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According to the European Bird Directive (Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds), particular efforts must be made to preserve the Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta helvetica) and its habitats. Protection and management of this species require basic knowledge of the current status of each of its populations. Within the Austrian distribution range of Rock Ptarmigan, only two study sites from the inner parts of the Alps have been investigated and no data on the most eastern pre-alpine populations are available. In the present study, we conducted simultaneous counts of calling Rock Ptarmigan cocks and recorded calling activities. We calculated spring densities for alpine and pre-alpine study areas and compared them. Spring densities for different habitat types in one study area were observed and compared. Spring densities and calling activities differed between study sites, even within the most eastern border of distribution. Generally, spring densities seem to be higher in alpine habitats than in pre-alpine study sites. In one alpine study area, the highest spring densities were found for habitat patches with a heterogeneous mixture of rocky surface and dwarf pine.  相似文献   

Summary The foraging behaviour of the Alpine Chough was studied around Cervinia (Aosta, Italy) in June and July 1989 and 1990. The birds foraging in loose flocks (of mean size 32.4) which flew to new foraging patches at very frequent intervals (median stay time 74.5 s in 1989 and 75.0 s in 1990). The Choughs' peck rates declined significantly through the summer, from around 17 items per min in mid-June to around 9 per min in late July. Examination of faeces and regurgitated pellets showed that the most common food items were Orthoptera (grasshoppers) which occurred in 83 % of samples, Coleoptera Curculionidae (55 %) and Elateridae (27 %), invertebrate eggs (26 %), Lepidopteran larvae (24 %), Hymenoptera Formicidae (18 %) and vegetable matter (18 %). Grasshoppers remained very small until mid-July and varied greatly in size and density between different parts of the study area. The Choughs' very short stay time in any one patch of meadow is consistent with their high intake rates and apparently low costs of movement between feeding sites, but they may also be sampling in a highly variable environment.
Zusammenfassung Die Nahrungssuche von AlpendohlenPyrrhocorax graculus wurde im Juni und Juli 1989 und 1990 in der Umgebung von Cervinia (Aosta, Italien) untersucht. Die Vögel bewegten sich in losen Gruppen (mittlere Gruppengröße 32,3) und wechselten in regelmäßigen Intervallen zu neuen Futterplätzen (Median der Aufenthaltsdauer 74,5 s 1989 und 75,0 s 1990). Die Pickraten der Alpendohlen nahmen im Lauf des Sommers signifikant von ca. 17 Objekten (Mitte Juni) auf 9 pro min (Ende Juli) ab. Untersuchungen von Kot, Gewöllen und einem Magen erbrachten als häufigste Nahrungsbestandteile Geradflügler (wahrscheinlich Heuschrecken) in 83 % der Proben, Käfer Curculionidae (55 %) und Elateridae (27 %), Eier von Wirbellosen (26 %), Schmetterlingslarven (24 %), Ameisen (18 %) und pflanzliches Material (18 %). Heuschrecken blieben bis Mitte Juli sehr klein und unterschieden sich in verschiedenen Teilen des Untersuchungsgebietes beträchtlich in Größe und Dichte. Die sehr kurze Aufenthaltsdauer der Alpendohlen an allen Futterplätzen stimmt mit ihren hohen Nahrungsaufnahmeraten und den offensichtlich niedrigen Kosten für Ortsveränderungen zwischen den Plätzen überein; es ist aber ebensogut möglich, daß die Beutedichte in den genutzten Gebieten sehr variabel ist.

Summary Eight radio-tagged Alpine Choughs were tracked around Cervinia (Aosta, Italy) in summer 1989 and 1990. Range size varied from 7.1 to 16.7 km2. All of the birds used both alpine meadows and high mountain cliffs but spent on average only 10 % of their foraging time around human developments. Two of the birds in 1989 made regular journeys between meadows and cliffs, taking on average 15.1 min for the journey, spending 24–29 min on the cliffs, 2.9 min on the return crossing and 36–41 min foraging on meadows with other birds, an average round trip of 73–80 min. The birds marked in 1990 visited the cliffs at irregular intervals but the mean times they spent in the two habitats were similar to those measured in 1989 (cliffs, 28.2 min, meadows, 47.5 min). Throughout the study period, the Choughs were largely dependent on alpine meadows, so that any loss or damage to these would be detrimental. Use of an area of meadow was reduced in 1990 compared to 1989 following extensive ski development there. The birds obtained very little compensatory benefits from human developments, at least in July.
Zusammenfassung Acht Alpendohlen wurden in den Sommern 1989 und 1990 in der Umgebung von Cervinia (Aosta, Italien) telemetriert, um zu untersuchen, in welchem Maße sie menschliche Siedlungen nutzen und inwieweit sie durch weitere Ausdehnung von Skisportanlagen beeinflußt würden. Die Aktionsräume waren zwischen 7,1 und 16,7 km2 groß. Alle Vögel nutzten sowohl alpine Matten wie auch die Felsregion, verbrachten aber durchschnittlich nur 10,1 % der Nahrungssuche in der Umgebung von menschlichen Bauwerken. 1989 wechselten zwei Vögel regelmäßig zwischen Matten und Felsen, wobei sie im Durchschnitt 15,1 min auf dem Weg zu, 24 bis 29 min an den Felsen, 2,9 min auf dem Rückweg verbrachten und zwischen 36 und 41 min auf den Matten nach Nahrung suchten. Eine vollständige Rundreise dauerte somit 73 bis 80 min. Die Bewegungen der beiden Alpendohlen waren nicht signifikant synchronisiert. Die 1990 markierten Vögel besuchten die Felsen in unregelmäßigen Zeitabständen, doch die mittlere Aufenthaltsdauer in den beiden Habitaten war der 1989 gemessenen ähnlich (Felsen 28,2 min, Matten 47,5 min). Die Alpendohlen waren während der gesamten Untersuchungszeit in hohem Maß von alpinen Matten abhängig. Die Nutzung eines Mattengebietes war 1990 gegenüber 1989 wegen umfassender Entwicklung von Skisportanlagen eingeschränkt. Die Vögel gewannen zumindest im Juli kaum ausgleichenden Ersatz durch menschliche Entwicklungsmaßnahmen.

Meteorological and climatic processes in mountain regions play a key role in many environmental systems, in particular the quantity and quality of water that influences both aquatic ecosystems and economic systems often far beyond the boundaries of the mountains themselves. This paper will provide a general overview of some of the particular characteristics of mountain weather and climate, to highlight some of the unique atmospheric features that are associated with regions of complex topography. The second part of the paper will focus upon characteristics of climate and climatic change in the European Alps, a region with a wealth of high quality data that allows an assessment on how climate and dependent environmental systems have evolved in the course of the 20th century and how alpine climate may undergo further changes to “global warming” in the 21st century, as the atmosphere responds to increasing levels of greenhouse gases that are expected in coming decades.  相似文献   

Perilli  Selene  Pastorino  Paolo  Bertoli  Marco  Salvi  Gianguido  Franz  Filippo  Prearo  Marino  Pizzul  Elisabetta 《Hydrobiologia》2020,847(13):2977-2977
Hydrobiologia - Due to an unfortunate turn of events, some given names and family names were transposed in the original publication. The proper representation of the authors’ names and their...  相似文献   

In this 3 years study (2006–2009), we described the space-use and social patterns exhibited by a group of adult male Alpine ibex relocated into the colony of the Marmolada massif (eastern Italian Alps). Our aim was to analyse the post-release behaviour of translocated Alpine ibexes in comparison with resident males, in order to test the short-term success of the restocking, provide some insight on the duration of the adaptation process and furnish some indications for future restocking programs. None of the translocated males abandoned the colony; however, their integration into the colony was a slow and complex process. The released ibexes needed 1 or even 2 years to conclude explorative movements, settle down to home ranges comparable in size to those of resident males and fully associate with them. Individual heterogeneity in behaviour played an important role in the length of the adaptation process. These results highlight the importance of conducting a long-term monitoring program after restocking intervention and suggest the need of behavioural studies to improve knowledge on the process of integration of ibexes in a new colony.  相似文献   

The relationship between climate change and the macroeconomy in pre-industrial Europe has attracted considerable attention in recent years. This study follows the combined paradigms of evolutionary economics and ecological economics, in which wavelet analysis (spectrum analysis and coherence analysis) is applied as the first attempt to examine the relationship between climate change and the macroeconomic structure in pre-industrial Europe in the frequency domain. Aside from confirming previous results, this study aims to further substantiate the association between climate change and macroeconomy by presenting new evidence obtained from the wavelet analysis. Our spectrum analysis shows a consistent and continuous frequency band of 60–80 years in the temperature, grain yield ratio, grain price, consumer price index, and real wage throughout the study period. Besides, coherence analysis shows that the macroeconomic structure is shaped more by climate change than population change. In addition, temperature is proven as a key climatic factor that influences the macroeconomic structure. The analysis reveals a unique frequency band of about 20 years (15–35 years) in the temperature in AD1600-1700, which could have contributed to the widespread economic crisis in pre-industrial Europe. Our findings may have indications in re-examining the Malthusian theory.  相似文献   

Sagebrush steppe and lodgepole pine forests are two of the most widespread vegetation types in the western United States and they play crucial roles in the hydrologic cycle of these water-limited regions. We used a process-based ecosystem water model to characterize the potential impact of climate change and disturbance (wildfire and beetle mortality) on water cycling in adjacent sagebrush and lodgepole pine ecosystems. Despite similar climatic and topographic conditions between these ecosystems at the sites examined, lodgepole pine, and sagebrush exhibited consistent differences in water balance, notably more evaporation and drier summer soils in the sagebrush and greater transpiration and less water yield in lodgepole pine. Canopy disturbances (either fire or beetle) have dramatic impacts on water balance and availability: reducing transpiration while increasing evaporation and water yield. Results suggest that climate change may reduce snowpack, increase evaporation and transpiration, and lengthen the duration of dry soil conditions in the summer, but may have uncertain effects on drainage. Changes in the distribution of sagebrush and lodgepole pine ecosystems as a consequence of climate change and/or altered disturbance regimes will likely alter ecosystem water balance.  相似文献   

Land use and climate change occur simultaneously around the globe. Fully understanding their separate and combined effects requires a mechanistic understanding at the local scale where their effects are ultimately realized. Here we applied an individual-based model of fish population dynamics to evaluate the role of local stream variability in modifying responses of Coastal Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) to scenarios simulating identical changes in temperature and stream flows linked to forest harvest, climate change, and their combined effects over six decades. We parameterized the model for four neighboring streams located in a forested headwater catchment in northwestern Oregon, USA with multi-year, daily measurements of stream temperature, flow, and turbidity (2007–2011), and field measurements of both instream habitat structure and three years of annual trout population estimates. Model simulations revealed that variability in habitat conditions among streams (depth, available habitat) mediated the effects of forest harvest and climate change. Net effects for most simulated trout responses were different from or less than the sum of their separate scenarios. In some cases, forest harvest countered the effects of climate change through increased summer flow. Climate change most strongly influenced trout (earlier fry emergence, reductions in biomass of older trout, increased biomass of young-of-year), but these changes did not consistently translate into reductions in biomass over time. Forest harvest, in contrast, produced fewer and less consistent responses in trout. Earlier fry emergence driven by climate change was the most consistent simulated response, whereas survival, growth, and biomass were inconsistent. Overall our findings indicate a host of local processes can strongly influence how populations respond to broad scale effects of land use and climate change.  相似文献   

Wild edible plants, ecological foodstuffs obtained from forest ecosystems, grow in natural fields, and their productivity depends on their response to harvesting by humans. Addressing exactly how wild edible plants respond to harvesting is critical because this knowledge will provide insights into how to obtain effective and sustainable ecosystem services from these plants. We focused on bamboo shoots of Sasa kurilensis, a popular wild edible plant in Japan. We examined the effects of harvesting on bamboo shoot productivity by conducting an experimental manipulation of bamboo shoot harvesting. Twenty experimental plots were prepared in the Teshio Experimental Forest of Hokkaido University and were assigned into two groups: a harvest treatment, in which newly emerged edible bamboo shoots were harvested (n = 10); and a control treatment, in which bamboo shoots were maintained without harvesting (n = 10). In the first year of harvesting (2013), bamboo shoot productivities were examined twice; i.e., the productivity one day after harvesting and the subsequent post-harvest productivity (2–46 days after harvesting), and we observed no difference in productivity between treatments. This means that there was no difference in original bamboo shoot productivity between treatments, and that harvesting did not influence productivity in the initial year. In contrast, in the following year (2014), the number of bamboo shoots in the harvested plots was 2.4-fold greater than in the control plots. These results indicate that over-compensatory growth occurred in the harvested plots in the year following harvesting. Whereas previous research has emphasized the negative impact of harvesting, this study provides the first experimental evidence that harvesting can enhance the productivity of a wild edible plant. This suggests that exploiting compensatory growth, which really amounts to less of a decline in productivity, may be s a key for the effective use of wild edible plants.  相似文献   



Predicting which species are likely to go extinct is perhaps one of the most fundamental yet challenging tasks for conservation biologists. This is particularly relevant for freshwater ecosystems which tend to have the highest proportion of species threatened with extinction. According to metapopulation theories, local extinction and colonization rates of freshwater subpopulations can depend on the degree of regional occupancy, notably due to rescue effects. However, relationships between extinction, colonization, regional occupancy and the spatial scales at which they operate are currently poorly known.


And Findings: We used a large dataset of freshwater fish annual censuses in 325 stream reaches to analyse how annual extinction/colonization rates of subpopulations depend on the regional occupancy of species. For this purpose, we modelled the regional occupancy of 34 fish species over the whole French river network and we tested how extinction/colonization rates could be predicted by regional occupancy described at five nested spatial scales. Results show that extinction and colonization rates depend on regional occupancy, revealing existence a rescue effect. We also find that these effects are scale dependent and their absolute contribution to colonization and extinction tends to decrease from river section to larger basin scales.


In terms of management, we show that regional occupancy quantification allows the evaluation of local species extinction/colonization dynamics and reduction of local extinction risks for freshwater fish species implies the preservation of suitable habitats at both local and drainage basin scales.  相似文献   

Most ecologists believe that climate change poses a significant threat to the persistence of native species. However, in some areas climate change may reduce or eliminate non-native invasive species, creating opportunities for restoration. If invasive species are no longer suited to novel climate conditions, the native communities that they replaced may not be viable either. If neither invasive nor native species are climatically viable, a type of "transformative" restoration will be required, involving the translocation of novel species that can survive and reproduce under new climate conditions. Here, we illustrate one approach for restoration planning by using bioclimatic envelope modeling to identify restoration opportunities in the western United States, where the invasive plant cheatgrass ( Bromus tectorum ) is no longer climatically viable under 2100 conditions projected by the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL2.1) coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model. We then select one example of a restoration target area and identify novel plant species that could become viable at the site in the wake of climate change. We do so by identifying the closest sites that currently have climate conditions similar to those projected at the restoration target area in 2100. This approach is a first step toward identifying appropriate species for transformative restoration.  相似文献   

Zicheng Yu 《Ecosystems》2006,9(8):1278-1288
Understanding the long-term ecological dynamics of northern peatlands is essential for assessment of the possible responses and feedbacks of these carbon-rich ecosystems to climate change and natural disturbance. I used high-resolution macrofossil and lithological analyses of a fen peatland in western Canada to infer the Holocene developmental history of the peatland, to document the temporal pattern of long-term peat accumulation, and to investigate ecosystems responses to climate changes in terms of species composition and carbon accumulation. The peatland has been dominated by sedges and brown mosses during its 10,000-year history, despite interruption by tephra deposition. Peat accumulation rates vary by more than an order of magnitude and decline from 5500 to 1300 cal BP, resulting in a convex depth–age curve, which contrasts with the carbon accumulation patterns documented for oceanic peatlands. The synthesis of regional data from continental western Canada indicates that fens tend to accumulate more carbon than bogs of the same ages. These data suggest that the carbon sink potential of northern peatlands has varied dramatically in the past, so estimates of the present and projected carbon sink strengths of these peatlands need to take this temporal variation into consideration. Widespread slowdown of peat accumulation over the last 4000 years may have resulted from climate cooling in northern latitudes after the Holocene insolation maximum. The findings indicate that long-term peatland dynamics are modified by many local and regional factors and that gradual environmental change may be capable of triggering abrupt shifts and jumps in ecosystem states.  相似文献   

Kathleen Histon 《Geobios》2012,45(1):41-48
A rare occurrence of Phragmoceras imbricatum Barrande is recorded from moderately shallow marine Silurian sequences in the Carnic Alps (Austria). The specimen was collected from a condensed series of nautiloid-bearing wackestones/packstones which are documented as being one of the earliest levels of the Silurian Cephalopod Limestone Biofacies deposited along the North Gondwana margin. The presence of this genus and particular species in the Alpine area, whether as an in situ fauna or as a “stray immigrant”, during a period of global eustatic lowstand, adds new data with regard to the mechanisms of faunal exchange of nectobenthic nautiloid taxa between the Carnic Alps, the Prague Basin, SW Sardinia, Avalonia and Baltica which must have been made possible by currents connecting all five areas. It seems likely that some of the nautiloid taxa appearing in the Prague Basin during the Ludlow may have already been present in the Carnic Alps much earlier in the Silurian; these document early faunal affinities with Baltica. As well as confirming the existence of open migrational seaways between these terranes at a precise stratigraphic interval during the Silurian (lower Homerian: Wenlock), the presence of this species also indicates a prevailing more temperate paleoenvironment in these areas which this element of a usually tropical fauna could tolerate, and provides significant evidence that warm water currents reached the Carnic Alps at this time. In addition due to the bathymetric restrictions of the shells of these particular faunas, exchange by currents could not have taken place over great distances, even considering drifted individuals, and therefore indicates the relatively close positions/connections of various peri-Gondwana Terranes such as the Carnic Alps, SW Sardinia and the Prague Basin to Avalonia and Baltica during this time slice.  相似文献   


Relationships between plant communities and the physical environment during primary succession on recently deglaciated glacier forelands were studied in 3 areas of the Italian Alps. The aim of the research was to relate traditional phytosociological data with environmental variables. Twenty-eight phytosociological relevés were performed, each associated with twenty-six environmental variables; quantitative parameters of richness and diversity were also calculated. Species/relevés, environmental variables/relevés and species/environmental variables matrices were analyzed by cluster analysis, PCA and Spearman correlation coefficient. Three main stages of succession were identified by floristic composition and confirmed by environmental parameter evaluation. A complex of environmental variables seems to be closely correlated with terrain age and richness/diversity parameters, even though diversity decreases in late successional stages. The phytosociological significance of species is in accordance with their position in the context of succession.  相似文献   

This study examined critical impacts of climate change on Inuit diet and nutritional health in four Inuit communities in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Western Arctic, Canada. The first objective was to combine data from community observation studies and dietary interview studies to determine potential climate change impacts on nutritional quality. The second objective was to address the scale of data collection and/or availability to compare local versus regional trends, and identify implications for adaptation planning. Information was compiled from 5 reports (4 community reports and 1 synthesis report) of climate change observations, impacts and adaptations in 12 Inuit communities (2005–2006), and from a dietary report of food use from 18 Inuit communities (1997–2000). Changing access to, availability of, quality of, and ability to use traditional food resources has implications for quality of diet. Nutritional implications of lower traditional food use include likely reductions in iron, zinc, protein, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids, among others. The vulnerability of each community to changing food security is differentially influenced by a range of factors, including current harvesting trends, levels of reliance on individual species, opportunities for access to other traditional food species, and exposure to climate change hazards. Understanding linkages between climate change and traditional food security provides a basis for strengthening adaptive capacity and determining effective adaptation options to respond to future change.  相似文献   

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