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In vitro fertilization with cryopreserved inbred mouse sperm   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Sperm from C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, BALB/cJ, 129S3/SvImJ, and FVB/NJ inbred mice were cryopreserved in 3% skim milk/18% raffinose cryoprotectant solution. The post-thaw sperm from all strains were evaluated for their viability and fertility by comparing them against B6D2F1 sperm used as a control. The protocol used for freezing mouse sperm was effective in different strains, because the motility was decreased by 50% after cryopreservation similar to other mammalian sperm. However, the progressive motility and the fertility of each inbred strain were affected differently. The C57BL/6J, BALB/cJ, and 129S3/SvImJ strains were the most affected; their fertility (two-cell cleavage) decreased from 70%, 34%, and 84% when using freshly collected sperm to 6%, 12%, and 6% when using frozen/thawed sperm, respectively. Live newborns derived from frozen/thawed sperm were obtained from all strains in the study. These results corroborate the genetic variation among strains with regard to fertility and susceptibility to cryopreservation.  相似文献   

《Genome biology》2013,14(7):R82


The mouse inbred line C57BL/6J is widely used in mouse genetics and its genome has been incorporated into many genetic reference populations. More recently large initiatives such as the International Knockout Mouse Consortium (IKMC) are using the C57BL/6N mouse strain to generate null alleles for all mouse genes. Hence both strains are now widely used in mouse genetics studies. Here we perform a comprehensive genomic and phenotypic analysis of the two strains to identify differences that may influence their underlying genetic mechanisms.


We undertake genome sequence comparisons of C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N to identify SNPs, indels and structural variants, with a focus on identifying all coding variants. We annotate 34 SNPs and 2 indels that distinguish C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N coding sequences, as well as 15 structural variants that overlap a gene. In parallel we assess the comparative phenotypes of the two inbred lines utilizing the EMPReSSslim phenotyping pipeline, a broad based assessment encompassing diverse biological systems. We perform additional secondary phenotyping assessments to explore other phenotype domains and to elaborate phenotype differences identified in the primary assessment. We uncover significant phenotypic differences between the two lines, replicated across multiple centers, in a number of physiological, biochemical and behavioral systems.


Comparison of C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N demonstrates a range of phenotypic differences that have the potential to impact upon penetrance and expressivity of mutational effects in these strains. Moreover, the sequence variants we identify provide a set of candidate genes for the phenotypic differences observed between the two strains.  相似文献   

The liver proteome can serve as a reference to better understand both disease mechanisms and possible therapeutics,since the liver is an important organ in the body that performs a large number of tasks.Here we identify the organelle proteome of C57BL/6J mouse liver nuclei as a promising strategy to enrich low abundance proteins,in the sense that analysis of whole liver cells is rather complex for current techniques and may not be suitable for proteins with low abundance.Evaluation of nucleus integrity and purity was performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the optimized isolation procedure.The extracted nuclear proteins were identified by 2-DE MS analyses,and a total of 748 proteins were identified.Bioinformatic analyses were performed to demonstrate the physicochemical properties,cellular locations and functions of the proteins.  相似文献   

Four experiments using mice examined acquisition of Pavlovian biconditional discriminations in which two stimulus compounds were paired with food (AX+ and BY+) and two were not (AY- and BX-). Temporally asynchronous compounds were generated by using contextual stimuli (Experiment 1) and 15-s discrete visual cues (Experiments 2A, 2B and 3) to disambiguate when embedded noise or tone stimuli would be paired with food. When food pellets followed both reinforced compounds, successful acquisition was obtained in Experiment 1 but not in Experiments 2A and 2B even though the order of trials was modeled after that used in Experiment 1. However, when differential outcomes followed the reinforced compounds in Experiment 3, acquisition was obtained with discrete cue stimulus compounds. The implications of these results for modulatory models of conditional discrimination learning in animals are discussed.  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells with the C57BL/6 genetic background allow the generation of knockout mice without the need to backcross to C57BL/6. However, C57BL/6 ES cells whose pluripotency after homologous recombination has been confirmed are not yet available from public cell banks. To facilitate the use of ES cells derived from C57BL/6 sublines in both biologic and medical research, we demonstrated that the use of knockout serum replacement as a medium supplement and 8-cell blastomeres as recipient embryos allowed establishment of ES cells and production of germline chimeric mice, respectively. Under effective conditions, a large number of ES cell lines were established from C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N blastocysts. The majority of ES cells in many cell lines obtained from both strains showed a normal chromosome number. Germline chimeric mice were generated from C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N ES cells. Finally, the ES cell line B6J-S1UTR, derived from C57BL/6J, was used for successful production of gene knockout mice. C57BL/6J ES (B6J-S1UTR and B6J-23UTR) and C57BL/6N ES (B6N-22UTR) cells are available from the cell bank of the BioResource Center at RIKEN Tsukuba Institute (http://www.brc.riken.jp/lab/cell/english/).  相似文献   

The transportation of cryopreserved spermatozoa is an economical, efficient, and safe method for the distribution of mouse strains from one facility to another. However, spermatozoa from some strains, including C57BL/6 (B6), are very sensitive to freezing and thawing and frequently fail to fertilize eggs by conventional in vitro fertilization methods at the recipient mouse facility. Since many genetically engineered mice have the B6 genetic background, this sensitivity poses a major obstacle to studies of mouse genetics. We investigated the feasibility of transporting spermatozoa within epididymides under non-freezing conditions. First, we examined the interval that B6 and B6D2F1 (BDF1) spermatozoa retained their ability to fertilize when stored within epididymides at low temperatures (5 degrees C or 7 degrees C). Fertilization rates were >50%, irrespective of the spermatozoa used, when epididymides were stored for 3d at 7 degrees C. B6 spermatozoa, but not BDF1 sperm, had better retention of fertilizing ability at 7 degrees C versus 5 degrees C. We then transported freshly collected B6 and BDF1 epididymides from a sender colony to a recipient colony using a common package delivery service, during which the temperature was maintained at 5 degrees C or 7 degrees C for 2d. Sufficiently high fertilization rates (68.0-77.5%) were obtained for all experimental groups, except for B6 spermatozoa transported at 5 degrees C. These spermatozoa were successfully cryopreserved at the recipient facility and, yielded post-thaw fertilization rates of 27.6-66.4%. When embryos derived from the B6 spermatozoa that were transported at 7 degrees C were transferred into recipient females, 52.7% (38/72) developed to term. In conclusion, transportation of epididymides at refrigerated temperatures is a practical method for the exchange of mouse genetic resources between facilities, especially when these facilities do not specialize in sperm cryopreservation. For the B6 mouse strain, the transportation of epididymides at 7 degrees C rather than 5 degrees C, is recommended.  相似文献   

The C57BL/6J (B6) inbred mouse strain is commonly used in biomedical researches. However, some unexpected inconsistency was reported compared with previous studies, and in most cases, it can be attributed to environmental, epigenetic or stochastic differences. The goal of this study was to investigate the genetic stability of the B6 strain maintained in different breeders. B6 mice purchased from five Chinese commercial breeders were examined, and mitochondrial D-loop sequence and 18 microsatellite loci were genotyped. There is no difference in the D-loop sequences, but variations exist in the nucleic microsatellite markers. Combining the data from MGI_4.01, a significant divergence is observed among those mice. The present study indicates that different B6 mice share the common maternal lineage and are still inbred in each breeder, but subline divergence occurs.  相似文献   

The pattern of breathing during sleep could be a heritable trait. Our intent was to test this genetic hypothesis in inbred mouse strains known to vary in breathing patterns during wakefulness (Han F, Subramanian S, Dick TE, Dreshaj IA, and Strohl KP. J Appl Physiol 91: 1962-1970, 2001; Han F, Subramanian S, Price ER, Nadeau J, and Strohl KP, J Appl Physiol 92: 1133-1140, 2002) to determine whether such differences persisted into non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Measures assessed in C57BL/6J (B6; Jackson Laboratory) and two A/J strains (A/J Jackson and A/J Harlan) included ventilatory behavior [respiratory frequency, tidal volume, minute ventilation, mean inspiratory flow, and duty cycle (inspiratory time/total breath time)], and metabolism, as performed by the plethsmography method with animals instrumented to record EEG, electromyogram, and heart rate. In all strains, there were reductions in minute ventilation and CO2 production in NREM compared with wakefulness (P < 0.001) and a further reduction in REM compared with NREM (P < 0.001), but no state-by-stain interactions. Frequency showed strain (P < 0.0001) and state-by-strain interactions (P < 0.0001). The A/J Jackson did not change frequency in REM vs. NREM [141 +/- 15 (SD) vs. 139 +/- 14 breaths/min; P = 0.92], whereas, in the A/J Harlan, it was lower in REM vs. NREM (168 +/- 14 vs. 179 +/- 12 breaths/min; P = 0.0005), and, in the B6, it was higher in REM vs. NREM (209 +/- 12 vs. 188 +/- 13 breaths/min; P < 0.0001). Heart rate exhibited strain (P = 0.003), state (P < 0.0001), and state-by-strain interaction (P = 0.017) and was lower in NREM sleep in the A/J Harlan (P = 0.035) and B6 (P < 0.0001). We conclude that genetic background affects features of breathing during NREM and REM sleep, despite broad changes in state, metabolism, and heart rate.  相似文献   

Purification of the Ah receptor from C57BL/6J mouse liver   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The photoaffinity ligand for the Ah receptor, [125I]-2-azido-3-iodo-7,8-dibromodibenzo-p-dioxin, previously has been shown to selectively label two peptides in the cytosol fraction of C57BL/6J mouse liver: a 95-kDa peptide, the ligand binding moiety of the Ah receptor, and a 70-kDa proteolytic fragment formed from the larger peptide (Poland, A., Glover, E., Ebetino, F. H., and Kende, A.S. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 6352-6365). These two peptides were partially purified to an approximately 20,000-fold enrichment with a 15-20% yield by the following scheme: 1) photoaffinity labeling of the 35-55% ammonium sulfate fraction of liver cytosol; 2) chromatography on polyethyleneimine-Sepharose coupled at low charge density and heparin/Mn2+ precipitation of the dilute column eluate; 3) DEAE-Sepharose chromatography to remove heparin; 4) chromatography on heparin-Sepharose; 5) preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis followed by electroelution of the protein and ion pair extraction to remove sodium dodecyl sulfate; and 6) high performance liquid chromatography on a reverse-phase C-4 column. Following initial chromatography on polyethyleneimine Sepharose, it was found that substantial subsequent purification could only be achieved under denaturing conditions.  相似文献   

Although the role of individual brain lipids for learning and memory has been reported, no systematic approach associating brain lipids with spatial memory has been carried out. It was therefore the aim of the study to determine brain lipids in hippocampus of mice forming and yoked controls that did not form spatial memory using the probe trial as the endpoint. 10 animals were trained in the Morris water maze (MWM) and 10 mice were serving as yoked controls i.e. no platform was used during the whole experiment. Hippocampal tissue lipids were extracted and data were acquired with Fourier transformation ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (LTQ-FT) coupled to HPLC. Glycerophosphatidylethanolamines (18:0/22:6, 18:0/20:4 and 18:1/18:1), plasmalogens (16:0-10/22:6 and 18:0-10/22:6) and ceramides (18:0) showed higher levels in the trained group, while glycerolysophosphatidylcholines (16:0, 18:1, 18:0, 20:4), sphingomyelins (16:0, 24:1), ether linked glycerophosphatidylcholines (16:0-10/18:0), glycerophosphatidylcholines (16:0/18:1, 16:0/18:0, 18:0/18:1, 38:7, 18:1/20:1, 20:4/20:4, 22:1/18:1, 22:0/18:1, 20:4/22:6, 22:6/22:6), glucosylceramide (24:1) and plasmalogen (18:0-10/20:1) revealed lower levels in the trained group. Decreased levels of certain species of lysophosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, plasmenylphosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylcholine, glycosylceramide and plasmalogen at the probe trial for spatial memory may indicate catabolism in terms of consumption during this process. Increased hippocampal levels of long chain highly unsaturated phosphatidylethanolamines, plasmalogens and ceramides may reflect increased synthesis or decreased degradation at the endpoint of memory testing, probably representing interactions in the brain lipid pathways. The study shows pathways involved in spatial memory, may propose the use of individual brain lipids as probable cognitive enhancers and forms the basis for further studies on the role of brain lipids per se.  相似文献   

A model of sleep-disordered breathing in the C57BL/6J mouse.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To investigate the pathophysiological sequelae of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), we have developed a mouse model in which hypoxia was induced during periods of sleep and was removed in response to arousal or wakefulness. An on-line sleep-wake detection system, based on the frequency and amplitude of electroencephalograph and electromyograph recordings, served to trigger intermittent hypoxia during periods of sleep. In adult male C57BL/6J mice (n = 5), the sleep-wake detection system accurately assessed wakefulness (97.2 +/- 1.1%), non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep (96.0 +/- 0.9%) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (85.6 +/- 5.0%). After 5 consecutive days of SDB, 554 +/- 29 (SE) hypoxic events were recorded over a 24-h period at a rate of 63.6 +/- 2.6 events/h of sleep and with a duration of 28.2 +/- 0.7 s. The mean nadir of fraction of inspired O(2) (FI(O(2))) on day 5 was 13.2 +/- 0.1%, and 137.1 +/- 13.2 of the events had a nadir FI(O(2)) <10% O(2). Arterial blood gases confirmed that hypoxia of this magnitude lead to a significant degree of hypoxemia. Furthermore, 5 days of SDB were associated with decreases in both NREM and REM sleep during the light phase compared with the 24-h postintervention period. We conclude that our murine model of SDB mimics the rate and magnitude of sleep-induced hypoxia, sleep fragmentation, and reduction in total sleep time found in patients with moderate to severe SDB in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

C57BL/6J小鼠超数排卵的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 确定C57BL 6J小鼠超排的最佳激素剂量和最合适的注射间隔时间 ,提高超排率。方法  40只C57BL 6J雌鼠随机分为四组 ,分别用 5IU或 10IU的PMSG和HCG ,间隔 48h或 72h注射 ,比较排出卵母细胞的数量。结果  5IU +5IU剂量的PMSG和HCG、间隔 48h注射组超排效果最好 ;8~ 10周龄雌鼠较 6~ 8周龄雌鼠超排效果好。结论 C57BL 6J小鼠超排的最佳激素剂量为 5IUPMSG +5IUHCG ,最合适的注射间隔时间为 48h ,处于繁殖期的雌鼠超排效果好。  相似文献   

Acetazolamide (Acz), a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, is used to manage periodic breathing associated with altitude and with heart failure. We examined whether Acz would alter posthypoxic ventilatory behavior in the C57BL/6J (B6) mouse model of recurrent central apnea. Experiments were performed with unanesthetized, awake adult male B6 mice (n = 9), ventilatory behavior was measured using flow-through whole body plethysmography. Mice were given an intraperitoneal injection of either vehicle or Acz (40 mg/kg), and 1 h later they were exposed to 1 min of 8% O(2)-balance N(2) (poikilocapnic hypoxia) or 12% O(2)-3% CO(2)-balance N(2) (isocapnic hypoxia) followed by rapid reoxygenation (100% O(2)). Hypercapnic response (8% CO(2)-balance O(2)) was examined in six mice. With Acz, ventilation, including respiratory frequency, tidal volume, and minute ventilation, in room air was significantly higher and hyperoxic hypercapnic ventilatory responsiveness was generally lower compared with vehicle. Poikilocapnic and isocapnic hypoxic ventilatory responsiveness were similar among treatments. One minute after reoxygenation, animals given Acz exhibited posthypoxic frequency decline, a lower coefficient of variability for frequency, and no tendency toward periodic breathing, compared with vehicle treatment. We conclude that Acz improves unstable breathing in the B6 model, without altering hypoxic response or producing short-term potentiation, but with some blunting of hypercapnic responsiveness.  相似文献   

Efficient and dependable mouse cryopreservation methods are urgently needed because the production of mice with transgenes and disrupted and mutant genes is now commonplace. Preservation of these unique genomes provides an essential safeguard for future research. Unfortunately, mouse spermatozoa appear more vulnerable to freezing than other species, e.g., bovine and human. In this study, we examined the efficiency of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) in generating embryos from mouse spermatozoa frozen with 18% raffinose and 3% skim milk for cryoprotection. A comparison was made between the inbred strain C57BL/6J, commonly used in mutagenic and transgenic studies, and a hybrid strain B6D2F1 (C57BL/6J x DBA/2J). C57BL/6J spermatozoa are known to be more sensitive to freezing than B6D2F1. Fertilization of oocytes after IVF was significantly lower with C57BL/6J spermatozoa when compared with B6D2F1 spermatozoa for both fresh and frozen spermatozoa (fresh, 89 vs. 55%; frozen, 56 vs. 9%). Freezing also reduced the fertility of B6D2F1 spermatozoa (89 vs. 56%). Fertilization improved dramatically after ICSI with fresh and frozen C57BL/6J spermatozoa (90 and 85%) and also with frozen B6D2F1 spermatozoa (87%). The development of two-cell embryos to the blastocyst stage was lower for C57BL/6J than B6D2F1 (42-61% and 84-98%) in all treatments but similar for embryos within each strain. The normality of chromosomes from fresh and frozen spermatozoa was assessed in oocytes prior to first cleavage. The majority of oocytes had normal chromosomes after IVF (98-100%) and ICSI (87-95%), indicating that chromosomal abnormalities were not responsible for the poorer development in vitro of C57BL/6J embryos. In conclusion, our data show that ICSI is a more efficient and effective technique than IVF for generating embryos from frozen spermatozoa. More important, ICSI is especially valuable for strains where IVF with fresh spermatozoa produces few or no embryos.  相似文献   

C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J (D2) are two of the most commonly used inbred mouse strains in neuroscience research. However, the only currently available mouse genome is based entirely on the B6 strain sequence. Subsequently, oligonucleotide microarray probes are based solely on this B6 reference sequence, making their application for gene expression profiling comparisons across mouse strains dubious due to their allelic sequence differences, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The emergence of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and the RNA-Seq application provides a clear alternative to oligonucleotide arrays for detecting differential gene expression without the problems inherent to hybridization-based technologies. Using RNA-Seq, an average of 22 million short sequencing reads were generated per sample for 21 samples (10 B6 and 11 D2), and these reads were aligned to the mouse reference genome, allowing 16,183 Ensembl genes to be queried in striatum for both strains. To determine differential expression, 'digital mRNA counting' is applied based on reads that map to exons. The current study compares RNA-Seq (Illumina GA IIx) with two microarray platforms (Illumina MouseRef-8 v2.0 and Affymetrix MOE 430 2.0) to detect differential striatal gene expression between the B6 and D2 inbred mouse strains. We show that by using stringent data processing requirements differential expression as determined by RNA-Seq is concordant with both the Affymetrix and Illumina platforms in more instances than it is concordant with only a single platform, and that instances of discordance with respect to direction of fold change were rare. Finally, we show that additional information is gained from RNA-Seq compared to hybridization-based techniques as RNA-Seq detects more genes than either microarray platform. The majority of genes differentially expressed in RNA-Seq were only detected as present in RNA-Seq, which is important for studies with smaller effect sizes where the sensitivity of hybridization-based techniques could bias interpretation.  相似文献   

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