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Platelet secretion not only drives thrombosis and hemostasis, but also mediates a variety of other physiological and pathological processes. The ubiquitous SNARE machinery and a number of accessory proteins have been implicated in regulating secretion in platelet. Although several platelet SNAREs have been identified, further members of the SNARE family may be needed to fine-tune platelet secretion. In this study we identified expression of the t-SNARE syntaxin 8 (STX8) (Qc SNARE) in mouse and human platelets. In mouse studies, whereas STX8 was not essential for α-granule or lysosome secretion, Stx8−/− platelets showed a significant defect in dense granule secretion in response to thrombin and CRP. This was most pronounced at intermediate concentrations of agonists. They also showed an aggregation defect that could be rescued with exogenous ADP and increased embolization in Stx8−/− mice in vivo consistent with an important autocrine and paracrine role for ADP in aggregation and thrombus stabilization. STX8 therefore specifically contributes to dense granule secretion and represents another member of a growing family of genes that play distinct roles in regulating granule release from platelets and thus platelet function in thrombosis and hemostasis.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to elucidate the role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38) in thrombus formation. We used p38α heterozygous (p38α+/?) mice and used ferric chloride (FeCl3)-induced carotid artery injury as a model of thrombus formation. The time to thrombotic occlusion induced by FeCl3 in p38α+/? mice was prolonged compared to that in wild-type (WT) mice. Platelets prepared from p38α+/? mice showed impairment of the aggregatory response to a low concentration of U46619, a thromboxane A2 analogue. Furthermore, platelets prepared from p38α+/? mice and activated by U46619 were poorly bound to fibrinogen compared with those from WT mice. Both the expression and activity of tissue factor induced by FeCl3 in WT mice were higher than those in p38α+/? mice. These results suggest that p38 plays an important role in thrombus formation by regulating platelet function and tissue factor activity.  相似文献   

Arterial thrombosis, a major cause of myocardial infarction and stroke, is initiated by activation of blood platelets by subendothelial collagen. The protein kinase C (PKC) family centrally regulates platelet activation, and it is becoming clear that the individual PKC isoforms play distinct roles, some of which oppose each other. Here, for the first time, we address all four of the major platelet-expressed PKC isoforms, determining their comparative roles in regulating platelet adhesion to collagen and their subsequent activation under physiological flow conditions. Using mouse gene knock-out and pharmacological approaches in human platelets, we show that collagen-dependent α-granule secretion and thrombus formation are mediated by the conventional PKC isoforms, PKCα and PKCβ, whereas the novel isoform, PKCθ, negatively regulates these events. PKCδ also negatively regulates thrombus formation but not α-granule secretion. In addition, we demonstrate for the first time that individual PKC isoforms differentially regulate platelet calcium signaling and exposure of phosphatidylserine under flow. Although platelet deficient in PKCα or PKCβ showed reduced calcium signaling and phosphatidylserine exposure, these responses were enhanced in the absence of PKCθ. In summary therefore, this direct comparison between individual subtypes of PKC, by standardized methodology under flow conditions, reveals that the four major PKCs expressed in platelets play distinct non-redundant roles, where conventional PKCs promote and novel PKCs inhibit thrombus formation on collagen.  相似文献   

Islet function is incompletely understood in part because key steps in glutamate handling remain undetermined. The glutamate (excitatory amino acid) transporter 2 (EAAT2; Slc1a2) has been hypothesized to (a) provide islet cells with glutamate, (b) protect islet cells against high extracellular glutamate concentrations, (c) mediate glutamate release, or (d) control the pH inside insulin secretory granules. Here we floxed the EAAT2 gene to produce the first conditional EAAT2 knock-out mice. Crossing with Nestin-cyclization recombinase (Cre) eliminated EAAT2 from the brain, resulting in epilepsy and premature death, confirming the importance of EAAT2 for brain function and validating the genetic construction. Crossing with insulin-Cre lines (RIP-Cre and IPF1-Cre) to obtain pancreas-selective deletion did not appear to affect survival, growth, glucose tolerance, or β-cell number. We found (using TaqMan RT-PCR, immunoblotting, immunocytochemistry, and proteome analysis) that the EAAT2 levels were too low to support any of the four hypothesized functions. The proteome analysis detected more than 7,000 islet proteins of which more than 100 were transporters. Although mitochondrial glutamate transporters and transporters for neutral amino acids were present at high levels, all other transporters with known ability to transport glutamate were strikingly absent. Glutamate-metabolizing enzymes were abundant. The level of glutamine synthetase was 2 orders of magnitude higher than that of glutaminase. Taken together this suggests that the uptake of glutamate by islets from the extracellular fluid is insignificant and that glutamate is intracellularly produced. Glutamine synthetase may be more important for islets than assumed previously.  相似文献   

The Src family kinases (SFKs) play essential roles in collagen- and von Willebrand factor (VWF)-mediated platelet activation. However, the roles of SFKs in G protein-coupled receptor-mediated platelet activation and the molecular mechanisms whereby SFKs are activated by G protein-coupled receptor stimulation are not fully understood. Here we show that the thrombin receptor protease-activated receptor 4 agonist peptide AYPGKF elicited SFK phosphorylation in P2Y12 deficient platelets but stimulated minimal SFK phosphorylation in platelets lacking Gq. We have previously shown that thrombin-induced SFK phosphorylation was inhibited by the calcium chelator 5,5′-dimethyl-bis-(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (dimethyl-BAPTA). The calcium ionophore A23187 induced SFK phosphorylation in both wild-type and Gq deficient platelets. Together, these results indicate that SFK phosphorylation in response to thrombin receptor stimulation is downstream from Gq/Ca2+ signaling. Moreover, A23187-induced thromboxane A2 synthesis, platelet aggregation, and secretion were inhibited by preincubation of platelets with a selective SFK inhibitor, PP2. AYPGKF-induced thromboxane A2 production in wild-type and P2Y12 deficient platelets was abolished by PP2, and AYPGKF-mediated P-selectin expression, integrin αIIbβ3 activation, and aggregation of P2Y12 deficient platelets were partially inhibited by the PKC inhibitor Ro-31-8220, PP2, dimethyl-BAPTA, or LY294002, but were abolished by Ro-31-8220 plus PP2, dimethyl-BAPTA, or LY294002. These data indicate that Ca2+/SFKs/PI3K and PKC represent two alternative signaling pathways mediating Gq-dependent platelet activation.  相似文献   

Pombe Cdc15 homology proteins, characterized by Fer/CIP4 homology Bin-Amphiphysin-Rvs/extended Fer/CIP4 homology (F-BAR/EFC) domains with membrane invaginating property, play critical roles in a variety of membrane reorganization processes. Among them, Rapostlin/formin-binding protein 17 (FBP17) has attracted increasing attention as a critical coordinator of endocytosis. Here we found that Rapostlin was expressed in the developing rat brain, including the hippocampus, in late developmental stages when accelerated dendritic spine formation and maturation occur. In primary cultured rat hippocampal neurons, knockdown of Rapostlin by shRNA or overexpression of Rapostlin-QQ, an F-BAR domain mutant of Rapostlin that has no ability to induce membrane invagination, led to a significant decrease in spine density. Expression of shRNA-resistant wild-type Rapostlin effectively restored spine density in Rapostlin knockdown neurons, whereas expression of Rapostlin deletion mutants lacking the protein kinase C-related kinase homology region 1 (HR1) or Src homology 3 (SH3) domain did not. In addition, knockdown of Rapostlin or overexpression of Rapostlin-QQ reduced the uptake of transferrin in hippocampal neurons. Knockdown of Rnd2, which binds to the HR1 domain of Rapostlin, also reduced spine density and the transferrin uptake. These results suggest that Rapostlin and Rnd2 cooperatively regulate spine density. Indeed, Rnd2 enhanced the Rapostlin-induced tubular membrane invagination. We conclude that the F-BAR protein Rapostlin, whose activity is regulated by Rnd2, plays a key role in spine formation through the regulation of membrane dynamics.  相似文献   

In contrast to other organisms, gram-negative bacteria have evolved numerous systems for protein export. Eight types are known that mediate export across or insertion into the cytoplasmic membrane, while eight specifically mediate export across or insertion into the outer membrane. Three of the former secretory pathway (SP) systems, type I SP (ISP, ABC), IIISP (Fla/Path) and IVSP (Conj/Vir), can export proteins across both membranes in a single energy-coupled step. A fourth generalized mechanism for exporting proteins across the two-membrane envelope in two distinct steps (which we here refer to as type II secretory pathways [IISP]) utilizes either the general secretory pathway (GSP or Sec) or the twin-arginine targeting translocase for translocation across the inner membrane, and either the main terminal branch or one of several protein-specific export systems for translocation across the outer membrane. We here survey the various well-characterized protein translocation systems found in living organisms and then focus on the systems present in gram-negative bacteria. Comparisons between these systems suggest specific biogenic, mechanistic and evolutionary similarities as well as major differences.  相似文献   

The small GTP-binding protein Arf6 reorganizes the actin cytoskeleton through the regulation of Rac activity. We identified FilGAP, a Rac-specific Rho GTPase-activating protein that is recruited to plasma membranes by binding to activated Arf6. FilGAP binds to Arf6 through its pleckstrin homology domain. Activated Arf6 stimulated RacGAP activity of FilGAP, and knockdown of endogenous Arf6 by siRNA suppresses FilGAP-mediated bleb formation. Mutant FilGAP lacking phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3) binding (FilGAP R39C) binds to activated Arf6 and induces bleb formation. Moreover, bleb formation induced by wild-type FilGAP occurs in the presence of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitors, suggesting a PIP3-independent interaction between FilGAP and Arf6. We propose that FilGAP may function as a mediator of the regulation of Rac by Arf6.  相似文献   

Huntington disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disease caused by a CAG expansion in the HTT gene. Using yeast two-hybrid methods, we identified a large set of proteins that interact with huntingtin (HTT)-interacting proteins. This network, composed of HTT-interacting proteins (HIPs) and proteins interacting with these primary nodes, contains 3235 interactions among 2141 highly interconnected proteins. Analysis of functional annotations of these proteins indicates that primary and secondary HIPs are enriched in pathways implicated in HD, including mammalian target of rapamycin, Rho GTPase signaling, and oxidative stress response. To validate roles for HIPs in mutant HTT toxicity, we show that the Rho GTPase signaling components, BAIAP2, EZR, PIK3R1, PAK2, and RAC1, are modifiers of mutant HTT toxicity. We also demonstrate that Htt co-localizes with BAIAP2 in filopodia and that mutant HTT interferes with filopodial dynamics. These data indicate that HTT is involved directly in membrane dynamics, cell attachment, and motility. Furthermore, they implicate dysregulation in these pathways as pathological mechanisms in HD.  相似文献   

The fibrillar assembly and deposition of amyloid β (Aβ) protein, a key pathology of Alzheimer disease, can occur in the form of parenchymal amyloid plaques and cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). Familial forms of CAA exist in the absence of appreciable parenchymal amyloid pathology. The molecular interplay between parenchymal amyloid plaques and CAA is unclear. Here we investigated how early-onset parenchymal amyloid plaques impact the development of microvascular amyloid in transgenic mice. Tg-5xFAD mice, which produce non-mutated human Aβ and develop early-onset parenchymal amyloid plaques, were bred to Tg-SwDI mice, which produce familial CAA mutant human Aβ and develop cerebral microvascular amyloid. The bigenic mice presented with an elevated accumulation of Aβ and fibrillar amyloid in the brain compared with either single transgenic line. Tg-SwDI/Tg-5xFAD mice were devoid of microvascular amyloid, the prominent pathology of Tg-SwDI mice, but exhibited larger parenchymal amyloid plaques compared with Tg-5xFAD mice. The larger parenchymal amyloid deposits were associated with a higher loss of cortical neurons and elevated activated microglia in the bigenic Tg-SwDI/Tg-5xFAD mice. The periphery of parenchymal amyloid plaques was largely composed of CAA mutant Aβ. Non-mutated Aβ fibril seeds promoted CAA mutant Aβ fibril formation in vitro. Further, intrahippocampal administration of biotin-labeled CAA mutant Aβ peptide accumulated on and adjacent to pre-existing parenchymal amyloid plaques in Tg-5xFAD mice. These findings indicate that early-onset parenchymal amyloid plaques can serve as a scaffold to capture CAA mutant Aβ peptides and prevent their accumulation in cerebral microvessels.  相似文献   

Dematin is a broadly expressed membrane cytoskeletal protein that has been well characterized in erythrocytes and to a lesser extent in non-erythroid cells. However, dematin''s function in platelets is not known. Here, we show that dematin is abundantly expressed in both human and mouse platelets. Platelets harvested from the dematin headpiece knock-out (HPKO) mouse model exhibit a striking defect in the mobilization of calcium in response to multiple agonists of platelet activation. The reduced calcium mobilization in HPKO platelets is associated with concomitant inhibition of platelet aggregation and granule secretion. Integrin αIIbβ3 activation in response to agonists is attenuated in the HPKO platelets. The mutant platelets show nearly normal spreading on fibrinogen and an unaltered basal cAMP level; however, the clot retraction was compromised in the mutant mice. Immunofluorescence analysis indicated that dematin is present both at the dense tubular system and plasma membrane fractions of platelets. Proteomic analysis of dematin-associated proteins in human platelets identified inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase isoform B (IP3KB) as a binding partner, which was confirmed by immunoprecipitation analysis. IP3KB, a dense tubular system protein, is a major regulator of calcium homeostasis. Loss of the dematin headpiece resulted in a decrease of IP3KB at the membrane and increased levels of IP3KB in the cytosol. Collectively, these findings unveil dematin as a novel regulator of internal calcium mobilization in platelets affecting multiple signaling and cytoskeletal functions. Implications of a conserved role of dematin in the regulation of calcium homeostasis in other cell types will be discussed.  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) play important roles in the life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum and other apicomplexan parasites. CDPKs commonly have an N-terminal kinase domain (KD) and a C-terminal calmodulin-like domain (CamLD) with calcium-binding EF hands. The KD and CamLD are separated by a junction domain (JD). Previous studies on Plasmodium and Toxoplasma CDPKs suggest a role for the JD and CamLD in the regulation of kinase activity. Here, we provide direct evidence for the binding of the CamLD with the P3 region (Leu356 to Thr370) of the JD in the presence of calcium (Ca2+). Moreover, site-directed mutagenesis of conserved hydrophobic residues in the JD (F363A/I364A, L356A, and F350A) abrogates functional activity of PfCDPK1, demonstrating the importance of these residues in PfCDPK1 function. Modeling studies suggest that these residues play a role in interaction of the CamLD with the JD. The P3 peptide, which specifically inhibits the functional activity of PfCDPK1, blocks microneme discharge and erythrocyte invasion by P. falciparum merozoites. Purfalcamine, a previously identified specific inhibitor of PfCDPK1, also inhibits microneme discharge and erythrocyte invasion, confirming a role for PfCDPK1 in this process. These studies validate PfCDPK1 as a target for drug development and demonstrate that interfering with its mechanistic regulation may provide a novel approach to design-specific PfCDPK1 inhibitors that limit blood stage parasite growth and clear malaria parasite infections.  相似文献   

We established three types of thrombosis models to explore the effects of the static magnetic field (SMF) on thrombosis in rats and mice with three different MF intensities. In the carrageenan-induced thrombosis model in rats, the SMF treatments reduced the black tail length of rats, extracorporeal thrombus, and the mass of wet and dry thrombus, and improved the coagulation index value. In FeCl3-induced arterial thrombosis model in rats, the SMF treatment showed some anti-thrombotic effects. More specifically, the SMF treatment affected rodent blood pressure, plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor, tissue-type plasminogen activator, thrombus mass, and thrombus protein content. In the adrenaline-induced thrombosis model in mice, the SMF treatment had certain effects on the diameter and blood flow velocity of mouse auricle microcirculation in fine veins and arteries. Overall, the highest MF intensities we tested, 20–150 mT, showed a trend of anti-thrombotic effect, indicating that the moderate-intensity SMF might serve as a potential treatment for clot-related diseases in the future. Bioelectromagnetics. 2020;41:52–62 © 2019 Bioelectromagnetics Society.  相似文献   

Abstract: Both the Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent protein kinases (protein kinases C, PKCs) and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) have been implicated as participants in the secretory response of bovine adrenomedullary chromaffin cells. To investigate a possible role for these kinases in exocytosis and the relationship of these kinases to one another, intact chromaffin cells were treated with agents that inhibited each of the kinases and analyzed for catecholamine release and MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) kinase (MEK)/MAPK activation after stimulation with secretagogues of differential efficacy. Of the three secretagogues tested, inactivation of PKCs by long-term phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) treatment or incubation with GF109203X had the greatest inhibitory effect on nicotine-induced catecholamine release and MEK/MAPK activation, a moderate effect on KCl-induced events, and little, if any, effect on Ca2+ ionophore-elicited exocytosis and MEK/MAPK activation. These results indicate that PKC plays a significant role in events induced by the optimal secretagogue nicotine and a lesser role in exocytosis elicited by the suboptimal secretagogues KCl and Ca2+ ionophore. Treatment of cells with the MEK-activation inhibitor PD098059 completely inhibited MEK/MAPK activation (IC50 1–5 µM) and partially inhibited catecholamine release induced by all secretagogues. However, PD098059 was more effective at inhibiting exocytosis induced by suboptimal secretagogues (IC50~10 µM) than that induced by nicotine (IC50~30 µM). These results suggest a more prominent role for MEK/MAPK in basic secretory events activated by suboptimal secretagogues than in those activated by the optimal secretagogue nicotine. However, PD098059 also partially blocked secretion potentiated by short-term PMA treatment, suggesting that PKC can function in part by signaling through MEK/MAPK to enhance secretion. Taken together, these results provide evidence for the preferential involvement of MEK/MAPK in basic secretory events activated by the suboptimal secretagogues KCl and Ca2+ ionophore and the participation of both PKC and MEK/MAPK in optimal secretion induced by nicotine.  相似文献   

Insulin stimulates glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes in part by causing endoproteolytic cleavage of TUG (tether containing a ubiquitin regulatory X (UBX) domain for glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4)). Cleavage liberates intracellularly sequestered GLUT4 glucose transporters for translocation to the cell surface. To test the role of this regulation in muscle, we used mice with muscle-specific transgenic expression of a truncated TUG fragment, UBX-Cter. This fragment causes GLUT4 translocation in unstimulated 3T3-L1 adipocytes. We predicted that transgenic mice would have GLUT4 translocation in muscle during fasting. UBX-Cter expression caused depletion of PIST (PDZ domain protein interacting specifically with TC10), which transmits an insulin signal to TUG. Whereas insulin stimulated TUG proteolysis in control muscles, proteolysis was constitutive in transgenic muscles. Fasting transgenic mice had decreased plasma glucose and insulin concentrations compared with controls. Whole-body glucose turnover was increased during fasting but not during hyperinsulinemic clamp studies. In muscles with the greatest UBX-Cter expression, 2-deoxyglucose uptake during fasting was similar to that in control muscles during hyperinsulinemic clamp studies. Fasting transgenic mice had increased muscle glycogen, and GLUT4 targeting to T-tubule fractions was increased 5.7-fold. Whole-body oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), and energy expenditure were increased by 12–13%. After 3 weeks on a high fat diet, the decreased fasting plasma glucose in transgenic mice compared with controls was more marked, and increased glucose turnover was not observed; the transgenic mice continued to have an increased metabolic rate. We conclude that insulin stimulates TUG proteolysis to translocate GLUT4 in muscle, that this pathway impacts systemic glucose homeostasis and energy metabolism, and that the effects of activating this pathway are maintained during high fat diet-induced insulin resistance in mice.  相似文献   

Small GTPase Rab17 has recently been shown to regulate dendritic morphogenesis of mouse hippocampal neurons; however, the exact molecular mechanism of Rab17-mediated dendritogenesis remained to be determined, because no guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for Rab17 had been identified. In this study we screened for the Rab17-GEF by performing yeast two-hybrid assays with a GDP-locked Rab17 mutant as bait and found that Rabex-5 and ALS2, both of which were originally described as Rab5-GEFs, interact with Rab17. We also found that expression of Rabex-5, but not of ALS2, promotes translocation of Rab17 from the cell body to the dendrites of developing mouse hippocampal neurons. The shRNA-mediated knockdown of Rabex-5 or its known downstream target Rab5 in hippocampal neurons inhibited morphogenesis of both axons and dendrites, whereas knockdown of Rab17 affected dendrite morphogenesis alone. Based on these findings, we propose that Rabex-5 regulates neurite morphogenesis of hippocampal neurons by activating at least two downstream targets, Rab5, which is localized in both axons and dendrites, and Rab17, which is localized in dendrites alone.  相似文献   

The accumulation of crystallin fragments in vivo and their subsequent interaction with crystallins are responsible, in part, for protein aggregation in cataracts. Transgenic mice overexpressing acylpeptide hydrolase (APH) specifically in the lens were prepared to test the role of protease in the generation and accumulation of peptides. Cataract development was seen at various postnatal days in the majority of mice expressing active APH (wt-APH). Cataract onset and severity of the cataracts correlated with the APH protein levels. Lens opacity occurred when APH protein levels were >2.6% of the total lens protein and the specific activity, assayed using Ac-Ala-p-nitroanilide substrate, was >1 unit. Transgenic mice carrying inactive APH (mt-APH) did not develop cataract. Cataract development also correlated with N-terminal cleavage of the APH to generate a 57-kDa protein, along with an increased accumulation of low molecular weight (LMW) peptides, similar to those found in aging human and cataract lenses. Nontransgenic mouse lens proteins incubated with purified wt-APH in vitro resulted in a >20% increase in LMW peptides. Crystallin modifications and cleavage were quite dramatic in transgenic mouse lenses with mature cataract. Affected lenses showed capsule rupture at the posterior pole, with expulsion of the lens nucleus and degenerating fiber cells. Our study suggests that the cleaved APH fragment might exert catalytic activity against crystallins, resulting in the accumulation of distinct LMW peptides that promote protein aggregation in lenses expressing wt-APH. The APH transgenic model we developed will enable in vivo testing of the roles of crystallin fragments in protein aggregation.  相似文献   

The planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway is a conserved non-canonical (β-catenin-independent) branch of Wnt signaling crucial to embryogenesis, during which it regulates cell polarity and polarized cell movements. Disruption of PCP components in mice, including Vangl2 and Dact1, results in defective neural tube closure and other developmental defects. Here, we show that Sestd1 is a novel binding partner of Vangl2 and Dact1. The Sestd1-Dact1 interface is formed by circumscribed regions of Sestd1 (the carboxyl-terminal region) and Dact1 (the amino-terminal region). Remarkably, we show that loss of Sestd1 precisely phenocopies loss of Dact1 during embryogenesis in mice, leading to a spectrum of birth malformations, including neural tube defects, a shortened and/or curly tail, no genital tubercle, blind-ended colons, hydronephrotic kidneys, and no bladder. Moreover, as with Dact1, a knock-out mutation at the Sestd1 locus exhibits reciprocal genetic rescue interactions during development with a semidominant mutation at the Vangl2 locus. Consistent with this, examination of Wnt pathway activities in Sestd1 mutant mouse embryonic tissue reveals disrupted PCP pathway biochemistry similar to that characterized in Dact1 mutant embryos. The Sestd1 protein is a divergent member of the Trio family of GTPase regulatory proteins that lacks a guanine nucleotide exchange factor domain. Nonetheless, in cell-based assays the Sestd1-Dact1 interaction can induce Rho GTPase activation. Together, our data indicate that Sestd1 cooperates with Dact1 in Vangl2 regulation and in the PCP pathway during mammalian embryonic development.  相似文献   

In platelets, STIM1 has been recognized as the key regulatory protein in store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) with Orai1 as principal Ca2+ entry channel. Both proteins contribute to collagen-dependent arterial thrombosis in mice in vivo. It is unclear whether STIM2 is involved. A key platelet response relying on Ca2+ entry is the surface exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS), which accomplishes platelet procoagulant activity. We studied this response in mouse platelets deficient in STIM1, STIM2, or Orai1. Upon high shear flow of blood over collagen, Stim1−/− and Orai1−/− platelets had greatly impaired glycoprotein (GP) VI-dependent Ca2+ signals, and they were deficient in PS exposure and thrombus formation. In contrast, Stim2−/− platelets reacted normally. Upon blood flow in the presence of thrombin generation and coagulation, Ca2+ signals of Stim1−/− and Orai1−/− platelets were partly reduced, whereas the PS exposure and formation of fibrin-rich thrombi were normalized. Washed Stim1−/− and Orai1−/− platelets were deficient in GPVI-induced PS exposure and prothrombinase activity, but not when thrombin was present as co-agonist. Markedly, SKF96365, a blocker of (receptor-operated) Ca2+ entry, inhibited Ca2+ and procoagulant responses even in Stim1−/− and Orai1−/− platelets. These data show for the first time that: (i) STIM1 and Orai1 jointly contribute to GPVI-induced SOCE, procoagulant activity, and thrombus formation; (ii) a compensating Ca2+ entry pathway is effective in the additional presence of thrombin; (iii) platelets contain two mechanisms of Ca2+ entry and PS exposure, only one relying on STIM1-Orai1 interaction.  相似文献   

许扬  秦蒙  荒井秀典  横出正之  北徹 《中国实验动物学报》2009,17(3):176-179,I0001,I0002
目的研究血管损伤后病变形成过程中的巨噬细胞与平滑肌细胞的相互作用。方法C57BL/6(6~8周龄)小鼠24只,右侧股动脉植入透明塑料微导管,制作小鼠血管损伤模型,术后给予特异性抗体AFS98及APB5,分别阻断巨噬细胞和平滑肌细胞增殖的信息传导通路。给药2周后采集股动脉组织,用免疫组织化学的方法对血管病变进行分析。结果小鼠股动脉血管损伤2周后,病变部位聚集了大量的巨噬细胞、平滑肌细胞。给予阻断巨噬细胞增殖的信息传导通路的特异性抗体AFS98后,病变部位的巨噬细胞数量显著减少,平滑肌细胞数量反而增多。相反,给予抑制平滑肌细胞增殖的抗体APB5后,病变局部平滑肌细胞数量减少,而巨噬细胞数量急剧增加。结论小鼠股动脉血管损伤后,构成病变的细胞主要为巨噬细胞与平滑肌细胞。这两种细胞在分化成终末成熟细胞的过程中,存在着相互拮抗的作用。  相似文献   

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