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Daily rhythms are a ubiquitous feature of living systems. Generally, these rhythms are not just passive consequences of cyclic fluctuations in the environment, but instead originate within the organism. In mammals, including humans, the master pacemaker controlling 24-hour rhythms is localized in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus. This circadian clock is responsible for the temporal organization of a wide variety of functions, ranging from sleep and food intake, to physiological measures such as body temperature, heart rate and hormone release. The retinal circadian clock was the first extra-SCN circadian oscillator to be discovered in mammals and several studies have now demonstrated that many of the physiological, cellular and molecular rhythms that are present within the retina are under the control of a retinal circadian clock, or more likely a network of hierarchically organized circadian clocks that are present within this tissue. BioEssays 30:624-633, 2008. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the zebrafish retina, four types of cone photoreceptor cells (or cones) with different sensitive frequencies are arranged in a regular pattern, named "cone mosaic". A pair of small cones, one sensitive to red and the other sensitive to green, is in close contact and forms a "double cone". In addition, there are two kinds of single cones, sensitive to blue and to UV, respectively. We study characteristics of cell-differentiation rules that realize stable formation of cone mosaic. Assumptions are: undifferentiated cells are arranged in a regular square lattice, and they are one of the three types (B, U, and D cells). A D cell has two parts (G and R-parts) and takes one of the four directions. The cells change their cell type and orientation following a continuous-time Markovian chain. The state transtion occurs faster if it increases the stabilities of the focal cell, in which the stability is the sum of affinities with neighboring cells. After the transient period, the system may reach a stable pattern (pre-pattern). The pattern becomes fixed later when the cells are fully differentiated in which B cells, U cells, and D cells become blue-sensitive, UV-sensitive, and double cones, respectively. We search for the combinations of affinities between cell states that can generate the same cone mosaic patterns as in zerbrafish retina. Successful transition rules give (1) zero or small affinity with the pairs of cell states that are absent in the zebrafish cone mosaic (lambda(UR), lambda(BG)and the contact of two cells of the same type); (2) a large affinity between a part of D cells and a non-D cell (lambda(UG)and lambda(BR)); and (3) a positive affinity of an intermediate magnitude between two non-D cells (lambda(BU)) and between two parts of D cells (lambda(GR)). The latter should be of a magnitude of about 60-90% of the former. The time needed to form a regular pattern increases with the lattice size if all the cells start pre-pattern formation simultaneously. However, the convergence time is shortened considerably if the pre-pattern formation occurs only in a narrow band of morphogenetic cell layer that sweeps from one end of the lattice to the other.  相似文献   

Catecholamine containing nerve cells in the mammalian myenteric plexus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Previous fluorescence histochemical studies have shown that extrinsic denervation causes a disappearance of adrenergic fibres from the gut wall. However, in the present work, adrenergic terminals persisted in the myenteric plexus of the guinea-pig proximal colon following interruption of paravascular nerves. Fluorescent cell bodies are found in the myenteric plexus. The fluorescence reaction of the cells does not appear after reserpine treatment and is restored by -methyl-noradrenaline.  相似文献   

Many physiological, cellular, and biochemical parameters in the retina of vertebrates show daily rhythms that, in many cases, also persist under constant conditions. This demonstrates that they are driven by a circadian pacemaker. The presence of an autonomous circadian clock in the retina of vertebrates was first demonstrated in Xenopus laevis and then, several years later, in mammals. In X. laevis and in chicken, the retinal circadian pacemaker has been localized in the photoreceptor layer, whereas in mammals, such information is not yet available. Recent advances in molecular techniques have led to the identification of a group of genes that are believed to constitute the molecular core of the circadian clock. These genes are expressed in the retina, although with a slightly different 24-h profile from that observed in the central circadian pacemaker. This result suggests that some difference (at the molecular level) may exist between the retinal clock and the clock located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of hypothalamus. The present review will focus on the current knowledge of the retinal rhythmicity and the mechanisms responsible for its control.  相似文献   

Parallel processing in the mammalian retina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our eyes send different 'images' of the outside world to the brain - an image of contours (line drawing), a colour image (watercolour painting) or an image of moving objects (movie). This is commonly referred to as parallel processing, and starts as early as the first synapse of the retina, the cone pedicle. Here, the molecular composition of the transmitter receptors of the postsynaptic neurons defines which images are transferred to the inner retina. Within the second synaptic layer - the inner plexiform layer - circuits that involve complex inhibitory and excitatory interactions represent filters that select 'what the eye tells the brain'.  相似文献   

Application of several silver impregnation methods on whole mounts of the bovine retina selectively elicits the giant ganglion cells of the peripheral retina. As determined by the branching pattern of their dendrites they coudl be classified in three types: 1. predominant branching in one directions; 2. branching in two opposite direction; 2. branching in two opposite directions; 3. branches radiate in all directions. Cells of the first type were mainly found in the temporal and dorsal (superior) segment; those of the second type in the nasal part; those of the third type were present in the ventral (inferior) part of the peripheral retina. The sizes of their dendritic fields differ. Another ganglion cell with a large perikaryon was found infrequently in each retina; its dendrites are located in the inner plexiform layer, ending with occasionally large knob- or clubshaped tips. An axon was never found. Evidently, they show a special topographical relationship to the blood vessels. Their function is as yet unknown.  相似文献   

Multiple neuronal connexins in the mammalian retina   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gap junctions are abundant in the mammalian retina and many neuronal types form neural networks. Several different neuronal connexins have now been identified in the mammalian retina. Cx36 supports coupling in the AII amacrine cell network and is essential for processing rod signals. Cx36 is probably also responsible for photoreceptor coupling. Horizontal cells appear to be extensively coupled by either Cx50 or Cx57. These results indicate that multiple neuronal connexins are expressed in the mammalian retina and that different cell types express different connexins.  相似文献   

Dopamine receptor localization in the mammalian retina   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
After a short history of dopamine receptor discovery in the retina and a survey on dopamine receptor types and subtypes, the distribution of dopamine receptors in the retinal cells is described and correlated with their possible role in cell and retinal physiology. All the retinal cells probably bear dopamine receptors. For example, the recently discovered D1B receptor has a possible role in modulating phagocytosis by the pigment epithelium and a D4 receptor is likely to be involved in the inhibition of melatonin synthesis in photoreceptors. Dopamine uncouples horizontal and amacrine cell-gap junctions through D1-like receptors. Dopamine modulates the release of other transmitters by subpopulations of amacrine cells, including that of dopamine through a D2 autoreceptor. Ganglion cells express dopamine receptors, the role of which is still uncertain. Müller cells also are affected by dopamine. A puzzling action of dopamine is observed in the ciliary retina, in which D1- and D2-like receptors are likely to be involved in the cyclic regulation of intraocular pressure. Most of the dopaminergic actions appears to be extrasynaptic and the signaling pathways remain uncertain. Further studies are needed to better understand the multiple actions of dopamine in the retina, especially those that implicate rhythmic regulations.  相似文献   

The beta type of ganglion cell can be subdivided in Golgi-stained whole mounts of the cat retina according to the branching level of the dendritic tree in the inner plexiform layer. The dendritic branching level of on-beta cells is nearer to the cell body; that of off-beta cells is about 10 micrometers further outwards. After horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injection into the lateral geniculate nucleus all beta cells were labelled. In this way it is shown that about 55% of all ganglion cells, irrespective of retinal topography, are beta cells. The spatial distribution of on- and off-beta cells was studied from the HRP-labelled material. On-beta cells form a lattice with regular inter-cell spacings; off-beta cells are also regularly arrayed. The two lattices are superimposed independently of each other. Beta cells are commonly assumed to be associated with the resolution of fine detail in the cat vision system. The mosaic of beta cells imposes some constraints and permits some predictions to be made with respect to the cat's visual discrimination.  相似文献   

The study of mammalian organogenesis by mosaic pattern analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chimeras are animals derived from more than one zygote and composed of two cell lineages which are distinguishable in some way at the cellular level. Spontaneous mosaic animals are also composed of distinguishable cell lineages but are monozygotic. The tissues of both mono- and multizygotic animals of this type are mosaic arrays in which aggregates of like cells form patches, the size and distribution of which can be useful in the analysis of diverse problems in developmental biology. Both biochemical and in situ methods have been applied to the elucidation of mosaic pattern. Both forms of mosaicism have proven useful in establishing theoretic constructs of the formation and maintenance of mammalian organs. A number of these constructs are discussed: cell fusion as related to myotube formation; mechanisms of coat pigmentation and the cellular origin of melanocytes; and pattern analyses of the retinal pigmented epithelium, the intestine, liver, adrenal cortex and thymus. Pathologic alterations in such animals have also been studied utilizing mosaic pattern analysis. In particular, neoplastic tumors and their associated preneoplastic lesions have been shown to be clonal.  相似文献   

Although retinal neurons usually last the entire lifetime of an individual, many innate genetic and developmental errors and external stimuli can reduce their longevity leading to loss of visual acuity or blindness. Similarly, the lens, largely composed of denucleated fiber cells must remain transparent for life if vision is to remain clear. Apoptosis of retinal neurons and newly generated lens fiber cells contributes to retinal degeneration and cataract formation, respectively, in both humans and experimental mammals. The apoptosis is triggered by many stimuli in addition to inherited mutations and may be amenable to pharmacologic amelioration. These studies not only provide new clinical insights but also the opportunity to investigate the molecular pathways leading to apoptosis in an organ that is not required for survival. The eye, becomes, therefore, an important organ for evaluation of theories of apoptosis in vivo.  相似文献   

The ryanodine receptor (RyR)/Ca2+ release channel mobilizes Ca2+ from internal calcium stores to support a variety of neuronal functions. To investigate the presence of such a protein in mammalian retina, we applied ryanodine binding, PCR and antibodies against known RyRs. Surprisingly, ryanodine-binding properties of retinal endoplasmic reticulum-enriched membrane fraction were vastly different from those of skeletal and cardiac muscles ryanodine-binding proteins. In common with the skeletal and cardiac muscle, ryanodine bound with high-affinity to two or more types of binding site (Kd1 = 20.6 and Kd2 = 114 nM); binding was strongly stimulated by high concentrations of NaCl; it was inhibited by tetracaine and the protein appeared to possess an ATP-binding site. Unlike cardiac and skeletal muscle, RyRs in retina binding was Ca2+-independent; inhibited by caffeine and dantrolene; less sensitive to ruthenium red; and unaffected by La3+. Also, in retina, ryanodine rapidly associated to and dissociated from its binding sites. Furthermore, although the protein bound the ATP analog BzATP, retinal ryanodine binding was not stimulated by nucleotides. Immunostaining of bovine retinal sections with anti-RyR2 showed a strong staining of amacrine, horizontal and ganglion cells. Finally, using RT-PCR, the three known RyR isoforms were identified in retina. However, consistent with the novel binding properties, the peptide maps yielded by trypsin treatment and Western blotting demonstrate different patterns. Together, the results suggest that retina expresses a novel ryanodine-binding protein, likely to be a ryanodine receptor. Its presence in retina suggests that this protein might play a role in controlling intracellular Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   

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