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The red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, secretes quinones that control the microbial flora in the surrounding environment. These secretions act as an external immune defence that provides protection against pathogens. At high concentrations, however, these secretions are harmful to the host itself, and selection may thus have optimized the level of expression under natural conditions. Here, we show that the expression of external immunity responded to selection during experimental evolution within a few generations. At the same time, one component of internal immune defence (phenoloxidase activity) was compromised in beetles selected for either high or low external defences. Intriguingly, offspring protection against a natural pathogen was reduced in flour obtained from beetle lines selected for low amounts of secretions. Altogether, this suggests that external and internal immune defences work together efficiently under natural conditions, whereas every manipulation on the side of external immune defence comes with costs to the internal immune defence.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a commonly used bioagent in insect pest control. Its toxicity is largely due to the crystalline (Cry) proteins that act selectively on insects and/or nematodes. Some insects, such as the stored product pest Tribolium castaneum, are relatively resistant to any natural Cry toxin. In attempt to find a Cry protein sufficiently toxic to this beetle, we prepared 18 recombinant modifications of Cry3A protoxins and tested them on the penultimate instar larvae of T. castaneum. Larvae were transferred to diet containing 0, 14, 28, 56 or 112 ppm of a Cry protein and their body growth and mortality were evaluated after 10 days. Cumulative mortality reached 25%, and the growth was nearly halted with 112 ppm of the natural Cry3Aa. The mortality was lower and the body weight increased by 15% of the control value in larvae receiving the recombinant Cry3Aa. Several structural derivatives of Cry3A also caused significant growth reduction and enhanced mortality. As both the natural and the recombinant Cry3Aa were more active than any of the tested Cry3A derivatives, we conclude that structural modifications of Cry3Aa are unlikely to increase toxicity to T. castaneum.  相似文献   

Many taxa exhibit plastic immune responses initiated after primary microbial exposure that provide increased protection against disease‐induced mortality and the fitness costs of infection. In several arthropod species, this protection can even be passed from parents to offspring through a phenomenon called trans‐generational immune priming. Here, we first demonstrate that trans‐generational priming is a repeatable phenomenon in flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum) primed and infected with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). We then quantify the within‐host dynamics of microbes and host physiological responses in infected offspring from primed and unprimed mothers by monitoring bacterial density and using mRNA‐seq to profile host gene expression, respectively, over the acute infection period. We find that priming increases inducible resistance against Bt around a critical temporal juncture where host septicaemic trajectories, and consequently survival, may be determined in unprimed individuals. Our results identify a highly differentially expressed biomarker of priming, containing an EIF4‐e domain, in uninfected individuals, as well as several other candidate genes. Moreover, the induction and decay dynamics of gene expression over time suggest a metabolic shift in primed individuals. The identified bacterial and gene expression dynamics are likely to influence patterns of bacterial fitness and disease transmission in natural populations.  相似文献   

Trans‐generational immune priming (TGIP) describes the transfer of immune stimulation to the next generation. As stress and immunity are closely connected, we here address the question whether trans‐generational effects on immunity and resistance can also be elicited by a nonpathogen stress treatment of parents. General stressors have been shown to induce immunity to pathogens within individuals. However, to our knowledge, it is as of yet unknown whether stress can also induce trans‐generational effects on immunity and resistance. We exposed a parental generation (mothers, fathers, or both parents) of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum, a species where TGIP has been previously been demonstrated, to either a brief heat or cold shock and examined offspring survival after bacterial infection with the entomopathogen Bacillus thuringiensis. We also studied phenoloxidase activity, a key enzyme of the insect innate immune system that has previously been demonstrated to be up‐regulated upon TGIP. We quantified parental fecundity and offspring developmental time to evaluate whether trans‐generational priming might have costs. Offspring resistance was found to be significantly increased when both parents received a cold shock. Offspring phenoloxidase activity was also higher when mothers or both parents were cold‐shocked. By contrast, parental heat shock reduced offspring phenoloxidase activity. Moreover, parental cold or heat shock delayed offspring development. In sum, we conclude that trans‐generational priming for resistance could not only be elicited by pathogens or pathogen‐derived components, but also by more general cues that are indicative of a stressful environment. The interaction between stress responses and the immune system might play an important role also for trans‐generational effects.  相似文献   

Paternal trans-generational immune priming, whereby fathers provide immune protection to offspring, has been demonstrated in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum exposed to the insect pathogen Bacillus thuringiensis. It is currently unclear how such protection is transferred, as in contrast to mothers, fathers do not directly provide offspring with a large amount of substances. In addition to sperm, male flour beetles transfer seminal fluids in a spermatophore to females during copulation. Depending on whether paternal trans-generational immune priming is mediated by sperm or seminal fluids, it is expected to either affect only the genetic offspring of a male, or also their step offspring that are sired by another male. We therefore conducted a double-mating experiment and found that only the genetic offspring of an immune primed male show enhanced survival upon bacterial challenge, while phenoloxidase activity, an important insect immune trait, and the expression of the immune receptor PGRP were increased in all offspring. This indicates that information leading to enhanced survival upon pathogen exposure is transferred via sperm, and thus potentially constitutes an epigenetic effect, whereas substances transferred with the seminal fluid could have an additional influence on offspring immune traits and immunological alertness.  相似文献   

1. Trans‐generational immune priming is a phenomenon in insects in which the offspring of mothers previously challenged with a focal microbe exhibit a survival advantage when challenged with that microbe. 2. Maternal egg provisioning with immune factors such as antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) is widely believed to contribute to the primed phenotype. However, other ‘socially mediated’ environmental factors secreted or excreted by the mother and others in the community, such as the gut microbiota or pheromones, may also affect offspring immune phenotype. 3. The relative contributions of maternal egg provisioning and socially mediated environmental factors to the primed larval phenotype were assessed by performing a cross‐fostering survival experiment with Tribolium castaneum, in which the eggs of primed or naïve mothers were sterilised, treated with the frass of primed or naïve beetles, and challenged as larvae with the maternal pathogen, Bacillus thuringiensis. 4. Larvae from primed mothers showed greater survival than unprimed larvae, regardless of frass treatment; maternal treatment therefore showed a substantially greater contribution to larval priming than frass treatment. 5. Planned contrast tests to quantify the contributions of maternal and environmental matching revealed that maternal treatment mattered more for larvae exposed to primed, rather than unprimed, frass. This suggests that the effects of maternal egg provisioning may be exacerbated or mitigated by environmental factors. 6. Thus, although maternal egg provisioning plays a predominant role in producing the primed phenotype, environmental matching may matter for priming in some contexts.  相似文献   

Age‐related decline in immune activity is referred to as immunosenescence and has been observed for both the adaptive immune response of vertebrates and the innate immune system of invertebrates. Because maintaining a basic level of immune defence and mounting an immune response is costly, optimal investment in immune function should vary over a wide range of individual states such as the individual’s age. In this study, we tested whether the immune response and immunological priming within individuals become less efficient with age using mealworm beetles, Tenebrio molitor, as a model organism. We also tested whether ageing and immunological priming affected the odours produced by males. We found that young males of T. molitor were capable of mounting an immune response a sterile nylon monofilament implant with the potential to exhibit a simple form of immune memory through mechanisms of immune priming. Older males did not increase their immune response to a second immune challenge, which negatively affected their sexual attractiveness and remaining life span. Our results indicate that the immune system of older males in T. molitor is less effective, suggesting complex evolutionary trade‐offs between ageing, immune response and sexual attractiveness.  相似文献   

Invertebrates can be primed to enhance their protection against pathogens they have encountered before. This enhanced immunity can be passed maternally or paternally to the offspring and is known as transgenerational immune priming. We challenged larvae of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum by feeding them on diets supplemented with Escherichia coli, Micrococcus luteus or Pseudomonas entomophila, thus mimicking natural exposure to pathogens. The oral uptake of bacteria induced immunity-related genes in the offspring, but did not affect the methylation status of the egg DNA. However, we observed the translocation of bacteria or bacterial fragments from the gut to the developing eggs via the female reproductive system. Such translocating microbial elicitors are postulated to trigger bacterial strain-specific immune responses in the offspring and provide an alternative mechanistic explanation for maternal transgenerational immune priming in coleopteran insects.  相似文献   

Intraspecific competition is believed to drive niche expansion, because otherwise suboptimal resources can provide a refuge from competition for preferred resources. Competitive niche expansion is well supported by empirical observations, experiments, and theory, and is often invoked to explain phenotypic diversification within populations, some forms of speciation, and adaptive radiation. However, some foraging models predict the opposite outcome, and it therefore remains unclear whether competition will promote or inhibit niche expansion. We conducted experiments to test whether competition changes the fitness landscape to favor niche expansion, and if competition indeed drives niche expansion as expected. Using Tribolium castaneum flour beetles fed either wheat (their ancestral resource), corn (a novel resource) or mixtures of both resources, we show that fitness is maximized on a mixed diet. Next, we show that at higher population density, the optimal diet shifts toward greater use of corn, favoring niche expansion. In stark contrast, when beetles were given a choice of resources, we found that competition caused niche contraction onto the ancestral resource. This presents a puzzling mismatch between how competition alters the fitness landscape, versus competition's effects on resource use. We discuss several explanations for this mismatch, highlighting potential reasons why optimality models might be misleading.  相似文献   

Immune responses evolve to balance the benefits of microbial killing against the costs of autoimmunity and energetic resource use. Models that explore the evolution of optimal immune responses generally include a term for constitutive immunity, or the level of immunological investment prior to microbial exposure, and for inducible immunity, or investment in immune function after microbial challenge. However, studies rarely consider the functional form of inducible immune responses with respect to microbial density, despite the theoretical dependence of immune system evolution on microbe‐ versus immune‐mediated damage to the host. In this study, we analyse antimicrobial peptide (AMP) gene expression from seven wild‐caught flour beetle populations (Tribolium spp.) during acute infection with the virulent bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and Photorhabdus luminescens (P.lum) to demonstrate that inducible immune responses mediated by the humoral IMD pathway exhibit natural variation in both microbe density‐dependent and independent temporal dynamics. Beetle populations that exhibited greater AMP expression sensitivity to Bt density were also more likely to die from infection, while populations that exhibited higher microbe density‐independent AMP expression were more likely to survive P. luminescens infection. Reduction in pathway signalling efficiency through RNAi‐mediated knockdown of the imd gene reduced the magnitude of both microbe‐independent and dependent responses and reduced host resistance to Bt growth, but had no net effect on host survival. This study provides a framework for understanding natural variation in the flexibility of investment in inducible immune responses and should inform theory on the contribution of nonequilibrium host‐microbe dynamics to immune system evolution.  相似文献   

In response to climate warming, subalpine treelines are expected to move up in elevation since treelines are generally controlled by growing season temperature. Where treeline is advancing, dispersal differences and early life stage environmental tolerances are likely to affect how species expand their ranges. Species with an establishment advantage will colonize newly available habitat first, potentially excluding species that have slower establishment rates. Using a network of plots across five mountain ranges, we described patterns of upslope elevational range shift for the two dominant Great Basin subalpine species, limber pine and Great Basin bristlecone pine. We found that the Great Basin treeline for these species is expanding upslope with a mean vertical elevation shift of 19.1 m since 1950, which is lower than what we might expect based on temperature increases alone. The largest advances were on limber pine‐dominated granitic soils, on west aspects, and at lower latitudes. Bristlecone pine juveniles establishing above treeline share some environmental associations with bristlecone adults. Limber pine above‐treeline juveniles, in contrast, are prevalent across environmental conditions and share few environmental associations with limber pine adults. Strikingly, limber pine is establishing above treeline throughout the region without regard to site characteristic such as soil type, slope, aspect, or soil texture. Although limber pine is often rare at treeline where it coexists with bristlecone pine, limber pine juveniles dominate above treeline even on calcareous soils that are core bristlecone pine habitat. Limber pine is successfully “leap‐frogging” over bristlecone pine, probably because of its strong dispersal advantage and broader tolerances for establishment. This early‐stage dominance indicates the potential for the species composition of treeline to change in response to climate change. More broadly, it shows how species differences in dispersal and establishment may result in future communities with very different specific composition.  相似文献   

Intergenerational effects can have either adaptive or nonadaptive impacts on offspring performance. Such effects are likely to be of ecological and evolutionary importance in animals with extended parental care, such as birds, mammals and some insects. Here, we studied the effects of exposure to microbial competition during early development on subsequent reproductive success in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides, an insect with elaborate parental care. We found that exposure to high levels of microbial competition both during a female's larval development and during her subsequent reproduction resulted in females rearing smaller broods than those exposed to lower levels of microbial competition. To determine whether these differences arose before or after offspring hatching, a cross‐fostering experiment was conducted. Our results demonstrate that the impact of larval competition with microbes for resources extends into adult life and can negatively affect subsequent generations via impacts on the quality of parental care provided after hatching. However, we also find evidence for some positive effects of previous microbial exposure on prehatch investment, suggesting that the long‐term results of competition with microbes may include altering the balance of parental investment between prehatch and post‐hatch care.  相似文献   

  • Crop Wild Relatives are often used to improve crop quality and yields because they contain genetically important traits that can contribute to stress resistance and adaptation.
  • Seed germination of different populations of Aegilops geniculata Roth collected along a latitudinal gradient was studied under different drought stress in order to find populations suitable for improving drought tolerance in wheat. Different accessions of Aegilops neglecta Req. ex Bertol., Triticum aestivum L. and T. durum Desf. were used as comparison.
  • Under full hydration, germination was high in all populations, but increasing drought stress led to reduced and delayed germination. Significant differences in final germination and mean time to germinate were detected among populations. Wheat, durum wheat and the southern population of Ae. geniculata were not significantly affected by drought stress, germinating similarly under all treatments. However, seed germination of the northern populations of Ae. geniculata was significantly reduced under high water stress treatment. Differences between populations of the same species could not be explained by annual rainfall across populations’ distributions, but by rainfall during seed development and maturation.
  • Differences in the germination responses to drought found here highlight the importance of source populations as criteria for genotype selection for pre‐breeders.

The evolutionary and adaptive potential of populations or species facing an emerging infectious disease depends on their genetic diversity in genes, such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). In birds, MHC class I deals predominantly with intracellular infections (e.g., viruses) and MHC class II with extracellular infections (e.g., bacteria). Therefore, patterns of MHC I and II diversity may differ between species and across populations of species depending on the relative effect of local and global environmental selective pressures, genetic drift, and gene flow. We hypothesize that high gene flow among populations of Humboldt and Magellanic penguins limits local adaptation in MHC I and MHC II, and signatures of selection differ between markers, locations, and species. We evaluated the MHC I and II diversity using 454 next‐generation sequencing of 100 Humboldt and 75 Magellanic penguins from seven different breeding colonies. Higher genetic diversity was observed in MHC I than MHC II for both species, explained by more than one MHC I loci identified. Large population sizes, high gene flow, and/or similar selection pressures maintain diversity but limit local adaptation in MHC I. A pattern of isolation by distance was observed for MHC II for Humboldt penguin suggesting local adaptation, mainly on the northernmost studied locality. Furthermore, trans‐species alleles were found due to a recent speciation for the genus or convergent evolution. High MHC I and MHC II gene diversity described is extremely advantageous for the long‐term survival of the species.  相似文献   

How temperate forests will respond to climate change is uncertain; projections range from severe decline to increased growth. We conducted field tests of sessile oak (Quercus petraea), a widespread keystone European forest tree species, including more than 150 000 trees sourced from 116 geographically diverse populations. The tests were planted on 23 field sites in six European countries, in order to expose them to a wide range of climates, including sites reflecting future warmer and drier climates. By assessing tree height and survival, our objectives were twofold: (i) to identify the source of differential population responses to climate (genetic differentiation due to past divergent climatic selection vs. plastic responses to ongoing climate change) and (ii) to explore which climatic variables (temperature or precipitation) trigger the population responses. Tree growth and survival were modeled for contemporary climate and then projected using data from four regional climate models for years 2071–2100, using two greenhouse gas concentration trajectory scenarios each. Overall, results indicated a moderate response of tree height and survival to climate variation, with changes in dryness (either annual or during the growing season) explaining the major part of the response. While, on average, populations exhibited local adaptation, there was significant clinal population differentiation for height growth with winter temperature at the site of origin. The most moderate climate model (HIRHAM5‐EC; rcp4.5) predicted minor decreases in height and survival, while the most extreme model (CCLM4‐GEM2‐ES; rcp8.5) predicted large decreases in survival and growth for southern and southeastern edge populations (Hungary and Turkey). Other nonmarginal populations with continental climates were predicted to be severely and negatively affected (Bercé, France), while populations at the contemporary northern limit (colder and humid maritime regions; Denmark and Norway) will probably not show large changes in growth and survival in response to climate change.  相似文献   

At an invasion front, energetic and physiological trade‐offs may differ from those at the range‐core as a result of selection for enhanced dispersal, combined with a low density of conspecifics (which reduces pathogen transmission and competition for food). We measured traits related to energy stores and immunity in wild cane toads (Rhinella marina) across a 750‐km transect from their invasion front in tropical Australia, back into sites colonized 21 years earlier. Several traits were found to vary with population age; some linearly and others in a curvilinear manner. The relative size of spleens and fat bodies was highest in the oldest and newest populations, where rates of lungworm infection were lowest. Toads from older populations produced more corticosterone in response to a standardized stressor, and had higher lymphocyte counts (but lower basophil counts). The amount of skin swelling elicited by phytohaemagglutinin injection did not vary geographically, although recruitment of leukocytes to the injected tissue was higher in toads from long‐colonized areas. Because this was a field‐based study, we cannot differentiate the effects of population age, toad density or pathogen pressure on our measures of stress and immune responses, nor can we distinguish whether the causation involves hard‐wired adaptive processes or phenotypically plastic responses. Nonetheless, our data demonstrate substantial variation in immune systems among toads at varying distances from an invasion front, showing that a biological invasion imposes strong pressures on physiological systems of the invader.  相似文献   

Population genetics and phenotypic structures are often predicted to vary along the geographic range of a species. This phenomenon would be accentuated for species with large range areas, with discontinuities and marginal populations. We herein compare the genetic patterns of central populations of Coccinella septempunctata L. with those of two phenotypically differentiated populations considered as rear‐edge populations and subspecies based on phenotype (Algeria and Japan). According to the central‐marginal model and expected characteristics of rear‐edge populations, we hypothesize that these rear‐edge populations have (1) a reduced genetic diversity, resulting from their relative isolation over long periods of time, (2) a higher population genetic differentiation, explained by low contemporary gene flow levels, and (3) a relationship between genetic diversity characteristics and phenotypes, due to historical isolation and/or local adaptation. Based on genotyping of 28 populations for 18 microsatellite markers, several levels of regional genetic diversity and differentiation are observed between and within populations, according to their localization: low within‐population genetic diversity and higher genetic differentiation of rear‐edge populations. The genetic structuring clearly dissociates the Algerian and Eastern Asia populations from the others. Geographical patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation support the hypothesis of the central‐marginal model. The pattern observed is in agreement with the phenotypic structure across species range. A clear genetic break between populations of Algeria, the Eastern Asia, and the remaining populations is a dominant feature of the data. Differential local adaptations, absence of gene flow between marginal and central populations, and/or incapacity to mate after colonization, have contributed to their distinct genotypic and phenotypic characteristics.  相似文献   

Insight into how plants simultaneously cope with multiple stresses, for example, when challenged with biotic stress from pathogen infection and abiotic stress from drought, is important both for understanding evolutionary trade‐offs and optimizing crop responses to these stresses. Mechanisms by which initial plant immune signaling antagonizes abscisic acid (ABA) signal transduction require further investigation. Using a chemical genetics approach, the small molecule [5‐(3,4‐dichlorophenyl)furan‐2‐yl]‐piperidine‐1‐ylmethanethione (DFPM) has previously been identified due to its ability to suppress ABA signaling via plant immune signaling components. Here, we have used forward chemical genetics screening to identify DFPM‐insensitive loci by monitoring the activity of ABA‐inducible pRAB18::GFP in the presence of DFPM and ABA. The ability of DFPM to attenuate ABA signaling was reduced in rda mutants (resistant to DFPM inhibition of ABA signaling). One of the mutants, rda2, was mapped and is defective in a gene encoding a lectin receptor kinase. RDA2 functions in DFPM‐mediated inhibition of ABA‐mediated reporter expression. RDA2 is required for DFPM‐mediated activation of immune signaling, including phosphorylation of mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) 3 (MPK3) and MPK6, and induction of immunity marker genes. Our study identifies a previously uncharacterized receptor kinase gene that is important for DFPM‐mediated immune signaling and inhibition of ABA signaling. We demonstrate that the lectin receptor kinase RDA2 is essential for perceiving the DFPM signal and activating MAPKs, and that MKK4 and MKK5 are required for DFPM interference with ABA signal transduction.  相似文献   

Comparisons of a species' genetic diversity and divergence patterns across large connected populations vs. isolated relict areas provide important data for understanding potential response to global warming, habitat alterations and other perturbations. Aquatic taxa offer ideal case studies for interpreting these patterns, because their dispersal and gene flow often are constrained through narrow connectivity channels that have changed over geological time and/or from contemporary anthropogenic perturbations. Our research objective is to better understand the interplay between historic influences and modern‐day factors (fishery exploitation, stocking supplementation and habitat loss) in shaping population genetic patterns of the yellow perch Perca flavescens (Percidae: Teleostei) across its native North American range. We employ a modified landscape genetics approach, analysing sequences from the entire mitochondrial DNA control region and 15 nuclear DNA microsatellite loci of 664 spawning adults from 24 populations. Results support that perch from primary glacial refugium areas (Missourian, Mississippian and Atlantic) founded contemporary northern populations. Genetic diversity today is highest in southern (never glaciated) populations and also is appreciable in northern areas that were founded from multiple refugia. Divergence is greater among isolated populations, both north and south; the southern Gulf Coast relict populations are the most divergent, reflecting their long history of isolation. Understanding the influence of past and current waterway connections on the genetic structure of yellow perch populations may help us to assess the roles of ongoing climate change and habitat disruptions towards conserving aquatic biodiversity.  相似文献   

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