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Cod Gadus morhua , haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus , pollack Pollachius pollachius and saithe Pollachius virens were abundant fishes on herring Clupea harengus spawning grounds o. southwestern Norway. Their diets were species specific and ontogenetic changes were similar to patterns observed in other areas, indicating both inter- and intraspecific resource sharing. However, strong interspecific diet overlap occurred when cod and pollack preyed upon sandeel Ammodytes marinus , and when all the gadoids fed on herring eggs during the herring spawning season in the spring. These prey items were very abundant and the extensive diet overlap may not reflect strong competitive interaction.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the trophic ecology (diet composition, trophic strategy, similarities and overlap between species, feeding period and food consumption) of six benthivorous fish species in Araruama Lagoon, the largest hypersaline tropical lagoon on the east coast of South America, with an area of 210 km2 and an average salinity of 52. The burrfish Chilomycterus spinosus fed on Anomalocardia flexuosa shell deposits, ingesting associated fauna. The caitipa mojarra Diapterus rhombeus differed from all other species, having not only the highest proportions of algae and Nematoda, but also feeding on polychaete tentacles. The two mojarras Eucinostomus spp. showed similar trophic strategies, feeding mostly on Polychaeta. The corocoro grunt Orthopristis ruber also fed mainly on Polychaeta, but differed from Eucinostomus spp. in secondary items. The whitemouth croacker Micropogonias furnieri fed mainly on small Crustacea at night, showing a high number of secondary prey items with low frequencies and high prey‐specific abundance. The daily food consumption (g food g?1 fish mass) for Eucinostomus argenteus was 0·012 and was 0·031 and 0·027 for M. furnieri in two different sampling events. The diet similarities between Araruama Lagoon and other brackish and marine environments indicate that hypersalinity is not a predominant factor shaping the trophic ecology of fishes in this lagoon. The stability of hypersaline conditions, without a pronounced gradient, may explain the presence of several euryhaline fishes and invertebrates well adapted to this condition, resulting in a complex food web.  相似文献   

The trophic interactions between 15 native and two introduced fish species, silverside Odontesthes bonariensis and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, collected in a major fishery area at Lake Titicaca were explored by integrating traditional ecological knowledge and stable‐isotope analyses (SIA). SIA suggested the existence of six trophic groups in this fish community based on δ13C and δ15N signatures. This was supported by ecological evidence illustrating marked spatial segregation between groups, but a similar trophic level for most of the native groups. Based on Bayesian ellipse analyses, niche overlap appeared to occur between small O. bonariensis (<90 mm) and benthopelagic native species (31·6%), and between the native pelagic killifish Orestias ispi and large O. bonariensis (39%) or O. mykiss (19·7%). In addition, Bayesian mixing models suggested that O. ispi and epipelagic species are likely to be the main prey items for the two introduced fish species. This study reveals a trophic link between native and introduced fish species, and demonstrates the utility of combining both SIA and traditional ecological knowledge to understand trophic relationships between fish species with similar feeding habits.  相似文献   

  • 1 The resistance and resilience of littoral zone communities to sedimentation will depend both on the extent to which sediment deposition affects productivity, and on interactions within the communities. A series of hypotheses were set up and tested to examine interactions and feedback mechanisms among deposited sediments, periphyton, macrophytes and grazers in a large oligotrophic lake subject to fluctuating sediment loadings.
  • 2 Although sediments incorporated into periphyton reduced light availability to macrophytes, periphytic algae were generally the dominant light absorbing component under natural conditions. When grazers were absent, both sediments incorporated in the periphyton and periphytic algal densities increased, and both were then important in reducing light available to macrophytes.
  • 3 Grazing rate and assimilation efficiency for the dominant grazer, the prosobranch gastropod Potamopyrgus antipodarum, increased with increasing sediment content under natural lake conditions to reach a maximum at 10 mg sediment cm?2.
  • 4 An increase in sediment incorporation into periphyton films resulted in an increased grazing rate and hence grooming of sediments from macrophytes.
  • 5 Grazing invertebrates can play a major role in maintenance of littoral communities by continuously grooming macrophyte hosts of periphytic algae and settled sediments.

The effects of intrinsic (sex, maturity stage and body size) and extrinsic (depth and region) factors on the diet of Bathyraja macloviana, in the south‐west Atlantic Ocean, were evaluated using a multiple‐hypothesis modelling approach. Bathyraja macloviana fed mainly on polychaetes followed by amphipods, isopods and decapods. Effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on diet composition of this species were found. The consumption of polychaetes had a humped relationship with total length (LT), and isopods and decapods increased with increasing LT. Immature individuals preyed on amphipods more heavily than mature individuals. Furthermore, region and depth had an important effect on the consumption of isopods, decapods and amphipods. Such ontogenetic changes and spatial patterns may provide insights into understanding the regulatory mechanisms of marine communities.  相似文献   

No significant differences in the diet composition were detected for any of the populations of four non-indigenous fish species (brown bullhead Ameiurus nebulosus , pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus , topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva and eastern mudminnow Umbra pygmaea ) and two native fish species (gudgeon Gobio gobio and roach Rutilus rutilus ), between two small shallow ponds and between habitats within the ponds, during late summer. Based on diet composition, groups of size classes within species ('functional groups') were distinguished. For most functional group combinations of exotic fishes, diet overlap values were low. Although chironomid larvae formed the most important food source, differential consumption of chironomid size classes allowed an important degree of niche differentiation between non-indigenous fishes. In contrast, high diet overlap was found between the functional groups of indigenous gudgeon and of several non-indigenous fishes, indicating a high potential for interspecific exploitative competition. The diet of roach consisted almost entirely of non-animal remains (detritus and plant material). The high proportion of such low-energy food in the diet of this species may be indicative for a competition induced niche shift to suboptimal food sources.  相似文献   

The alien invasive silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix established a self-sustaining feral population in an oligotrophic impoundment, Flag Boshielo Dam, in South Africa. The ability of this population to persist in a dam with low algal biomass (median annual suspended chlorophyll a = 0.08 µg l?1), and limited access to rivers considered large enough for successful spawning, has implications for their invasive potential in other systems. Stomach content and stable isotope analysis were used to assess the trophic ecology of H. molitrix, which was then compared with indigenous Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus, on a seasonal basis during 2011. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix are generalist filter feeders, with a diet consisting primarily of sediment, vegetative detritus, dinoflagellates and diatoms. The dominance of sediments in their stomachs suggests occasional benthic scavenging. However, H. molitrix occupied a higher trophic level (TL = 2.8) than expected, suggesting that this population subsidised their diet with an unidentified dietary constituent, characterised by enriched nitrogen values. Although the stomach contents indicated dietary overlap between H. molitrix and O. mossambicus, stable isotopes revealed fine-scale resource partitioning, despite both species occupying the same trophic level. Nonetheless, the persistence of this feral H. molitrix population in an oligotrophic impoundment highlights their phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

The dietary composition, foraging strategies, and interspecific trophic interactions were identified for four major demersal carnivorous finfishes, namely, croaker Otolithes ruber, hairtail Trichiurus lepturus, threadfin bream Nemipterus japonicus, and lizardfish Saurida undosquamis, along the north-western part of Bay of Bengal from 2014 to 2016. Two species, Trichiurus lepturus and Saurida undosquamis, were identified as finfish feeders due to the high number of teleost (clupeids and engraulids) prey. One species, Nemipterus japonicus, had a significantly different diet of metapenaeids and charybdids, and was identified as a shellfish feeder. The final species, Otolithes ruber, preyed equally on crustaceans and teleosts, and was identified as a shellfish-finfish feeder. The feeding activity of all four species was lower during peak spawning periods and tended to increase with maturity. Feeding preferences varied with seasons. The trophic level ranged from 3.49 to 4.01, classifying the four species as medium-carnivores or meso-predators. Niche breadth ranged from 0.170 to 0.421, with seasonal and ontogenetic variations. Individual or subgroup specialization was observed on dominant prey, but intraspecific diet variations indicated all four species to be opportunistic predators. There was substantial prey overlap for Saurida undosquamis with Otolithes ruber and Trichiurus lepturus, which increased ontogenetically and coincided with their peak spawning. Sharing of abundant prey resources together with temporal and ontogenetic resource partitioning at intra- and interspecific levels possibly lowered dietary competition, thereby facilitating the coexistence of these demersal predators. This study provides new information on feeding interactions from a tropical demersal ecosystem that can be applied for the ecosystem-based management of trawl fisheries.  相似文献   

1. Rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) are widespread and invasive salmonids with important lethal effects as predators, although indirect effects are also possible. We used stable isotope analyses (δ15N, δ13C) to explore how the density of invasive trout in 25 Patagonian lakes alters the trophic niche (TN) of a widespread native fish, Galaxias platei (Galaxiidae). We also explored how the density of the galaxiid influences the TN of invasive trout. 2. We quantified two aspects of the TN: (i) the proportion of littoral carbon (PL) and (ii) trophic height (TH) (i.e. the ‘height’ at which the fish feeds in the food web). We related these measures of TN in a given species to the density of other species (as estimated by catch‐per‐unit‐effort). 3. As G. platei body size increased, their PL increased (increasing littoral feeding) in several lakes. However, none of the fish species investigated showed changes in PL with increasing density of the other fish species. TH increased with body size in all three species. In addition, the TH of large G. platei declined with increasing trout density and, reciprocally, the TH of large S. trutta decreased with decreasing G. platei density. 4. The reciprocal effects of native and the invasive fish on TH were as large as a shift of one trophic level. This pattern is consistent with an exhaustion of galaxiid prey for both piscivorous G. platei and S. trutta in lakes with high trout density. 5. These finding support the suggested management strategy of culling trout from overpopulated lakes, which should simultaneously protect native fish and enhance a lucrative sport fishery for large trout.  相似文献   

The present paper aims to investigate the ecological role of Merluccius merluccius, Linnaeus, 1758, in southern and central Tyrrhenian Sea (GSA 10, Resolution GFCM/33/2009/2 General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean), analyzing ontogenetic diet shifts, geographical variations on prey composition, and feeding habits. A total of 734 hake specimens ranging in size between 6 cm and 73 cm (Total Length, TL) were collected in 2018. In order to evaluate ontogenetic shifts in prey composition, samples were divided into five size classes and for each class the quantitative feeding indices have been calculated. The statistical analysis, based on index of relative importance percentage (%IRI), resulted in three trophic groups. The most abundant prey found in the immature hake specimens (size class I) were the Euphausiids, Stylocheiron longicorne and Mysidacea, while for samples with a total length over 10.5 cm were crustaceans and fish. Engraulis encrasicolus was the most abundant fish prey identified, followed by Boops boops and Myctophids. The high presence of Euphausiids, Mysids, Myctophidae, and Sternoptychidae in classes I, II, II, and IV (6–23 cm) showed the relevant role of mesopelagic fauna in hake diets, with an essential organic matter and energy flow from the mesopelagic to the epipelagic environment. Additionally, decapod crustaceans were found in the stomach contents of hakes belonging to class V (with size over 36 cm TL), which is notable considering that our study area includes an important decapod crustacean fishing area.  相似文献   

Many fish species are zooplanktivorous at the onset of exogenous feeding, but distinct shifts in their foraging biology may occur with development. This study investigated the food and feeding relationships of the larvae and 0+ year juveniles of 13 fish species in 'main river', 'marina' and 'pond' macrohabitats in the lower River Trent, England. Young larvae had narrow diet spectra, with feeding diversity and the importance of species-specific traits increasing with development. Two main ontogenetic shifts in diet were differentiated, corresponding with the transition from finfold to finformed larvae, and from the larval to the juvenile period. Dietary overlap was generally greatest among ecologically similar species, with competition and resource partitioning most likely where prey availability was lowest. The greater availability of zooplankton in connected waterbodies compared with main river channels provides suitable prey for a wide range of fish species, and may enhance recruitment success.  相似文献   

The growth, diet and feeding strategy of five phytophil or phytolithophil species of Cyprinidae from the littoral habitats of Lake Balaton were investigated by examining their scales and foregut contents. The relationships between the total anterior radii of scales and the standard lengths were represented best by a power function for white bream Blicca bjoerkna , and linear functions for common bream Abramis brama , roach Rutilus rutilus and wild goldfish Carassius auratus gibelio , respectively. The backcalculated mean lengths for the first age groups of common bream, white bream and roach did not differ statistically from those obtained by direct observation on 0 group fish in late November 1995. Compared to other waters, common bream grows slowly, wild goldfish and roach rapidly, while the growth rate of white bream can be considered of medium speed in Lake Balaton. Common bream showed a generalized feeding pattern, consuming mainly chironomid larvae, detritus and Corophium curvispinun . Roach showed a clear shift between specialization for Dreissena and algae. Despite the dense population of D. polymorpha in the lake, the significance of the herbivorous adaptation of roach has not yet been made clear. Wild goldfish consumed mainly detritus but, in the open water region, it shifted to zooplankton. White bream preyed chiefly on D. polymorpha , but showed a mixed feeding pattern and utilized most of the available food resources. Carp had the most specialized feeding strategy and preyed mainly on D. polymorpha . According to the discriminant analysis, the five cyprinids exhibited significant food resource partitioning.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic diet patterns and trophic guild structure of a 15 species temperate lake fish assemblage were analysed over wide size intervals (up to seven orders of magnitude in body mass), representing practically the whole life span in most species. A two-step objective clustering technique supplemented with other multivariate statistical tools proved that size-related diet changes clearly played an important role in structuring trophic organization of fishes inhabiting Lake Balaton. As many as 13 out of the 15 fish species showed marked size-related dietary changes with two to four ontogenetic feeding stages. At the assemblage level, 11 trophic guilds were separated. Guild membership was size-dependent in 11 fish species that participated in two to four trophic guilds during their life span. The most complex trophic ontogeny was observed in roach Rutilus rutilus and asp Aspius aspius with four guild memberships. This study showed that trophic status of fishes may be very size-sensitive and thus a universal classification of fish species to general trophic guilds, such as 'planktivore', 'benthivore', 'piscivore' or 'herbivore', should be applied very carefully even in environmental monitoring and fisheries management applications, unless it is supported by relevant results of life span diet analyses.  相似文献   

The diets of six shark species, Sphyrna lewini, Sphyrna zygaena, Carcharhinus obscurus, Carcharhinus limbatus, Rhizoprionodon lalandii and Galeocerdo cuvier, were investigated in a subtropical coastal ecosystem of southern Brazil. Stomach content data were obtained to assess foraging niche segregation and ontogenetic shifts in the diets of these sharks. Five of the shark species off the Paraná coast were ichthyophagous, with the exception of S. zygaena, which was teutophagous. With the exception of G. cuvier, which had a generalist diet, the other five species displayed specialization in their feeding. Ontogenetic shifts were observed in C. obscurus and S. lewini with large individuals consuming elasmobranchs. Owing to the diet overlap between C. obscurus and S. lewini, C. obscurus and C. limbatus and R. lalandii and C. limbatus, future studies on the spatial and temporal distributions of these species are needed to understand the extent of competitive interactions.  相似文献   

The invasion of freshwater ecosystems by non‐native species can constitute a significant threat to native species and ecosystem health. Non‐native trouts have long been stocked in areas where native trouts occur and have negatively impacted native trouts through predation, competition, and hybridization. This study encompassed two seasons of sampling efforts across two ecoregions of the western United States: The Great Basin in summer 2016 and the Yellowstone River Basin in summer 2017. We found significant dietary overlaps among native and non‐native trouts within the Great Basin and Yellowstone River Basin ecoregions. Three orders of invertebrates (Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, and Diptera) composed the majority of stomach contents and were responsible for driving the observed patterns. Great Basin trout had higher body conditions (k), and non‐native Great Basin trout had higher gut fullness values than Yellowstone River Basin trout, indicating a possible limitation of food in the Yellowstone River Basin. Native fishes were the least abundant and had the lowest body condition in each ecoregion. These findings may indicate a negative impact on native trouts by non‐native trouts. We recommend additional monitoring of native and non‐native trout diets, regular invertebrate surveys to identify the availability of diet items, and reconsidering stocking efforts that can result in overlap of non‐native fishes with native cutthroat trout.  相似文献   

Abstract In newly invaded communities, interspecific competition is thought to play an important role in determining the success of the invader and its impact on the native community. In southern Australia, the native Polistes humilis was the predominant social wasp prior to the arrival of the exotic Vespula germanica (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Both species forage for similar resources (water, pulp, carbohydrate and protein prey), and concerns have arisen about potential competition between them. The aim of this study was to identify the protein foods that these wasps feed on. As many prey items are masticated by these wasps to the degree that they cannot be identified using conventional means, morphological identification was complemented by sequencing fragments of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene. GenBank searches using blast and phylogenetic analyses were used to identify prey items to at least order level. The results were used to construct complete prey inventories for the two species. These indicate that while P. humilis is restricted to feeding on lepidopteran larvae, V. germanica collects a variety of prey of invertebrate and vertebrate origin. Calculated values of prey overlap between the two species are used to discuss the implications of V. germanica impacting on P. humilis. Results obtained are compared to those gained by solely 'conventional' methods, and the advantages of using DNA-based taxonomy in ecological studies are emphasized.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to investigate the diet and feeding strategies of age 0 year juvenile flounder Platichthys flesus in two different micro‐tidal habitats in the nutrient enriched Mariager Fjord on the Danish east coast. Juvenile flounder and benthic macrofauna were sampled monthly from June to October 1999 in a bare sand habitat and a habitat covered by filamentous and mat forming macroalgae. The presence of the 'opportunistic' macroalgae created a shift in the dominance of surface dwelling prey such as epifaunal amphipods to more infaunal groups such as oligochaetes and polychaetes. The diet of the flounder varied considerably between the two habitats mainly reflecting prey availability relative to their abundance, prey spatial distribution, habitat structure and ontogenetic prey shifts as a function of total length. Flounder in the vegetated site fed on a diverse diet of copepods, polychaetes and oligochaetes, whereas those caught in the bare sand site fed primarily on the amphipod Corophium volutator which was numerically dominant at this site. During the growth season, two diet shifts were observed: from copepods early in the season to macrofauna organisms and, later in the season, the inclusion of more hyperbenthic prey such as Mysidea spp; Idotea spp. and the common goby Pomatoschistus microps .  相似文献   

庄平  罗刚  张涛  章龙珍  刘健  冯广朋  侯俊利 《生态学报》2010,30(20):5544-5554
根据2004年6月至8月和2005年6月至8月在长江口崇明岛东滩水域插网所获取的鱼类样本,对东滩水域中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)幼鱼和其它6种主要经济鱼类的食性、食物竞争状况进行了研究。结果表明:中华鲟、窄体舌鳎(Cynoglissus gracilis)为底栖生物食性;中国花鲈(Lateolabrax maculatus)为游泳生物食性;刀鲚(Coilia ectenes)和凤鲚(Coilia mystus)为浮游动物食性;鲻(Mygil cephalus)和鮻(Liza haematochiela)为腐屑(有机碎屑)食性。中华鲟幼鱼及6种主要经济鱼类食性按照相对重要性指标(IRI)大小排列:中华鲟(IRI):鱼类端足类多毛类蟹类;窄体舌鳎(IRI):虾类瓣鳃类鱼类;中国花鲈(IRI):鱼类虾类等足类蟹类;刀鲚(IRI):糠虾类虾类桡足类鱼类;凤鲚(IRI):糠虾类桡足类虾类鱼类;鲻(IRI):有机碎屑底栖藻类瓣鳃类桡足类;鮻(IRI):有机碎屑底栖藻类瓣鳃类桡足类。长江口崇明东滩中华鲟与6种经济鱼类饵料重叠系数显示,中华鲟与窄体舌鳎的饵料重叠系数达到了0.4,而与其余5种鱼类的饵料重叠系数均小于0.12。这表明窄体舌鳎对中华鲟幼鱼的食物有一定的竞争力,其余5种鱼类对中华鲟幼鱼的食物竞争强度较低。  相似文献   

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