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Schizopygopsis stoliczkai (Cyprinidae, subfamily Schizothoracinae) is one of the major freshwater fishes endemic to the northwestern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. In the current study, we used mitochondrial DNA markers cytochrome b (Cyt b) and 16S rRNA (16S), as well as the nuclear marker, the second intron of the nuclear beta‐actin gene (Act2), to uncover the phylogeography of S. stoliczkai. In total, we obtained 74 haplotypes from 403 mitochondrial concatenated sequences. The mtDNA markers depict the phylogenetic structures of S. stoliczkai, which consist of clade North and clade South. The split time of the two clades is dated back to 4.27 Mya (95% HPD = 1.96–8.20 Mya). The estimated split time is earlier than the beginning of the ice age of Pleistocene (2.60 Mya), suggesting that the northwestern area of the Tibetan Plateau probably contain at least two glacial refugia for S. stoliczkai. SAMOVA supports the formation of four groups: (i) the Karakash River group; (ii) The Lake Pangong group; (iii) the Shiquan River group; (iv) the Southern Basin group. Clade North included Karakash River, Lake Pangong, and Shiquan River groups, while seven populations of clade South share the haplotypes. Genetic diversity, star‐like network, BSP analysis, as well as negative neutrality tests indicate recent expansions events of S. stoliczkai. Conclusively, our results illustrate the phylogeography of S. stoliczkai, implying the Shiquan River is presumably the main refuge for S. stoliczkai.  相似文献   

A 924 bp segment of the mitochondrial control region (d-loop) was sequenced and analyzed in 334 specimens of Sinibrama macrops from 13 sites in Qiantang River Basin, China. Haplotype diversity (h = 0.724 ± 0.063) and nucleotide diversity (π = 0.00263 ± 0.00027) were lowest in Shengzhou population which had been separated from mainstream of Qiantang River Basin by seawater. The results of pairwise Fst values and average genetic distance revealed significant divergence between Shengzhou and other populations. No geographic clustering was observed in haplotype network, suggesting that there were gene flow among populations except Shengzhou. Pairwise mismatch distributions and Tajima's d-test showed demographic history of Shengzhou population was different from others. Base on the analysis of mitochondrial control region, the differentiation of Shengzhou population was considered to be the result of the transgression and regression in the last interglacial period.  相似文献   

Bat rabies is an emerging disease of public health significance in the Americas. The Caribbean island of Trinidad experiences periodic outbreaks within the livestock population. We performed molecular characterisation of Trinidad rabies virus (RABV) and used a Bayesian phylogeographic approach to investigate the extent to which outbreaks are a result of in situ evolution versus importation of virus from the nearby South American mainland. Trinidadian RABV sequences were confirmed as bat variant and clustered with Desmodus rotundus (vampire bat) related sequences. They fell into two largely temporally defined lineages designated Trinidad I and II. The Trinidad I lineage which included sequences from 1997–2000 (all but two of which were from the northeast of the island) was most closely related to RABV from Ecuador (2005, 2007), French Guiana (1990) and Venezuela (1993, 1994). Trinidad II comprised sequences from the southwest of the island, which clustered into two groups: Trinidad IIa, which included one sequence each from 2000 and 2007, and Trinidad IIb including all 2010 sequences. The Trinidad II sequences were most closely related to sequences from Brazil (1999, 2004) and Uruguay (2007, 2008). Phylogeographic analyses support three separate RABV introductions from the mainland from which each of the three Trinidadian lineages arose. The estimated dates for the introductions and subsequent lineage expansions suggest periods of in situ evolution within Trinidad following each introduction. These data also indicate co-circulation of Trinidad lineage I and IIa during 2000. In light of these findings and the likely vampire bat origin of Trinidadian RABV, further studies should be conducted to investigate the relationship between RABV spatiotemporal dynamics and vampire bat population ecology, in particular any movement between the mainland and Trinidad.  相似文献   

Coastal estuaries are useful model systems to study the ecological and evolutionary responses of organisms to highly variable, discontinuous habitats. For this study, the molecular population genetic diversity of the planktonic calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa (Dana, 1849) was described based on DNA sequence variation for a 183 base-pair region of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene. Samples of A. tonsa were collected from four estuaries on the Atlantic coast of the USA during 1993 and 1994, one estuary on the Gulf of Mexico coast in 1994, and one site on the Pacific coast of the USA in 1994. Dispersal of A. tonsa was shown to be restricted, with significant population genetic structuring between different estuaries. For all but the closely-adjacent MA and RI samples, frequencies of haplotypes and/or length polymorphisms within one haplotype (caused by insertion/deletion mutations) revealed highly significant genetic differentiation and geographic isolation. Mt16S haplotypes of A. tonsa from Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico estuaries were assorted among four deeply-diverged clades. Haplotypes within each clade differed by <2%, while differences among clades of 10% to 14% approached those between described Acartia species (e.g., 19% to 28% among A. clausi, A. hudsonica, and A. longiremis). Atlantic and Pacific coast samples identified as A. tonsa had no haplotypes in common and genetic differences between haplotypes ranged from 18% to 29%; phylogenetic analysis supported the separation of Pacific coast A. tonsa as a distinct species. We hypothesize that the observed patterns of molecular genetic diversity and structure of A. tonsa resulted from responses to historical climatic variation, including episodic range compression and displacement, and alteration of NW Atlantic coastal and estuarine environments.  相似文献   

The phylogeographical patterns and population genetic structures of Varicorhinus barbatulus in Taiwan were investigated based on genetic diversity of 34 allozyme loci and nucleotide sequences of 3' end of the cytochrome b gene, tRNA genes, D-loop control region, and the 5' end of the 12S rRNA of mtDNA. Allozyme and mtDNA analyses revealing evident geographical structuring suggest limited gene flow between populations (F(ST)=0.511 and 0.791, respectively). Low genetic variability within populations (P=5.56%; He=0.018) based on allozymes and significantly negative Tajima's D statistics based on mtDNA suggest that most populations in Taiwan may have originated from a small number of founders followed by demographic expansion. The gene genealogy of mtDNA identified six lineages corresponding to major drainages that were separated by the geological barriers due to vicariant events. A minimum spanning network based on nucleotide substitutions reflects divergence from populations of the Miao-li Plateau to northern and southern regions of the island. In contrast to a previous hypothesis that suggests an early invasion to eastern part of Taiwan prior to the lifting of central mountain range some one million years ago, the mtDNA genealogy and molecular dating reveal very recent colonization of the eastern population. Nested clade analyses revealing significant associations between genetic structure and geographical division identify past fragmentation and range expansion as major phylogeographical events that shaped the geographical distribution of this species in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Lin, C.-J., Lin, H.-D., Wang, J.-P., Chao, S.-C. & Chiang, T.-Y. (2007). Phylogeography of Hemibarbus labeo (Cyprinidae): secondary contact of ancient lineages of mtDNA. —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 23–35. Nucleotide sequences of the D-loop control region of mtDNA were used to assess the genetic structure and phylogeography of Hemibarbus labeo in Mainland China and Taiwan. A hierarchical analysis of molecular variance of populations in 11 major streams from three geographical regions revealed significant structuring among populations and geographical regions. High levels of nucleotide diversity (π = 1.88%) and haplotype diversity (h = 96 ± 0.009%) suggest a large effective population size. A maximum likelihood tree based on mtDNA variation identified two ancient mtDNA lineages, which split approximately 3.39 million years ago. Overlapping distribution of the major lineages displayed low correspondence with geographical regions and reflects a scenario of secondary mergence after long isolation. Gene genealogy further revealed a unidirectional migration. Nevertheless, there existed a phylogeographical structure that mostly agreed with a biogeographical hypothesis. That is, within each lineage, a close phylogeny between populations of the River-Campagna and East-Pacific regions was supported by the mtDNA gene genealogy, although monophyly of each geographical region was not supported. The degree of genetic differentiation was correlated with geographical distances between populations, displaying a pattern of ‘isolation by distance’. Gene genealogy of mtDNA revealed that Yangtzejiang population may act as a divergence centre of H. labeo. In addition, Taiwan population was colonized via a recent a founder event, likely from population Yangtzejiang River about 131 000 years before present. Low haplotype number and genetic variability also suggested possible bottleneck events in the Rongjiang and Dazhangjiang populations.  相似文献   

Molecular organization and nucleotide sequences of the 5S rRNA gene and NTS were investigated in freshwater fish, bitterlings (Acheilognathinae), including 10 species/subspecies of four genera, Acheilognathus, Pseudoperilampus, Rhodeus, and Tanakia, to understand the evolutionary trait of 5S rDNA arrays. Southern hybridization analysis revealed a general trend with tandem repeats of 5S rDNA in all the examined bitterlings. Sequence analysis demonstrated a conserved 120 bp sequence of the 5S rRNA gene and a short NTS of 56–67 bp with two distinct portions, a conserved (5′-flanking portion; at positions −1 to −38) and a variable part (3′-flanking portion), in 6 of 10 species/subspecies examined. The conserved NTS region was most likely an external promoter so far observed in various vertebrates, whereas the variable NTS region could be divided into two types due to its nucleotide polymorphisms. Molecular phylogeny using the 5S rRNA gene and NTS sequences suggested the occurrence of 5S rDNA duplication before speciation and a concerted evolution for the gene and conserved NTS regions, but a birth-and-death process to maintain the variable NTS region. Thus, the 5S rDNA in the examined bitterlings might have evolved under a mixed process of evolution.  相似文献   

Fierce predatory freshwater fishes, the species of Percocypris (Cyprinidae, Teleostei) inhabit large rivers or lakes, and have a specific distribution pattern. Only a single species or subspecies occurs in each large-scale drainage basin of the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. In this study, the molecular phylogenetic relationships for all but one of the described subspecies/species of Percocypris were investigated based on three mitochondrial genes (16S; COI; Cyt b) and one nuclear marker (Rag2). The results of Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference analyses show that Percocypris is a strongly supported monophyletic group and that it is the sister group of Schizothorax. Combined with analyses of morphological characters, our results suggest that Percocypris needs to be reclassified, and we propose that six species be recognized, with corresponding distributions in five main drainages (including one lake). In addition, based on the results of the estimation of divergence times and ancestral drainages, we hypothesize that Percocypris likely originated in the early Miocene from a paleo-connected drainage system containing the contemporary main drainages of the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. This study suggests that vicariance (due to the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau modifying the large-scale morphologies of drainage basins in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau) has played an important role in the speciation of the genus. Furthermore, external morphological characters (such as the length of the fins) and an internal trait (the position of pterygiophore) appear to be correlated with different habitats in rivers and the lake.  相似文献   

Sequence variation of a fragment of the mitochondrial DNA encoding for the cytochrome b gene was used to reconstruct the phylogeography of the two species of bleaks occurring in Italy: the alborella Alburnus arborella in northern Italy and the vulturino Alburnus albidus in southern Italy. The study includes four populations of the alborella and 14 populations of the vulturino. A total of 57 haplotypes were identified; these could not be sorted into two reciprocally monophyletic clusters. Multiple phylogenetic methods and nested clade phylogeographical analysis consistently retrieved three well-supported clades, two of which contained both Northern and Southern Italian haplotypes. A third clade is limited to southern Italy. This clade is tentatively assigned to the vulturino. The placement in the same clade of northern and southern Italian haplotypes is explained in light of the introductions of fishes operated from northern to central and southern Italy. The origin of the vulturino dates back to the last two million years. This divergence time estimate identifies the Pleistocene confluences between adjacent river basins along the Adriatic slope of the Italian peninsula and their subsequent isolation as the cause that triggered the diversification of the genus in the area. The existence of a clade endemic to southern Italy supports the recognition of the area as a new peri-Mediterranean ichthyogeographic district, the borders of which correspond to the northern and southern edges of the vulturino range.  相似文献   

Gyrodactylus konovalovi is an ectoparasite on the Amur minnow (Rhynchocypris lagowskii) that is widely distributed in the cold fresh waters of East Asia. In the present study, the phylogeography and demographic history of G. konovalovi and the distribution of its host in the Qinling Mountains are examined. A total of 79 individual parasites was sequenced for a 528 bp region of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 (ND5) gene, and 25 haplotypes were obtained. The substitution rate (dN/dS) was 0.068 and indicated purifying selection. Haplotype diversity (h) and nucleotide diversity (π) varied widely in the Qinling Mountains. Phylogenetic trees based on Bayesian inference (BI), maximum likelihood (ML), and maximum parsimony (MP) methods and network analysis revealed that all haplotypes were consistently well‐supported in three different lineages, indicating a significant geographic distribution pattern. There was a significant positive correlation between genetic differentiation (Fst) and geographic distance. The results of mismatch distribution, neutrality test and Bayesian skyline plot analyses showed that whole populations underwent population contraction during the Pleistocene. Based on the molecular clock calibration, the most common ancestor was estimated to have emerged in the middle Pleistocene. Our study suggests for the first time that a clearly phylogeography of G. konovalovi was shaped by geological events and climate fluctuations, such as orogenesis, drainage capture changes, and vicariance, during the Pleistocene in the Qinling Mountains.  相似文献   

The taxonomy and phylogeny of the Chinese species of the Barbinae (Cypriniformes) has a confusing history. In this study, partial sequences of four mitochondrial genes (cyt b, COI, ND4 and 16S rRNA) from 75 Barbinae species and 38 outgroup species were used to investigate the taxonomy and phylogeny within the Barbinae in China. The monophyly of Neolissochilus, Sikukia and Tor are not supported. Neolissochilus benasi might represent a new genus, and Tor hemispinus and Tor qiaojiensis should be moved into Neolissochilus. Sikukia flavicaudata is not Sikukia species. Puntius paucimaculatus might be a synonym of Puntius semifasciolatus. Puntius semifasciolatus does not belong to Puntius. Onychostoma barbatum might consist of more than one species. Our molecular results corroborate that Acrossocheilus stenotaeniatus is a synonym of Acrossocheilus longipinnis. Finally, Barbonymus gonionotus from Menglun, Yunnan should be Poropuntius huangchuchieni.  相似文献   

Indigenous Chinese goat mtDNA is highly diverse but lacks geographic specificity; however, whether gene flow or gene exchange contributed to this remains unknown. We reanalyzed a consensus fragment of 481 bp in the D-loop region from 339 individuals. The network and neighbor-joining tree revealed three divergent maternal haplogroups (A, B1, and B2) in 17 local breeds. Although high polymorphism resulting in 198 different haplotypes was observed (h = 0.984 ± 0.002; π = 0.0336 ± 0.0008), neither the distribution of haplotypes nor PCA analysis revealed any obvious geographic structure in the local breeds. Extensive gene flow was widely detected among breeds from southwest China. High levels of gene exchange were detected between Qianbei Brown goats and the other breeds, indicating either more contribution or introgression to their gene pools. This study will be helpful in understanding the phylogeography and gene flow among the goat breeds of southwest China.  相似文献   

Rusty-necklaced partridges (Alectoris magna) are found in Qinghai, Ningxia and Gansu provinces of northwestern China, distributed in mountainous areas that were heavily affected by cyclical climate changes throughout the Pleistocene. We investigated the potential impact of Pleistocene range shifts on phylogeographic patterns using 458 nucleotides of mitochondrial control-region from 102 individuals sampled from 10 populations across the current range. We found 31 haplotypes defined by 33 polymorphic positions. Phylogenetic analyses revealed two robustly supported clades, one corresponding to the Chaidamu Basin and the other including all individuals from all other populations. At the population level we also found significant evidence of differentiation. The phylogeographic structure of the rusty-necklaced partridge is consistent with the "phylogenetic discontinuity, spatial separation" pattern outlined by Avise et al. [Avise, J.C., Arnold, J., Ball, R.M., Bermingham, E., Lamb, T., Niegel, J.E., Reeb, C.A., Saunders, N.C., 1987. Intraspecific phylogeography: the mitochondrial DNA bridge between population genetics and systematics. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 18, 489-522].  相似文献   

Compared to the striking diversification and levels of endemism observed in many terrestrial groups within the Hawaiian Archipelago, marine invertebrates exhibit remarkably lower rates of endemism and diversification. Supralittoral invertebrates restricted to specific coastal patchy habitats, however, have the potential for high levels of allopatric diversification. This is the case of Ligia isopods endemic to the Hawaiian Archipelago, which most likely arose from a rocky supralittoral ancestor that colonized the archipelago via rafting, and diversified into rocky supralittoral and inland lineages. A previous study on populations of this isopod from Oʻahu and Kauaʻi revealed high levels of allopatric differentiation, and suggested inter-island historical dispersal events have been rare. To gain a better understanding on the diversity and evolution of this group, we expanded prior phylogeographic work by incorporating populations from unsampled main Hawaiian Islands (Maui, Molokaʻi, Lanaʻi, and Hawaiʻi), increasing the number of gene markers (four mitochondrial and two nuclear genes), and conducting Maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses. Our study revealed new lineages and expanded the distribution range of several lineages. The phylogeographic patterns of Ligia in the study area are complex, with Hawaiʻi, Oʻahu, and the Maui-Nui islands sharing major lineages, implying multiple inter-island historical dispersal events. In contrast, the oldest and most geographically distant of the major islands (Kauaʻi) shares no lineages with the other islands. Our results did not support the monophyly of all the supralittoral lineages (currently grouped into L. hawaiensis), or the monophyly of the terrestrial lineages (currently grouped into L. perkinsi), implying more than one evolutionary transition between coastal and inland forms. Geometric-morphometric analyses of three supralittoral clades revealed significant body shape differences among them. A taxonomic revision of Hawaiian Ligia is warranted. Our results are relevant for the protection of biodiversity found in an environment subject to high pressure from disturbances.  相似文献   



Understanding the evolutionary origin and the phylogeographic patterns of asexual taxa can shed light on the origin and maintenance of sexual reproduction. We assessed the geographic origin, genetic diversity, and phylogeographic history of obligate parthenogen diploid Artemia parthenogenetica populations, a widespread halophilic crustacean.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We analysed a partial sequence of the Cytochrome c Oxidase Subunit I mitochondrial gene from an extensive set of localities (including Eurasia, Africa, and Australia), and examined their phylogeographic patterns and the phylogenetic relationships of diploid A. parthenogenetica and its closest sexual relatives. Populations displayed an extremely low level of mitochondrial genetic diversity, with one widespread haplotype shared by over 79% of individuals analysed. Phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses indicated a multiple and recent evolutionary origin of diploid A. parthenogenetica, and strongly suggested that the geographic origin of parthenogenesis in Artemia was in Central Asia. Our results indicate that the maternal sexual ancestors of diploid A. parthenogenetica were an undescribed species from Kazakhstan and A. urmiana.


We found evidence for multiple origin of parthenogenesis in Central Asia. Our results indicated that, shortly after its origin, diploid A. parthenogenetica populations underwent a rapid range expansion from Central Asia towards the Mediterranean region, and probably to the rest of its current geographic distribution. This contrasts with the restricted geographic distribution, strong genetic structure, and regional endemism of sexual Artemia lineages and other passively dispersed sexual continental aquatic invertebrates. We hypothesize that diploid parthenogens might have reached their current distribution in historical times, with a range expansion possibly facilitated by an increased availability of suitable habitat provided by anthropogenic activities, such as the spread of solar saltworks, aided by their natural dispersal vectors (i.e., waterbirds).  相似文献   

猪科的系统发育与系统地理分化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
猪科动物是最为昌盛的哺乳动物之一,但它们的分类及系统发育关系却尚待解决。为此,用PCR直接测序法测定了一个红河猪(Potamochoerusporcus)、一个马来西亚野猪(Susbarbatus)以及数头欧亚野猪(Susscorfa)线粒体细胞色素b全序列1140bp。结合从GenBank中获得的其他猪科物种胞色素b序列,用邻接法和最大简约法构建了猪科物种的系统发育关系,其结果显示苏拉威西鹿猪与其他猪科物种为姐妹群的关系。非洲物种疣猪和河猪聚为一枝,而欧亚猪属物种聚为另一支。各物种在系统发育关系中的位置与它们的地理分布对应。猪属物种可以被划分为3个种组:分布于菲律宾群岛、苏拉威西岛及其邻近岛屿的猪属物种形成一个种组,包括苏拉威西岛疣猪、菲律宾疣猪和印度尼西亚疣猪;欧亚野猪种组,包括欧亚野猪和姬猪;须猪和爪哇疣猪形成一个种组。  相似文献   

Cathepsin L family, an important cysteine protease found in lysosomes, is categorized into cathepsins B, F, H, K, L, S, and W in vertebrates. This categorization is based on their sequence alignment and traditional functional classification, but the evolutionary relationship of family members is unclear. This study determined the evolutionary relationship of cathepsin L family genes in vertebrates through phylogenetic construction. Results showed that cathepsins F, H, S and K, and L and V were chronologically diverged. Tandem-repeat duplication was found to occur in the evolutionary history of cathepsin L family. Cathepsin L in zebrafish, cathepsins S and K in xenopus, and cathepsin L in mice and rats underwent evident tandem-repeat events. Positive selection was detected in cathepsin L-like members in mice and rats, and amino acid sites under positive selection pressure were calculated. Most of these sites appeared at the connection of secondary structures, suggesting that the sites may slightly change spatial structure. Severe positive selection was also observed in cathepsin V (L2) of primates, indicating that this enzyme had some special functions. Our work provided a brief evolutionary history of cathepsin L family and differentiated cathepsins S and K from cathepsin L based on vertebrate appearance. Positive selection was the specific cause of differentiation of cathepsin L family genes, confirming that gene function variation after expansion events was related to interactions with the environment and adaptability.  相似文献   

Investigating the phylogenetic relationships within physiologically essential gene families across a broad range of taxa can reveal the key gene duplication events underlying their family expansion and is thus important to functional genomics studies. P-Type II ATPases represent a large family of ATP powered transporters that move ions across cellular membranes and includes Na+/K+ transporters, H+/K+ transporters, and plasma membrane Ca2+ pumps. Here, we examine the evolutionary history of one such transporter, the Sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA), which maintains calcium homeostasis in the cell by actively pumping Ca2+ into the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum. Our protein-based phylogenetic analyses across Eukaryotes revealed two monophyletic clades of SERCA proteins, one containing animals, fungi, and plants, and the other consisting of plants and protists. Our analyses suggest that the three known SERCA proteins in vertebrates arose through two major gene duplication events after the divergence from tunicates, but before the separation of fishes and tetrapods. In plants, we recovered two SERCA clades, one being the sister group to Metazoa and the other to Apicomplexa clade, suggesting an ancient duplication in an early eukaryotic ancestor, followed by subsequent loss of one copy in Opisthokonta, the other in protists, and retention of both in plants. We also report relatively recent and independent gene duplication events within invertebrate taxa including tunicates and the leech Helobdella robusta. Thus, it appears that both ancient and recent gene duplication events have played an important role in the evolution of this ubiquitous gene family across the eukaryotic domain.  相似文献   

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