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Genetic and molecular genetic analysis of a lethal root mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana was carried out. The mutant was obtained from a collection created earlier by means of insertion mutagenesis. The mutation was found to be recessive. It was caused by an insertion of the T region of vector pLD3 used for transformation of germinating seeds when creating the collection of insertion mutants. A 118-bp DNA fragment flanking the left border of the insertion was isolated using the TAIL PCR technique, and its nucleotide sequence was determined. Computer analysis of this DNA region demonstrated that it was located in exon 32 of the YUP8H12R.44 gene in chromosome 1.  相似文献   

We report the cloning and characterization of an Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (Columbia ecotype) ferredoxin gene (Fed A). Sequence analysis of a genomic clone shows an intron-free, 444-base pair open reading frame which encodes a 96 amino acid mature ferredoxin polypeptide preceded by a 52 amino acid transit peptide. Comparison with other plant ferredoxin proteins suggests that Fed A encodes a leaf ferredoxin. Genomic Southern blot analysis indicates the presence of a second, weakly related gene, consistent with other reports of at least two ferredoxins in plants. The Fed A gene promoter contains two regions, ACGCCACGTGGTAGATAGGATT (G-I box) and CCACGCCATTTCCACAAGC (CCAC box), which are strongly conserved in both sequence and position between the Arabidopsis and pea ferredoxin genes. Similarities with other better characterized plant promoter elements are also discussed.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, functionally diverse small RNA (smRNA) pathways bring about decreased RNA accumulation of target genes via several different mechanisms. Cytological experiments have suggested that the processing of microRNAs (miRNAs) and heterochromatic small interfering RNAs (hc-siRNAs) occurs within a specific nuclear domain that can present Cajal Body (CB) characteristics. It is unclear whether single or multiple smRNA-related domains are found within the same CB and how specialization of the smRNA pathways is determined within this specific sub-compartment. To ascertain whether nuclear smRNA centers are spatially related, we localized key proteins required for siRNA or miRNA biogenesis by immunofluorescence analysis. The intranuclear distribution of the proteins revealed that hc-siRNA, miRNA and trans-acting siRNA (ta-siRNA) pathway proteins accumulate and colocalize within a sub-nuclear structure in the nucleolar periphery. Furthermore, colocalization of miRNA- and siRNA-pathway members with CB markers, and reduced wild-type localization patterns in CB mutants indicates that proper nuclear localization of these proteins requires CB integrity. We hypothesize that these nuclear domains could be important for RNA silencing and may partially explain the functional redundancies and interactions among components of the same protein family. The CB may be the place in the nucleus where Dicer-generated smRNA precursors are processed and assigned to a specific pathway, and where storage, recycling or assembly of RNA interference components takes place.  相似文献   

The calcium binding protein, calmodulin Is involved in regulating various cellular and biochemical processes. A gene tor calmodulin (CaM) has been Isolated from a genomic library of Arabidopsis thaliana constructed in ; EMBL-4 using a heterologous cDNA probe from electric eel. One of the positive clones was characterized and the region containing the calmodulin gene sequences was Identified, excised using appropriate restriction enzymes and subcloned Into a plasmid vector. The genomic clone contains a complete copy of the calmodulin gene. A comparison of the nucleotide sequence of the part of the clone with those of the other plant and animal systems confirms that the clone In fact contains the calmodulin gene sequences. Southern hybridization ulling the calmodulin gene sequences as a probe reveals the presence of more than one copy of the calmodulin gene. The results of this investigation taken together with those Iff the other. indicate that the calmodulin gene belongs to a small mutigene family consisting of atieast four member. In the Arabidopsis genome.  相似文献   

In higher plants, shoots show negative gravitropism and rootsshow positive gravitropism. To elucidate the molecular mechanismsof root and hypocotyl gravitropism, we segregated the secondmutation from the original phyB-1 mutant line which impairedboth root and hypocotyl gravitropism and characterized thisnovel mutation named rhg (for root and hyzypocotyl gravitropism).The rhg is a single recessive nuclear mutation and it is mappedon the lower part of the chromosome 1. Analyses on the gravitropicresponses of the rhg mutant indicate that root and hypocotylgravitropism are severely impaired but inflorescence stem gravitropismis not affected by the rhg mutation. In the rhg mutant seedlings,amyloplasts (statoliths for gravity-perception) were presentin the presumptive statocytes of roots and hypocotyls. Phototropismby roots and hypocotyls was not impaired in the rhg mutant.These results suggest that the RHG gene product probably actson the gravity-perception and/or the gravity-signal transductionin root and hypocotyl gravitropism. This is the first reportabout the genetic locus specifically involved in both root andhypocotyl gravitropism but not inflorescence stem gravitropism,supporting our hypothesis that the mechanisms of gravitropismare genetically different between hypocotyls and inflorescencestems. (Received March 11, 1997; Accepted April 17, 1997)  相似文献   

通过EMS诱变、背景纯化与遗传分析,从拟南芥突变群体中分离到一株单隐性核位点控制的雄性部分不育突变体pms15-16-2-3.细胞学观察表明,突变体在花药发育的过程中,中层细胞延迟降解,绒毡层细胞形态分化异常,出现异常的四分体,导致最终只能形成少量的花粉.利用图位克隆的方法对该基因进行了定位,结果表明PMSl5-16-2.3基因位于拟南芥第3条染色体BAC克隆T24C20 上的28 kb区间内.目前该区间内尚未见到控制小孢子发育基因的报道,因此该基因是一个控制小孢子发育的新基因.本研究结果对同的基因的克隆及其在化粉发育中的功能研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

cDNA and genomic clones encoding DNA topoisomerase I were isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana λgt11 and λFix libraries by low stringency hybridization with a Saccharomyces cerevisiae TOP1 probe. The cDNA clones include a 2748-base pair open reading frame predicting an amino acid sequence that is highly homologous to sequences encoded by TOP1 from yeast and human sources. The sequence of the upstream genomic region reveals two putative TATA-like elements and a purine-rich region, but no other obvious controlling elements. Southern blot analysis shows that the gene is present as a single copy in the Arabidopsis genome. When expressed in a S. cerevisiae top1 mutant under the control of the GAL1 promoter, the gene complements the phenotype caused by loss of topoisomerase activity and directs the expression of a protein that cross-reacts with a human anti-topoisomerase I antibody.  相似文献   

Cytosine methylation at symmetrical CpG and CpNpG sequences plays a key role in the epigenetic control of plant growth and development; yet, the way by which the methylation signal is interpreted into a functional state has not been elucidated. In animals, the methylation signal is recognized by methyl-CpG-binding domain (MBD) proteins that specifically bind methylated CpG dinucleotides. In Arabidopsis thaliana, 12 putative MBD proteins were identified and classified into seven subclasses. Here, we characterized six MBD proteins representing four subclasses (II, III, IV, and VI) of the Arabidopsis MBD family. We found that AtMBD7 (subclass VI), a unique protein containing a double MBD motif, as well as AtMBD5 and AtMBD6 (subclass IV), bind specifically symmetrically methylated CpG sites. The MBD motif derived from AtMBD6, but not from AtMBD2, was sufficient for binding methylated CpG dinucleotides. AtMBD6 precipitated histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity from the leaf nuclear extract. The examined AtMBD proteins neither bound methylated CpNpG sequences nor did they display DNA demethylase activity. Our results suggest that AtMBD5, AtMBD6, and AtMBD7 are likely to function in Arabidopsis plants as mediators of the CpG methylation, linking DNA methylation-induced gene silencing with histone deacetylation.  相似文献   

Centromere protein C (CENP-C) is a component of the kinetochore essential for correct segregation of sister chromatids in mammals. In Arabidopsis thaliana, a single-copy gene encoding a protein homologous to CENP-C has been found by homology in the whole-genome sequence. To investigate the CENP-C homolog (AtCENP-C), we cloned cDNAs by RT-PCR and determined its full-length coding sequence. Antibodies against the synthetic peptide for the C-terminal residues of AtCENP-C detected a polypeptide in Arabidopsis cell extracts on western blots. Immunofluorescence labeling with the antibodies and fluorescence in situ hybridization demonstrated clearly that AtCENP-C is present at the centromeric regions throughout the cell cycle.  相似文献   

采用PCR及RT-PCR法分别克隆了拟南芥SDIR1基因的DNA和cDNA序列。根据序列比对分析结果,发现了3种不同的转录本,提示SDIR1基因的转录中存在选择性剪接。3种转录本的长度分别为822bp、691bp和666bp,依次命名为:SDIR1-822、SDIR1-691、SDIR1-666。与SDIR1基因的DNA序列及已报道的SDIR1cDNA序列比较,除转录本SDIR1-822包含了完整的编码序列外,其余2种转录本的编码序列都存在不同长度的缺失。其中,SDIR1-691缺失了131bp的片段:第2外显子3′端缺失33bp,第3外显子53bp全部缺失,第4外显子5′端缺失45bp;转录本SDIR1-666缺失了156bp的片段:第3外显子3′端缺失18bp,第4外显子5′端缺失138bp。进而随机挑取101个克隆子对三种转录本的表达比例进行初步分析,结果表明3种分子的比值为SDIR1-822:SDIR1-691:SDIR1-666=26.00:1.33:1.00,反映出SDIR1基因不同转录本在拟南芥中的相对表达量。  相似文献   

向光素PHOT1和PHOT2感受蓝光刺激后发生自磷酸化激活, 调节植物气孔开放、叶绿体运动、叶片伸展和定位以及向光性(包括根的负向光性和下胚轴的向光性)等多种适应性反应。拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana) NRL (NPH3/RPT2-Like)家族成员在向光素介导的信号途径中发挥重要作用, 其中NPH3特异调控下胚轴的向光性以及叶片的伸展与定位, RPT2参与调节植物向光性、叶片的伸展与定位以及叶绿体聚光反应等。NCH1是新发现的NRL家族成员, 与RPT2以功能冗余的方式调节叶绿体的聚光反应, 但不调节避光反应。该文主要综述了NRL蛋白家族成员在向光素介导蓝光信号通路中的作用, 并展望了未来的研究方向, 旨在为全面揭示NRL家族成员的功能提供线索。  相似文献   

Gene targeting in Arabidopsis thaliana.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Gene targeting of a chromosomally integrated transgene in Arabidopsis thaliana is reported. A chimeric gene consisting of the promoter of the 35S RNA of CaMV, the polyadenylation signal of the octopine synthase gene and the coding region of the bacterial hygromycin phosphotransferase gene (hpt), which was rendered non-functional by deletion of 19 bp, was introduced into the genome of A. thaliana using Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. A total of 3.46 x 108 protoplasts isolated from 17 independent transgenic Arabidopsis lines harbouring the defective chimeric hpt gene were transformed via direct gene transfer using various DNA forms containing only the intact coding region of the hpt gene. Out of 150 hygromycin-resistant colonies appearing in the course of these experiments, four were the result of targeted recombination of the incoming DNA with the defective chromosomal locus as revealed by PCR and Southern blot analysis. Comparison with the number of transformants obtained when an hpt gene controlled by a promoter and terminator from the nopaline synthase gene was employed results in a maximal ratio of homologous to non-homologous transformation in A. thaliana of 1 x 10–4.  相似文献   

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