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Mouse liver homogenates transformed leukotriene A4 into a 5,6-dihydroxy-7,9,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid. This novel enzymatic metabolite of leukotriene A4 was characterized by physical means including ultraviolet spectroscopy, high performance liquid chromatography, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. After subcellular fractionation, the enzymatic activity was mostly recovered in the 105,000 X g supernatant and 20,000 X g pellet. Heat treatment (80 degrees C, 10 min) or digestion with a proteolytic enzyme abolished the enzymatic activity in the high speed supernatant. A purified cytosolic epoxide hydrolase from mouse liver also transformed leukotriene A4 into a 5,6-dihydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid with the same physico-chemical characteristics as the compound formed in crude cytosol, but not into leukotriene B4, a compound previously reported to be formed in liver cytosol (Haeggstr?m, J., R?dmark, O., and Fitzpatrick, F.A. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 835, 378-384). These findings suggest a role for leukotriene A4 as an endogenous substrate for cytosolic epoxide hydrolase, an enzyme earlier characterized by xenobiotic substrates. Furthermore, they indicate that leukotriene A4 hydrolase in liver cytosol is a distinct enzyme, separate from previously described forms of epoxide hydrolases in liver.  相似文献   

Epoxide hydrolase (EH) activity has been reported to occur in most subcellular fractions of mouse liver. The EHs in the microsomal and cytosolic fractions have been purified and characterized; however, the nature of the EH(s) in the peroxisomal fraction is not known. Therefore an EH, pEH, was purified from the solubilized 12,000g fraction, which contain peroxisomes. Previous studies have demonstrated that the EH activity in this crude solubilized 12,000g fraction resides mostly in the peroxisomes. Thus the crude 12,000g pellet from mouse liver, free from cytosolic contamination, was sonicated to obtain a 105,000g soluble fraction containing 80% of the original EH activity in this fraction. The pEH was purified, using trans-stilbene oxide (TSO) as substrate, by a combination of affinity and hydroxyapatite chromatography. The purified pEH had a native molecular weight of 57 kDa, a molecular weight of 59 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and a pI of 5.7. The purified pEH was observed to be immunologically similar to the cytosolic EH (cEH). The kinetics of hydrolysis of TSO, however, were slightly different. Lineweaver-Burk plots for the inhibition of pEH suggest a probable noncompetitive, mixed-type inhibition. The purified pEH thus appears to be very similar to the cEH. There are minor differences between the purified cEH and pEH, particularly in the kinetic parameters. However, these minor differences are insignificant. These results demonstrate that the cEH and pEH are substantially similar, if not identical.  相似文献   

Leukotriene A4 epoxide hydrolase from dog lung, a soluble enzyme catalyzing the hydrolysis of leukotriene A4 (LTA4) to leukotriene B4 (LTB4) was partially purified by anion exchange HPLC. The enzymatic reaction obeys Michaelis- Menten kinetics. The apparent Km ranged between 15 and 25 microM and the enzyme exhibited an optimum activity at pH 7.8. An improved assay for the epoxide hydrolase has been developed using bovine serum albumin and EDTA to increase the conversion of LTA4 to LTB4. This method was used to produce 700 mg of LTB4 from LTA4 methyl ester. The partial by purified enzyme was found to be uncompetitively inhibited by divalent cations. Ca+2, Mn+2, Fe+2, Zn+2 and Cu+2 were found to have inhibitor constants (Ki) of 89 mM, 3.4 mM, 1.1 mM, 0.57 mM, and 28 microM respectively Eicosapentaenoic acid was shown to be a competitive inhibitor of this enzyme with a Ki of 200 microM. From these inhibition studies, it can be theorized that the epoxide hydrolase has at least one hydrophobic and one hydrophilic binding site.  相似文献   

P Wang  J Meijer  F P Guengerich 《Biochemistry》1982,21(23):5769-5776
Epoxide hydrolase (EC was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from human liver cytosol by using hydrolytic activity toward trans-8-ethylstyrene 7,8-oxide (TESO) as an assay. The overall purification was 400-fold. The purified enzyme has an apparent monomeric molecular weight of 58 000, significantly greater than the 50 000 found for human (or rat) liver microsomal epoxide hydrolase or for another TESO-hydrolyzing enzyme also isolated from human liver cytosol. Purified cytosolic TESO hydrolase catalyzes the hydrolysis of cis-8-ethylstyrene 7,8-oxide 10 times more rapidly than does the microsomal enzyme, catalyzes the hydrolysis of TESO and trans-stilbene oxide as rapidly as the microsomal enzyme, but catalyzes the hydrolysis of styrene 7,8-oxide, p-nitrostyrene 7,8-oxide, and naphthalene 1,2-oxide much less effectively than does the microsomal enzyme. Purified cytosolic TESO hydrolase does not hydrolyze benzo[a]pyrene 4,5-oxide, a substrate for the microsomal enzyme. The activities of the purified enzymes can explain the specific activities observed with subcellular fractions. Anti-human liver microsomal epoxide hydrolase did not recognize cytosolic TESO hydrolase in purified form or in cytosol, as judged by double-diffusion immunoprecipitin analysis, precipitation of enzymatic activity, and immunoelectrophoretic techniques. Cytosolic TESO hydrolase and microsomal epoxide hydrolase were also distinguished by peptide mapping. The results provide evidence that physically different forms of epoxide hydrolase exist in different subcellular fractions and can have markedly different substrate specificities.  相似文献   

A procedure for the purification of the enzyme bile acid:CoA ligase from guinea pig liver microsomes was developed. Activity toward chenodeoxycholate, cholate, deoxycholate, and lithocholate co-purified suggesting that a single enzyme form catalyzes the activation of all four bile acids. Activity toward lithocholate could not be accurately assayed during the earlier stages of purification due to a protein which interfered with the assay. The purified ligase had a specific activity that was 333-fold enriched relative to the microsomal cell fraction. The purification procedure successfully removed several enzymes that could potentially interfere with assay procedures for ligase activity, i.e. ATPase, AMPase, inorganic pyrophosphatase, and bile acid-CoA thiolase. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the purified ligase gave a single band of approximately 63,000 Mr. A molecular size of 116,000 +/- 4,000 daltons was obtained by radiation inactivation analysis of the ligase in its native microsomal environment, suggesting that the functional unit of the ligase is a dimer. The purified enzyme was extensively delipidated by adsorption to alumina. The delipidated enzyme was extremely unstable but could be partially stabilized by the addition of phospholipid vesicles or detergent. However, such additions did not enhance enzymatic activity. Kinetic analysis revealed that chenodeoxycholate, cholate, deoxycholate, and lithocholate were all relatively good substrates for the purified enzyme. The trihydroxy bile acid cholate was the least efficient substrate due to its relatively low affinity for the enzyme. Bile acid:CoA ligase could also be solubilized from porcine liver microsomes and purified 180-fold by a modification of the above procedure. The final preparation contains three polypeptides as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The three peptides range in size from 50,000 to 59,000, somewhat smaller than the guinea pig enzyme. The functional size of the porcine enzyme in its native microsomal environment was determined by the technique of radiation inactivation analysis to be 108,000 +/- 5,000 daltons. Thus, the functional form of the porcine enzyme also appears to be a dimer.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes contained a soluble cytosolic epoxide hydrolase for stereospecific enzymatic hydration of leukotriene A4 into leukotriene B4. The enzyme was purified 1100-fold, to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity, by conventional DEAE-Sephacel fractionation followed by high performance anion exchange and chromatofocusing procedures. Its characteristics include a molecular weight of 54,000 +/- 1,000, an isoelectric point 4.9 +/- 0.2, a Km apparent from 7 to 36 microM for enzymatic hydration of leukotriene A4, and a pH optimum ranging from 7 to 8. The enzyme was partially inactivated by its initial exposure to leukotriene A4. There was slow but detectable enzymatic hydration (pmol/min/mg) of certain arachidonic acid epoxides including (+/-)-14,15-oxido-5,8-11-eicosatrienoic acid and (+/-)-11,12-oxido-5,8,14-eicosatrienoic acid, but not others, including 5,6-oxido-8,11,14-eicosatrienoic acid. Human erythrocyte epoxide hydrolase did not hydrate either styrene oxide or trans-stilbene oxide. In terms of its physical properties and substrate preference for leukotriene A4, the erythrocyte enzyme differs from previously described versions of epoxide hydrolase. Human erythrocytes represent a novel source for an extrahepatic, cytosolic epoxide hydrolase with a potential physiological role.  相似文献   

zeta-Crystallin, a major lens protein of certain mammalian species, has recently been characterized as a novel and active NADPH:quinone oxidoreductase. Here we report the purification of this protein from guinea pig liver by utilizing sequentially: ammonium sulphate precipitation, Blue Sepharose affinity, cation exchange and hydrophobic chromatography steps. This four-step isolation procedure yielded 118-fold purification and a specific activity of 6 U/mg protein when assayed in the presence of 9,10-phenanthrenequinone. Kinetic, immunological and physical properties of this protein have been found to be identical with those of guinea pig lens zeta-crystallin. Western blot analysis using antibodies raised against zeta-crystallin peptides demonstrated the presence of substantial amounts of this protein in human liver homogenates.  相似文献   

Purification of the glucocorticoid receptor from rat liver cytosol.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The [3H]-triamcinolone acetonide-labeled glucocorticoid receptor from rat liver cytosol was purified to 85% homogeneity according to sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. It consisted of one subunit with a molecular weight of 89,000 and had one ligand-binding site per molecule. The purification involved sequential chromatography on phosphocellulose, DNA-cellulose twice, and Sephadex G-200. Between the two chromatography steps on DNA-cellulose, the receptor was heat activated. The receptor was affinity eluted from the second DNA-cellulose column with pyrodixal 5'-phosphate. The purification achieved in the first three chromatographic steps varied between 60 and 95% homogeneity in different experiments. After chromatography on the second DNA-cellulose column, the steroid.receptor complex had a Stokes radius of 6.0 nm and a sedimentation coefficient of 3.4 S in 0.15 M KCl. In the absence of KCl, the sedimentation coefficient was 3.6 S. After concentration on hydroxylapatite, the steroid.receptor complex was analyzed by isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel. The radioactivity was shown to focus together with the major protein band with pI 5.8. Following limited proteolysis with trypsin, the radioactivity, together with the major protein band, focused at pI 6.2 as previously described for the unpurified steroid.receptor complex.  相似文献   

Leukotriene A4 hydrolase was purified to apparent homogeneity from the guinea pig lung. The molecular weight was determined to be 70 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme exhibited two active forms with different pI values (5.7 and 5.4) depending on the presence or absence of SH-reducing reagents during purification procedures. No significant differences were observed between both forms of the enzyme as regards the catalytic properties. The N-terminal 20 amino acid sequence (PEVVDTXSLASPATVXRTKH) showed a 90% identity to the human enzyme with a constitutive substitution of Ile-3 and Ser-14 (human) by Val-3 and Thr-14 (guinea pig), respectively.  相似文献   

An epoxide hydrolase was purified to homogeneity from the epichlorohydrin-utilizing bacterium Pseudomonas sp. strain AD1. The enzyme was found to be a monomeric protein with a molecular mass of 35 kDa. With epichlorohydrin as the substrate, the enzyme followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a Km value of 0.3 mM and a Vmax of 34 mumol.min-1.mg protein-1. The epoxide hydrolase catalyzed the hydrolysis of several epoxides, including epichlorohydrin, epibromohydrin, epoxyoctane and styrene epoxide. With all chiral compounds tested, both stereoisomers were converted. Amino acid sequencing of cyanogen bromide-generated peptides did not yield sequences with similarities to other known proteins.  相似文献   

An (ADP-ribose)n glycohydrolase has been purified more than 3,000-fold from guinea pig liver nuclei with an 18% yield. The glycohydrolase activity present in the nuclei was solubilized only by sonication at high ionic strength and purified by sequential chromatographic steps on phosphocellulose, DEAE-cellulose, Blue Sepharose, and single-stranded DNA cellulose. The purified protein exhibited one predominant protein band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels with an estimated molecular weight of 75,500. On Sephadex G-100 gel filtration, single coincident peaks of (ADP-ribose)n glycohydrolase activity and protein with a molecular weight value of 72,000 were observed. The Km value for (ADP-ribose)n and the maximal velocity of the highly purified glycohydrolase were 2.3 microM and 36 mumol of ADP-ribose released from (ADP-ribose)n . min-1 . mg protein-1, respectively. Hydrolysis of (ADP-ribose)n by the enzyme was exoglycosidic in nature. The optimum pH for the enzyme activity was apparent at 6.8-7.0. Sulfhydryl compounds and monovalent cations were required for the maximal activity. The enzyme was sensitive to Ca2+ but not to Mg2+. The enzyme activity was inhibited by ADP-ribose, cyclic AMP (adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate) and diadenosine 5',5'-p1,p4-tetraphosphate. Denatured DNA and histones were inhibitory, but native DNA and its histone complex were not inhibitory. Our data indicate that the glycohydrolase is present only as a minor protein in nuclei, being present in perhaps about 50,000 molecules/nucleus.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Homovanillamine is a biogenic amine that it is catalyzed to homovanillyl aldehyde by monoamine oxidase A and B, but the oxidation of its aldehyde to the acid derivative is usually ascribed to aldehyde dehydrogenase and a potential contribution of aldehyde oxidase and xanthine oxidase is usually ignored. METHODS: The present investigation examines the metabolism of homovanillamine to its acid derivative by concurrent incubation with monoamine oxidase and aldehyde oxidase. In addition, the metabolism of homovanillamine in freshly prepared and cryopreserved liver slices is examined and the relative contribution of aldehyde oxidase, xanthine oxidase and aldehyde dehydrogenase activity by using specific inhibitors of each oxidizing enzyme is compared. RESULTS: Homovanillamine was rapidly converted mainly to homovanillic acid when incubated with both momoamine oxidase and aldehyde oxidase. Homovanillic acid was also the main metabolite in the incubations of homovanillamine with freshly prepared or cryopreserved liver slices, via the intermediate homovanillyl aldehyde. The acid formation was 70-75 % inhibited by disulfiram (specific inhibitor of aldehyde dehydrogenase), whereas isovanillin (specific inhibitor of aldehyde oxidase) inhibited acid formation to a lesser extent (50-55 %) and allopurinol (specific inhibitor of xanthine oxidase) had almost no effect. CONCLUSIONS: Homovanillamine is rapidly oxidized to its acid, via homovanillyl aldehyde, by aldehyde dehydrogenase and aldehyde oxidase with little or no contribution from xanthine oxidase.  相似文献   

NADPH-dependent enzymatic reduction of aromatic aldehydes and ketones observed in the cytosol of guinea pig liver was mediated by at least three distinct reductases (AR 1, AR 2, and AR 3), which were separated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. By several procedures AR 2 and AR 3 were purified to homogeneity, but AR 1 could be purified only 30-fold because of the small amount. These enzymes were found to have similar molecular weights of 34,000 to 36,000 and similar Stokes radii of about 2.5 nm. AR 3 was identical to aldehyde reductase [EC] in substrate specificity for aromatic aldehydes and D-glucuronate and specific inhibition by barbiturates. AR 1 and AR 2 acted on aromatic ketones and cyclohexanone as well as aromatic aldehydes at optimal pHs of 5.4 and 6.0, respectively, and were immunochemically distinguished from AR 3. AR 1 was the most sensitive to sulfhydryl reagents, and AR 2 was more stable at 50 degrees C than the other enzymes. Similar heterogeneity was observed in the kidney enzymes, but other tissues had little aldehyde reductase activity and contained only AR 3. In addition, lung contained a high molecular weight aromatic ketone reductase different from the above reductases.  相似文献   

The O-acetylation of sialic acids turns out to be one of the most important modifications that influence the diverse biological and pathophysiological properties of glycoconjugates in animals and microorganisms. To understand the functions of this esterification, knowledge of the properties, structures and regulation of expression of the enzymes involved is essential. Attempts to solubilise, purify or clone the gene of one of the sialate-O-acetyltransferases have failed so far. Here we report on the solubilisation of the sialate-4-O-acetyltransferase from guinea pig liver, the first and essential step in the purification and molecular characterisation of this enzyme, by the zwitterionic detergent CHAPS. This enzyme O-acetylates sialic acids at C-4 both free and bound to oligosaccharides, glycoproteins and glycolipids with varying activity, however, gangliosides proved to be the best substrates. Correspondingly, a rapid enzyme test was elaborated using the ganglioside GD3. The soluble O-acetyltransferase maximally operated at 30 degrees C, pH 5.6, and 50-70 mM KCl and K2HPO4 concentrations. The Km values were 3.6 microM for AcCoA and 1.2 microM for GD3. CoA inhibits the enzyme with a Ki value of 14.8 microM. A most important discovery enabling further enzyme purification is its need for an unknown low molecular mass and heat-stable cofactor that can be separated from the crude enzyme preparation by 30 kDa ultrafiltration.  相似文献   

4-Aminobutyrate-transaminase (4-aminobutyrate: 2-oxoglutarate amino-transferase, EC from pig liver has been purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. It has a molecular weight of about 110 000 and is composed of two subunits of the same molecular weight but of different charges. Two forms of pig liver 4-aminobutyrate-transaminase were isolated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography and designated as 4-aminobutyrate-transaminase I and 4-aminobutyrate-transaminase II, corresponding to a cationic and anionic form. Some physical and kinetic properties of liver enzyme were compared to those of brain enzyme and no significant difference were found, except for their sedimentation coefficients and the charges of their subunits. The role of 4-aminobutyrate-transaminase in liver remains a matter of speculation, but could be related to a metabolic function.  相似文献   

Cytosolic epoxide hydrolase was purified from the liver of untreated and clofibrate-treated male C57Bl/6 mice. The purification procedure involves chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, phenyl-Sepharose and hydroxyapatite, takes two days to perform and results in a 120-fold purification and approximately 35% yield of the enzyme from untreated mice. The purified enzyme is a dimer with a molecular mass of 120 kDa, a Stokes' radius of 4.2 nm, a frictional ratio of 1.0 and an isoelectric point of 5.5. The subunits behave identically upon isoelectric focusing in 8 M urea and only one band with a molecular mass of 60 kDa is seen after sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The form purified from clofibrate-treated mice had very similar properties and was apparently identical to the control form as judged by amino acid analysis and peptide mapping as well. These analyses also demonstrated that the cytosolic enzyme is clearly different from microsomal epoxide hydrolase isolated from rat liver. Furthermore, Ouchterlony immunodiffusion using antibodies raised in rabbits towards the control form of cytosolic epoxide hydrolase revealed identity between the two forms of cytosolic epoxide hydrolase, but no reaction with the microsomal epoxide hydrolase was observed. These findings indicate large structural differences between the cytosolic and microsomal forms of epoxide hydrolase in the liver.  相似文献   

A butyryl esterase, designated B4, has been purified from human liver and some of its properties described. The activity of this enzyme comprises 0.48% of the total butyryl esterase activity found in human liver. Esterase B4 has been distinguished from other butyryl esterases by its preference for the esters of the fluorogenic compounds 4-methyl umbilliferone and fluorescein over naphthyl esters as substrates. Other distinguishing features of this esterase include a relatively high pI (pH 8.7) A monomeric structure of low molecular weight (20 000) and high solubility in solutions of ammonium sulphate.  相似文献   

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