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It is not clear whether matK evolves under Darwinian selection. In this study, the gymnosperm Taxaceae, Cephalotaxaceae and Pinaceae were used to illustrate the physicochemical evolution, molecular adaptation and evolutionary dynamics of gene divergence in matKs. matK sequences were amplified from 27 Taxaceae and 12 Cephalotaxaceae species. matK sequences of 19 Pinaceae species were retrieved from GenBank. The phylogenetic tree was generated using conceptual-translated amino acid sequences. Selective influences were investigated using standard d N/d S ratio methods and more sensitive techniques investigating the amino acid property changes resulting from nonsynonymous replacements in a phylogenetic context. Analyses revealed the presence of positive selection in matKs (N-terminal region, RT domain and domain X) of Taxaceae and Pinaceae, and found positive destabilizing selection in N-terminal region and RT domain of Cephalotaxaceae matK. Moreover, various amino acid properties were found to be influenced by destabilizing positive selection. Amino acid sites relating to these properties and to different secondary structures were found and have the potential to affect group II intron maturase function. Despite the evolutionary constraint on the rapidly evolving matK, this protein evolves under positive selection in gymnosperm. Several regions of matK have experienced molecular adaptation which fine-tunes maturase performance.  相似文献   

Hitchhiking under positive Darwinian selection   总被引:77,自引:0,他引:77  
Fay JC  Wu CI 《Genetics》2000,155(3):1405-1413
Positive selection can be inferred from its effect on linked neutral variation. In the restrictive case when there is no recombination, all linked variation is removed. If recombination is present but rare, both deterministic and stochastic models of positive selection show that linked variation hitchhikes to either low or high frequencies. While the frequency distribution of variation can be influenced by a number of evolutionary processes, an excess of derived variants at high frequency is a unique pattern produced by hitchhiking (derived refers to the nonancestral state as determined from an outgroup). We adopt a statistic, H, to measure an excess of high compared to intermediate frequency variants. Only a few high-frequency variants are needed to detect hitchhiking since not many are expected under neutrality. This is of particular utility in regions of low recombination where there is not much variation and in regions of normal or high recombination, where the hitchhiking effect can be limited to a small (<1 kb) region. Application of the H test to published surveys of Drosophila variation reveals an excess of high frequency variants that are likely to have been influenced by positive selection.  相似文献   

PII-disintegrins, cysteine-rich polypeptides broadly distributed in the venoms of geographically diverse species of vipers and rattlesnakes, antagonize the adhesive functions of beta(1) and beta(3) integrin receptors. PII-disintegrins evolved in Viperidae by neofunctionalization of disintegrin-like domains of duplicated PIII-snake venom hemorrhagic metalloproteinase (SVMP) genes recruited into the venom proteome before the radiation of the advanced snakes. Minimization of the gene (loss of introns and coding regions) and the protein structures (successive loss of disulfide bonds) underpins the postduplication divergence of disintegrins. However, little is known about the underlying genetic mechanisms that have generated the structural and functional diversity among disintegrins. Phylogenetic inference and maximum likelihood-based codon substitution approaches were used to analyze the evolution of the disintegrin family. The topology of the phylogenetic tree does not parallel that of the species tree. This incongruence is consistent with that expected for a multigene family undergoing a birth-and-death process in which the appearance and disappearance of loci are being driven by selection. Cysteine and buried residues appear to be under strong purifying selection due to their role in maintaining the active conformation of disintegrins. Divergence of disintegrins is strongly influenced by positive Darwinian selection causing accelerated rate of substitution in a substantial proportion of surface-exposed disintegrin residues. Global and lineage-specific sites evolving under diversifying selection were identified. Several sites are located within the integrin-binding loop and the C-terminal tail, two regions that form a conformational functional epitope. Arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) was inferred to represent the ancestral integrin-recognition motif, which emerged from the subgroup of PIII-SVMPs bearing the RDECD sequence. The most parsimonious nucleotide substitution model required for the emergence of all known disintegrin's integrin inhibitory motifs from an ancestral RGD sequence involves a minimum of three mutations. The adaptive advantage of the emergence of motifs targeting beta(1) integrins and the role of positively selected sites located within nonfunctional disintegrin regions appear to be difficult to rationalize in the context of a predator-prey arms race. Perhaps, this represents a consequence of the neofunctionalization potential of the disintegrin domain, a feature that may underlie its recruitment into the venom proteome followed by its successful transformation into a toxin.  相似文献   

Hughes AL 《Heredity》2012,108(4):347-353
Recent evidence suggests the frequent occurrence of a simple non-Darwinian (but non-Lamarckian) model for the evolution of adaptive phenotypic traits, here entitled the plasticity-relaxation-mutation (PRM) mechanism. This mechanism involves ancestral phenotypic plasticity followed by specialization in one alternative environment and thus the permanent expression of one alternative phenotype. Once this specialization occurs, purifying selection on the molecular basis of other phenotypes is relaxed. Finally, mutations that permanently eliminate the pathways leading to alternative phenotypes can be fixed by genetic drift. Although the generality of the PRM mechanism is at present unknown, I discuss evidence for its widespread occurrence, including the prevalence of exaptations in evolution, evidence that phenotypic plasticity has preceded adaptation in a number of taxa and evidence that adaptive traits have resulted from loss of alternative developmental pathways. The PRM mechanism can easily explain cases of explosive adaptive radiation, as well as recently reported cases of apparent adaptive evolution over ecological time.  相似文献   

Protamines are arginine-rich proteins that replace histones and bind sperm DNA during spermatogenesis in vertebrates. Previous studies have shown that protamine exons evolve faster than does the protamine intron. It has been suggested that this is a result of a relaxation of functional constraint. However, a more likely explanation is that the evolutionary rate of exons has been accelerated by positive Darwinian selection, because introns are generally believed to evolve in a neutral fashion. Therefore, we examined the possibility that positive selection has been acting on the protamine genes of three groups of placental mammals: primates (hominoids and Old World monkeys), rodents (mice, rats, and guinea pigs), and pecoran ruminants (deer and bovids). We found that the nucleotide substitution rate at nonsynonymous sites is significantly higher than the rate at synonymous and intron sites for protamine P1 of hominoids and Old World monkeys. This result suggests that positive selection has been operating on protamine P1 of these species. In contrast, no clear-cut evidence of positive selection was found for protamine P1 of ruminants and rodents or protamine P2 of primates. The agent of positive selection on primate protamine P1 remains unknown, though sperm competition is a possibility. Further investigations on the function and intraspecific polymorphism of this protein are needed in order to identify the selection agent.  相似文献   

CD45, encoded by PTPRC in humans, is the most abundantly expressed protein on the surface of many lymphocytes. We investigated whether the extracellular region of CD45 was under positive selection in Old World primates, and whether there was differential selection across this region, particularly on exons that were involved in alternative splicing and those that were not alternatively spliced. The results show extraordinarily strong and consistent positive Darwinian selection on the extracellular part of CD45 throughout the evolution of Old World monkeys, apes and humans. Positive selection is concentrated in exons 9 and 14, which code for the previously neglected linker and fibronectin III domains. These exons have a high rate of evolution at nonsynonymous sites that is roughly twice as high as that of the intronic rate in this gene. In contrast, alternatively spliced exons 4-6, which code for the variable domains, are under weaker positive selection and are evolving more slowly than the intronic rate. These data provide a striking example of positive selection in a well-known gene that should provide an impetus for further functional studies to elucidate its species-specific function.  相似文献   

The Rickettsia genus is a group of obligate intracellular parasitic alpha-proteobacteria that includes human pathogens responsible for the typhus disease and various types of spotted fevers. rOmpA and rOmpB are two members of the "surface cell antigen" (Sca) autotransporter (AT) protein family that may play key roles in the adhesion of the Rickettsia cells to the host tissue. These molecules are likely determinants for the pathogenicity of the Rickettsia and represent good candidates for vaccine development. We identified the 17 members of this family of outer-membrane proteins in nine fully sequenced Rickettsia genomes. The typical architecture of the Sca proteins is composed of an N-terminal signal peptide and a C-terminal AT domain that promote the export of the central passenger domain to the outside of the bacteria. A characteristic of this family is the frequent degradation of the genes, which results in different subsets of the sca genes being expressed among Rickettsia species. Here, we present a detailed analysis of their phylogenetic relationships and evolution. We provide strong evidence that rOmpA and rOmpB as well as three other members of the Sca protein family--Sca1, Sca2, and Sca4--have evolved under positive selection. The exclusive distribution of the predicted positively selected sites within the passenger domains of these proteins argues that these regions are involved in the interaction with the host and may be locked in "arms race" coevolutionary conflicts.  相似文献   

The power of maximum likelihood tests of positive selection on protein-coding genes depends heavily on detecting and accounting for potential biases in the studied data set. Although the influence of transition:transversion and codon biases have been investigated in detail, little is known about how inaccuracy in the phylogeny used during the calculations affects the performance of these tests. In this study, 3 empirical data sets are analyzed using sets of simulated topologies corresponding to low, intermediate, and high levels of phylogenetic uncertainty. The detection of positive selection was largely unaffected by errors in the underlying phylogeny. However, the number of sites identified as being under positive selection tended to be overestimated.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies in both vertebrates and invertebrates show that the evolution of antimicrobial peptides is driven by positive selection. Because these diverse molecules show potential for therapeutic applications, they are currently the targets of much structural and functional research, providing extensive background data for evolutionary studies. In this paper, patterns of molecular evolution in antimicrobial peptide genes are reviewed. Evidence for positive selection on antimicrobial peptides includes an excess of nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions, an excess of charge-changing amino acid substitutions, nonneutral patterns of allelic variation, and functional assays in vivo and in vitro that show improved antimicrobial effects for derived sequence variants. Positive selection on antimicrobial peptides may be as common as, but perhaps weaker than, selection on the best-known example of adaptively evolving immunity genes, the major histocompatibility complex. Thus, antimicrobial peptides present a useful and underutilized model for the study of adaptive molecular evolution.  相似文献   

Transferrins are iron-binding proteins that are involved in iron storage and resistance to bacterial disease. Previous work has shown that nonsynonymous-to-synonymous-site substitution ratios (d(n)/d(s) ratios) between transferrin genes from some salmonid species were significantly greater than 1.0, providing evidence for positive selection at the transferrin gene. The purpose of the current study was to put these earlier results in a broader evolutionary context by examining variation among 25 previously published transferrin sequences from fish, amphibians, and mammals. The results of the study show that evidence for positive selection at transferrin is limited to salmonids-d(n)/d(s) ratios estimated for nonsalmonid lineages were generally less than 1.0. Within the salmonids, approximately 13% of the transferrin codon sites are estimated to be subject to positive selection, with an estimated d(n)/d(s) ratio of approximately 7. The three- dimensional locations of some of the selected sites were inferred by comparing these sites to homologous sites in the bovine lactoferrin crystallographic structure. The selected sites generally fall on the outside of the molecule, within and near areas that are bound by transferrin-binding proteins from human pathogenic bacteria. The physical locations of sites estimated to be subject to positive selection support previous speculation that competition for iron from pathogenic bacteria could be the source of positive selection.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of chloroplast DNA sequences   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
Comparative data on the evolution of chloroplast genes are reviewed. The chloroplast genome has maintained a similar structural organization over most plant taxa so far examined. Comparisons of nucleotide sequence divergence among chloroplast genes reveals marked similarity across the plant kingdom and beyond to the cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). Estimates of rates of nucleotide substitution indicate a synonymous rate of 1.1 x 10(-9) substitutions per site per year. Noncoding regions also appear to be constrained in their evolution, although addition/deletion events are common. There have also been evolutionary changes in the distribution of introns in chloroplast encoded genes. Relative to mammalian mitochondrial DNA, the chloroplast genome evolves at a conservative rate.   相似文献   

An endangered and rare species Aloe pseudorubroviolacea from the plant family Asphodelaceae which is presently recorded as endangered in Saudi Arabia collected from Al-Baha region of Saudi Arabia its GPS Latitude and Longitude coordinates 19.8345, 41.5481. The chloroplast matK and rbcL gene was considered in this study based on molecular identification the size is about 571 and 664 bp respectively. From the sequence analysis the gene matK and rbcL confirm that this species is very much closely related with A. rubroviolacea and also inter related with the species Astroloba rubriflora, Chrysopogon gryllus, Chortolirion angolense shows about 98.7% sequence homology. The partial matK and rbcL gene sequence discriminate Aloe pseudorubroviolacea from the closely related plant species, A. rubroviolacea. The gene sequence of rbcL discriminates the species from Chrysopogon gryllus and Chortolirion angolense, demonstrates the nucleotide variations in 3 different sites (623C/T; 653C/T; 700C/A). This study showed that matK and rbcL sequence region of chloroplast gene used to authenticate the samples of A. pseudorubroviolacea and which provide to help in correct identification and conservation process of this medicinally valuable endangered plant species.  相似文献   

Outlined here is an updated review of the long-standing ‘kin selection vs group selection’ debate. Group selection is a highly contentious concept, scientifically and philosophically. In 2012, Dawkins’ attack against Wilson’s latest book about eusociality concentrated all the attention on group selection and its mutual exclusivity with respect to inclusive fitness theory. Both opponents seem to be wrong, facing the general consensus in the field, which favours a pluralistic approach. Historically, despite some misunderstandings in current literature, such a perspective is clearly rooted in Darwin’s writings, which suggested a plurality of levels of selection and a general view that we propose to call ‘imperfect selfishness’. Today, the mathematically updated hypothesis of group selection has little to do with earlier versions of ‘group selection’. It does not imply ontologically unmanageable notions of ‘groups’. We propose here population structure as the main criterion of compatibility between kin selection and group selection. The latter is now evidently a pattern among others within a more general ‘multilevel selection’ theory. Different explanations and patterns are not mutually exclusive. Such a Darwinian pluralism is not a piece of the past, but a path into the future. A challenge in philosophy of biology will be to figure out the logical structure of this emerging pluralistic theory of evolution in such contentious debates.  相似文献   

Many new gene copies emerged by gene duplication in hominoids, but little is known with respect to their functional evolution. Glutamate dehydrogenase (GLUD) is an enzyme central to the glutamate and energy metabolism of the cell. In addition to the single, GLUD-encoding gene present in all mammals (GLUD1), humans and apes acquired a second GLUD gene (GLUD2) through retroduplication of GLUD1, which codes for an enzyme with unique, potentially brain-adapted properties. Here we show that whereas the GLUD1 parental protein localizes to mitochondria and the cytoplasm, GLUD2 is specifically targeted to mitochondria. Using evolutionary analysis and resurrected ancestral protein variants, we demonstrate that the enhanced mitochondrial targeting specificity of GLUD2 is due to a single positively selected glutamic acid-to-lysine substitution, which was fixed in the N-terminal mitochondrial targeting sequence (MTS) of GLUD2 soon after the duplication event in the hominoid ancestor approximately 18-25 million years ago. This MTS substitution arose in parallel with two crucial adaptive amino acid changes in the enzyme and likely contributed to the functional adaptation of GLUD2 to the glutamate metabolism of the hominoid brain and other tissues. We suggest that rapid, selectively driven subcellular adaptation, as exemplified by GLUD2, represents a common route underlying the emergence of new gene functions.  相似文献   

The relative rates of nucleotide substitution at synonymous and nonsynonymous sites within protein-coding regions have been widely used to infer the action of natural selection from comparative sequence data. It is known, however, that mutational and repair biases can affect rates of evolution at both synonymous and nonsynonymous sites. More importantly, it is also known that synonymous sites are particularly prone to the effects of nucleotide bias. This means that nucleotide biases may affect the calculated ratio of substitution rates at synonymous and nonsynonymous sites. Using a large data set of animal mitochondrial sequences, we demonstrate that this is, in fact, the case. Highly biased nucleotide sequences are characterized by significantly elevated dN/dS ratios, but only when the nucleotide frequencies are not taken into account. When the analysis is repeated taking the nucleotide frequencies at each codon position into account, such elevated ratios disappear. These results suggest that the recently reported differences in dN/dS ratios between vertebrate and invertebrate mitochondrial sequences could be explained by variations in mitochondrial nucleotide frequencies rather than the effects of positive Darwinian selection.  相似文献   

Caryophyllaceae is a principally holarctic family including around 2200 species often classified into the three subfamilies Alsinoideae, Caryophylloideae, and Paronychioideae. Complex and possibly homoplasious morphological characters within the family make taxa difficult to delimit and diagnose. To explore part of the morphological evolution within the family, we investigated the phylogeny of the Caryophyllaceae by means of analyzing plastid and nuclear sequence data with parsimony and Bayesian methods. We describe a mode of tracing a stable phylogenetic signal in ITS sequences, and a significant common signal is shared with the plastid data. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses yield some differences in tree resolution. None of the subfamilies appear monophyletic, but the monophyly of the Caryophylloideae is not contradicted. Alsinoideae are paraphyletic, with Arenaria subg. Eremogone and Minuartia subg. Spergella more closely related to the Caryophylloideae. There is strong support for the inclusion of Spergula-Spergularia in an Alsinoideae-Caryophylloideae clade. Putative synapomorphies for these groupings are twice as many stamens as number of sepals and a caryophyllad-type of embryogeny. Paronychioideae form a basal grade, where tribe Corrigioleae are sister to the rest of the family. Free styles and capsules with simple teeth are possibly plesiomorphic for the family.  相似文献   

The trnK intron of plants encodes the matK open reading frame (ORF), which has been used extensively as a phylogenetic marker for classification of plants. Here we examined the evolution of the trnK intron itself as a model for group II intron evolution in plants. Representative trnK intron sequences were compiled from species spanning algae to angiosperms, and four introns were newly sequenced. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the matK ORFs belong to the ML (mitochondrial-like) subclass of group II intron ORFs, indicating that they were derived from a mobile group II intron of the class. RNA structures of the introns were folded and analyzed, which revealed progressive RNA structural deviations and degenerations throughout plant evolution. The data support a model in which plant organellar group II introns were derived from bacterial-like introns that had "standard" RNA structures and were competent for self-splicing and mobility and that subsequently the ribozyme structures degenerated to ultimately become dependent upon host-splicing factors. We propose that the patterns of RNA structure evolution seen for the trnK intron will apply to the other group II introns in plants.  相似文献   

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