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This study measured the effects of regular and irregular intervals between feeds on the growth performance of juvenile Gasterosteus aculeatus . The experimental period was 21 days at 14) C and photoperiod of 10L: 14D. The fish were housed individually. The control fish received a constant ration every day. Fish on a constant interval were fed on days 1, 5, 9, 13, 17 and 21. Fish on a random regime were fed with the same average interval between feedings, but the interval varied randomly between 1 and 5 days. The rations were calculated so that over the 21-day period, all fish were supplied with the same total quantity of food. The two ration levels were: 2% (maintenance ration) and 6% of the initial body weight per day. At a given ration, the feeding interval had no significant effect on specific growth rate, RNA/DNA ratio and lipid contents. The percentage dry matter was slightly, but significantly lower in treatment groups than in the control group. Groups receiving a mean 2% ratio consumed all the food supplied. At a mean ration of 6%, the control group ate 100%, the regular interval group 95·4% and the irregular interval 98·3% of the total food supplied. For the temporal patterns of feeding used, the fish were able to adjust their food intake, when food become available, to compensate for short periods of food deprivation and maintain their growth performance except for a decrease in dry matter content.  相似文献   

The effect of random fluctuations in daily ration on the growth performance of individual juvenile three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus was studied in experiments lasting 21 days at 14°C and a photoperiod of 10L:14D. Two mean ration levels were used: a maintenance ration of 2%, and a high ration of 6% of initial body weight per day. For experimental fish, the daily ration varied randomly about the required mean value with a coefficient of variation of 33%. The controls received a constant daily ration. The experiment was replicated in winter (Dec.-Jan.) and spring (Mar.-Apr.). At a given ration, there was no significant difference between the specific growth rates of fish receiving constant or varying ration. Neither the final dry weight, final body water content nor final lipid content (% dry weight) differed significantly. As expected, ration had a significant effect on growth rate, final dry weight and body lipid and water content. There was a significant difference in mean growth rate between the winter and spring replicates. The growth rates observed in these experiments were compared with those predicted from a previously described empirical growth model developed for sticklebacks fed constant rations. The model underestimated mean growth rates.  相似文献   

Does foraging mode mould morphology in lacertid lizards?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evolutionary changes in foraging style are often believed to require concurrent changes in a complex suite of morphological, physiological, behavioural and life-history traits. In lizards, species from families with a predominantly sit-and-wait foraging style tend to be more stocky and robust, with larger heads and mouths than species belonging to actively foraging families. Here, we test whether morphology and foraging behaviour show similar patterns of association within the family Lacertidae. We also examine the association of bite force abilities with morphology and foraging behaviour. Lacertid lizards exhibit considerable interspecific variation in foraging indices, and we found some evidence for a covariation between foraging style and body shape. However, the observed relationships are not always in line with the predictions. Also, the significance of the relationships varies with the evolutionary model used. Our results challenge the idea that foraging style is evolutionarily conservative and invariably associated with particular morphologies. It appears that the flexibility of foraging mode and its morphological correlates varies among lizard taxa.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of diurnal temperature variability (>7° C) on the growth of 1+ year Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Experimental manipulation of water temperature was used to simulate: (1) constant and (2) naturally varying thermal regimes with similar daily mean values. Data from two replicates of four treatments (two thermal and two feeding regimes) were collected over 6 months corresponding to the main spring to summer growth period. Fish growth was assessed at fortnightly intervals. Small but significant differences in mean fork length (L(F) ) and mass were observed between temperature treatments, with smaller, lighter fish under the variable temperature regime. The effects of temperature regime on growth were independent of food ration. At termination of the experiment, the median L(F) and mass of fish exposed to the variable temperature regime were estimated, respectively, to be 2· 6 and 8· 0% less than those under the constant regime. Given the relatively small differences in growth attributable to variable temperature regime in these experiments, it is suggested that mean daily temperatures are adequate to inform juvenile growth models for field-based studies.  相似文献   

Germination and seedling establishment are vulnerable stages in the plant life cycle. We investigated how seed mass and family (progeny origin) affect germination and juvenile performance in the grassland herb Knautia arvensis. Seeds were produced by cross-pollination by hand. The fate of 15 individually weighed seeds from each of 15 plants was followed during a 3-month growth chamber experiment. Progeny origin affected germination, both through seed mass and as an independent factor. Two groups of progenies could be distinguished by having rapid or delayed germination. The two groups had similar mean seed masses, but a positive relationship between seed mass and germination rate could be established only among the rapidly germinating progenies. These biologically relevant patterns were revealed because timing of germination was taken into account in the analyses, not only frequencies. Time-to-event data were analysed with failure-time methods, which gave more stable estimates for the relation between germination and seed mass than the commonly applied logistic regression. Progeny origin and seed mass exerted less impact on later characters like juvenile survival, juvenile biomass, and rosette number. These characters were not affected by the timing of germination under the competition-free study conditions. The decrease in the effect of progeny origin from the seed and germination to the juvenile stages suggests that parental effects other than those contributing to the offspring genotype strongly influenced the offspring phenotype at the earliest life stages. Further, the division of progeny germination patterns into two fairly distinct groups indicates that there was a genetic basis for the variation in stratification requirements among parental plants. Field studies are needed to elucidate effects of different timing of germination in the seasonal grasslands that K. arvensis inhabits.  相似文献   

During the breeding season, males often produce costly and extravagant displays or physical ornaments to attract females. Numerous studies have established that testosterone could directly influence the expression of certain sexual signals. However, few of these studies have focused on the indirect role that testosterone could play in modulating prey detection and visual performance to improve the foraging ability of males and hence their acquisition of nutritional resource. In the present study, we experimentally modified the testosterone levels of European tree frog males (Hyla arborea), staying in the natural range previously measured in the field, and we investigated the effect of testosterone on the foraging ability of individuals. Foraging capacities were measured on males placed in an arena with a virtual cricket moving on a computer screen. Our results demonstrated a significant effect of testosterone on the hunting behavior of H. arborea. We observed that testosterone reduced the orientation latency to virtual prey for supplemented males compared to controls. In addition, testosterone significantly increased the attack promptness of male frogs. Finally, our experiment did not demonstrate any impact of testosterone on male attack success.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of kin-biased territorial defense behavioron the distribution of foraging attempts and percent weightchanges (fitness benefits) in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmosalar) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in an artificialstream channel. The individual percent weight changes and frequencyof aggressive interactions and foraging attempts were quantifiedin kin (full sibling) and non-kin groups of salmon and troutWe observed kin groups of both species to obtain significantlygreater mean and less variable percent weight gains that non-kingroups. In addition, faster-growing (dominant)individuals ofboth species within kin groups exhibited significantly feweraggressive interactions than did faster-growing nonkin individuals,while we observed no difference between kin and non-kin slower-growing(subordinate) individuals. Slowergrowing kin individuals ofboth species obtained significantly more foraging opportunitiesthan slower-growing non-kin individuals while there was no differencebetween faster-growing kin and non-kin individuals. These datasuggest that reduced aggression by faster-growing individualstowards slower-growing kin enables slower-growing kin to obtainmore foraging opportunities, resulting in higher and less variablepercent weight changes. These data also suggest that as a resultof kin-biased territorial defense and foraging behavior, juvenileAtlantic salmon and rainbow trout may be able to maximize inclusivefitness potential by defending territories near related conspecifics.  相似文献   

Summary We studied sympatric lynx (Lynx canadensis) and coyotes (Canis latrans) to assess how morphological disadvantages to locomotion over snow affected movement patterns. Both species are of similar size and mass, but the feet of lynx are much larger, and coyotes were found to have 4.1–8.8 times the foot-load (ratio of body mass to foot area) of lynx. This resulted in greater mean sinking depths of coyote limbs, although the magnitude of the difference was less than that in foot-load. Coyotes exhibited stronger use of behavioral patterns that reduced negative effects of snow on movements. Coyotes were most abundant at low elevations where snow was shallow, whereas lynx were mostly at higher elevations. Coyotes also used areas at both elevations where snow was shallower than average, while lynx used areas where snow was deeper. further, both species used travel routes where snow was shallower than it was near the track. Coyotes traveled on harder snow and used trails more frequently, thereby tending to reduce sinking depths to those similar to lynx. The behavioral repertoire of coyotes reduced the morphological advantage of large feet possessed by lynx; however, overall sinking depths were still greater in coyotes. Snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) were the main prey of both species, and their foot-load was less than that of either predator. Hare kills by coyotes occurred after fewer bounds than did those by lynx, and the large difference between foot-loads of both species of predators may have forced coyotes to ambush rather than chase hares, as did lynx.  相似文献   

Intestinal nematode infections have been associated with many physical and mental developmental insults. These include anaemia, wasting, stunting, cognitive impairment and lowered educational achievement, all of which have in turn been shown to interfere with productivity and wage-earning capacity in adults. Although there is no direct evidence for an effect of intestinal nematodes on productivity, circumstantial evidence suggests such an effect. Here, Helen Guyatt reviews the indirect evidence for an effect of intestinal nematodes on productivity in adults through current infection and associated morbidity, and on early ill-health in children, which might affect productivity later in life.  相似文献   

Species distribution, ecology, and behaviour are shaped, amongst other things, by interspecific, antagonistic interactions, and this phenomenon is particularly noticeable among predators. We studied the spatial co-distribution of two top piscivorous bird species foraging on inland waters outside breeding season. We considered the hypothesis that goosanders, Mergus merganser, and great cormorants, Phalacrocorax carbo, avoid foraging in close proximity to each other. Data collected on five river-reservoir systems in the Western Carpathians (Poland and Slovakia) during two periods (2014–2015 and 2015–2016) showed that goosander numbers reduced significantly and their foraging areas changed when large flocks of cormorants arrived and began foraging. We also found that inter-flock distances were greatest between flocks of goosanders and cormorants, suggesting that the former species avoided the waters occupied by the latter. Distribution of flocks of both species was additionally determined by the location of foraging place in river-reservoir system, weather, and presence of other piscivorous birds (e.g. grebes) and raptors (e.g. eagles). Together with the results of research in adjacent Bohemia, this study suggests that competition between cormorants and goosanders may arise when bodies of water suitable for piscivorous foraging are scattered and limited in number, as in the mountainous areas of Central Europe.  相似文献   

Vertebrate morphologists often implicate functional adaptationsof bone to mechanical milieus when comparing animals with distinctbehavioral repertoires. Functional morphologists frequentlyuse comparative osteology and locomotor behavior to constructcorrelative form–function relationships. While some experimentalwork has investigated functional adaptations of bone elicitedby specific locomotor behaviors, these studies usually manipulaterepertoires by introducing artificial situations (e.g., treadmills)or creating differences in the level of activity (i.e., exercise),either of which can compromise extrapolations to free-ranginganimals. Here, we present trabecular bone morphology and microarchitecturefrom an inbred mouse model in which components of naturalisticlocomotor repertoires were accentuated. Using inbred mice, wecontrol for genetic variability, further isolating the osteogenicresponses to these behaviors. Single female (BALB/cByJ) mice(n = 10 per group) were housed for 8 weeks beginning at 30 dayspostbirth in custom-designed cages that accentuated either linearquadrupedalism or turning. Concurrently, mice in a control groupwere housed singly in open cages. The distal femoral metaphysiswas scanned by micro-computed tomography at the end of the 8-weekexperiment protocol. The experimental groups, particularly the"linear" group, differed significantly from the control group(simulated "free-ranging" condition) in several variables: bonevolume fraction ("linear" 42% less than controls; "turning"24% less than controls), trabecular number ("linear" 12% lessthan controls; "turning" 9% less than controls), connectivitydensity ("linear" 43% less than controls; "turning" 35% lessthan controls), and a characterization of trabecular surfaces("linear" 15% greater than controls; "turning" 11% greater thancontrols). No differences in the degree of anisotropy were observedamong groups, and generally, "linear" and "turning" groups didnot differ significantly from one another in any measures oftrabecular microarchitecture. Considering the distinct differencesin locomotor behaviors between the "linear" quadrupedalism and"turning" groups, these data suggest that comparisons at thedistal femoral metaphysis of trabecular microarchitecture ororientation between different groups of animals may be somewhatlimited in accurately reconstructing the loading conditionsassociated with different locomotor modes.  相似文献   

In 1995 to 2000, site-fidelity of colour-marked Nordic greylag geese (Anser anser) was examined during spring migration in the Rheiderland, an important stopover site in NW Germany. The results demonstrated that site fidelity in greylag geese depends very much on the mating status of the geese. Paired birds showed a significantly higher site fidelity than unpaired adults. There was no difference in the length of the roosting period between the two social groups. The year-to-year return rate of individuals showed significant differences in relation to the individual breeding success. Birds with high numbers of young showed a significantly higher return rate than birds with low numbers of young.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

1. Of the relatively few studies that have examined consequences of amphibian declines on stream ecosystems, virtually all have focused on changes in algae (or algal‐based food webs) and little is known about the potential effects of tadpoles on leaf decomposition. We compared leaf litter decomposition dynamics in two neotropical streams: one with an intact community of tadpoles (with frogs) and one where tadpoles were absent (frogless) as a result of a fungal pathogen that had driven amphibians locally extinct. The stream with tadpoles contained a diverse assemblage (23 species) of larval anurans, and we identified five species of glass frog (Centrolenidae) tadpoles that were patchily distributed but commonly associated with leaf detritus and organic sediments in pools. The latter reached total densities of 0–318 tadpoles m?2. 2. We experimentally excluded tadpoles from single‐species leaf packs incubated over a 40‐day period in streams with and without frogs. We predicted that decomposition rates would be higher in control (allowing access of tadpoles) treatments in the study stream with frogs than in the frogless stream and, in the stream with frogs, in the control than in the tadpole exclusion treatment. 3. In the stream with frogs, Centrolene prosoblepon and Cochranella albomaculata tadpoles were patchily distributed in leaf packs (0.0–33.3 m?2). In contrast to our predictions, leaf mass loss and temperature‐corrected leaf decomposition rates in control treatments were almost identical in our stream with frogs (41.01% AFDM lost, kdegree day = ?0.028 day?1) and in the frogless stream (41.81% AFDM lost, kdegree day = ?0.027 day?1) and between control and tadpole exclusion treatments within each stream. Similarly, there were no significant differences in leaf pack bacterial biomass, microbial respiration rates or macroinvertebrate abundance between treatments or streams. Invertebrate assemblages on leaf packs were similar between treatments (SIMI = 0.97) and streams (SIMI = 0.95) and were dominated by larval Chironomidae, Simuliidae (Diptera) and larval Anchytarsus spp. (Coleoptera). 4. In contrast to dramatic effects of grazing tadpoles on algal communities observed previously, tadpoles had no major effects on decomposition. While centrolenid tadpoles were common in the stream with frogs, their patchy distribution in both experimental and natural leaf packs suggests that their effects on detrital dynamics and microbes are probably more localised than those of grazing tadpoles on algae.  相似文献   

Species exhibiting colour polymorphism are thought to have an ecological advantage at the landscape scale, because spatial segregation of alternatively adapted ecotypes into diverse habitats can increase the species' niche breadth and thus confer greater geographic range size. However, morph frequencies are also influenced by intrapopulational processes such as frequency‐ or density‐dependent social interactions. To identify how social feedback may affect clinal variation in morph frequencies, we investigated reciprocal interactions between morph‐specific thermal tolerance, local climatic conditions and social environments, in the context of a colour‐morph frequency cline associated with a recent range expansion in blue‐tailed damselflies (Ischnura elegans) in Sweden. Cold tolerances of gynochromes (female‐like female morph) were positively correlated with local gynochrome frequencies, suggesting a positive frequency‐dependent fitness benefit. In contrast, androchrome (male‐mimic female morph) cold tolerances were improved following recent exposure to cold weather, suggesting a beneficial environmental acclimation effect. Thus, according to an environment‐matching hypothesis for clinal variation, androchrome frequencies should therefore increase towards the (cooler) range limit. In contrast to this prediction, gynochrome frequencies increased at the expanding range limit, consistent with a positive frequency‐dependent social feedback that is beneficial when invading novel climates. Our results suggest that when phenotypes or fitnesses are affected by interactions with conspecifics, beneficial social effects on environmental tolerances may (i) facilitate range shifts, and (ii) reverse or counteract typical patterns of intraspecific interactions and environment‐matching clines observed in stable populations observed over broader geographic scales.  相似文献   

We characterize the flexibility in digestive performance in degus (Octodon degus) an herbivorous rodent. We tested the hypothesis that dietary and physiological-digestive flexibility are correlated. Degus were fed with artificial diets of different chemical composition from weaning to adulthood and their digestive performance was measured through records of apparent digestibility. The starch content of the acclimation diet was not correlated with protein digestibility nor was it correlated with starch digestibility. In addition, digestive tract morphology was not affected by dietary treatments. Hence, an absence of morphological and physiological flexibility related to digestive traits was observed in degus. The lower flexibility in digestive performance given by our dietary experimental treatments of degus, may be an evolutionary constraint related to their specialized herbivorous food habits.  相似文献   

The biomechanical mechanisms responsible for the altered gait in obese children are not well understood, particularly as they relate to increases in adipose tissue. The purpose of this study was to test the hypotheses that as body-fat percentage (BF%) increased: (1) knee flexion during stance would decrease while pelvic obliquity would increase; (2) peak muscle forces normalized to lean-weight would increase for gluteus medius, gastrocnemius, and soleus, but decrease for the vasti; and (3) the individual muscle contributions to center of mass (COM) acceleration in the direction of their primary function(s) would not change for gluteus medius, gastrocnemius, and soleus, but decrease for the vasti. We scaled a musculoskeletal model to the anthropometrics of each participant (n=14, 8–12 years old, BF%: 16–41%) and estimated individual muscle forces and their contributions to COM acceleration. BF% was correlated with average knee flexion angle during stance (r=−0.54, p=0.024) and pelvic obliquity range of motion (r=0.78, p<0.001), as well as with relative vasti (r=−0.60, p=0.023), gluteus medius (r=0.65, p=0.012) and soleus (r=0.59, p=0.026) force production. Contributions to COM acceleration from the vasti were negatively correlated to BF% (vertical— r=−0.75, p=0.002, posterior— r=−0.68, p=0.008), but there were no correlation between BF% and COM accelerations produced by the gastrocnemius, soleus and gluteus medius. Therefore, we accept our first, partially accept our second, and accept our third hypotheses. The functional demands and relative force requirements of the hip abductors during walking in pediatric obesity may contribute to altered gait kinematics.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is an important stomach hormone that influences several metabolic activities and influences growth hormone (GH) release in response to change in energy homeostasis. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Ramadan fasting on acylated ghrelin and GH concentrations during a short-term maximal exercise. Eleven male soccer players (age, 22.11 ± 1.3 years; height, 1.76 ± 0.2 m; body mass, 75.3 ± 2.2; mean ± SD) were asked to perform a 30-s Wingate test, during which we recorded the peak (PP) and mean (MP) powers and fatigue index. Measurements were performed in the afternoon at 18:00 h, after three different occasions: (i) one week before Ramadan (BR), (ii) the first week of Ramadan (FWR), and (iii) the fourth week of Ramadan (ER). Blood samples were taken before, immediately and 60 min after the exercise. Our results show that PP and MP were affected by Ramadan fasting with a significant decrease during Ramadan (i.e. FWR and ER) in comparison with ER (p < 0.05). However, no significant difference was observed between BR and FWR (p > 0.05). Also, a significant decrease in body weight and body fat percentage was observed during Ramadan in comparison with ER. From diet record analysis, protein, fat, and carbohydrate decreased significantly during FWR (p < 0.01), often with further decreases by ER. A significant increase in plasma concentrations of ghrelin was observed during the ER (p < 0.001) compared with BR and FWR, and GH levels were significantly higher during ER (p < 0.01) in comparison with BR and FWR. However, the 30-s Wingate tests had no significant effect on plasma concentrations of ghrelin before or during Ramadan. Our study shows that the concentrations of ghrelin and GH change in the last week of Ramadan fasting, though it is unclear if these changes are related to the changes in body composition during Ramadan, or if they are responsible for the change in performance at the short-duration anaerobic test.  相似文献   

Many northerly breeding shorebird species show a separation in timing of adult and juvenile migration. If, in addition to genetic control of migration, learning from experienced conspecifics is advantageous, juveniles should join adult birds during their first fall migration when possible. We here present a method to test if juveniles mix with adults during the period of overlap during southward migration, using dunlin Calidris alpina migrating over southern Sweden as an example. While taking timing differences between age classes into account, we compare flock compositions observed in the field against randomized flock‐compositions based on the pool of available individuals derived from the field data. During both the early, the adult‐dominated, and later, the juvenile‐dominated, part of the season, age classes segregate. Applied to other shorebird species, our method could be used in a comparative sense to evaluate the potential for social learning of migration routes.  相似文献   

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