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Aims The spatial segregation hypothesis and the low-frequency hypothesis are two important proposed mechanisms that delay or prevent competitive exclusion in ecosystems. Because tree species interact with their neighbors, the importance of these potential processes can be investigated by analyzing the spatial structures of tree species.Methods The distribution of the adults of 27 common tree species in a fully mapped 5-ha subtropical forest plot in Baishanzu, eastern China, was analyzed to investigate the community-level intra- and interspecific spatial association patterns. We first tested for the overall spatial pattern in the 5- to 40-m neighborhoods and classified first-order bivariate associations with a diametric scheme based on Ripley's K and nearest-neighbor statistic (G -function). Then heterogeneous Poisson null models were used to distinguish second-order interactions from overall spatial associations (including first-order effects). Finally, we analyzed correlations between the existence of species interactions and some attributes of the species involved.Important findings Partial overlap and segregation increased with scale, whereas mixing decreased. Nearly 70% of the species pairs occurred less than expected at random, and only 3.4% of the species pairs were well mixed; 11.0% of all species pairs showed significant small-scale interactions, which was a greater frequency than expected by chance if species are abundant or prefer the same habitat, but less frequent than expected if species are highly aggregated. This suggests that both spatial segregation and low frequency of species facilitate species coexistence by reducing the opportunity that trees of two species encounter each other. The study also revealed that positive interactions were more prevalent than negative interactions in the forest, which indicates that positive interactions may have important effects on forest species assemblies.  相似文献   

The role of sprouting in regeneration was compared betweenfour co-occurring Castanopsis species in an evergreen broad-leavedforest in southern China. We considered the largest stem of an individualto be the main stem, while all of the other stems were consideredto be sprouts. To evaluate the degree of dependence on sproutingin the regeneration of each species, we measured the ratio of thenumber of all sprouts to the number of main stems in a population. The ratio was 4.3 in Castanopsis fordii and > 1in Castanopsis fabri and Castanopsis carlesii, althoughit was < 1 in Castanopsis fargesii. The ratioof the number of all sprouts to the number of main stems in a populationwas represented by the product of two factors of sprouting ability:the proportion of sprouting individuals among all individuals andthe number of sprouts per sprouting individual. The proportion ofsprouting individuals among all individuals differed significantlyamong the four species, while the number of sprouts per sproutingindividual did not. Specific variations in sprouting traits werein agreement with the population structure of each species. Specieswith fewer small individuals in the size distribution had a higherratio than species with L-shaped distribution. Furthermore, specieswith a clumped distribution had a larger ratio than species thatwere randomly distributed. These results suggested that specieswhose recruitment by seedlings was temporally and spatially restrictedwere relatively more dependent on sprouting in the regeneration. The specific gradient of sprouting ability and the relative dependencyon sprouts to maintain a population can enhance the coexistenceof these four congeneric species.  相似文献   

以红枝蒲桃(Syzygium rehderianum)、海南红豆(Ormosia pinnata)、红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)和木荷(Schima superba) 4种南亚热带常绿阔叶林典型树种为研究对象, 采用红外-箱式增温的方法, 研究4个树种叶片气孔性状(表征气孔调节能力)、叶片解剖结构(表征叶片组织调节能力)和光合特征(表征养分维持能力)对增温的响应情况, 比较不同树种在增温背景下的生理生态适应能力, 为预测该地区森林植物在全球变暖情形下的生长变化趋势提供理论依据。结果表明: 增温后, 红枝蒲桃叶片海绵组织厚度减小, 且光合氮利用效率(PNUE)和光合磷利用效率(PPUE)降低; 海南红豆气孔导度增大、气孔密度减小以及叶片厚度和栅栏组织厚度减小, 同时光合速率、PNUEPPUE升高; 红锥气孔大小缩小, 但光合速率不变; 木荷气孔增大而密度减小, 栅栏组织厚度减小, 光合速率、PNUEPPUE降低。综上所述, 红枝蒲桃、海南红豆和木荷能够通过降低叶片厚度来适应高温环境, 不同物种的气孔调节、养分维持、光合速率和光合养分利用效率对增温的响应存在差异。增温有利于固氮植物海南红豆的生长, 但不利于传统优势树种木荷和红枝蒲桃的生长。因此, 在未来气候变暖的情况下, 固氮植物海南红豆由于具有较强的适应能力, 在南亚热带常绿阔叶林中可能会取代木荷和红枝蒲桃等成为新的优势树种。  相似文献   

常绿阔叶树种栲树是亚热带常绿闭叶林中的优势种之一.对比研究了林下、林窗和旷地3个光环境下栲树幼苗的光合特征参数、比叶质量、叶氮含量及叶解剖结构等,结果表明:林下栲树幼苗的光补偿点和暗呼吸速率低,比叶质量小,表观量子效率和光合氮素利用率高,利用弱光的能力强,在低光环境下保持了较高的光合能力;海绵组织发达且表皮细胞厚,是对凉爽环境的积极响应.在旷地,栲树的最大光合速率明显下降,暗呼吸速率显著升高,单位面积的叶氮含量较高但氮素利用率较低;叶厚度和栅栏组织厚度均增加,栅栏组织/海绵组织厚度比值也升高了,但栅栏组织不如海绵组织发达,不能适应高光环境.栲树幼苗在林窗有较高的光合能力,在林窗中能正常生长和更新.  相似文献   

Aims The subject of this study was to investigate warming effects on leaf stomatal traits, anatomical structure and photosynthetic traits of four common tree species in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest of southern China, and to compare their physiological adaptability to warming. Our study aims to provide a theoretical basis for better predicting the tree growth of native forests in a warming climate.Methods One-year-old seedlings of Syzygium rehderianum, Ormosia pinnata, Castanopsis hystrix and Schima superba were selected and exposed to two levels of temperature (ambient temperature and infrared heater warming). Leaf stomatal traits, anatomical structure and photosynthetic characteristics were measured to represent the abilities of stomatal regulation, leaf tissue regulation and nutrient maintenance, respectively.Important findings For Syzygium rehderianum, warming decreased its leaf sponge tissue thickness, photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE) and photosynthetic phosphorous-use efficiency (PPUE). Seedling of O. pinnata exposed to warming showed increased stomatal conductance, photosynthetic rate, PNUE and PPUE, but decreased stomatal density, leaf thickness and palisade tissue thickness. For C. hystrix, warming decreased the stomata size, but did not affect its photosynthetic rate. Seedling of Schima superba exposed to warming showed lower stomata density, leaf palisade tissue thickness, photosynthetic rate, PNUE and PPUE, but higher stomata size. These results suggested that O. pinnata, Syzygium rehderianum and Schima superba could reduce their leaf thickness to acclimate to warming conditions. The abilities of stomatal regulation, nutrient maintenance, photosynthetic rate and PNUE varied among these tree species. Warming would be beneficial for the growth of O. pinnata due to increased photosynthetic rate, PNUE and PPUE, while not for Syzygium rehderianum and Schima superba, the two dominant tree species of native forests. This study indicated that, with projected climate change, O. pinnata may replace Syzygium rehderianum and Schima superba as a new dominant tree species in the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest for its stronger adaptability to warming.  相似文献   

王娜  王奎玲  刘庆华  刘庆超 《生态学杂志》2016,27(10):3114-3122
以八角金盘、夹竹桃、阔叶十大功劳、樟叶槭4种常绿植物为试材,测定人工模拟低温条件下离体叶片可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、游离脯氨酸、过氧化物酶活性、叶绿素含量和相对电导率的变化,结合自然越冬过程中叶片叶绿素指数(SPAD)、叶表面特征及解剖组织结构的变化,综合评价这4种常绿树种的抗寒能力.结果表明: 在人工低温胁迫过程中,4种常绿植物叶片叶绿素含量呈下降趋势,可溶性蛋白含量在-20 ℃出现高峰值,可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸、过氧化物酶活性和相对电导率整体呈上升趋势.八角金盘、夹竹桃、阔叶十大功劳和樟叶槭的低温半致死温度分别为-8.0、-13.4、-19.4和-14.8 ℃.自然越冬期间,4种植物叶片SPAD值变化幅度较大,显示出植物叶片中叶绿素相对含量变化对低温的适应性;同时,叶片厚度、角质层厚度、栅栏组织厚度和紧密度均有增加,并先后出现质壁分离,叶肉细胞中淀粉粒、草酸钙簇晶含量呈增高的趋势.夹竹桃叶片特有的气孔窝和窝内密被的非腺毛,阔叶十大功劳叶中的厚壁组织等在一定程度上提高了其抗寒性.叶片表面蜡质层破损、表皮毛断裂、栅栏组织形变、胞间空隙增大等现象的出现表明植物遭到了一定程度的低温伤害.  相似文献   

为了理解百山祖中山常绿阔叶林备优势种群在群落中的关系、地位和功能,用定量分析法,对该群落中平均重要值大于1%的13个优势种群的生态位特征进行了研究。结果表明:多脉青冈、麂角杜鹃和窄基红褐柃的生态位宽度较大,它们的Hurlbert生态位宽度(B_a)分别为0.878、0.825、0.806;而厚叶红淡比、亮叶水青冈和水丝梨的生态位宽度较小,它们的B_a分别为0.341、0.320、0.272。物种的生态位宽度与其重要值大小无关,但与其在各样方中的重要值均匀程度呈极显著的线性正相关。生态位相似性比例(C_(ih))最大的是多脉青冈与尖连蕊茶(0.832),最小的是凸脉冬青和水丝梨(0.248)。对生境需求相似而生态位宽度较小的厚叶红淡比与亮叶水青冈的C_(ih)高达0.758。同属植物多脉青冈与褐叶青冈、台湾冬青与凸脉冬青之间并不具有较大的C_(ih)值。生态位宽度较大的物种与其他物种的生态位重叠值一般较大;生态位相似性比例大的物种的生态位重叠值一般较大。多脉青冈与褐叶青冈、台湾冬青与凸脉冬青的生态位重叠值并不大。总体来看,群落优势种群之间的生态位重叠程度较低,说明该群落主要优势种群之间竞争不激烈群落稳定。该研究揭示了群落优势种群的生态位特征和结构稳定性,为生物多样性保护、群落演替和种群进化等研究提供了理论基础,也为自然保护区管理机构制定和完善保护措施提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Nishimura  N.  Hara  T.  Miura  M.  Manabe  T.  Yamamoto  S. 《Plant Ecology》2003,164(2):235-248
The growth dynamics and mode of competition between adult trees 5.0cm in diameter at breast height (DBH) of nine abundant treespeciesoccupying ca. 85% of the total basal area were investigated in a 4ha study plot (200 m × 200 m) of awarm-temperate old-growth evergreen broad-leaved forest in the Tatera ForestReserve of Tsushima Island, southwestern Japan. In the plot, adult trees 5.0 cm DBH co-occurred with 35 woody plant species (except forwoody vine species). The most dominant and largest species,Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldiiexhibited a bimodal DBH distribution; it was found in both the upper and lowervertical layers. Other tree species had unimodal DBH distributionscorrespondingmostly to the lower vertical layer. We developed a model for individual growthincorporating both intra- and interspecific competition and degree ofcompetitive asymmetry. One-sided interspecific competition was detected in 17cases out of the 66 possible combinations on the scale of the 4 hastudy plot. The direction of interspecific competition was generally one-sidedfrom layer-I species to layer-II and III ones. The effects of two-sidedcompetition were detected only in layer-II and III species. OnlyDistylium racemosum exhibited one-sided intraspecificcompetition. We also found 11 cases of positive interspecific relationships.Generally, competitive relationships prevailed over positive relationshipsbetween adult trees in this warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved forest.Competition between adult trees 5.0 cm in DBH did not occurinthe same vertical layer, but occurred only between trees in different verticallayers. This suggests that competition between adult trees 5.0cm in DBH plays a key role in the variation in species coexistencebetween different vertical layers on the 4 ha scale of thewarm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved forests. Moreover, it was found bycomparing with three different forest types that interspecific competition ismore intense in warm-temperate forests than in cool-temperate or sub-borealforests. We conclude that, compared to cool-temperate or sub-boreal forests(which have little interspecific competition), warm-temperate forests supportmore complex interspecific relationships and species-specific habitatpreferences that result in higher species diversity.  相似文献   

Subtropical forests in China constitute the major expanse of evergreen broad-leaved forest in East Asia. The significant genetic divergence of the keystone tree species should be expected due to the huge geomorphological and environmental changes from west to east in subtropical China. In this study, a total of 652 individuals from 27 populations of Castanopsis fargesii throughout its natural range in mainland China were genotyped with eight chloroplast microsatellite markers to investigate genetic diversity, population differentiation, and demographic history of C. fargesii. Phylogeographic structure among populations of C. fargesii was evidenced by the permutation test, revealing that NST was significantly higher than GST . The strong genetic differentiation found among populations was well in accordance with isolation-by-distance model. In addition, significant isolation by elevation was detected among populations. Significant genetic differentiations were revealed among the west, center, and east regions by approximate Bayesian computations (ABC). The genetic divergence might reflect the regional responses to the fast and dramatic uplift of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and Wuyi mountain range in the Pleistocene. In the present study, contraction-expansion process was detected in the west, center, and east regions, indicating that geomorphological remodeling together with climatic changes in the Pleistocene had strong impact on genetic structure of C. fargesii.  相似文献   

The population structure and regeneration of canopy species were studied in a 4 ha plot in an old-growth evergreen broad-leaved forest in the Aya district of southwestern Japan. The 200 m × 200 m plot contained 50 tree species, including 22 canopy species, 3,904 trees (dbh5 cm) and a total basal area of 48.3 m2/ha. Forty one gaps occurred within the plot, and both the average gap size (67.3 m2) and the total area of gap to plot area (6.9%) were small. Species found in the canopy in the plot were divided into three groups (A, B, C) based on size and spatial distribution patterns, and density in each tree size. Group A (typical species: Distylium racemosum, Persea japonica) showed a high density, nearly random distribution and an inverse J-shaped size distribution. Species in group B (Quercus salicina, Quercus acuta, Quercus gilva) were distributed contagiously with conspicuous concentration of small trees (<5 cm dbh) around gaps. However, the species in this group included few trees likely to reach the canopy in the near future. Group C included fast-growing pioneer and shade intolerant species (e.g. Cornus controversa, Carpinus tschonoskii, Fagara ailanthoides), which formed large clumps. Most gaps were not characterized by successful regeneration of group B and C but did appear to accelerate the growth of group A. Group B species appear to require long-lived or large gaps while group C species require large, catastrophic disturbances, such as landslides, for regeneration.  相似文献   

Abstract. The spatial distribution of Eurya japonica, an evergreen understorey species, was studied on a 4-ha permanent plot in an old-growth, temperate, evergreen broad-leaved forest in southwestern Japan. The pattern of spatial dispersion varied with size class, the environmental heterogeneity produced by tree-fall gaps and microtopography and the scale of observation. Seedlings (0.05 to < 0.5 m high) had the most clumped distributions, followed by saplings (0.5 to 1.3 m high) and adults (> 1.3 m). Individuals were more clumped at the smallest grid size, 1.56m × 1.56 m, and became less clumped as grid size increased for all size classes. On grids of less than 6.25 m × 6.25 m, no spatial correlations were found between seedlings and larger size classes; positive spatial correlations were found between saplings and adults at this scale. Abundant seedlings appeared in tree-fall gaps formed by uprooted trees, but seedlings were frequent on ridge tops and upper slopes. Saplings and adults also occurred on upper slopes, but their spatial distribution had little relation to current tree-fall gaps. The spatial distribution of E. japonica individuals was largely attributed to the distribution of tree-fall gaps and the differential responses to microtopographic variation by individuals at different size classes.  相似文献   

滇中次生常绿阔叶林优势树种的空间格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Ripley的点格局分析方法对滇中次生常绿阔叶林中优势种滇青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides)和滇油杉(Keteleeria evelyniana)的分布格局以及不同径级分株之间的相互关系进行了分析.结果表明:(1)总体来看,两个优势物种各径级株数分布较均匀,二者的增长处于稳定期.(2)两个优势物种在总体上及不同径级阶段主要呈聚集分布.随径级的增加,滇青冈种群的聚集程度逐渐降低,而滇油杉种群的聚集程度呈现降低-增加-降低的趋势.两个优势物种的幼树、中树和大树主要呈空间正相关或无空间关联性.(3)两优势种群不同径级之间在不同尺度下基本上无关联性,这可能是二者的生存策略存在较大差异而造成的.研究表明,在滇中森林恢复过程中,应结合植物种群的密度控制及种间相互作用来构建群落的结构.  相似文献   

植物幼苗建成阶段是决定种群自然更新的关键生活史阶段。研究林冠环境对常绿阔叶林优势种幼苗建成阶段的影响对该类森林的恢复和管理具有重要意义。2014-2016年, 该研究在重庆市缙云山国家级自然保护区的常绿阔叶林的不同林冠环境(大林窗: >150 m 2, 中林窗: 100-150 m 2, 小林窗: 50-100 m 2, 对照: 林下)下进行栲(Castanopsis fargesii)种子野外播种实验, 并对栲幼苗命运和生长情况进行了3年的持续监测。结果表明: (1)栲幼苗出土时间从7月持续到12月, 出苗时间较长, 大林窗对幼苗出土具有延迟作用; (2)栲种子野外平均萌发率为(62.8 ± 2.0)%, 第3个生长季(2016年)末幼苗平均存活率为(65.1 ± 2.2)%, 枯萎是栲幼苗死亡的主要原因; (3)林冠环境对栲种子萌发率及第1个生长季(2014年)末的幼苗存活率无显著影响, 对第2个(2015年)和第3个生长季末的幼苗存活率具有显著影响; (4)林冠环境在第1个生长季对幼苗生长无明显影响, 但在第2个和第3个生长季具有显著影响, 大、中林窗中幼苗总生物量、株高、基径、根长和叶片数显著高于林下, 比叶面积显著低于林下; (5) 3个生长季内, 4类林冠条件下栲幼苗的叶质量比和茎质量比升高, 根质量比和根冠比降低, 并且从第2个生长季开始大林窗中栲幼苗的叶质量比显著高于林下, 根质量比和根冠比显著低于林下。栲幼苗早期的存活和生长依赖种子储存的能量, 受林冠条件影响较弱, 后期则依赖光合作用, 受林冠条件影响较强, 从整个幼苗建成过程看, 大、中林窗更有利于栲幼苗定居。  相似文献   

为揭示不同菌根类型树种细根化学计量学性状对N添加的塑性响应,在福建省建瓯市万木林自然保护区常绿阔叶林内选择外生菌根树种罗浮栲(Castanopsis faberi)和内生菌根树种木荷(Schima superba)为研究对象,采用根袋法开展N添加试验,细根在根袋内生长半年后测定化学计量学指标(C、N、P、C/N、N/P、C/P)。结果表明:根序对细根化学计量学性状有显著影响,随着根序的增加,罗浮栲与木荷细根C浓度、C/N、C/P明显增加,N浓度与P浓度明显下降。N添加对细根C、N浓度均有极显著的促进作用,但对细根P浓度影响不显著,从而导致细根C/N维持稳定,但N/P、C/P升高,细根受P限制增加。细根化学计量学性状对N添加的塑性响应在不同序级间以及在外生菌根树种罗浮栲和内生菌根树种木荷之间均无显著差异。结论表明,研究所选内生、外生菌根树种细根化学计量学性状对N添加具有基本相似的响应。  相似文献   

四川瓦屋山国家森林公园是我国西部的中亚热带湿性常绿阔叶林的典型代表,具有四川现存的较为完好的扁刺栲(Castanopsis platyacantha)-华木荷(Schima sinensis)群系,该研究利用土钻法探讨了该群系内主要建群种扁刺栲标准木的细根分布及其碳氮特征。结果表明:(1)扁刺栲细根总生物量为173.62 g·m~(-2),其中活根生物量为135.29 g·m~(-2)。(2)随着土层深度的增加,扁刺栲细根生物量、根长密度、根系表面积和比根长呈下降趋势,0~30 cm土层所占比例分别为67.23%、69.53%、69.48%和57.20%;根长密度、根系表面积和比根长均随细根直径的增加而显著下降,直径小于1 mm的根系所占比例分别为58.84%、52.59%和51.36%。(3)扁刺栲细根生物量、根长和表面积消弱系数β均随根系直径的增加而增加。(4)根系C含量在第Ⅰ土层中随细根直径的增加而显著增加,在其他土层则无显著差异;直径小于2 mm的根系C含量在第Ⅰ土层中显著低于其他土层,大于2 mm的根系C含量在各土层间的差异不大。(5)根系N含量随根系直径和土层深度的增加而减少,C/N值则与之相反。该研究结果在一定程度上反映了该次生林地下细根的垂直分布及养分特征,为揭示该生态系统地下生态过程及今后在该生态系统研究环境变化对地下生态过程的影响提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

皖南亚热带常绿阔叶林林下灌木层主要树种叶片养分特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对皖南亚热带常绿阔叶林林下灌木层主要树种草珊瑚〔Sarcandra glabra(Thunb.)Nakai〕、乌药〔Lindera aggregata(Sims)Kosterm.〕、香桂(Cinnamomum subavenium Miq.)、红楠(Machilus thunbergii Sieb.et Zucc.)、连蕊茶〔Camellia cuspidata(Kochs)H.J.Veitch〕、甜槠〔Castanopsis eyrei(Champ.ex Benth.)Tutch.〕、矩叶鼠刺(Itea oblonga Hand.-Mazz.)、红淡比(Cleyera japonica Thunb.)和小叶蚊母树〔Distylium buxifolium(Hance)Merr.〕叶片养分(包括C、N、P、K、Ca和Mg)含量、单位叶面积养分含量和比叶面积进行了测定,并分析了比叶面积与养分含量和单位叶面积养分含量的相关性。结果表明:9种树种叶片的C、N、P、K、Ca和Mg含量分别为438.09~492.31、9.79~15.60、0.33~2.06、11.39~32.52、3.84~13.34和2.85~14.05 g·kg-1,单位叶面积C、N、P、K、Ca和Mg含量分别为24.48~47.38、0.66~1.03、0.02~0.21、0.73~1.82、0.22~1.35和0.20~1.05 g·m-2,C/N比、C/P比和N/P比分别为31.40~47.88、227.76~1 495.66和5.26~32.90。9种树种叶片的比叶面积平均值为14.5 m2·kg-1,其中草珊瑚的比叶面积最大(17.90 m2·kg-1)、小叶蚊母树的比叶面积最小(9.89 m2·kg-1)。相关性分析结果表明:供试树种叶片的C/P比与N/P比间呈极显著正相关;比叶面积与叶片N含量呈显著正相关,与单位叶面积C、N和Ca含量分别呈极显著和显著负相关,与其他指标的相关性均不显著。综合分析结果表明:皖南亚热带常绿阔叶林下灌木层主要树种叶片的养分含量及比叶面积差异明显,其中,乌药、草珊瑚、矩叶鼠刺和香桂叶片的养分含量较高,而小叶蚊母树、红淡比和红楠的单位叶面积养分含量较高。  相似文献   

林窗是森林群落物种多样性维持中十分重要的结构,但其本身物种多样性的维持机制尚不清楚,可能与相邻群落的物种丰富度、林窗面积以及土壤和地形因子等有关。本文选取浙江天童20 ha森林动态监测样地内的84个冠林窗作为研究对象,分析了林窗内部以及不同距离邻域内的物种组成,选取包含大部分林窗内物种(≥75%),并且对林窗内物种丰富度影响最大的邻域作为相关邻域(林窗周围成熟植株通过种子传播影响林窗物种丰富度,把距离冠林窗边缘5 m范围内的区域作为种源效应邻域;由于距离林窗较近,物种组成与林窗形成时仍存活个体的物种组成相似,故把距离冠林窗边缘4 m范围内的区域作为距离效应邻域),然后计算种源效应邻域内成熟植株的物种丰富度、距离效应邻域内所有植株的物种丰富度、冠林窗的面积、地形因子(海拔、坡度、坡向、凸度)和土壤因子(p H值、全氮、全碳、全磷),最后对11个潜在的影响因素进行随机组合,构建广义线性回归模型,筛选最优模型(AICc最小)进行分析。结果显示:种源效应邻域内成熟植株的物种丰富度和冠林窗面积显著影响林窗内物种丰富度,其他因素并未对冠林窗内物种丰富度产生显著影响。上述结果说明,冠林窗面积的大小以及外部种源的丰富程度是决定冠林窗内物种丰富度的主要因素,其他因素可能只产生间接影响。  相似文献   

常绿阔叶树种的耐低温特性及其生态学评价   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
谢晓金  郝日明  张纪林 《生态学报》2004,24(11):2671-2378
选取在南京地区已露地引种的 2 4种常绿阔叶树种 ,其自然分布北界止于亚热带不同的纬度 ,运用生理生态方法 ,测定它们在模拟低温处理下的电导率 ,并结合寒冷指数和引种后其适应性表现 ,分析这些树种的耐低温能力。结果表明 ,以某一树种自然分布北界气象资料为依据的寒冷指数与其自然植被的水温条件关系更为密切 ,寒冷指数有时不能反映树种本身耐低温能力的高低。如乐东拟单性木兰 ,其自然分布于亚热带南部 2 6°N,引种到南京耐低温表现明显好于自然分布于亚热带北部的香樟。而采用低温循环仪自动降温程序模拟冰冻处理来测定离体叶片的相对电导率 ,计算出各常绿阔叶树种叶片的半致死温度 ,能定量地反映这些树种本身的耐低温能力高低。在测试中如借助已知耐低温能力的树种作对照 ,其数据结果可作为常绿园林阔叶树种能否向更高纬度引种的重要参考依据。在上述研究基础上选出 6种 ,以其离体叶片为试材 ,测定其可溶性糖和游离脯氨酸含量 ,结果显示 ,随处理温度的降低 ,可溶性糖和游离脯氨酸的含量呈增加趋势 ,然而只有在适宜的处理下才呈现规律性变化 ,这些研究结果可作为树种耐低温能力的定性补充证据。对常绿阔叶树种的耐低温能力评价及预测有重要的参考价值  相似文献   

The dynamics and regeneration probabilities ofQuercus acuta, Q. gilva, Q. salicina, andQ. sessilifolia were studied in a 0.48 ha plot in an old-growth evergreen broad-leaved forest, Kagoshima prefecture, southwestern Japan. The canopy was well closed and had only one small gap. Seventeen tree species occurred in the canopy. The fourQuercus species ranked second to fifth in basal area. Excluding the trees originated from sprouts,Q. acuta and Q. gilva lacked trees at the subcanopy layer, andQ. salicina andQ. sessilifolia had some trees at the same layer. For eachQuercus species, the amount of fallen acorns fluctuated from year to year. The number of current year seedlings was positively correlated with the number of fallen acorns in the previous year. A disproportion between the spatial distribution of fallen acorns and that of established seedlings has been shown. The establishment of seedlings was frequently observed where no acorns had fallen in the previous year. Saplings of four species survived for several years and formed sapling banks under the closed canopy. During the three years of the study, the mortality ofQ. salicina andQ. sessilifolia saplings was lower than that ofQ. acuta andQ. gilva. However, the differences in the average annual height growth of saplings between four species were not significant, and the most of them did not grow much. These results suggest that the saplings of the fourQuercus, especiallyQ. gilva andQ. acuta, have no chance to recruit to the canopy or subcanopy layer within a closed stand, and that some changes in the environment caused by gap formation are required for their recruitment.  相似文献   

Ecological assembly rules in evergreen broad-leaved forest are far from clear understanding. Spatial dispersion of individuals in a species is central in ecological theory. We analyzed the spatial patterns as well as associations between adult and juvenile of each tree species in a 5-ha subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest plot in eastern China. Out of the 74 species occurring with more than 10 individuals, 88.4% of these species are aggregated. Most of them are aggregated from small to large scales. Spatial distributions of some species correspond with topography. Many bad dispersed species in the Baishanzu exhibit a highly aggregated distribution at small scales. These suggest that environmental heterogeneity and/or dispersal limitation may be the most important mechanisms that control the distribution patterns of these species. Our observations of the aggregations of abundant species basically support the hypothesis that dispersal limitation decreases as the number of reproductive trees increases. The rest species are randomly distributed, with less than 10 individuals. For most common species, spatial aggregation is weaker in larger diameter classes, and the distance between adults is larger than that between juveniles and adults, suggesting that density-dependence works on loosing aggregation and excluding conspecific juveniles away from adult trees. However, the density-dependent effect is not strong enough to eliminate all seedlings near adult trees and to result in a regular distribution of trees; thus the density dependence is usually masked by the refuge effect.  相似文献   

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