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A program is presented which will return the most probable sequence location for a short connected set of residues in a protein given just (13)C(alpha) chemical shifts (delta((13)C(alpha))) and data restricting the phi and psi backbone angles. Data taken from both the BioMagResBank and the Protein Data Bank were used to create a probability density function (PDF) using a multivariate normal distribution in delta((13)C(alpha)), phi, and psi space for each amino acid residue. Extracting and combining probabilities for particular amino acid residues in a short proposed sequence yields a score indicative of the correctness of the proposed assignment. The program is illustrated using several proteins for which structure and (13)C(alpha) chemical shift data are available.  相似文献   

A database of peptide chemical shifts, computed at the density functional level, has been used to develop an algorithm for prediction of 15N and 13C shifts in proteins from their structure; the method is incorporated into a program called SHIFTS (version 4.0). The database was built from the calculated chemical shift patterns of 1335 peptides whose backbone torsion angles are limited to areas of the Ramachandran map around helical and sheet configurations. For each tripeptide in these regions of regular secondary structure (which constitute about 40% of residues in globular proteins) SHIFTS also consults the database for information about sidechain torsion angle effects for the residue of interest and for the preceding residue, and estimates hydrogen bonding effects through an empirical formula that is also based on density functional calculations on peptides. The program optionally searches for alternate side-chain torsion angles that could significantly improve agreement between calculated and observed shifts. The application of the program on 20 proteins shows good consistency with experimental data, with correlation coefficients of 0.92, 0.98, 0.99 and 0.90 and r.m.s. deviations of 1.94, 0.97, 1.05, and 1.08 ppm for 15N, 13C, 13C and 13C, respectively. Reference shifts fit to protein data are in good agreement with `random-coil' values derived from experimental measurements on peptides. This prediction algorithm should be helpful in NMR assignment, crystal and solution structure comparison, and structure refinement.  相似文献   

Summary The one-bond deuterium isotope shift effect for glycine C resonances exhibits a conformational dependence comparable to that of the corresponding 1JHC scalar coupling in both magnitude (11 Hz at 14.1 T) and dihedral angle dependence. The similarity in the conformational dependence of the 1JHC and deuterium isotope shift values suggests a common physical basis. Given the known distribution of (,) main-chain dihedral angles for glycine residues, the deuterium isotope shifts and the 1JHC scalar couplings can determine conformations in the left-and right-handed helical-to-bridge regions of the (,) plane to an accuracy of approximately 13°. In the absence of stereochemical assignments, the differential deuterium isotope shifts and the 1JHC scalar couplings can be combined with limited independent structural information (e.g., the sign of ) to determine the chirality of the deuterium substitution.  相似文献   

A simple and accurate method is described for measurement of 1 J CN splittings in isotopically enriched proteins. The method is of the quantitative J correlation type, and the 1 J CN splitting is derived from the relative intensity in two 3D TROSY-HNCO spectra with 1 J CN dephasing intervals of 1/(21 J CN) (reference intensity) and 1/1 J CN (residual intensity). If the two spectra are recorded under identical conditions and with the same number of scans, the random error in the 1 J CN value extracted in this manner is inversely related to the signal-to-noise (S/N) in the reference spectrum. A S/N of 30:1 in the reference spectrum yields random errors of less than 0.2 Hz in the extracted 1 J CN value. Dipolar couplings obtained from the difference in 1 J CN splitting in the isotropic and liquid crystalline phase for the C-terminal domain of calmodulin are in excellent agreement with its 1.68-Å crystal structure, but agree considerably less with the 2.2-Å structure.  相似文献   

Pulse sequences are presented for the measurement of3JCC and3JNC scalar couplings for allC containing residues in15N,13C uniformly labeled proteins. The methodsdescribed are based on quantitative J correlation spectroscopy pioneered byBax and co-workers [Bax et al. (1994) Methods Enzymol., 239, 79–105].The combination of 3JCC and3JNC scalar coupling constants allows theassignment of discrete rotameric states about the 1 torsion angle in cases where such states exist or, alternatively,facilitates the establishment of noncanonical 1conformations or the presence of rotameric averaging. The methods areapplied to a 1.5 mM sample of staphylococcal nuclease.  相似文献   

Scalar coupling correlations across hydrogen bonds with carbonyl groups as acceptors have been observed in a variety of proteins, but not in nucleic acids. Here we present a pulse scheme that allows such an observation and quantification of trans-hydrogen bond 3hJNC correlations in nucleic acid base pairs, between the imino nitrogen 15N1 and the carbonyl 13C6 nuclei within the guanine quartets of the Oxy-1.5 DNA-quadruplex. Intra- and internucleotide N-H···O=C connectivities can be traced around each guanine quartet, allowing the hydrogen bonding partners to be unambiguously assigned. Absolute values of the 3hJNC couplings are approximately 0.2 Hz as quantified by a selective long-range H(N)CO experiment and are thus on average smaller than the analogous 3hJNC couplings observed in proteins. In addition, an improved version of the pseudo-heteronuclear H(N)N-COSY [Majumdar et al. (1999) J. Biomol. NMR, 14, 67–70] is presented which allows simultaneous detection of the 15N-donor and 15N-acceptor resonances connected by 2hJNN couplings in hydrogen bonds involving amino groups. Using this experiment, values ranging between 6 and 8 Hz are determined for the 2hJNN couplings between 15N2 and 15N7 nuclei in the guanine quartet. These values are not strongly influenced by the presence of a significant amount of chemical exchange broadening due to amino group rotations.  相似文献   

Summary We have used a spin-echo difference NMR pulse sequence to measure three-bond J couplings between - and -carbons of the leucine residues in a micelle-associated helical peptide dimer that corresponds to residues 62–101 of the transmembrane erythrocyte protein glycophorin A. The observed 3J couplings correlate strongly with the 13C chemical shift of the -methyl groups, and within experimental error both the shift distribution of the methyl carbons and the variations in 3J can be accounted for by variations in side-chain rotamer populations. We infer that all leucine side chains in this peptide dimer are in fast exchange among X 2 rotamers and sample two of the three possible rotameric states, even when the side chain forms part of the dimer interface. The observed correlation of chemical shift with couplings can be traced to a -gauche interaction of methyl and -carbons. This correlation may provide an alternate route to rotamer analysis in some protein systems.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are abundant in nature and characterization of their potential structural propensities remains a widely pursued but challenging task. Analysis of NMR secondary chemical shifts plays an important role in such studies, but the output of such analyses depends on the accuracy of reference random coil chemical shifts. Although uniform perdeuteration of IDPs can dramatically increase spectral resolution, a feature particularly important for the poorly dispersed IDP spectra, the impact of deuterium isotope shifts on random coil values has not yet been fully characterized. Very precise 2H isotope shift measurements for 13C??, 13C??, 13C??, 15N, and 1HN have been obtained by using a mixed sample of protonated and uniformly perdeuterated ??-synuclein, a protein with chemical shifts exceptionally close to random coil values. Decomposition of these isotope shifts into one-bond, two-bond and three-bond effects as well as intra- and sequential residue contributions shows that such an analysis, which ignores conformational dependence, is meaningful but does not fully describe the total isotope shift to within the precision of the measurements. Random coil 2H isotope shifts provide an important starting point for analysis of such shifts in structural terms in folded proteins, where they are known to depend strongly on local geometry.  相似文献   

Novel NMR pulse schemes for simultaneous measurement of 1 D CHand 2 D NHresidual dipolar couplings in proteins is presented. We show that 2 D NHcoupling can be very useful for protein structure determination. The 2 D NHcoupling can be measured from 15N dimension with good accuracy on a slowly relaxing TROSY resonance, utilizing HNCA-TROSY-based experiments, which concomitantly supply large 1 D CHcoupling. The dynamic range of 2 D NHcoupling is comparable to 1 D NC coupling, but instead, it also serves non-redundant information on the course of protein backbone, thanks to rotational degree of freedom with respect to peptide bond. The HNCA-TROSY-based experiments are optimal for measuring residual dipolar couplings at high magnetic fields owing to absence of rapid transverse relaxation of carbonyl carbon. The reliability of the proposed approach was tested on 15N/13C human ubiquitin. A very good correlation with ubiquitin solution as well as crystal structure, for both 1 D CHand 2 D NHcouplings, was obtained.  相似文献   

HNCO-based 3D pulse schemes are presented for measuring 1HN-15N,15N-13CO, 1HN-13CO,13CO-13C and 1HN-13C dipolar couplings in 15N,13C,2-labeled proteins. The experiments are based on recently developed TROSY methodology for improving spectral resolution and sensitivity. Data sets recorded on a complex of Val, Leu, Ile (1 only) methyl protonated 15N,13C,2H-labeled maltose binding protein and -cyclodextrin as well as 15N,13C,2H-labeled human carbonic anhydrase II demonstrate that precise dipolar couplings can be obtained on proteins in the 30–40 kDa molecular weight range. These couplings will serve as powerful restraints for obtaining global folds of highly deuterated proteins.  相似文献   

A suite of multiple quantum (MQ) HCN-based pulse sequences has been developed for the purpose of collecting dipolar coupling data in labeled nucleic acids. All the pulse sequences are based on the robust MQ-HCN experiment which has been utilized for assignment purposes in labeled nucleic acids for a number of years and provides much-needed resolution for the dipolar coupling measurements. We have attempted to collect multiple couplings centered on the 13C1' and 13C6/8 positions. Six pulse sequences are described, one each for measurement of one-bond 13C1'-1H1' and 13C6/8-1H6/8 couplings, one for measurement of one-bond 13C1'-15N and two-bond 1H1'-15N couplings, one for measurement of one-bond 13C6/8-15N and two-bond 1H6/8-15N couplings, one for measurement of one-bond 13C1'- 13C2' and two-bond 1H1'-13C2' couplings, and one for measurement of one-bond 13C6-13C5 and two-bond 1H6-13C5 couplings in the bases of C and T. These sequences are demonstrated for a labeled 18 bp DNA duplex in a 47 kDa ternary complex of DNA, CBFbeta, and the CBFalpha Runt domain, thus clearly demonstrating the robustness of the pulse sequences even for a very large complex.  相似文献   

A 4D TROSY-based triple resonance experiment, 4D-HNCOi–1CAi, is presented which correlates intra-residue 1HN, 15N, 13 C chemical shifts with the carbonyl (13C) shift of the preceding residue. The experiment is best used in concert with recently described 4D TROSY-HNCOCA and -HNCACO experiments [Yang, D. and Kay, L.E. (1999) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 121, 2571–2575]. In cases where degeneracy of (1HN,15N) spin pairs precludes assignment using the HNCOCA and HNCACO, the HNCOi–1CAi often allows resolution of the ambiguity by linking the 13C and 13C spins surrounding the (1HN,15N) pair. The experiment is demonstrated on a sample of 15N, 13C, 2 H labeled maltose binding protein in complex with -cyclodextrin that tumbles with a correlation time of 46 ns.  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) participates in protein folding and catalyses formation of disulfide bonds. The b′ domain of human PDI contributes to binding unfolded proteins; its structure is stabilized by the b domain. Here, we report NMR chemical shift assignments for the bb′ fragment.  相似文献   

Summary A simple constant-time 3D heteronuclear NMR pulse sequence has been developed to quantitatively determine the heteronuclear three-bond couplings 3J(HN,C) and 3J(H,C) in uniformly 13C-enriched proteins. The protocols for measuring accurate coupling constants are based on 1H,13C-heteronuclear relayed E.COSY [Schmidt, J.M., Ernst, R.R., Aimoto, S. and Kainosho, M. (1995) J. Biomol. NMR, 6, 95–105] in combination with numerical least-squares spectrum evaluation. Accurate coupling constants are extracted from 2D spectrum projections using 2D multiplet simulation. Confidence intervals for the obtained three-bond coupling constants are calculated from F-statistics. The three-bond couplings are relevant to the determination of and X 1 dihedral-angle conformations in the amino acid backbone and side chain. The methods are demonstrated on the recombinant 13C, 15N-doubly enriched 147-amino acid protein Desulfovibrio vulgaris flavodoxin with bound flavin mononucleotide in its oxidized form. In total, 109 3J(HN,C) and 100 3J(H,C) coupling constants are obtained from a single spectrum.Abbreviations ANOVA analysis of variances - COSY correlated spectroscopy - E.COSY exclusive correlation spectroscopy - FMN flavin mononucleotide - HMQC heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence - HSQC heteronuclear single-quantum coherence  相似文献   

Human interferon-stimulated gene 15 protein (ISG15), also called ubiquitin cross-reactive protein (UCRP), is the first identified ubiquitin-like protein containing two ubiquitin-like domains fused in tandem. The active form of ISG15 is conjugated to target proteins via the C-terminal glycine residue through an isopeptide bond in a manner similar to ubiquitin. The biological role of ISG15 is strongly associated with the modulation of cell immune function, and there is mounting evidence suggesting that many viral pathogens evade the host innate immune response by interfering with ISG15 conjugation to both host and viral proteins in a variety of ways. Here we report nearly complete backbone 1HN, 15N, 13C′, and 13Cα, as well as side chain 13Cβ, methyl (Ile-δ1, Leu, Val), amide (Asn, Gln), and indole N–H (Trp) NMR resonance assignments for the 157-residue human ISG15 protein. These resonance assignments provide the basis for future structural and functional solution NMR studies of the biologically important human ISG15 protein.  相似文献   

1H(i)-15N(i)-13C(i) dipole-chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) relaxation interference was quantified for the 13C,15N labeled zinc-finger protein qCRP2(LIM2). The cross-correlation rates obtained for residues located in the metal coordination sites of qCRP2(LIM2) show a high degree of correlation with the peptide plane torsion angles and taken from the solution structure. 1H(i)-15N(i)-13C(i) as well as 13C(i)-1H(i)-13C(i) dipole-CSA cross-correlation rates were subsequently used to improve the geometry of the metal binding site. The optimized dihedral angles of the two zinc-binding sites in qCRP2(LIM2) are in better agreement with values obtained from crystal structures of other zinc-finger proteins and thus establish the utility of this approach to improve the metal-binding site geometry of zinc-finger proteins studied by NMR spectroscopy in solution.  相似文献   

Galectin-1 is an important regulator of leukocyte function and tumor angiogenesis. Recently, this lectin has been identified as a molecular target for the potent angiogenesis inhibitor anginex. Here, we report 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for human galectin-1 as determined by using heteronuclear triple resonance NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

An approach towards accurate NMR measurements of deuterium isotope effects on the chemical shifts of all backbone nuclei in proteins (15N, 13Cα, 13CO, 1Hα) and 13Cβ nuclei arising from 1H-to-D substitutions at amide nitrogen positions is described. Isolation of molecular species with a defined protonation/deuteration pattern at successive backbone nitrogen positions in the polypeptide chain allows quantifying all deuterium isotope shifts of these nuclei from the first to the fourth order. Some of the deuterium isotope shifts measured in the proteins ubiquitin and GB1 can be interpreted in terms of backbone geometry via empirical relationships describing their dependence on (φ; ψ) backbone dihedral angles. Because of their relatively large variability and notable dependence on the protein secondary structure, the two- and three-bond 13Cα isotope shifts, 2ΔCα(NiD) and 3ΔCα(Ni+1D), and three-bond 13Cβ isotope shifts, 3ΔCβ(NiD), are useful reporters of the local geometry of the protein backbone.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrogen/deuterium exchange on protein hydrogen bond coupling constants (h3)J(NC') has been investigated in the small globular protein ubiquitin. The couplings across deuterated or protonated hydrogen bonds were measured by a long-range quantitative HA(CACO)NCO experiment. The analysis is combined with a determination of the H(N)/D(N) isotope effect on the amide group (1)J(NC') couplings and the (15)N and (13)C' chemical shifts. On average, H-bond deuteration exchange weakens (h3)J(NC') and strengthens (1)J(NC') couplings. A correlation is found between the size of the (15)N isotope shift, the (15)N chemical shift, and the (h3)J(NC') coupling constants. The data are consistent with a reduction of donor-acceptor overlap as expected from the classical Ubbelohde effect and the common understanding that H(N)/D(N) exchange leads to a shortening of the N-hydron bond length.  相似文献   

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