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Beln MartínezGarcía Sílvia Dyson Joana Segura Alba Ayats Erin E Cutts Pilar GutierrezEscribano Luís Aragn Joaquim Roca 《The EMBO journal》2023,42(3)
Condensin, an SMC (structural maintenance of chromosomes) protein complex, extrudes DNA loops using an ATP‐dependent mechanism that remains to be elucidated. Here, we show how condensin activity alters the topology of the interacting DNA. High condensin concentrations restrain positive DNA supercoils. However, in experimental conditions of DNA loop extrusion, condensin restrains negative supercoils. Namely, following ATP‐mediated loading onto DNA, each condensin complex constrains a DNA linking number difference (∆Lk) of −0.4. This ∆Lk increases to −0.8 during ATP binding and resets to −0.4 upon ATP hydrolysis. These changes in DNA topology do not involve DNA unwinding, do not spread outside the condensin‐DNA complex and can occur in the absence of the condensin subunit Ycg1. These findings indicate that during ATP binding, a short DNA domain delimited by condensin is pinched into a negatively supercoiled loop. We propose that this loop is the feeding segment of DNA that is subsequently merged to enlarge an extruding loop. Such a “pinch and merge” mechanism implies that two DNA‐binding sites produce the feeding loop, while a third site, plausibly involving Ycg1, might anchor the extruding loop. 相似文献
Structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) complexes guard and organize the three-dimensional structure of chromosomal DNA across the tree of life. Many SMC functions can be explained by an inherent motor activity that extrudes large DNA loops while the complexes move along their substrate. Here, we review recent structural insights into the architecture and conservation of these molecular machines, their interaction with DNA, and the conformational changes that are linked to their ATP hydrolysis cycle. 相似文献
《Molecular cell》2022,82(22):4202-4217.e5
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Katsuhiko Kamada Daniela Barillà 《BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology》2018,40(2)
Genome maintenance requires various nucleoid‐associated factors in prokaryotes. Among them, the SMC (Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes) protein has been thought to play a static role in the organization and segregation of the chromosome during cell division. However, recent studies have shown that the bacterial SMC is required to align left and right arms of the emerging chromosome and that the protein dynamically travels from origin to Ter region. A rod form of the SMC complex mediates DNA bridging and has been recognized as a machinery responsible for DNA loop extrusion, like eukaryotic condensin or cohesin complexes, which act as chromosome organizers. Attention is now turning to how the prototype of the complex is loaded on the entry site and translocated on chromosomal DNA, explaining its overall conformational changes at atomic levels. Here, we review and highlight recent findings concerning the prokaryotic SMC complex and discuss possible mechanisms from the viewpoint of protein architecture. 相似文献
Topologically associating domains and chromatin loops depend on cohesin and are regulated by CTCF,WAPL, and PDS5 proteins

Roman R Stocsits Wen Tang Stefan Schoenfelder Gregor Jessberger Matthias Muhar M Julius Hossain Nike Walther Birgit Koch Moritz Kueblbeck Jan Ellenberg Johannes Zuber Peter Fraser Jan‐Michael Peters 《The EMBO journal》2017,36(24):3573-3599
Mammalian genomes are spatially organized into compartments, topologically associating domains (TADs), and loops to facilitate gene regulation and other chromosomal functions. How compartments, TADs, and loops are generated is unknown. It has been proposed that cohesin forms TADs and loops by extruding chromatin loops until it encounters CTCF, but direct evidence for this hypothesis is missing. Here, we show that cohesin suppresses compartments but is required for TADs and loops, that CTCF defines their boundaries, and that the cohesin unloading factor WAPL and its PDS5 binding partners control the length of loops. In the absence of WAPL and PDS5 proteins, cohesin forms extended loops, presumably by passing CTCF sites, accumulates in axial chromosomal positions (vermicelli), and condenses chromosomes. Unexpectedly, PDS5 proteins are also required for boundary function. These results show that cohesin has an essential genome‐wide function in mediating long‐range chromatin interactions and support the hypothesis that cohesin creates these by loop extrusion, until it is delayed by CTCF in a manner dependent on PDS5 proteins, or until it is released from DNA by WAPL. 相似文献
It was found recently that bacterial type II DNA topoisomerase, topo IV, is much more efficient in relaxing (+) DNA supercoiling than (-) supercoiling. This means that the DNA-enzyme complex is chiral. This chirality can appear upon binding the first segment that participates in the strand passing reaction (G segment) or only after the second segment (T segment) joins the complex. The former possibility is analyzed here. We assume that upon binding the enzyme, the G segment forms a part of left-handed helical turn. This model is an extension of the hairpin model introduced earlier to explain simplification of DNA topology by these enzymes. Using statistical-mechanical simulation of DNA properties, we estimated different consequences of the model: (1) relative rates of relaxation of (+) and (-) supercoiling by the enzyme; (2) the distribution of positions of the G segment in supercoiled molecules; (3) steady-state distribution of knots in circular molecules created by the topoisomerase; (4) the variance of topoisomer distribution created by the enzyme; (5) the effect of (+) and (-) supercoiling on the binding topo II with G segment. The simulation results are capable of explaining nearly all available experimental data, at least semiquantitatively. A few predictions obtained in the model analysis can be tested experimentally. 相似文献
Maxim Imakaev Ilya M Flyamer Sabrina Ladstätter Wendy A Bickmore Jan‐Michael Peters Leonid A Mirny Kikuë Tachibana 《The EMBO journal》2017,36(24):3600-3618
Fertilization triggers assembly of higher‐order chromatin structure from a condensed maternal and a naïve paternal genome to generate a totipotent embryo. Chromatin loops and domains have been detected in mouse zygotes by single‐nucleus Hi‐C (snHi‐C), but not bulk Hi‐C. It is therefore unclear when and how embryonic chromatin conformations are assembled. Here, we investigated whether a mechanism of cohesin‐dependent loop extrusion generates higher‐order chromatin structures within the one‐cell embryo. Using snHi‐C of mouse knockout embryos, we demonstrate that the zygotic genome folds into loops and domains that critically depend on Scc1‐cohesin and that are regulated in size and linear density by Wapl. Remarkably, we discovered distinct effects on maternal and paternal chromatin loop sizes, likely reflecting differences in loop extrusion dynamics and epigenetic reprogramming. Dynamic polymer models of chromosomes reproduce changes in snHi‐C, suggesting a mechanism where cohesin locally compacts chromatin by active loop extrusion, whose processivity is controlled by Wapl. Our simulations and experimental data provide evidence that cohesin‐dependent loop extrusion organizes mammalian genomes over multiple scales from the one‐cell embryo onward. 相似文献
《Molecular cell》2022,82(21):4145-4159.e7
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Xheni Karaboja Zhongqing Ren Hugo B. Brandão Payel Paul David Z. Rudner Xindan Wang 《Molecular cell》2021,81(4):756-766.e8
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《Molecular cell》2021,81(23):4891-4906.e8
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E. Rampakakis C. Gkogkas D. Di Paola M. Zannis‐Hadjopoulos 《Journal of cellular biochemistry》2010,110(1):35-43
Genomic propagation in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes is tightly regulated at the level of initiation, ensuring that the genome is accurately replicated and equally segregated to the daughter cells. Even though replication origins and the proteins that bind onto them (initiator proteins) have diverged throughout the course of evolution, the mechanism of initiation has been conserved, consisting of origin recognition, multi‐protein complex assembly, helicase activation and loading of the replicative machinery. Recruitment of the multiprotein initiation complexes onto the replication origins is constrained by the dense packing of the DNA within the nucleus and unusual structures such as knots and supercoils. In this review, we focus on the DNA topological barriers that the multi‐protein complexes have to overcome in order to access the replication origins and how the topological state of the origins changes during origin firing. Recent advances in the available methodologies to study DNA topology and their clinical significance are also discussed. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 35–43, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Summary Several spontaneous Lac− deletion derivatives of the β-galactosidase gene ofLactobacillus bulgaricus were analyzed for their phenotypic stability. We found that one of these mutants,lac139, carrying a deletion of 30 by within the gene, was able to revert to a Lac+ phenotype. Genetical analysis of revertants indicated that an internal region of 72 by was duplicated immediately next to
the deletion site. The region involved in the duplication event is flanked by direct repeated sequences of 13 by in length.
Both events, the deletion and the duplication, were mediated by the presence of such short direct repeats. Enzymatic studies
of the purified proteins indicated identical kinetic parameters, but showed considerable instability of the revertant protein. 相似文献
Structural maintenance of chromosome (SMC) proteins comprise the core of several specialized complexes that stabilize the global architecture of the chromosomes by dynamically linking distant DNA fragments. This reaction however remains poorly understood giving rise to numerous proposed mechanisms of the proteins. Using two novel assays, we investigated real‐time formation of DNA bridges by bacterial condensin MukBEF. We report that MukBEF can efficiently bridge two DNAs and that this reaction involves multiple steps. The reaction begins with the formation of a stable MukB–DNA complex, which can further capture another protein‐free DNA fragment. The initial tether is unstable but is quickly strengthened by additional MukBs. DNA bridging is modulated but is not strictly dependent on ATP and MukEF. The reaction revealed high preference for right‐handed DNA crossings indicating that bridging involves physical association of MukB with both DNAs. Our data establish a comprehensive view of DNA bridging by MukBEF, which could explain how SMCs establish both intra‐ and interchromosomal links inside the cell and indicate that DNA binding and bridging could be separately regulated. 相似文献
A variable topology for the 30-nm chromatin fibre 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Yeast has proven to be a powerful system for investigation of chromatin structure. However, the extent to which yeast chromatin can serve as a model for mammalian chromatin is limited by the significant number of differences that have been reported. To further investigate the structural relationship between the two chromatins, we have performed a DNA topological analysis of pRSSVO, a 5889 base-pair plasmid that can replicate in either yeast or mammalian cells. When grown in mammalian cells, pRSSVO contains an average of 33 negative supercoils, consistent with one nucleosome per 181 bp. This is close to the measured nucleosome repeat length of 190 bp. However, when grown in yeast cells, pRSSVO contains an average of only 23 negative supercoils, which is indicative of only one nucleosome per 256 bp. This is dramatically different from the measured nucleosome repeat length of 165 bp. To account for these observations, we suggest that yeast chromatin is composed of relatively short ordered arrays of nucleosomes with a repeat of 165 bp, separated by substantial gaps, possibly corresponding to regulatory regions. 相似文献
Similar changes in chromatin organization take place during development and carcinogenesis. The size of chromatin loop domains fixed on the nuclear skeleton (matrix) increased from 20 to approximately 200 kb. These changes are accompanied by an increased size of replicons and altered specificity of loop attachment to the nuclear matrix. During carcinogenesis, inverse changes in the chromatin structure are observed, neoplastic cells are dedifferentiated and return to the initial state. In this review, we consider new experimental data on organization of the DFNA loops and nuclear matrix in embryogenesis and carcinogenesis. 相似文献