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The iron–sulphur (Fe–S)‐containing RNase L inhibitor (Rli1) is involved in ribosomal subunit maturation, transport of both ribosomal subunits to the cytoplasm, and translation initiation through interaction with the eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3) complex. Here, we present a new function for Rli1 in translation termination. Through co‐immunoprecipitation experiments, we show that Rli1 interacts physically with the translation termination factors eukaryotic release factor 1 (eRF1)/Sup45 and eRF3/Sup35 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetic interactions were uncovered between a strain depleted for Rli1 and sup35‐21 or sup45‐2. Furthermore, we show that downregulation of RLI1 expression leads to defects in the recognition of a stop codon, as seen in mutants of other termination factors. By contrast, RLI1 overexpression partly suppresses the read‐through defects in sup45‐2. Interestingly, we find that although the Fe–S cluster is not required for the interaction of Rli1 with eRF1 or its other interacting partner, Hcr1, from the initiation complex eIF3, it is required for its activity in translation termination; an Fe–S cluster mutant of RLI1 cannot suppress the read‐through defects of sup45‐2.  相似文献   

The essential NTPase Rli1/ABCE1 has been implicated in translation initiation, ribosome biogenesis, and human immunodeficiency virus capsid assembly. Two recent papers by the Krebber and Pestova groups —the former published in this issue of EMBO reports— suggest new important roles of Rli1/ABCE1 in translation termination and ribosome recycling in eukaryotes.EMBO Rep (2010) 11: 3 214–219. doi:10.1038/embor.2009.272The essential, conserved NTPase Rli1/ABCE1—a member of the ABC (ATP-binding cassette) superfamily of ATPases—has been implicated in translation initiation, ribosome biogenesis and human immunodeficiency virus capsid assembly. Two recent papers by the Krebber and Pestova groups—the former published in this issue of EMBO reports—suggest new important roles of Rli1/ABCE1 in translation termination and ribosome recycling in eukaryotes (Khoshnevis et al, 2010; Pisarev et al, 2010).Two recent papers […] suggest new important roles of Rli1/ABCE1 in translation termination and ribosome recycling in eukaryotesProtein synthesis is divided into four phases—initiation, elongation, termination and ribosome recycling—which are catalysed by several translation factors. The fundamental reactions of protein synthesis, such as mRNA decoding, peptide bond formation and tRNA translocation, follow the same basic principles in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. However, some steps are quite different and require a larger set of factors in eukaryotes. The best-studied example of eukaryotic complexity is the initiation of protein synthesis. In prokaryotes, initiation is catalysed by only three factors—IF1, IF2 and IF3—whereas in mammals it requires at least 13. Two recent papers shed new light on termination and ribosome recycling in the yeast and mammalian systems, suggesting that these two steps are also different in eukaryotes and prokaryotes (Khoshnevis et al, 2010; Pisarev et al, 2010).…new [research] on termination and ribosome recycling in the yeast and mammalian systems [suggests] that these two steps are also different in eukaryotes and prokaryotesIn prokaryotes, translation termination is promoted by three release factors: RF1, RF2 and RF3. RF1 and RF2 recognize the three stop codons and catalyse the hydrolysis of the peptidyl-tRNA. RF3, a GTP-binding protein that is not essential in bacteria, does not participate in peptide release but, at the expense of GTP hydrolysis, promotes the dissociation of RF1 and RF2, thereby accelerating their turnover (Kisselev et al, 2003). To free the ribosome for initiation on another mRNA (a process known as recycling), the post-termination ribosome is disassembled in a step that requires ribosome recycling factor (RRF) and one of the elongation factors, the GTPase EF-G. Together, these factors promote the dissociation of the post-termination complex into subunits. The subsequent dissociation of tRNA and mRNA from the small ribosomal subunit is promoted by initiation factors, in particular IF3 (Peske et al, 2005).In eukaryotes, translation termination is mediated by only two factors: eRF1 recognizes all three termination codons and triggers the hydrolysis of peptidyl-tRNA, whereas eRF3 accelerates the process in a GTP-dependent manner (Fig 1; Alkalaeva et al, 2006). Unlike prokaryotic RF1 or RF2—which have no measurable affinity for RF3—eRF1 binds tightly to eRF3, and it is probably the complex of the two proteins that enters the ribosome. The mechanism of guanine nucleotide exchange on eRF3 is also different from that on prokaryotic RF3, suggesting that termination in eukaryotes and prokaryotes differs in almost every detail except, probably, the mechanism of peptidyl-tRNA hydrolysis itself. Nevertheless, the identification of an additional factor that facilitates termination was unexpected. In this issue of EMBO reports, Khoshnevis and colleagues use the power of yeast genetics to show that a protein named Rli1 (RNase L inhibitor 1) interacts physically with the termination factors eRF1 (known as Sup45 in yeast) and, to a lesser extent, eRF3 (Sup35; Khoshnevis et al, 2010). The downregulation of Rli1 expression increases stop codon read-through in a dual reporter system, indicating a lower efficiency of termination. Conversely, upregulation of Rli1 partly suppresses the increased read-through caused by certain mutations of eRF1. Although the mechanism by which Rli1 affects translation termination is not understood, the results of the Krebber lab provide strong evidence that Rli1 mediates the function of eRF1 and eRF3 in vivo (Fig 1).…the identification [in eukaryotes] of an additional factor that facilitates termination was unexpectedOpen in a separate windowFigure 1New roles of Rli1/ABCE1 in translation termination and ribosome recycling in eukaryotes. During termination, translating ribosomes contain peptidyl-tRNA (peptide is shown in dark blue and tRNA in dark red) in the P site and expose a stop codon in the A site. The stop codon is recognized by termination factor eRF1, which enters the ribosome together with eRF3-GTP. After GTP hydrolysis, catalysed by eRF3, the peptide is released from the peptidyl-tRNA with the help of eRF1. The point at which Rli1/ABCE1 binds to the ribosome is unknown, but the order shown is consistent with the effect of the factor on both termination and recycling. After NTP hydrolysis by Rli1/ABCE1, the 60S subunit and factors dissociate from the 40S subunit. Finally, tRNA and mRNA are released from the 40S subunit with the help of initiation factors (not shown). ABCE1, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family E member 1; eRF, eukaryotic release factor; Rli1, RNase L inhibitor 1.Surprisingly, modulating the efficiency of termination seems not to be the only function of Rli1 in translation. In a parallel study, Pestova and co-workers show that in higher eukaryotes, the homologue of Rli1—ABCE1—strongly enhances ribosome recycling (Pisarev et al, 2010). Eukaryotes lack a homologue of bacterial RRF and thus have to use other factors to disassemble the post-termination ribosome. Ribosome recycling can be brought about to some extent by eIF3, eIF1 and eIF1A (Pisarev et al, 2007), which is reminiscent of the IF3/IF1-mediated slow ribosome recycling that seems to occur in some conditions in bacterial systems. In eukaryotes, the initiation-factor-driven recycling operates only in a narrow range of low Mg2+ concentrations, probably because the affinity of the subunits to one another increases steeply with Mg2+ (Pisarev et al, 2010). By contrast, ABCE1 seems to catalyse efficient subunit dissociation in various conditions. To bind to the ribosome, ABCE1 requires the presence of eRF1, which is thought to induce a conformational change of the ribosome that unmasks the binding site for ABCE1. Subunit dissociation requires NTP (ATP, GTP, CTP or UTP) hydrolysis by ABCE1 (Fig 1). Subsequently, the dissociation of mRNA and tRNA from the small ribosomal subunit is promoted by initiation factors, which also inhibit the spontaneous reassociation of the subunits. Thus, the sequence of events during ribosome recycling in the eukaryotic system is remarkably similar to that in prokaryotes, and ABCE1 and eRF1 (possibly together with eRF3) seem to act as genuine ribosome recycling factors, similar to bacterial RRF/EF-G, despite the lack of any similarity in sequence or structure.Rli1/ABCE1 is a member of the ABC ATPases and comprises four structural domains (Karcher et al, 2008). Two nucleotide-binding domains (1 and 2) are connected by a hinge and arranged in a head-to-tail orientation. In contrast to other ABC enzymes, ABCE1 has an amino-terminal iron–sulphur (Fe–S) cluster domain, which is located in close proximity to, and presumably interacts with the nucleotide-binding loop of domain 1. Thus, there is a potential link between Fe–S domain function and NTP-induced conformational control of the ABC tandem cassette. Interestingly, although Khosnevis and colleagues map the eRF1 binding site on the second, carboxy-terminal ATPase domain, the Fe–S cluster is required for the function of Rli1/ABCE1 in termination and recycling (Khoshnevis et al, 2010). One might speculate that NTP hydrolysis is coupled to splitting the ribosome into subunits, in analogy to the prokaryotic recycling factors RRF/EF-G that couple the free energy of GTP hydrolysis and phosphate release into subunit dissociation (Savelsbergh et al, 2009). Kinetic experiments measuring single-round rates of subunit dissociation and NTP hydrolysis would be required to establish the existence and nature of such coupling.Another intriguing question is the role of the Fe–S cluster in Rli1/ABCE1. Fe–S protein biogenesis is the only known function of mitochondria that is indispensable for the viability of yeast cells (Lill, 2009). As yeast mitochondria do not contain essential Fe–S proteins, the essential character of the mitochondrial Fe–S protein assembly machinery could be attributed to its role in the maturation of extra-mitochondrial Fe–S proteins, such as Rli1/ABCE1, which is essential in all organisms tested.Another interesting finding by the Krebber group is that Rli1 can bind to Hcr1 (known as eIF3j in higher eukaryotes; Khoshnevis et al, 2010). Hcr1/eIF3j is an RNA-binding subunit of initiation factor eIF3, which is involved in initiation and required for Rli1/ABCE1-independent ribosome recycling. The fact that Rli1/ABCE1 binds to both eRF1 and Hcr1/eIF3j might indicate a functional or regulatory link between the termination, recycling and initiation machineries eukaryotes. It is unclear why eukaryotes require termination and recycling machinery that is so different from that of prokaryotes. One possibility is that Rli1/ABCE1, in contrast to its prokaryotic counterparts, not only acts in termination and recycling but also provides a platform for the recruitment of initiation factors to the ribosome, thereby acting as an additional checkpoint for translational control. Thus, the results of the Krebber and Pestova labs open a new, exciting avenue of research on eukaryotic protein synthesis.  相似文献   

eIF3j is one of the eukaryotic translation factors originally reported as the labile subunit of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF3. The yeast homolog of this protein, Hcr1, has been implicated in stringent AUG recognition as well as in controlling translation termination and stop codon readthrough. Using a reconstituted mammalian in vitro translation system, we showed that the human protein eIF3j is also important for translation termination. We showed that eIF3j stimulates peptidyl-tRNA hydrolysis induced by a complex of eukaryotic release factors, eRF1-eRF3. Moreover, in combination with the initiation factor eIF3, which also stimulates peptide release, eIF3j activity in translation termination increases. We found that eIF3j interacts with the pre-termination ribosomal complex, and eRF3 destabilises this interaction. In the solution, these proteins bind to each other and to other participants of translation termination, eRF1 and PABP, in the presence of GTP. Using a toe-printing assay, we determined the stage at which eIF3j functions – binding of release factors to the A-site of the ribosome before GTP hydrolysis. Based on these data, we assumed that human eIF3j is involved in the regulation of translation termination by loading release factors into the ribosome.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation termination results from the complex functional interplay between two release factors, eRF1 and eRF3, in which GTP hydrolysis by eRF3 couples codon recognition with peptidyl-tRNA hydrolysis by eRF1. Here, we present a cryo-electron microscopy structure of pre-termination complexes associated with eRF1•eRF3•GDPNP at 9.7 -Å resolution, which corresponds to the initial pre-GTP hydrolysis stage of factor attachment and stop codon recognition. It reveals the ribosomal positions of eRFs and provides insights into the mechanisms of stop codon recognition and triggering of eRF3’s GTPase activity.  相似文献   

Translation termination in eukaryotes typically requires the decoding of one of three stop codons UAA, UAG or UGA by the eukaryotic release factor eRF1. The molecular mechanisms that allow eRF1 to decode either A or G in the second nucleotide, but to exclude UGG as a stop codon, are currently not well understood. Several models of stop codon recognition have been developed on the basis of evidence from mutagenesis studies, as well as studies on the evolutionary sequence conservation of eRF1. We show here that point mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae eRF1 display significant variability in their stop codon read-through phenotypes depending on the background genotype of the strain used, and that evolutionary conservation of amino acids in eRF1 is only a poor indicator of the functional importance of individual residues in translation termination. We further show that many phenotypes associated with eRF1 mutants are quantitatively unlinked with translation termination defects, suggesting that the evolutionary history of eRF1 was shaped by a complex set of molecular functions in addition to translation termination. We reassess current models of stop-codon recognition by eRF1 in the light of these new data.  相似文献   

This work summarizes our current understanding of the elongation and termination/recycling phases of eukaryotic protein synthesis. We focus here on recent advances in the field. In addition to an overview of translation elongation, we discuss unique aspects of eukaryotic translation elongation including eEF1 recycling, eEF2 modification, and eEF3 and eIF5A function. Likewise, we highlight the function of the eukaryotic release factors eRF1 and eRF3 in translation termination, and the functions of ABCE1/Rli1, the Dom34:Hbs1 complex, and Ligatin (eIF2D) in ribosome recycling. Finally, we present some of the key questions in translation elongation, termination, and recycling that remain to be answered.  相似文献   

The nucleotide context surrounding stop codons significantly affects the efficiency of translation termination. In eukaryotes, various 3′ contexts that are unfavorable for translation termination have been described; however, the exact molecular mechanism that mediates their effects remains unknown. In this study, we used a reconstituted mammalian translation system to examine the efficiency of stop codons in different contexts, including several previously described weak 3′ stop codon contexts. We developed an approach to estimate the level of stop codon readthrough in the absence of eukaryotic release factors (eRFs). In this system, the stop codon is recognized by the suppressor or near-cognate tRNAs. We observed that in the absence of eRFs, readthrough occurs in a 3′ nucleotide context-dependent manner, and the main factors determining readthrough efficiency were the type of stop codon and the sequence of the 3′ nucleotides. Moreover, the efficiency of translation termination in weak 3′ contexts was almost equal to that in the tested standard context. Therefore, the ability of eRFs to recognize stop codons and induce peptide release is not affected by mRNA context. We propose that ribosomes or other participants of the elongation cycle can independently recognize certain contexts and increase the readthrough of stop codons. Thus, the efficiency of translation termination is regulated by the 3′ nucleotide context following the stop codon and depends on the concentrations of eRFs and suppressor/near-cognate tRNAs.  相似文献   

Collection of missense mutations in the SUP45 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encoding translation termination factor eRF1 has been obtained by different approaches. It has been shown that most of isolated mutations cause amino acid substitutions in the N-terminal part of eRF1 and do not decrease the eRF1 amount. Most of mutations studied do not abolish eRF1–eRF3 interaction. The role of the N-terminal part of eRF1 in stop codon recognition is discussed.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic translation, termination and ribosome recycling phases are linked to subsequent initiation of a new round of translation by persistence of several factors at ribosomal sub‐complexes. These comprise/include the large eIF3 complex, eIF3j (Hcr1 in yeast) and the ATP‐binding cassette protein ABCE1 (Rli1 in yeast). The ATPase is mainly active as a recycling factor, but it can remain bound to the dissociated 40S subunit until formation of the next 43S pre‐initiation complexes. However, its functional role and native architectural context remains largely enigmatic. Here, we present an architectural inventory of native yeast and human ABCE1‐containing pre‐initiation complexes by cryo‐EM. We found that ABCE1 was mostly associated with early 43S, but also with later 48S phases of initiation. It adopted a novel hybrid conformation of its nucleotide‐binding domains, while interacting with the N‐terminus of eIF3j. Further, eIF3j occupied the mRNA entry channel via its ultimate C‐terminus providing a structural explanation for its antagonistic role with respect to mRNA binding. Overall, the native human samples provide a near‐complete molecular picture of the architecture and sophisticated interaction network of the 43S‐bound eIF3 complex and the eIF2 ternary complex containing the initiator tRNA.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism of stop codon recognition by the release factor eRF1 in complex with eRF3 has been described in great detail; however, our understanding of what determines the difference in termination efficiencies among various stop codon tetranucleotides and how near-cognate (nc) tRNAs recode stop codons during programmed readthrough in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is still poor. Here, we show that UGA-C as the only tetranucleotide of all four possible combinations dramatically exacerbated the readthrough phenotype of the stop codon recognition-deficient mutants in eRF1. Since the same is true also for UAA-C and UAG-C, we propose that the exceptionally high readthrough levels that all three stop codons display when followed by cytosine are partially caused by the compromised sampling ability of eRF1, which specifically senses cytosine at the +4 position. The difference in termination efficiencies among the remaining three UGA-N tetranucleotides is then given by their varying preferences for nc-tRNAs. In particular, UGA-A allows increased incorporation of Trp-tRNA whereas UGA-G and UGA-C favor Cys-tRNA. Our findings thus expand the repertoire of general decoding rules by showing that the +4 base determines the preferred selection of nc-tRNAs and, in the case of cytosine, it also genetically interacts with eRF1. Finally, using an example of the GCN4 translational control governed by four short uORFs, we also show how the evolution of this mechanism dealt with undesirable readthrough on those uORFs that serve as the key translation reinitiation promoting features of the GCN4 regulation, as both of these otherwise counteracting activities, readthrough versus reinitiation, are mediated by eIF3.  相似文献   

Translation of mRNA into a polypeptide is terminated when the release factor eRF1 recognizes a UAA, UAG, or UGA stop codon in the ribosomal A site and stimulates nascent peptide release. However, stop codon readthrough can occur when a near-cognate tRNA outcompetes eRF1 in decoding the stop codon, resulting in the continuation of the elongation phase of protein synthesis. At the end of a conventional mRNA coding region, readthrough allows translation into the mRNA 3’-UTR. Previous studies with reporter systems have shown that the efficiency of termination or readthrough is modulated by cis-acting elements other than stop codon identity, including two nucleotides 5’ of the stop codon, six nucleotides 3’ of the stop codon in the ribosomal mRNA channel, and stem-loop structures in the mRNA 3’-UTR. It is unknown whether these elements are important at a genome-wide level and whether other mRNA features proximal to the stop codon significantly affect termination and readthrough efficiencies in vivo. Accordingly, we carried out ribosome profiling analyses of yeast cells expressing wild-type or temperature-sensitive eRF1 and developed bioinformatics strategies to calculate readthrough efficiency, and to identify mRNA and peptide features which influence that efficiency. We found that the stop codon (nt +1 to +3), the nucleotide after it (nt +4), the codon in the P site (nt -3 to -1), and 3’-UTR length are the most influential features in the control of readthrough efficiency, while nts +5 to +9 had milder effects. Additionally, we found low readthrough genes to have shorter 3’-UTRs compared to high readthrough genes in cells with thermally inactivated eRF1, while this trend was reversed in wild-type cells. Together, our results demonstrated the general roles of known regulatory elements in genome-wide regulation and identified several new mRNA or peptide features affecting the efficiency of translation termination and readthrough.  相似文献   

In response to severe environmental stresses eukaryotic cells shut down translation and accumulate components of the translational machinery in stress granules (SGs). Since they contain mainly mRNA, translation initiation factors and 40S ribosomal subunits, they have been referred to as dominant accumulations of stalled translation preinitiation complexes. Here we present evidence that the robust heat shock-induced SGs of S. cerevisiae also contain translation elongation factors eEF3 (Yef3p) and eEF1Bγ2 (Tef4p) as well as translation termination factors eRF1 (Sup45p) and eRF3 (Sup35p). Despite the presence of the yeast prion protein Sup35 in heat shock-induced SGs, we found out that its prion-like domain is not involved in the SGs assembly. Factors eEF3, eEF1Bγ2 and eRF1 were accumulated and co-localized with Dcp2 foci even upon a milder heat shock at 42°C independently of P-bodies scaffolding proteins. We also show that eEF3 accumulations at 42°C determine sites of the genuine SGs assembly at 46°C. We suggest that identification of translation elongation and termination factors in SGs might help to understand the mechanism of the eIF2α factor phosphorylation-independent repression of translation and SGs assembly.  相似文献   

Termination of translation in eukaryotes is governed by two polypeptide chain release factors, eRF1 and eRF3 on the ribosome. eRF1 promotes stop-codon-dependent hydrolysis of peptidyl-tRNA, and eRF3 interacts with eRF1 and stimulates eRF1 activity in the presence of GTP. Here, we have demonstrated that eRF3 is a GTP-binding protein endowed with a negligible, if any, intrinsic GTPase activity that is profoundly stimulated by the joint action of eRF1 and the ribosome. Separately, neither eRF1 nor the ribosome display this effect. Thus, eRF3 functions as a GTPase in the quaternary complex with ribosome, eRF1, and GTP. From the in vitro uncoupling of the peptidyl-tRNA and GTP hydrolyses achieved in this work, we conclude that in ribosomes both hydrolytic reactions are mediated by the formation of the ternary eRF1-eRF3-GTP complex. eRF1 and the ribosome form a composite GTPase-activating protein (GAP) as described for other G proteins. A dual role for the revealed GTPase complex is proposed: in " GTP state," it controls the positioning of eRF1 toward stop codon and peptidyl-tRNA, whereas in "GDP state," it promotes release of eRFs from the ribosome. The initiation, elongation, and termination steps of protein synthesis seem to be similar with respect to GTPase cycles.  相似文献   

Translation termination in eukaryotes is mediated by two release factors, eRF1 and eRF3. eRF1 recognizes each of the three stop codons (UAG, UAA, and UGA) and facilitates release of the nascent polypeptide chain. eRF3 is a GTPase that stimulates the translation termination process by a poorly characterized mechanism. In this study, we examined the functional importance of GTP hydrolysis by eRF3 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that mutations that reduced the rate of GTP hydrolysis also reduced the efficiency of translation termination at some termination signals but not others. As much as a 17-fold decrease in the termination efficiency was observed at some tetranucleotide termination signals (characterized by the stop codon and the first following nucleotide), while no effect was observed at other termination signals. To determine whether this stop signal-dependent decrease in the efficiency of translation termination was due to a defect in either eRF1 or eRF3 recycling, we reduced the level of eRF1 or eRF3 in cells by expressing them individually from the CUP1 promoter. We found that the limitation of either factor resulted in a general decrease in the efficiency of translation termination rather than a decrease at a subset of termination signals as observed with the eRF3 GTPase mutants. We also found that overproduction of eRF1 was unable to increase the efficiency of translation termination at any termination signals. Together, these results suggest that the GTPase activity of eRF3 is required to couple the recognition of translation termination signals by eRF1 to efficient polypeptide chain release.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - Eukaryotic translation termination is mediated by two conserved interacting release factors, eRF1 and eRF3. eRF1 recognizes the stop codon and promotes the...  相似文献   

The eukaryotic eRF1 translation termination factor plays an important role in recognizing stop codons and initiating the end to translation. However, which exact complexes contain eRF1 and at what abundance is not clear. We have used analytical ultracentrifugation with fluorescent detection system to identify the protein complexome of eRF1 in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In addition to eRF1 presence in translating polysomes, we found that eRF1 associated with five other macromolecular complexes: 77S, 57S, 39S, 28S, and 20S in size. Generally equal abundances of each of these complexes were found. The 77S complex primarily contained the free 80S ribosome consistent with in vitro studies and did not appear to contain significant levels of the monosomal translating complex that co‐migrates with the free 80S ribosome. The 57S and 39S complexes represented, respectively, free 60S and 40S ribosomal subunits bound to eRF1, associations not previously reported. The novel 28S and 20S complexes (containing minimal masses of 830 KDa and 500 KDa, respectively) lacked significant RNA components and appeared to be oligomeric, as eRF1 has a mass of 49 KDa. The majority of polysomal complexes containing eRF1 were both substantially deadenylated and lacking in closed‐loop factors eIF4E and eIF4G. The thirteen percent of such translating polysomes that contained poly(A) tails had equivalent levels of eIF4E and eIF4G, suggesting these complexes were in a closed‐loop structure. The identification of eRF1 in these unique and previously unrecognized complexes suggests a variety of new roles for eRF1 in the regulation of cellular processes.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, translation termination is mediated by a complex of two proteins, eRF1 and eRF3, encoded by the SUP45and SUP35 genes, respectively. Mutations in the SUP45 gene were selected which enhanced suppression by the weak ochre (UAA) suppressor tRNASerSUQ5. In each of four such allo-suppressor alleles examined, an in-frame ochre (TAA) mutation was present in the SUP45 coding region; therefore each allele encoded both a truncated eRF1 protein and a full-length eRF1 polypeptide containing a serine missense substitution at the premature UAA codon. The full-length eRF1 generated by UAA read-through was present at sub-wild-type levels. In an suq5+ (i.e. non-suppressor) background none of the truncated eRF1 polypeptides were able to support cell viability, with the loss of only 27 amino acids from the C-terminus being lethal. The reduced eRF1 levels in these sup45 mutants did not lead to a proportional reduction in the levels of ribosome-bound eRF3, indicating that eRF3 can bind the ribosome independently of eRF1. A serine codon inserted in place of the premature stop codon at codon 46 in the sup45–22 allele did not generate an allosuppressor pheno-type, thereby ruling out this‘missense’mutation as the cause of the allosuppressor phenotype. These data indicate that the cellular levels of eRF1 are important for ensuring efficient translation termination in yeast.  相似文献   

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