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Many animal phyla have the physiological ability to produce biomineralized skeletons with functional roles that have been shaped by natural selection for more than 500 million years. Among these are bryozoans, a moderately diverse phylum of aquatic invertebrates with a rich fossil record and importance today as bioconstructors in some shallow‐water marine habitats. Biomineralizational patterns and, especially, processes are poorly understood in bryozoans but are conventionally believed to be similar to those of the related lophotrochozoan phyla Brachiopoda and Mollusca. However, bryozoan skeletons are more intricate than those of these two phyla. Calcareous skeletons have been acquired independently in two bryozoan clades – Stenolaemata in the Ordovician and Cheilostomata in the Jurassic – providing an evolutionary replicate. This review aims to highlight the importance of biomineralization in bryozoans and focuses on their skeletal ultrastructures, mineralogy and chemistry, the roles of organic components, the evolutionary history of bimineralization in bryozoans with respect to changes in seawater chemistry, and the impact of contemporary global changes, especially ocean acidification, on bryozoan skeletons. Bryozoan skeletons are constructed from three different wall types (exterior, interior and compound) differing in the presence/absence and location of organic cuticular layers. Skeletal ultrastructures can be classified into wall‐parallel (i.e. laminated) and wall‐perpendicular (i.e. prismatic) fabrics, the latter apparently found in only one of the two biomineralizing clades (Cheilostomata), which is also the only clade to biomineralize aragonite. A plethora of ultrastructural fabrics can be recognized and most occur in combination with other fabrics to constitute a fabric suite. The proportion of aragonitic and bimineralic bryozoans, as well as the Mg content of bryozoan skeletons, show a latitudinal increase into the warmer waters of the tropics. Responses of bryozoan mineralogy and skeletal thickness to oscillations between calcite and aragonite seas through geological time are equivocal. Field and laboratory studies of living bryozoans have shown that predicted future changes in pH (ocean acidification) combined with global warming are likely to have detrimental effects on calcification, growth rate and production of polymorphic zooids for defence and reproduction, although some species exhibit reasonable levels of resilience. Some key questions about bryozoan biomineralization that need to be addressed are identified.  相似文献   

The global loss and degradation of coral reefs, as a result of intensified frequency and severity of bleaching events, is a major concern. Evidence of heat stress affecting corals through loss of symbionts and consequent coral bleaching was first reported in the 1930s. However, it was not until the 1998 major global bleaching event that the urgency for heat stress studies became internationally recognized. Current efforts focus not only on examining the consequences of heat stress on corals but also on finding strategies to potentially improve thermal tolerance and aid coral reefs survival in future climate scenarios. Although initial studies were limited in comparison with modern technological tools, they provided the foundation for many of today's research methods and hypotheses. Technological advancements are providing new research prospects at a rapid pace. Understanding how coral heat stress studies have evolved is important for the critical assessment of their progress. This review summarizes the development of the field to date and assesses avenues for future research.  相似文献   

The rainforests are the great green heart of Africa, and present a unique combination of ecological, climatic and human interactions. In this synthesis paper, we review the past and present state processes of change in African rainforests, and explore the challenges and opportunities for maintaining a viable future for these biomes. We draw in particular on the insights and new analyses emerging from the Theme Issue on ‘African rainforests: past, present and future’ of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. A combination of features characterize the African rainforest biome, including a history of climate variation; forest expansion and retreat; a long history of human interaction with the biome; a relatively low plant species diversity but large tree biomass; a historically exceptionally high animal biomass that is now being severely hunted down; the dominance of selective logging; small-scale farming and bushmeat hunting as the major forms of direct human pressure; and, in Central Africa, the particular context of mineral- and oil-driven economies that have resulted in unusually low rates of deforestation and agricultural activity. We conclude by discussing how this combination of factors influences the prospects for African forests in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

A rising global population and demand for protein-rich diets are increasing pressure to maximize agricultural productivity. Rising atmospheric [CO2] is altering global temperature and precipitation patterns, which challenges agricultural productivity. While rising [CO2] provides a unique opportunity to increase the productivity of C3 crops, average yield stimulation observed to date is well below potential gains. Thus, there is room for improving productivity. However, only a fraction of available germplasm of crops has been tested for CO2 responsiveness. Yield is a complex phenotypic trait determined by the interactions of a genotype with the environment. Selection of promising genotypes and characterization of response mechanisms will only be effective if crop improvement and systems biology approaches are closely linked to production environments, that is, on the farm within major growing regions. Free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments can provide the platform upon which to conduct genetic screening and elucidate the inheritance and mechanisms that underlie genotypic differences in productivity under elevated [CO2]. We propose a new generation of large-scale, low-cost per unit area FACE experiments to identify the most CO2-responsive genotypes and provide starting lines for future breeding programmes. This is necessary if we are to realize the potential for yield gains in the future.  相似文献   

The fitness of natural enemies should be altered in response to changes in herbivore quality induced by the impact of increased atmospheric CO2 levels on plants. We studied the effect of different CO2 levels on the aphid predator Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer fed either specialist or generalist aphids reared on either of two host plants under laboratory conditions. In the host plant that contains sinigrin (black mustard), elevated CO2 increased the sinigrin content of both host plant and the specialist aphid, but reduced the already very low levels in the generalist aphid. Predator development time increased with elevated CO2, while fecundity decreased. Consequently, individual fitness decreased slightly with increasing atmospheric CO2. Sinigrin significantly decreased fecundity and increased development time of the predator. As a result, fitness was significantly lower too. The consumption rate was influenced significantly by plant and prey solely and the interactions of host plant × prey type and CO2 level × prey type. Further research on the effects of climate change parameters (e.g. greenhouse gases such as CO2, ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), etc.) separately and jointly under controlled environmental conditions will help to understand the nature and direction of their effects on natural enemies as part of the tritrophic system.  相似文献   

C4 photosynthetic physiologies exhibit fundamentally different responses to temperature and atmospheric CO2 partial pressures (pCO2) compared to the evolutionarily more primitive C3 type. All else being equal, C4 plants tend to be favored over C3 plants in warm humid climates and, conversely, C3 plants tend to be favored over C4 plants in cool climates. Empirical observations supported by a photosynthesis model predict the existence of a climatological crossover temperature above which C4 species have a carbon gain advantage and below which C3 species are favored. Model calculations and analysis of current plant distribution suggest that this pCO2-dependent crossover temperature is approximated by a mean temperature of 22°C for the warmest month at the current pCO2 (35 Pa). In addition to favorable temperatures, C4 plants require sufficient precipitation during the warm growing season. C4 plants which are predominantly graminoids of short stature can be competitively excluded by trees (nearly all C3 plants) – regardless of the photosynthetic superiority of the C4 pathway – in regions otherwise favorable for C4. To construct global maps of the distribution of C4 grasses for current, past and future climate scenarios, we make use of climatological data sets which provide estimates of the mean monthly temperature to classify the globe into areas which should favor C4 photosynthesis during at least 1 month of the year. This area is further screened by excluding areas where precipitation is <25 mm per month during the warm season and by selecting areas classified as grasslands (i.e., excluding areas dominated by woody vegetation) according to a global vegetation map. Using this approach, grasslands of the world are designated as C3, C4, and mixed under current climate and pCO2. Published floristic studies were used to test the accuracy of these predictions in many regions of the world, and agreement with observations was generally good. We then make use of this protocol to examine changes in the global abundance of C4 grasses in the past and the future using plausible estimates for the climates and pCO2. When pCO2 is lowered to pre-industrial levels, C4 grasses expanded their range into large areas now classified as C3 grasslands, especially in North America and Eurasia. During the last glacial maximum (∼18 ka BP) when the climate was cooler and pCO2 was about 20 Pa, our analysis predicts substantial expansion of C4 vegetation – particularly in Asia, despite cooler temperatures. Continued use of fossil fuels is expected to result in double the current pCO2 by sometime in the next century, with some associated climate warming. Our analysis predicts a substantial reduction in the area of C4 grasses under these conditions. These reductions from the past and into the future are based on greater stimulation of C3 photosynthetic efficiency by higher pCO2 than inhibition by higher temperatures. The predictions are testable through large-scale controlled growth studies and analysis of stable isotopes and other data from regions where large changes are predicted to have occurred. Received: 3 July 1997 / Accepted: 3 December 1997  相似文献   

We previously used dual stable isotope techniques to partition soil CO2 efflux into three source components (rhizosphere respiration, litter decomposition, and soil organic matter (SOM) oxidation) using experimental chambers planted with Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] seedlings. The components responded differently to elevated CO2 (ambient + 200 mol mol–1) and elevated temperature (ambient + 4 °C) treatments during the first year. Rhizosphere respiration increased most under elevated CO2, and SOM oxidation increased most under elevated temperature. However, many studies show that plants and soil processes can respond to altered climates in a transient way. Herein, we extend our analysis to 2 years to evaluate the stability of the responses of the source components. Total soil CO2 efflux increased significantly under elevated CO2 and elevated temperature in both years (1994 and 1995), but the enhancement was much less in 1995. Rhizosphere respiration increased less under elevated temperature in 1995 compared with 1994. Litter decomposition also tended to increase comparatively less in 1995 under elevated CO2, but was unresponsive to elevated temperature between years. In contrast, SOM oxidation was similar under elevated CO2 in the 2 years. Less SOM oxidation occurred under elevated temperature in 1995 compared with 1994. Our results indicate that temporal variations can occur in CO2 production by the sources. The variations likely involve responses to antecedent physical disruption of the soil and physiological processes.  相似文献   

Often climatic niche models predict that any change in climatic conditions will impact species abundance or distribution. However, the accuracy of models that just incorporate climatic information to predict future species habitat use is widely debated. Alternatively, environmental conditions may simply need to be above some minimum threshold of climatic suitability, at which point, other factors drive population size. Using the example of nesting sites of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Mediterranean (n = 105), we developed climatic niche models to examine whether a climatic suitability threshold could be identified as a climatic indicator in order for large populations of a widespread species to exist. We then assessed the climatic suitability of sites above and below this threshold in the past (∼1900) and future (∼2100). Most large sites that are currently above the climatic threshold were above the threshold in the past and future, particularly when future nesting seasonality shifted to start 1–2 months earlier. Our analyses highlight the importance of future phenological shifts for maintaining suitability. Our results provide a positive outlook for sea turtle conservation, suggesting that climatic conditions may remain suitable in the future at sites that currently support large nesting populations. Our study also provides an alternative way of interpreting the outputs of climatic niche models, by generating a threshold as an index of a minimum climatic suitability required to sustain large populations. This type of approach offers the possibility to benefit from information provided by climate-driven models, while reducing their inherent uncertainties.  相似文献   

The role of developmental instability (DI), as measured by fluctuating asymmetry (FA), in evolutionary biology has been the focus of a wealth of research for more than half a century. In spite of this long period and many published papers, our current state of knowledge reviewed here only allows us to conclude that patterns are heterogeneous and that very little is known about the underlying causes of this heterogeneity. In addition, the statistical properties of FA as a measure of DI are only poorly grasped because of a general lack of understanding of the underlying mechanisms that drive DI. If we want to avoid that this area of research becomes abandoned, more efforts should be made to understand the observed heterogeneity, and attempts should be made to develop a unifying statistical protocol. More specifically, and perhaps most importantly, it is argued here that more attention should be paid to the usefulness of FA as a measure of DI since many factors might blur this relationship. Furthermore, the genetic architecture, associations with fitness and the importance of compensatory growth should be investigated under a variety of stress situations. In addition, more focus should be directed to the underlying mechanisms of DI as well as how these processes map to the observable phenotype. These insights could yield more efficient statistical models and a unified approach to the analysis of patterns in FA and DI. The study of both DI and canalization is indispensable to obtain better insights in their possible common origin, especially because both have been suggested to play a role in both micro- and macro-evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

We model future changes in land biogeochemistry and biogeography across East Africa. East Africa is one of few tropical regions where general circulation model (GCM) future climate projections exhibit a robust response of strong future warming and general annual‐mean rainfall increases. Eighteen future climate projections from nine GCMs participating in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment were used as input to the LPJ dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM), which predicted vegetation patterns and carbon storage in agreement with satellite observations and forest inventory data under the present‐day climate. All simulations showed future increases in tropical woody vegetation over the region at the expense of grasslands. Regional increases in net primary productivity (NPP) (18–36%) and total carbon storage (3–13%) by 2080–2099 compared with the present‐day were common to all simulations. Despite decreases in soil carbon after 2050, seven out of nine simulations continued to show an annual net land carbon sink in the final decades of the 21st century because vegetation biomass continued to increase. The seasonal cycles of rainfall and soil moisture show future increases in wet season rainfall across the GCMs with generally little change in dry season rainfall. Based on the simulated present‐day climate and its future trends, the GCMs can be grouped into four broad categories. Overall, our model results suggest that East Africa, a populous and economically poor region, is likely to experience some ecosystem service benefits through increased precipitation, river runoff and fresh water availability. Resulting enhancements in NPP may lead to improved crop yields in some areas. Our results stand in partial contradiction to other studies that suggest possible negative consequences for agriculture, biodiversity and other ecosystem services caused by temperature increases.  相似文献   

人类探索认识寒武纪大爆发的过程先后经历了神创论、渐变论和爆发式演化思想的影响, 形成了越来越接近真理的重要科学认识。寒武纪大爆发本质上是动物门类的大爆发, 同时伴随着属种多样性的增长、体型增大、生物矿化以及海洋生态系统的重大变革。寒武纪大爆发是多因素制衡的自然历史过程, 任何单因素的内、外因驱动假说都不足以解释寒武纪大爆发的复杂过程。分子遗传基础和宜居环境分别是寒武纪大爆发的内在和外在必要条件, 但不是必要充分条件。因此, 寒武纪大爆发, 与其他所有生命演化事件一样, 必须通过生态作用实现。寒武纪大爆发是在氧气和其他资源不太受限、环境多变、生态荒芜的外在条件下, 基因发育调控系统预先高配的内在条件下, 发生的动物门类大爆发。在埃迪卡拉纪晚期, 多细胞的文德生物与动物采取了不同的体型发育策略和演化途径, 共享海底两千万年后, 文德生物灭绝。此后, 动物在寒武纪最初的两千万年间快速分异演化, 产生了大量演化结局各不相同的动物门类, 生态适应策略同步分化, 形成了以动物为主导的海洋生态系统, 踏上显生宙的演化征程。目前对寒武纪大爆发的探索和研究存在着偏向性或局限性, 主要关注动物门类演化和生存环境氧化还原条件, 没有将海洋生态系统作为统一整体开展全面系统的研究工作。未来探索有必要在全球范围内开展广泛全面的研究工作, 揭示寒武纪大爆发时期海洋生态系统的时空演变。  相似文献   

Biologists have recently devoted increasing attention to the role of rapid evolution in species' responses to environmental change. However, it is still unclear what evolutionary responses should be expected, at what rates, and whether evolution will save populations at risk of extinction. The potential of biological invasions to provide useful insights has barely been realised, despite the close analogies to species responding to global change, particularly climate change; in both cases, populations encounter novel climatic and biotic selection pressures, with expected evolutionary responses occurring over similar timescales. However, the analogy is not perfect, and invasive species are perhaps best used as an upper bound on expected change. In this article, we review what invasive species can and cannot teach us about likely evolutionary responses to global change and the constraints on those responses. We also discuss the limitations of invasive species as a model and outline directions for future research.  相似文献   

Few species attract much more attention from the public and scientists than the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), a popular, enigmatic but highly endangered species. The application of molecular genetics to its biology and conservation has facilitated surprising insights into the biology of giant pandas as well as the effectiveness of conservation efforts during the past decades. Here, we review the history of genetic advances in this species, from phylogeny, demographical history, genetic variation, population structure, noninvasive population census and adaptive evolution to reveal to what extent the current status of the giant panda is a reflection of its evolutionary legacy, as opposed to the influence of anthropogenic factors that have negatively impacted this species. In addition, we summarize the conservation implications of these genetic findings applied for the management of this high‐profile species. Finally, on the basis of these advances and predictable future changes in genetic technology, we discuss future research directions that seem promising for giant panda biology and conservation.  相似文献   

C4 photosynthesis, atmospheric CO2, and climate   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The objectives of this synthesis are (1) to review the factors that influence the ecological, geographical, and palaeoecological distributions of plants possessing C4 photosynthesis and (2) to propose a hypothesis/model to explain both the distribution of C4 plants with respect to temperature and CO2 and why C4 photosynthesis is relatively uncommon in dicotyledonous plants (hereafter dicots), especially in comparison with its widespread distribution in monocotyledonous species (hereafter monocots). Our goal is to stimulate discussion of the factors controlling distributions of C4 plants today, historically, and under future elevated CO2 environments. Understanding the distributions of C3/C4 plants impacts not only primary productivity, but also the distribution, evolution, and migration of both invertebrates and vertebrates that graze on these plants. Sixteen separate studies all indicate that the current distributions of C4 monocots are tightly correlated with temperature: elevated temperatures during the growing season favor C4 monocots. In contrast, the seven studies on C4 dicot distributions suggest that a different environmental parameter, such as aridity (combination of temperature and evaporative potential), more closely describes their distributions. Differences in the temperature dependence of the quantum yield for CO2 uptake (light-use efficiency) of C3 and C4 species relate well to observed plant distributions and light-use efficiency is the only mechanism that has been proposed to explain distributional differences in C3/C4 monocots. Modeling of C3 and C4 light-use efficiencies under different combinations of atmospheric CO2 and temperature predicts that C4-dominated ecosystems should not have expanded until atmospheric CO2 concentrations reached the lower levels that are thought to have existed beginning near the end of the Miocene. At that time, palaeocarbonate and fossil data indicate a simultaneous, global expansion of C4-dominated grasslands. The C4 monocots generally have a higher quantum yield than C4 dicots and it is proposed that leaf venation patterns play a role in increasing the light-use efficiency of most C4 monocots. The reduced quantum yield of most C4 dicots is consistent with their rarity, and it is suggested that C4 dicots may not have been selected until CO2 concentrations reached their lowest levels during glacial maxima in the Quaternary. Given the intrinsic light-use efficiency advantage of C4 monocots, C4 dicots may have been limited in their distributions to the warmest ecosystems, saline ecosystems, and/or to highly disturbed ecosystems. All C4 plants have a significant advantage over C3 plants under low atmospheric CO2 conditions and are predicted to have expanded significantly on a global scale during full-glacial periods, especially in tropical regions. Bog and lake sediment cores as well as pedogenic carbonates support the hypothesis that C4 ecosystems were more extensive during the last glacial maximum and then decreased in abundance following deglaciation as atmospheric CO2 levels increased. Received: 12 February 1997 / Accepted: 20 June 1997  相似文献   

The incomplete combustion of vegetation and dead organic matter by landscape fires creates recalcitrant pyrogenic carbon (PyC), which could be consequential for the global carbon budget if changes in fire regime, climate, and atmospheric CO2 were to substantially affect gains and losses of PyC on land and in oceans. Here, we included global PyC cycling in a coupled climate–carbon model to assess the role of PyC in historical and future simulations, accounting for uncertainties through five sets of parameter estimates. We obtained year‐2000 global stocks of (Central estimate, likely uncertainty range in parentheses) 86 (11–154), 47 (2–64), and 1129 (90–5892) Pg C for terrestrial residual PyC (RPyC), marine dissolved PyC, and marine particulate PyC, respectively. PyC cycling decreased atmospheric CO2 only slightly between 1751 and 2000 (by 0.8 Pg C for the Central estimate) as PyC‐related fluxes changed little over the period. For 2000 to 2300, we combined Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5 with stable or continuously increasing future fire frequencies. For the increasing future fire regime, the production of new RPyC generally outpaced the warming‐induced accelerated loss of existing RPyC, so that PyC cycling decreased atmospheric CO2 between 2000 and 2300 for most estimates (by 4–8 Pg C for Central). For the stable fire regime, however, PyC cycling usually increased atmospheric CO2 (by 1–9 Pg C for Central), and only the most extreme choice of parameters maximizing PyC production and minimizing PyC decomposition led to atmospheric CO2 decreases under RCPs 4.5 and 8.5 (by 5–8 Pg C). Our results suggest that PyC cycling will likely reduce the future increase in atmospheric CO2 if landscape fires become much more frequent; however, in the absence of a substantial increase in fire frequency, PyC cycling might contribute to, rather than mitigate, the future increase in atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Examples of phenological change, past and present, in UK farming   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines a large number of agricultural and other phenological records kept by a farmer in Sussex, UK from 1980 to 2000. Twenty five of the 29 events were earlier in 1990‐2000 than in 1980‐1989. The average advancement of all 29 events was 5.5 days at a time when January‐March mean temperature increased by 1.4°C. In comparing the events with monthly mean temperatures, 18 of the events were significantly negatively related to temperatures of the three calendar months preceding the mean event date. Response rates to temperature varied between 4 and 12 days earlier for each °C warmer. A comparison with historical farming records reveals that many of the current farming events appear as responsive to temperature now as they were 200 years ago.  相似文献   

Aims: The direct effects of atmospheric and climatic change factors—atmospheric[CO2], air temperature and changes in precipitation—canshape plant community composition and alter ecosystem function.It is essential to understand how these factors interact tomake better predictions about how ecosystems may respond tochange. We investigated the direct and interactive effects of[CO2], warming and altered soil moisture in open-top chambers(OTCs) enclosing a constructed old-field community to test howthese factors shape plant communities. Materials and methods: The experimental facility in Oak Ridge, TN, USA, made use of4-m diameter OTCs and rain shelters to manipulate [CO2] (ambient,ambient + 300 ppm), air temperature (ambient, ambient + 3.5°C)and soil moisture (wet, dry). The plant communities within thechambers comprised seven common old-field species, includinggrasses, forbs and legumes. We tracked foliar cover for eachspecies and calculated community richness, evenness and diversityfrom 2003 to 2005. Important findings: This work resulted in three main findings: (1) warming had species-specificeffects on foliar cover that varied through time and were alteredby soil moisture treatments; (2) [CO2] had little effect onindividual species or the community; (3) diversity, evennessand richness were influenced most by soil moisture, primarilyreflecting the response of one dominant species. We concludethat individualistic species responses to atmospheric and climaticchange can alter community composition and that plant populationsand communities should be considered as part of analyses ofterrestrial ecosystem response to climate change. However, predictionof plant community responses may be difficult given interactionsbetween factors and changes in response through time.  相似文献   

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