham inoculated in both eyes to serve as negative controls. Simultaneously we inoculated six house finches with the same isolate of M. gallisepticum as a positive control. All inoculated birds of both species developed infections detectable by qPCR in the conjunctiva. For the 6 weeks following inoculation we detected antibodies in all M. gallisepticum-inoculated house finches but in only three of the four M. gallisepticum-inoculated black-capped chickadees. All house finches developed severe eye lesions but none of the black-capped chickadees did. Modeling the Rapid Plate Agglutination test results of black-capped chickadees shows that the rate of false-positive tests would be not more than 3.2%, while the estimated rate of false negatives is 55%. We conclude that the proportion of wild-caught individuals in which we detect M. gallisepticum-specific antibodies using Rapid Plate Agglutination is, if anything, substantially underestimated.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis on a recombinant plasmid, pUC8, that contained the cah gene, was conducted and confirmed by sequence analysis. Single base substitution, G to A at nucleotide position 81 or T to C at nucleotide position 84 of cah gene does not change the amino acid sequence of cah enzyme but eliminates the HindIII site. The wild-type cah and its mutants were cloned and overexpressed in pQE-60 Escherichia coli expression system. Western blot analysis confirmed the production of 27.7-kDa cah enzyme by all the recombinants. The mutated cah gene devoid of HindIII site was used to generate a recombinant plant transformation vector (pCAMBIA-cah). Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was performed in Nicotiana tabaccum cv. Samsun plants by employing the leaf-disc method. The integration and expression of cah gene in transgenic plants were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction, Southern and Western blot analyses. Antimicrobial activity of cyanamide against phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria was determined. Cyanamide can be used as fertilizer as well as an antimicrobial salt against phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria. The present investigation reports the heterologous expression of the cah marker gene. Due to its innate ability to convert cyanamide to urea and the broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity of cyanamide, the cah gene can be used to facilitate plant growth promotion and biocontrol of phytopathogens.  相似文献   

Primarily used for metabolic engineering and synthetic biology, genome-scale metabolic modeling shows tremendous potential as a tool for fundamental research and curation of metabolism. Through a novel integration of flux balance analysis and genetic algorithms, a strategy to curate metabolic networks and facilitate identification of metabolic pathways that may not be directly inferable solely from genome annotation was developed. Specifically, metabolites involved in unknown reactions can be determined, and potentially erroneous pathways can be identified. The procedure developed allows for new fundamental insight into metabolism, as well as acting as a semi-automated curation methodology for genome-scale metabolic modeling. To validate the methodology, a genome-scale metabolic model for the bacterium Mycoplasma gallisepticum was created. Several reactions not predicted by the genome annotation were postulated and validated via the literature. The model predicted an average growth rate of 0.358±0.12, closely matching the experimentally determined growth rate of M. gallisepticum of 0.244±0.03. This work presents a powerful algorithm for facilitating the identification and curation of previously known and new metabolic pathways, as well as presenting the first genome-scale reconstruction of M. gallisepticum.  相似文献   

Reporter gene systems are useful for studying bacterial molecular biology, including the regulation of gene expression and the histochemical analysis of protein products. Here, two genes, β-1,4-mannanase (manB) from Bacillus pumilus and β-glucuronidase (gusA) from Escherichia coli K12, were cloned into the expression vector pELX1. The expression patterns of these reporter genes in Lactobacillus casei were investigated by measuring their enzymatic activities and estimating their recombinant protein yields using western blot analysis. Whereas mannanase activity was positively correlated with the accumulation of ManB during growth, GusA activity was not; western blot analysis indicated that while the amount of GusA protein increased during later growth stages, GusA activity gradually decreased, indicating that the enzyme was inactive during cell growth. A similar trend was observed in E. coli JM109. We chose to use the more stable mannanase gene as the reporter to test secretion expression in L. casei. Two pELX1-based secretion vectors were constructed: one carried the signal peptide of the unknown secretion protein Usp45 from Lactococcus lactis (pELSH), and the other contained the full-length SlpA protein from the S-layer of L. acidophilus (pELWH). The secretion of ManB was detected in the supernatant of the pELSH-ManB transformants and in the S-layer of the cell surface of the pELWH-ManB transformants. This is the first report demonstrating that the B. pumilus manB gene is a useful reporter gene in L. casei and E.coli.  相似文献   

To develop a direct microbial sugar conversion platform for the production of lipids, drop-in fuels and chemicals from cellulosic biomass substrate, we chose Yarrowia lipolytica as a viable demonstration strain. Y. lipolytica is known to accumulate lipids intracellularly and is capable of metabolizing sugars to produce lipids; however, it lacks the lignocellulose-degrading enzymes needed to break down biomass directly. While research is continuing on the development of a Y. lipolytica strain able to degrade cellulose, in this study, we present successful expression of several xylanases in Y. lipolytica. The XynII and XlnD expressing Yarrowia strains exhibited an ability to grow on xylan mineral plates. This was shown by Congo Red staining of halo zones on xylan mineral plates. Enzymatic activity tests further demonstrated active expression of XynII and XlnD in Y. lipolytica. Furthermore, synergistic action in converting xylan to xylose was observed when XlnD acted in concert with XynII. The successful expression of these xylanases in Yarrowia further advances us toward our goal to develop a direct microbial conversion process using this organism.  相似文献   

巴斯德毕赤酵母表达系统在外源基因表达中的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
巴斯德毕赤酵母是目前应用最广泛的外源蛋白表达系统。分别从的菌株、载体、外源基因整合、表达产物糖基化和外源基因高效表达等方面综述了毕赤酵母表达系统的研究进展。  相似文献   

The cell of the unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae contains a single chloroplast and mitochondrion, the division of which is tightly synchronized by a light/dark cycle. The genome content is extremely simple, with a low level of genetic redundancy, in photosynthetic eukaryotes. In addition, transient transformation and stable transformation by homologous recombination have been reported. However, for molecular genetic analyses of phenomena that are essential for cellular growth and survival, inducible gene expression/suppression systems are needed. Here, we report the development of a heat-shock inducible gene expression system in C. merolae. CMJ101C, encoding a small heat shock protein, is transcribed only when cells are exposed to an elevated temperature. Using a superfolder GFP as a reporter protein, the 200-bp upstream region of CMJ101C orf was determined to be the optimal promoter for heat-shock induction. The optimal temperature to induce expression is 50°C, at which C. merolae cells are able to proliferate. At least a 30-min heat shock is required for the expression of a protein of interest and a 60-min heat shock yields the maximum level of protein expression. After the heat shock, the mRNA level decreases rapidly. As an example of the system, the expression of a dominant negative form of chloroplast division DRP5B protein, which has a mutation in the GTPase domain, was induced. Expression of the dominant negative DRP5B resulted in the appearance of aberrant-shaped cells in which two daughter chloroplasts and the cells are still connected by a small DRP5B positive tube-like structure. This result suggests that the dominant negative DRP5B inhibited the final scission of the chloroplast division site, but not the earlier stages of division site constriction. It is also suggested that cell cycle progression is not arrested by the impairment of chloroplast division at the final stage.  相似文献   

Aquaporins are channel proteins which transport water across cell membranes. We show that the bread wheat aquaporin gene TaTIP2;2 maps to the long arm of chromosome 7b and that its product localizes to the endomembrane system. The gene is expressed constitutively in both the root and the leaf, and is down-regulated by salinity and drought stress. Salinity stress induced an increased level of C-methylation within the CNG trinucleotides in the TaTIP2;2 promoter region. The heterologous expression of TaTIP2;2 in Arabidopsis thaliana compromised its drought and salinity tolerance, suggesting that TaTIP2;2 may be a negative regulator of abiotic stress. The proline content of transgenic A. thaliana plants fell, consistent with the down-regulation of P5CS1, while the expression of SOS1, SOS2, SOS3, CBF3 and DREB2A, which are all stress tolerance-related genes acting in an ABA-independent fashion, was also down-regulated. The supply of exogenous ABA had little effect either on TaTIP2;2 expression in wheat or on the phenotype of transgenic A. thaliana. The expression level of the ABA signalling genes ABI1, ABI2 and ABF3 remained unaltered in the transgenic A. thaliana plants. Thus TaTIP2;2 probably regulates the response to stress via an ABA-independent pathway(s).  相似文献   

We have achieved, to our knowledge, the first high-level heterologous expression of the gene encoding d-ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase from any source, thereby permitting isolation and characterization of the epimerase as found in photosynthetic organisms. The extremely labile recombinant spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) enzyme was stabilized by dl-α-glycerophosphate or ethanol and destabilized by d-ribulose-5-phosphate or 2-mercaptoethanol. Despite this lability, the unprecedentedly high specific activity of the purified material indicates that the structural integrity of the enzyme is maintained throughout isolation. Ethylenediaminetetraacetate and divalent metal cations did not affect epimerase activity, thereby excluding a requirement for the latter in catalysis. As deduced from the sequence of the cloned spinach gene and the electrophoretic mobility under denaturing conditions of the purified recombinant enzyme, its 25-kD subunit size was about the same as that of the corresponding epimerases of yeast and mammals. However, in contrast to these other species, the recombinant spinach enzyme was octameric rather than dimeric, as assessed by gel filtration and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions. Western-blot analyses with antibodies to the purified recombinant enzyme confirmed that the epimerase extracted from spinach leaves is also octameric.As a participant in the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, Ru5P epimerase (EC, which catalyzes the interconversion of Ru5P and Xu5P, is widely distributed throughout nature. Beyond its catabolic role, the epimerase is also vital anabolically to photosynthetic organisms in the regenerative phase of the reductive pentose phosphate pathway (the Calvin cycle). In this capacity, Ru5P epimerase directs Xu5P, formed in two distinct transketolase reactions of the cycle, to Ru5P. Phosphorylation of the latter regenerates d-ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate, the substrate for net CO2 fixation. Because both the oxidative and reductive pentose phosphate pathways coexist in chloroplasts (Schnarrenberger et al., 1995), Ru5P epimerase and R5P isomerase facilitate partitioning of pentose phosphates between the two pathways, as dictated by the metabolic needs and redox status of the cell.Scant structural and mechanistic information about Ru5P epimerase is available despite its inherent importance and dual metabolic roles. This neglect may in part reflect the low natural abundance of the enzyme. For example, achievement of electrophoretic homogeneity required a 2000-fold purification from yeast (Bär et al., 1996) and spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) chloroplasts (Teige et al., 1998) and 9000-fold purification from beef liver (Terada et al., 1985). Although low overall recoveries (<10%) further limited the availability of pure material, molecular sieving and denaturing electrophoresis established that the epimerases from mammals (Wood, 1979; Karmali et al., 1983; Terada et al., 1985) and yeast (Bär et al., 1996) are homodimers of approximately 23-kD subunits, whereas the enzyme from spinach chloroplasts may be an octamer of 23-kD subunits (Teige et al., 1998). DNA-deduced amino acid sequences of Ru5P epimerases from both photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic sources, which confirm this estimated subunit size, show greater than 50% similarities among the most evolutionarily distant species examined (Kusian et al., 1992; Blattner et al., 1993; Falcone and Tabita, 1993; Lyngstadaas et al., 1995; Nowitzki et al., 1995; Teige et al., 1995).Although Ru5P epimerase has very recently been purified from a photosynthetic organism (spinach) for the first time (Teige et al., 1998), the low recovery (100 μg from 3.8 g of soluble chloroplast protein, representing an overall yield of 5%) imposes severe constraints on the directions of future experiments. Furthermore, despite successful cloning of cDNA fragments encoding Ru5P epimerase of several photosynthetic organisms (Kusian et al., 1992; Nowitzki et al., 1995; Teige et al., 1995), to our knowledge high-level heterologous expression and purification of enzymically active recombinant enzyme have not been achieved. Because of our interest in the regulation of photosynthetic carbon assimilation and the requisite need for ample supplies of the participant enzymes for use in mechanistic studies, we have attempted to optimize the heterologous expression of the spinach gene for Ru5P epimerase. In this paper we report cDNA clones that encode the mature chloroplastic enzyme or its cytoplasmic precursor. We also describe an efficient isolation procedure for the mature spinach enzyme synthesized in Escherichia coli and some of the properties of the purified enzyme. Contrasting features of the plant Ru5P epimerase, relative to the animal and yeast counterparts, include an octameric rather than a dimeric structure (also see Teige et al., 1998) and striking instability under routine laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

小麦几丁质酶基因的异种表达及其功能鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
几丁质酶参与植物的发育及防卫反应,并与人类疾病发生有关.文章研究了小麦几丁质酶基因Wch2经根癌农杆菌介导的烟草瞬间表达和转基因拟南芥的稳定表达,Western杂交及酶活测定证实,瞬间表达的小麦几丁质酶分子量约30 kD,具有降解几丁质多聚物的功能;Wch2在转入拟南芥后表达量高,尖孢镰刀菌接种的鉴定表明,表达Wch2的转基因植株的抗病性显著高于表达绿色荧光蛋白的对照植株.这些结果说明Wch2的异种表达,可用于植物抗病基因工程,以增强植物的抗病性.  相似文献   

DNA sequences on X chromosomes often have a faster rate of evolution when compared to similar loci on the autosomes, and well articulated models provide reasons why the X-linked mode of inheritance may be responsible for the faster evolution of X-linked genes. We analyzed microarray and RNA–seq data collected from females and males of six Drosophila species and found that the expression levels of X-linked genes also diverge faster than autosomal gene expression, similar to the “faster-X” effect often observed in DNA sequence evolution. Faster-X evolution of gene expression was recently described in mammals, but it was limited to the evolutionary lineages shortly following the creation of the therian X chromosome. In contrast, we detect a faster-X effect along both deep lineages and those on the tips of the Drosophila phylogeny. In Drosophila males, the dosage compensation complex (DCC) binds the X chromosome, creating a unique chromatin environment that promotes the hyper-expression of X-linked genes. We find that DCC binding, chromatin environment, and breadth of expression are all predictive of the rate of gene expression evolution. In addition, estimates of the intraspecific genetic polymorphism underlying gene expression variation suggest that X-linked expression levels are not under relaxed selective constraints. We therefore hypothesize that the faster-X evolution of gene expression is the result of the adaptive fixation of beneficial mutations at X-linked loci that change expression level in cis. This adaptive faster-X evolution of gene expression is limited to genes that are narrowly expressed in a single tissue, suggesting that relaxed pleiotropic constraints permit a faster response to selection. Finally, we present a conceptional framework to explain faster-X expression evolution, and we use this framework to examine differences in the faster-X effect between Drosophila and mammals.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the heterologous expression of biosynthetic gene clusters in different Streptomyces strains and for the modification of these clusters by single or multiple gene replacements or gene deletions with unprecedented speed and versatility. λ-Red-mediated homologous recombination was used for genetic modification of the gene clusters, and the attachment site and integrase of phage C31 were employed for the integration of these clusters into the heterologous hosts. This method was used to express the gene clusters of the aminocoumarin antibiotics novobiocin and clorobiocin in the well-studied strains Streptomyces coelicolor and Streptomyces lividans, which, in contrast to the natural producers, can be easily genetically manipulated. S. coelicolor M512 derivatives produced the respective antibiotic in yields comparable to those of natural producer strains, whereas S. lividans TK24 derivatives were at least five times less productive. This method could also be used to carry out functional investigations. Shortening of the cosmids' inserts showed which genes are essential for antibiotic production.  相似文献   

Esterases have recurrently been implicated in insecticide resistance in Helicoverpa armigera but little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms. We used a baculovirus system to express 14 of 30 full-length esterase genes so far identified from midgut cDNA libraries of this species. All 14 produced esterase isozymes after native PAGE and the isozymes for seven of them migrated to two regions of the gel previously associated with both organophosphate and pyrethroid resistance in various strains. Thirteen of the enzymes obtained in sufficient yield for further analysis all showed tight binding to organophosphates and low but measurable organophosphate hydrolase activity. However there was no clear difference in activity between the isozymes from regions associated with resistance and those from elsewhere in the zymogram, or between eight of the isozymes from a phylogenetic clade previously associated with resistance in proteomic and quantitative rtPCR experiments and five others not so associated. By contrast, the enzymes differed markedly in their activities against nine pyrethroid isomers and the enzymes with highest activity for the most insecticidal isomers were from regions of the gel and, in some cases, the phylogeny that had previously been associated with pyrethroid resistance. Phospholipase treatment confirmed predictions from sequence analysis that three of the isozymes were GPI anchored. This unusual feature among carboxylesterases has previously been suggested to underpin an association that some authors have noted between esterases and resistance to the Cry1Ac toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis. However these three isozymes did not migrate to the zymogram region previously associated with Cry1Ac resistance.  相似文献   

利用PCR扩增及PCR测序在显微注射法产生的转基因小鼠中发现,整合在小鼠染色体上的肌球蛋白轻链2启动子(myosinlightchain2promoter,MLC2)-糜酶(chymase)外源融合基因存在两种形式,一种为全长的融合基因,另一种在糜酶结构基因的第一内含子中缺失了213bp的序列。RT-PCR结果表明,缺失了部分内含子序列的外源融合基因不能在转基因小鼠心脏中表达.而全长的外源融合基因则能较高水平地表达,竞争性PCR定量实验表明在200ng心脏总RNA反转录产物中约含5.05(±1.38)×106个糜酶cDNA分子。上述结果表明,糜酶结构基因的第一内含子可能对MLC2-糜酶基因的表达具有调控作用。  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested the potential of probiotic organisms to be adapted for the synthesis and delivery of oral therapeutics. The probiotic yeast Saccharomyces boulardii would be especially well suited for this purpose due to its ability, in contrast to probiotic prokaryotes, to perform eukaryotic post translational modifications. This probiotic yeast thus has the potential to express a broad array of therapeutic proteins. Currently, however, use of wild type (WT) S. boulardii relies on antibiotic resistance for the selection of transformed yeast. Here we report the creation of auxotrophic mutant strains of S. boulardii that can be selected without antibiotics and demonstrate that these yeast can express functional recombinant protein even when recovered from gastrointestinal immune tissues in mice. A UV mutagenesis approach was employed to generate three uracil auxotrophic S. boulardii mutants that show a low rate of reversion to wild type growth. These mutants can express recombinant protein and are resistant in vitro to low pH, bile acid salts, and anaerobic conditions. Critically, oral gavage experiments using C57BL/6 mice demonstrate that mutant S. boulardii survive and are taken up into gastrointestinal immune tissues on a similar level as WT S. boulardii. Mutant yeast recovered from gastrointestinal immune tissues furthermore retain expression of functional recombinant protein. These data show that auxotrophic mutant S. boulardii can safely express recombinant protein without antibiotic selection and can deliver recombinant protein to gastrointestinal immune tissues. These auxotrophic mutants of S. boulardii pave the way for future experiments to test the ability of S. boulardii to deliver therapeutics and mediate protection against gastrointestinal disorders.  相似文献   

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