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Individuals in some species prefer mates carrying dissimilar genes at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), which may function to increase the MHC or overall heterozygosity of progeny. Here I review the evidence for MHC-dependent mating preferences from recent studies, including studies on the underlying olfactory mechanisms and evolutionary functions. Many studies indicate that MHC genes influence odour, and some work is beginning to examine the potential role of MHC-linked olfactory receptor genes in mating preferences. MHC-dependent mating preference increases the MHC-heterozygosity of progeny, which is suspected to confer resistance to infectious diseases. In humans, heterozygosity at MHC loci is associated with increased resistance to hepatitis and HIV infections, but experimental evidence for the heterozygote advantage hypothesis has been lacking. Here I re-analyse data from previously published experimental infection studies with mice. I show that although overdominance is rare, resistance is often dominant, suggesting that heterozygotes are often protected. A second (nonmutually exclusive) possibility is that MHC-disassortative mating preferences promotes inbreeding avoidance. This hypothesis is supported by recent evidence that MHC genes play a role in kin recognition, and that mating with close kin has rather deleterious fitness consequences. In conclusion, I discuss other ways that MHC genes might influence sexual selection. The research on MHC-mediated mating preferences is integrating the study of animal behaviour with other seemingly disparate fields, including sensory biology and immunogenetics.  相似文献   

Psoriasis is a common inflammatory skin disease characterized by thickened scaly red plaques. Previously we have performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on psoriasis with 1,359 cases and 1,400 controls, which were genotyped for 447,249 SNPs. The most significant finding was for SNP rs12191877, which is in tight linkage disequilibrium with HLA-Cw*0602, the consensus risk allele for psoriasis. However, it is not known whether there are other psoriasis loci within the MHC in addition to HLA-C. In the present study, we searched for additional susceptibility loci within the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region through in-depth analyses of the GWAS data; then, we followed up our findings in an independent Han Chinese 1,139 psoriasis cases and 1,132 controls. Using the phased CEPH dataset as a reference, we imputed the HLA-Cw*0602 in all samples with high accuracy. The association of the imputed HLA-Cw*0602 dosage with disease was much stronger than that of the most significantly associated SNP, rs12191877. Adjusting for HLA-Cw*0602, there were two remaining association signals: one demonstrated by rs2073048 (p=2×10−6, OR=0.66), located within c6orf10, a potential downstream effecter of TNF-alpha, and one indicated by rs13437088 (p=9×10−6, OR=1.3), located 30 kb centromeric of HLA-B and 16 kb telomeric of MICA. When HLA-Cw*0602, rs2073048, and rs13437088 were all included in a logistic regression model, each of them was significantly associated with disease (p=3×10−47, 6×10−8, and 3×10−7, respectively). Both putative loci were also significantly associated in the Han Chinese samples after controlling for the imputed HLA-Cw*0602. A detailed analysis of HLA-B in both populations demonstrated that HLA-B*57 was associated with an increased risk of psoriasis and HLA-B*40 a decreased risk, independently of HLA-Cw*0602 and the C6orf10 locus, suggesting the potential pathogenic involvement of HLA-B. These results demonstrate that there are at least two additional loci within the MHC conferring risk of psoriasis.  相似文献   

Although the human peptide-loading complex (PLC) is required for optimal major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC I) antigen presentation, its composition is still incompletely understood. The ratio of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) and MHC I to tapasin, which is responsible for MHC I recruitment and peptide binding optimization, is particularly critical for modeling of the PLC. Here, we characterized the stoichiometry of the human PLC using both biophysical and biochemical approaches. By means of single-molecule pulldown (SiMPull), we determined a TAP/tapasin ratio of 1:2, consistent with previous studies of insect-cell microsomes, rat-human chimeric cells, and HeLa cells expressing truncated TAP subunits. We also report that the tapasin/MHC I ratio varies, with the PLC population comprising both 2:1 and 2:2 complexes, based on mutational and co-precipitation studies. The MHC I-saturated PLC may be particularly prevalent among peptide-selective alleles, such as HLA-C4. Additionally, MHC I association with the PLC increases when its peptide supply is reduced by inhibiting the proteasome or by blocking TAP-mediated peptide transport using viral inhibitors. Taken together, our results indicate that the composition of the human PLC varies under normal conditions and dynamically adapts to alterations in peptide supply that may arise during viral infection. These findings improve our understanding of the quality control of MHC I peptide loading and may aid the structural and functional modeling of the human PLC.  相似文献   

主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)是有颌脊椎动物中发现的编码免疫球蛋白受体的高度多态的基因群,因其在免疫系统中的重要作用而备受关注。脊椎动物不同支系间MHC的结构和演化差异较大。尽管MHC基因特征在哺乳类、鸟类、两栖类和鱼类中已被较好地描述,但对爬行动物MHC的了解仍较少。鉴于爬行动物对于理解MHC基因的演化占据很重要的系统发育位置,研究其MHC具有重要意义。本文就近年来爬行动物MHC的分子结构、多态性维持机制、功能和主要应用的研究现状进行了系统地回顾和总结,并展望了其研究前景。  相似文献   

Tandem mass spectrometry was used to identify naturally processed peptides bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) I and MHC II molecules in central nervous system (CNS) of eight patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). MHC molecules were purified from autopsy CNS material by immunoaffinity chromatography with monoclonal antibody directed against HLA-A, -B, -C, and -DR. Subsequently peptides were separated by reversed-phase HPLC and analyzed by mass spectrometry. Database searches revealed 118 amino acid sequences from self-proteins eluted from MHC I molecules and 191 from MHC II molecules, corresponding to 174 identified source proteins. These sequences define previously known and potentially novel autoantigens in MS possibly involved in disease induction and antigen spreading. Taken together, we have initiated the characterization of the CNS-expressed MHC ligandome in CNS diseases and were able to demonstrate the presentation of naturally processed myelin basic protein peptides in the brain of MS patients.T cells recognize antigen bound to MHC1 molecules (1). CD4 as well as CD8 T cells have been shown to play a pathogenic role in various autoimmune diseases (2). Pathogenic T cells infiltrate the target organs and locally secrete proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines leading to tissue inflammation and possibly subsequent tissue destruction (35). Local presentation of autoantigens by MHC molecules in the target tissue of the autoimmune attack, i.e. the central nervous system (CNS) in multiple sclerosis (MS) or the pancreas in diabetes, is therefore a prerequisite for local immune amplification (6). MS is an inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease of the CNS leading to myelin and axonal loss (7). There are different disease courses, i.e. relapsing-remitting, secondary chronic progressive, and primary progressive disease. Potential autoantigens in MS include myelin basic protein (MBP), proteolipid protein (PLP), and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). It is thought that T cells enter the CNS from the systemic circulation and that they are subsequently reactivated in the CNS on MHC I and MHC II molecules expressed on local antigen-presenting cells (APC) (8).To date, naturally presented HLA-bound peptides from patients with MS thus far have not been isolated and identified. So far, only circumstantial evidence exists for the local presentation of autoantigens such as MBP on MHC molecules in CNS (9). The aim of this study consisted of the characterization of the MHC-bound peptide repertoire derived from brains of patients with MS. Cutting edge technology combining HPLC and tandem mass spectrometry has recently allowed us to define peptides presented on APC from bronchoalveolar lavage from lungs of sarcoidosis patients (10). Applying a similar method on autopsy material of MS patients, for the first time we demonstrated local presentation of previously known and potential novel autoantigens in MS.  相似文献   

Examining and comparing genetic variation for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and microsatellite (MS) loci in the same individuals provides an opportunity to understand the forces influencing genetic variation. We examined five MHC and three MS loci in 235 bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) from 14 populations and found that both types of loci were highly variable and were in Hardy-Weinberg proportions. Mean F(ST) values for both markers were very similar and MHC and MS genetic variability was predominantly distributed within rather than among populations. However, analyses of genetic distances and tree topologies revealed different spatial patterns of variation for the two types of loci. Collectively, these results indicated that neutral forces substantially influenced MS and MHC variation, and they provided limited evidence for selection acting on the MHC.  相似文献   

恒河猴是应用最广泛的非人灵长类实验动物,其MHC基因是一个庞大的与免疫功能密切相关的基因群(也称为Mamu基因),在进化过程形成了Mamu基因不同的存在状态,使得不同个体的Mamu基因在数量和功能上有所差异,同时有些个体还产生了特异性的MHC基因,它的多态性和免疫反应的复杂性相对应。因此,恒河猴MHC多态性的研究,有助于生物科学的发展及指导以恒河猴为动物模型的各种实验。本文主要阐述了恒河猴Mamu基因的结构和功能,以及部分MHC等位基因与疾病的关系,并简要描述了中国恒河猴特异性的MHC基因。  相似文献   

P. W. Hedrick 《Genetics》1992,132(2):575-581
The cause of the high genetic variability in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is not entirely clear. Recently, two reports suggest that female mice prefer to mate with males different from them at the MHC. A model of female choice appropriate for those observations is developed here. Female choice can in fact reduce the observed proportions of homozygotes, maintain genetic polymorphism, influence mating-type frequencies and generate gametic disequilibrium.  相似文献   

The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex on chromosome 6p21 has been unambiguously associated with multiple sclerosis (MS). The complex features of the HLA region, especially its high genic content, extreme polymorphism, and extensive linkage disequilibrium, has prevented to resolve the nature of HLA association in MS. We performed a family based association study on the isolated population of the Nuoro province (Sardinia) to clarify the role of HLA genes in MS. The main stage of our study involved an analysis of the ancestral haplotypes A2Cw7B58DR2DQ1 and A30Cw5B18DR3DQ2. On the basis of a multiplicative model, the effect of the first haplotype is protective with an odds ratio (OR) = 0.27 (95% confidence interval CI 0.13–0.57), while that of the second is deleterious, OR 1.78 (95% CI 1.26–2.50). We found both class I (A, Cw, B) and class II (DR, DQ) loci to have an effect on MS susceptibility, but we saw that they act independently from each other. We also performed an exploratory analysis on a set of 796 SNPs in the same HLA region. Our study supports the claim that Class I and Class II loci act independently on MS susceptibility and this has a biological explanation. Also, the analysis of SNPs suggests that there are other HLA genes involved in MS, but replication is needed. This opens up new perspective on the study of MS.  相似文献   

鸡主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)基因位于鸡16号染色体上,具有高度的多态性。现已发现,不同MHC-B单倍体对各种疾病的抗性不同。本文主要介绍了鸡MHC的结构特点、鸡MHC与抗病性的关系、鸡MHC检测方法的研究进展以及其在鸡抗病育种中的应用前景。  相似文献   

家禽主要组织相容性复合体的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
侯卓成  杨宁 《遗传》2002,24(1):72-76
随着家禽基因组计划的开展,对家禽的主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)的研究取得了较大的进展。关于家禽MHC的各部分基因研究正在逐步深入,并且完成了MHC部分测序和染色体定位工作。 本文介绍近些年来对家禽MHC的基因结构和作用、与抗体的作用以及相关的基因组研究所取得的进展。人、小鼠及其他动物的相关研究结果将对家禽MHC研究的发展产生重要的影响。 Abstract:As the development of poultry genome project,it has been acquired many advances in the study of poultry MHC.At present,we have achieved some MHC sequences 、 locations of MHC on chromosome and some MHC gene functions.This article give a detailed introduction about gene structure of poultry MHC and its role in immune reaction、relation with antibody and advances in poultry genome about MHC.With the development of related research,how to use the result of the study more efficiently become more and more important to the poultry MHC study.  相似文献   

R. Gelman  A. Watson  E. Yunis    R. M. Williams 《Genetics》1990,125(1):167-174
In this study of murine survival, 422 F1 hybrids between DBA/2J (D2) female mice and C57BL/10 (B10) background H-2 congenic male mice (11 strains), 88 F1 hybrids between B10 female mice and B10 background H-2 congenic male mice (3 strains), and 532 control mice from the 11 parental B10 background H-2 congenic mice were bred over a period of 2 yr. Toward the end of the breeding period there was documentation of Sendai infection in the mouse rooms. All analyses were done separately for the two sexes. Although it did not appear that an unusually high number of mice died during the time the colony was infected with Sendai, there was a highly significant tendency for mice who were younger at the time of the Sendai infection to have shorter survival than mice who were older at that time point. The effect of birth date on survival was approximately as significant as the effect of strain on survival. Hence all analyses of genetic effects on survival were either done within subsets of mice born in the same quarter of a particular year or else included date of birth variables in survival models. Of the 18 possible comparisons of pairs of strains which overlapped in birth dates and differed only in the D end of H-2, five were associated with highly significant survival differences. Of the 11 pairs of strains which overlapped in birth date and differed only in the K end of H-2, none was associated with significant survival differences.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

《PloS one》2013,8(6)


to explore the association between genetic markers and Oligoclonal Bands (OCB) in the Cerebro Spinal Fluid (CSF) of Italian Multiple Sclerosis patients.


We genotyped 1115 Italian patients for HLA-DRB1*15 and HLA-A*02. In a subset of 925 patients we tested association with 52 non-HLA SNPs associated with MS susceptibility and we calculated a weighted Genetic Risk Score. Finally, we performed a Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) with OCB status on a subset of 562 patients. The best associated SNPs of the Italian GWAS were replicated in silico in Scandinavian and Belgian populations, and meta-analyzed.


HLA-DRB1*15 is associated with OCB+: p = 0.03, Odds Ratio (OR) = 1.6, 95% Confidence Limits (CL) = 1.1–2.4. None of the 52 non-HLA MS susceptibility loci was associated with OCB, except one SNP (rs2546890) near IL12B gene (OR: 1.45; 1.09–1.92). The weighted Genetic Risk Score mean was significantly (p = 0.0008) higher in OCB+ (7.668) than in OCB− (7.412) patients. After meta-analysis on the three datasets (Italian, Scandinavian and Belgian) for the best associated signals resulted from the Italian GWAS, the strongest signal was a SNP (rs9320598) on chromosome 6q (p = 9.4×10−7) outside the HLA region (65 Mb).


genetic factors predispose to the development of OCB.  相似文献   

以建立方便、大量纯化组织相容性抗原的方法为目的。用0.5%Triton/Tris抽提小鼠组织相容性抗原(H-2)抗原,利用抗H-2抗原抗体制备的亲和柱,特异性结合H-2抗原,再用0.5%DOC、0.65MNaCl洗脱结合H-2抗原。结果显示:电泳显示纯化物为45kd(重链),12kd(轻链)两条带,纯化物具有明显的血清学及生物学活性;这种亲和层析法可大量纯化组织相容性抗原,用于器官移植研究及组织相容性抗原的免疫功能研究。  相似文献   

MHC是高度多态的基因群,广泛分布于各种脊椎动物体内。由于MHC基因的多态性,使其在脊椎动物的免疫、遗传、进化、保护等许多方面的研究倍受关注。本文综述了两栖类MHC基因自研究以来国内外有关该基因的研究报道,包括其结构、功能以及在两栖类遗传进化、种群遗传学、免疫遗传学及抗病中的应用,并对研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Polymorphism and Balancing Selection at Major Histocompatibility Complex Loci   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
N. Takahata  Y. Satta    J. Klein 《Genetics》1992,130(4):925-938
Amino acid replacements in the peptide-binding region (PBR) of the functional major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) genes appear to be driven by balancing selection. Of the various types of balancing selection, we have examined a model equivalent to overdominance that confers heterozygote advantage. As discussed by A. Robertson, overdominance selection tends to maintain alleles that have more or less the same degree of heterozygote advantage. Because of this symmetry, the model makes various testable predictions about the genealogical relationships among different alleles and provides ways of analyzing DNA sequences of Mhc alleles. In this paper, we analyze DNA sequences of 85 alleles at the HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1 and -DQB1 loci with respect to the number of alleles and extent of nucleotide differences at the PBR, as well as at the synonymous (presumably neutral) sites. Theory suggests that the number of alleles that differ at the sites targeted by selection (presumably the nonsynonymous sites in the PBR) should be equal to the mean number of nucleotide substitutions among pairs of alleles. We also demonstrate that the nucleotide substitution rate at the targeted sites relative to that of neutral sites may be much larger than 1. The predictions of the presented model are in surprisingly good agreement with the actual data and thus provide means for inferring certain population parameters. For overdominance selection in a finite population at equilibrium, the product of selection intensity (s) against homozygotes and the effective population size (N) is estimated to be 350-3000, being largest at the B locus and smallest at the C locus. We argue that N is of the order of 10(5) and s is several percent at most, if the mutation rate per site per generation is 10(-8).  相似文献   

The pattern of polymorphisms at major histocompatibility complex loci was studied by computer simulations and by DNA sequence analysis. Two types of selection, overdominance plus short-term selection and maternal–fetal incompatibility, were simulated for a gene family with intra- and interlocus gene conversion. Both types of selection were found to be consistent with the observed patterns of polymorphisms. It was also found that the more interlocus conversion occurs, the higher the divergence becomes at both nonsynonymous and synonymous sites. The ratio of nonsynonymous-to-synonymous divergence among alleles decreases as the interlocus conversion rate increases. These results agree with the interpretation that the rate of interlocus conversion is lower in human genes than in genes of other nonprimate mammals. This is because, in the latter, synonymous divergence at the ARS (antigen recognition site) is often higher than that at the non-ARS, whereas in the former, this is not so. Also, the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions at the ARS tends to be higher in human genes than in other mammalian genes. The main difference between overdominance plus short-term selection and maternal–fetal interaction is that the number of alleles and heterozygosity per locus are higher in the latter than in the former under the presumed selection intensities. However, the average divergence among alleles tends to be lower in the latter than in the former under similar conditions. Received: 30 September 1997 / Accepted: 15 December 1997  相似文献   

The DQB1 locus is located in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II region and involved in immune response. We identified 20 polymorphic sites in a 228 bp fragment of exon 2, one of the most critical regions of the MHC DQB1 gene, in 60 Nigerian goats. Four sites are located in the peptide binding region, and 10 amino acid substitutions are peculiar to Nigerian goats, compared with published sequences. A significantly higher ratio of nonsynonymous/synonymous substitutions (d N/d S) suggests that allelic sequence evolution is driven by balancing selection (P < 0.01). In silico functional analysis using PANTHER predicted that substitution P56R, with a subPSEC score of ?4.00629 (Pdeleterious = 0.73229), is harmful to protein function. The phylogenetic tree from consensus sequences placed the two northern breeds closer to each other than either was to the southern goats. This first report of sequence diversity at the DQB1 locus for any African goat breed may be useful in the search for disease-resistant genotypes.  相似文献   

The extended major histocompatibility complex (xMHC) is the most gene-dense region of the genome and harbors a disproportionately large number of genes involved in immune function. The postulated role of infection in the causation of childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL) suggests that the xMHC may make an important contribution to the risk of this disease. We conducted association mapping across an approximately 4 megabase region of the xMHC using a validated panel of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in childhood BCP-ALL cases (n=567) enrolled in the Northern California Childhood Leukemia Study (NCCLS) compared with population controls (n=892). Logistic regression analyses of 1,145 SNPs, adjusted for age, sex, and Hispanic ethnicity indicated potential associations between several SNPs and childhood BCP-ALL. After accounting for multiple comparisons, one of these included a statistically significant increased risk associated with rs9296068 (OR=1.40, 95% CI=1.19-1.66, corrected p=0.036), located in proximity to HLA-DOA. Sliding window haplotype analysis identified an additional locus located in the extended class I region in proximity to TRIM27 tagged by a haplotype comprising rs1237485, rs3118361, and rs2032502 (corrected global p=0.046). Our findings suggest that susceptibility to childhood BCP-ALL is influenced by genetic variation within the xMHC and indicate at least two important regions for future evaluation.  相似文献   

The physical alignment of the entire region of the pig major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has been almost completed. In swine, the MHC is called the SLA (swine leukocyte antigen) and most of its class I region has been sequenced. Over one hundred genes have been characterised, including the classical class I and class I-related genes, as well as the class II gene families. These results in swine provide new evidence for the striking conservation during the evolution of a general MHC framework, and are consistent with the location of the class I genes on segments referred to as permissive places within the MHC class I region. Recent results confirm the involvement of the SLA region in numerous quantitative traits.  相似文献   

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