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An isoenzymatic analysis using thin-layer agarose gel isoelectrofocusing on laboratory strains of Echinostoma trivolvis and Echinostoma caproni adults showed characteristic monomorphic phenotypes for phosphoglucomutase and glucose phosphate isomerase. The fixed allelic variation observed between these 2 taxa is consistent with their current classification as distinct species.  相似文献   

New data on the migration and development of Echinostoma caproni mother sporocysts in two mollusk species of the genus Biomphalaria are obtained. It is confirmed, that the formation of primary and second generative cells takes place only as a result of undifferentiated cells' proliferation and following differentiation of some of them. These processes in miracidium, as well as in the parasitic stage of mother sporocyst, take place in a special organ, germinal mass, which occupies caudal position in both cases. The supposition of the role of germinal mass as the universal centre of multiplication and development of generative elements in all generations of Echinostoma caproni parthenites is confirmed. It is established, that mother sporocysts do not relize their reproductive potential completely, and the degree of its realization depends on the conditions arising in the host organism.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Histochemical, thin layer and gas-liquid chromatographic studies were done on neutral lipids, sterols and carotenes in the digestive gland-gonad (DGG) complex of Helisoma trivolvis infected with Echinostoma trivolvis vs uninfected DGG.
  • 2.2. Hitochemical Oil Red O staining showed the presence of neutral lipids in the redial body wall and in the digestive cells of the DGG.
  • 3.3. TLC showed that free sterols and triacylglycerols were major neutral lipid fractions along with lesser amounts of steryl esters and free fatty acids in the DGG of both populations. The percentage composition of all neutral lipid fractions was greater in infected than uninfected DGG.
  • 4.4. Infected DGG contained more carotenoid fractions than uninfected DGG, but only beta-carotene was identified from both.
  • 5.5. GLC studies showed that the major sterol present in snail DGG was cholesterol (about 70%) along with lesser amounts of stigmasterol, campesterol, beta-sitosterol and desmosterol. No clear cut distinction was seen in sterols from infected vs uninfected DGG.

The karyotype of Echinostoma caproni Richard, 1964 is studied. There are eleven pairs of chromosomes (2n=22). Two pairs are submetacentric (Nos. 4 and 5). C-banding methods revealed a large block of heterochromatin in No. 3 and two blocks in No. 5. E. cinetorchis (see Terasaki et al., 1982) and E. barbosai (see Mutafova & Kanev, 1983) also have 22 chromosomes, but the metacentric or submetacentric chromosomes are Nos. 8 and 11 for the former and No. 10 for the latter. ac]19860425  相似文献   

Laboratory-reared planarians, Dugesia tigrina, were exposed to cercariae of Echinostoma trivolvis or Echinostoma caproni. Of 100 D. tigrina exposed to 2,750 cercariae of E. trivolvis, 29 were infected with a total of 85 encysted metacercariae 24 hr postinfection (PI). None of 40 D. tigrina exposed to 1,100 cercariae of E. caproni was infected with metacercariae 24 hr PI. Cyst structure of E. trivolvis from the parenchyma of D. tigrina varied from normal to abnormal. Metacercariae removed from planarians could be excysted in an alkaline trypsin-bile salts medium. Cercariae of E. trivolvis were not attracted to dialysate material from D. tigrina. Cercariae of E. trivolvis that penetrated, but did not encyst in planarians, voided the contents of their paraesophageal glands. Cercariae of E. caproni lack paraesophageal glands. Secretions of those glands probably are involved in tissue penetration of D. tigrina by E. trivolvis cercariae.  相似文献   

The life-cycle of Echinostoma revolutum (Froelich, 1802) Dietz, 1909 has been completed experimentally beginning with infected snails collected at the type-locality, near Erlangen, Germany. Based on the specimens obtained, each stage of the life-cycle has been redescribed. Important taxonomic features are discussed and hitherto unknown characteristics are described. Synonyms for E. revolutum are: Fasciola revoluta Froelich, 1802; Echinostoma paraulum Dietz, 1909; E. audyi Lie & Umathevy, 1965; and E. ivaniosi Mohandas, 1973. Adults and larvae described as E. revolutum in other works are found to be identical with Echinostoma echinatum (Zeder, 1803), E. trivolvis (Cort, 1914), E. jurini (Skvortsov, 1924), E. caproni Richard, 1964, Moliniella anceps (Molin, 1859), Echinochasmus beleocephalus (Linstow, 1873) and other echinostome species. For nearly a century, incorrect morphological, biological, life-cycle and host information has been attributed to E. revolutum, and at times these data have contributed to the diagnoses of the species. Occasionally, authors actually working with E. revolutum have ascribed their results to other species. Based on extensive experimental life-cycle studies beginning with infected snails from type-localities, it is shown that (1) the first intermediate host is a lymnaeid snail; (2) the second intermediate hosts are various pulmonate and prosobranch snails, mussels, frogs and freshwater turtles; (3) the final hosts are birds; (4) E. revolutum cercariae and adults have 37 collar spines; (5) the species occurs only in Europe and Asia; (6) Cercaria echinata Siebold, 1937, Echinostoma echinatum (Zeder, 1803) and E. jurini (Skvortsov, 1924) are the closely related 37-spined allies in Europe; and (7) species specific characteristics are expressed only in the larvae and the host-parasite relationships. The adults of E. revolutum cannot be identified using morphological criteria and it is proposed that worms with 37 collar spines belonging to the genus Echinostoma and occurring in naturally infected birds in Europe and Asia be referred to an “E. revolutum group.”  相似文献   

Human cases of echinostomiasis have been sporadically diagnosed by extracting worms in the endoscopy in Korea and Japan. Most of these were caused by Echinostoma hortense infection. However, in the present study, we detected 2 live worms of Echinostoma cinetorchis in the ascending colon of a Korean man (68-year old) admitted to the Gyeongsang National University Hospital with complaint of intermittent right lower quadrant abdominal pain for 5 days. Under colonoscopy, 1 worm was found attached on the edematous and hyperemic mucosal surface of the proximal ascending colon and the other was detected on the mid-ascending colon. Both worms were removed from the mucosal surface with a grasping forceps, and morphologically identified as E. cinetorchis by the characteristic head crown with total 37 collar spines including 5 end-group ones on both sides, disappearance of testes, and eggs of 108×60 µm with abopercular wrinkles. The infection source of this case seems to be the raw frogs eaten 2 months ago. This is the first case of endoscopy-diagnosed E. cinetorchis infection in Korea.  相似文献   

Laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus) were infected with Echinostoma paraensei (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae). The rodents received 150 metacercariae each and blood samples were collected weekly until the fifth week of infection. The blood samples were analyzed for determination of haematocrit, total red blood cells with their dimensions, haemoglobin and haematimetric index (mean corpuscular volume, MCV; mean corpuscular haemoglobin, MCH; and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, MCHC) and platelets. Red blood cells, haematocrit and haemoglobin in the first week had significantly lower levels than those of uninfected (control) rats, suggesting the development of normocytic and normocromic anaemia with anisocytic alteration. The number of eosinophils did not increase significantly among the groups. We concluded that E. paraensei produces haematological alterations in R. norvegicus, causing regenerative anaemia. This system can therefore be a useful model to study the direct and indirect effects of gastrointestinal infections.  相似文献   

Gross and histologic studies were done on laboratory-raised Physa heterostropha, Helisoma trivolvis, and Biomphalaria glabrata snails exposed individually to 100 cercariae of Echinostoma revolutum. Cercariae showed a predisposition for the kidneys of snails. They entered the nephridiopore, migrated up the tubular kidney, and encysted in the saccular kidney within 2 hr. Considerably more cysts were in the kidney of B. glabrata at 24 hr than in H. trivolvis or P. heterostropha kidneys. Encysted metacercariae were not infective to domestic chicks at 2 hr, but were infective by 4 hr. Biomphalaria glabrata exposed to about 1,000 cercariae/snail and necropsied either 10 or 16 wk postexposure contained 300-500 cysts/kidney; about one-half the cysts were viable and infective to chicks. Biomphalaria glabrata is an excellent second intermediate host for the laboratory propagation of E. revolutum.  相似文献   

The present study reports on the kinetics of antibodies and antigens in serum of mice experimentally infected with 75 metacercariae of Echinostoma caproni during the first 12 wk postinfection (wpi). Antibody titers in the serum of mice were determined by an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using excretory/secretory (ES) antigens of E. caproni. The early detection of antibodies against ES antigens of E. caproni is feasible using indirect ELISA. Mice developed significant antibody responses at 2 wpi, and the values progressively increased until the end of the experiment. This may be related to the intestinal absorption of adult worm antigens that induces humoral responses. The presence of E. caproni circulating antigens was determined by a capture ELISA based on polyclonal rabbit antibodies against ES antigens of E. caproni. High levels of seroantigens in mice were detected by 1-2 wpi, probably because of the local inflammatory responses in mice induced by the adult worms. A drop in circulating antigen levels was observed at 9 wpi, which could reflect changes in the intestinal tissues over the course of the infection.  相似文献   

Using a range of parameters, the ability of rats (Rattus norvegicus) to successfully transmit Echinostoma friedi to the next host was examined under experimental conditions. The concept of Experimental Transmission Success (TM), defined as the number of hosts that become successfully infected after exposure to a number of infective stages produced by a previous host per unit of inoculation at which this latter host was exposed, was introduced. Using data for the egg output and miracidium hatching and infectivity, the TM permits us to estimate the ability of a particular definitive host species to successfully transmit a parasite species. This concept may be also useful to compare the transmission fitness of a parasite in different definitive host species. Moreover, variations of the Experimental Transmission Success over the course of the infection were calculated by the use of the Weekly Experimental Transmission Success (TMW). Overall, considering the complete duration of the experiment, the TM of E. friedi using rats as definitive hosts was 0.68 infected snails/metacercaria. However, positive values of the TMW were only obtained from 2 to 4 wk post-infection, with a maximum during the third wk post-infection. When comparing the TM values of E. friedi in rats with those calculated in hamsters on the basis of previously published data, E. friedi appears to be more appropriate to move through this portion of its life cycle when using hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) as the final host than rats.  相似文献   

A human Echinostoma hortense infection was diagnosed by gastroduodenoscopy. An 81-year-old Korean male, living in Yeongcheon-shi, Gyeongsangbuk-do and with epigastric discomfort of several days duration, was subjected to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. He was in the habit of eating fresh water fish. Two live worms were found in the duodenal bulb area and were removed using an endoscopic forceps. Based on their morphological characteristics, the worms were identified as E. hortense. The patient was treated with praziquantel 10 mg/kg as a single dose. The source of the infection in this case remains unclear, but the fresh water fish consumed, including the loach, may have been the source. This is the second case of E. hortense infection diagnosed by endoscopy in Korea.  相似文献   

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