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Classical scrapie is one of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), a group of fatal infectious diseases that affect the central nervous system (CNS). Classical scrapie can transmit laterally from ewe to lamb perinatally or between adult animals. Here we report detection of infectivity in tissues of an unborn fetus, providing evidence that in utero transmission of classical scrapie is also possible.  相似文献   

The role of blood in the iatrogenic transmission of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) or prion disease has become an increasing concern since the reports of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) transmission through blood transfusion from humans with subclinical infection. The development of highly sensitive rapid assays to screen for prion infection in blood is of high priority in order to facilitate the prevention of transmission via blood and blood products. In the present study we show that PrPsc, a surrogate marker for TSE infection, can be detected in cells isolated from the blood from naturally and experimentally infected sheep by using a rapid ligand-based immunoassay. In sheep with clinical disease, PrPsc was detected in the blood of 55% of scrapie agent-infected animals (n = 80) and 71% of animals with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (n = 7). PrPsc was also detected several months before the onset of clinical signs in a subset of scrapie agent-infected sheep, followed from 3 months of age to clinical disease. This study confirms that PrPsc is associated with the cellular component of blood and can be detected in preclinical sheep by an immunoassay in the absence of in vitro or in vivo amplification.Transmission of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) has been linked with blood transfusion in four reported cases in Great Britain (19, 24, 26, 32), indicating that this is likely to be an efficient route of transmission. Such findings highlight a significant risk to recipients of vCJD-contaminated blood components, and blood services in the United Kingdom have responded by putting in place precautionary measures, including leucodepletion. However, it remains uncertain whether such a procedure is able to remove all prion infectivity. For example, in two studies by Gregori et al. (13, 14) only 42 and 72% of infectivity was removed by leucodepletion from blood from hamsters with scrapie. Therefore, a rapid blood test for vCJD that is able to screen for likely infected blood is critical given that the presymptomatic stages of vCJD are long and that the prevalence of infection in the human population is unknown (6, 9). This knowledge has given rise to concerns that a large-scale vCJD epidemic could occur by human-to-human transmission (16, 21).Infectivity in human blood is consistent with the demonstration of transmission of disease by blood transfusion in sheep incubating both scrapie and experimental BSE infection (17, 18, 20). Transmission was demonstrated from both whole blood and buffy coat fractions from sheep blood, indicating a cellular source of prions although, from studies done in rodent models, it is likely that the plasma fraction also contains infectivity (4, 13, 14). Furthermore, transmission was possible from sheep showing clinical signs and from sheep that were infected but still in the preclinical phase. However, identification of the abnormal prion protein (PrPsc) in blood as a surrogate marker for infection has proved more elusive (3). Recently, PrPsc has been amplified from the blood of experimentally infected rodents (5, 25, 28) and from sheep naturally infected with scrapie agent (29) using protein misfolded cyclic amplification (PMCA), but often these studies take days or weeks to complete. Here, we demonstrate, using a ligand-based immunoassay, that PrPsc is associated with blood leukocytes from sheep with terminal scrapie or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and in sheep incubating scrapie prior to the onset of clinical signs. This assay is a modification of a test that has been validated for use as a postmortem test for BSE, scrapie, and chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Europe and the United States (7).  相似文献   

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) or prion diseases are associated with accumulations of disease specific PrP (PrPd) in the central nervous system (CNS) and often the lymphoreticular system (LRS). Accumulations have additionally been recorded in other tissues including the peripheral nervous system and adrenal gland. Here we investigate the effect of sheep scrapie on the morphology and the accumulation of PrPd in the adrenal medulla of scrapie affected sheep using light and electron microscopy. Using immunogold electron microscopy, non-fibrillar forms of PrPd were shown to accumulate mainly in association with chromaffin cells, occasional nerve endings and macrophages. PrPd accumulation was associated with distinctive membrane changes of chromaffin cells including increased electron density, abnormal linearity and invaginations. Internalisation of PrPd from the chromaffin cell plasma membrane occurred in association with granule recycling following hormone exocytosis. PrPd accumulation and internalisation from membranes is similarly associated with perturbations of membrane structure and trafficking in CNS neurons and tingible body macrophages of the LRS. These data suggest that a major toxic effect of PrPd is at the level of plasma membranes. However, the precise nature of PrPd-membrane toxicity is tissue and cell specific suggesting that the normal protein may act as a multi-functional scaffolding molecule. We further suggest that the co-localisation of PrPd with exocytic granules of the hormone trafficking system may provide an additional source of infectivity in blood.  相似文献   

In 1986 scrapie was diagnosed in 2 ewes of Swedish landrace (finn sheep) from a herd south of Stockholm (Carlsson et al 1986). As the diagnosis was based on clinical histo-ry and patho-anathomical changes only, inoculation tests in mice and goats were per-formed to try to verify the diagnosis.  相似文献   

A five-month-pregnant Suffolk sheep histologically diagnosed as spontaneous scrapie was studied. Western blot analysis was performed with rabbit serum against the sheep scrapie-associated fibrils (SAF). In the proteinase K (pk)-treated parental brain and spleen samples, three major bands (15 K, 18 K, and 23 K) were detected. These major bands were not detected from the placenta. Infectious agents were isolated in mice from the brain samples but not from the placental homogenates. In another case of a three-month-pregnant Corriedale sheep without any clinical sign of, but histologically diagnosed as scrapie, was also studied in a similar approach. In the parental brain samples, three major bands (15 K, 18 K and 23 K) were detected. SAF protein was not detected in the parental spleen and placenta. No bands reactive with the antiserum were detected in any other samples from the fetal brain and spleen in both cases. However, infectious agents were isolated in mice from both brain and placental homogenates. Since the placenta is an important site of natural infection, it is worthwhile to study these tissues for the epidemiological study of scrapie infection.  相似文献   

Cell culture systems represent a crucial part in basic prion research; yet, cell lines that are susceptible to prions, especially to field isolated prions that were not adapted to rodents, are very rare. The purpose of this study was to identify and characterize a cell line that was susceptible to ruminant-derived prions and to establish a stable prion infection within it. Based on species and tissue of origin as well as PrP expression rate, we pre-selected a total of 33 cell lines that were then challenged with natural and with mouse propagated BSE or scrapie inocula. Here, we report the successful infection of a non-transgenic bovine cell line, a sub-line of the bovine kidney cell line MDBK, with natural sheep scrapie prions. This cell line retained the scrapie infection for more than 200 passages. Selective cloning resulted in cell populations with increased accumulation of PrPres, although this treatment was not mandatory for retaining the infection. The infection remained stable, even under suboptimal culture conditions. The resulting infectivity of the cells was confirmed by mouse bioassay (Tgbov mice, Tgshp mice). We believe that PES cells used together with other prion permissive cell lines will prove a valuable tool for ongoing efforts to understand and defeat prions and prion diseases.  相似文献   



In prion disease, the peripheral expression of PrPC is necessary for the transfer of infectivity to the central nervous system. The spleen is involved in neuroinvasion and neural dissemination in prion diseases but the nature of this involvement is not known. The present study undertook the investigation of the spatial relationship between sites of PrPSc accumulation, localisation of nerve fibres and PrPC expression in the tissue compartments of the spleen of scrapie-inoculated and control sheep.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Laser microdissection and quantitative PCR were used to determine PrP mRNA levels and results were compared with immunohistochemical protocols to distinguish PrPC and PrPSc in tissue compartments of the spleen. In sheep experimentally infected with scrapie, the major sites of accumulation of PrPSc in the spleen, namely the lymphoid nodules and the marginal zone, expressed low levels of PrP mRNA. Double immunohistochemical labelling for PrPSc and the pan-nerve fibre marker, PGP, was used to evaluate the density of innervation of splenic tissue compartments and the intimacy of association between PrPSc and nerves. Some nerve fibres were observed to accompany blood vessels into the PrPSc-laden germinal centres. However, the close association between nerves and PrPSc was most apparent in the marginal zone. Other sites of close association were adjacent to the wall of the central artery of PALS and the outer rim of germinal centres.


The findings suggest that the degree of PrPSc accumulation does not depend on the expression level of PrPC. Though several splenic compartments may contribute to neuroinvasion, the marginal zone may play a central role in being the compartment with most apparent association between nerves and PrPSc.  相似文献   

Prion infections can present without clinical manifestations. B-cell deficiency may be a model for subclinical transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, since it protects mice from disease upon intraperitoneal administration of scrapie prions; however, a proportion of B-cell-deficient mice accumulate protease-resistant prion protein in their brains. Here, we have characterized this subclinical disease. In addition, we have studied the possibility that a neurotoxic factor secreted by B cells may contribute to pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of scrapie, a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSEs) of sheep and goats, is currently based on the detection of disease-associated prion protein by post mortem tests. Unless a random sample of the sheep or goat population is actively monitored for scrapie, identification of scrapie cases relies on the reporting of clinical suspects, which is dependent on the individual''s familiarization with the disease and ability to recognize clinical signs associated with scrapie. Scrapie may not be considered in the differential diagnosis of neurological diseases in small ruminants, particularly in countries with low scrapie prevalence, or not recognized if it presents as nonpruritic form like atypical scrapie. To aid in the identification of clinical suspects, a short examination protocol is presented to assess the display of specific clinical signs associated with pruritic and nonpruritic forms of TSEs in sheep, which could also be applied to goats. This includes assessment of behavior, vision (by testing of the menace response), pruritus (by testing the response to scratching), and movement (with and without blindfolding). This may lead to a more detailed neurologic examination of reporting animals as scrapie suspects. It could also be used in experimental TSE studies of sheep or goats to evaluate disease progression or to identify clinical end-point.  相似文献   

Accumulation of prion protein (PrPSc) in the central nervous system is the hallmark of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. However, in some of these diseases such as scrapie or chronic wasting disease, the PrPSc can also accumulate in other tissues, particularly in the lymphoreticular system. In recent years, PrPSc in organs other than nervous and lymphoid have been described, suggesting that distribution of this protein in affected individuals may be much larger than previously thought. In the present study, 11 non-nervous/non-lymphoid organs from 16 naturally scrapie infected sheep in advanced stages of the disease were examined for the presence of PrPSc. Fourteen infected sheep were of the ARQ/ARQ PRNP genotype and 2 of the VRQ/VRQ, where the letters A, R, Q, and V represent the codes for amino-acids alanine, arginine, glutamine and valine, respectively. Adrenal gland, pancreas, heart, skin, urinary bladder and mammary gland were positive for PrPSc by immunohistochemistry and IDEXX HerdChek scrapie/BSE Antigen EIA Test in at least one animal. Lung, liver, kidney and skeletal muscle exhibited PrPSc deposits by immunohistochemistry only. To our knowledge, this is the first report regarding the presence of PrPSc in the heart, pancreas and urinary bladder in naturally acquired scrapie infections. In some other organs examined, in which PrPSc had been previously detected, PrPSc immunolabeling was observed to be associated with new structures within those organs. The results of the present study illustrate a wide dissemination of PrPSc in both ARQ/ARQ and VRQ/VRQ infected sheep, even when the involvement of the lymphoreticular system is scarce or absent, thus highlighting the role of the peripheral nervous system in the spread of PrPSc.  相似文献   

Genetic control programs for scrapie in sheep build on solid knowledge of how susceptibility to scrapie is modulated by the prion protein genotype at the level of an individual sheep. In order to satisfactorily analyze the effectivity of control programs at the population level, insight is needed at the flock level, i.e., how the grouping of sheep in flocks affects the population-level transmission risk. In particular, one would like to understand how this risk is affected by between-flock differences in genotype frequency distribution. A first step is to model the scrapie transmission risk within a flock as a function of the flock genotype profile. Here we do so by estimating parameters for a model of within-flock transmission using genotyping data on Dutch flocks affected by scrapie. We show that the data are consistent with a relatively simple transmission model assuming horizontal transmission and homogeneous mixing between animals. The model expresses the basic reproduction number for within-flock scrapie as a weighted average of genotype-specific susceptibilities, multiplied by a single overall transmission parameter. The value of the overall transmission parameter may vary between flocks to account for random between-flock variation in non-genetic determinants such as management practice. Here we provide an estimate of its mean value and variation for Dutch flocks.  相似文献   

Recently, Clostridium difficile has been isolated from a wide variety of animals, particularly production animals, mainly cattle and pigs. Concurrently, the incidence of C. difficile infection (CDI) in humans has increased in the community, with some suggestions that food-borne transmission of C. difficile is occurring. Interestingly, sheep and lambs appear not to have been investigated for carriage/colonization with C. difficile. The aim of this project was to determine the prevalence of carriage of C. difficile in sheep and lambs in Australia by culturing fecal samples. A total of 371 sheep and lamb fecal samples were received in seven batches from three different geographic areas in eastern Australia and two in Western Australia. The overall rate of detection in sheep and lambs was low (4.0%); however, carriage/colonization in lambs (6.5%) was statistically significantly higher than that in sheep (0.6%) (P = 0.005). Seven distinct PCR ribotype patterns were observed, three of which were known international ribotypes (UK 056 [n = 1], UK 101 [n = 6], and UK 137 [n = 2]), while the remainder were unable to be matched with our available reference library. This low rate of carriage/colonization in Australian ovines suggests they are unlikely to be a major source/reservoir of human infections.  相似文献   

Allele and genotype frequency distributions of prion protein (PrP) polymorphisms at three codons, 136, 154, and 171, in East Asian sheep were determined by PCR–RFLP analysis using 553 animals from nine local breeds of the northern group and four local breeds of the southern group. Based on the genotype distribution, the risk score for scrapie was estimated. Among the local breeds, ARQ appeared predominantly (0.7701–1), followed by ARH and ARR. From such a biased allele distribution, it was difficult to ascertain the prevalent genetic relationships. A marked difference in allele frequencies between the northern and southern groups was seen (P < 0.0001). The East Asian sheep had ARQ at the highest frequency (0.8834); in European sheep it was 0.5317. According to an assessment of scrapie risk in the PrP genotype classes, the predominant ARQ/ARQ in East Asian sheep corresponded to the risk score of R4. This finding suggests that East Asian sheep have a high level of genetic susceptibility to scrapie.  相似文献   

羊瘙痒病是累及山羊及绵羊的可传播海绵状脑病。为了观察羊瘙痒因子 (Scrapie)的病原特征及病理组织改变特点 ,将羊瘙痒因子 2 6 3K毒株颅内接种至金黄地鼠。经过 81~ 110天的潜伏期 ,89%的动物发病 (17/19只 )。对发病地鼠的神经病理学检测发现 ,海绵状空泡变性的检出率为 5 9% ,淀粉样斑的检出率为 17 6 %。利用免疫组化和蛋白酶消化后的Westernblotting检测证实 ,10 0 %的发病地鼠的脑组织中都出现蛋白酶抗性朊蛋白 (PrP res)。17只发病地鼠脑组织提取物中 ,PrP res的泳动位置和分子量大小完全一致 ,出现两条分子量在 2 5kD~ 31kD的反应带。尝试应用快速玻片印迹法检测病变组织中的PrP res,结果显示 ,与常规固定包埋切片的免疫组化检出效果相似。这提示脑组织印片法可成为临床检测克 雅氏病 (Creutzfeldt Jacobdisease ,CJD)患者脑组织活检标本中PrP res的快速、有效的方法。羊瘙痒因子 2 6 3K成功感染金黄地鼠再次证明 ,金黄地鼠是TSE感染因子良好的动物模型 ,发病率高 ,潜伏期短 ,发病动物PrP res的检出率明显高于典型病理改变的检出率。新生成的PrP res的电泳类型与接种的TSE因子有关 ,与宿主的个体差异无关 ,提示TSE感染因子的确存在“株”的现象。  相似文献   



Most previous analyses of scrapie outbreaks have focused on flocks run by research institutes, which may not reflect the field situation. Within this study, we attempt to rectify this deficit by describing the epidemiological characteristics of 30 sheep flocks naturally-infected with classical scrapie, and by exploring possible underlying causes of variation in the characteristics between flocks, including flock-level prion protein (PrP) genotype profile. In total, the study involved PrP genotype data for nearly 8600 animals and over 400 scrapie cases.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We found that most scrapie cases were restricted to just two PrP genotypes (ARQ/VRQ and VRQ/VRQ), though two flocks had markedly different affected genotypes, despite having similar underlying genotype profiles to other flocks of the same breed; we identified differences amongst flocks in the age of cases of certain PrP genotypes; we found that the age-at-onset of clinical signs depended on peak incidence and flock type; we found evidence that purchasing infected animals is an important means of introducing scrapie to a flock; we found some evidence that flock-level PrP genotype profile and flock size account for variation in outbreak characteristics; identified seasonality in cases associated with lambing time in certain flocks; and we identified one case that was homozygous for phenylalanine at codon 141, a polymorphism associated with a very high risk of atypical scrapie, and 28 cases that were heterozygous at this codon.


This paper presents the largest study to date on commercially-run sheep flocks naturally-infected with classical scrapie, involving 30 study flocks, more than 400 scrapie cases and over 8500 PrP genotypes. We show that some of the observed variation in epidemiological characteristics between farms is related to differences in their PrP genotype profile; although much remains unexplained and may instead be attributed to the stochastic nature of scrapie dynamics.  相似文献   

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