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The utilization of cellulose or cellobiose by Bacteroides succinogenes S85 was severely inhibited at pH values of less than 5.7. Since low pH inhibited the utilization of both cellobiose and cellulose, changes in cellulase activity could not explain the effect. At an extracellular pH of 6.9, the pH gradient (delta pH) across the cell membrane was only 0.07 U. As extracellular pH declined from 6.9 to 5.7, intracellular pH decreased to a smaller extent than extracellular pH and delta pH increased. Below pH 5.7, there was a linear and nearly proportional decrease in intracellular pH. B. succinogenes took up the lipophilic cation tetraphenylphosphonium ion (TPP+) in the presence of cellobiose, and uptake was sensitive to the ionophore valinomycin. As pH was decreased with phosphoric acid, the cells lost TPP+ and electrical potential, delta psi, decreased. From extracellular pH 6.9 to 5.7, the decrease in delta psi was compensated for by an increase in delta pH, and the proton motive force ranged from 152 to 158 mV. At a pH of less than 5.7, there was a large decrease in proton motive force, and this decrease corresponded to the inhibition of cellobiose utilization.  相似文献   

Growing cultures of Fibrobacter succinogenes assimilated more ammonia than could be accounted for by cellular protein, RNA, or DNA and released large amounts of nonammonia nitrogen. The difference between net and true growth was most dramatic at low dilution rates, but mathematical derivations indicated that the lysis rate was a growth rate-independent function. The lysis rate was sevenfold greater than the true maintenance rate (0.07 h-1 versus 0.01 h-1). Because slowly growing cells had as much proton motive force and ATP as fast-growing cells, lysis was not a starvation response per se. Stationary-phase cells had a lysis rate that was 10-fold less than that of growing cells. Rapidly growing cells were not susceptible to phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, but phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride increased the lysis rate of the cultures when they reached the stationary phase. This latter result indicated that autolysins of stationary-phase cells were being inactivated by a serine proteinase. When growing cells were treated with the glycolytic inhibitor iodoacetate, the proteinase-dependent transition to the stationary phase was circumvented, and the rate of lysis could be increased by as much as 50-fold.  相似文献   

The ruminal cellulolytic bacterium Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 was grown in cellulose-fed continuous culture at 22 different combinations of dilution rate (D, 0.014–0.076 h-1) and extracellular pH (6.11–6.84). Effects of pH and D on the fermentation were determined by subjecting data on cellulose consumption, cell yield, product yield (succinate, acetate, formate), and soluble sugar concentrationto response surface analysis. The extent of cellulose conversion decreased with increasing D. First-order rate constants at rapid growth rates were estimated as 0.07–0.11 h-1, and decreased with decreasing pH. Apparent decreases in the rate constant with increasing D was not due to inadequate mixing or preferential utilization of the more amorphous regions of the cellulose. Significant quantities of soluble sugars (0.04–0.18 g/l, primarily glucose) were detected in all cultures, suggesting that glucose uptake was rather inefficient. Cell yields (0.11–0.24 g cells/g cellulose consumed) increased with increasing D. Pirt plots of the predicted yield data were used to determined that maintenance coefficient (0.04–0.06 g cellulose/g cells · h) and true growth yield (0.23–0.25 g cells/g cellulose consumed) varied slightly with pH. Yields of succinate, the major fermentation endproduct, were as high as 1.15 mol/mol anhydroglucose fermented, and were slightly affected by dilution rate but were not affected by pH. Comparison of the fermentation data with that of other ruminal cellulolytic bacteria indicates that F. succinogenes S85 is capable of rapid hydrolysis of crystalline cellulose and efficient growth, despite a lower max on microcrystalline cellulose.  相似文献   

The question of whether Thiobacillus acidophilus maintains its cytoplasmic pH at values close to neutrality by active or passive means was explored by subjecting the organism to long-term starvation (up to 22 days). Starving cells maintained a delta pH of 2 to 3 U throughout starvation, although cellular poly-beta-hydroxybutyric acid and ATP, the proton motive force, and culture viability were low or not detectable after 200 h. Cells exposed to azide or azide plus N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide immediately exhibited characteristics of cells starved for more than 200 h. Thus, a large delta pH in T. acidophilus was maintained in the absence of ATP, ATPase activity, respiration, significant levels of proton motive force, and cell viability and was therefore not dependent on chemiosmotic ionic pumping. The transition from a metabolically active to an inactive state was accompanied by a large increase in the positive membrane potential, which nearly completely compensated for the delta pH in the inactive cells. The longevity of the acidophile during starvation was comparable to that reported previously for neutrophiles, and the loss of viability occurred not because of the acidification of the cytoplasm but apparently because of energy depletion.  相似文献   

When glucose or cellobiose was provided as an energy source for Fibrobacter succinogenes, there was a transient accumulation (as much as 0.4 mM hexose equivalent) of cellobiose or cellotriose, respectively, in the growth medium. Nongrowing cell suspensions converted cellobiose to cellotriose and longer-chain cellodextrins, and in this case the total cellodextrin concentration was as much as 20 mM (hexose equivalent). Because cell extracts of glucose- or cellobiose-grown cells cleaved cellobioise and cellotriose by phosphate-dependent reactions and glucose 1-phosphate was an end product, it appeared that cellodextrins were being produced by a reversible phosphorylase reaction. This conclusion was supported by the observation that the ratio of cellodextrins to cellodextrins with one greater hexose [n/(n + 1)] was approximately 4, a value similar to the equilibrium constant (Keq) of cellobiose phosphorylase (J. K. Alexander, J. Bacteriol. 81:903-910, 1961). When F. succinogenes was grown in a cellobiose-limited chemostat, cellobiose and cellotriose could both be detected, and the ratio of cellotriose to cellobiose was approximately 1 to 4. On the basis of these results, cellodextrin production is an equilibrium (mass action) function and not just an artifact of energy-rich cultural conditions. Cellodextrins could not be detected in low-dilution-rate, cellulose-limited continuous cultures, but these cultures had a large number of nonadherent cells. Because the nonadherent cells had a large reserve of polysaccharide and were observed at all stages of cell division, it appeared that they were utilizing cellodextrins as an energy source for growth.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In cultures of Bacteroides succinogenes, in which cellulose was the source of carbohydrate, from 70 to 80% of the carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase) activity was present in the culture fluid. The crude extracellular enzyme readily hydrolyzed acid-swollen cellulose with the production of glucose and cellobiose. Of this extracellular CMCase, 50-62% was associated with sedimentable membrane fragments, 9-13% with nonsedimentable material with a molecular weight greater than 4 X 10(6), and 28-38% with molecules having a molecular weight of approximately 45 000. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, revealed that both the nonsedimentable and the sedimentable fraction had complex protein compositions. The nonsedimentable and sedimentable CMCase fractions, after treatment with Triton X-100, were subjected to PAGE in the presence of 0.2% (w/v) Triton X-100. The results indicated the presence of fast- and slow-migrating CMCases in the former, and of a slow-migrating CMCase in the latter. An apparently uncharged CMCase, which probably corresponded to the slow-migrating component by PAGE, was partially purified from the concentrated culture supernate by solubilization in Triton X-100 and chromatography on DEAE--Sepharose, CM--Sepharose, and Phenyl--Sepharose. The partially purified CMCase had a pH optimum of 5.6-6.6 and a temperature optimum of 50 degrees C.  相似文献   

The generation of transmembrane ion gradients by Oxalobacter formigenes cells metabolizing oxalate was studied. The magnitudes of both the transmembrane electrical potential (delta psi) and the pH gradient (internal alkaline) decreased with increasing external pH; quantitatively, the delta psi was the most important component of the proton motive force. As the extracellular pH of metabolizing cells was increased, intracellular pH increased and remained alkaline relative to the external pH, indicating that O. formigenes possesses a limited capacity to regulate internal pH. The generation of a delta psi by concentrated suspensions of O. formigenes cells was inhibited by the K+ ionophore valinomycin and the protonophore carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone, but not by the Na+ ionophore monensin. The H+ ATPase inhibitor N,N'-dicyclohexyl-carbodiimide inhibited oxalate catabolism but did not dissipate the delta psi. The results support the concept that energy from oxalate metabolism by O. formigenes is conserved not as a sodium ion gradient but rather, at least partially, as a transmembrane hydrogen ion gradient produced during the electrogenic exchange of substrate (oxalate) and product (formate) and from internal proton consumption during oxalate decarboxylation.  相似文献   

The polysaccharides from the outer membrane of the Gram-negative ruminal bacterium Fibrobacter succinogenes were isolated by phenol/water extraction and separated by size-exclusion chromatography in the presence of deoxycholate detergent into a lower-molecular-mass fraction designated 'glycolipid' and a high-molecular-mass 'capsular polysaccharide' fraction. Both fractions lacked typical lipopolysaccharide components including 2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid and 3-hydroxy fatty acids. Carbohydrate components of these fractions were represented by two polysaccharides and one oligosaccharide (possibly glycolipid) with the following structures: : : where HEAEP is N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-aminoethylphosphonic acid, found for the first time in natural compounds. The polysaccharides contained pentadecanoic acid and anteisopentadecanoic acid, possibly present as the acyl components. All constituent monosaccharides except L-rhamnose had a D-configuration. In addition to having a structural role in the outer membrane, these polysaccharides may provide protection for this lipopolysaccharide-less bacterium in the highly competitive ruminal environment, as phosphonic acids covalently linked to membrane polymers have in the past been attributed the function of stabilizing membranes in the presence of phosphatases and lipases.  相似文献   

trans-p-Coumaric acid inhibited the growth of Bacteroides ruminicola on both cellobiose and glucose, while trans-ferulic acid and vanillin retarded growth. The phenolic monomers varied in their potential to inhibit the Bacteroides succinogenes beta-glucosidase, carboxymethylcellulase, and xylanase, with p-coumaric acid being the most inhibitory. The B. ruminicola beta-glucosidase was inhibited less than 10% by all three compounds.  相似文献   

Patulin production by Penicillium griseofulvum was monitored with Sep-Pak cartridges and high-pressure liquid chromatography. Determination and quantification of this metabolite proved to be very simple, and our method saved time and a large amount of organic solvents.  相似文献   

Adenylate concentrations were measured in intact chloroplasts under a variety of conditions. Energy charge was significant in the dark and increased in the light, but remained far below values expected from observed phosphorylation potentials in broken chloroplasts, which were 80 000 M?1 or more in the light. With nitrite as electron acceptor, phosphorylation potentials in intact chloroplasts were about 80 M?1 in the dark and only 300 M?1 in the light. Similar phosphorylation potentials were observed, when oxaloacetate, phosphoglycerate or bicarbonate were used as substrates. ΔGATP was ?42 kJ/mol in darkened intact chloroplasts, ?46 kJ/mol in illuminated intact chloroplasts and ?60 kJ/mol in illuminated broken chloroplasts. Uncoupling by NH4Cl, which stimulated electron transport to nitrite or oxaloacetate and decreased the proton gradient, failed to decrease the phosphorylation potential of intact chloroplasts. Also, it did not increase the quantum requirement of CO2 reduction. It is concluded that the proton motive force as conventionally measured and phosphorylation potentials are far from equilibrium in intact chloroplasts. The insensitivity of CO2 reduction and of the phosphorylation potential to a decrease in the proton motive force suggests that intact chloroplasts are over-energized even under low intensity illumination. However, such a conclusion is at variance with available data on the magnitude of the proton motive force.  相似文献   

The magnitude of the proton motive force generated during in vitro substrate oxidation by Coxiella burnetii was examined. The intracellular pH of C. burnetii varied from about 5.1 to 6.95 in resting cells over an extracellular pH range of 2 to 7. Similarly, delta psi varied from about 15 mV to -58 mV over approximately the same range of extracellular pH. Both components of the proton motive force increased during substrate oxidation, resulting in an increase in proton motive force from about -92 mV in resting cells to -153 mV in cells metabolizing glutamate at pH 4.2. The respiration-dependent increase in proton motive force was blocked by respiratory inhibitors, but the delta pH was not abolished even by the addition of proton ionophores such as carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone or 2,4-dinitrophenol. Because of this apparently passive component of delta pH maintenance, the largest proton motive force was obtained at an extracellular pH too low to permit respiration. C. burnetii appears, therefore, to behave in many respects like other acidophilic bacteria. Such responses are proposed to contribute to the extreme resistance of C. burnetii to environmental conditions and subsequent activation upon entry into the phagolysosome of eucaryotic cells in which this organism multiplies.  相似文献   

trans-p-Coumaric acid inhibited the growth of Bacteroides ruminicola on both cellobiose and glucose, while trans-ferulic acid and vanillin retarded growth. The phenolic monomers varied in their potential to inhibit the Bacteroides succinogenes beta-glucosidase, carboxymethylcellulase, and xylanase, with p-coumaric acid being the most inhibitory. The B. ruminicola beta-glucosidase was inhibited less than 10% by all three compounds.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which acidophilic bacteria generate and maintain their cytoplasmic pH close to neutrality was investigated. For this purpose we determined the components of proton motive force in the eubacterium Bacillus acidocaldarius and the archaebacterium Thermoplasma acidophilum. After correction for probe binding, the proton motive force of untreated cells was 190 to 240 mV between external pH 2 and 4. Anoxia diminished total proton motive force and the transmembrane pH difference by 60 to 80 mV. The protonophore 2,4-dinitrophenol abolished the total proton motive force almost completely and diminished the transmembrane pH difference by at least two units. However, even after correction for probe binding, protonophore-treated cells maintained a pH difference of approximately one unit.  相似文献   

We measured the Δ Ψ and ΔpH components of the transthylakoid proton motive force ( pmf ) in light-adapted, intact tobacco leaves in response to moderate heat. The Δ Ψ causes an electrochromic shift (ECS) in carotenoid absorbance spectra. The light–dark difference spectrum has a peak at 518 nm and the two components of the pmf were separated by following the ECS for 25 s after turning the light off. The ECS signal was deconvoluted by subtracting the effects of zeaxanthin formation (peak at 505 nm) and the qE-related absorbance changes (peak at 535 nm) from a signal measured at 520 nm. Heat reduced ΔpH while Δ Ψ slightly increased. Elevated temperature accelerated ECS decay kinetics likely reflecting heat-induced increases in proton conductance and ion movement. Energy-dependent quenching (qE) was reduced by heat. However, the reduction of qE was less than expected given the loss of ΔpH. Zeaxanthin did not increase with heat in light-adapted leaves but it was higher than would be predicted given the reduced ΔpH found at high temperature. The results indicate that moderate heat stress can have very large effects on thylakoid reactions.  相似文献   

NonenergizedStreptococcus bovis cells, which were washed in potassium-phosphate buffer and incubated in Tris buffer containing 200mm potassium chloride (pH 6.5), did not take up tetraphenylphosphonium ion (TPP+), but the same cells took up TPP+ when they were incubated in Tris buffer lacking potassium. This result indicated that passive potassium diffusion was creating an electrical potential () across the cell membrane. Neither cells took significant amounts of 9-aminoacridine (9-AA), an intracellular pH marker. Cells that were incubated in Tris buffer and treated with carbonyl cyanidem-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) took up 9-AA, and this result indicated that this protonophore was facilitating proton influx. The ionophores monensin and lasalocid also caused 9-AA uptake, and it appeared that they were responsible for or responsive to potassium/proton antiport. However, there was also a rapid accumulation of 9-AA when the cells were treated with valinomycin, a potassium uniporter that cannot translocate protons. This latter result indicated that potassium efflux was associated with another avenue of proton influx (e. g., potassium/proton symport). Because cells treated with dicyclohexyl carbodiimide (DCCD) also exhibited valinomycin-dependent 9-AA uptake, it is unlikely that the F1F0ATPase or ATP formation was responsible for proton flux across the cell membrane.  相似文献   

The role of K+ and Na+ in the maintenance of the proton motive force (delta p) was studied in Escherichia coli incubated in alkaline media. Cells respiring in Tris buffer (pH 7.8) that contained less than 100 microEq of K+ and Na+ per liter had a normal delta p of about -165 mV. At pH 8.2, however, the delta p was reduced significantly. The decrease in delta p at pH 8.2 was due to a marked decrease in the transmembrane potential (delta psi), while the internal pH remained at 7.5 to 7.7. When KCl or NaCl, but not LiCl or choline chloride, was added to the cells, the delta psi rose to the values seen at an external pH of 7.8. In addition, choline chloride inhibited the enhancement of delta psi by K+. None of the salts had a significant effect on the internal pH. The effects can be attributed to alterations of K+ or Na+ cycling in and out of the cells via the known K+ and Na+ transport systems.  相似文献   

An instrument is described that enables the simultaneous monitoring of proton motive force (PMF), membrane potential (delta psi), the delta pH across a membrane, oxidase activity, proton movements, and H+/O ratios. We have studied the relationship existing among these parameters of energy transduction as a critical condition is changed during an experiment. The major findings are: (a) In the pH range of 4.5 to 7.5, increasing the external pH causes an increase in delta psi, internal pH, and oxidase activity, a decrease in H+/O ratio, and a peak-plateau in PMF from pH 5.5 to 6.6 where delta pH is converted to delta psi. (b) An increase in [K+] from 1 to 100 mM, in the presence of 0.5 microM valinomycin, causes the conversion of delta psi to delta pH, a gradual decline in PMF and an increase in H+/O ratio, internal pH, and oxidase activity. (c) Increasing valinomycin concentration from 0 to 2.5 microM, in the presence of 50 mM [K+], causes a decline in delta psi from 125 to 0 mV, and an increase in delta pH from 35 to 70 mV. From 2.5 to 10 microM, the delta pH and the PMF (which it solely represents), stay constant, H+/O ratio increases mainly from 0 to 0.5 microM and much more slowly from 2.5 to 10 microM. (d) Oxygen at only 10% of its concentration in air-saturated buffer can support the generation of 90% or more of the delta psi, delta pH, and PMF generated in an air-saturated solution. (e) The return of extruded protons to the cell (referred to here as "suck-back") represents a complicated process driven by delta psi and influenced by a variety of factors. (f) H+/O ratios measured by the kinetic technique used here are much higher than those measured by standard oxygen pulse techniques.  相似文献   

The proton motive force (PMF) was determined in Rhodobacter sphaeroides under anaerobic conditions in the dark and under aerobic-dark and anaerobic-light conditions. Anaerobically in the dark in potassium phosphate buffer, the PMF at pH 6 was -20 mV and was composed of an electrical potential (delta psi) only. At pH 7.9 the PMF was composed of a high delta psi of -98 mV and was partially compensated by a reversed pH gradient (delta pH) of +37 mV. ATPase inhibitors did not affect the delta psi, which was most likely the result of a K+ diffusion potential. Under energized conditions in the presence of K+ the delta psi depolarized due to electrogenic K+ uptake. This led to the generation of a delta pH (inside alkaline) in the external pH range of 6 to 8. This delta pH was dependent on the K+ concentration and was maximal at external K+ concentrations larger than 1.2 mM. In energized cells in 50 mM KPi buffer containing 5 mM MgSO4, a delta pH (inside alkaline) was present at external pHs from pH 6 to 8. As a result the overall magnitude of the PMF at various external pHs remained constant at -130 mV, which was significantly higher than the PMF under anaerobic-dark conditions. In the absence of K+, in 50 mM NaPi buffer containing 5 mM MgSO4, no depolarization of the delta psi was found and the PMF was composed of a large delta psi and a small delta pH. The delta pH became even reversed (inside acidic) at alkaline pHs (pH>7.3), resulting in a lowering of the PMF. These results demonstrate that in R. sphaeroides K+ uptake is essential for the generation of a delta pH and plays a central role in the regulation of the internal pH.  相似文献   

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