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Signa are structures of the inner wall of the female corpus bursae (structure where males deposit a spermatophore during copulation) of many Lepidoptera that assist in tearing open spermatophores. In this paper, three hypotheses on the evolutionary origin of signa are proposed. The first hypothesis considers natural selection pressures arising from ecological changes that favor an increase in oviposition rate as the force behind the evolution of signa. The other two hypotheses involve sexual selection. The second hypothesis proposes that sexually antagonistic coevolution is responsible of the evolution of signa: According to this hypothesis, the inverse relation between the length of the female's refractory period and the amount of ejaculate remaining in her corpus bursae, observed in most Lepidoptera studied, selects in males a decreased rate of spermatophore digestion (e.g. a thicker spermatophore envelope or a higher chitin content) that increases the length of the refractory period beyond the female's optimum; in response, females evolved signa as a counteradaptation to restore the female's optimum by increasing the rate of spermatophore digestion. The last hypothesis considers that signa may have evolved as a female device for cryptic choice of males based on the ability of these to influence the length of post-copulatory female refractory period. The different hypotheses make different predictions of the sequence of appearance of specific ecological factors and novel phenotypic traits through evolutionary time. Therefore, testing the relative importance of the hypotheses requires a formal comparative analysis.  相似文献   

Reproduction is thought to entail costs, but assessing survival costs associated with maturation as organisms express reproductive genes for the first time is problematic because many will die prior to expressing a phenotype. We quantified selection acting on this invisible fraction by measuring selection on predicted breeding values for clutch size estimated from a multigenerational pedigree of side-blotched lizards in which clutch size was heritable (h2=0.25+/-0.04). The survival effects of predicted breeding values for clutch size during maturation, however, differed between males and females indicating ontogenetic conflict. Increased mortality during maturation was associated with lower predicted breeding values for clutch size for females, but higher predicted breeding values for males who do not produce a clutch. Genetic correlations between clutch size and male and female survival were consistent with calculated selection differentials. Experimental yolk removal did not affect progeny survival during maturation, indicating that selection on maturing progeny was not due to confounding yolk-volume maternal effects, and hormone manipulations confirmed clutch size as the target of viability selection during maturation. Such episodes of selection prior to phenotypic expression of the trait will have important consequences for the evolution of reproductive investment.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, mature rRNA sequences are produced from single large (45S) precursor (pre-rRNA) as the result of successive removal of spacers through a series of rapid and intricate actions of endo- and exonucleases. The excision of internal transcribed spacer (ITS2), a eukaryotic-specific insertion, remains the most elusive processing step. ITS2 is the element mandatory for all eukaryotic pre-rRNAs that contain at least three processing cleavage sites for precise 5.8S and 28S formation. Conserved core sequences (cis-elements) binding to trans-factors provide for precise rRNA processing, whereas rapidly diverging regions between the core sequences preserve internal complementarity, which guarantees the spatial integrity of ITS2. Characteristic differences in the formation of such insertions during evolution should reflect the relationships between taxa. The phylogeny of the reptiles and the relationships between taxa proposed by scientists are controversial. To delineate the structural and functional features preserved among reptilian ITS2s, we cloned and sequenced 58 ITS2s belonging to four reptile orders: Squamata, Crocodilians, Aves, and Testudines. We studied the subsequent alignment and folding of variable regions. The sizes and packing of the loop–stems between conserved consensus segments in reptiles vary considerably between taxa. Our phylogenetic trees constructed on the basis of the reptile ITS2s primary structural alignments revealed a split between Iguania clade and all other taxa. True lizards (suborder Scleroglossa) and snakes (suborder Serpentes) show sister relationships, as well as the two other reptilian orders, Crocodilia + Aves and Testudines. In summary, our phylogenetic trees exhibit a mix of specific features deduced or, to the contrary, rejected earlier by other authors.  相似文献   

Body size and development time of Manduca sexta are both determined by the same set of three developmental–physiological factors. These define a parameter space within which it is possible to analyse and explain how phenotypic change is associated with changes in the underlying factors. Body size and development time are determined by the identical set of underlying factors, so they are not independent, but because the mechanisms by which these factors produce each phenotype are different, the two phenotypes are only weakly correlated, and the correlation is context dependent. We use a mathematical model of this mechanism to explore the association between body size and development time and show that the correlation between these two life-history traits can be positive, zero or negative, depending entirely on where in parameter space a population is located, and on which of the underlying factors has a greater variation. The gradient within this parameter space predicts the unconstrained evolutionary trajectory under directional selection on each trait. Calculations of the gradients for body size and development time revealed that these are nearly orthogonal through much of the parameter space. Therefore, simultaneous directional selection on body size and development time can be neither synergistic nor antagonistic but leads to conflicting selection on the underlying developmental parameters.  相似文献   

In extreme cases leaves in male plants of the dioecious genus Leucadendron (Proteaceae) are up to an order of magnitude smaller than female leaves. This secondary sexual dimorphism (SSD) in leaf size has previously been suggested to be due to intra-male sexual selection, leading to an increase in male allocation to reproduction in dimorphic species. After critically evaluating previous data provided to support this hypothesis, I suggest on both theoretical grounds and on re-analysis that this argument is unlikely and unsupported. Leaf size dimorphism could theoretically evolve directly due to disruptive ecological selection between genders, leading to niche dimorphism either within or between habitats. I test this ecological causation hypothesis by providing data on specific leaf area (sla) and water use efficiency (δ 13C) of leaves from males and females of several Leucadendron species. Results confirm the expectation of minimal gender differences. I argue that leaf dimorphism is a consequence of selection on flower size and architecture.  相似文献   

Holometabolous insects like Drosophila proceed through two phases of visual system development. The embryonic phase generates simple eyes of the larva. The postembryonic phase produces the adult specific compound eyes during late larval development and pupation. In primitive insects, by contrast, eye development persists seemingly continuously from embryogenesis through the end of postembryogenesis. Comparative literature suggests that the evolutionary transition from continuous to biphasic eye development occurred via transient developmental arrest. This review investigates how the developmental arrest model relates to the gene networks regulating larval and adult eye development in Drosophila, and embryonic compound eye development in primitive insects. Consistent with the developmental arrest model, the available data suggest that the determination of the anlage of the rudimentary Drosophila larval eye is homologous to the embryonic specification of the juvenile compound eye in directly developing insects while the Drosophila compound eye primordium is evolutionarily related to the yet little studied stem cell based postembryonic eye primordium of primitive insects.  相似文献   

Sperm cells provide essential, if usually diminutive, ingredients to successful sexual reproduction. Despite this conserved function, sperm competition and coevolution with female traits can drive spectacular morphological change in these cells. Here, we characterize four repeated instances of convergent evolution of sperm gigantism in Caenorhabditis nematodes using phylogenetic comparative methods on 26 species. Species at the extreme end of the 50‐fold range of sperm‐cell volumes across the genus have sperm capable of comprising up to 5% of egg‐cell volume, representing severe attenuation of the magnitude of anisogamy. Furthermore, we uncover significant differences in mean and variance of sperm size among genotypes, between sexes, and within and between individuals of identical genotypes. We demonstrate that the developmental basis of sperm size variation, both within and between species, becomes established during an early stage of sperm development at the formation of primary spermatocytes, while subsequent meiotic divisions contribute little further sperm size variability. These findings provide first insights into the developmental determinants of inter‐ and intraspecific sperm size differences in Caenorhabditis. We hypothesize that life history and ecological differences among species favored the evolution of alternative sperm competition strategies toward either many smaller sperm or fewer larger sperm.  相似文献   

Studies of sexual selection show that both female choice and male-male competition can influence the evolution and expression of male phenotypes. In this regard, it is important to determine the functional basis through which male traits influence variation in male reproductive success. In this study, we estimate the strength and type of sexual selection acting on adult males in a population of wild lemur, Verreaux's sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi). The data used in this study were collected at Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, southwest Madagascar. We conducted paternity analyses on 70 males in order to estimate the distribution of reproductive success in this population. Paternity data were combined with morphometric data in order to determine which morphological traits covary with male fitness. Five morphological traits were defined in this analysis: body size, canine size, torso shape, arm shape, and leg shape. We utilized phenotypic selection models in order to determine the strength and type of selection acting directly on each trait. Our results show that directional selection acts on leg shape (a trait that is functionally related to locomotor performance), stabilizing selection acts on body mass and torso shape, and negative correlational selection acts on body mass and leg shape. We draw from biomechanical and kinematic studies of sifaka locomotion to provide a functional context for how these traits influence male mating competition within an arboreal environment. Verreaux's sifaka and many other gregarious lemurs are sexually monomorphic in body mass and canine size, despite a high frequency and intensity of male-male aggressive competition. Our results provide some insight into this paradox: in our population, there is no directional selection acting on body mass or canine size in males. The total pattern of selection implicates that behaviors relating to locomotor performance are more important than behaviors relating to fighting ability during intrasexual contests.  相似文献   

In anurans with axillary amplexus, males may be unable to handle females much different in body size from them due to physical limitation. Such mechanical constraint during the grasping processes is thought to be one of the proximate mechanisms leading to pairs to form size-assortively. Using a pairing experiment, the purpose of this study was to test this prediction for a temperate frog (Rana chensinensis) wherein some size-assortative matings occur in natural populations. We found a reduced probability of pairing success as the difference between sexes. When one female was much larger than one male that attempted to grasp her, she tended to dislodge aggressively him, suggesting a role of mechanical constraint in facilitating female choice against small-sized mates. By contrast, when the male was much larger than the female, he often failed to grasp her effectively or remain her in amplexus for longer, indicating the restriction of mechanical constraint to male pairing attempts and to female preference for large-sized mates.  相似文献   

Two recent studies provide provocative experimental findings about the potential influence of kin recognition and cooperation on the level of sexual conflict in Drosophila melanogaster. In both studies, male fruit flies apparently curbed their mate-harming behaviours in the presence of a few familiar or related males, suggesting some form of cooperation mediated by kin selection. In one study, the reduction in agonistic behaviour by brothers apparently rendered them vulnerable to dramatic loss of paternity share when competing with an unrelated male. If these results are robust and generalizable, fruit flies could be a major new focus for the experimental study of kin selection and social evolution. In our opinion, however, the restrictive conditions required for male cooperation to be adaptive in this species make it unlikely to evolve. We investigated these phenomena in two different populations of D. melanogaster using protocols very similar to those in the two previous studies. Our experiments show no evidence for a reduction in mate harm based upon either relatedness or familiarity between males, and no reduction in male reproductive success when two brothers are in the presence of an unfamiliar, unrelated, ‘foreign’ male. Thus, the reduction of sexual conflict owing to male cooperation does not appear to be a general feature of the species, at least under domestication, and these contrasting results call for further investigation: in new populations, in the field and in the laboratory populations in which these phenomena have been reported.  相似文献   

In many species females mate with and store sperm from multiple males, and some female insects have evolved multiple compartments for sperm storage. Sperm storage and sperm viability were investigated in two firefly species, Photinus greeni and P. ignitus, which differ in the morphology of the female reproductive tract. Although the primary spermatheca is similar in both species, P. greeni females have an additional, conspicuous outpocketing within the bursa copulatrix whose potential role in sperm storage was investigated in this study. An assay that distinguishes between live and dead sperm was used to examine sperm viability in male seminal vesicles and sperm storage sites within the female reproductive tract. For both Photinus species, sperm from male seminal vesicles showed significantly higher viability compared to sperm from the primary spermatheca of single mated females. In single mated P. greeni females, sperm taken from the channel outpocketing (secondary spermatheca) showed significantly higher viability compared to sperm from the primary spermatheca. This sperm viability difference was not evident in double mated females. There were no significant differences between P. greeni and P. ignitus females in the viability of sperm from the primary spermatheca. These studies contribute to our understanding of post-mating processes that may influence paternity success, and suggest that sexual conflict over control of fertilizations may occur in multiply mated firefly females.  相似文献   

Female mate-choice copying is a social learning phenomenon whereby a female's observation of a successful sexual interaction between a male and another female increases her likelihood of subsequently preferring that male. Although mate-choice copying has been documented in several vertebrate species, to our knowledge it has not yet been investigated in insects. Here, we investigated whether female mate-choice copying occurs in the fruit fly Drosophila serrata, a model system for the study of mate preferences and the sexual selection they generate. We used two complementary experiments in which focal females were given a choice between two males that differed in either their apparent (as determined visually by the focal female) or actual recent mating success. Mate-choice copying was evaluated by testing whether focal females mated more frequently with the ‘preferred’ male as opposed to the other male. In both experiments, however, we found no evidence for mate-choice copying. We discuss possible reasons for the apparent absence of mate-choice copying in this species.  相似文献   

The mreB gene family encodes actin-like proteins that determine cell shape by directing cell wall synthesis and often exists in one to three copies in the genomes of non-spherical bacteria. Intriguingly, while most wall-less bacteria do not have this gene, five to seven mreB homologs are found in Spiroplasma and Haloplasma, which are both characterized by cell contractility. To investigate the molecular evolution of this gene family in wall-less bacteria, we sampled the available genome sequences from these two genera and other related lineages for comparative analysis. The gene phylogenies indicated that the mreB homologs in Haloplasma are more closely related to those in Firmicutes, whereas those in Spiroplasma form a separate clade. This finding suggests that the gene family expansions in these two lineages are the results of independent ancient duplications. Moreover, the Spiroplasma mreB homologs can be classified into five clades, of which the genomic positions are largely conserved. The inference of gene gains and losses suggests that there has been an overall trend to retain only one homolog from each of the five mreB clades in the evolutionary history of Spiroplasma.  相似文献   

Multiple mating in females is widespread among insects in spite of the risk of predation, disease acquisition and/or physical injury that may occur. One common consequence of female polyandry is competition among sperm from two or more males within the female to fertilize the ova. This competition is an evolutionary driving force that determines a series of adaptations in both males and females. In this work, we examine some behavioral, morphological and physiological characteristics of males and females of two Heteropteran species that are related to their monoandrous/polyandrous mating behavior. Females of Macrolophus pygmaeus (Het. Miridae), the monoandrous species, were coy about accepting a male partner, spent a short time in copula, and received only a small volume of ejaculate. Even so, with only one mating event, they received enough sperm to fertilize most of their ova (21 days after mating all females were still fertile). In contrast, females of Nesidiocoris tenuis (Het. Miridae), the polyandrous species, readily accepted any mating partner, spent a long time in copula and received a large volume of ejaculate. However, these latter females soon ran out of sperm and needed to mate periodically in order to maintain a sufficient sperm supply to fertilize their eggs. As predicted, based on current theory (Simmons, 2001b), an increased investment in spermatogenesis was detected in N. tenuis with relation to M. pygmaeus. The males of the polyandrous species had larger accessory reproductive glands, seminal vesicles, testes and sperm cells than those of the monoandrous species.  相似文献   

An analysis of 30 craniological characters of Eurasian badgers (Meles spp.) revealed different levels of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and geographic variation in the three different species. SSD is displayed mostly in the general size of the skull (condylobasal length, zygomatic width, width of rostrum, and cranial height) and mandible (height of the vertical mandibular ramus, total length of the mandible, and length between the angular process and infradentale), and in some dental characters (length of the upper molar M1). The most stable size dimorphism is manifested in the size of the canines, which is pronounced in all studied samples. SSD is not apparent in the length of the auditory bulla, the postorbital width, the minimum palatal width, the length of the lower molar M2, and the talonid length of the lower carnassial tooth M1.In both the European badgers, Meles meles, and the Asian badgers, Meles leucurus, two geographic forms that differ in the degree of SSD have been found. The most pronounced SSD of cranial characters is found in the Transcaucasian form of Meles meles and the Far-Eastern form of Meles leucurus. In the large European form of Meles meles, SSD is less pronounced in both absolute and relative criteria than in the smaller Transcaucasian form. An analogous situation is observed in the larger Siberian and smaller Far-Eastern forms of Meles leucurus. In the Japanese badgers, Meles anakuma, a downsizing of the skull is accompanied by a decrease in SSD (except in canine size) in comparison to the continental species. The significant differences in the manifestation of SSD in the Eurasian badgers support an earlier hypothesis (Abramov, 2001. Proc. Zool. Inst. Russ. Acad. Sci. 288, 221-233; Abramov, 2002. Russ. J. Theriol. 1 (1), 57-60; Abramov, 2003. Small Carnivore Conserv. 29, 5-7) that Meles meles, Meles leucurus, and Meles anakuma are separate species. The differences in the level of SSD among and within these three species of badgers may be attributed not to differences in the diet or social structure, but to the history of speciation events and formation of intraspecific distribution ranges.  相似文献   

Several species of simultaneously hermaphroditic seabasses living on coral reefs mate by alternating male and female roles with a partner. This is known as egg trading, one of the classic and most widely cited examples of social reciprocity among animals. Some of the egg-trading seabass species, including the chalk bass, Serranus tortugarum, switch mating roles repeatedly, having subdivided their clutch of eggs into parcels offered to the partner for fertilization. Here we attempt to understand these dynamics as a pair of evolutionary games, modifying some previous approaches to better reflect the biological system. We find that the trading of egg clutches is evolutionarily stable via byproduct mutualism and resistant to invasion by rare individuals that take the male role exclusively. We note why and how parceling may reflect sexual conflict between individuals in the mating pair. We estimate evolutionarily stable parcel numbers and show how they depend on parameter values. Typically, two or more sequential parcel numbers are evolutionarily stable, though the lowest of these yields the highest fitness. Assuming that parcel numbers are adjusted to local conditions, we predict that parcel numbers in nature are inversely related both to mating group density (except at low density) and predation risk.  相似文献   

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