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E. Kempf    J. Greilsamer    G. Mack    P. Mandel 《Journal of neurochemistry》1973,20(4):1269-1273
Q uaking mice, neurological mutants of the C57 BL/6J strain have a markedly deficient myelination of the CNS(S idman , D ickie and A ppel , 1964). Many studies have been carried out on their lipids (J acque , H arpin and B aumann , 1969; N eskovic , N ussbaum and M andel , 1969, 1970; K urihara , N ussbaum and M andel , 1970; S arlieve , N eskovic and M andel , 1971; S ingh , S pritz and G eyer , 1971) for this reason, but little attention has been paid to other aspects of their aminergic transmitters metabolism. During the course of our work, T illement , D ebarle , S imon and B oissier (1970) reported on the transmitter levels in Quaking mice. The reasons for thinking that the monoamine metabolism of these mice might be altered are as follows. The trembling might be associated with a change in the activity and therefore metabolism of dopaminergic structures. Chronic stress due to permanent tremor might induce changes in norepinephrine metabolism. Since there are changes in the sleep patterns of Quaking mice (V alatx and J ouvet , 1971), there might be changes in brain serotonin metabolism. This study of the turnover of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in the whole brains of control and Quaking mice is the preliminary to detailed examination of the turnover of the transmitters in well-defined brain regions.  相似文献   

The relative constancy of the glycogen content of guinea pig brain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
U sing mice and rats as experimental animals, a variety of treatments have been reported which bring about a marked increase in the glycogen content of the brain. These treatments have included injections of phenobarbitone (N elson , S chulz , P assonneau and L owry , 1968), methionine sulphoxime (F olbergrová , P assonneau , L owry and S chulz , 1969), lithium (R afaelson , P lenge and M ellerup , 1969) and a glucocorticoid (T imiras , W oodbury and B aker , 1956), and also manipulation of the blood sugar level with and without concomitant administration of insulin (N elson et al. , 1968; P rasannan , R ajan and S ubraharyam , 1963; P rasannan and S ubrahmanyam , 1965). The present communication is concerned with the response of the guinea pig to these treatments and demonstrates that, in this animal, they are either totally without effect or are less effective than in mice and rats.  相似文献   

I t H as been suggested previously that animal models are the preferred method for biochemical study concerned with protein-calorie malnutrition (K irsch , S aunders and B rock , 1968; D obbing , 1970). That the brain is one of the least vulnerable organs to be affected by dietary deprivation has been reported for swine (P latt , H eard and S tewart , 1964; T umbleson , T insley , C orwin , F latt and F lynn , 1969; T umbleson , T insley , M ulder and F lait , 1970), rhesus monkeys (O rdy , S amorajski and H ershberger , 1970) and rats (B rown and G uthrie , 1968). However, alteration of brain composition as a result of protein-calorie malnutrition at a young age may have important effects on the mental and behavioural activities of the maturing subjects (W inick , 1970; C ravioto , 1970). In a previous study on the effect of undernutrition in young miniature swine, it was noted that there was an elevation in the levels of cholesterol and glucose in serum of pigs fed the low protein diet (T umbleson et al. , 1969). The duration of such elevations was usually 2–8 weeks after administration of the test diet. Since cholesterol, as well as other chemical constituents, in serum is important for the biosynthesis of brain membranes, the present study was designed to assess the effect of undernutrition on levels of major brain lipids.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1984,98(4):691-698
Books reviewed in this article:
Palaeoecology of Beringia . Ed. by D. M. H opkins , J. V. M atthews , C. E. S chweger and S. B. Y oung .
The Evolutionary Biology of Colonising Species . By P. A. P arsons .
Isolation of Membrances and Organelles from Plant Cells . Ed. By J. L. H all and A. L. M oore .
Collins Guide to Ferns, Mosses and Lichens of Britain and Northern and Central Europe . By H. M. J akas , assisted by A. K. M asselink .
The Diversity of Green Plants , By P. R. B ell and C. L. F. W oodcock .  相似文献   

I ndirect evidence indicates that the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of brain 5-HT is the concentration of tryptophan in brain and not, as previously considered (G reen and S awyer , 1966), tryptophan hydroxylase. In fact this enzyme has a Km for its substrate much higher than the concentration of tryptophan normally present in the mammalian brain (J equier , L ovenberg and S joerdsma , 1967; J equier , R obinson , L ovesberg and S joerdsma , 1969; M cgeer , P eters and M cgeer , 1968). Tryptophan is the only amino acid circulating in plasma which is highly bound to serum proteins (M cmenamy and O ncley , 1958). We have previously shown that the free fraction of serum tryptophan controls the concentration of brain tryptophan and, therefore, 5-HT synthesis as well (T agliamonte , B iggio and G essa , 1971d; G essa , B iggio and T agliamonte , 1972). Salicylate has been shown to displace tryptophan from its protein binding in plasma and to raise the free tryptophan concentration (M carthur and D awkins , 1969; S mith and L akatos , 1971). These considerations prompted us to study the effect of salicylate on tryptophan concentrations and 5-HT metabolism in brain.  相似文献   

An Introduction to Bacterial Physiology. By E velyn L. O ginsky and W. W. U mbreit.
The Cell Nucleus. Edited by J. S. M itchell.
Behaviour and Evolution. Edited by anne R oe and G eorge G aylord S impson.
The Mango. By L. B. S ingh.
The Balkan Lake Ohrid and its Living World. By S inia S tanković.
An Introduction to the Biology of Micro-organisms. By L. E. H awker , A. H. L inton , B. F. F olkes and M. J. C arlile.
The Chemistry of Nucleic Acids. By D. O. J ordan.
The Structure and Function of Muscle. In three volumes—edited by G. H. B ourne.
Planzenpathogene Bakterien. By C. S tapp.
Physical Chemistry for Students of Pharmacy and Biology. 2nd ed. By S. C. W allwork.
The Control of Growth and Form. A Study of the Epidermal Cell in an Insect. By V. B. W igglesworth.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Spencer, Booth Y., und R. A. Hinde (1969): Tests of behavioral characteristics for Rhesus Monkeys (Tests für Verhaltensunterschiede bei Rhesusaffen). Vaidya, Viduadhar G. (1969): Form perception in Papilio demoleus L. (Formwahrnehmung bei P. d.). Rabinowitch, Viktor (1969): The role of experience in the development and retention of seed preferences in Zebra finches (Anteil der Erfahrung an der Futterwahl von Zebrafinken). Emlen, John T. , und Don E. Miller (1969): Pace-setting mechanisms of the nesting cycle in the ring-billed Gull (Über Mechanismen, die das Zeitmaß einzelner Phasen des Fortpflanzungszyklus von Larus delawarensis beeinflussen). Eisner, Erica (1969): The effect of hormone treatment upon the duration of incubation in the Bengalese Finch (Beeinflußbarkeit der Brutzeit des japanischen Mövchens). Marr, John N., und Lawrence G. Lilliston (1969): Social attachment in Rats by odor and age (Verhalten von Ratten zu Artgenossen abhängig von ihrem Geruch und Alter). Smith, W. J. (1969): Displays of Sayornis phoebe (Soziale Verständigungsweisen des Tyranniden S. p.). Denenberg, Victor H., Rhoda E. Taylor und M. X. Zarrow (1969): Maternal behaviour in the Rat; an investigation and quantification of nest building (Verhalten von Rattenmüttern: eine quantitative Untersuchung des Nestbauens). Abu Gideiri, Y. B. (1969): The development of behaviour in Tilapia nilotica L. (Die Verhaltensentwicklung bei T. n.). Stout, John F., Carl R. Wilcox und Lynn E. Creitz (1969): Aggressive communication by Larus glaucescens Part 1. Sound communication (Angriffsverhalten der Beringmöwe I. Laute). Stout, John F. , und Melvin E. Brass (1969): Aggressive communication by Larus glaucescens II. Visual communication (Angriffsverhalten der Beringmöwe. Visuelle Auslöser). Norton-Griffiths, M. (1969): Organisation, control, and development of parental feeding in the Oyster Catcher (Haematopus ostralegus) (Aufbau, Kontrolle und Entwicklung des Jungefütterns beim Austernfischer). Alexander, S. J. , und D. W. Ewer (1969): A comparative study of some aspects of the biology and ecology of Sesarma catenata Ort. and Cyclograpsus punctatus M. Eds., with additional observations on Sesarma meinerti De Man. (Vergleichend biologische und ökologische Untersuchungen an Krabben der Gattungen Sesarma und Cyclograpsus). Thinès, G. (1969): L'évolution régressive des poissons cavernicoles et abyssaux (Rudimentationen in der Evolution der Höhlen- und Tiefseefische). Milliard, N. A. H. (1966): Contributions to the functional morphology of fishes (Beiträge zur funktionellen Morphologie der Fische). I. Introduction. Field, J. G. (1966): Dasselbe II. The feeding mechanism of the angler-fish, Lophius piscatorius Linn (Die Freßweise des Anglerfisches). Branch, G. M. (1966): Dasselbe III. The feeding mechanism of Syngnathus acus Linn (Die Freßweise der Seenadel Syngnathus). Lamoral, B. H. , und N. A. H. Milliard (1967): Dasselbe IV. The locking mechanism of the dorsal spine of the catfish Synodontis zambesensis Peters (Die Arretierung des Rückenstachels beim Wels Synodontis). Vrba, E. S. (1968): Dasselbe V. The feeding mechanism of Elops saurus L. (Die Freßweise des “Tarpuns” Elops). Visser, J. (1966): Colour change in Leptotyphlops scutifrons (Peters) and notes on its defensive behaviour (Farbwechsel und Sich-Totstellen bei einer Schlankblindschlange). Brosset, A. (1969): La vie sociale des oiseaux dans une forêt équatoriale du Gabon (Das Zusammenleben der Vögel in einem Åquatorwald in Gabun). Rahm, U. (1969): Dokumente über Anomalurus und Idiurus des östlichen Kongo. Walther, Fritz (1968): Verhalten der Gazellen. Thorpe, W. H. (1969): Der Mensch in der Evolution, Naturwissenschaft und Religion. Übersetzt von Edith Zerbin-Rüdin. Bunak, V. V. (1968): Die Entwicklungsstadien des Denkens und des Sprachvermögens und die Wege ihrer Erforschung. Count, E. W. (1968): An essay on Phasia, on the Phylogenesis of Man's Speech Function (Ein Essay über Sprachfähigkeit und Stammesgeschichte der menschlichen Sprachleistung). Löbsack, Th. (1968): Die Biologie und der liebe Gott, Aspekte einer zukunftsreichen Wissenschaft. Sury, K. v. (1967): Wörterbuch der Psychologie und ihrer Grenzgebiete, 3. Aufl. Vogel, G. , und H. Angermann (1967 und 1968): dtv-Atlas zur Biologie, Tafeln und Texte.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1974,73(6):1279-1288
Books Reviewed in this Article:
The Molecular and Hormonal Basis of Plant-Growth Regulation. By Y a 'A cov L eshem
Plant Tissue and Cell Culture. Ed. by H. E. S treet .
Evolution in the Microbial World. Ed. by M. J. C arlile and J. J. S kehel .
Selected Papers in Phycology. Ed. by J. R. R osowski and B. C. P arker .
The Biology of the Algae. By F. E. R ound .
Biology of Plant Utter Decomposition. 2 volumes. Ed. by C. H. D ickinson and G. J. F. P ugh .
Palms of Malaya. By T. C. W hitmore .
Tree Flora of Malaya. A Manual for Foresters. Malayan Forest Records No. 26. vol. 1 Ed. T. C. W hitmore .
Thrips: their Biology, Ecology and Economic Importance. By T revor L ewis .
Australian Journal of Plant Physiology.
Acta Botanica Indica. Vol. 1, Nos. 1 and 2: 1973. Chief Editor V. S ingh .  相似文献   


Burnett, J. H.: Fundamentals of Mycology. Edward Arnold, London, 1968. 546 S., 175 Abb., 96 Tab., 9 Taf., geb., £ 6 10 s. Reviewed by W. Kühnel.

Smith, R. F. (Ed.): Annual Review of Entomology. Vol. 14, Annual Reviews Inc., Palo Alto, 1969, 478 S., 6 Abb., 25 Tab., 6 Tafeln, geb. $ 9.00. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Somogyi, J. C.; Francois, A. C.: Antibioties in Agriculture. Basel, S. Karger AG, 1968, 208 S., 28 Abb., 50 Tab., brosch., sF/DM 57,—. Reviewed by H. J. Müller.

Metlitskh, B. L.; Ozeretskovskaya, O. L.: Plant immunity: Biochemical aspects of plant resistance to parasitic fungi. Plenum Press, Now York, 1968, 114 S., 9 Abb., 18 Tab., geb., 12,50 $. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1968,67(2):447-459
Book reviewed in this article:
Flora Palaestina . By M. Z ohary and N. F einbrun -D othan . Vol. 1, by M ichael Z ohary .
Nouvelle Flore du Liban et de la Syrie . By P aul M outerde
Tropical Plant Types . By B. G. M. J amieson and J. F. R eynolds .
The Biology of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses . By G reta S tevenson .
The Biology of Aquatic Vascular Plants . By C. D. S culthorpe .
Handbuch der Pflanzenanatomie . Band VIII/I. Anatomie des Blattes 1. Blattanatomie der Gymnospermen . By K lans N app -Z inn .
The Lichen Symbiosis . By V ernon A hmadjiax .
Plant Anatomy . By A. F ahn , translated from the Hebrew by S ybil B roido -A ltman .
Gymnosperms—Structure and Evolution . By C. J. C hamberlain .
Structure and Reproduction of the Gymnosperms; Fossil and Living . By B. S. T rivedi and D. K. S ingh .
An Introduction to Gvmnosperms . By S. C. D atta .
Sourcebook of Laboratory Exercises in Plant Pathology . Ed. by the Sourcebook Committee of the American Phytopathological Society (Chairman, A. K elman ).
Diffusion Systems . By M. H. J acobs .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1950,49(3):421-429
Book reviewed in this article:
Plant and Soil Water Relationships. By P aul J. K ramer .
Vegetable Gums and Resins. By F. N. H owes .
Principles of Human Genetics. By C urt S tern .
Experimental Studies on the Nature of Species. III. Environmental Responses of Climatic Races of Achillea. By J. C lausen , D. D. K eck , W. H. H iesey .
Mountains and Moorlands. By W. H. P earsall .
Spät-und nacheiszeitliche Waldgeschichte Mitteleuropas nördlich der Alpen. Erster Band: Allgemeine Waldgeschichte. By F ranz F irbas .
Biology. An Introduction to Medical and other Studies. By P. D. F. M urray , M.A., D.Sc.
The Fig. By I ra J. C ondit . Foreword by W alter T. S wingle .
American Wild Flowers. By H arold N. M oldenke .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Oatley , T. B. (1968): Observations by W. M. Austen on the breeding biology of the white-eared barbet, Buccanodon leucotis (Sundevall). Mehl, S., H. Kahmann und F. Murr (1968): Einheimische Kleinsäugetiere. 3 Lieferungen mit zusammen 80 S. ed. Rensch , B. (1967): Handgebrauch und Verständigung bei Affen und Frühmenschen. Bresch, C. (1965): Klassische und moderne Genetik. Erster veränderter Neudruck. Jinks, John L. (1967): Extrachromosomale Vererbung. Smith, Kenneth M. (1967): Biologie der Viren. Portmann , A. (1967): Probleme des Lebens, eine Einführung in die Biologie. Hass , H. (1968): Wir Menschen, das Geheimnis unseres Verhaltens.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Cotton and its Production. By W. H. J ohnson
Cotton. By H. B. B rown
Economic Biology for Students of Social Science. Part I. Harmful and Useful Animals. By P hilippa C. E sdaile
Genetics in Relation to Agriculture. By E. B. B abcock and R. E. C lausen  相似文献   

I n E arlier work from this laboratory it was shown that arylsulphatase of chicken brain resembles arylsulphatase A of other animal species in several of its properties but exhibits certain characteristics similar to that of arylsulphatase B (F arooqui and B achhawat , 1971). Recently the arylsulphatase A of chicken brain was purified and it was demonstrated that the purified enzyme could desulphate cerebroside-3-sulphate also (F arooqui and B achhawat , 1972). In the present report we have made a study of the kinetic properties of this unique arylsulphatase A purified from chicken brain using p -nitrocatechol sulphate and cerebroside-3-sulphate as substrates.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Review in This Article:
É cologie M icrobienne du S ol . Y. Dommergues and F. Mangenot
I nfections and I mmunosuppression in S ubhuman P rimates —The Proceedings of the International Symposium on Infections and Immunosuppression in Subhuman Primates, Rijswijk, December 1969, organized jointly by the World Health Organization and the Radiobiological Institute, TNO, Holland. Edited by H. Balner and W. I. B. Beveridge.  相似文献   

The paper by M. J. C. RHODES, L. S. C. WOOLTORTON, T. GALLIARD,and A. C. HULME, was received on 5 June 1969, and not 1968.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1993,125(3):649-649
Plant Membranes: a Biophysical Approach to Structure, Development and Senescence. By Y. Y. L eshem , with additional contributions by R. L. S hewfelt , C. M. W illmer and O. P antoja .
Methods in Plant Biochemistry (Series Eds. P. M. D ey and J. B. H arborne ); Vol. 7: Terpenoids. Ed. by B. V. C harlwood and D. V. B anthorpe .
CHCD Dictionary of Natural Products on CD-ROM.
Plant Molecular Systematics. By D. J. C rawford .
Physiology – Breeding of Winter Cereals for Stressed Mediterranean Environments. (Physiologie – Sélection des céréales d'hiver en conditions méditerranéennes). Ed. by E. A cevedo , A. P. C onesa , P. M onneveux and J. P. S rivastava .
Plant Genetic Manipulation for Crop Protection. Ed. A. M. R. G atehouse , V. A. H ilder and D. B oulter .
In vitro Culture of Trees. By J. M. B onga and P. von A derkas .
Flechten als Bioindikatoren. Integriertes biologisches Meβsystem der Luftverschmutzung für das Schweizer Mittelland . By R olf H erzig and M artin U rech .
Evolution and Function of Heterostyly. Ed. by S. C. H. B arrett .
Wild Plants of Glasgow. By J. H. D ickson .  相似文献   

Oh KH  Nam SH  Kim HS 《Protein engineering》2002,15(8):689-695
N-Carbamyl-D-amino acid amidohydrolase (N-carbamoylase), which is currently employed in the industrial production of unnatural D-amino acid in conjunction with D-hydantoinase, has low oxidative and thermostability. We attempted the simultaneous improvement of the oxidative and thermostability of N-carbamoylase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens NRRL B11291 by directed evolution using DNA shuffling. In a second generation of evolution, the best mutant 2S3 with improved oxidative and thermostability was selected, purified and characterized. The temperature at which 50% of the initial activity remains after incubation for 30 min was 73 degrees C for 2S3, whereas it was 61 degrees C for wild-type enzyme. Treatment of wild-type enzyme with 0.2 mM hydrogen peroxide for 30 min at 25 degrees C resulted in a complete loss of activity, but 2S3 retained about 79% of the initial activity under the same conditions. The K(m) value of 2S3 was estimated to be similar to that of wild-type enzyme; however k(cat) was decreased, leading to a slightly reduced value of k(cat)/K(m), compared with wild-type enzyme. DNA sequence analysis revealed that six amino acid residues were changed in 2S3 and substitutions included Q23L, V40A, H58Y, G75S, M184L and T262A. The stabilizing effects of each amino acid residue were investigated by incorporating mutations individually into wild-type enzyme. Q23L, H58Y, M184L and T262A were found to enhance both oxidative and thermostability of the enzyme and of them, T262A showed the most significant effect. V40A and G75S gave rise to an increase only in oxidative stability. The positions of the mutated amino acid residues were identified in the structure of N-carbamoylase from Agrobacterium sp. KNK 712 and structural analysis of the stabilizing effects of each amino acid substitution was also carried out.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Goodwin , Elisabeth Bird, und Eckhard H. Hess (1969): a) Innate visual form preferences in the pecking behavior of young Chicks (Dem pickenden Küken angeborene Formvorlieben). Clemens , Lynwood G. (1969): Experimental analysis of sexual behavior of the Deermouse Peromyscus maniculatus Gambeli (Experimentalanalyse des Geschlechtsverhaltens der Weißfußmaus). Assem , J. van den, und J. N. van der Molen (1969): Waning of the aggressive response in the Three-spined Stickleback upon constant exposure to a conspecific. I. A preliminary analysis of the phenomenon (Abnehmen der Angriffsbereitschaft des dreistachligen Stichlings- ♂ gegenüber einem ständig anwesenden zweiten. I. Vorläufige Analyse). Salomonsen , F. (1969): Vogelzug. W. Thiede übersetzte die 2. v. Holst, Dietrich (1969): Sozialer Stress bei Tupajas (Tupaia belangeri). Die Aktivierung des sympathischen Nervensystems und ihre Beziehung zu hormonal ausgelösten ethologischen und physiologischen Vorgängen. Z. vgl. Fortschritte der Zoologie, Band 16-Band 20, 1963. Verlag Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart. Schaller , G. (1969): Life with the King of Beasts (Leben mit dem König der Tiere). Zeeb , Klaus, und Ursula Guttmann (1964): Wildpferde in Dülmen. Hallwag-Verlag Stuttgart. 112 S., 71 Kunstdruckbilder, Preis 16,80 DM. Dolder , W. (1969): Ruf der Tiere. Auf Photosafari in Afrika. 22 S., eine Karte, 69 Photos auf Kunstdrucktafeln von Willi und Heinz Dolder. Jungk , R. ed. (1969): Menschen im Jahr 2000. Wickler , W. (1969): Sind wir Sünder? Naturgesetze der Ehe. Stern, Curt (1968): Grundlagen der Humangenetik. 2. Aufl. übersetzt von Dr. Elisabeth Wolf. Kontrollredakteur Prof. Dr. Hans Freye. Flückiger, A. (1968): Schneehasen, Gemsen und Berge. Schweizer Verlagshaus AG Zürich.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Weintraub , Joel D. (1970): Homing in the Lizard Sceleporns orcntti (Heimfinden der Echse S. o.). Kurth , Gottfried ed. (1968): Evolution und Hominisation 2. Aufl. Rensch , B. (1970): Basale Prinzipien der Evolution mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Psychogenese. Pribram , Karl H. ed. (1969): On the Biology of Learning (Zur Biologie des Lernens). Günter Altner (1970): Auf der Suche nach einer neuen Geschehenssprache. Ströker , E., A. Portmann , H. Dolch , W. Wieser: Naturwissenschaft als geschichtliches Phänomen Heitler , W., H. Zoller , H. Mohr , O. Loretz: Die Frage nach dem Sinn der Evolution. Illies , J.: Adams Handwerk. Betrachtungen eines Biologen. Thorpe , W. H.: Der Mensch in der Evolution. Kulp , M.: Menschliches und maschinelles Denken. Roe , A., u. G. G. Simpson ed: Evolution und Verhalten. Wickler , W.: Sind wir Sünder? Naturgesetze der Ehe. Wagner , F. ed.: Menschenzüchtung. Das Problem der genetischen Manipulierung des Menschen. Claessens , D. (1968): Instinkt — Psyche — Geltung. Johansson , I., J. Rendel und H. O. Gravert (1966): Haustiergenetik und Tierzüchtung. Meyer-Holzapfel , Monika (1969): Tierpark kleine Heimat. Gardner , Beatrice T., und R. Allen (1968): How a young Chimpanzee was toilet trained (Wie eine junge Schimpansin stubenrein wurde).  相似文献   

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